path: root/test-suite/standalone/sassy/tests/run-tests.scm
diff options
authorAndy Wingo <>2009-08-13 18:48:20 +0200
committerAndy Wingo <>2009-08-13 18:48:20 +0200
commit66ff15e2f0afa2d2ecd4e7de484acf7324c3b0f1 (patch)
treed31881900e8f715d8afd07521497c81101b3fedf /test-suite/standalone/sassy/tests/run-tests.scm
parentd785171115bb35c6e3cc3663a0023ff4e88536d5 (diff)
add the sassy x86 assembler
* module/ Add language/sassy.scm. Probably EXTRA_DIST the dependant files, too. * module/language/sassy.scm: New file, the sassy loader. Sassy is originally R5RS code that loads a number of files. I've converted that toplevel file to be a Guile module that *includes* the subfiles, so that it all gets compiled together. It's a pretty bad hack though, because what I should be doing is including them relative to the sassy.scm source location, but we don't know that at expansion time. Something to fix. really bad hack in it so that it will compile correctly -- p * module/language/sassy/: All the sassy files and some changelog information. All of these files are LGPLv2.1+, so they can be included in Guile. * test-suite/standalone/sassy/tests/: Add the sassy unit tests. * test-suite/standalone/ * test-suite/standalone/test-sassy: Hook the sassy unit tests up to our test suite.
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/standalone/sassy/tests/run-tests.scm')
1 files changed, 541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/standalone/sassy/tests/run-tests.scm b/test-suite/standalone/sassy/tests/run-tests.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d10db1e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/standalone/sassy/tests/run-tests.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+ ;=========================;
+ ; ;
+ ; Sassy test suite ;
+ ; ;
+ ;=========================;
+; The three files generate-nasm.scm, generate-prims.scm, and
+; generate-direc.scm generate the baselines for these tests. Of the
+; three, only generate-nasm.scm should really ever be run again unless
+; Sassy's language actually changes, since the corectness of the output
+; for generate-prims and generate-direc has to be verified by hand.
+; (generate-nasm generates nasm versions of the Sassy code and assembles
+; them by calling nasm -f bin ??. For mzscheme)
+(define %%%include-test '((entry foo)))
+(define (sassy-run-tests . args)
+ (define (sassy-symbol-get r n)
+ (hash-table-ref (sassy-symbol-table r) n))
+ (define (sassy-reloc->list reloc)
+ (list (sassy-reloc-name reloc)
+ (sassy-reloc-section reloc)
+ (sassy-reloc-offset reloc)
+ (sassy-reloc-type reloc)))
+ (define (file-chars->list file)
+ (with-input-from-file file
+ (lambda ()
+ (let iter ((new (read-byte)))
+ (if (eof-object? new)
+ '()
+ (cons new (iter (read-byte))))))))
+ (define (l->hex lst)
+ (map (lambda (x)
+ (number->string x 16))
+ lst))
+ (define (match-lists subl longl)
+ (let iter ((rs subl)
+ (rl longl))
+ (cond ((null? rs) rl)
+ ((= (car rs) (car rl))
+ (iter (cdr rs) (cdr rl)))
+ (else (newline)
+ (display (l->hex subl))
+ (newline)
+ (display (l->hex longl))
+ (newline)
+ #f))))
+ (define (match-opcodes l1 l2)
+ (cond ((and (null? l1) (null? l2)) #t)
+ ((or (null? l1) (null? l2)) #f)
+ ((= (car l1) (car l2)) (match-opcodes (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))
+ ;be forgiving about prefixes
+ ((and (not (null? (cdr l1)))
+ (not (null? (cdr l2)))
+ (or (and (= (car l1) #x66) (= (cadr l1) #x67)
+ (= (car l2) #x67) (= (cadr l2) #x66))
+ (and (= (car l1) #x67) (= (cadr l1) #x66)
+ (= (car l2) #x66) (= (cadr l2) #x67))))
+ (match-opcodes (cddr l1) (cddr l2)))
+ (else #f)))
+ (define (sassy-raw c bits32?)
+ (sassy-text-list
+ (sassy (if bits32?
+ `((text (label foo)
+ (begin ,@c)))
+ `((bits 16)
+ (text (label foo)
+ (begin ,@c)))))))
+ (define (succeed x)
+ (display "test passed: ")
+ (display x)
+ (newline))
+ (define (fail x)
+ (display "TEST FAILED: ")
+ (display x)
+ (newline))
+; opcode-test ;
+; ================ ;
+; The opcode tests are fairly exhaustive. Every opcode is tested, and ;
+; every possible successful parse, whether the opcode(s) use a "gen-" ;
+; template or has its own. The output is compared to NASM's. ;
+ (define (opcode-test bits32?)
+ (newline)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let* ((the-codes (with-input-from-file x (lambda () (read))))
+ (sassy-res (sassy-raw the-codes bits32?))
+ (nasm-res (file-chars->list
+ (string-append
+ (substring x 0 (- (string-length x) 4))
+ (if bits32? "" "16")))))
+ (if (match-opcodes nasm-res sassy-res)
+ (succeed (if bits32? x (string-append "(16 bit) " x)))
+ (begin (fail (if bits32? x (string-append "(16 bit) " x)))
+ (let iter ((codes the-codes))
+ (let ((foo (match-lists
+ (sassy-raw (list (car codes)) bits32?)
+ nasm-res)))
+ (if foo
+ (begin (set! nasm-res foo)
+ (iter (cdr codes)))
+ (begin (display (car codes))
+ (newline)))))
+ (error "")))))
+ (if bits32?
+ the-opcode-files
+ the-opcode16-files)))
+ (define the-opcode-files
+ (list "tests/mem-ref.scm"
+ "tests/non.scm"
+ "tests/alu.scm"
+ "tests/bt.scm"
+ "tests/shift.scm"
+ "tests/setcc.scm"
+ "tests/cmovcc.scm"
+ "tests/decinc.scm"
+ "tests/plier.scm"
+ "tests/load.scm"
+ "tests/movx.scm"
+ "tests/r-rm.scm"
+ "tests/rm.scm"
+ "tests/rm2.scm"
+ "tests/aa.scm"
+ "tests/ret.scm"
+ "tests/doub-shift.scm"
+ "tests/cmpx.scm"
+ "tests/misc1.scm"
+ "tests/misc2.scm"
+ "tests/misc3.scm"
+ "tests/jcc.scm"
+ "tests/jumps.scm"
+ "tests/prefix.scm"
+ "tests/fp0.scm"
+ "tests/fp1.scm"
+ "tests/fp2.scm"
+ "tests/fp3.scm"
+ "tests/mmx.scm"
+ "tests/sse1.scm"
+ "tests/sse2.scm"
+ "tests/sse3.scm"
+ "tests/seg.scm"
+ "tests/brt.scm"
+ ))
+ (define the-opcode16-files
+ (list
+ "tests/alu.scm"
+ "tests/bt.scm"
+ "tests/cmpx.scm"
+ "tests/decinc.scm"
+ "tests/doub-shift.scm"
+ "tests/jcc.scm"
+ "tests/jumps.scm"
+ "tests/load.scm"
+ "tests/mem-ref.scm"
+ "tests/misc1.scm"
+ "tests/misc2.scm"
+ "tests/movx.scm"
+ "tests/non.scm"
+ "tests/plier.scm"
+ "tests/prefix.scm"
+ "tests/ret.scm"
+ "tests/rm2.scm"
+ "tests/rm.scm"
+ "tests/r-rm.scm"
+ "tests/setcc.scm"
+ "tests/shift.scm"
+ "tests/seg.scm"))
+; direc-test ;
+; ========== ;
+; The basic functionality ;
+ (define (direc-test)
+ (newline)
+ (test-export)
+ (test-import)
+ (test-heap)
+ (test-misc)
+ (test-data)
+ (test-data-locals)
+ (test-data-reloc))
+ (define (test-export)
+ (let ((o (sassy '((export foo quux)
+ (text (label bar (pop eax))
+ (label wizo (push eax)))
+ (export wizo)))))
+ (or (and (eqv? 'export (sassy-symbol-scope (sassy-symbol-get o 'foo)))
+ (eqv? 'export (sassy-symbol-scope (sassy-symbol-get o 'quux)))
+ (eqv? 'export (sassy-symbol-scope (sassy-symbol-get o 'wizo)))
+ (eqv? 'local (sassy-symbol-scope (sassy-symbol-get o 'bar)))
+ (succeed "exports"))
+ (fail "exports"))))
+ (define (test-import)
+ (let ((o (sassy '((export bar)
+ (import wizo)
+ (text (label bar (pop eax))
+ (label foo (push edx)))
+ (import qadr)))))
+ (or (and (eqv? 'export (sassy-symbol-scope (sassy-symbol-get o 'bar)))
+ (eqv? 'import (sassy-symbol-scope (sassy-symbol-get o 'wizo)))
+ (eqv? 'import (sassy-symbol-scope (sassy-symbol-get o 'qadr)))
+ (eqv? 'local (sassy-symbol-scope (sassy-symbol-get o 'foo)))
+ (succeed "imports"))
+ (fail "imports"))))
+ (define (test-heap)
+ (let ((o (sassy '((heap (align 128)
+ (label foo (bytes 5))
+ (words 32)
+ (align 16)
+ (label bar (dwords 100)))))))
+ (or (and (= 480 (sassy-heap-size o))
+ (= 128 (sassy-heap-align o))
+ (let ((foo-s (sassy-symbol-get o 'foo)))
+ (and (= 0 (sassy-symbol-offset foo-s))
+ (= 5 (sassy-symbol-size foo-s))))
+ (let ((bar-s (sassy-symbol-get o 'bar)))
+ (and (= 80 (sassy-symbol-offset bar-s))
+ (= 400 (sassy-symbol-size bar-s))))
+ (succeed "heap"))
+ (fail "heap"))))
+ (define (test-misc)
+ (let ((o (sassy '((org 1000)
+ (include %%%include-test "tests/include.scm")))))
+ (succeed "include")
+ (and (or (and (eqv? 'foo (sassy-entry-point o))
+ (succeed "entry"))
+ (fail "entry"))
+ (or (and (= 1000 (sassy-text-org o))
+ (= 1024 (sassy-symbol-offset (sassy-symbol-get o 'foo)))
+ (succeed "org"))
+ (fail "org"))
+ (or (and (= 32 (sassy-text-align o))
+ (equal? (sassy-text-list o)
+ (append (make-list 24 #x90) (list 80)))
+ (succeed "text-align"))
+ (fail "text-align")))))
+ (define (test-data)
+ (let ((o (sassy '((data (label foo (dwords "ab"))
+ (align 8)
+ (label bar (dwords 100 quux))
+ (dwords -3242.52)
+ (qwords -84930284902.48392048)
+ (label quux (dwords -1 #\A bar)))))))
+ (and (or (and (= 40 (sassy-data-size o))
+ (= 8 (sassy-data-align o))
+ (succeed "data-align"))
+ (fail "data-align"))
+ (or (and (= 4 (sassy-symbol-size (sassy-symbol-get o 'foo)))
+ (= 0 (sassy-symbol-offset (sassy-symbol-get o 'foo)))
+ (= 8 (sassy-symbol-size (sassy-symbol-get o 'bar)))
+ (= 8 (sassy-symbol-offset (sassy-symbol-get o 'bar)))
+ (= 12 (sassy-symbol-size (sassy-symbol-get o 'quux)))
+ (= 28 (sassy-symbol-offset (sassy-symbol-get o 'quux)))
+ (equal? (sassy-data-list o)
+ '(97 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 82
+ 168 74 197 226 123 102 77 61 198 51
+ 194 255 255 255 255 65 0 0 0 8 0 0 0))
+ (succeed "data"))
+ (fail "data")))))
+ (define (test-data-locals)
+ (let ((o (sassy '((data
+ (dwords 0)
+ (label foo (dwords "abcd" "efgh"))
+ (locals (foo)
+ (label foo
+ (dwords #xeeeeeeee #xffffffff)
+ (dwords foo)))
+ (dwords foo))))))
+ (if (equal? (sassy-data-list o)
+ '(0 0 0 0 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 238 238 238 238 255
+ 255 255 255 12 0 0 0 4 0 0 0))
+ (succeed "data-locals")
+ (fail "data-locals"))))
+ (define (test-data-reloc)
+ (let ((o (sassy '((data (dwords 100 (reloc abs $here 8))
+ (label foo (dwords (reloc abs $here)
+ (reloc blah quux))))
+ (text
+ (begin (push eax)
+ (nop)
+ (nop)
+ (nop))
+ (label quux (push edx)))))))
+ (or (and (equal? (sassy-data-list o)
+ '(100 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 4 0 0 0))
+ (equal? '(quux data 12 blah)
+ (sassy-reloc->list (car (sassy-reloc-list o))))
+ (equal? '(#f data 8 abs)
+ (sassy-reloc->list (cadr (sassy-reloc-list o))))
+ (equal? '(#f data 4 abs)
+ (sassy-reloc->list (caddr (sassy-reloc-list o))))
+ (succeed "data-reloc"))
+ (fail "data-reloc"))))
+; prim-test ;
+; ========= ;
+; A series of several short tests of some probably (hopefully) common ;
+; usage idioms of the primitives. ;
+ (define (prim-test)
+ (newline)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let* ((goal (file-chars->list
+ (substring x 0 (- (string-length x) 4))))
+ (source (sassy-text-list (sassy x))))
+ (if (equal? goal source)
+ (succeed x)
+ (begin (fail x)
+ (error "")))))
+ the-prim-files))
+ (define the-prim-files
+ (list "tests/prims/seq1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/seq2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/seq3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/alt1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/alt2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/alt3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/alt4.scm"
+ "tests/prims/begin1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/begin2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/begin3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/begin4.scm"
+ "tests/prims/begin5.scm"
+ "tests/prims/if1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/if2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/if3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/if4.scm"
+ "tests/prims/inv1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/inv2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/inv3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/inv4.scm"
+ "tests/prims/inv5.scm"
+ "tests/prims/inv6.scm"
+ "tests/prims/iter1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/iter2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/iter3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/iter4.scm"
+ "tests/prims/iter5.scm"
+ "tests/prims/iter6.scm"
+ "tests/prims/leap-mark1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/leap-mark2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/leap-mark3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/while1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/while2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/while3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-win1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-win2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-win3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-win4.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-win5.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-lose1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-lose2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-lose3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-win-lose1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-win-lose2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-win-lose3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-win-lose4.scm"
+ "tests/prims/with-win-lose5.scm"
+ "tests/prims/exp-k1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/exp-k2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/exp-k3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/exp-k4.scm"
+ "tests/prims/esc1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/esc2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/esc3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/esc4.scm"
+ "tests/prims/esc5.scm"
+ "tests/prims/esc6.scm"
+ "tests/prims/esc7.scm"
+ "tests/prims/label1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/label2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/label3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/label4.scm"
+ "tests/prims/locals1.scm"
+ "tests/prims/locals2.scm"
+ "tests/prims/locals3.scm"
+ "tests/prims/locals4.scm"
+ "tests/prims/locals5.scm"
+ "tests/prims/locals6.scm"
+ "tests/prims/locals7.scm"
+ "tests/prims/locals8.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16alt1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16alt2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16alt3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16alt4.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16begin1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16begin2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16begin3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16begin4.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16begin5.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16if1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16if2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16if3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16if4.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16inv1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16inv2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16inv3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16inv4.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16inv5.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16inv6.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16iter1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16iter2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16iter3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16iter4.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16iter5.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16iter6.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16exp-k1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16exp-k2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16exp-k3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16exp-k4.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16label1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16label2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16label3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16label4.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16leap-mark1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16leap-mark2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16leap-mark3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16locals1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16locals2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16locals3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16locals4.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16locals5.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16locals6.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16locals7.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16locals8.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16seq1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16seq2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16seq3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16while1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16while2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16while3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-lose1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-lose2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-lose3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-win1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-win2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-win3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-win4.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-win5.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-win-lose1.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-win-lose2.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-win-lose3.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-win-lose4.scm"
+ "tests/prims16/16with-win-lose5.scm"
+ ))
+; elf-test ;
+; ========= ;
+; A series of several short tests of some probably (hopefully) common ;
+; usage idioms of the primitives. ;
+ (define (elf-test)
+ (newline)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let* ((source-name
+ (string-append
+ (substring x 0 (- (string-length x) 4))
+ ".new.o"))
+ (goal (file-chars->list
+ (string-append
+ (substring x 0 (- (string-length x) 4))
+ ".o")))
+ (source (begin (sassy-make-elf source-name
+ (sassy x))
+ (file-chars->list source-name))))
+ (if (equal? goal source)
+ (succeed x)
+ (begin (fail x)
+ (error "")))))
+ the-elf-files))
+ (define the-elf-files
+ (list "tests/sysexit.scm"
+ "tests/fac5.scm"
+ "tests/cell.scm"
+ "tests/sysexit2.scm" ; static linking
+ "tests/count.scm"
+ "tests/libhello.scm" ; dynamic linking
+ "tests/libgoodbye.scm"
+ "tests/hello.scm"
+ "tests/bye.scm"
+ "tests/localdata1.scm"
+ "tests/localdata2.scm"
+ "tests/localdata3.scm"
+ "tests/localdata4.scm"
+ "tests/sect.scm")) ; sections of anon relocs
+ (if (eqv? 'all (car args))
+ (begin (opcode-test #t)
+ (opcode-test #f)
+ (prim-test)
+ (direc-test)
+ (elf-test))
+ (let iter ((r args))
+ (if (not (null? r))
+ (begin (case (car r)
+ ((opcodes) (opcode-test #t))
+ ((opcodes16) (opcode-test #f))
+ ((prims) (prim-test))
+ ((direcs) (direc-test))
+ ((elf) (elf-test)))
+ (iter (cdr r)))))))