;;;; slib.scm --- definitions needed to get SLIB to work with Guile ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of GUILE. ;;;; ;;;; GUILE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or ;;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; GUILE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ;;;; License along with GUILE; see the file COPYING. If not, write ;;;; to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite ;;;; 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ;;;; (define-module (ice-9 slib) :no-backtrace) (define (eval-load evl) (if (not (file-exists? )) (set! (string-append (scheme-file-suffix)))) (call-with-input-file (lambda (port) (let ((old-load-pathname *load-pathname*)) (set! *load-pathname* ) (do ((o (read port) (read port))) ((eof-object? o)) (evl o)) (set! *load-pathname* old-load-pathname))))) (define slib:exit quit) (define slib:error error) (define slib:warn warn) (define slib:eval (lambda (x) (eval-in-module x slib-module))) (define defmacro:eval eval) (define logical:logand logand) (define logical:logior logior) (define logical:logxor logxor) (define logical:lognot lognot) (define logical:ash ash) (define logical:logcount logcount) (define logical:integer-length integer-length) (define logical:bit-extract bit-extract) (define logical:integer-expt integer-expt) (define logical:ipow-by-squaring ipow-by-squaring) (define slib:eval-load eval-load) (define slib:tab #\tab) (define slib:form-feed #\page) (define slib-module (current-module)) (define (defined? symbol) (module-defined? slib-module symbol)) (define slib:features (append '(source eval abort alist defmacro delay dynamic-wind full-continuation hash hash-table line-i/o logical multiarg/and- multiarg-apply promise rev2-procedures rev4-optional-procedures string-port with-file) (if (defined? 'getenv) '(getenv) '()) (if (defined? 'current-time) '(current-time) '()) (if (defined? 'system) '(system) '()) (if (defined? 'array?) '(array) '()) (if (defined? 'char-ready?) '(char-ready?) '()) (if (defined? 'array-for-each) '(array-for-each) '()) (if (and (string->number "0.0") (inexact? (string->number "0.0"))) '(inexact) '()) (if (rational? (string->number "1/19")) '(rational) '()) (if (real? (string->number "0.0")) '(real) ()) (if (complex? (string->number "1+i")) '(complex) '()) (let ((n (string->number "9999999999999999999999999999999"))) (if (and n (exact? n)) '(bignum) '())))) ;;; FIXME: Because uers want require to search the path, this uses ;;; load-from-path, which probably isn't a hot idea. slib ;;; doesn't expect this function to search a path, so I expect to get ;;; bug reports at some point complaining that the wrong file gets ;;; loaded when something accidentally appears in the path before ;;; slib, etc. ad nauseum. However, the right fix seems to involve ;;; changing catalog:get in slib/require.scm, and I don't expect ;;; Aubrey will integrate such a change. So I'm just going to punt ;;; for the time being. (define-public (slib:load name) (save-module-excursion (lambda () (set-current-module slib-module) (let ((errinfo (catch 'system-error (lambda () (load-from-path name) #f) (lambda args args)))) (if (and errinfo (catch 'system-error (lambda () (load-from-path (string-append name ".scm")) #f) (lambda args args))) (apply throw errinfo)))))) (define slib:load-source slib:load) (define defmacro:load slib:load) (define slib-parent-dir (let* ((path (%search-load-path "slib/require.scm"))) (if path (make-shared-substring path 0 (- (string-length path) 17)) (error "Could not find slib/require.scm in " %load-path)))) (define-public (implementation-vicinity) (string-append slib-parent-dir "/")) (define-public (library-vicinity) (string-append (implementation-vicinity) "slib/")) (define-public home-vicinity (let ((home-path (getenv "HOME"))) (lambda () home-path))) (define-public (scheme-implementation-type) 'guile) (define-public (scheme-implementation-version) "") (define (output-port-width . arg) 80) (define (output-port-height . arg) 24) (define (identity x) x) ;;; {Random numbers} ;;; (define-public (make-random-state . args) (let ((seed (if (null? args) *random-state* (car args)))) (cond ((string? seed)) ((number? seed) (set! seed (number->string seed))) (else (let () (require 'object->string) (set! seed (object->limited-string seed 50))))) (seed->random-state seed))) ;;; {Time} ;;; (define difftime -) (define offset-time +) (define %system-define define) (define define (procedure->memoizing-macro (lambda (exp env) (if (= (length env) 1) `(define-public ,@(cdr exp)) `(%system-define ,@(cdr exp)))))) ;;; Hack to make syncase macros work in the slib module (if (nested-ref the-root-module '(app modules ice-9 syncase)) (set-object-property! (module-local-variable (current-module) 'define) '*sc-expander* '(define))) (define (software-type) "Return a symbol describing the current platform's operating system. This may be one of AIX, VMS, UNIX, COHERENT, WINDOWS, MS-DOS, OS/2, THINKC, AMIGA, ATARIST, MACH, or ACORN. Note that most varieties of Unix are considered to be simply \"UNIX\". That is because when a program depends on features that are not present on every operating system, it is usually better to test for the presence or absence of that specific feature. The return value of @code{software-type} should only be used for this purpose when there is no other easy or unambiguous way of detecting such features." 'UNIX) (slib:load (in-vicinity (library-vicinity) "require.scm")) (define-public require require:require) ;; {Extensions to the require system so that the user can add new ;; require modules easily.} (define *vicinity-table* (list (cons 'implementation (implementation-vicinity)) (cons 'library (library-vicinity)))) (define (install-require-vicinity name vicinity) (let ((entry (assq name *vicinity-table*))) (if entry (set-cdr! entry vicinity) (set! *vicinity-table* (acons name vicinity *vicinity-table*))))) (define (install-require-module name vicinity-name file-name) (if (not *catalog*) ;Fix which loads catalog in slib (catalog:get 'random)) ;(doesn't load the feature 'random) (let ((entry (assq name *catalog*)) (vicinity (cdr (assq vicinity-name *vicinity-table*)))) (let ((path-name (in-vicinity vicinity file-name))) (if entry (set-cdr! entry path-name) (set! *catalog* (acons name path-name *catalog*))))))