/* gtkcellarea.h * * Copyright (C) 2010 Openismus GmbH * * Authors: * Tristan Van Berkom * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #ifndef __GTK_CELL_AREA_H__ #define __GTK_CELL_AREA_H__ #if !defined (__GTK_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GTK_COMPILATION) #error "Only can be included directly." #endif #include #include #include G_BEGIN_DECLS #define GTK_TYPE_CELL_AREA (gtk_cell_area_get_type ()) #define GTK_CELL_AREA(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GTK_TYPE_CELL_AREA, GtkCellArea)) #define GTK_CELL_AREA_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_CELL_AREA, GtkCellAreaClass)) #define GTK_IS_CELL_AREA(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GTK_TYPE_CELL_AREA)) #define GTK_IS_CELL_AREA_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GTK_TYPE_CELL_AREA)) #define GTK_CELL_AREA_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_TYPE_CELL_AREA, GtkCellAreaClass)) typedef struct _GtkCellArea GtkCellArea; typedef struct _GtkCellAreaClass GtkCellAreaClass; typedef struct _GtkCellAreaContext GtkCellAreaContext; /** * GTK_CELL_AREA_WARN_INVALID_CELL_PROPERTY_ID: * @object: the #GObject on which set_cell_property() or get_cell_property() * was called * @property_id: the numeric id of the property * @pspec: the #GParamSpec of the property * * This macro should be used to emit a standard warning about unexpected * properties in set_cell_property() and get_cell_property() implementations. */ #define GTK_CELL_AREA_WARN_INVALID_CELL_PROPERTY_ID(object, property_id, pspec) \ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PSPEC ((object), "cell property id", (property_id), (pspec)) /** * GtkCellCallback: * @renderer: the cell renderer to operate on * @data: (closure): user-supplied data * * The type of the callback functions used for iterating over * the cell renderers of a #GtkCellArea, see gtk_cell_area_foreach(). * * Returns: %TRUE to stop iterating over cells. */ typedef gboolean (*GtkCellCallback) (GtkCellRenderer *renderer, gpointer data); /** * GtkCellAllocCallback: * @renderer: the cell renderer to operate on * @cell_area: the area allocated to @renderer inside the rectangle * provided to gtk_cell_area_foreach_alloc(). * @cell_background: the background area for @renderer inside the * background area provided to gtk_cell_area_foreach_alloc(). * @data: (closure): user-supplied data * * The type of the callback functions used for iterating over the * cell renderers and their allocated areas inside a #GtkCellArea, * see gtk_cell_area_foreach_alloc(). * * Returns: %TRUE to stop iterating over cells. */ typedef gboolean (*GtkCellAllocCallback) (GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, const GdkRectangle *cell_background, gpointer data); struct _GtkCellArea { /*< private >*/ GInitiallyUnowned parent_instance; }; /** * GtkCellAreaClass: * @add: adds a #GtkCellRenderer to the area. * @remove: removes a #GtkCellRenderer from the area. * @foreach: calls the #GtkCellCallback function on every #GtkCellRenderer in * the area with the provided user data until the callback returns %TRUE. * @foreach_alloc: Calls the #GtkCellAllocCallback function on every * #GtkCellRenderer in the area with the allocated area for the cell * and the provided user data until the callback returns %TRUE. * @event: Handle an event in the area, this is generally used to activate * a cell at the event location for button events but can also be used * to generically pass events to #GtkWidgets drawn onto the area. * @snapshot: Actually snapshot the area’s cells to the specified rectangle, * @background_area should be correctly distributed to the cells * corresponding background areas. * @apply_attributes: Apply the cell attributes to the cells. This is * implemented as a signal and generally #GtkCellArea subclasses don't * need to implement it since it is handled by the base class. * @create_context: Creates and returns a class specific #GtkCellAreaContext * to store cell alignment and allocation details for a said #GtkCellArea * class. * @copy_context: Creates a new #GtkCellAreaContext in the same state as * the passed @context with any cell alignment data and allocations intact. * @get_request_mode: This allows an area to tell its layouting widget whether * it prefers to be allocated in %GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH or * %GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT mode. * @get_preferred_width: Calculates the minimum and natural width of the * areas cells with the current attributes applied while considering * the particular layouting details of the said #GtkCellArea. While * requests are performed over a series of rows, alignments and overall * minimum and natural sizes should be stored in the corresponding * #GtkCellAreaContext. * @get_preferred_height_for_width: Calculates the minimum and natural height * for the area if the passed @context would be allocated the given width. * When implementing this virtual method it is safe to assume that @context * has already stored the aligned cell widths for every #GtkTreeModel row * that @context will be allocated for since this information was stored * at #GtkCellAreaClass.get_preferred_width() time. This virtual method * should also store any necessary alignments of cell heights for the * case that the context is allocated a height. * @get_preferred_height: Calculates the minimum and natural height of the * areas cells with the current attributes applied. Essentially this is * the same as #GtkCellAreaClass.get_preferred_width() only for areas * that are being requested as %GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT. * @get_preferred_width_for_height: Calculates the minimum and natural width * for the area if the passed @context would be allocated the given * height. The same as #GtkCellAreaClass.get_preferred_height_for_width() * only for handling requests in the %GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT * mode. * @set_cell_property: This should be implemented to handle changes in child * cell properties for a given #GtkCellRenderer that were previously * installed on the #GtkCellAreaClass with gtk_cell_area_class_install_cell_property(). * @get_cell_property: This should be implemented to report the values of * child cell properties for a given child #GtkCellRenderer. * @focus: This virtual method should be implemented to navigate focus from * cell to cell inside the #GtkCellArea. The #GtkCellArea should move * focus from cell to cell inside the area and return %FALSE if focus * logically leaves the area with the following exceptions: When the * area contains no activatable cells, the entire area receives focus. * Focus should not be given to cells that are actually “focus siblings” * of other sibling cells (see gtk_cell_area_get_focus_from_sibling()). * Focus is set by calling gtk_cell_area_set_focus_cell(). * @is_activatable: Returns whether the #GtkCellArea can respond to * #GtkCellAreaClass.activate(), usually this does not need to be * implemented since the base class takes care of this however it can * be enhanced if the #GtkCellArea subclass can handle activation in * other ways than activating its #GtkCellRenderers. * @activate: This is called when the layouting widget rendering the * #GtkCellArea activates the focus cell (see gtk_cell_area_get_focus_cell()). */ struct _GtkCellAreaClass { /*< private >*/ GInitiallyUnownedClass parent_class; /*< public >*/ /* Basic methods */ void (* add) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer); void (* remove) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer); void (* foreach) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellCallback callback, gpointer callback_data); void (* foreach_alloc) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, const GdkRectangle *background_area, GtkCellAllocCallback callback, gpointer callback_data); int (* event) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GtkCellRendererState flags); void (* snapshot) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, GtkSnapshot *snapshot, const GdkRectangle *background_area, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GtkCellRendererState flags, gboolean paint_focus); void (* apply_attributes) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gboolean is_expander, gboolean is_expanded); /* Geometry */ GtkCellAreaContext *(* create_context) (GtkCellArea *area); GtkCellAreaContext *(* copy_context) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context); GtkSizeRequestMode (* get_request_mode) (GtkCellArea *area); void (* get_preferred_width) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, int *minimum_width, int *natural_width); void (* get_preferred_height_for_width) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, int width, int *minimum_height, int *natural_height); void (* get_preferred_height) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, int *minimum_height, int *natural_height); void (* get_preferred_width_for_height) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, int height, int *minimum_width, int *natural_width); /* Cell Properties */ void (* set_cell_property) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); void (* get_cell_property) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); /* Focus */ gboolean (* focus) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkDirectionType direction); gboolean (* is_activatable) (GtkCellArea *area); gboolean (* activate) (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GtkCellRendererState flags, gboolean edit_only); /*< private >*/ gpointer padding[8]; }; GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GType gtk_cell_area_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; /* Basic methods */ GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_add (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_remove (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL gboolean gtk_cell_area_has_renderer (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_foreach (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellCallback callback, gpointer callback_data); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_foreach_alloc (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, const GdkRectangle *background_area, GtkCellAllocCallback callback, gpointer callback_data); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL int gtk_cell_area_event (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GtkCellRendererState flags); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_snapshot (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, GtkSnapshot *snapshot, const GdkRectangle *background_area, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GtkCellRendererState flags, gboolean paint_focus); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_get_cell_allocation (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GdkRectangle *allocation); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GtkCellRenderer *gtk_cell_area_get_cell_at_position (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, int x, int y, GdkRectangle *alloc_area); /* Geometry */ GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GtkCellAreaContext *gtk_cell_area_create_context (GtkCellArea *area); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GtkCellAreaContext *gtk_cell_area_copy_context (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GtkSizeRequestMode gtk_cell_area_get_request_mode (GtkCellArea *area); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_get_preferred_width (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, int *minimum_width, int *natural_width); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_get_preferred_height_for_width (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, int width, int *minimum_height, int *natural_height); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_get_preferred_height (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, int *minimum_height, int *natural_height); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_get_preferred_width_for_height (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, int height, int *minimum_width, int *natural_width); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL const char * gtk_cell_area_get_current_path_string (GtkCellArea *area); /* Attributes */ GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_apply_attributes (GtkCellArea *area, GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gboolean is_expander, gboolean is_expanded); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_attribute_connect (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const char *attribute, int column); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_attribute_disconnect (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const char *attribute); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL int gtk_cell_area_attribute_get_column (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const char *attribute); /* Cell Properties */ GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_class_install_cell_property (GtkCellAreaClass *aclass, guint property_id, GParamSpec *pspec); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GParamSpec* gtk_cell_area_class_find_cell_property (GtkCellAreaClass *aclass, const char *property_name); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GParamSpec** gtk_cell_area_class_list_cell_properties (GtkCellAreaClass *aclass, guint *n_properties); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_add_with_properties (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const char *first_prop_name, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED; GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_cell_set (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const char *first_prop_name, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED; GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_cell_get (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const char *first_prop_name, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED; GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_cell_set_valist (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const char *first_property_name, va_list var_args); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_cell_get_valist (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const char *first_property_name, va_list var_args); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_cell_set_property (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const char *property_name, const GValue *value); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_cell_get_property (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const char *property_name, GValue *value); /* Focus */ GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL gboolean gtk_cell_area_is_activatable (GtkCellArea *area); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL gboolean gtk_cell_area_activate (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellAreaContext *context, GtkWidget *widget, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GtkCellRendererState flags, gboolean edit_only); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL gboolean gtk_cell_area_focus (GtkCellArea *area, GtkDirectionType direction); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_set_focus_cell (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GtkCellRenderer *gtk_cell_area_get_focus_cell (GtkCellArea *area); /* Focus siblings */ GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_add_focus_sibling (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkCellRenderer *sibling); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_remove_focus_sibling (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkCellRenderer *sibling); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL gboolean gtk_cell_area_is_focus_sibling (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkCellRenderer *sibling); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL const GList * gtk_cell_area_get_focus_siblings (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GtkCellRenderer *gtk_cell_area_get_focus_from_sibling (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer); /* Cell Activation/Editing */ GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GtkCellRenderer *gtk_cell_area_get_edited_cell (GtkCellArea *area); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GtkCellEditable *gtk_cell_area_get_edit_widget (GtkCellArea *area); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL gboolean gtk_cell_area_activate_cell (GtkCellArea *area, GtkWidget *widget, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GdkEvent *event, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GtkCellRendererState flags); GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_stop_editing (GtkCellArea *area, gboolean canceled); /* Functions for area implementations */ /* Distinguish the inner cell area from the whole requested area including margins */ GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_inner_cell_area (GtkCellArea *area, GtkWidget *widget, const GdkRectangle *cell_area, GdkRectangle *inner_area); /* Request the size of a cell while respecting the cell margins (requests are margin inclusive) */ GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void gtk_cell_area_request_renderer (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkOrientation orientation, GtkWidget *widget, int for_size, int *minimum_size, int *natural_size); /* For api stability, this is called from gtkcelllayout.c in order to ensure the correct * object is passed to the user function in gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func. * * This private api takes gpointer & GFunc arguments to circumvent circular header file * dependencies. */ void _gtk_cell_area_set_cell_data_func_with_proxy (GtkCellArea *area, GtkCellRenderer *cell, GFunc func, gpointer func_data, GDestroyNotify destroy, gpointer proxy); G_END_DECLS #endif /* __GTK_CELL_AREA_H__ */