@c -*-texinfo-*- @c This is part of the GNU Guile Reference Manual. @c Copyright (C) 1996-1997, 2000-2005, 2010-2011, 2013-2016 @c Free Software Foundation, Inc. @c See the file guile.texi for copying conditions. @node General Libguile Concepts @section General concepts for using libguile When you want to embed the Guile Scheme interpreter into your program or library, you need to link it against the @file{libguile} library (@pxref{Linking Programs With Guile}). Once you have done this, your C code has access to a number of data types and functions that can be used to invoke the interpreter, or make new functions that you have written in C available to be called from Scheme code, among other things. Scheme is different from C in a number of significant ways, and Guile tries to make the advantages of Scheme available to C as well. Thus, in addition to a Scheme interpreter, libguile also offers dynamic types, garbage collection, continuations, arithmetic on arbitrary sized numbers, and other things. The two fundamental concepts are dynamic types and garbage collection. You need to understand how libguile offers them to C programs in order to use the rest of libguile. Also, the more general control flow of Scheme caused by continuations needs to be dealt with. Running asynchronous signal handlers and multi-threading is known to C code already, but there are of course a few additional rules when using them together with libguile. @menu * Dynamic Types:: Dynamic Types. * Garbage Collection:: Garbage Collection. * Control Flow:: Control Flow. * Asynchronous Signals:: Asynchronous Signals * Multi-Threading:: Multi-Threading @end menu @node Dynamic Types @subsection Dynamic Types Scheme is a dynamically-typed language; this means that the system cannot, in general, determine the type of a given expression at compile time. Types only become apparent at run time. Variables do not have fixed types; a variable may hold a pair at one point, an integer at the next, and a thousand-element vector later. Instead, values, not variables, have fixed types. In order to implement standard Scheme functions like @code{pair?} and @code{string?} and provide garbage collection, the representation of every value must contain enough information to accurately determine its type at run time. Often, Scheme systems also use this information to determine whether a program has attempted to apply an operation to an inappropriately typed value (such as taking the @code{car} of a string). Because variables, pairs, and vectors may hold values of any type, Scheme implementations use a uniform representation for values --- a single type large enough to hold either a complete value or a pointer to a complete value, along with the necessary typing information. In Guile, this uniform representation of all Scheme values is the C type @code{SCM}. This is an opaque type and its size is typically equivalent to that of a pointer to @code{void}. Thus, @code{SCM} values can be passed around efficiently and they take up reasonably little storage on their own. The most important rule is: You never access a @code{SCM} value directly; you only pass it to functions or macros defined in libguile. As an obvious example, although a @code{SCM} variable can contain integers, you can of course not compute the sum of two @code{SCM} values by adding them with the C @code{+} operator. You must use the libguile function @code{scm_sum}. Less obvious and therefore more important to keep in mind is that you also cannot directly test @code{SCM} values for trueness. In Scheme, the value @code{#f} is considered false and of course a @code{SCM} variable can represent that value. But there is no guarantee that the @code{SCM} representation of @code{#f} looks false to C code as well. You need to use @code{scm_is_true} or @code{scm_is_false} to test a @code{SCM} value for trueness or falseness, respectively. You also can not directly compare two @code{SCM} values to find out whether they are identical (that is, whether they are @code{eq?} in Scheme terms). You need to use @code{scm_is_eq} for this. The one exception is that you can directly assign a @code{SCM} value to a @code{SCM} variable by using the C @code{=} operator. The following (contrived) example shows how to do it right. It implements a function of two arguments (@var{a} and @var{flag}) that returns @var{a}+1 if @var{flag} is true, else it returns @var{a} unchanged. @example SCM my_incrementing_function (SCM a, SCM flag) @{ SCM result; if (scm_is_true (flag)) result = scm_sum (a, scm_from_int (1)); else result = a; return result; @} @end example Often, you need to convert between @code{SCM} values and appropriate C values. For example, we needed to convert the integer @code{1} to its @code{SCM} representation in order to add it to @var{a}. Libguile provides many function to do these conversions, both from C to @code{SCM} and from @code{SCM} to C. The conversion functions follow a common naming pattern: those that make a @code{SCM} value from a C value have names of the form @code{scm_from_@var{type} (@dots{})} and those that convert a @code{SCM} value to a C value use the form @code{scm_to_@var{type} (@dots{})}. However, it is best to avoid converting values when you can. When you must combine C values and @code{SCM} values in a computation, it is often better to convert the C values to @code{SCM} values and do the computation by using libguile functions than to the other way around (converting @code{SCM} to C and doing the computation some other way). As a simple example, consider this version of @code{my_incrementing_function} from above: @example SCM my_other_incrementing_function (SCM a, SCM flag) @{ int result; if (scm_is_true (flag)) result = scm_to_int (a) + 1; else result = scm_to_int (a); return scm_from_int (result); @} @end example This version is much less general than the original one: it will only work for values @var{A} that can fit into a @code{int}. The original function will work for all values that Guile can represent and that @code{scm_sum} can understand, including integers bigger than @code{long long}, floating point numbers, complex numbers, and new numerical types that have been added to Guile by third-party libraries. Also, computing with @code{SCM} is not necessarily inefficient. Small integers will be encoded directly in the @code{SCM} value, for example, and do not need any additional memory on the heap. See @ref{Data Representation} to find out the details. Some special @code{SCM} values are available to C code without needing to convert them from C values: @multitable {Scheme value} {C representation} @item Scheme value @tab C representation @item @nicode{#f} @tab @nicode{SCM_BOOL_F} @item @nicode{#t} @tab @nicode{SCM_BOOL_T} @item @nicode{()} @tab @nicode{SCM_EOL} @end multitable In addition to @code{SCM}, Guile also defines the related type @code{scm_t_bits}. This is an unsigned integral type of sufficient size to hold all information that is directly contained in a @code{SCM} value. The @code{scm_t_bits} type is used internally by Guile to do all the bit twiddling explained in @ref{Data Representation}, but you will encounter it occasionally in low-level user code as well. @node Garbage Collection @subsection Garbage Collection As explained above, the @code{SCM} type can represent all Scheme values. Some values fit entirely into a @code{SCM} value (such as small integers), but other values require additional storage in the heap (such as strings and vectors). This additional storage is managed automatically by Guile. You don't need to explicitly deallocate it when a @code{SCM} value is no longer used. Two things must be guaranteed so that Guile is able to manage the storage automatically: it must know about all blocks of memory that have ever been allocated for Scheme values, and it must know about all Scheme values that are still being used. Given this knowledge, Guile can periodically free all blocks that have been allocated but are not used by any active Scheme values. This activity is called @dfn{garbage collection}. Guile's garbage collector will automatically discover references to @code{SCM} objects that originate in global variables, static data sections, function arguments or local variables on the C and Scheme stacks, and values in machine registers. Other references to @code{SCM} objects, such as those in other random data structures in the C heap that contain fields of type @code{SCM}, can be made visible to the garbage collector by calling the functions @code{scm_gc_protect_object} or @code{scm_permanent_object}. Collectively, these values form the ``root set'' of garbage collection; any value on the heap that is referenced directly or indirectly by a member of the root set is preserved, and all other objects are eligible for reclamation. In Guile, garbage collection has two logical phases: the @dfn{mark phase}, in which the collector discovers the set of all live objects, and the @dfn{sweep phase}, in which the collector reclaims the resources associated with dead objects. The mark phase pauses the program and traces all @code{SCM} object references, starting with the root set. The sweep phase actually runs concurrently with the main program, incrementally reclaiming memory as needed by allocation. In the mark phase, the garbage collector traces the Scheme stack and heap @dfn{precisely}. Because the Scheme stack and heap are managed by Guile, Guile can know precisely where in those data structures it might find references to other heap objects. This is not the case, unfortunately, for pointers on the C stack and static data segment. Instead of requiring the user to inform Guile about all variables in C that might point to heap objects, Guile traces the C stack and static data segment @dfn{conservatively}. That is to say, Guile just treats every word on the C stack and every C global variable as a potential reference in to the Scheme heap@footnote{Note that Guile does not scan the C heap for references, so a reference to a @code{SCM} object from a memory segment allocated with @code{malloc} will have to use some other means to keep the @code{SCM} object alive. @xref{Garbage Collection Functions}.}. Any value that looks like a pointer to a GC-managed object is treated as such, whether it actually is a reference or not. Thus, scanning the C stack and static data segment is guaranteed to find all actual references, but it might also find words that only accidentally look like references. These ``false positives'' might keep @code{SCM} objects alive that would otherwise be considered dead. While this might waste memory, keeping an object around longer than it strictly needs to is harmless. This is why this technique is called ``conservative garbage collection''. In practice, the wasted memory seems to be no problem, as the static C root set is almost always finite and small, given that the Scheme stack is separate from the C stack. The stack of every thread is scanned in this way and the registers of the CPU and all other memory locations where local variables or function parameters might show up are included in this scan as well. The consequence of the conservative scanning is that you can just declare local variables and function parameters of type @code{SCM} and be sure that the garbage collector will not free the corresponding objects. However, a local variable or function parameter is only protected as long as it is really on the stack (or in some register). As an optimization, the C compiler might reuse its location for some other value and the @code{SCM} object would no longer be protected. Normally, this leads to exactly the right behavior: the compiler will only overwrite a reference when it is no longer needed and thus the object becomes unprotected precisely when the reference disappears, just as wanted. There are situations, however, where a @code{SCM} object needs to be around longer than its reference from a local variable or function parameter. This happens, for example, when you retrieve some pointer from a foreign object and work with that pointer directly. The reference to the @code{SCM} foreign object might be dead after the pointer has been retrieved, but the pointer itself (and the memory pointed to) is still in use and thus the foreign object must be protected. The compiler does not know about this connection and might overwrite the @code{SCM} reference too early. To get around this problem, you can use @code{scm_remember_upto_here_1} and its cousins. It will keep the compiler from overwriting the reference. @xref{Foreign Object Memory Management}. @node Control Flow @subsection Control Flow Scheme has a more general view of program flow than C, both locally and non-locally. Controlling the local flow of control involves things like gotos, loops, calling functions and returning from them. Non-local control flow refers to situations where the program jumps across one or more levels of function activations without using the normal call or return operations. The primitive means of C for local control flow is the @code{goto} statement, together with @code{if}. Loops done with @code{for}, @code{while} or @code{do} could in principle be rewritten with just @code{goto} and @code{if}. In Scheme, the primitive means for local control flow is the @emph{function call} (together with @code{if}). Thus, the repetition of some computation in a loop is ultimately implemented by a function that calls itself, that is, by recursion. This approach is theoretically very powerful since it is easier to reason formally about recursion than about gotos. In C, using recursion exclusively would not be practical, though, since it would eat up the stack very quickly. In Scheme, however, it is practical: function calls that appear in a @dfn{tail position} do not use any additional stack space (@pxref{Tail Calls}). A function call is in a tail position when it is the last thing the calling function does. The value returned by the called function is immediately returned from the calling function. In the following example, the call to @code{bar-1} is in a tail position, while the call to @code{bar-2} is not. (The call to @code{1-} in @code{foo-2} is in a tail position, though.) @lisp (define (foo-1 x) (bar-1 (1- x))) (define (foo-2 x) (1- (bar-2 x))) @end lisp Thus, when you take care to recurse only in tail positions, the recursion will only use constant stack space and will be as good as a loop constructed from gotos. Scheme offers a few syntactic abstractions (@code{do} and @dfn{named} @code{let}) that make writing loops slightly easier. But only Scheme functions can call other functions in a tail position: C functions can not. This matters when you have, say, two functions that call each other recursively to form a common loop. The following (unrealistic) example shows how one might go about determining whether a non-negative integer @var{n} is even or odd. @lisp (define (my-even? n) (cond ((zero? n) #t) (else (my-odd? (1- n))))) (define (my-odd? n) (cond ((zero? n) #f) (else (my-even? (1- n))))) @end lisp Because the calls to @code{my-even?} and @code{my-odd?} are in tail positions, these two procedures can be applied to arbitrary large integers without overflowing the stack. (They will still take a lot of time, of course.) However, when one or both of the two procedures would be rewritten in C, it could no longer call its companion in a tail position (since C does not have this concept). You might need to take this consideration into account when deciding which parts of your program to write in Scheme and which in C. In addition to calling functions and returning from them, a Scheme program can also exit non-locally from a function so that the control flow returns directly to an outer level. This means that some functions might not return at all. Even more, it is not only possible to jump to some outer level of control, a Scheme program can also jump back into the middle of a function that has already exited. This might cause some functions to return more than once. In general, these non-local jumps are done by invoking @dfn{continuations} that have previously been captured using @code{call-with-current-continuation}. Guile also offers a slightly restricted set of functions, @code{catch} and @code{throw}, that can only be used for non-local exits. This restriction makes them more efficient. Error reporting (with the function @code{error}) is implemented by invoking @code{throw}, for example. The functions @code{catch} and @code{throw} belong to the topic of @dfn{exceptions}. Since Scheme functions can call C functions and vice versa, C code can experience the more general control flow of Scheme as well. It is possible that a C function will not return at all, or will return more than once. While C does offer @code{setjmp} and @code{longjmp} for non-local exits, it is still an unusual thing for C code. In contrast, non-local exits are very common in Scheme, mostly to report errors. You need to be prepared for the non-local jumps in the control flow whenever you use a function from @code{libguile}: it is best to assume that any @code{libguile} function might signal an error or run a pending signal handler (which in turn can do arbitrary things). It is often necessary to take cleanup actions when the control leaves a function non-locally. Also, when the control returns non-locally, some setup actions might be called for. For example, the Scheme function @code{with-output-to-port} needs to modify the global state so that @code{current-output-port} returns the port passed to @code{with-output-to-port}. The global output port needs to be reset to its previous value when @code{with-output-to-port} returns normally or when it is exited non-locally. Likewise, the port needs to be set again when control enters non-locally. Scheme code can use the @code{dynamic-wind} function to arrange for the setting and resetting of the global state. C code can use the corresponding @code{scm_internal_dynamic_wind} function, or a @code{scm_dynwind_begin}/@code{scm_dynwind_end} pair together with suitable 'dynwind actions' (@pxref{Dynamic Wind}). Instead of coping with non-local control flow, you can also prevent it by erecting a @emph{continuation barrier}, @xref{Continuation Barriers}. The function @code{scm_c_with_continuation_barrier}, for example, is guaranteed to return exactly once. @node Asynchronous Signals @subsection Asynchronous Signals You can not call libguile functions from handlers for POSIX signals, but you can register Scheme handlers for POSIX signals such as @code{SIGINT}. These handlers do not run during the actual signal delivery. Instead, they are run when the program (more precisely, the thread that the handler has been registered for) reaches the next @emph{safe point}. The libguile functions themselves have many such safe points. Consequently, you must be prepared for arbitrary actions anytime you call a libguile function. For example, even @code{scm_cons} can contain a safe point and when a signal handler is pending for your thread, calling @code{scm_cons} will run this handler and anything might happen, including a non-local exit although @code{scm_cons} would not ordinarily do such a thing on its own. If you do not want to allow the running of asynchronous signal handlers, you can block them temporarily with @code{scm_dynwind_block_asyncs}, for example. @xref{Asyncs}. Since signal handling in Guile relies on safe points, you need to make sure that your functions do offer enough of them. Normally, calling libguile functions in the normal course of action is all that is needed. But when a thread might spent a long time in a code section that calls no libguile function, it is good to include explicit safe points. This can allow the user to interrupt your code with @key{C-c}, for example. You can do this with the macro @code{SCM_TICK}. This macro is syntactically a statement. That is, you could use it like this: @example while (1) @{ SCM_TICK; do_some_work (); @} @end example Frequent execution of a safe point is even more important in multi threaded programs, @xref{Multi-Threading}. @node Multi-Threading @subsection Multi-Threading Guile can be used in multi-threaded programs just as well as in single-threaded ones. Each thread that wants to use functions from libguile must put itself into @emph{guile mode} and must then follow a few rules. If it doesn't want to honor these rules in certain situations, a thread can temporarily leave guile mode (but can no longer use libguile functions during that time, of course). Threads enter guile mode by calling @code{scm_with_guile}, @code{scm_boot_guile}, or @code{scm_init_guile}. As explained in the reference documentation for these functions, Guile will then learn about the stack bounds of the thread and can protect the @code{SCM} values that are stored in local variables. When a thread puts itself into guile mode for the first time, it gets a Scheme representation and is listed by @code{all-threads}, for example. Threads in guile mode can block (e.g., do blocking I/O) without causing any problems@footnote{In Guile 1.8, a thread blocking in guile mode would prevent garbage collection to occur. Thus, threads had to leave guile mode whenever they could block. This is no longer needed with Guile 2.@var{x}.}; temporarily leaving guile mode with @code{scm_without_guile} before blocking slightly improves GC performance, though. For some common blocking operations, Guile provides convenience functions. For example, if you want to lock a pthread mutex while in guile mode, you might want to use @code{scm_pthread_mutex_lock} which is just like @code{pthread_mutex_lock} except that it leaves guile mode while blocking. All libguile functions are (intended to be) robust in the face of multiple threads using them concurrently. This means that there is no risk of the internal data structures of libguile becoming corrupted in such a way that the process crashes. A program might still produce nonsensical results, though. Taking hashtables as an example, Guile guarantees that you can use them from multiple threads concurrently and a hashtable will always remain a valid hashtable and Guile will not crash when you access it. It does not guarantee, however, that inserting into it concurrently from two threads will give useful results: only one insertion might actually happen, none might happen, or the table might in general be modified in a totally arbitrary manner. (It will still be a valid hashtable, but not the one that you might have expected.) Guile might also signal an error when it detects a harmful race condition. Thus, you need to put in additional synchronizations when multiple threads want to use a single hashtable, or any other mutable Scheme object. When writing C code for use with libguile, you should try to make it robust as well. An example that converts a list into a vector will help to illustrate. Here is a correct version: @example SCM my_list_to_vector (SCM list) @{ SCM vector = scm_make_vector (scm_length (list), SCM_UNDEFINED); size_t len, i; len = scm_c_vector_length (vector); i = 0; while (i < len && scm_is_pair (list)) @{ scm_c_vector_set_x (vector, i, scm_car (list)); list = scm_cdr (list); i++; @} return vector; @} @end example The first thing to note is that storing into a @code{SCM} location concurrently from multiple threads is guaranteed to be robust: you don't know which value wins but it will in any case be a valid @code{SCM} value. But there is no guarantee that the list referenced by @var{list} is not modified in another thread while the loop iterates over it. Thus, while copying its elements into the vector, the list might get longer or shorter. For this reason, the loop must check both that it doesn't overrun the vector and that it doesn't overrun the list. Otherwise, @code{scm_c_vector_set_x} would raise an error if the index is out of range, and @code{scm_car} and @code{scm_cdr} would raise an error if the value is not a pair. It is safe to use @code{scm_car} and @code{scm_cdr} on the local variable @var{list} once it is known that the variable contains a pair. The contents of the pair might change spontaneously, but it will always stay a valid pair (and a local variable will of course not spontaneously point to a different Scheme object). Likewise, a vector such as the one returned by @code{scm_make_vector} is guaranteed to always stay the same length so that it is safe to only use scm_c_vector_length once and store the result. (In the example, @var{vector} is safe anyway since it is a fresh object that no other thread can possibly know about until it is returned from @code{my_list_to_vector}.) Of course the behavior of @code{my_list_to_vector} is suboptimal when @var{list} does indeed get asynchronously lengthened or shortened in another thread. But it is robust: it will always return a valid vector. That vector might be shorter than expected, or its last elements might be unspecified, but it is a valid vector and if a program wants to rule out these cases, it must avoid modifying the list asynchronously. Here is another version that is also correct: @example SCM my_pedantic_list_to_vector (SCM list) @{ SCM vector = scm_make_vector (scm_length (list), SCM_UNDEFINED); size_t len, i; len = scm_c_vector_length (vector); i = 0; while (i < len) @{ scm_c_vector_set_x (vector, i, scm_car (list)); list = scm_cdr (list); i++; @} return vector; @} @end example This version relies on the error-checking behavior of @code{scm_car} and @code{scm_cdr}. When the list is shortened (that is, when @var{list} holds a non-pair), @code{scm_car} will throw an error. This might be preferable to just returning a half-initialized vector. The API for accessing vectors and arrays of various kinds from C takes a slightly different approach to thread-robustness. In order to get at the raw memory that stores the elements of an array, you need to @emph{reserve} that array as long as you need the raw memory. During the time an array is reserved, its elements can still spontaneously change their values, but the memory itself and other things like the size of the array are guaranteed to stay fixed. Any operation that would change these parameters of an array that is currently reserved will signal an error. In order to avoid these errors, a program should of course put suitable synchronization mechanisms in place. As you can see, Guile itself is again only concerned about robustness, not about correctness: without proper synchronization, your program will likely not be correct, but the worst consequence is an error message. Real thread-safety often requires that a critical section of code is executed in a certain restricted manner. A common requirement is that the code section is not entered a second time when it is already being executed. Locking a mutex while in that section ensures that no other thread will start executing it, blocking asyncs ensures that no asynchronous code enters the section again from the current thread, and the error checking of Guile mutexes guarantees that an error is signalled when the current thread accidentally reenters the critical section via recursive function calls. Guile provides two mechanisms to support critical sections as outlined above. You can either use the macros @code{SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START} and @code{SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END} for very simple sections; or use a dynwind context together with a call to @code{scm_dynwind_critical_section}. The macros only work reliably for critical sections that are guaranteed to not cause a non-local exit. They also do not detect an accidental reentry by the current thread. Thus, you should probably only use them to delimit critical sections that do not contain calls to libguile functions or to other external functions that might do complicated things. The function @code{scm_dynwind_critical_section}, on the other hand, will correctly deal with non-local exits because it requires a dynwind context. Also, by using a separate mutex for each critical section, it can detect accidental reentries.