/* gdkinput-dmanipulation.c * * Copyright © 2022 the GTK team * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* {{{ */ #ifdef WINVER #undef WINVER #endif #ifdef _WIN32_WINNT #undef _WIN32_WINNT #endif #define WINVER 0x0603 #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0603 #define COBJMACROS #include "config.h" #include #include "gdkwin32.h" #include "gdkprivate-win32.h" #include "gdkdevicemanager-win32.h" #include "gdkdevice-virtual.h" #include "gdkdeviceprivate.h" #include "gdkdisplayprivate.h" #include "gdkeventsprivate.h" #include "gdkseatdefaultprivate.h" #include "gdkinput-dmanipulation.h" #include "winpointer.h" #include #include typedef BOOL (WINAPI *getPointerType_t)(UINT32 pointerId, POINTER_INPUT_TYPE *pointerType); static getPointerType_t getPointerType; static IDirectManipulationManager *dmanipulation_manager; typedef struct { IDirectManipulationViewportEventHandlerVtbl *vtable; LONG reference_count; enum { GESTURE_PAN, GESTURE_ZOOM, } gesture; GdkTouchpadGesturePhase phase; gpointer sequence; float scale; float pan_x; float pan_y; GdkSurface *surface; GdkDevice *device; } DManipEventHandler; static void dmanip_event_handler_running_state_clear (DManipEventHandler *handler); static void dmanip_event_handler_free (DManipEventHandler *handler); static void reset_viewport (IDirectManipulationViewport *viewport); static gpointer util_get_next_sequence (void); static GdkModifierType util_get_modifier_state (void); static gboolean util_handler_free (gpointer); /* }}} */ /* {{{ ViewportEventHandler */ static STDMETHODIMP_ (ULONG) DManipEventHandler_AddRef (IDirectManipulationViewportEventHandler *self_) { DManipEventHandler *self = (DManipEventHandler*) self_; return (ULONG) InterlockedIncrement (&self->reference_count); } static STDMETHODIMP_ (ULONG) DManipEventHandler_Release (IDirectManipulationViewportEventHandler *self_) { DManipEventHandler *self = (DManipEventHandler*) self_; /* NOTE: This may run from a worker thread */ LONG new_reference_count = InterlockedDecrement (&self->reference_count); if (new_reference_count <= 0) { /* For safety, schedule the cleanup to be executed * on the main thread */ g_idle_add (util_handler_free, self); return 0; } return (ULONG) new_reference_count; } static STDMETHODIMP DManipEventHandler_QueryInterface (IDirectManipulationViewportEventHandler *self_, REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) { DManipEventHandler *self = (DManipEventHandler*) self_; if G_UNLIKELY (!self || !ppvObject) return E_POINTER; *ppvObject = NULL; if (IsEqualGUID (riid, &IID_IUnknown)) *ppvObject = self; else if (IsEqualGUID (riid, &IID_IDirectManipulationViewportEventHandler)) *ppvObject = self; if (*ppvObject == NULL) return E_NOINTERFACE; DManipEventHandler_AddRef (self_); return S_OK; } /* NOTE: * * All DManipEventHandler callbacks are fired from the main thread */ static STDMETHODIMP DManipEventHandler_OnViewportUpdated (IDirectManipulationViewportEventHandler *self_, IDirectManipulationViewport *viewport) { return S_OK; } static STDMETHODIMP DManipEventHandler_OnContentUpdated (IDirectManipulationViewportEventHandler *self_, IDirectManipulationViewport *viewport, IDirectManipulationContent *content) { DManipEventHandler *self = (DManipEventHandler*) self_; float transform[6] = {1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.}; HRESULT hr; hr = IDirectManipulationContent_GetContentTransform (content, transform, G_N_ELEMENTS (transform)); HR_CHECK_RETURN_VAL (hr, E_FAIL); switch (self->gesture) { case GESTURE_PAN: { GdkWin32Surface *surface_win32; GdkModifierType state; uint32_t time; int scale; float pan_x; float pan_y; GdkEvent *event; pan_x = transform[4]; pan_y = transform[5]; surface_win32 = GDK_WIN32_SURFACE (self->surface); scale = surface_win32->surface_scale; state = util_get_modifier_state (); time = (uint32_t) GetMessageTime (); event = gdk_scroll_event_new (self->surface, self->device, NULL, time, state, (self->pan_x - pan_x) / scale, (self->pan_y - pan_y) / scale, FALSE, GDK_SCROLL_UNIT_SURFACE); _gdk_win32_append_event (event); self->pan_x = pan_x; self->pan_y = pan_y; } break; case GESTURE_ZOOM: { GdkModifierType state; uint32_t time; POINT cursor = {0, 0}; float scale; GdkEvent *event; scale = transform[0]; state = util_get_modifier_state (); time = (uint32_t) GetMessageTime (); _gdk_win32_get_cursor_pos (&cursor); ScreenToClient (GDK_SURFACE_HWND (self->surface), &cursor); if (!self->sequence) self->sequence = util_get_next_sequence (); event = gdk_touchpad_event_new_pinch (self->surface, self->sequence, self->device, time, state, self->phase, cursor.x, cursor.y, 2, 0.0, 0.0, scale, 0.0); _gdk_win32_append_event (event); self->scale = scale; self->phase = GDK_TOUCHPAD_GESTURE_PHASE_UPDATE; } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } return S_OK; } static STDMETHODIMP DManipEventHandler_OnViewportStatusChanged (IDirectManipulationViewportEventHandler *self_, IDirectManipulationViewport *viewport, DIRECTMANIPULATION_STATUS current, DIRECTMANIPULATION_STATUS previous) { DManipEventHandler *self = (DManipEventHandler*) self_; if (previous == DIRECTMANIPULATION_RUNNING) { switch (self->gesture) { case GESTURE_PAN: { GdkModifierType state; uint32_t time; GdkEvent *event; state = util_get_modifier_state (); time = (uint32_t) GetMessageTime (); event = gdk_scroll_event_new (self->surface, self->device, NULL, time, state, 0.0, 0.0, TRUE, GDK_SCROLL_UNIT_SURFACE); _gdk_win32_append_event (event); } break; case GESTURE_ZOOM: { GdkModifierType state; uint32_t time; POINT cursor = {0, 0}; GdkEvent *event; if (self->phase == GDK_TOUCHPAD_GESTURE_PHASE_BEGIN) break; state = util_get_modifier_state (); time = (uint32_t) GetMessageTime (); _gdk_win32_get_cursor_pos (&cursor); ScreenToClient (GDK_SURFACE_HWND (self->surface), &cursor); event = gdk_touchpad_event_new_pinch (self->surface, self->sequence, self->device, time, state, GDK_TOUCHPAD_GESTURE_PHASE_END, cursor.x, cursor.y, 2, 0., 0., self->scale, 0.); _gdk_win32_append_event (event); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } dmanip_event_handler_running_state_clear (self); reset_viewport (viewport); } return S_OK; } static void dmanip_event_handler_running_state_clear (DManipEventHandler *handler) { handler->scale = 1.0; handler->pan_x = 0.0; handler->pan_y = 0.0; handler->phase = GDK_TOUCHPAD_GESTURE_PHASE_BEGIN; handler->sequence = NULL; } static DManipEventHandler* dmanip_event_handler_new (GdkSurface *surface, int gesture) { static IDirectManipulationViewportEventHandlerVtbl vtable = { DManipEventHandler_QueryInterface, DManipEventHandler_AddRef, DManipEventHandler_Release, DManipEventHandler_OnViewportStatusChanged, DManipEventHandler_OnViewportUpdated, DManipEventHandler_OnContentUpdated, }; DManipEventHandler *handler; handler = g_new0 (DManipEventHandler, 1); handler->vtable = &vtable; handler->reference_count = 1; handler->gesture = gesture; handler->surface = surface; handler->device = _gdk_device_manager->core_pointer; dmanip_event_handler_running_state_clear (handler); return handler; } static void dmanip_event_handler_free (DManipEventHandler *handler) { g_free (handler); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Viewport utils */ static void reset_viewport (IDirectManipulationViewport *viewport) { IDirectManipulationContent *content = NULL; REFIID iid = &IID_IDirectManipulationContent; float identity[6] = {1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.}; HRESULT hr; hr = IDirectManipulationViewport_GetPrimaryContent (viewport, iid, (void**)&content); HR_CHECK_GOTO (hr, failed); hr = IDirectManipulationContent_SyncContentTransform (content, identity, G_N_ELEMENTS (identity)); HR_CHECK_GOTO (hr, failed); failed: IUnknown_Release (content); } static void close_viewport (IDirectManipulationViewport **p_viewport) { IDirectManipulationViewport *viewport = *p_viewport; if (viewport) { IDirectManipulationViewport_Abandon (viewport); IUnknown_Release (viewport); *p_viewport = NULL; } } static void create_viewport (GdkSurface *surface, int gesture, IDirectManipulationViewport **pViewport) { DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION configuration = 0; HWND hwnd = GDK_SURFACE_HWND (surface); IDirectManipulationViewportEventHandler *handler = NULL; DWORD cookie = 0; HRESULT hr; hr = IDirectManipulationManager_CreateViewport (dmanipulation_manager, NULL, hwnd, &IID_IDirectManipulationViewport, (void**) pViewport); HR_CHECK_GOTO (hr, failed); switch (gesture) { case GESTURE_PAN: configuration = DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION_INTERACTION | DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION_TRANSLATION_X | DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION_TRANSLATION_Y; break; case GESTURE_ZOOM: configuration = DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION_INTERACTION | DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION_SCALING; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } handler = (IDirectManipulationViewportEventHandler*) dmanip_event_handler_new (surface, gesture); hr = IDirectManipulationViewport_AddEventHandler (*pViewport, hwnd, handler, &cookie); HR_CHECK_GOTO (hr, failed); hr = IDirectManipulationViewport_ActivateConfiguration (*pViewport, configuration); HR_CHECK_GOTO (hr, failed); hr = IDirectManipulationViewport_SetViewportOptions (*pViewport, DIRECTMANIPULATION_VIEWPORT_OPTIONS_DISABLEPIXELSNAPPING); hr = IDirectManipulationViewport_Enable (*pViewport); HR_CHECK_GOTO (hr, failed); // drop our initial reference IUnknown_Release (handler); return; failed: if (handler) IUnknown_Release (handler); close_viewport (pViewport); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Public */ void gdk_dmanipulation_initialize (void) { if (!getPointerType) { HMODULE user32_mod; user32_mod = LoadLibraryW (L"user32.dll"); if (!user32_mod) { WIN32_API_FAILED ("LoadLibraryW"); return; } getPointerType = (getPointerType_t) GetProcAddress (user32_mod, "GetPointerType"); if (!getPointerType) return; } if (!gdk_win32_ensure_com ()) return; if (dmanipulation_manager == NULL) { HRESULT hr; hr = CoCreateInstance (&CLSID_DirectManipulationManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IDirectManipulationManager, (LPVOID*)&dmanipulation_manager); if (FAILED (hr)) { if (hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG || hr == E_NOINTERFACE); /* Not an error, * DirectManipulation is not available */ else HR_LOG (hr); } } } void gdk_dmanipulation_initialize_surface (GdkSurface *surface) { GdkWin32Surface *surface_win32; HRESULT hr; if (!dmanipulation_manager) return; surface_win32 = GDK_WIN32_SURFACE (surface); create_viewport (surface, GESTURE_PAN, &surface_win32->dmanipulation_viewport_pan); create_viewport (surface, GESTURE_ZOOM, &surface_win32->dmanipulation_viewport_zoom); hr = IDirectManipulationManager_Activate (dmanipulation_manager, GDK_SURFACE_HWND (surface)); HR_CHECK_RETURN (hr); } void gdk_dmanipulation_finalize_surface (GdkSurface *surface) { GdkWin32Surface *surface_win32 = GDK_WIN32_SURFACE (surface); close_viewport (&surface_win32->dmanipulation_viewport_zoom); close_viewport (&surface_win32->dmanipulation_viewport_pan); } void gdk_dmanipulation_maybe_add_contact (GdkSurface *surface, MSG *msg) { POINTER_INPUT_TYPE type = PT_POINTER; UINT32 pointer_id = GET_POINTERID_WPARAM (msg->wParam); if (!dmanipulation_manager) return; if (!getPointerType) return; if G_UNLIKELY (!getPointerType (pointer_id, &type)) { WIN32_API_FAILED_LOG_ONCE ("GetPointerType"); return; } if (type == PT_TOUCHPAD) { GdkWin32Surface *surface_win32 = GDK_WIN32_SURFACE (surface); HRESULT hr; hr = IDirectManipulationViewport_SetContact (surface_win32->dmanipulation_viewport_pan, pointer_id); HR_CHECK_RETURN (hr); hr = IDirectManipulationViewport_SetContact (surface_win32->dmanipulation_viewport_zoom, pointer_id); HR_CHECK_RETURN (hr); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Utils */ static gpointer util_get_next_sequence (void) { //TODO: sequence of other input types? static unsigned char *sequence_counter = 0; if (++sequence_counter == 0) sequence_counter++; return sequence_counter; } static GdkModifierType util_get_modifier_state (void) { GdkModifierType mask = 0; BYTE kbd[256]; GetKeyboardState (kbd); if (kbd[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80) mask |= GDK_SHIFT_MASK; if (kbd[VK_CAPITAL] & 0x80) mask |= GDK_LOCK_MASK; if (kbd[VK_CONTROL] & 0x80) mask |= GDK_CONTROL_MASK; if (kbd[VK_MENU] & 0x80) mask |= GDK_ALT_MASK; return mask; } static gboolean util_handler_free (gpointer handler) { dmanip_event_handler_free ((DManipEventHandler*)handler); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } /* }}} */