/* Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. * * GTK+ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * GLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with GTK+; see the file COPYING. If not, * see . * * Author: Matthias Clasen */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gtkbuilderprivate.h" #include "gtk-builder-tool.h" static gboolean quit_when_idle (gpointer loop) { g_main_loop_quit (loop); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static GMainLoop *loop; static void draw_paintable (GdkPaintable *paintable, gpointer out_texture) { GtkSnapshot *snapshot; GskRenderNode *node; GdkTexture *texture; GskRenderer *renderer; graphene_rect_t bounds; snapshot = gtk_snapshot_new (); gdk_paintable_snapshot (paintable, snapshot, gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (paintable), gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (paintable)); node = gtk_snapshot_free_to_node (snapshot); /* If the window literally draws nothing, we assume it hasn't been mapped yet and as such * the invalidations were only side effects of resizes. */ if (node == NULL) return; if (gsk_render_node_get_node_type (node) == GSK_CLIP_NODE) { GskRenderNode *child; child = gsk_render_node_ref (gsk_clip_node_get_child (node)); gsk_render_node_unref (node); node = child; } renderer = gtk_native_get_renderer ( gtk_widget_get_native ( gtk_widget_paintable_get_widget (GTK_WIDGET_PAINTABLE (paintable)))); gsk_render_node_get_bounds (node, &bounds); graphene_rect_union (&bounds, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT ( 0, 0, gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_width (paintable), gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_height (paintable) ), &bounds); texture = gsk_renderer_render_texture (renderer, node, &bounds); g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (texture), "source-render-node", node, (GDestroyNotify) gsk_render_node_unref); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (paintable, draw_paintable, out_texture); *(GdkTexture **) out_texture = texture; g_idle_add (quit_when_idle, loop); } static GdkTexture * snapshot_widget (GtkWidget *widget) { GdkPaintable *paintable; GdkTexture *texture = NULL; g_assert_true (gtk_widget_get_realized (widget)); loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE); /* We wait until the widget is drawn for the first time. * * We also use an inhibit mechanism, to give module functions a chance * to delay the snapshot. */ paintable = gtk_widget_paintable_new (widget); g_signal_connect (paintable, "invalidate-contents", G_CALLBACK (draw_paintable), &texture); g_main_loop_run (loop); g_main_loop_unref (loop); g_object_unref (paintable); return texture; } static void set_window_title (GtkWindow *window, const char *filename, const char *id) { char *name; char *title; name = g_path_get_basename (filename); if (id) title = g_strdup_printf ("%s in %s", id, name); else title = g_strdup (name); gtk_window_set_title (window, title); g_free (title); g_free (name); } static char * get_save_filename (const char *filename, gboolean as_node) { int length = strlen (filename); const char *extension = as_node ? ".node" : ".png"; char *result; if (strcmp (filename + (length - 3), ".ui") == 0) { char *basename = g_strndup (filename, length - 3); result = g_strconcat (basename, extension, NULL); g_free (basename); } else result = g_strconcat (filename, extension, NULL); return result; } static void screenshot_file (const char *filename, const char *id, const char *cssfile, const char *save_file, gboolean as_node, gboolean force) { GtkBuilder *builder; GError *error = NULL; GObject *object; GtkWidget *window; GtkWidget *menu_button = NULL; GtkWidget *target = NULL; GdkTexture *texture; char *save_to; GBytes *bytes; if (cssfile) { GtkCssProvider *provider; provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); gtk_css_provider_load_from_path (provider, cssfile); gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } builder = gtk_builder_new (); if (!gtk_builder_add_from_file (builder, filename, &error)) { g_printerr ("%s\n", error->message); exit (1); } object = NULL; if (id) { object = gtk_builder_get_object (builder, id); } else { GSList *objects, *l; objects = gtk_builder_get_objects (builder); for (l = objects; l; l = l->next) { GObject *obj = l->data; if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (obj)) { object = obj; break; } else if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (obj)) { if (object == NULL) object = obj; } } g_slist_free (objects); } if (object == NULL) { if (id) g_printerr ("No object with ID '%s' found\n", id); else g_printerr ("No object found\n"); exit (1); } if (!GTK_IS_WIDGET (object)) { g_printerr ("Objects of type %s can't be screenshot\n", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (object)); exit (1); } if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (object)) { window = GTK_WIDGET (object); target = window; } else if (GTK_IS_POPOVER (object)) { window = gtk_window_new (); if (GTK_IS_BUILDABLE (object)) id = gtk_buildable_get_buildable_id (GTK_BUILDABLE (object)); set_window_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), filename, id); menu_button = gtk_menu_button_new (); gtk_menu_button_set_popover (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (menu_button), GTK_WIDGET (object)); gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), menu_button); target = GTK_WIDGET (object); } else { GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET (object); window = gtk_window_new (); if (GTK_IS_BUILDABLE (object)) id = gtk_buildable_get_buildable_id (GTK_BUILDABLE (object)); set_window_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), filename, id); g_object_ref (widget); if (gtk_widget_get_parent (widget) != NULL) gtk_box_remove (GTK_BOX (gtk_widget_get_parent (widget)), widget); gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), widget); g_object_unref (widget); target = widget; } gtk_widget_show (window); if (menu_button) gtk_menu_button_popup (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (menu_button)); texture = snapshot_widget (target); g_object_unref (builder); if (texture == NULL) { g_printerr ("Failed to take a screenshot\n"); exit (1); } save_to = (char *)save_file; if (save_to == NULL) save_to = get_save_filename (filename, as_node); if (g_file_test (save_to, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) && !force) { g_printerr ("File %s exists.\n" "Use --force to overwrite.\n", save_to); exit (1); } if (as_node) { GskRenderNode *node; node = (GskRenderNode *) g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (texture), "source-render-node"); bytes = gsk_render_node_serialize (node); } else { bytes = gdk_texture_save_to_png_bytes (texture); } if (g_file_set_contents (save_to, g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), g_bytes_get_size (bytes), &error)) { g_print ("Output written to %s.\n", save_to); } else { g_printerr ("Failed to save %s: %s\n", save_to, error->message); exit (1); } g_bytes_unref (bytes); if (save_to != save_file) g_free (save_to); g_object_unref (texture); } void do_screenshot (int *argc, const char ***argv) { GOptionContext *context; char *id = NULL; char *css = NULL; char **filenames = NULL; gboolean as_node = FALSE; gboolean force = FALSE; const GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "id", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &id, N_("Screenshot only the named object"), N_("ID") }, { "css", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &css, N_("Use style from CSS file"), N_("FILE") }, { "node", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &as_node, N_("Save as node file instead of png"), NULL }, { "force", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &force, N_("Overwrite existing file"), NULL }, { G_OPTION_REMAINING, 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY, &filenames, NULL, N_("FILE") }, { NULL, } }; GError *error = NULL; if (gdk_display_get_default () == NULL) { g_printerr ("Could not initialize windowing system\n"); exit (1); } g_set_prgname ("gtk4-builder-tool screenshot"); context = g_option_context_new (NULL); g_option_context_set_translation_domain (context, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, entries, NULL); g_option_context_set_summary (context, _("Take a screenshot of the file.")); if (!g_option_context_parse (context, argc, (char ***)argv, &error)) { g_printerr ("%s\n", error->message); g_error_free (error); exit (1); } g_option_context_free (context); if (filenames == NULL) { g_printerr ("No .ui file specified\n"); exit (1); } if (g_strv_length (filenames) > 2) { g_printerr ("Can only screenshot a single .ui file and a single output file\n"); exit (1); } screenshot_file (filenames[0], id, css, filenames[1], as_node, force); g_strfreev (filenames); g_free (id); g_free (css); }