#!/bin/sh # -*- Scheme -*- exec ${GUILE-guile} -q -l "$0" \ -c '(apply main (cdr (command-line)))' \ --benchmark-dir="$(dirname $0)" "$@" !# ;;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with this software; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If ;;; not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin ;;; Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA (use-modules (ice-9 rdelim) (ice-9 popen) (ice-9 regex) (ice-9 format) (ice-9 pretty-print) (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-37)) ;;; ;;; Running Guile. ;;; (define (run-reference-guile env bench-dir profile-opts bench) "Run the ``mainstream'' Guile, i.e., Guile 1.9 with its own GC." (open-input-pipe (string-append env " " bench-dir "/gc-profile.scm " profile-opts " \"" bench "\""))) (define (run-bdwgc-guile env bench-dir profile-opts options bench) "Run the Guile port to the Boehm-Demers-Weiser GC (BDW-GC)." (let ((fsd (assoc-ref options 'free-space-divisor))) (open-input-pipe (string-append env " " "GC_FREE_SPACE_DIVISOR=" (number->string fsd) (if (or (assoc-ref options 'incremental?) (assoc-ref options 'generational?)) " GC_ENABLE_INCREMENTAL=yes" "") (if (assoc-ref options 'generational?) " GC_PAUSE_TIME_TARGET=999999" "") (if (assoc-ref options 'parallel?) "" ;; let it choose the number of procs " GC_MARKERS=1") " " bench-dir "/gc-profile.scm " profile-opts " \"" bench "\"")))) ;;; ;;; Extracting performance results. ;;; (define (grep regexp input) "Read line by line from the @var{input} port and return all matches for @var{regexp}." (let ((regexp (if (string? regexp) (make-regexp regexp) regexp))) (with-input-from-port input (lambda () (let loop ((line (read-line)) (result '())) (format #t "> ~A~%" line) (if (eof-object? line) (reverse result) (cond ((regexp-exec regexp line) => (lambda (match) (loop (read-line) (cons match result)))) (else (loop (read-line) result))))))))) (define (parse-result benchmark-output) (let ((result (grep "^(execution time|heap size):[[:blank:]]+([0-9.]+)" benchmark-output))) (fold (lambda (match result) (cond ((equal? (match:substring match 1) "execution time") (cons (cons 'execution-time (string->number (match:substring match 2))) result)) ((equal? (match:substring match 1) "heap size") (cons (cons 'heap-size (string->number (match:substring match 2))) result)) (else result))) '() result))) (define (pretty-print-result benchmark reference bdwgc) (define ref-heap (assoc-ref reference 'heap-size)) (define ref-time (assoc-ref reference 'execution-time)) (define (distance x1 y1 x2 y2) ;; Return the distance between (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2), using a scale such ;; that REFERENCE is at (1,1). (let ((y1 (/ y1 (expt 2 20))) (y2 (/ y2 (expt 2 20)))) (sqrt (+ (expt (- y1 y2) 2) (expt (- x1 x2) 2))))) (define (score time heap) ;; Return a score between -1.0 and +1.0. The score is positive if the ;; distance to the origin of (TIME,HEAP) is smaller than that of ;; (REF-TIME,REF-HEAP), negative otherwise. ;; heap ^ . ;; size | . worse ;; | . [-] ;; | . ;; 1 | . . . .ref. . . . ;; | . ;; | [+] . ;; | better . ;; 0 +--------------------> ;; 1 exec. time (let ((ref-dist (distance ref-time ref-heap 0 0)) (dist (distance time heap 0 0))) (/ (- ref-dist dist) ref-dist))) (define (score-string time heap) ;; Return a string denoting a bar to illustrate the score of (TIME,HEAP) ;; relative to (REF-TIME,REF-HEAP). (define %max-width 15) (let ((s (score time heap))) (make-string (inexact->exact (round (* (if (< s 0.0) (- s) s) %max-width))) (if (< s 0.0) #\- #\+)))) (define (print-line name result ref?) (let ((name (string-pad-right name 23)) (time (assoc-ref result 'execution-time)) (heap (assoc-ref result 'heap-size))) (format #t "~a ~6,2f (~,2fx) ~7,3f (~,2fx)~A~%" name (/ heap (expt 2.0 20)) (/ heap ref-heap 1.0) time (/ time ref-time 1.0) (if (not ref?) (string-append " " (score-string time heap)) "")))) (format #t "benchmark: `~a'~%" benchmark) (format #t " heap size (MiB) execution time (s.)~%") (print-line "Guile" reference #t) (for-each (lambda (bdwgc) (let ((name (format #f "BDW-GC, FSD=~a~a" (assoc-ref bdwgc 'free-space-divisor) (cond ((assoc-ref bdwgc 'incremental?) " incr.") ((assoc-ref bdwgc 'generational?) " gene.") ((assoc-ref bdwgc 'parallel?) " paral.") (else ""))))) (print-line name bdwgc #f))) bdwgc)) (define (print-raw-result benchmark reference bdwgc) (pretty-print `(,benchmark (reference . ,reference) (bdw-gc . ,bdwgc)))) ;;; ;;; Option processing. ;;; (define %options (list (option '(#\h "help") #f #f (lambda args (show-help) (exit 0))) (option '(#\r "reference") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'reference-environment arg (alist-delete 'reference-environment result eq?)))) (option '(#\b "bdw-gc") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'bdwgc-environment arg (alist-delete 'bdwgc-environment result eq?)))) (option '(#\d "benchmark-dir") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'benchmark-directory arg (alist-delete 'benchmark-directory result eq?)))) (option '(#\p "profile-options") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (let ((opts (assoc-ref result 'profile-options))) (alist-cons 'profile-options (string-append opts " " arg) (alist-delete 'profile-options result eq?))))) (option '(#\l "log-file") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'log-port (open-output-file arg) (alist-delete 'log-port result eq?)))) (option '("raw") #f #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'printer print-raw-result (alist-delete 'printer result eq?)))) (option '("load-results") #f #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'load-results? #t result))))) (define %default-options `((reference-environment . "GUILE=guile") (benchmark-directory . "./gc-benchmarks") (log-port . ,(current-output-port)) (profile-options . "") (input . ()) (printer . ,pretty-print-result))) (define (show-help) (format #t "Usage: run-benchmark [OPTIONS] BENCHMARKS... Run BENCHMARKS (a list of Scheme files) and display a performance comparison of standard Guile (1.9) and the BDW-GC-based Guile. -h, --help Show this help message -r, --reference=ENV -b, --bdw-gc=ENV Use ENV as the environment necessary to run the \"reference\" Guile (1.9) or the BDW-GC-based Guile, respectively. At a minimum, ENV should define the `GUILE' environment variable. For example: --reference='GUILE=/foo/bar/guile LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/foo' -p, --profile-options=OPTS Pass OPTS as additional options for `gc-profile.scm'. -l, --log-file=FILE Save output to FILE instead of the standard output. --raw Write benchmark results in raw (s-exp) format. --load-results Load raw (s-exp) results instead of actually running the benchmarks. -d, --benchmark-dir=DIR Use DIR as the GC benchmark directory where `gc-profile.scm' lives (it is automatically determined by default). Report bugs to .~%")) (define (parse-args args) (define (leave fmt . args) (apply format (current-error-port) (string-append fmt "~%") args) (exit 1)) (args-fold args %options (lambda (opt name arg result) (leave "~A: unrecognized option" opt)) (lambda (file result) (let ((files (or (assoc-ref result 'input) '()))) (alist-cons 'input (cons file files) (alist-delete 'input result eq?)))) %default-options)) ;;; ;;; The main program. ;;; (define (main . args) (let* ((args (parse-args args)) (benchmark-files (assoc-ref args 'input))) (let* ((log (assoc-ref args 'log-port)) (bench-dir (assoc-ref args 'benchmark-directory)) (ref-env (assoc-ref args 'reference-environment)) (bdwgc-env (or (assoc-ref args 'bdwgc-environment) (string-append "GUILE=" bench-dir "/../meta/guile"))) (prof-opts (assoc-ref args 'profile-options)) (print (assoc-ref args 'printer))) (define (run benchmark) (let ((ref (parse-result (run-reference-guile ref-env bench-dir prof-opts benchmark))) (bdwgc (map (lambda (fsd incremental? generational? parallel?) (let ((opts (list (cons 'free-space-divisor fsd) (cons 'incremental? incremental?) (cons 'generational? generational?) (cons 'parallel? parallel?)))) (append opts (parse-result (run-bdwgc-guile bdwgc-env bench-dir prof-opts opts benchmark))))) '( 3 6 9 3 3) '(#f #f #f #t #f) ;; incremental '(#f #f #f #f #t) ;; generational '(#f #f #f #f #f)))) ;; parallel `(,benchmark (reference . ,ref) (bdw-gc . ,bdwgc)))) (define (load-results file) (with-input-from-file file (lambda () (let loop ((results '()) (o (read))) (if (eof-object? o) (reverse results) (loop (cons o results) (read))))))) (for-each (lambda (result) (let ((benchmark (car result)) (ref (assoc-ref (cdr result) 'reference)) (bdwgc (assoc-ref (cdr result) 'bdw-gc))) (with-output-to-port log (lambda () (print benchmark ref bdwgc) (newline) (force-output))))) (if (assoc-ref args 'load-results?) (append-map load-results benchmark-files) (map run benchmark-files))))))