path: root/module/language/sassy/meta-lambda.scm
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1 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/language/sassy/meta-lambda.scm b/module/language/sassy/meta-lambda.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b19c57fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/language/sassy/meta-lambda.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+; meta-lambda.scm - A simple parser generator
+; Copyright (C) 2005 Jonathan Kraut
+; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+; Contact:
+; Jonathan Kraut
+; 4130 43 ST #C2
+; Sunnyside, NY 11104
+; see file COPYING in the top of Sassy's distribution directory
+; module meta-lambda
+; export-syntax meta-lambda case-meta-lambda memoize
+; Meta-lambda
+; Another Henry Baker-inspired hack. see:
+; See after the code for documentation
+(define-syntax meta-expand
+ (syntax-rules (or and lambda begin quote unquote
+ unquote-splicing __ ? + * ?* else)
+ ((_ p i r (quote a)) (and (not (null? i))
+ (pair? i)
+ (equal? 'a (car i))
+ (begin (set! i (cdr i)) #t)))
+ ((_ p i r (unquote a)) (and (not (null? i))
+ (pair? i)
+ (equal? a (car i))
+ (begin (set! i (cdr i)) #t)))
+ ((_ p i r (unquote-splicing a)) (begin (set! i (list i))
+ (meta-expand p i r a)))
+ ((_ p i r (or a ...)) (let ((ti i) (tp p))
+ (or (or (meta-expand p i r a)
+ (begin (set! i ti)
+ (set-cdr! tp '())
+ (set! p tp)
+ #f))
+ ...)))
+ ((_ p i r (and a ...)) (and (meta-expand p i r a) ...))
+ ((_ p i r (lambda a b ...)) (and (null? i)
+ (apply (lambda a b ...) (cdr r))))
+ ((_ p i r (begin a b ...)) (and (null? i) (begin a b ...)))
+ ((_ p i r (else a)) (let ((tmp (a i)))
+ (set! i '())
+ tmp))
+ ((_ p i r (+ a)) (let* ((nr (list #t))
+ (np nr))
+ (and (meta-expand np i nr a)
+ (do () ((not (meta-expand np i nr a))
+ (set! nr (list (cdr nr)))
+ (set-cdr! p nr)
+ (set! p nr)
+ #t)))))
+ ((_ p i r (* a)) (let* ((nr (list #t))
+ (np nr))
+ (do () ((not (meta-expand np i nr a))
+ (set! nr (list (cdr nr)))
+ (set-cdr! p nr)
+ (set! p nr)
+ #t))))
+ ((_ p i r (?* a)) (or (meta-expand p i r a)
+ #t))
+ ((_ p i r ()) (null? i))
+ ((_ p i r (a)) (and (not (null? i))
+ (pair? i)
+ (cond (((meta-lambda a) (car i)) =>
+ (lambda (res)
+ (if (not (eq? #t res))
+ (begin (set! res (list res))
+ (set-cdr! p res)
+ (set! p res)))
+ (set! i (cdr i))
+ #t))
+ (else #f))))
+ ((_ p i r __) (if (or (pair? i) (null? i))
+ (begin (set-cdr! p i) (set! p i) (set! i '()) '__tail)
+ #f))
+ ((_ p i r ?) (and (not (null? i))
+ (pair? i)
+ (let ((t (list (car i))))
+ (set-cdr! p t)
+ (set! p t)
+ (set! i (cdr i))
+ #t)))
+ ((_ p i r x) (let-syntax ((test (syntax-rules ()
+ ((test x w l) w)
+ ((test y w l) l))))
+ (test __fubar__
+ (and (not (null? i))
+ (pair? i)
+ (cond ((x (car i)) =>
+ (lambda (res)
+ (let ((tmp (if (eq? res #t)
+ (list (car i))
+ (list res))))
+ (set-cdr! p tmp)
+ (set! p tmp)
+ (set! i (cdr i)) #t)))
+ (else #f)))
+ (and (not (null? i))
+ (pair? i)
+ (equal? x (car i))
+ (begin (set! i (cdr i)) #t)))))))
+(define-syntax meta-lambda
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((meta-lambda grammar)
+ (lambda (i)
+ (let* ((r (list #t))
+ (p r))
+ (cond ((meta-expand p i r grammar)
+ => (lambda (res)
+ (if (null? i)
+ (if (eq? res #t)
+ (cond ((null? (cdr r)) #t)
+ ((null? (cddr r)) (cadr r))
+ (else (cdr r)))
+ (if (eq? res '__tail) (cdr r) res))
+ #f)))
+ (else #f)))))))
+; var-arity meta-lambda
+(define-syntax meta-lambda-dot
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ x y ...) (lambda args
+ (let ((tmp (meta-lambda x y ...)))
+ (tmp args))))))
+; Something useful to wrap meta-lambda in to hurry things along.
+; Of course only use this when not using side-effects.
+(define-syntax memoize
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ proc)
+ (let ((the-proc proc))
+ (let ((last-in '%#$%#%#$%)
+ (last-out #f))
+ (lambda (arg2)
+ (if (eq? arg2 last-in)
+ last-out
+ (begin (set! last-in arg2)
+ (set! last-out (the-proc arg2))
+ last-out))))))))
+; |===========|
+; |Meta-lambda|
+; |===========|
+; Meta-lambda is a macro for building parsers and pattern matchers
+; over lists or single items. You can also specify "actions" to be
+; performed when a list has been successfully parsed, so it can also
+; function as a very rudimentary compiler-generator or
+; attribute-grammar-generator (using synthesized attributes).
+; It's really for constructing simple embedded langauges, and it has its
+; limitations if your're not willing to factor out tougher grammars by
+; hand. But I've found it useful.
+; Here's a simple example so you can see where this is going:
+; |=====|
+; |Usage|
+; |=====|
+; meta-lambda grammer -> procedure
+; Grammars are described below. The procedure generated is a procedure
+; of one argument. When applied to an item (usually a list), it attempts
+; to match the grammar with the list and perform any actions specified
+; if it was able to completely match all the items in the list (to the
+; end of the list). If the list or item can not be matched completely,
+; the procedure returns #f.
+; |==============|
+; |The Basic Idea|
+; |==============|
+; Meta-lambda distinguishes between literals, and identifiers it expects
+; to be bound to "predicate-like" procedures. These are procedures of one
+; argument that return either #t or #f (like the usual scheme
+; predicates like symbol? or number?), or another value.
+; As it processes each input-item and the accompanying grammar-item, if
+; the grammar-item is a literal that is equal? to the input-item, then
+; meta-lambda accepts the match but discards the input item.
+; If the grammar-item is a predicate-procedure, then meta-lambda applies
+; that procedure to the input-item. If the result is #f, the match
+; fails. If the result is #t, meta-lambda saves the input item in an
+; internal accumulator-stack. If the result is any other value,
+; meta-lambda saves that value in the stack, instead of the input item.
+; Then, when and if the list is empty and meta-lambda encounters an
+; action (expressed as a lambda expression in the grammar), meta-lambda
+; applies that lambda expression to the items in the stack, and returns
+; the result. (The "stack" is a list). Thus if a lambda-expression is
+; supplied as an action it must contain as many arguments as there were
+; predicate-procedures preceeding it.
+; Since lambda-expression's denote actions to be taken at the end of a
+; match (when the input-list is null), predicate procedures must be
+; expressed by writing the identifier they are bound to. (No anonymous
+; predicates!)
+; You don't have to supply an action. In that case, if the stack is
+; empty, meta-lambda returns true. If there is one item on the stack,
+; meta-lambda returns that item. Otherwise, it returns the whole stack
+; (as a list).
+; There are other options, but that's the gist of it.
+; (define match-foo-bar
+; (meta-lambda
+; (and 'foo 'bar (lambda () 'tada))))
+; (match-foo-bar '(foo bar)) => 'tada
+; (match-foo-bar '(3 cat dog)) => #f
+; (define match-symbol-number-foo
+; (meta-lambda
+; (and symbol? number? 'foo (lambda (sym num)
+; (string-append (symbol->string sym)
+; (number->string num))))))
+; (match-symbol-number-foo '(cat 3 foo)) => "cat3"
+; (match-symbol-number-foo '(cat foo foo)) => #f
+; (define both-of-em
+; (meta-lambda
+; (and match-foo-bar match-symbol-number-foo)))
+; (both-of-em '((foo bar) (cat 3 foo))) => '(tada "cat3")
+; |========|
+; |Grammars|
+; |========|
+; grammar = (or <grammar> ...) ;choice
+; | (and <grammer> ...) ;sequence
+; | (+ <grammar>) ;kleene+
+; | (* <grammar>) ;kleene*
+; | (?* <grammar>) ;kleene?
+; | <literal> ;literals
+; | <identifier> ;predicate-binding
+; | () ;end-of-list
+; | ? ;anything
+; | __ ;rest-of-list
+; | (<grammar>) ;sublist
+; | (unquote <identifier>) ;location
+; | (unquote-splicing <grammer>) ;not-a-list
+; | <action> ;result action
+; | (else <procedure>) ;else-clause
+; action = (lambda <formals> <body>)
+; | (begin <sequence>)
+; literal = (quote <scheme datum>)
+; | <char>
+; | <number>
+; | <string>
+; |==================|
+; |The usual suspects|
+; |==================|
+; choice
+; ======
+; (or <grammar> ...)
+; Try to match each grammar against the input in order. If a match
+; fails, backtrack on the input and revert the stack.
+; sequence
+; ========
+; (and <grammer> ...)
+; Match each grammar against an item in the input, failing as soon as a
+; match fails
+; literals
+; ========
+; 'cat 'dog "three" 34 #\a '(a b c) etc.
+; Compare the input item with the literal using equal?, and discard the
+; input and proceed if the result is #t, otherwise fail
+; identifier
+; ==========
+; symbol? number? boolean? match-and-do-something
+; The identifier should be bound to a procedure of one argument that
+; returns one value. If the result of applying the procedure to the next
+; input item is #f, then fail. If the result is #t, then save the
+; input-item on the stack and proceed. If the result is any other value,
+; save that value on the stack in place of the input item, and proceed.
+; action
+; ======
+; (lambda (x y) <stuff>)
+; (begin (display "foo") (narfle! garthaks))
+; If there is any input remaining, these immediately fail. Otherwise, if
+; a "lambda", apply the lambda to the accumulated stack of
+; predicate-matched items and return the result. If a "begin", ignore
+; the stack and perform the sequence, returning the result.
+; |================|
+; |Useful additions|
+; |================|
+; kleene-star
+; ===========
+; (* <grammar>)
+; Match zero or more occurrences of the grammar, and place the list of
+; the results on the stack.
+; kleene-plus
+; ===========
+; (* <grammar>)
+; Match one or more occurrences of the grammar, and place the list of
+; the results on the stack. (If no results than '() is placed on the
+; stack).
+; kleene?
+; ===========
+; (?* <grammar>)
+; Match zero or one occurrences of the grammar, and place the list of
+; the results on the stack, or do nothing.
+; anything
+; ========
+; ?
+; Automatically match anything and put it on the input stack.
+; rest-of-list
+; ============
+; __
+; Automatically match the rest of a list and place it on the input stack.
+; If followed by a lambda-action, it should be a variable arity lambda in order to bind the result of the match of __.
+; (define number-and-rest
+; (meta-lambda
+; (and number? __ (lambda (num . rest)
+; (cons num (cadr rest))))))
+; (number-and-rest '(3 cat dog foo)) => '(3 . dog)
+; |=============|
+; |Weirder stuff|
+; |=============|
+; end-of-list
+; ===========
+; ()
+; Explicitly match the end of list and proceed.
+; sub-lists
+; =========
+; (<grammar>)
+; Ah, trees. Wrapping a parens around a grammar causes meta-lambda to
+; expect a sublist. It itself can contain actions that return
+; values. The sublist is matched and returns results as if you had
+; written a separte meta-lambda for the sublist, and whatever it returns
+; is placed on the stack as a single item.
+; (define match-lambda-one
+; (meta-lambda
+; (and 'lambda (symbol?) ? (lambda (formals body)
+; `(forms ,@formals)))))
+; (match-lambda-one '(lambda (a) (foo a (bar b c)))) => '(forms . a)
+; (define match-lambda
+; (meta-lambda
+; (and 'lambda ((* symbol?)) ? (lambda (formals body)
+; `(forms ,@formals)))))
+; (match-lambda '(lambda (a b c) (foo a (bar b c)))) => '(forms a b c)
+; location
+; ========
+; (unquote <identifier>)
+; This means match the literal that is bound to the identifier against
+; the next input. Useful for parameterizing.
+; (define (make-foo-matcher x)
+; (meta-lambda
+; (and 'foo ,x)))
+; (define foo-3 (make-foo-matcher 3))
+; (define foo-cat (make-foo-matcher 'cat))
+; (foo-3 '(foo 3)) => #t
+; (foo-3 '(foo 4)) => #f
+; (foo-cat '(foo cat)) => #t
+; (foo-cat '(foo 3)) => #f
+; not-a-list
+; ==========
+; (unquote-splicing <grammar>)
+; Wrap the input (or the next item in the input) in a list, and then
+; match. This way meta-lambda can match lists or single items.
+; (define infix
+; (let ((op? (meta-lambda ;doing this for demo purposes. (case ...)
+; ;is better here
+; (or (and ,@'+ (begin +))
+; (and ,@'- (begin -))
+; (and ,@'* (begin *))))))
+; (meta-lambda
+; (or ,@integer?
+; (and infix op? infix (lambda (a op b) (op a b)))))))
+; (infix '((3 + 4) * ((6 - 3) + 4))) => 49
+; else
+; ====
+; (else <procedure>)
+; If an else-clause is encountered, the rest of the input is immediately
+; accepted, but instead of being accepted on the stack, it is
+; immediately passed to <procedure>, which should be variable arity. The
+; proedure's result, if it returns at all, becomes the result of the
+; whole meta-lambda.
+; (define infix2
+; (let ((op? (lambda (y)
+; (case y
+; ((+) +)
+; ((-) -)
+; ((*) *)))))
+; (meta-lambda
+; (or ,@integer?
+; (and infix op? infix (lambda (a op b) (op a b)))
+; (else (lambda x (error "bad input" x)))))))
+; (infix2 '((3 + 4) * ((foo - 3) + 4))) => &error bad input (foo)
+; |======|
+; |Extras|
+; |======|
+; meta-lambda-dot grammer -> procedure
+; Like meta-lambda, but the procedure returned is variable arity as in:
+; (lambda x ...)
+; The match procedure is applied to the list "x"