@c -*-texinfo-*- @c This is part of the GNU Guile Reference Manual. @c Copyright (C) 2008-2011, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2020 @c Free Software Foundation, Inc. @c See the file guile.texi for copying conditions. @node A Virtual Machine for Guile @section A Virtual Machine for Guile Enough about data---how does Guile run code? Code is a grammatical production of a language. Sometimes these languages are implemented using interpreters: programs that run along-side the program being interpreted, dynamically translating the high-level code to low-level code. Sometimes these languages are implemented using compilers: programs that translate high-level programs to equivalent low-level code, and pass on that low-level code to some other language implementation. Each of these languages can be thought to be virtual machines: they offer programs an abstract machine on which to run. Guile implements a number of interpreters and compilers on different language levels. For example, there is an interpreter for the Scheme language that is itself implemented as a Scheme program compiled to a bytecode for a low-level virtual machine shipped with Guile. That virtual machine is implemented by both an interpreter---a C program that interprets the bytecodes---and a compiler---a C program that dynamically translates bytecode programs to native machine code@footnote{Even the lowest-level machine code can be thought to be interpreted by the CPU, and indeed is often implemented by compiling machine instructions to ``micro-operations''.}. This section describes the language implemented by Guile's bytecode virtual machine, as well as some examples of translations of Scheme programs to Guile's VM. @menu * Why a VM?:: * VM Concepts:: * Stack Layout:: * Variables and the VM:: * VM Programs:: * Object File Format:: * Instruction Set:: * Just-In-Time Native Code:: @end menu @node Why a VM? @subsection Why a VM? @cindex interpreter For a long time, Guile only had a Scheme interpreter, implemented in C. Guile's interpreter operated directly on the S-expression representation of Scheme source code. But while the interpreter was highly optimized and hand-tuned, it still performed many needless computations during the course of evaluating a Scheme expression. For example, application of a function to arguments needlessly consed up the arguments in a list. Evaluation of an expression like @code{(f x y)} always had to figure out whether @var{f} was a procedure, or a special form like @code{if}, or something else. The interpreter represented the lexical environment as a heap data structure, so every evaluation caused allocation, which was of course slow. Et cetera. The solution to the slow-interpreter problem was to compile the higher-level language, Scheme, into a lower-level language for which all of the checks and dispatching have already been done---the code is instead stripped to the bare minimum needed to ``do the job''. The question becomes then, what low-level language to choose? There are many options. We could compile to native code directly, but that poses portability problems for Guile, as it is a highly cross-platform project. So we want the performance gains that compilation provides, but we also want to maintain the portability benefits of a single code path. The obvious solution is to compile to a virtual machine that is present on all Guile installations. The easiest (and most fun) way to depend on a virtual machine is to implement the virtual machine within Guile itself. Guile contains a bytecode interpreter (written in C) and a Scheme to bytecode compiler (written in Scheme). This way the virtual machine provides what Scheme needs (tail calls, multiple values, @code{call/cc}) and can provide optimized inline instructions for Guile as well (GC-managed allocations, type checks, etc.). Guile also includes a just-in-time (JIT) compiler to translate bytecode to native code. Because Guile embeds a portable code generation library (@url{https://gitlab.com/wingo/lightening}), we keep the benefits of portability while also benefitting from fast native code. To avoid too much time spent in the JIT compiler itself, Guile is tuned to only emit machine code for bytecode that is called often. The rest of this section describes that VM that Guile implements, and the compiled procedures that run on it. Before moving on, though, we should note that though we spoke of the interpreter in the past tense, Guile still has an interpreter. The difference is that before, it was Guile's main Scheme implementation, and so was implemented in highly optimized C; now, it is actually implemented in Scheme, and compiled down to VM bytecode, just like any other program. (There is still a C interpreter around, used to bootstrap the compiler, but it is not normally used at runtime.) The upside of implementing the interpreter in Scheme is that we preserve tail calls and multiple-value handling between interpreted and compiled code, and with advent of the JIT compiler in Guile 3.0 we reach the speed of the old hand-tuned C implementation; it's the best of both worlds. Also note that this decision to implement a bytecode compiler does not preclude ahead-of-time native compilation. More possibilities are discussed in @ref{Extending the Compiler}. @node VM Concepts @subsection VM Concepts The bytecode in a Scheme procedure is interpreted by a virtual machine (VM). Each thread has its own instantiation of the VM. The virtual machine executes the sequence of instructions in a procedure. Each VM instruction starts by indicating which operation it is, and then follows by encoding its source and destination operands. Each procedure declares that it has some number of local variables, including the function arguments. These local variables form the available operands of the procedure, and are accessed by index. The local variables for a procedure are stored on a stack. Calling a procedure typically enlarges the stack, and returning from a procedure shrinks it. Stack memory is exclusive to the virtual machine that owns it. In addition to their stacks, virtual machines also have access to the global memory (modules, global bindings, etc) that is shared among other parts of Guile, including other VMs. The registers that a VM has are as follows: @itemize @item ip - Instruction pointer @item sp - Stack pointer @item fp - Frame pointer @end itemize In other architectures, the instruction pointer is sometimes called the ``program counter'' (pc). This set of registers is pretty typical for virtual machines; their exact meanings in the context of Guile's VM are described in the next section. @node Stack Layout @subsection Stack Layout The stack of Guile's virtual machine is composed of @dfn{frames}. Each frame corresponds to the application of one compiled procedure, and contains storage space for arguments, local variables, and some bookkeeping information (such as what to do after the frame is finished). While the compiler is free to do whatever it wants to, as long as the semantics of a computation are preserved, in practice every time you call a function, a new frame is created. (The notable exception of course is the tail call case, @pxref{Tail Calls}.) The structure of the top stack frame is as follows: @example | ...previous frame locals... | +==============================+ <- fp + 3 | Dynamic link | +------------------------------+ | Virtual return address (vRA) | +------------------------------+ | Machine return address (mRA) | +==============================+ <- fp | Local 0 | +------------------------------+ | Local 1 | +------------------------------+ | ... | +------------------------------+ | Local N-1 | \------------------------------/ <- sp @end example In the above drawing, the stack grows downward. At the beginning of a function call, the procedure being applied is in local 0, followed by the arguments from local 1. After the procedure checks that it is being passed a compatible set of arguments, the procedure allocates some additional space in the frame to hold variables local to the function. Note that once a value in a local variable slot is no longer needed, Guile is free to re-use that slot. This applies to the slots that were initially used for the callee and arguments, too. For this reason, backtraces in Guile aren't always able to show all of the arguments: it could be that the slot corresponding to that argument was re-used by some other variable. The @dfn{virtual return address} is the @code{ip} that was in effect before this program was applied. When we return from this activation frame, we will jump back to this @code{ip}. Likewise, the @dfn{dynamic link} is the offset of the @code{fp} that was in effect before this program was applied, relative to the current @code{fp}. There are two return addresses: the virtual return address (vRA), and the machine return address (mRA). The vRA is always present and indicates a bytecode address. The mRA is only present when a call is made from a function with machine code (e.g. a function that has been JIT-compiled). To prepare for a non-tail application, Guile's VM will emit code that shuffles the function to apply and its arguments into appropriate stack slots, with three free slots below them. The call then initializes those free slots to hold the machine return address (or NULL), the virtual return address, and the offset to the previous frame pointer (@code{fp}). It then gets the @code{ip} for the function being called and adjusts @code{fp} to point to the new call frame. In this way, the dynamic link links the current frame to the previous frame. Computing a stack trace involves traversing these frames. Each stack local in Guile is 64 bits wide, even on 32-bit architectures. This allows Guile to preserve its uniform treatment of stack locals while allowing for unboxed arithmetic on 64-bit integers and floating-point numbers. @xref{Instruction Set}, for more on unboxed arithmetic. As an implementation detail, we actually store the dynamic link as an offset and not an absolute value because the stack can move at runtime as it expands or during partial continuation calls. If it were an absolute value, we would have to walk the frames, relocating frame pointers. @node Variables and the VM @subsection Variables and the VM Consider the following Scheme code as an example: @example (define (foo a) (lambda (b) (vector foo a b))) @end example Within the lambda expression, @code{foo} is a top-level variable, @code{a} is a lexically captured variable, and @code{b} is a local variable. Another way to refer to @code{a} and @code{b} is to say that @code{a} is a ``free'' variable, since it is not defined within the lambda, and @code{b} is a ``bound'' variable. These are the terms used in the @dfn{lambda calculus}, a mathematical notation for describing functions. The lambda calculus is useful because it is a language in which to reason precisely about functions and variables. It is especially good at describing scope relations, and it is for that reason that we mention it here. Guile allocates all variables on the stack. When a lexically enclosed procedure with free variables---a @dfn{closure}---is created, it copies those variables into its free variable vector. References to free variables are then redirected through the free variable vector. If a variable is ever @code{set!}, however, it will need to be heap-allocated instead of stack-allocated, so that different closures that capture the same variable can see the same value. Also, this allows continuations to capture a reference to the variable, instead of to its value at one point in time. For these reasons, @code{set!} variables are allocated in ``boxes''---actually, in variable cells. @xref{Variables}, for more information. References to @code{set!} variables are indirected through the boxes. Thus perhaps counterintuitively, what would seem ``closer to the metal'', viz @code{set!}, actually forces an extra memory allocation and indirection. Sometimes Guile's optimizer can remove this allocation, but not always. Going back to our example, @code{b} may be allocated on the stack, as it is never mutated. @code{a} may also be allocated on the stack, as it too is never mutated. Within the enclosed lambda, its value will be copied into (and referenced from) the free variables vector. @code{foo} is a top-level variable, because @code{foo} is not lexically bound in this example. @node VM Programs @subsection Compiled Procedures are VM Programs By default, when you enter in expressions at Guile's REPL, they are first compiled to bytecode. Then that bytecode is executed to produce a value. If the expression evaluates to a procedure, the result of this process is a compiled procedure. A compiled procedure is a compound object consisting of its bytecode and a reference to any captured lexical variables. In addition, when a procedure is compiled, it has associated metadata written to side tables, for instance a line number mapping, or its docstring. You can pick apart these pieces with the accessors in @code{(system vm program)}. @xref{Compiled Procedures}, for a full API reference. A procedure may reference data that was statically allocated when the procedure was compiled. For example, a pair of immediate objects (@pxref{Immediate Objects}) can be allocated directly in the memory segment that contains the compiled bytecode, and accessed directly by the bytecode. Another use for statically allocated data is to serve as a cache for a bytecode. Top-level variable lookups are handled in this way; the first time a top-level binding is referenced, the resolved variable will be stored in a cache. Thereafter all access to the variable goes through the cache cell. The variable's value may change in the future, but the variable itself will not. We can see how these concepts tie together by disassembling the @code{foo} function we defined earlier to see what is going on: @smallexample scheme@@(guile-user)> (define (foo a) (lambda (b) (vector foo a b))) scheme@@(guile-user)> ,x foo Disassembly of # at #xf1da30: 0 (instrument-entry 164) at (unknown file):5:0 2 (assert-nargs-ee/locals 2 1) ;; 3 slots (1 arg) 3 (allocate-words/immediate 2 3) at (unknown file):5:16 4 (load-u64 0 0 65605) 7 (word-set!/immediate 2 0 0) 8 (load-label 0 7) ;; anonymous procedure at #xf1da6c 10 (word-set!/immediate 2 1 0) 11 (scm-set!/immediate 2 2 1) 12 (reset-frame 1) ;; 1 slot 13 (handle-interrupts) 14 (return-values) ---------------------------------------- Disassembly of anonymous procedure at #xf1da6c: 0 (instrument-entry 183) at (unknown file):5:16 2 (assert-nargs-ee/locals 2 3) ;; 5 slots (1 arg) 3 (static-ref 2 152) ;; #> 5 (immediate-tag=? 2 7 0) ;; heap-object? 7 (je 19) ;; -> L2 8 (static-ref 2 119) ;; # 10 (static-ref 1 127) ;; foo 12 (call-scm<-scm-scm 2 2 1 40) 14 (immediate-tag=? 2 7 0) ;; heap-object? 16 (jne 8) ;; -> L1 17 (scm-ref/immediate 0 2 1) 18 (immediate-tag=? 0 4095 2308) ;; undefined? 20 (je 4) ;; -> L1 21 (static-set! 2 134) ;; #> 23 (j 3) ;; -> L2 L1: 24 (throw/value 1 151) ;; #(unbound-variable #f "Unbound variable: ~S") L2: 26 (scm-ref/immediate 2 2 1) 27 (allocate-words/immediate 1 4) at (unknown file):5:28 28 (load-u64 0 0 781) 31 (word-set!/immediate 1 0 0) 32 (scm-set!/immediate 1 1 2) 33 (scm-ref/immediate 4 4 2) 34 (scm-set!/immediate 1 2 4) 35 (scm-set!/immediate 1 3 3) 36 (mov 4 1) 37 (reset-frame 1) ;; 1 slot 38 (handle-interrupts) 39 (return-values) @end smallexample The first thing to notice is that the bytecode is at a fairly low level. When a program is compiled from Scheme to bytecode, it is expressed in terms of more primitive operations. As such, there can be more instructions than you might expect. The first chunk of instructions is the outer @code{foo} procedure. It is followed by the code for the contained closure. The code can look daunting at first glance, but with practice it quickly becomes comprehensible, and indeed being able to read bytecode is an important step to understanding the low-level performance of Guile programs. The @code{foo} function begins with a prelude. The @code{instrument-entry} bytecode increments a counter associated with the function. If the counter reaches a certain threshold, Guile will emit machine code (``JIT-compile'') for @code{foo}. Emitting machine code is fairly cheap but it does take time, so it's not something you want to do for every function. Using a per-function counter and a global threshold allows Guile to spend time JIT-compiling only the ``hot'' functions. Next in the prelude is an argument-checking instruction, which checks that it was called with only 1 argument (plus the callee function itself makes 2) and then reserves stack space for an additional 1 local. Then from @code{ip} 3 to 11, we allocate a new closure by allocating a three-word object, initializing its first word to store a type tag, setting its second word to its code pointer, and finally at @code{ip} 11, storing local value 1 (the @code{a} argument) into the third word (the first free variable). Before returning, @code{foo} ``resets the frame'' to hold only one local (the return value), runs any pending interrupts (@pxref{Asyncs}) and then returns. Note that local variables in Guile's virtual machine are usually addressed relative to the stack pointer, which leads to a pleasantly efficient @code{sp[@var{n}]} access. However it can make the disassembly hard to read, because the @code{sp} can change during the function, and because incoming arguments are relative to the @code{fp}, not the @code{sp}. To know what @code{fp}-relative slot corresponds to an @code{sp}-relative reference, scan up in the disassembly until you get to a ``@var{n} slots'' annotation; in our case, 3, indicating that the frame has space for 3 slots. Thus a zero-indexed @code{sp}-relative slot of 2 corresponds to the @code{fp}-relative slot of 0, which initially held the value of the closure being called. This means that Guile doesn't need the value of the closure to compute its result, and so slot 0 was free for re-use, in this case for the result of making a new closure. A closure is code with data. As you can see, making the closure involved making an object (@code{ip} 3), putting a code pointer in it (@code{ip} 8 and 10), and putting in the closure's free variable (@code{ip} 11). The second stanza disassembles the code for the closure. After the prelude, all of the code between @code{ip} 5 and 24 is related to loading the toplevel variable @code{foo} into slot 1. This lookup happens only once, and is associated with a cache; after the first run, the value in the cache will be a bound variable, and the code will jump from @code{ip} 7 to 26. On the first run, Guile gets the module associated with the function, calls out to a run-time routine to look up the variable, and checks that the variable is bound before initializing the cache. Either way, @code{ip} 26 dereferences the variable into local 2. What follows is the allocation and initialization of the vector return value. @code{Ip} 27 does the allocation, and the following two instructions initialize the type-and-length tag for the object's first word. @code{Ip} 32 sets word 1 of the object (the first vector slot) to the value of @code{foo}; @code{ip} 33 fetches the closure variable for @code{a}, then in @code{ip} 34 stores it in the second vector slot; and finally, in @code{ip} 35, local @code{b} is stored to the third vector slot. This is followed by the return sequence. @node Object File Format @subsection Object File Format To compile a file to disk, we need a format in which to write the compiled code to disk, and later load it into Guile. A good @dfn{object file format} has a number of characteristics: @itemize @item Above all else, it should be very cheap to load a compiled file. @item It should be possible to statically allocate constants in the file. For example, a bytevector literal in source code can be emitted directly into the object file. @item The compiled file should enable maximum code and data sharing between different processes. @item The compiled file should contain debugging information, such as line numbers, but that information should be separated from the code itself. It should be possible to strip debugging information if space is tight. @end itemize These characteristics are not specific to Scheme. Indeed, mainstream languages like C and C++ have solved this issue many times in the past. Guile builds on their work by adopting ELF, the object file format of GNU and other Unix-like systems, as its object file format. Although Guile uses ELF on all platforms, we do not use platform support for ELF. Guile implements its own linker and loader. The advantage of using ELF is not sharing code, but sharing ideas. ELF is simply a well-designed object file format. An ELF file has two meta-tables describing its contents. The first meta-table is for the loader, and is called the @dfn{program table} or sometimes the @dfn{segment table}. The program table divides the file into big chunks that should be treated differently by the loader. Mostly the difference between these @dfn{segments} is their permissions. Typically all segments of an ELF file are marked as read-only, except that part that represents modifiable static data or static data that needs load-time initialization. Loading an ELF file is as simple as mmapping the thing into memory with read-only permissions, then using the segment table to mark a small sub-region of the file as writable. This writable section is typically added to the root set of the garbage collector as well. One ELF segment is marked as ``dynamic'', meaning that it has data of interest to the loader. Guile uses this segment to record the Guile version corresponding to this file. There is also an entry in the dynamic segment that points to the address of an initialization thunk that is run to perform any needed link-time initialization. (This is like dynamic relocations for normal ELF shared objects, except that we compile the relocations as a procedure instead of having the loader interpret a table of relocations.) Finally, the dynamic segment marks the location of the ``entry thunk'' of the object file. This thunk is returned to the caller of @code{load-thunk-from-memory} or @code{load-thunk-from-file}. When called, it will execute the ``body'' of the compiled expression. The other meta-table in an ELF file is the @dfn{section table}. Whereas the program table divides an ELF file into big chunks for the loader, the section table specifies small sections for use by introspective tools like debuggers or the like. One segment (program table entry) typically contains many sections. There may be sections outside of any segment, as well. Typical sections in a Guile @code{.go} file include: @table @code @item .rtl-text Bytecode. @item .data Data that needs initialization, or which may be modified at runtime. @item .rodata Statically allocated data that needs no run-time initialization, and which therefore can be shared between processes. @item .dynamic The dynamic section, discussed above. @item .symtab @itemx .strtab A table mapping addresses in the @code{.rtl-text} to procedure names. @code{.strtab} is used by @code{.symtab}. @item .guile.procprops @itemx .guile.arities @itemx .guile.arities.strtab @itemx .guile.docstrs @itemx .guile.docstrs.strtab Side tables of procedure properties, arities, and docstrings. @item .guile.docstrs.strtab Side table of frame maps, describing the set of live slots for ever return point in the program text, and whether those slots are pointers are not. Used by the garbage collector. @item .debug_info @itemx .debug_abbrev @itemx .debug_str @itemx .debug_loc @itemx .debug_line Debugging information, in DWARF format. See the DWARF specification, for more information. @item .shstrtab Section name string table. @end table For more information, see @uref{http://linux.die.net/man/5/elf,,the elf(5) man page}. See @uref{http://dwarfstd.org/,the DWARF specification} for more on the DWARF debugging format. Or if you are an adventurous explorer, try running @code{readelf} or @code{objdump} on compiled @code{.go} files. It's good times! @node Instruction Set @subsection Instruction Set There are currently about 150 instructions in Guile's virtual machine. These instructions represent atomic units of a program's execution. Ideally, they perform one task without conditional branches, then dispatch to the next instruction in the stream. Instructions themselves are composed of 1 or more 32-bit units. The low 8 bits of the first word indicate the opcode, and the rest of instruction describe the operands. There are a number of different ways operands can be encoded. @table @code @item s@var{n} An unsigned @var{n}-bit integer, indicating the @code{sp}-relative index of a local variable. @item f@var{n} An unsigned @var{n}-bit integer, indicating the @code{fp}-relative index of a local variable. Used when a continuation accepts a variable number of values, to shuffle received values into known locations in the frame. @item c@var{n} An unsigned @var{n}-bit integer, indicating a constant value. @item l24 An offset from the current @code{ip}, in 32-bit units, as a signed 24-bit value. Indicates a bytecode address, for a relative jump. @item zi16 @itemx i16 @itemx i32 An immediate Scheme value (@pxref{Immediate Objects}), encoded directly in 16 or 32 bits. @code{zi16} is sign-extended; the others are zero-extended. @item a32 @itemx b32 An immediate Scheme value, encoded as a pair of 32-bit words. @code{a32} and @code{b32} values always go together on the same opcode, and indicate the high and low bits, respectively. Normally only used on 64-bit systems. @item n32 A statically allocated non-immediate. The address of the non-immediate is encoded as a signed 32-bit integer, and indicates a relative offset in 32-bit units. Think of it as @code{SCM x = ip + offset}. @item r32 Indirect scheme value, like @code{n32} but indirected. Think of it as @code{SCM *x = ip + offset}. @item l32 @item lo32 An ip-relative address, as a signed 32-bit integer. Could indicate a bytecode address, as in @code{make-closure}, or a non-immediate address, as with @code{static-patch!}. @code{l32} and @code{lo32} are the same from the perspective of the virtual machine. The difference is that an assembler might want to allow an @code{lo32} address to be specified as a label and then some number of words offset from that label, for example when patching a field of a statically allocated object. @item v32:x8-l24 Almost all VM instructions have a fixed size. The @code{jtable} instruction used to perform optimized @code{case} branches is an exception, which uses a @code{v32} trailing word to indicate the number of additional words in the instruction, which themselves are encoded as @code{x8-l24} values. @item b1 A boolean value: 1 for true, otherwise 0. @item x@var{n} An ignored sequence of @var{n} bits. @end table An instruction is specified by giving its name, then describing its operands. The operands are packed by 32-bit words, with earlier operands occupying the lower bits. For example, consider the following instruction specification: @deftypefn Instruction {} call f24:@var{proc} x8:@var{_} c24:@var{nlocals} @end deftypefn The first word in the instruction will start with the 8-bit value corresponding to the @var{call} opcode in the low bits, followed by @var{proc} as a 24-bit value. The second word starts with 8 dead bits, followed by the index as a 24-bit immediate value. For instructions with operands that encode references to the stack, the interpretation of those stack values is up to the instruction itself. Most instructions expect their operands to be tagged SCM values (@code{scm} representation), but some instructions expect unboxed integers (@code{u64} and @code{s64} representations) or floating-point numbers (@code{f64} representation). It is assumed that the bits for a @code{u64} value are the same as those for an @code{s64} value, and that @code{s64} values are stored in two's complement. Instructions have static types: they must receive their operands in the format they expect. It's up to the compiler to ensure this is the case. Unless otherwise mentioned, all operands and results are in the @code{scm} representation. @menu * Call and Return Instructions:: * Function Prologue Instructions:: * Shuffling Instructions:: * Trampoline Instructions:: * Non-Local Control Flow Instructions:: * Instrumentation Instructions:: * Intrinsic Call Instructions:: * Constant Instructions:: * Memory Access Instructions:: * Atomic Memory Access Instructions:: * Tagging and Untagging Instructions:: * Integer Arithmetic Instructions:: * Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions:: * Comparison Instructions:: * Branch Instructions:: * Raw Memory Access Instructions:: @end menu @node Call and Return Instructions @subsubsection Call and Return Instructions As described earlier (@pxref{Stack Layout}), Guile's calling convention is that arguments are passed and values returned on the stack. For calls, both in tail position and in non-tail position, we require that the procedure and the arguments already be shuffled into place before the call instruction. ``Into place'' for a tail call means that the procedure should be in slot 0, relative to the @code{fp}, and the arguments should follow. For a non-tail call, if the procedure is in @code{fp}-relative slot @var{n}, the arguments should follow from slot @var{n}+1, and there should be three free slots between @var{n}-1 and @var{n}-3 in which to save the mRA, vRA, and @code{fp}. Returning values is similar. Multiple-value returns should have values already shuffled down to start from @code{fp}-relative slot 0 before emitting @code{return-values}. In both calls and returns, the @code{sp} is used to indicate to the callee or caller the number of arguments or return values, respectively. After receiving return values, it is the caller's responsibility to @dfn{restore the frame} by resetting the @code{sp} to its former value. @deftypefn Instruction {} call f24:@var{proc} x8:@var{_} c24:@var{nlocals} Call a procedure. @var{proc} is the local corresponding to a procedure. The three values below @var{proc} will be overwritten by the saved call frame data. The new frame will have space for @var{nlocals} locals: one for the procedure, and the rest for the arguments which should already have been pushed on. When the call returns, execution proceeds with the next instruction. There may be any number of values on the return stack; the precise number can be had by subtracting the address of @var{proc}-1 from the post-call @code{sp}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-label f24:@var{proc} x8:@var{_} c24:@var{nlocals} l32:@var{label} Call a procedure in the same compilation unit. This instruction is just like @code{call}, except that instead of dereferencing @var{proc} to find the call target, the call target is known to be at @var{label}, a signed 32-bit offset in 32-bit units from the current @code{ip}. Since @var{proc} is not dereferenced, it may be some other representation of the closure. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} tail-call x24:@var{_} Tail-call a procedure. Requires that the procedure and all of the arguments have already been shuffled into position, and that the frame has already been reset to the number of arguments to the call. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} tail-call-label x24:@var{_} l32:@var{label} Tail-call a known procedure. As @code{call} is to @code{call-label}, @code{tail-call} is to @code{tail-call-label}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} return-values x24:@var{_} Return a number of values from a call frame. The return values should have already been shuffled down to a contiguous array starting at slot 0, and the frame already reset. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} receive f12:@var{dst} f12:@var{proc} x8:@var{_} c24:@var{nlocals} Receive a single return value from a call whose procedure was in @var{proc}, asserting that the call actually returned at least one value. Afterwards, resets the frame to @var{nlocals} locals. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} receive-values f24:@var{proc} b1:@var{allow-extra?} x7:@var{_} c24:@var{nvalues} Receive a return of multiple values from a call whose procedure was in @var{proc}. If fewer than @var{nvalues} values were returned, signal an error. Unless @var{allow-extra?} is true, require that the number of return values equals @var{nvalues} exactly. After @code{receive-values} has run, the values can be copied down via @code{mov}, or used in place. @end deftypefn @node Function Prologue Instructions @subsubsection Function Prologue Instructions A function call in Guile is very cheap: the VM simply hands control to the procedure. The procedure itself is responsible for asserting that it has been passed an appropriate number of arguments. This strategy allows arbitrarily complex argument parsing idioms to be developed, without harming the common case. For example, only calls to keyword-argument procedures ``pay'' for the cost of parsing keyword arguments. (At the time of this writing, calling procedures with keyword arguments is typically two to four times as costly as calling procedures with a fixed set of arguments.) @deftypefn Instruction {} assert-nargs-ee c24:@var{expected} @deftypefnx Instruction {} assert-nargs-ge c24:@var{expected} @deftypefnx Instruction {} assert-nargs-le c24:@var{expected} If the number of actual arguments is not @code{==}, @code{>=}, or @code{<=} @var{expected}, respectively, signal an error. The number of arguments is determined by subtracting the stack pointer from the frame pointer (@code{fp - sp}). @xref{Stack Layout}, for more details on stack frames. Note that @var{expected} includes the procedure itself. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} arguments<=? c24:@var{expected} Set the @code{LESS_THAN}, @code{EQUAL}, or @code{NONE} comparison result values if the number of arguments is respectively less than, equal to, or greater than @var{expected}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} positional-arguments<=? c24:@var{nreq} x8:@var{_} c24:@var{expected} Set the @code{LESS_THAN}, @code{EQUAL}, or @code{NONE} comparison result values if the number of positional arguments is respectively less than, equal to, or greater than @var{expected}. The first @var{nreq} arguments are positional arguments, as are the subsequent arguments that are not keywords. @end deftypefn The @code{arguments<=?} and @code{positional-arguments<=?} instructions are used to implement multiple arities, as in @code{case-lambda}. @xref{Case-lambda}, for more information. @xref{Branch Instructions}, for more on comparison results. @deftypefn Instruction {} bind-kwargs c24:@var{nreq} c8:@var{flags} c24:@var{nreq-and-opt} x8:@var{_} c24:@var{ntotal} n32:@var{kw-offset} @var{flags} is a bitfield, whose lowest bit is @var{allow-other-keys}, second bit is @var{has-rest}, and whose following six bits are unused. Find the last positional argument, and shuffle all the rest above @var{ntotal}. Initialize the intervening locals to @code{SCM_UNDEFINED}. Then load the constant at @var{kw-offset} words from the current @var{ip}, and use it and the @var{allow-other-keys} flag to bind keyword arguments. If @var{has-rest}, collect all shuffled arguments into a list, and store it in @var{nreq-and-opt}. Finally, clear the arguments that we shuffled up. The parsing is driven by a keyword arguments association list, looked up using @var{kw-offset}. The alist is a list of pairs of the form @code{(@var{kw} . @var{index})}, mapping keyword arguments to their local slot indices. Unless @code{allow-other-keys} is set, the parser will signal an error if an unknown key is found. A macro-mega-instruction. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} bind-optionals f24:@var{nlocals} Expand the current frame to have at least @var{nlocals} locals, filling in any fresh values with @code{SCM_UNDEFINED}. If the frame has more than @var{nlocals} locals, it is left as it is. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} bind-rest f24:@var{dst} Collect any arguments at or above @var{dst} into a list, and store that list at @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} alloc-frame c24:@var{nlocals} Ensure that there is space on the stack for @var{nlocals} local variables. The value of any new local is undefined. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} reset-frame c24:@var{nlocals} Like @code{alloc-frame}, but doesn't check that the stack is big enough, and doesn't initialize values to @code{SCM_UNDEFINED}. Used to reset the frame size to something less than the size that was previously set via alloc-frame. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} assert-nargs-ee/locals c12:@var{expected} c12:@var{nlocals} Equivalent to a sequence of @code{assert-nargs-ee} and @code{allocate-frame}. The number of locals reserved is @var{expected} + @var{nlocals}. @end deftypefn @node Shuffling Instructions @subsubsection Shuffling Instructions These instructions are used to move around values on the stack. @deftypefn Instruction {} mov s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{src} @deftypefnx Instruction {} long-mov s24:@var{dst} x8:@var{_} s24:@var{src} Copy a value from one local slot to another. As discussed previously, procedure arguments and local variables are allocated to local slots. Guile's compiler tries to avoid shuffling variables around to different slots, which often makes @code{mov} instructions redundant. However there are some cases in which shuffling is necessary, and in those cases, @code{mov} is the thing to use. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} long-fmov f24:@var{dst} x8:@var{_} f24:@var{src} Copy a value from one local slot to another, but addressing slots relative to the @code{fp} instead of the @code{sp}. This is used when shuffling values into place after multiple-value returns. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} push s24:@var{src} Bump the stack pointer by one word, and fill it with the value from slot @var{src}. The offset to @var{src} is calculated before the stack pointer is adjusted. @end deftypefn The @code{push} instruction is used when another instruction is unable to address an operand because the operand is encoded with fewer than 24 bits. In that case, Guile's assembler will transparently emit code that temporarily pushes any needed operands onto the stack, emits the original instruction to address those now-near variables, then shuffles the result (if any) back into place. @deftypefn Instruction {} pop s24:@var{dst} Pop the stack pointer, storing the value that was there in slot @var{dst}. The offset to @var{dst} is calculated after the stack pointer is adjusted. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} drop c24:@var{count} Pop the stack pointer by @var{count} words, discarding any values that were stored there. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} shuffle-down f12:@var{from} f12:@var{to} Shuffle down values from @var{from} to @var{to}, reducing the frame size by @var{FROM}-@var{TO} slots. Part of the internal implementation of @code{call-with-values}, @code{values}, and @code{apply}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} expand-apply-argument x24:@var{_} Take the last local in a frame and expand it out onto the stack, as for the last argument to @code{apply}. @end deftypefn @node Trampoline Instructions @subsubsection Trampoline Instructions Though most applicable objects in Guile are procedures implemented in bytecode, not all are. There are primitives, continuations, and other procedure-like objects that have their own calling convention. Instead of adding special cases to the @code{call} instruction, Guile wraps these other applicable objects in VM trampoline procedures, then provides special support for these objects in bytecode. Trampoline procedures are typically generated by Guile at runtime, for example in response to a call to @code{scm_c_make_gsubr}. As such, a compiler probably shouldn't emit code with these instructions. However, it's still interesting to know how these things work, so we document these trampoline instructions here. @deftypefn Instruction {} subr-call c24:@var{idx} Call a subr, passing all locals in this frame as arguments, and storing the results on the stack, ready to be returned. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} foreign-call c12:@var{cif-idx} c12:@var{ptr-idx} Call a foreign function. Fetch the @var{cif} and foreign pointer from @var{cif-idx} and @var{ptr-idx} closure slots of the callee. Arguments are taken from the stack, and results placed on the stack, ready to be returned. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} builtin-ref s12:@var{dst} c12:@var{idx} Load a builtin stub by index into @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @node Non-Local Control Flow Instructions @subsubsection Non-Local Control Flow Instructions @deftypefn Instruction {} capture-continuation s24:@var{dst} Capture the current continuation, and write it to @var{dst}. Part of the implementation of @code{call/cc}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} continuation-call c24:@var{contregs} Return to a continuation, nonlocally. The arguments to the continuation are taken from the stack. @var{contregs} is a free variable containing the reified continuation. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} abort x24:@var{_} Abort to a prompt handler. The tag is expected in slot 1, and the rest of the values in the frame are returned to the prompt handler. This corresponds to a tail application of @code{abort-to-prompt}. If no prompt can be found in the dynamic environment with the given tag, an error is signalled. Otherwise all arguments are passed to the prompt's handler, along with the captured continuation, if necessary. If the prompt's handler can be proven to not reference the captured continuation, no continuation is allocated. This decision happens dynamically, at run-time; the general case is that the continuation may be captured, and thus resumed. A reinstated continuation will have its arguments pushed on the stack from slot 0, as if from a multiple-value return, and control resumes in the caller. Thus to the calling function, a call to @code{abort-to-prompt} looks like any other function call. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} compose-continuation c24:@var{cont} Compose a partial continuation with the current continuation. The arguments to the continuation are taken from the stack. @var{cont} is a free variable containing the reified continuation. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} prompt s24:@var{tag} b1:@var{escape-only?} x7:@var{_} f24:@var{proc-slot} x8:@var{_} l24:@var{handler-offset} Push a new prompt on the dynamic stack, with a tag from @var{tag} and a handler at @var{handler-offset} words from the current @var{ip}. If an abort is made to this prompt, control will jump to the handler. The handler will expect a multiple-value return as if from a call with the procedure at @var{proc-slot}, with the reified partial continuation as the first argument, followed by the values returned to the handler. If control returns to the handler, the prompt is already popped off by the abort mechanism. (Guile's @code{prompt} implements Felleisen's @dfn{--F--} operator.) If @var{escape-only?} is nonzero, the prompt will be marked as escape-only, which allows an abort to this prompt to avoid reifying the continuation. @xref{Prompts}, for more information on prompts. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} throw s12:@var{key} s12:@var{args} Raise an error by throwing to @var{key} and @var{args}. @var{args} should be a list. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} throw/value s24:@var{value} n32:@var{key-subr-and-message} @deftypefnx Instruction {} throw/value+data s24:@var{value} n32:@var{key-subr-and-message} Raise an error, indicating @var{val} as the bad value. @var{key-subr-and-message} should be a vector, where the first element is the symbol to which to throw, the second is the procedure in which to signal the error (a string) or @code{#f}, and the third is a format string for the message, with one template. These instructions do not fall through. Both of these instructions throw to a key with four arguments: the procedure that indicates the error (or @code{#f}, the format string, a list with @var{value}, and either @code{#f} or the list with @var{value} as the last argument respectively. @end deftypefn @node Instrumentation Instructions @subsubsection Instrumentation Instructions @deftypefn Instruction {} instrument-entry x24_@var{_} n32:@var{data} @deftypefnx Instruction {} instrument-loop x24_@var{_} n32:@var{data} Increase execution counter for this function and potentially tier up to the next JIT level. @var{data} is an offset to a structure recording execution counts and the next-level JIT code corresponding to this function. The increment values are currently 30 for @code{instrument-entry} and 2 for @code{instrument-loop}. @code{instrument-entry} will also run the apply hook, if VM hooks are enabled. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} handle-interrupts x24:@var{_} Handle pending asynchronous interrupts (asyncs). @xref{Asyncs}. The compiler inserts @code{handle-interrupts} instructions before any call, return, or loop back-edge. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} return-from-interrupt x24:@var{_} A special instruction to return from a call and also pop off the stack frame from the call. Used when returning from asynchronous interrupts. @end deftypefn @node Intrinsic Call Instructions @subsubsection Intrinsic Call Instructions Guile's instruction set is low-level. This is good because the separate components of, say, a @code{vector-ref} operation might be able to be optimized out, leaving only the operations that need to be performed at run-time. However some macro-operations may need to perform large amounts of computation at run-time to handle all the edge cases, and whose micro-operation components aren't amenable to optimization. Residualizing code for the entire macro-operation would lead to code bloat with no benefit. In this kind of a case, Guile's VM calls out to @dfn{intrinsics}: run-time routines written in the host language (currently C, possibly more in the future if Guile gains more run-time targets like WebAssembly). There is one instruction for each instrinsic prototype; the intrinsic is specified by index in the instruction. @deftypefn Instruction {} call-thread x24:@var{_} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{void}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing the current @code{scm_thread*} as the argument. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-thread-scm s24:@var{a} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{void}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing the current @code{scm_thread*} and the @code{scm} local @var{a} as arguments. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-thread-scm-scm s12:@var{a} s12:@var{b} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{void}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing the current @code{scm_thread*} and the @code{scm} locals @var{a} and @var{b} as arguments. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm-sz-u32 s12:@var{a} s12:@var{b} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{void}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing the locals @var{a}, @var{b}, and @var{c} as arguments. @var{a} is a @code{scm} value, while @var{b} and @var{c} are raw @code{u64} values which fit into @code{size_t} and @code{uint32_t} types, respectively. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm<-u64 s24:@var{dst} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{SCM}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing the current @code{scm_thread*} as the argument. Place the result in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm<-u64 s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{a} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{SCM}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{u64} local @var{a} as the argument. Place the result in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm<-s64 s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{a} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{SCM}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{s64} local @var{a} as the argument. Place the result in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm<-scm s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{a} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{SCM}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{scm} local @var{a} as the argument. Place the result in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-u64<-scm s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{a} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{uint64_t}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{scm} local @var{a} as the argument. Place the @code{u64} result in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-s64<-scm s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{a} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{int64_t}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{scm} local @var{a} as the argument. Place the @code{s64} result in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-f64<-scm s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{a} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{double}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{scm} local @var{a} as the argument. Place the @code{f64} result in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm<-scm-scm s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{SCM}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{scm} locals @var{a} and @var{b} as arguments. Place the @code{scm} result in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm<-scm-uimm s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} c8:@var{b} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{SCM}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{scm} local @var{a} and @code{uint8_t} immediate @var{b} as arguments. Place the @code{scm} result in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm<-thread-scm s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{a} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{SCM}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing the current @code{scm_thread*} and @code{scm} local @var{a} as arguments. Place the @code{scm} result in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm<-scm-u64 s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{SCM}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{scm} local @var{a} and @code{u64} local @var{b} as arguments. Place the @code{scm} result in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm-scm s12:@var{a} s12:@var{b} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{void}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{scm} locals @var{a} and @var{b} as arguments. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm-scm-scm s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} s8:@var{c} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{void}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{scm} locals @var{a}, @var{b}, and @var{c} as arguments. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} call-scm-uimm-scm s8:@var{a} c8:@var{b} s8:@var{c} c32:@var{idx} Call the @code{void}-returning instrinsic with index @var{idx}, passing @code{scm} local @var{a}, @code{uint8_t} immediate @var{b}, and @code{scm} local @var{c} as arguments. @end deftypefn There are corresponding macro-instructions for specific intrinsics. These are equivalent to @code{call-@var{instrinsic-kind}} instructions with the appropriate intrinsic @var{idx} arguments. @deffn {Macro Instruction} add dst a b @deffnx {Macro Instruction} add/immediate dst a b/imm Add @code{SCM} values @var{a} and @var{b} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} sub dst a b @deffnx {Macro Instruction} sub/immediate dst a b/imm Subtract @code{SCM} value @var{b} from @var{a} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} mul dst a b Multiply @code{SCM} values @var{a} and @var{b} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} div dst a b Divide @code{SCM} value @var{a} by @var{b} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} quo dst a b Compute the quotient of @code{SCM} values @var{a} and @var{b} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} rem dst a b Compute the remainder of @code{SCM} values @var{a} and @var{b} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} mod dst a b Compute the modulo of @code{SCM} value @var{a} by @var{b} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} logand dst a b Compute the bitwise @code{and} of @code{SCM} values @var{a} and @var{b} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} logior dst a b Compute the bitwise inclusive @code{or} of @code{SCM} values @var{a} and @var{b} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} logxor dst a b Compute the bitwise exclusive @code{or} of @code{SCM} values @var{a} and @var{b} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} logsub dst a b Compute the bitwise @code{and} of @code{SCM} value @var{a} and the bitwise @code{not} of @var{b} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} lsh dst a b @deffnx {Macro Instruction} lsh/immediate a b/imm Shift @code{SCM} value @var{a} left by @code{u64} value @var{b} bits and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} rsh dst a b @deffnx {Macro Instruction} rsh/immediate dst a b/imm Shifts @code{SCM} value @var{a} right by @code{u64} value @var{b} bits and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} scm->f64 dst src Convert @var{src} to an unboxed @code{f64} and place the result in @var{dst}, or raises an error if @var{src} is not a real number. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} scm->u64 dst src Convert @var{src} to an unboxed @code{u64} and place the result in @var{dst}, or raises an error if @var{src} is not an integer within range. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} scm->u64/truncate dst src Convert @var{src} to an unboxed @code{u64} and place the result in @var{dst}, truncating to the low 64 bits, or raises an error if @var{src} is not an integer. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} scm->s64 dst src Convert @var{src} to an unboxed @code{s64} and place the result in @var{dst}, or raises an error if @var{src} is not an integer within range. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} u64->scm dst src Convert @var{u64} value @var{src} to a Scheme integer in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} s64->scm scm<-s64 Convert @var{s64} value @var{src} to a Scheme integer in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} string-set! str idx ch Sets the character @var{idx} (a @code{u64}) of string @var{str} to @var{ch} (a @code{u64} that is a valid character value). @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} string->number dst src Call @code{string->number} on @var{src} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} string->symbol dst src Call @code{string->symbol} on @var{src} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} symbol->keyword dst src Call @code{symbol->keyword} on @var{src} and place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} class-of dst src Set @var{dst} to the GOOPS class of @code{src}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} wind winder unwinder Push wind and unwind procedures onto the dynamic stack. Note that neither are actually called; the compiler should emit calls to @var{winder} and @var{unwinder} for the normal dynamic-wind control flow. Also note that the compiler should have inserted checks that @var{winder} and @var{unwinder} are thunks, if it could not prove that to be the case. @xref{Dynamic Wind}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} unwind Exit from the dynamic extent of an expression, popping the top entry off of the dynamic stack. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} push-fluid fluid value Dynamically bind @var{value} to @var{fluid} by creating a with-fluids object, pushing that object on the dynamic stack. @xref{Fluids and Dynamic States}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} pop-fluid Leave the dynamic extent of a @code{with-fluid*} expression, restoring the fluid to its previous value. @code{push-fluid} should always be balanced with @code{pop-fluid}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} fluid-ref dst fluid Place the value associated with the fluid @var{fluid} in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} fluid-set! fluid value Set the value of the fluid @var{fluid} to @var{value}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} push-dynamic-state state Save the current set of fluid bindings on the dynamic stack and instate the bindings from @var{state} instead. @xref{Fluids and Dynamic States}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} pop-dynamic-state Restore a saved set of fluid bindings from the dynamic stack. @code{push-dynamic-state} should always be balanced with @code{pop-dynamic-state}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} resolve-module dst name public? Look up the module named @var{name}, resolve its public interface if the immediate operand @var{public?} is true, then place the result in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} lookup dst mod sym Look up @var{sym} in module @var{mod}, placing the resulting variable (or @code{#f} if not found) in @var{dst}. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} define! dst mod sym Look up @var{sym} in module @var{mod}, placing the resulting variable in @var{dst}, creating the variable if needed. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} current-module dst Set @var{dst} to the current module. @end deffn @deffn {Macro Instruction} $car dst src @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $cdr dst src @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $set-car! x val @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $set-cdr! x val @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $variable-ref dst src @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $variable-set! x val @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $vector-length dst x @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $vector-ref dst x idx @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $vector-ref/immediate dst x idx/imm @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $vector-set! x idx v @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $vector-set!/immediate x idx/imm v @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $allocate-struct dst vtable nwords @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $struct-vtable dst src @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $struct-ref dst src idx @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $struct-ref/immediate dst src idx/imm @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $struct-set! x idx v @deffnx {Macro Instruction} $struct-set!/immediate x idx/imm v Intrinsics for use by the baseline compiler. The usual strategy for CPS compilation is to expose the component parts of e.g. @code{vector-ref} so that the compiler can learn from them and eliminate needless bits. However in the non-optimizing baseline compiler, that's just overhead, so we have some intrinsics that encapsulate all the usual type checks. @end deffn @node Constant Instructions @subsubsection Constant Instructions The following instructions load literal data into a program. There are two kinds. The first set of instructions loads immediate values. These instructions encode the immediate directly into the instruction stream. @deftypefn Instruction {} make-immediate s8:@var{dst} zi16:@var{low-bits} Make an immediate whose low bits are @var{low-bits}, sign-extended. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} make-short-immediate s8:@var{dst} i16:@var{low-bits} Make an immediate whose low bits are @var{low-bits}, and whose top bits are 0. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} make-long-immediate s24:@var{dst} i32:@var{low-bits} Make an immediate whose low bits are @var{low-bits}, and whose top bits are 0. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} make-long-long-immediate s24:@var{dst} a32:@var{high-bits} b32:@var{low-bits} Make an immediate with @var{high-bits} and @var{low-bits}. @end deftypefn Non-immediate constant literals are referenced either directly or indirectly. For example, Guile knows at compile-time what the layout of a string will be like, and arranges to embed that object directly in the compiled image. A reference to a string will use @code{make-non-immediate} to treat a pointer into the compilation unit as a @code{scm} value directly. @deftypefn Instruction {} make-non-immediate s24:@var{dst} n32:@var{offset} Load a pointer to statically allocated memory into @var{dst}. The object's memory will be found @var{offset} 32-bit words away from the current instruction pointer. Whether the object is mutable or immutable depends on where it was allocated by the compiler, and loaded by the loader. @end deftypefn Sometimes you need to load up a code pointer into a register; for this, use @code{load-label}. @deftypefn Instruction {} load-label s24:@var{dst} l32:@var{offset} Load a label @var{offset} words away from the current @code{ip} and write it to @var{dst}. @var{offset} is a signed 32-bit integer. @end deftypefn Finally, Guile supports a number of unboxed data types, with their associate constant loaders. @deftypefn Instruction {} load-f64 s24:@var{dst} au32:@var{high-bits} au32:@var{low-bits} Load a double-precision floating-point value formed by joining @var{high-bits} and @var{low-bits}, and write it to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} load-u64 s24:@var{dst} au32:@var{high-bits} au32:@var{low-bits} Load an unsigned 64-bit integer formed by joining @var{high-bits} and @var{low-bits}, and write it to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} load-s64 s24:@var{dst} au32:@var{high-bits} au32:@var{low-bits} Load a signed 64-bit integer formed by joining @var{high-bits} and @var{low-bits}, and write it to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn Some objects must be unique across the whole system. This is the case for symbols and keywords. For these objects, Guile arranges to initialize them when the compilation unit is loaded, storing them into a slot in the image. References go indirectly through that slot. @code{static-ref} is used in this case. @deftypefn Instruction {} static-ref s24:@var{dst} r32:@var{offset} Load a @var{scm} value into @var{dst}. The @var{scm} value will be fetched from memory, @var{offset} 32-bit words away from the current instruction pointer. @var{offset} is a signed value. @end deftypefn Fields of non-immediates may need to be fixed up at load time, because we do not know in advance at what address they will be loaded. This is the case, for example, for a pair containing a non-immediate in one of its fields. @code{static-set!} and @code{static-patch!} are used in these situations. @deftypefn Instruction {} static-set! s24:@var{src} lo32:@var{offset} Store a @var{scm} value into memory, @var{offset} 32-bit words away from the current instruction pointer. @var{offset} is a signed value. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} static-patch! x24:@var{_} lo32:@var{dst-offset} l32:@var{src-offset} Patch a pointer at @var{dst-offset} to point to @var{src-offset}. Both offsets are signed 32-bit values, indicating a memory address as a number of 32-bit words away from the current instruction pointer. @end deftypefn @node Memory Access Instructions @subsubsection Memory Access Instructions In these instructions, the @code{/immediate} variants represent their indexes or counts as immediates; otherwise these values are unboxed u64 locals. @deftypefn Instruction {} allocate-words s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{count} @deftypefnx Instruction {} allocate-words/immediate s12:@var{dst} c12:@var{count} Allocate a fresh GC-traced object consisting of @var{count} words and store it into @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} scm-ref s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{obj} s8:@var{idx} @deftypefnx Instruction {} scm-ref/immediate s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{obj} c8:@var{idx} Load the @code{SCM} object at word offset @var{idx} from local @var{obj}, and store it to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} scm-set! s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{idx} s8:@var{obj} @deftypefnx Instruction {} scm-set!/immediate s8:@var{dst} c8:@var{idx} s8:@var{obj} Store the @code{scm} local @var{val} into object @var{obj} at word offset @var{idx}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} scm-ref/tag s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{obj} c8:@var{tag} Load the first word of @var{obj}, subtract the immediate @var{tag}, and store the resulting @code{SCM} to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} scm-set!/tag s8:@var{obj} c8:@var{tag} s8:@var{val} Set the first word of @var{obj} to the unpacked bits of the @code{scm} value @var{val} plus the immediate value @var{tag}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} word-ref s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{obj} s8:@var{idx} @deftypefnx Instruction {} word-ref/immediate s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{obj} c8:@var{idx} Load the word at offset @var{idx} from local @var{obj}, and store it to the @code{u64} local @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} word-set! s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{idx} s8:@var{obj} @deftypefnx Instruction {} word-set!/immediate s8:@var{dst} c8:@var{idx} s8:@var{obj} Store the @code{u64} local @var{val} into object @var{obj} at word offset @var{idx}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} pointer-ref/immediate s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{obj} c8:@var{idx} Load the pointer at offset @var{idx} from local @var{obj}, and store it to the unboxed pointer local @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} pointer-set!/immediate s8:@var{dst} c8:@var{idx} s8:@var{obj} Store the unboxed pointer local @var{val} into object @var{obj} at word offset @var{idx}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} tail-pointer-ref/immediate s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{obj} c8:@var{idx} Compute the address of word offset @var{idx} from local @var{obj}, and store it to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @node Atomic Memory Access Instructions @subsubsection Atomic Memory Access Instructions @deftypefn Instruction {} current-thread s24:@var{dst} Write the current thread into @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} atomic-scm-ref/immediate s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{obj} c8:@var{idx} Atomically load the @code{SCM} object at word offset @var{idx} from local @var{obj}, using the sequential consistency memory model. Store the result to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} atomic-scm-set!/immediate s8:@var{obj} c8:@var{idx} s8:@var{val} Atomically set the @code{SCM} object at word offset @var{idx} from local @var{obj} to @var{val}, using the sequential consistency memory model. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} atomic-scm-swap!/immediate s24:@var{dst} x8:@var{_} s24:@var{obj} c8:@var{idx} s24:@var{val} Atomically swap the @code{SCM} value stored in object @var{obj} at word offset @var{idx} with @var{val}, using the sequentially consistent memory model. Store the previous value to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} atomic-scm-compare-and-swap!/immediate s24:@var{dst} x8:@var{_} s24:@var{obj} c8:@var{idx} s24:@var{expected} x8:@var{_} s24:@var{desired} Atomically swap the @code{SCM} value stored in object @var{obj} at word offset @var{idx} with @var{desired}, if and only if the value that was there was @var{expected}, using the sequentially consistent memory model. Store the value that was previously at @var{idx} from @var{obj} in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @node Tagging and Untagging Instructions @subsubsection Tagging and Untagging Instructions @deftypefn Instruction {} tag-char s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{src} Make a @code{SCM} character whose integer value is the @code{u64} in @var{src}, and store it in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} untag-char s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{src} Extract the integer value from the @code{SCM} character @var{src}, and store the resulting @code{u64} in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} tag-fixnum s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{src} Make a @code{SCM} integer whose value is the @code{s64} in @var{src}, and store it in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} untag-fixnum s12:@var{dst} s12:@var{src} Extract the integer value from the @code{SCM} integer @var{src}, and store the resulting @code{s64} in @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @node Integer Arithmetic Instructions @subsubsection Integer Arithmetic Instructions @deftypefn Instruction {} uadd s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} @deftypefnx Instruction {} uadd/immediate s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} c8:@var{b} Add the @code{u64} values @var{a} and @var{b}, and store the @code{u64} result to @var{dst}. Overflow will wrap. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} usub s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} @deftypefnx Instruction {} usub/immediate s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} c8:@var{b} Subtract the @code{u64} value @var{b} from @var{a}, and store the @code{u64} result to @var{dst}. Underflow will wrap. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} umul s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} @deftypefnx Instruction {} umul/immediate s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} c8:@var{b} Multiply the @code{u64} values @var{a} and @var{b}, and store the @code{u64} result to @var{dst}. Overflow will wrap. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} ulogand s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} Place the bitwise @code{and} of the @code{u64} values @var{a} and @var{b} into the @code{u64} local @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} ulogior s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} Place the bitwise inclusive @code{or} of the @code{u64} values @var{a} and @var{b} into the @code{u64} local @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} ulogxor s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} Place the bitwise exclusive @code{or} of the @code{u64} values @var{a} and @var{b} into the @code{u64} local @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} ulogsub s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} Place the bitwise @code{and} of the @code{u64} values @var{a} and the bitwise @code{not} of @var{b} into the @code{u64} local @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} ulsh s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} @deftypefnx Instruction {} ulsh/immediate s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} c8:@var{b} Shift the unboxed unsigned 64-bit integer in @var{a} left by @var{b} bits, also an unboxed unsigned 64-bit integer. Truncate to 64 bits and write to @var{dst} as an unboxed value. Only the lower 6 bits of @var{b} are used. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} ursh s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} @deftypefnx Instruction {} ursh/immediate s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} c8:@var{b} Shift the unboxed unsigned 64-bit integer in @var{a} right by @var{b} bits, also an unboxed unsigned 64-bit integer. Truncate to 64 bits and write to @var{dst} as an unboxed value. Only the lower 6 bits of @var{b} are used. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} srsh s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} @deftypefnx Instruction {} srsh/immediate s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} c8:@var{b} Shift the unboxed signed 64-bit integer in @var{a} right by @var{b} bits, also an unboxed signed 64-bit integer. Truncate to 64 bits and write to @var{dst} as an unboxed value. Only the lower 6 bits of @var{b} are used. @end deftypefn @node Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions @subsubsection Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions @deftypefn Instruction {} fadd s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} Add the @code{f64} values @var{a} and @var{b}, and store the @code{f64} result to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} fsub s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} Subtract the @code{f64} value @var{b} from @var{a}, and store the @code{f64} result to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} fmul s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} Multiply the @code{f64} values @var{a} and @var{b}, and store the @code{f64} result to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} fdiv s8:@var{dst} s8:@var{a} s8:@var{b} Divide the @code{f64} values @var{a} by @var{b}, and store the @code{f64} result to @var{dst}. @end deftypefn @node Comparison Instructions @subsubsection Comparison Instructions @deftypefn Instruction {} u64=? s12:@var{a} s12:@var{b} Set the comparison result to @var{EQUAL} if the @code{u64} values @var{a} and @var{b} are the same, or @code{NONE} otherwise. @end deftypefn @deftypefn Instruction {} u64