path: root/libguile/sort.c
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Merge libguile/generalized-arrays.* into libguile/arrays.*Daniel Llorens2021-08-031-1/+0
| | | | | | | | * libguile/arrays.h: * libguile/arrays.c: As stated. * libguile/init.c: Remove call to scm_init_generalized_arrays(). Elsewhere fix references to generalized-arrays.*.
* Update license notices in all C filesAndy Wingo2018-06-201-17/+17
| | | | | Update to newest recommended license notices from the FSF. Everything stays LGPLv3+ except guile-readline which is GPLv3+.
* Remove (C) from copyright statementsAndy Wingo2018-06-201-1/+1
| | | | | | As the FSF advises, 'There is no legal significance to using the three-character sequence “(C)”, but it does no harm.' It does take up space though! For that reason, we remove it here from our C files.
* Rationalize include order in C filesAndy Wingo2018-06-201-6/+6
| | | | | Include config.h first, then system includes, then libguile includes, in alphabetical order, then the include for the file in question.
* Make libguile header inclusion consistent within libguile c filesAndy Wingo2018-06-201-17/+17
| | | | | Change from '#include "libguile/foo.h"' and '#include <libguile/foo.h>' to '#include "foo.h"'.
* Remove Emacs local variables comments in Guile sourceAndy Wingo2018-06-201-6/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The .dir-locals.el file in the repository is sufficient for Emacs users. * libguile/__scm.h: * libguile/alist.c: * libguile/alist.h: * libguile/array-handle.c: * libguile/array-handle.h: * libguile/array-map.c: * libguile/array-map.h: * libguile/arrays.c: * libguile/arrays.h: * libguile/async.c: * libguile/async.h: * libguile/backtrace.c: * libguile/backtrace.h: * libguile/bitvectors.c: * libguile/bitvectors.h: * libguile/boolean.c: * libguile/boolean.h: * libguile/chars.c: * libguile/chars.h: * libguile/chooks.c: * libguile/chooks.h: * libguile/continuations.c: * libguile/continuations.h: * libguile/control.c: * libguile/conv-integer.i.c: * libguile/debug-malloc.h: * libguile/debug.c: * libguile/debug.h: * libguile/deprecation.c: * libguile/deprecation.h: * libguile/dynl.c: * libguile/dynl.h: * libguile/dynstack.c: * libguile/dynstack.h: * libguile/dynwind.c: * libguile/dynwind.h: * libguile/eq.c: * libguile/eq.h: * libguile/error.c: * libguile/error.h: * libguile/eval.c: * libguile/eval.h: * libguile/evalext.c: * libguile/evalext.h: * libguile/expand.c: * libguile/expand.h: * libguile/extensions.c: * libguile/extensions.h: * libguile/feature.c: * libguile/feature.h: * libguile/filesys.c: * libguile/filesys.h: * libguile/fluids.c: * libguile/fluids.h: * libguile/foreign.c: * libguile/fports.c: * libguile/fports.h: * libguile/frames.c: * libguile/frames.h: * libguile/gc-inline.h: * libguile/gc.c: * libguile/gc.h: * libguile/generalized-arrays.c: * libguile/generalized-arrays.h: * libguile/generalized-vectors.c: * libguile/generalized-vectors.h: * libguile/gettext.c: * libguile/gettext.h: * libguile/goops.c: * libguile/goops.h: * libguile/gsubr.c: * libguile/gsubr.h: * libguile/guardians.c: * libguile/guardians.h: * libguile/guile.c: * libguile/hash.c: * libguile/hash.h: * libguile/hashtab.c: * libguile/hashtab.h: * libguile/hooks.c: * libguile/hooks.h: * libguile/i18n.c: * libguile/i18n.h: * libguile/init.c: * libguile/init.h: * libguile/instructions.c: * libguile/instructions.h: * libguile/intrinsics.c: * libguile/intrinsics.h: * libguile/ioext.c: * libguile/ioext.h: * libguile/iselect.h: * libguile/keywords.c: * libguile/keywords.h: * libguile/list.c: * libguile/list.h: * libguile/load.c: * libguile/load.h: * libguile/loader.c: * libguile/loader.h: * libguile/macros.c: * libguile/macros.h: * libguile/mallocs.c: * libguile/mallocs.h: * libguile/memmove.c: * libguile/memoize.c: * libguile/memoize.h: * libguile/modules.c: * libguile/modules.h: * libguile/net_db.c: * libguile/net_db.h: * libguile/null-threads.c: * libguile/null-threads.h: * libguile/numbers.c: * libguile/numbers.h: * libguile/objprop.c: * libguile/objprop.h: * libguile/options.c: * libguile/options.h: * libguile/pairs.c: * libguile/pairs.h: * libguile/poll.c: * libguile/poll.h: * libguile/ports.c: * libguile/ports.h: * libguile/posix.c: * libguile/posix.h: * libguile/print.c: * libguile/print.h: * libguile/procprop.c: * libguile/procprop.h: * libguile/procs.c: * libguile/procs.h: * libguile/programs.c: * libguile/programs.h: * libguile/promises.c: * libguile/promises.h: * libguile/pthread-threads.h: * libguile/random.c: * libguile/random.h: * libguile/rdelim.c: * libguile/rdelim.h: * libguile/read.c: * libguile/read.h: * libguile/regex-posix.c: * libguile/regex-posix.h: * libguile/rw.c: * libguile/rw.h: * libguile/scmsigs.c: * libguile/scmsigs.h: * libguile/script.c: * libguile/script.h: * libguile/simpos.c: * libguile/simpos.h: * libguile/smob.c: * libguile/smob.h: * libguile/snarf.h: * libguile/socket.c: * libguile/socket.h: * libguile/sort.c: * libguile/sort.h: * libguile/srcprop.c: * libguile/srcprop.h: * libguile/stackchk.c: * libguile/stackchk.h: * libguile/stacks.c: * libguile/stacks.h: * libguile/stime.c: * libguile/stime.h: * libguile/strerror.c: * libguile/strings.c: * libguile/strings.h: * libguile/strorder.c: * libguile/strorder.h: * libguile/strports.c: * libguile/strports.h: * libguile/struct.c: * libguile/struct.h: * libguile/symbols.c: * libguile/symbols.h: * libguile/syntax.c: * libguile/syscalls.h: * libguile/tags.h: * libguile/threads.c: * libguile/threads.h: * libguile/throw.c: * libguile/throw.h: * libguile/trees.h: * libguile/unicode.c: * libguile/unicode.h: * libguile/uniform.c: * libguile/uniform.h: * libguile/values.c: * libguile/values.h: * libguile/variable.c: * libguile/variable.h: * libguile/vectors.c: * libguile/vectors.h: * libguile/version.c: * libguile/vm-engine.c: * libguile/vm-expand.h: * libguile/vm.c: * libguile/vm.h: * libguile/vports.c: * libguile/vports.h: * libguile/weak-list.h: * libguile/weak-set.c: * libguile/weak-set.h: * libguile/weak-table.c: * libguile/weak-table.h: * libguile/weak-vector.c: * libguile/weak-vector.h: Remove needless trailing comments.
* Remove _scm.hAndy Wingo2018-06-201-1/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * libguile/_scm.h: Remove. An internal header, never installed. * libguile/__scm.h: Remove horrible documentation. * libguile/ (EXTRA_libguile_@GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION@_la_SOURCES): Remove _scm.h. * libguile/alist.c: * libguile/array-handle.c: * libguile/array-map.c: * libguile/arrays.c: * libguile/async.c: * libguile/atomic.c: * libguile/backtrace.c: * libguile/bitvectors.c: * libguile/boolean.c: * libguile/bytevectors.c: * libguile/chars.c: * libguile/continuations.c: * libguile/control.c: * libguile/debug-malloc.c: * libguile/debug.c: * libguile/deprecated.c: * libguile/deprecation.c: * libguile/dynl.c: * libguile/dynstack.c: * libguile/dynwind.c: * libguile/eq.c: * libguile/error.c: * libguile/eval.c: * libguile/evalext.c: * libguile/expand.c: * libguile/extensions.c: * libguile/fdes-finalizers.c: * libguile/feature.c: * libguile/filesys.c: * libguile/finalizers.c: * libguile/fluids.c: * libguile/foreign-object.c: * libguile/foreign.c: * libguile/fports.c: * libguile/frames.c: * libguile/gc-malloc.c: * libguile/gc.c: * libguile/gen-scmconfig.c: * libguile/generalized-arrays.c: * libguile/generalized-vectors.c: * libguile/gettext.c: * libguile/goops.c: * libguile/gsubr.c: * libguile/guardians.c: * libguile/hash.c: * libguile/hashtab.c: * libguile/hooks.c: * libguile/i18n.c: * libguile/init.c: * libguile/instructions.c: * libguile/intrinsics.c: * libguile/ioext.c: * libguile/keywords.c: * libguile/list.c: * libguile/load.c: * libguile/loader.c: * libguile/macros.c: * libguile/mallocs.c: * libguile/memoize.c: * libguile/modules.c: * libguile/net_db.c: * libguile/null-threads.c: * libguile/numbers.c: * libguile/objprop.c: * libguile/options.c: * libguile/pairs.c: * libguile/poll.c: * libguile/ports-internal.h: * libguile/ports.c: * libguile/posix.c: * libguile/print.c: * libguile/procprop.c: * libguile/procs.c: * libguile/programs.c: * libguile/promises.c: * libguile/r6rs-ports.c: * libguile/random.c: * libguile/rdelim.c: * libguile/read.c: * libguile/regex-posix.c: * libguile/rw.c: * libguile/scmsigs.c: * libguile/script.c: * libguile/simpos.c: * libguile/smob.c: * libguile/socket.c: * libguile/sort.c: * libguile/srcprop.c: * libguile/srfi-1.c: * libguile/srfi-13.c: * libguile/srfi-14.c: * libguile/srfi-4.c: * libguile/srfi-60.c: * libguile/stackchk.c: * libguile/stacks.c: * libguile/stime.c: * libguile/strings.c: * libguile/strorder.c: * libguile/strports.c: * libguile/struct.c: * libguile/symbols.c: * libguile/syntax.c: * libguile/threads.c: * libguile/throw.c: * libguile/trees.c: * libguile/unicode.c: * libguile/uniform.c: * libguile/values.c: * libguile/variable.c: * libguile/vectors.c: * libguile/version.c: * libguile/vm.c: * libguile/vports.c: * libguile/weak-set.c: * libguile/weak-table.c: * libguile/weak-vector.c: Remove _scm.h includes.
* Move subr snarfing macros to gsubr.h.Andy Wingo2018-06-201-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * libguile/snarf.h: Remove gsubr include and subr snarfers. * libguile/gsubr.h (SCM_DEFINE_GSUBR, SCM_DEFINE, SCM_PRIMITIVE_GENERIC): (SCM_DEFINE_PUBLIC, SCM_PROC, SCM_REGISTER_PROC, SCM_GPROC): Move here. * libguile/alist.c: * libguile/array-map.c: * libguile/arrays.c: * libguile/async.c: * libguile/atomic.c: * libguile/backtrace.c: * libguile/bitvectors.c: * libguile/boolean.c: * libguile/bytevectors.c: * libguile/chars.c: * libguile/continuations.c: * libguile/control.c: * libguile/debug-malloc.c: * libguile/debug.c: * libguile/deprecation.c: * libguile/dynl.c: * libguile/eq.c: * libguile/error.c: * libguile/error.h: * libguile/eval.c: * libguile/evalext.c: * libguile/expand.c: * libguile/extensions.c: * libguile/fdes-finalizers.c: * libguile/feature.c: * libguile/filesys.c: * libguile/finalizers.c: * libguile/fluids.c: * libguile/foreign-object.c: * libguile/foreign.c: * libguile/fports.c: * libguile/frames.c: * libguile/gc.c: * libguile/generalized-arrays.c: * libguile/generalized-vectors.c: * libguile/gettext.c: * libguile/guardians.c: * libguile/hash.c: * libguile/hashtab.c: * libguile/hooks.c: * libguile/i18n.c: * libguile/instructions.c: * libguile/intrinsics.c: * libguile/ioext.c: * libguile/keywords.c: * libguile/list.c: * libguile/load.c: * libguile/loader.c: * libguile/macros.c: * libguile/memoize.c: * libguile/modules.c: * libguile/net_db.c: * libguile/numbers.c: * libguile/objprop.c: * libguile/pairs.c: * libguile/poll.c: * libguile/ports.c: * libguile/posix.c: * libguile/print.c: * libguile/procs.c: * libguile/programs.c: * libguile/promises.c: * libguile/r6rs-ports.c: * libguile/random.c: * libguile/rdelim.c: * libguile/read.c: * libguile/regex-posix.c: * libguile/rw.c: * libguile/scmsigs.c: * libguile/simpos.c: * libguile/smob.c: * libguile/socket.c: * libguile/sort.c: * libguile/srcprop.c: * libguile/srfi-1.c: * libguile/srfi-13.c: * libguile/srfi-14.c: * libguile/srfi-4.c: * libguile/srfi-60.c: * libguile/stackchk.c: * libguile/stacks.c: * libguile/stime.c: * libguile/strings.c: * libguile/strorder.c: * libguile/strports.c: * libguile/struct.c: * libguile/symbols.c: * libguile/syntax.c: * libguile/threads.c: * libguile/throw.c: * libguile/trees.c: * libguile/unicode.c: * libguile/values.c: * libguile/variable.c: * libguile/vectors.c: * libguile/version.c: * libguile/vm.c: * libguile/vports.c: * libguile/weak-table.c: * libguile/weak-vector.c: Add gsubr includes.
* Devolve pairs.hAndy Wingo2018-06-181-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * libguile/_scm.h: Remove pairs.h. * libguile/alist.c: * libguile/array-handle.c: * libguile/array-map.c: * libguile/arrays.c: * libguile/async.c: * libguile/bitvectors.c: * libguile/bytevectors.c: * libguile/chars.c: * libguile/continuations.c: * libguile/control.c: * libguile/debug.c: * libguile/deprecation.c: * libguile/dynwind.c: * libguile/eq.c: * libguile/eval.c: * libguile/evalext.c: * libguile/expand.c: * libguile/fdes-finalizers.c: * libguile/feature.c: * libguile/filesys.c: * libguile/fluids.c: * libguile/foreign.c: * libguile/fports.c: * libguile/gc.c: * libguile/generalized-arrays.c: * libguile/goops.c: * libguile/guardians.c: * libguile/hash.c: * libguile/hashtab.c: * libguile/hooks.c: * libguile/i18n.c: * libguile/instructions.c: * libguile/ioext.c: * libguile/keywords.c: * libguile/list.c: * libguile/load.c: * libguile/loader.c: * libguile/memoize.c: * libguile/modules.c: * libguile/net_db.c: * libguile/numbers.c: * libguile/objprop.c: * libguile/options.c: * libguile/ports-internal.h: * libguile/ports.c: * libguile/posix.c: * libguile/print.c: * libguile/print.h: * libguile/procprop.c: * libguile/programs.c: * libguile/random.c: * libguile/rdelim.c: * libguile/read.c: * libguile/regex-posix.c: * libguile/scmsigs.c: * libguile/script.c: * libguile/socket.c: * libguile/sort.c: * libguile/srcprop.c: * libguile/srfi-1.c: * libguile/srfi-13.c: * libguile/srfi-14.c: * libguile/srfi-60.c: * libguile/stacks.c: * libguile/stime.c: * libguile/strings.c: * libguile/strorder.c: * libguile/struct.c: * libguile/symbols.c: * libguile/threads.c: * libguile/throw.c: * libguile/trees.c: * libguile/values.c: * libguile/vectors.c: * libguile/vm.c: * libguile/weak-list.h: * libguile/weak-set.c: * libguile/weak-table.c: * libguile/weak-vector.c: Add pairs.h.
* Devolve boolean.h include.Andy Wingo2018-06-181-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * libguile/_scm.h: Remove boolean.h include. * libguile/alist.c: * libguile/array-map.c: * libguile/arrays.c: * libguile/backtrace.c: * libguile/bitvectors.c: * libguile/chars.c: * libguile/continuations.c: * libguile/dynwind.c: * libguile/eq.c: * libguile/eval.c: * libguile/expand.c: * libguile/fdes-finalizers.c: * libguile/filesys.c: * libguile/foreign.c: * libguile/fports.c: * libguile/frames.c: * libguile/generalized-arrays.h: * libguile/goops.c: * libguile/goops.h: * libguile/guardians.c: * libguile/hooks.c: * libguile/i18n.c: * libguile/intrinsics.c: * libguile/list.c: * libguile/load.c: * libguile/loader.c: * libguile/macros.c: * libguile/memoize.c: * libguile/modules.c: * libguile/net_db.c: * libguile/numbers.c: * libguile/options.c: * libguile/ports.c: * libguile/print.c: * libguile/procprop.c: * libguile/procs.h: * libguile/programs.c: * libguile/r6rs-ports.c: * libguile/read.c: * libguile/scmsigs.c: * libguile/sort.c: * libguile/srcprop.h: * libguile/srfi-1.c: * libguile/srfi-13.c: * libguile/srfi-14.c: * libguile/srfi-14.h: * libguile/srfi-4.c: * libguile/stacks.c: * libguile/stime.c: * libguile/strorder.c: * libguile/struct.c: * libguile/struct.h: * libguile/symbols.c: * libguile/threads.c: * libguile/throw.c: * libguile/vports.c: Add boolean.h includes.
* Remove list.h from _scm.hAndy Wingo2018-06-181-2/+3
| | | | | * libguile/_scm.h: Remove list.h include. Add appropriate includes to relevant callers.
* Remove includes of validate.h.Andy Wingo2018-06-181-1/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * guile-readline/readline.c: * libguile/alist.c: * libguile/array-map.c: * libguile/arrays.c: * libguile/async.c: * libguile/atomic.c: * libguile/backtrace.c: * libguile/boolean.c: * libguile/bytevectors.c: * libguile/chars.c: * libguile/continuations.c: * libguile/debug.c: * libguile/dynl.c: * libguile/eq.c: * libguile/error.c: * libguile/eval.c: * libguile/evalext.c: * libguile/expand.c: * libguile/feature.c: * libguile/filesys.c: * libguile/fluids.c: * libguile/fports.c: * libguile/gc-malloc.c: * libguile/gc.c: * libguile/goops.c: * libguile/goops.h: * libguile/guardians.c: * libguile/hash.c: * libguile/hashtab.c: * libguile/hashtab.h: * libguile/hooks.c: * libguile/i18n.c: * libguile/ioext.c: * libguile/keywords.c: * libguile/list.c: * libguile/load.c: * libguile/macros.c: * libguile/memoize.c: * libguile/modules.h: * libguile/net_db.c: * libguile/numbers.c: * libguile/pairs.c: * libguile/poll.c: * libguile/ports.c: * libguile/posix.c: * libguile/print.c: * libguile/procprop.c: * libguile/procs.c: * libguile/promises.c: * libguile/r6rs-ports.c: * libguile/random.c: * libguile/rdelim.c: * libguile/read.c: * libguile/regex-posix.c: * libguile/rw.c: * libguile/scmsigs.c: * libguile/script.c: * libguile/simpos.c: * libguile/socket.c: * libguile/sort.c: * libguile/srcprop.c: * libguile/srfi-1.c: * libguile/srfi-4.c: * libguile/srfi-60.c: * libguile/stacks.c: * libguile/stime.c: * libguile/strings.c: * libguile/strorder.c: * libguile/strports.c: * libguile/struct.c: * libguile/symbols.c: * libguile/syntax.c: * libguile/threads.c: * libguile/throw.c: * libguile/trees.c: * libguile/unicode.c: * libguile/values.c: * libguile/variable.c: * libguile/vectors.c: * libguile/vports.c: * libguile/weak-set.c: * libguile/weak-table.c: * libguile/weak-vector.c: * libguile.h: Remove validate.h include.
* Fix libguile subcomponent headers not to include <libguile.h>Andy Wingo2018-06-141-1/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * libguile/bytevectors.h: Include uniform.h, for use in the macros. * libguile/extensions.h: Include libpath.h, for the SCM_EFFECTIVE_VERSION, which is almost always used with these routines. * libguile/frames.h: * libguile/instructions.h: * libguile/intrinsics.h: * libguile/loader.h: * libguile/programs.h: * libguile/vm.h: Include <libguile/__scm.h> instead of <libguile.h>. Cuts a circular include, but also precipitates a lot of maintenance in the .c files. * libguile/*.c: Update C files to add needed all needed includes that before were getting automatically pulled in by the indirect inclusion of libguile.h.
* Fix sort, sort! for arrays with nonzero lower boundDaniel Llorens2017-10-311-28/+40
| | | | | | | | | | | | * module/ice-9/arrays.scm (array-copy): New function, export. * module/ Install (ice-9 arrays). * doc/ref/api-data.texi: Add documentation for (ice-9 arrays). * libguile/quicksort.i.c: Use signed bounds throughout. * libguile/sort.c (scm_restricted_vector_sort_x): Fix error calls. Fix calls to quicksort. * test-suite/tests/sort.test: Actually test that the sorted results match the original data. Test cases for non-zero base index arrays for sort, sort!, and stable-sort!.
* Attempt to mutate residualized literal pair throws exceptionAndy Wingo2017-04-181-4/+16
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * libguile/validate.h (SCM_VALIDATE_MUTABLE_PAIR): * libguile/pairs.h (scm_is_mutable_pair): New internal definitions. * libguile/pairs.c (scm_set_car_x, scm_set_cdr_x): Validate mutable pairs. * libguile/alist.c (scm_assq_set_x, scm_assv_set_x, scm_assoc_set_x): * libguile/list.c (scm_reverse_x, scm_list_set_x, scm_list_cdr_set_x): * libguile/srcprop.c (scm_make_srcprops): * libguile/srfi-1.c (scm_srfi1_append_reverse_x) (scm_srfi1_delete_duplicates_x): * libguile/symbols.c (scm_symbol_fset_x, scm_symbol_pset_x): * libguile/sort.c (scm_merge_list_x): Use scm_set_car_x / scm_set_cdr_x instead of the macros, so as to check for mutable pairs. (SCM_VALIDATE_MUTABLE_LIST): New internal helper macro. (scm_sort_x, scm_stable_sort_x, scm_sort_list_x): Use SCM_VALIDATE_MUTABLE_LIST. * libguile/vm-engine.c (VM_VALIDATE_MUTABLE_PAIR): New definition. (set-car!, set-cdr!): Use VM_VALIDATE_MUTABLE_PAIR. Fix error message for set-cdr!.
* Support typed arrays in some sort functionsDaniel Llorens2016-11-231-42/+89
| | | | | | | | | * libguile/sort.c (sort!, sort, restricted-vector-sort!, sorted?): Support arrays of rank 1, whatever the type. * libguile/quicksort.i.c: Fix accessors to handle typed arrays. * test-suite/tests/sort.test: Test also with typed arrays.
* Change uses of scm_is_simple_vector to scm_is_vectorDaniel Llorens2014-02-081-11/+5
| | | | | | | | | | | | * libguile/filesys.c, libguile/random.c, libguile/stime.c, libguile/trees.c, libguile/validate.h: use scm_is_vector instead of scm_is_simple_vector. * libguile/sort.c (scm_sort_x, scm_sort, scm_stable_sort_x) (scm_stable_sort): Remove scm_is_vector check; scm_is_array is sufficient. * test-suite/tests/arrays.test: Fix header. * test-suite/tests/random.test: New coverage test covering random:normal-vector!. * test-suite/ Include random.test in make check.
* Deprecate the use of the vector interface on arraysAndy Wingo2014-02-081-6/+10
| | | | | | | | | | * libguile/vectors.c (scm_is_vector): Deprecate use on weak vectors and arrays. (scm_is_simple_vector): Deprecate use on weak vectors. (scm_vector_length, scm_c_vector_ref, scm_c_vector_set_x): Deprecate use on arrays. * libguile/sort.c: Adapt to check explicitly for arrays.
* Fix and clarify documentation of `sorted?'.Ludovic Courtès2012-04-221-4/+7
| | | | | | | | Fixed <>. Reported by Alexei Matveev <>. * libguile/sort.c (scm_sorted_p): Fix and clarify docstring. * doc/ref/api-utility.texi (Sorting): Update accordingly.
* Fix likely crash in `stable-sort!'Andreas Rottmann2011-06-091-1/+6
| | | | | | * libguile/sort.c (scm_stable_sort_x): Properly handle zero-length vectors. * test-suite/tests/sort.test ("stable-sort"): Add test for this case.
* remove libguile/lang.h, deprecate %nil (in favor of #nil)Andy Wingo2010-04-091-2/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * libguile/ * libguile/init.c: * libguile/lang.c: * libguile/lang.h: Remove lang.c and lang.h. * libguile/pairs.h (SCM_NIL_P, SCM_NULL_OR_NIL_P): Moved here. * module/ice-9/deprecated.scm (%nil): %nil definition moved here. * libguile/alist.c: * libguile/async.c: * libguile/backtrace.c: * libguile/boolean.c: * libguile/dynl.c: * libguile/eval.c: * libguile/filesys.c: * libguile/fluids.c: * libguile/list.c: * libguile/load.c: * libguile/options.c: * libguile/posix.c: * libguile/print.c: * libguile/promises.c: * libguile/sort.c: * libguile/throw.c: * libguile/trees.c: * libguile/vectors.c: * libguile/vm.c: * libguile/weaks.c: * srfi/srfi-1.c: <libguile/lang.h> references removed.
* remove uses of trampolines within guile itselfAndy Wingo2009-12-011-42/+24
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * libguile/eval.c (scm_map, scm_for_each) * libguile/hashtab.c (scm_hash_for_each_handle) * libguile/list.c (scm_filter, scm_filter_x) * libguile/quicksort.i.c: * libguile/sort.c (scm_restricted_vector_sort_x, scm_sorted_p) (scm_merge, scm_merge_list_x, scm_merge_x) (scm_merge_list_step, scm_sort_x, scm_sort, scm_merge_vector_x) (scm_merge_vector_step, scm_stable_sort_x, scm_sort_list_x) (scm_sort_list)nn * libguile/srfi-13.c (scm_string_any, scm_string_every) (scm_string_tabulate, scm_string_trim, string_trim_right) (scm_string_trim_both, scm_string_index, scm_string_index_right) (scm_string_skip, scm_string_skip_right, scm_string_count) (scm_string_map, scm_string_map_x, scm_string_for_each) (scm_string_for_each_index, scm_string_filter, scm_string_delete): Remove uses of trampolines.
* rename unif.[ch] to arrays.[ch]Andy Wingo2009-07-191-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * libguile/ * libguile/unif.c: * libguile/unif.h: * libguile/arrays.c: * libguile/arrays.h: Rename unif.[ch] to arrays.[ch]. * libguile.h: * libguile/array-handle.c: * libguile/array-map.c: * libguile/bitvectors.c: * libguile/bytevectors.c: * libguile/eq.c: * libguile/gc-card.c: * libguile/gc-malloc.c: * libguile/gc-mark.c: * libguile/gc.c: * libguile/init.c: * libguile/inline.h: * libguile/print.c: * libguile/random.c: * libguile/read.c: * libguile/socket.c: * libguile/sort.c: * libguile/srfi-4.c: * libguile/srfi-4.h: * libguile/strports.c: * libguile/vectors.c: * libguile/vectors.h: Update includers.
* rename ramap.[ch] to array-map.[ch]Andy Wingo2009-07-191-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | * libguile/array-map.c: * libguile/array-map.h: Rename from ramap.c and ramap.h. * libguile.h: * libguile/ * libguile/eq.c: * libguile/init.c: * libguile/sort.c: * libguile/unif.c: * libguile/vectors.c: All referrers changed.
* Change Guile license to LGPLv3+Neil Jerram2009-06-171-6/+7
| | | | | | | | | | (Not quite finished, the following will be done tomorrow. module/srfi/*.scm module/rnrs/*.scm module/scripts/*.scm testsuite/*.scm guile-readline/* )
* Include <config.h> in all C files; use `#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H' rather than `#if'.Ludovic Courtès2008-09-131-1/+5
* copyright yearKevin Ryde2007-03-071-1/+1
* merge from 1.8 branchKevin Ryde2007-03-071-0/+3
* merge from 1.8 branchKevin Ryde2006-04-171-1/+1
* The FSF has a new address.Marius Vollmer2005-05-231-1/+1
* (scm_array_handle_release): New, changed all uses ofMarius Vollmer2005-01-061-0/+7
| | | | | | scm_t_array_handle to properly call it. (scm_vector_get_handle, scm_generalized_vector_get_handle): Renamed former to latter, changed all uses.
* * sort.c (quicksort): Added INC parameter for non-contigousMarius Vollmer2005-01-021-348/+83
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | vectors. (quicksort1): New, for contigous vectors. Both functions are generated from the same code by including "quicksort.i.c". (scm_restricted_vector_sort_x): Call one of quicksort and quicksort1, depending on increment of vector. (scm_sort): Simply call scm_sort_x on a copy of the list or vector. (scm_merge_vector_x, scm_merge_vector_step): Changed indices to size_t, added inc parameter. (scm_stable_sort_x): Allocate temporary storage as Scheme vector so that it doesn't leak. (scm_stable_sort): Simply call scm_stable_sort_x on a copy of the list or vector. * tags.h, weaks.c, vports.c, hashtab.c, convert.c, sort.c: Use new vector elements API or simple vector API, as appropriate. Removed SCM_HAVE_ARRAYS ifdefery. Replaced all uses of SCM_HASHTABLE_BUCKETS with SCM_HASHTABLE_BUCKET.
* (quicksort): Don't use C99 variable declarations.Marius Vollmer2004-11-021-5/+4
* (quicksort, scm_merge, scm_merge_list_x,Marius Vollmer2004-10-221-1/+9
| | | | | scm_merge_list_step, scm_merge_vector_step): Inserted SCM_TICKs at strategic places so that the loops can be interrupted.
* (quicksort): Copy pivot out of the array while constructing theMarius Vollmer2004-10-191-2/+4
| | | | | | | partitions; it could get overwritten otherwise. Because of the ultimate insertion sort, this bug did not cause quicksort to fail, it just put all the burdon on the insertion sort and was thus very slow. Thanks to Rolan Orre for reporting the slowness!
* (scm_restricted_vector_sort_x): Validate startpos <= endpos. StateMarius Vollmer2004-10-191-2/+3
| | | | inclusiveness/exclusiveness if bounds in docstring.
* *** empty log message ***Marius Vollmer2004-09-221-5/+5
* * deprecated.h, deprecated.c, numbers.h (SCM_INUMP, SCM_NINUMP,Marius Vollmer2004-07-231-4/+4
| | | | | | | SCM_INUM): Deprecated by reenaming them to SCM_I_INUMP, SCM_I_NINUMP and SCM_I_INUM, respectively and adding deprecated versions to deprecated.h and deprecated.c. Changed all uses to either use the SCM_I_ variants or scm_is_*, scm_to_*, or scm_from_*, as appropriate.
* * validate.h, deprecated.h (SCM_VALIDATE_INUM, SCM_VALIDATE_INUM_COPY,Marius Vollmer2004-07-101-4/+2
| | | | | | | | | | SCM_VALIDATE_BIGINT, SCM_VALIDATE_INUM_MIN, SCM_VALIDATE_INUM_MIN_COPY, SCM_VALIDATE_INUM_MIN_DEF_COPY,SCM_VALIDATE_INUM_DEF, SCM_VALIDATE_INUM_DEF_COPY, SCM_VALIDATE_INUM_RANGE, SCM_VALIDATE_INUM_RANGE_COPY): Deprecated because they make the fixnum/bignum distinction visible. Changed all uses to scm_to_size_t or similar.
* * numbers.h (SCM_MAKINUM, SCM_I_MAKINUM): Renamed SCM_MAKINUM toMarius Vollmer2004-07-081-4/+4
| | | | SCM_I_MAKINUM and changed all uses.
* * deprecated.h, boolean.h (SCM_FALSEP, SCM_NFALSEP, SCM_BOOL,Marius Vollmer2004-07-061-15/+15
| | | | | | SCM_NEGATE_BOOL, SCM_BOOLP): Deprecated by moving into "deprecated.h". Replaced all uses with scm_is_false, scm_is_true, scm_from_bool, and scm_is_bool, respectively.
* * sort.c, pairs.h: Removed unnecessary includes.Dirk Herrmann2003-04-231-3/+0
* * test-suite/tests/sort.test: Added. Both tests in that file didDirk Herrmann2003-04-221-281/+167
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fail (one even with a segfault) with CVS guile before the recent changes to libguile/sort.c. * libguile/sort.c: Replaced hand-made trampline code by the new official mechanism from eval.c. This fixes a segfault in the new test file test-suite/tests/sort.test. (quicksort, compare_function, scm_restricted_vector_sort_x, scm_sorted_p, scm_merge, scm_merge_list_x, scm_merge_x, scm_merge_list_step, scm_sort_x, scm_sort, scm_merge_vector_x, scm_merge_vector_step, scm_stable_sort_x, scm_stable_sort, scm_sort_list_x, scm_sort_list): Use trampoline mechanism from eval.c. (subr2less, lsubrless, closureless, applyless, scm_cmp_function, cmp_fun_t): Removed. (compare_function): Added. * libguile/sort.c (quicksort, SWAP, stack_node): Replaced pointer arithmetics with index arithmetics. Changed quicksort to work on an array of SCM values instead of an array of characters. Avoid bytewise copying of SCM elements. Avoid allocating memory on the stack with alloca. Fixed some comments.
* Changed license terms to the plain LGPL thru-out.Marius Vollmer2003-04-051-36/+12
* * sort.c: fix various preprocessor usages of new publicRob Browning2003-03-271-2/+2
| | | | | symbols to expect 0 or 1 values rather than 1 or undefined. i.e. change #ifdef to #if, etc.
* * sort.c: #include <config.h> if HAVE_CONFIG_H. Rename usage ofRob Browning2003-03-261-2/+7
* * eval.h (scm_t_trampoline_1, scm_t_trampoline_2): New types.Mikael Djurfeldt2002-12-011-12/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * eval.c, eval.h (scm_trampoline_1, scm_trampoline_2): New functions. * eval.c (call_subr2_2, call_lsubr_2, call_closure_2): New functions; (map, for-each): Handle also application on two args as a special case; Use trampolines. * sort.c (scm_cmp_function): Choose subr2less for scm_tc7_subr_2o; (subr2oless): Removed. (scm_restricted_vector_sort_x): Use scm_return_first to keep the vector GC protected. * eval.c (check_map_args): Use scm_out_of_range_pos instead of scm_out_of_range.
* * mallocs.c (scm_malloc_obj): use scm_gc_malloc in stead ofHan-Wen Nienhuys2002-08-161-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | malloc. * gc-segment.c (scm_i_get_new_heap_segment): remove cluster cruft: only use SCM_MIN_HEAP_SEG_SIZE. * ports.c (scm_add_to_port_table): add backwards compatibility function * ports.h: use scm_i_ prefix for port table and port table size.
* * macros.c: include deprecation.hHan-Wen Nienhuys2002-07-211-43/+45
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * vectors.c (s_scm_vector_move_right_x): remove side effect in macro arg. (s_scm_vector_move_left_x): idem. * net_db.c, posix.c, socket.c: variable naming: change ans to result. * sort.c (scm_merge_vector_x): accept vector as argument iso. SCM*. This is needed for full GC correctness. * gc.h: undo previous undocumented changes related to #ifdef GENGC.
* 2002-07-20 Han-Wen <>Han-Wen Nienhuys2002-07-201-28/+42
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | * *.c: add space after commas everywhere. * *.c: use SCM_VECTOR_SET everywhere, where a vector is written. Document cases where SCM_WRITABLE_VELTS() is used. * vectors.h (SCM_VELTS): prepare for write barrier, and let SCM_VELTS() return a const pointer (SCM_VECTOR_SET): add macro. * (mscripts): find and check version number of autoconf. Complain if 2.53 is not found.