/* Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include "libguile/_scm.h" #include "libguile/control.h" #include "libguile/eval.h" #include "libguile/fluids.h" #include "libguile/dynstack.h" #define PROMPT_WORDS 5 #define PROMPT_KEY(top) (SCM_PACK ((top)[0])) #define PROMPT_FP(top) ((SCM *) ((top)[1])) #define PROMPT_SP(top) ((SCM *) ((top)[2])) #define PROMPT_IP(top) ((scm_t_uint8 *) ((top)[3])) #define PROMPT_JMPBUF(top) ((scm_i_jmp_buf *) ((top)[4])) #define WINDER_WORDS 2 #define WINDER_PROC(top) ((scm_t_guard) ((top)[0])) #define WINDER_DATA(top) ((void *) ((top)[1])) #define DYNWIND_WORDS 2 #define DYNWIND_ENTER(top) (SCM_PACK ((top)[0])) #define DYNWIND_LEAVE(top) (SCM_PACK ((top)[1])) #define WITH_FLUIDS_FLUIDS(top) ((SCM*)((top) + 1)) #define WITH_FLUIDS_VALUES(top) ((SCM*)((top)[0])) static void copy_scm_t_bits (scm_t_bits *dst, scm_t_bits *src, size_t n) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) dst[i] = src[i]; } static void copy_scm (SCM *dst, SCM *src, size_t n) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) dst[i] = src[i]; } static void clear_scm_t_bits (scm_t_bits *items, size_t n) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) items[i] = 0; } /* Ensure space for N additional words. */ static void dynstack_ensure_space (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, size_t n) { size_t capacity = SCM_DYNSTACK_CAPACITY (dynstack); size_t height = SCM_DYNSTACK_HEIGHT (dynstack); n += SCM_DYNSTACK_HEADER_LEN; if (capacity < height + n) { scm_t_bits *new_base; while (capacity < height + n) capacity = (capacity < 4) ? 8 : (capacity * 2); new_base = scm_gc_malloc (capacity * sizeof(scm_t_bits), "dynstack"); copy_scm_t_bits (new_base, dynstack->base, height); clear_scm_t_bits (dynstack->base, height); dynstack->base = new_base; dynstack->top = new_base + height; dynstack->limit = new_base + capacity; } } static inline scm_t_bits * push_dynstack_entry_unchecked (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_dynstack_item_type type, scm_t_bits flags, size_t len) { scm_t_bits *ret = dynstack->top; SCM_DYNSTACK_SET_TAG (dynstack->top, SCM_MAKE_DYNSTACK_TAG (type, flags, len)); dynstack->top += SCM_DYNSTACK_HEADER_LEN + len; SCM_DYNSTACK_SET_PREV_OFFSET (dynstack->top, SCM_DYNSTACK_HEADER_LEN + len); return ret; } static inline scm_t_bits * push_dynstack_entry (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_dynstack_item_type type, scm_t_bits flags, size_t len) { if (SCM_UNLIKELY (!SCM_DYNSTACK_HAS_SPACE (dynstack, len))) dynstack_ensure_space (dynstack, len); return push_dynstack_entry_unchecked (dynstack, type, flags, len); } void scm_dynstack_push_frame (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_dynstack_frame_flags flags) { push_dynstack_entry (dynstack, SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_FRAME, flags, 0); } void scm_dynstack_push_rewinder (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_dynstack_winder_flags flags, scm_t_guard proc, void *data) { scm_t_bits *words; words = push_dynstack_entry (dynstack, SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_REWINDER, flags, 2); words[0] = (scm_t_bits) proc; words[1] = (scm_t_bits) data; } void scm_dynstack_push_unwinder (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_dynstack_winder_flags flags, scm_t_guard proc, void *data) { scm_t_bits *words; words = push_dynstack_entry (dynstack, SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_UNWINDER, flags, 2); words[0] = (scm_t_bits) proc; words[1] = (scm_t_bits) data; } /* The fluids are stored on the stack. However, the values have to be stored on the heap, so that all continuations that capture this dynamic scope capture the same bindings. */ void scm_dynstack_push_fluids (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, size_t n, SCM *fluids, SCM *values, SCM dynamic_state) { scm_t_bits *words; SCM *heap_values; n = scm_prepare_fluids (n, fluids, values); heap_values = scm_gc_malloc (n * sizeof (scm_t_bits), "with-fluids"); copy_scm (heap_values, values, n); words = push_dynstack_entry (dynstack, SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_WITH_FLUIDS, 0, n + 1); words[0] = (scm_t_bits) heap_values; copy_scm (WITH_FLUIDS_FLUIDS (words), fluids, n); /* Go ahead and swap them. */ scm_swap_fluids (n, WITH_FLUIDS_FLUIDS (words), WITH_FLUIDS_VALUES (words), dynamic_state); } void scm_dynstack_push_prompt (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_dynstack_prompt_flags flags, SCM key, SCM *fp, SCM *sp, scm_t_uint8 *ip, scm_i_jmp_buf *registers) { scm_t_bits *words; words = push_dynstack_entry (dynstack, SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_PROMPT, flags, PROMPT_WORDS); words[0] = SCM_UNPACK (key); words[1] = (scm_t_bits) fp; words[2] = (scm_t_bits) sp; words[3] = (scm_t_bits) ip; words[4] = (scm_t_bits) registers; } void scm_dynstack_push_dynwind (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, SCM enter, SCM leave) { scm_t_bits *words; words = push_dynstack_entry (dynstack, SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_DYNWIND, 0, 2); words[0] = SCM_UNPACK (enter); words[1] = SCM_UNPACK (leave); } static inline scm_t_bits dynstack_pop (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_bits **words) { scm_t_bits *prev = SCM_DYNSTACK_PREV (dynstack->top); scm_t_bits tag; if (SCM_UNLIKELY (!prev)) abort (); SCM_DYNSTACK_SET_PREV_OFFSET (dynstack->top, 0); dynstack->top = prev; tag = SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG (dynstack->top); SCM_DYNSTACK_SET_TAG (dynstack->top, 0); *words = dynstack->top; return tag; } void scm_dynstack_pop (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack) { scm_t_bits tag, *words; tag = dynstack_pop (dynstack, &words); clear_scm_t_bits (words, SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_LEN (tag)); } scm_t_dynstack * scm_dynstack_capture_all (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack) { return scm_dynstack_capture (dynstack, SCM_DYNSTACK_FIRST (dynstack)); } scm_t_dynstack * scm_dynstack_capture (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_bits *item) { char *mem; scm_t_dynstack *ret; size_t len; assert (item >= SCM_DYNSTACK_FIRST (dynstack)); assert (item <= dynstack->top); len = dynstack->top - item + SCM_DYNSTACK_HEADER_LEN; mem = scm_gc_malloc (sizeof (*ret) + len * sizeof(scm_t_bits), "dynstack"); ret = (scm_t_dynstack *) mem; ret->base = (scm_t_bits *) (mem + sizeof (*ret)); ret->limit = ret->base + len; ret->top = ret->base + len; copy_scm_t_bits (ret->base, item - SCM_DYNSTACK_HEADER_LEN, len); SCM_DYNSTACK_SET_PREV_OFFSET (SCM_DYNSTACK_FIRST (ret), 0); return ret; } void scm_dynstack_wind_1 (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_bits *item) { scm_t_bits tag = SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG (item); scm_t_dynstack_item_type type = SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_TYPE (tag); scm_t_bits flags = SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_FLAGS (tag); size_t len = SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_LEN (tag); switch (type) { case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_FRAME: if (!(flags & SCM_F_DYNSTACK_FRAME_REWINDABLE)) scm_misc_error ("scm_dynstack_wind_1", "cannot invoke continuation from this context", SCM_EOL); break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_UNWINDER: break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_REWINDER: WINDER_PROC (item) (WINDER_DATA (item)); break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_WITH_FLUIDS: scm_swap_fluids (len - 1, WITH_FLUIDS_FLUIDS (item), WITH_FLUIDS_VALUES (item), SCM_I_CURRENT_THREAD->dynamic_state); break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_PROMPT: /* see vm_reinstate_partial_continuation */ break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_DYNWIND: scm_call_0 (DYNWIND_ENTER (item)); break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_NONE: default: abort (); } { scm_t_bits *words = push_dynstack_entry (dynstack, type, flags, len); copy_scm_t_bits (words, item, len); } } scm_t_bits scm_dynstack_unwind_1 (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack) { scm_t_bits tag; scm_t_bits *words; scm_t_dynstack_item_type type; size_t len; tag = dynstack_pop (dynstack, &words); type = SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_TYPE (tag); len = SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_LEN (tag); switch (type) { case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_FRAME: break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_UNWINDER: WINDER_PROC (words) (WINDER_DATA (words)); clear_scm_t_bits (words, WINDER_WORDS); break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_REWINDER: clear_scm_t_bits (words, WINDER_WORDS); break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_WITH_FLUIDS: scm_swap_fluids (len - 1, WITH_FLUIDS_FLUIDS (words), WITH_FLUIDS_VALUES (words), SCM_I_CURRENT_THREAD->dynamic_state); clear_scm_t_bits (words, len); break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_PROMPT: /* we could invalidate the prompt */ clear_scm_t_bits (words, PROMPT_WORDS); break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_DYNWIND: { SCM proc = DYNWIND_LEAVE (words); clear_scm_t_bits (words, DYNWIND_WORDS); scm_call_0 (proc); } break; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_NONE: default: abort (); } return tag; } void scm_dynstack_wind (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_bits *item) { for (; SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG (item); item = SCM_DYNSTACK_NEXT (item)) scm_dynstack_wind_1 (dynstack, item); } void scm_dynstack_unwind (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_bits *base) { while (dynstack->top > base) scm_dynstack_unwind_1 (dynstack); } static int same_entries (scm_t_bits *walk_a, scm_t_bits *next_a, scm_t_bits *walk_b, scm_t_bits *next_b) { if (SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG (walk_a) != SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG (walk_b)) return 0; if (next_a - walk_a != next_b - walk_b) return 0; assert (SCM_DYNSTACK_PREV_OFFSET (next_a) == next_a - walk_a); assert (SCM_DYNSTACK_PREV_OFFSET (next_b) == next_b - walk_b); while (walk_a != next_a) if (*(walk_a++) != *(walk_b++)) return 0; return 1; } static ptrdiff_t shared_prefix_length (scm_t_dynstack *a, scm_t_dynstack *b) { scm_t_bits *walk_a, *next_a, *walk_b, *next_b; walk_a = SCM_DYNSTACK_FIRST (a); walk_b = SCM_DYNSTACK_FIRST (b); next_a = SCM_DYNSTACK_NEXT (walk_a); next_b = SCM_DYNSTACK_NEXT (walk_b); while (next_a && next_b && same_entries (walk_a, next_a, walk_b, next_b)) { walk_a = next_a; walk_b = next_b; next_a = SCM_DYNSTACK_NEXT (walk_a); next_b = SCM_DYNSTACK_NEXT (walk_b); } return walk_a - a->base; } scm_t_bits * scm_dynstack_unwind_fork (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_dynstack *branch) { ptrdiff_t join_height; join_height = shared_prefix_length (dynstack, branch); scm_dynstack_unwind (dynstack, dynstack->base + join_height); return branch->base + join_height; } scm_t_bits* scm_dynstack_find_prompt (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, SCM key, scm_t_dynstack_prompt_flags *flags, SCM **fp, SCM **sp, scm_t_uint8 **ip, scm_i_jmp_buf **registers) { scm_t_bits *walk; for (walk = SCM_DYNSTACK_PREV (dynstack->top); walk; walk = SCM_DYNSTACK_PREV (walk)) { scm_t_bits tag = SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG (walk); if (SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_TYPE (tag) == SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_PROMPT && scm_is_eq (PROMPT_KEY (walk), key)) { if (flags) *flags = SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_FLAGS (tag); if (fp) *fp = PROMPT_FP (walk); if (sp) *sp = PROMPT_SP (walk); if (ip) *ip = PROMPT_IP (walk); if (registers) *registers = PROMPT_JMPBUF (walk); return walk; } } return NULL; } void scm_dynstack_wind_prompt (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, scm_t_bits *item, scm_t_ptrdiff reloc, scm_i_jmp_buf *registers) { scm_t_bits tag = SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG (item); if (SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_TYPE (tag) != SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_PROMPT) abort (); scm_dynstack_push_prompt (dynstack, SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_FLAGS (tag), PROMPT_KEY (item), PROMPT_FP (item) + reloc, PROMPT_SP (item) + reloc, PROMPT_IP (item), registers); } void scm_dynstack_unwind_frame (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack) { /* Unwind up to and including the next frame entry. */ while (1) { scm_t_bits tag, *words; tag = dynstack_pop (dynstack, &words); switch (SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_TYPE (tag)) { case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_FRAME: return; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_REWINDER: clear_scm_t_bits (words, WINDER_WORDS); continue; case SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_UNWINDER: { scm_t_guard proc = WINDER_PROC (words); void *data = WINDER_DATA (words); clear_scm_t_bits (words, WINDER_WORDS); if (SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_FLAGS (tag) & SCM_F_DYNSTACK_WINDER_EXPLICIT) proc (data); continue; } default: /* We should only see winders. */ abort (); } } } /* This function must not allocate. */ void scm_dynstack_unwind_fluids (scm_t_dynstack *dynstack, SCM dynamic_state) { scm_t_bits tag, *words; size_t len; tag = dynstack_pop (dynstack, &words); len = SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_LEN (tag); assert (SCM_DYNSTACK_TAG_TYPE (tag) == SCM_DYNSTACK_TYPE_WITH_FLUIDS); assert (len >= 1); scm_swap_fluids (len - 1, WITH_FLUIDS_FLUIDS (words), WITH_FLUIDS_VALUES (words), dynamic_state); clear_scm_t_bits (words, len); } /* Local Variables: c-file-style: "gnu" End: */