path: root/tests
diff options
authorMatthias Clasen <>2020-05-12 15:28:34 -0400
committerMatthias Clasen <>2020-05-12 15:43:43 -0400
commit694daa1d2044a84b21fcd3fdafbce4bfb7d6ec85 (patch)
tree844a84965b00cdddcfa587a02de0584c1682a8e8 /tests
parentf858a269dd1217702f8fc8d293b8cd7552404b57 (diff)
Move print-editor to demos
It is too demo-esque for languishing in tests/.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 862 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index facebb3f01..1e7c504fcd 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ gtk_tests = [
['scrolling-performance', ['frame-stats.c', 'variable.c']],
['blur-performance', ['../gsk/gskcairoblur.c']],
- ['print-editor'],
['video-timer', ['variable.c']],
diff --git a/tests/print-editor.c b/tests/print-editor.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 37ea8cf7ca..0000000000
--- a/tests/print-editor.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,861 +0,0 @@
-#include <config.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <pango/pangocairo.h>
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-static GtkWidget *main_window;
-static GFile *filename = NULL;
-static GtkPageSetup *page_setup = NULL;
-static GtkPrintSettings *settings = NULL;
-static gboolean file_changed = FALSE;
-static GtkTextBuffer *buffer;
-static GtkWidget *statusbar;
-static GList *active_prints = NULL;
-static void
-update_title (GtkWindow *window)
- char *basename;
- char *title;
- if (filename == NULL)
- basename = g_strdup ("Untitled");
- else
- basename = g_file_get_basename (filename);
- title = g_strdup_printf ("Simple Editor with printing - %s", basename);
- g_free (basename);
- gtk_window_set_title (window, title);
- g_free (title);
-static void
-update_statusbar (void)
- gchar *msg;
- gint row, col;
- GtkTextIter iter;
- const char *print_str;
- gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar), 0);
- gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer,
- &iter,
- gtk_text_buffer_get_insert (buffer));
- row = gtk_text_iter_get_line (&iter);
- col = gtk_text_iter_get_line_offset (&iter);
- print_str = "";
- if (active_prints)
- {
- GtkPrintOperation *op = active_prints->data;
- print_str = gtk_print_operation_get_status_string (op);
- }
- msg = g_strdup_printf ("%d, %d%s %s",
- row, col,
- file_changed?" - Modified":"",
- print_str);
- gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar), 0, msg);
- g_free (msg);
-static void
-update_ui (void)
- update_title (GTK_WINDOW (main_window));
- update_statusbar ();
-static char *
-get_text (void)
- GtkTextIter start, end;
- gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &start);
- gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (buffer, &end);
- return gtk_text_buffer_get_text (buffer, &start, &end, FALSE);
-static void
-set_text (const char *text,
- gsize len)
- gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, text, len);
- file_changed = FALSE;
- update_ui ();
-static void
-load_file (GFile *open_filename)
- GtkWidget *error_dialog;
- char *contents;
- GError *error;
- gsize len;
- error_dialog = NULL;
- error = NULL;
- g_file_load_contents (open_filename, NULL, &contents, &len, NULL, &error);
- if (error == NULL)
- {
- if (g_utf8_validate (contents, len, NULL))
- {
- g_clear_object (&filename);
- filename = g_object_ref (open_filename);
- set_text (contents, len);
- g_free (contents);
- }
- else
- {
- GFileInfo *info = g_file_query_info (open_filename, "standard::display-name", 0, NULL, &error);
- const char *display_name = g_file_info_get_display_name (info);
- error_dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (main_window),
- "Error loading file %s:\n%s",
- display_name,
- "Not valid utf8");
- g_object_unref (info);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- GFileInfo *info = g_file_query_info (open_filename, "standard::display-name", 0, NULL, &error);
- const char *display_name = g_file_info_get_display_name (info);
- error_dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (main_window),
- "Error loading file %s:\n%s",
- display_name,
- error->message);
- g_object_unref (info);
- g_error_free (error);
- }
- if (error_dialog)
- {
- g_signal_connect (error_dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_destroy), NULL);
- gtk_widget_show (error_dialog);
- }
-static void
-save_file (GFile *save_filename)
- char *text = get_text ();
- GtkWidget *error_dialog;
- GError *error;
- error = NULL;
- g_file_replace_contents (save_filename,
- text, -1,
- &error);
- if (error != NULL)
- {
- if (save_filename != filename)
- {
- g_clear_object (&filename);
- filename = g_object_ref (save_filename);
- }
- file_changed = FALSE;
- update_ui ();
- }
- else
- {
- GFileInfo *info = g_file_query_info (save_filename, "standard::display-name", 0, NULL, NULL);
- const char *display_name = g_file_info_get_display_name (info);
- error_dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (main_window),
- "Error saving to file %s:\n%s",
- display_name,
- error->message);
- g_signal_connect (error_dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_destroy), NULL);
- gtk_widget_show (error_dialog);
- g_error_free (error);
- g_object_unref (info);
- }
-typedef struct {
- char *text;
- PangoLayout *layout;
- GList *page_breaks;
- GtkWidget *font_button;
- char *font;
-} PrintData;
-static void
-begin_print (GtkPrintOperation *operation,
- GtkPrintContext *context,
- PrintData *print_data)
- PangoFontDescription *desc;
- PangoLayoutLine *layout_line;
- double width, height;
- double page_height;
- GList *page_breaks;
- int num_lines;
- int line;
- width = gtk_print_context_get_width (context);
- height = gtk_print_context_get_height (context);
- print_data->layout = gtk_print_context_create_pango_layout (context);
- desc = pango_font_description_from_string (print_data->font);
- pango_layout_set_font_description (print_data->layout, desc);
- pango_font_description_free (desc);
- pango_layout_set_width (print_data->layout, width * PANGO_SCALE);
- pango_layout_set_text (print_data->layout, print_data->text, -1);
- num_lines = pango_layout_get_line_count (print_data->layout);
- page_breaks = NULL;
- page_height = 0;
- for (line = 0; line < num_lines; line++)
- {
- PangoRectangle ink_rect, logical_rect;
- double line_height;
- layout_line = pango_layout_get_line (print_data->layout, line);
- pango_layout_line_get_extents (layout_line, &ink_rect, &logical_rect);
- line_height = logical_rect.height / 1024.0;
- if (page_height + line_height > height)
- {
- page_breaks = g_list_prepend (page_breaks, GINT_TO_POINTER (line));
- page_height = 0;
- }
- page_height += line_height;
- }
- page_breaks = g_list_reverse (page_breaks);
- gtk_print_operation_set_n_pages (operation, g_list_length (page_breaks) + 1);
- print_data->page_breaks = page_breaks;
-static void
-draw_page (GtkPrintOperation *operation,
- GtkPrintContext *context,
- int page_nr,
- PrintData *print_data)
- cairo_t *cr;
- GList *pagebreak;
- int start, end, i;
- PangoLayoutIter *iter;
- double start_pos;
- if (page_nr == 0)
- start = 0;
- else
- {
- pagebreak = g_list_nth (print_data->page_breaks, page_nr - 1);
- start = GPOINTER_TO_INT (pagebreak->data);
- }
- pagebreak = g_list_nth (print_data->page_breaks, page_nr);
- if (pagebreak == NULL)
- end = pango_layout_get_line_count (print_data->layout);
- else
- end = GPOINTER_TO_INT (pagebreak->data);
- cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context (context);
- cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0);
- i = 0;
- start_pos = 0;
- iter = pango_layout_get_iter (print_data->layout);
- do
- {
- PangoRectangle logical_rect;
- PangoLayoutLine *line;
- int baseline;
- if (i >= start)
- {
- line = pango_layout_iter_get_line (iter);
- pango_layout_iter_get_line_extents (iter, NULL, &logical_rect);
- baseline = pango_layout_iter_get_baseline (iter);
- if (i == start)
- start_pos = logical_rect.y / 1024.0;
- cairo_move_to (cr, logical_rect.x / 1024.0, baseline / 1024.0 - start_pos);
- pango_cairo_show_layout_line (cr, line);
- }
- i++;
- }
- while (i < end &&
- pango_layout_iter_next_line (iter));
- pango_layout_iter_free (iter);
-static void
-status_changed_cb (GtkPrintOperation *op,
- gpointer user_data)
- if (gtk_print_operation_is_finished (op))
- {
- active_prints = g_list_remove (active_prints, op);
- g_object_unref (op);
- }
- update_statusbar ();
-static GtkWidget *
-create_custom_widget (GtkPrintOperation *operation,
- PrintData *data)
- GtkWidget *vbox, *hbox, *font, *label;
- gtk_print_operation_set_custom_tab_label (operation, "Other");
- vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
- hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 8);
- gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox);
- gtk_widget_show (hbox);
- label = gtk_label_new ("Font:");
- gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), label);
- gtk_widget_show (label);
- font = gtk_font_button_new_with_font (data->font);
- gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (hbox), font);
- gtk_widget_show (font);
- data->font_button = font;
- return vbox;
-static void
-custom_widget_apply (GtkPrintOperation *operation,
- GtkWidget *widget,
- PrintData *data)
- const char *selected_font;
- selected_font = gtk_font_chooser_get_font (GTK_FONT_CHOOSER (data->font_button));
- g_free (data->font);
- data->font = g_strdup (selected_font);
-static void
-print_done (GtkPrintOperation *op,
- GtkPrintOperationResult res,
- PrintData *print_data)
- GError *error = NULL;
- {
- GtkWidget *error_dialog;
- gtk_print_operation_get_error (op, &error);
- error_dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (main_window),
- "Error printing file:\n%s",
- error ? error->message : "no details");
- g_signal_connect (error_dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_destroy), NULL);
- gtk_widget_show (error_dialog);
- }
- {
- if (settings != NULL)
- g_object_unref (settings);
- settings = g_object_ref (gtk_print_operation_get_print_settings (op));
- }
- g_free (print_data->text);
- g_free (print_data->font);
- g_free (print_data);
- if (!gtk_print_operation_is_finished (op))
- {
- g_object_ref (op);
- active_prints = g_list_append (active_prints, op);
- update_statusbar ();
- /* This ref is unref:ed when we get the final state change */
- g_signal_connect (op, "status_changed",
- G_CALLBACK (status_changed_cb), NULL);
- }
-static void
-end_print (GtkPrintOperation *op, GtkPrintContext *context, PrintData *print_data)
- g_list_free (print_data->page_breaks);
- print_data->page_breaks = NULL;
- g_object_unref (print_data->layout);
- print_data->layout = NULL;
-static void
-print_or_preview (GSimpleAction *action, GtkPrintOperationAction print_action)
- GtkPrintOperation *print;
- PrintData *print_data;
- print_data = g_new0 (PrintData, 1);
- print_data->text = get_text ();
- print_data->font = g_strdup ("Sans 12");
- print = gtk_print_operation_new ();
- gtk_print_operation_set_track_print_status (print, TRUE);
- if (settings != NULL)
- gtk_print_operation_set_print_settings (print, settings);
- if (page_setup != NULL)
- gtk_print_operation_set_default_page_setup (print, page_setup);
- g_signal_connect (print, "begin_print", G_CALLBACK (begin_print), print_data);
- g_signal_connect (print, "end-print", G_CALLBACK (end_print), print_data);
- g_signal_connect (print, "draw_page", G_CALLBACK (draw_page), print_data);
- g_signal_connect (print, "create_custom_widget", G_CALLBACK (create_custom_widget), print_data);
- g_signal_connect (print, "custom_widget_apply", G_CALLBACK (custom_widget_apply), print_data);
- g_signal_connect (print, "done", G_CALLBACK (print_done), print_data);
- gtk_print_operation_set_export_filename (print, "test.pdf");
-#if 0
- gtk_print_operation_set_allow_async (print, TRUE);
- gtk_print_operation_run (print, print_action, GTK_WINDOW (main_window), NULL);
- g_object_unref (print);
-static void
-activate_page_setup (GSimpleAction *action,
- GVariant *parameter,
- gpointer user_data)
- GtkPageSetup *new_page_setup;
- new_page_setup = gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (main_window),
- page_setup, settings);
- if (page_setup)
- g_object_unref (page_setup);
- page_setup = new_page_setup;
-static void
-activate_print (GSimpleAction *action,
- GVariant *parameter,
- gpointer user_data)
- print_or_preview (action, GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PRINT_DIALOG);
-static void
-activate_preview (GSimpleAction *action,
- GVariant *parameter,
- gpointer user_data)
- print_or_preview (action, GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PREVIEW);
-static void
-on_save_response (GtkWidget *dialog,
- int response)
- if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
- {
- GFile *save_filename = gtk_file_chooser_get_file (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog));
- save_file (save_filename);
- g_object_unref (save_filename);
- }
- gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (dialog));
-static void
-activate_save_as (GSimpleAction *action,
- GVariant *parameter,
- gpointer user_data)
- GtkWidget *dialog;
- dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new ("Select file",
- GTK_WINDOW (main_window),
- NULL);
- gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
- gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), TRUE);
- gtk_widget_show (dialog);
- g_signal_connect (dialog, "response",
- G_CALLBACK (on_save_response),
- NULL);
-static void
-activate_save (GSimpleAction *action,
- GVariant *parameter,
- gpointer user_data)
- if (filename == NULL)
- activate_save_as (action, NULL, NULL);
- else
- save_file (filename);
-static void
-on_open_response (GtkWidget *dialog,
- int response)
- if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
- {
- GFile *open_filename = gtk_file_chooser_get_file (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog));
- load_file (open_filename);
- g_object_unref (open_filename);
- }
- gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (dialog));
-static void
-activate_open (GSimpleAction *action,
- GVariant *parameter,
- gpointer user_data)
- GtkWidget *dialog;
- dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new ("Select file",
- GTK_WINDOW (main_window),
- NULL);
- gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
- gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), TRUE);
- gtk_widget_show (dialog);
- g_signal_connect (dialog, "response",
- G_CALLBACK (on_open_response),
- NULL);
-static void
-activate_new (GSimpleAction *action,
- GVariant *parameter,
- gpointer user_data)
- g_free (filename);
- filename = NULL;
- set_text ("", 0);
-static void
-activate_about (GSimpleAction *action,
- GVariant *parameter,
- gpointer user_data)
- const gchar *authors[] = {
- "Alexander Larsson",
- };
- gtk_show_about_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (main_window),
- "name", "Print Test Editor",
- "logo-icon-name", "text-editor-symbolic",
- "version", PACKAGE_VERSION,
- "copyright", "© 2006-2020 Red Hat, Inc",
- "comments", "Program to demonstrate GTK printing.",
- "authors", authors,
- NULL);
-static void
-activate_quit (GSimpleAction *action,
- GVariant *parameter,
- gpointer user_data)
- GtkApplication *app = user_data;
- GtkWidget *win;
- GList *list, *next;
- list = gtk_application_get_windows (app);
- while (list)
- {
- win = list->data;
- next = list->next;
- gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (win));
- list = next;
- }
-static GActionEntry app_entries[] = {
- { "new", activate_new, NULL, NULL, NULL },
- { "open", activate_open, NULL, NULL, NULL },
- { "save", activate_save, NULL, NULL, NULL },
- { "save-as", activate_save_as, NULL, NULL, NULL },
- { "quit", activate_quit, NULL, NULL, NULL },
- { "about", activate_about, NULL, NULL, NULL },
- { "page-setup", activate_page_setup, NULL, NULL, NULL },
- { "preview", activate_preview, NULL, NULL, NULL },
- { "print", activate_print, NULL, NULL, NULL }
-static const gchar ui_info[] =
- "<interface>"
- " <menu id='appmenu'>"
- " <section>"
- " <item>"
- " <attribute name='label'>_About</attribute>"
- " <attribute name='action'>app.about</attribute>"
- " <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;a</attribute>"
- " </item>"
- " </section>"
- " <section>"
- " <item>"
- " <attribute name='label'>_Quit</attribute>"
- " <attribute name='action'>app.quit</attribute>"
- " <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;q</attribute>"
- " </item>"
- " </section>"
- " </menu>"
- " <menu id='menubar'>"
- " <submenu>"
- " <attribute name='label'>_File</attribute>"
- " <section>"
- " <item>"
- " <attribute name='label'>_New</attribute>"
- " <attribute name='action'></attribute>"
- " <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;n</attribute>"
- " </item>"
- " <item>"
- " <attribute name='label'>_Open</attribute>"
- " <attribute name='action'></attribute>"
- " </item>"
- " <item>"
- " <attribute name='label'>_Save</attribute>"
- " <attribute name='action'></attribute>"
- " <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;s</attribute>"
- " </item>"
- " <item>"
- " <attribute name='label'>Save _As...</attribute>"
- " <attribute name='action'></attribute>"
- " <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;s</attribute>"
- " </item>"
- " </section>"
- " <section>"
- " <item>"
- " <attribute name='label'>Page Setup</attribute>"
- " <attribute name='action'></attribute>"
- " </item>"
- " <item>"
- " <attribute name='label'>Preview</attribute>"
- " <attribute name='action'>app.preview</attribute>"
- " </item>"
- " <item>"
- " <attribute name='label'>Print</attribute>"
- " <attribute name='action'>app.print</attribute>"
- " </item>"
- " </section>"
- " </submenu>"
- " </menu>"
- "</interface>";
-static void
-buffer_changed_callback (GtkTextBuffer *text_buffer)
- file_changed = TRUE;
- update_statusbar ();
-static void
-mark_set_callback (GtkTextBuffer *text_buffer,
- const GtkTextIter *new_location,
- GtkTextMark *mark,
- gpointer data)
- update_statusbar ();
-static gint
-command_line (GApplication *application,
- GApplicationCommandLine *command_line)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- argv = g_application_command_line_get_arguments (command_line, &argc);
- if (argc == 2)
- {
- GFile *file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (argv[1]);
- load_file (file);
- g_object_unref (file);
- }
- return 0;
-static void
-startup (GApplication *app)
- GtkBuilder *builder;
- GMenuModel *appmenu;
- GMenuModel *menubar;
- builder = gtk_builder_new ();
- gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, ui_info, -1, NULL);
- appmenu = (GMenuModel *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "appmenu");
- menubar = (GMenuModel *)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menubar");
- gtk_application_set_app_menu (GTK_APPLICATION (app), appmenu);
- gtk_application_set_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION (app), menubar);
- g_object_unref (builder);
-static void
-activate (GApplication *app)
- GtkWidget *box;
- GtkWidget *sw;
- GtkWidget *contents;
- main_window = gtk_application_window_new (GTK_APPLICATION (app));
- gtk_window_set_icon_name (GTK_WINDOW (main_window), "text-editor");
- gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (main_window), 400, 600);
- gtk_application_window_set_show_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION_WINDOW (main_window), TRUE);
- update_title (GTK_WINDOW (main_window));
- box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
- gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (main_window), box);
- /* Create document */
- sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
- gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw),
- gtk_scrolled_window_set_has_frame (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), TRUE);
- gtk_widget_set_vexpand (sw, TRUE);
- gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), sw);
- contents = gtk_text_view_new ();
- gtk_widget_grab_focus (contents);
- gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw),
- contents);
- /* Create statusbar */
- statusbar = gtk_statusbar_new ();
- gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), statusbar);
- /* Show text widget info in the statusbar */
- buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (contents));
- g_signal_connect_object (buffer,
- "changed",
- G_CALLBACK (buffer_changed_callback),
- 0);
- g_signal_connect_object (buffer,
- "mark_set", /* cursor moved */
- G_CALLBACK (mark_set_callback),
- 0);
- update_ui ();
- gtk_widget_show (main_window);
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- GtkApplication *app;
- GError *error = NULL;
- gtk_init ();
- settings = gtk_print_settings_new_from_file ("print-settings.ini", &error);
- if (error) {
- g_print ("Failed to load print settings: %s\n", error->message);
- g_clear_error (&error);
- settings = gtk_print_settings_new ();
- }
- g_assert (settings != NULL);
- page_setup = gtk_page_setup_new_from_file ("page-setup.ini", &error);
- if (error) {
- g_print ("Failed to load page setup: %s\n", error->message);
- g_clear_error (&error);
- }
- app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.PrintEditor", 0);
- g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app),
- app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries),
- app);
- g_signal_connect (app, "startup", G_CALLBACK (startup), NULL);
- g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL);
- g_signal_connect (app, "command-line", G_CALLBACK (command_line), NULL);
- g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv);
- if (!gtk_print_settings_to_file (settings, "print-settings.ini", &error)) {
- g_print ("Failed to save print settings: %s\n", error->message);
- g_clear_error (&error);
- }
- if (page_setup &&
- !gtk_page_setup_to_file (page_setup, "page-setup.ini", &error)) {
- g_print ("Failed to save page setup: %s\n", error->message);
- g_clear_error (&error);
- }
- return 0;