/* classes: h_files */ #ifndef SCM_GC_H #define SCM_GC_H /* Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1998,1999,2000,2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE. * * The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files * to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of * linking the GUILE library code into it. * * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. * * This exception applies only to the code released by the * Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy * code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of * GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete * this exception notice from them. * * If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ /* Software engineering face-lift by Greg J. Badros, 11-Dec-1999, gjb@cs.washington.edu, http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/gjb */ #include "libguile/__scm.h" #include "libguile/hooks.h" typedef struct scm_cell { scm_t_bits word_0; scm_t_bits word_1; } scm_cell; /* SCM_CELLPTR is a pointer to a cons cell which may be compared or * differenced. */ typedef scm_cell * SCM_CELLPTR; /* Cray machines have pointers that are incremented once for each word, * rather than each byte, the 3 most significant bits encode the byte * within the word. The following macros deal with this by storing the * native Cray pointers like the ones that looks like scm expects. This * is done for any pointers that might appear in the car of a scm_cell, * pointers to scm_vector elts, functions, &c are not munged. */ #ifdef _UNICOS # define SCM2PTR(x) ((SCM_CELLPTR) (SCM_UNPACK (x) >> 3)) # define PTR2SCM(x) (SCM_PACK (((scm_t_bits) (x)) << 3)) #else # define SCM2PTR(x) ((SCM_CELLPTR) (SCM_UNPACK (x))) # define PTR2SCM(x) (SCM_PACK ((scm_t_bits) (x))) #endif /* def _UNICOS */ #define SCM_GC_CARD_N_HEADER_CELLS 1 #define SCM_GC_CARD_N_CELLS 256 #define SCM_GC_CARD_SIZE (SCM_GC_CARD_N_CELLS * sizeof (scm_cell)) #define SCM_GC_CARD_N_DATA_CELLS (SCM_GC_CARD_N_CELLS - SCM_GC_CARD_N_HEADER_CELLS) #define SCM_GC_CARD_BVEC_SIZE_IN_LIMBS \ ((SCM_GC_CARD_N_CELLS + SCM_C_BVEC_LIMB_BITS - 1) / SCM_C_BVEC_LIMB_BITS) #define SCM_GC_IN_CARD_HEADERP(x) \ SCM_PTR_LT ((scm_cell *) (x), SCM_GC_CELL_CARD (x) + SCM_GC_CARD_N_HEADER_CELLS) #define SCM_GC_CARD_BVEC(card) ((scm_t_c_bvec_limb *) ((card)->word_0)) #define SCM_GC_SET_CARD_BVEC(card, bvec) \ ((card)->word_0 = (scm_t_bits) (bvec)) #define SCM_GC_GET_CARD_FLAGS(card) ((long) ((card)->word_1)) #define SCM_GC_SET_CARD_FLAGS(card, flags) \ ((card)->word_1 = (scm_t_bits) (flags)) #define SCM_GC_CLR_CARD_FLAGS(card) (SCM_GC_SET_CARD_FLAGS (card, 0L)) #define SCM_GC_GET_CARD_FLAG(card, shift) (SCM_GC_GET_CARD_FLAGS (card) & (1L << (shift))) #define SCM_GC_SET_CARD_FLAG(card, shift) \ (SCM_GC_SET_CARD_FLAGS (card, SCM_GC_GET_CARD_FLAGS(card) | (1L << (shift)))) #define SCM_GC_CLR_CARD_FLAG(card, shift) \ (SCM_GC_SET_CARD_FLAGS (card, SCM_GC_GET_CARD_FLAGS(card) & ~(1L << (shift)))) #define SCM_GC_CARDF_DOUBLECELL 0 #define SCM_GC_CARD_DOUBLECELLP(card) SCM_GC_GET_CARD_FLAG (card, SCM_GC_CARDF_DOUBLECELL) #define SCM_GC_SET_CARD_DOUBLECELL(card) SCM_GC_SET_CARD_FLAG (card, SCM_GC_CARDF_DOUBLECELL) /* card addressing. for efficiency, cards are *always* aligned to SCM_GC_CARD_SIZE. */ #define SCM_GC_CARD_SIZE_MASK (SCM_GC_CARD_SIZE - 1) #define SCM_GC_CARD_ADDR_MASK (~SCM_GC_CARD_SIZE_MASK) #define SCM_GC_CELL_CARD(x) ((SCM_CELLPTR) ((long) (x) & SCM_GC_CARD_ADDR_MASK)) #define SCM_GC_CELL_SPAN(x) ((SCM_GC_CARD_DOUBLECELLP (SCM_GC_CELL_CARD (x))) ? 2 : 1) #define SCM_GC_CELL_OFFSET(x) (((long) (x) & SCM_GC_CARD_SIZE_MASK) >> SCM_CELL_SIZE_SHIFT) #define SCM_GC_CELL_BVEC(x) SCM_GC_CARD_BVEC (SCM_GC_CELL_CARD (x)) #define SCM_GC_CELL_GET_BIT(x) SCM_C_BVEC_GET (SCM_GC_CELL_BVEC (x), SCM_GC_CELL_OFFSET (x)) #define SCM_GC_CELL_SET_BIT(x) SCM_C_BVEC_SET (SCM_GC_CELL_BVEC (x), SCM_GC_CELL_OFFSET (x)) #define SCM_GC_CELL_CLR_BIT(x) SCM_C_BVEC_CLR (SCM_GC_CELL_BVEC (x), SCM_GC_CELL_OFFSET (x)) #define SCM_GC_CARD_UP(x) SCM_GC_CELL_CARD ((char *) (x) + SCM_GC_CARD_SIZE - 1) #define SCM_GC_CARD_DOWN SCM_GC_CELL_CARD /* low level bit banging aids */ typedef unsigned long scm_t_c_bvec_limb; #if (SIZEOF_LONG == 8) # define SCM_C_BVEC_LIMB_BITS 64 # define SCM_C_BVEC_OFFSET_SHIFT 6 # define SCM_C_BVEC_POS_MASK 63 # define SCM_CELL_SIZE_SHIFT 4 #else # define SCM_C_BVEC_LIMB_BITS 32 # define SCM_C_BVEC_OFFSET_SHIFT 5 # define SCM_C_BVEC_POS_MASK 31 # define SCM_CELL_SIZE_SHIFT 3 #endif #define SCM_C_BVEC_OFFSET(pos) (pos >> SCM_C_BVEC_OFFSET_SHIFT) #define SCM_C_BVEC_GET(bvec, pos) (bvec[SCM_C_BVEC_OFFSET (pos)] & (1L << (pos & SCM_C_BVEC_POS_MASK))) #define SCM_C_BVEC_SET(bvec, pos) (bvec[SCM_C_BVEC_OFFSET (pos)] |= (1L << (pos & SCM_C_BVEC_POS_MASK))) #define SCM_C_BVEC_CLR(bvec, pos) (bvec[SCM_C_BVEC_OFFSET (pos)] &= ~(1L << (pos & SCM_C_BVEC_POS_MASK))) #define SCM_C_BVEC_BITS2BYTES(bits) \ (sizeof (scm_t_c_bvec_limb) * ((((bits) & SCM_C_BVEC_POS_MASK) ? 1L : 0L) + SCM_C_BVEC_OFFSET (bits))) #define SCM_C_BVEC_SET_BYTES(bvec, bytes) (memset (bvec, 0xff, bytes)) #define SCM_C_BVEC_SET_ALL_BITS(bvec, bits) SCM_C_BVEC_SET_BYTES (bvec, SCM_C_BVEC_BITS2BYTES (bits)) #define SCM_C_BVEC_CLR_BYTES(bvec, bytes) (memset (bvec, 0, bytes)) #define SCM_C_BVEC_CLR_ALL_BITS(bvec, bits) SCM_C_BVEC_CLR_BYTES (bvec, SCM_C_BVEC_BITS2BYTES (bits)) /* testing and changing GC marks */ #define SCM_GCMARKP(x) SCM_GC_CELL_GET_BIT (x) #define SCM_SETGCMARK(x) SCM_GC_CELL_SET_BIT (x) #define SCM_CLRGCMARK(x) SCM_GC_CELL_CLR_BIT (x) /* Low level cell data accessing macros: */ #if (SCM_DEBUG_CELL_ACCESSES == 1) # define SCM_VALIDATE_CELL(cell, expr) (scm_assert_cell_valid (cell), (expr)) #else # define SCM_VALIDATE_CELL(cell, expr) (expr) #endif #define SCM_CELL_WORD(x, n) \ SCM_VALIDATE_CELL ((x), ((const scm_t_bits *) SCM2PTR (x)) [n]) #define SCM_CELL_WORD_0(x) SCM_CELL_WORD (x, 0) #define SCM_CELL_WORD_1(x) SCM_CELL_WORD (x, 1) #define SCM_CELL_WORD_2(x) SCM_CELL_WORD (x, 2) #define SCM_CELL_WORD_3(x) SCM_CELL_WORD (x, 3) #define SCM_CELL_OBJECT(x, n) \ SCM_VALIDATE_CELL ((x), SCM_PACK (((const scm_t_bits *) SCM2PTR (x)) [n])) #define SCM_CELL_OBJECT_0(x) SCM_CELL_OBJECT (x, 0) #define SCM_CELL_OBJECT_1(x) SCM_CELL_OBJECT (x, 1) #define SCM_CELL_OBJECT_2(x) SCM_CELL_OBJECT (x, 2) #define SCM_CELL_OBJECT_3(x) SCM_CELL_OBJECT (x, 3) #define SCM_SET_CELL_WORD(x, n, v) \ SCM_VALIDATE_CELL ((x), ((scm_t_bits *) SCM2PTR (x)) [n] = (scm_t_bits) (v)) #define SCM_SET_CELL_WORD_0(x, v) SCM_SET_CELL_WORD (x, 0, v) #define SCM_SET_CELL_WORD_1(x, v) SCM_SET_CELL_WORD (x, 1, v) #define SCM_SET_CELL_WORD_2(x, v) SCM_SET_CELL_WORD (x, 2, v) #define SCM_SET_CELL_WORD_3(x, v) SCM_SET_CELL_WORD (x, 3, v) #define SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT(x, n, v) \ SCM_VALIDATE_CELL ((x), ((scm_t_bits *) SCM2PTR (x)) [n] = SCM_UNPACK (v)) #define SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT_0(x, v) SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT (x, 0, v) #define SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT_1(x, v) SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT (x, 1, v) #define SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT_2(x, v) SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT (x, 2, v) #define SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT_3(x, v) SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT (x, 3, v) #define SCM_CELL_TYPE(x) SCM_CELL_WORD_0 (x) #define SCM_SET_CELL_TYPE(x, t) SCM_SET_CELL_WORD_0 (x, t) /* Except for the garbage collector, no part of guile should ever run over a * free cell. Thus, in debug mode the above macros report an error if they * are applied to a free cell. Since the garbage collector is allowed to * access free cells, it needs its own way to access cells which will not * result in errors when in debug mode. */ #define SCM_GC_CELL_TYPE(x) \ (((const scm_t_bits *) SCM2PTR (x)) [0]) #define SCM_CELL_WORD_LOC(x, n) ((scm_t_bits *) & SCM_CELL_WORD (x, n)) #define SCM_CARLOC(x) ((SCM *) SCM_CELL_WORD_LOC ((x), 0)) #define SCM_CDRLOC(x) ((SCM *) SCM_CELL_WORD_LOC ((x), 1)) /* SCM_PTR_LT and friends define how to compare two SCM_CELLPTRs (which may * point to cells in different heap segments). */ #define SCM_PTR_LT(x, y) ((x) < (y)) #define SCM_PTR_GT(x, y) (SCM_PTR_LT (y, x)) #define SCM_PTR_LE(x, y) (!SCM_PTR_GT (x, y)) #define SCM_PTR_GE(x, y) (!SCM_PTR_LT (x, y)) /* Freelists consist of linked cells where the type entry holds the value * scm_tc_free_cell and the second entry holds a pointer to the next cell of * the freelist. Due to this structure, freelist cells are not cons cells * and thus may not be accessed using SCM_CAR and SCM_CDR. */ #define SCM_FREE_CELL_P(x) \ (!SCM_IMP (x) && (* (const scm_t_bits *) SCM2PTR (x) == scm_tc_free_cell)) #define SCM_FREE_CELL_CDR(x) \ (SCM_PACK (((const scm_t_bits *) SCM2PTR (x)) [1])) #define SCM_SET_FREE_CELL_CDR(x, v) \ (((scm_t_bits *) SCM2PTR (x)) [1] = SCM_UNPACK (v)) #if (SCM_DEBUG_CELL_ACCESSES == 1) # define SCM_GC_SET_ALLOCATED(x) \ (((scm_t_bits *) SCM2PTR (x)) [0] = scm_tc16_allocated) #else # define SCM_GC_SET_ALLOCATED(x) #endif #ifdef GUILE_DEBUG_FREELIST #define SCM_NEWCELL(_into) do { _into = scm_debug_newcell (); } while (0) #define SCM_NEWCELL2(_into) do { _into = scm_debug_newcell2 (); } while (0) #else /* When we introduce POSIX threads support, every thread will have a freelist of its own. */ #define SCM_NEWCELL(_into) \ do { \ if (SCM_NULLP (scm_freelist)) \ { \ _into = scm_gc_for_newcell (&scm_master_freelist, \ &scm_freelist); \ SCM_GC_SET_ALLOCATED (_into); \ } \ else \ { \ _into = scm_freelist; \ scm_freelist = SCM_FREE_CELL_CDR (scm_freelist); \ SCM_GC_SET_ALLOCATED (_into); \ } \ } while(0) #define SCM_NEWCELL2(_into) \ do { \ if (SCM_NULLP (scm_freelist2)) \ { \ _into = scm_gc_for_newcell (&scm_master_freelist2, \ &scm_freelist2); \ SCM_GC_SET_ALLOCATED (_into); \ } \ else \ { \ _into = scm_freelist2; \ scm_freelist2 = SCM_FREE_CELL_CDR (scm_freelist2); \ SCM_GC_SET_ALLOCATED (_into); \ } \ } while(0) #endif #define SCM_MARKEDP SCM_GCMARKP #define SCM_NMARKEDP(x) (!SCM_MARKEDP (x)) #if (SCM_DEBUG_CELL_ACCESSES == 1) extern scm_t_bits scm_tc16_allocated; extern unsigned int scm_debug_cell_accesses_p; #endif extern struct scm_t_heap_seg_data *scm_heap_table; extern size_t scm_n_heap_segs; extern int scm_block_gc; extern int scm_gc_heap_lock; extern unsigned int scm_gc_running_p; extern size_t scm_default_init_heap_size_1; extern int scm_default_min_yield_1; extern size_t scm_default_init_heap_size_2; extern int scm_default_min_yield_2; extern size_t scm_default_max_segment_size; extern size_t scm_max_segment_size; extern SCM_CELLPTR scm_heap_org; extern SCM scm_freelist; extern struct scm_t_freelist scm_master_freelist; extern SCM scm_freelist2; extern struct scm_t_freelist scm_master_freelist2; extern unsigned long scm_gc_cells_collected; extern unsigned long scm_gc_yield; extern unsigned long scm_gc_malloc_collected; extern unsigned long scm_gc_ports_collected; extern unsigned long scm_cells_allocated; extern unsigned long scm_mallocated; extern unsigned long scm_mtrigger; extern SCM scm_after_gc_hook; extern scm_t_c_hook scm_before_gc_c_hook; extern scm_t_c_hook scm_before_mark_c_hook; extern scm_t_c_hook scm_before_sweep_c_hook; extern scm_t_c_hook scm_after_sweep_c_hook; extern scm_t_c_hook scm_after_gc_c_hook; #if defined (GUILE_DEBUG) || defined (GUILE_DEBUG_FREELIST) extern SCM scm_map_free_list (void); extern SCM scm_free_list_length (void); #endif #ifdef GUILE_DEBUG_FREELIST extern SCM scm_debug_newcell (void); extern SCM scm_debug_newcell2 (void); extern SCM scm_gc_set_debug_check_freelist_x (SCM flag); #endif #if (SCM_DEBUG_CELL_ACCESSES == 1) extern void scm_assert_cell_valid (SCM); extern SCM scm_set_debug_cell_accesses_x (SCM flag); #endif extern SCM scm_object_address (SCM obj); extern SCM scm_unhash_name (SCM name); extern SCM scm_gc_stats (void); extern SCM scm_gc (void); extern void scm_gc_for_alloc (struct scm_t_freelist *freelist); extern SCM scm_gc_for_newcell (struct scm_t_freelist *master, SCM *freelist); #if 0 extern void scm_alloc_cluster (struct scm_t_freelist *master); #endif extern void scm_igc (const char *what); extern void scm_gc_mark (SCM p); extern void scm_gc_mark_dependencies (SCM p); extern void scm_mark_locations (SCM_STACKITEM x[], unsigned long n); extern int scm_cellp (SCM value); extern void scm_gc_sweep (void); extern void * scm_must_malloc (size_t len, const char *what); extern void * scm_must_realloc (void *where, size_t olen, size_t len, const char *what); extern char *scm_must_strdup (const char *str); extern char *scm_must_strndup (const char *str, size_t n); extern void scm_done_malloc (long size); extern void scm_done_free (long size); extern void scm_must_free (void *obj); extern void scm_remember_upto_here_1 (SCM obj); extern void scm_remember_upto_here_2 (SCM obj1, SCM obj2); extern void scm_remember_upto_here (SCM obj1, ...); extern SCM scm_return_first (SCM elt, ...); extern int scm_return_first_int (int x, ...); extern SCM scm_permanent_object (SCM obj); extern SCM scm_gc_protect_object (SCM obj); extern SCM scm_gc_unprotect_object (SCM obj); extern void scm_gc_register_root (SCM *p); extern void scm_gc_unregister_root (SCM *p); extern void scm_gc_register_roots (SCM *b, unsigned long n); extern void scm_gc_unregister_roots (SCM *b, unsigned long n); extern int scm_init_storage (void); extern void *scm_get_stack_base (void); extern void scm_init_gc (void); #if (SCM_DEBUG_DEPRECATED == 0) extern SCM scm_protect_object (SCM obj); extern SCM scm_unprotect_object (SCM obj); #define SCM_SETAND_CAR(x, y) \ (SCM_SETCAR ((x), SCM_PACK (SCM_UNPACK (SCM_CAR (x)) & (y)))) #define SCM_SETOR_CAR(x, y)\ (SCM_SETCAR ((x), SCM_PACK (SCM_UNPACK (SCM_CAR (x)) | (y)))) #define SCM_SETAND_CDR(x, y)\ (SCM_SETCDR ((x), SCM_PACK (SCM_UNPACK (SCM_CDR (x)) & (y)))) #define SCM_SETOR_CDR(x, y)\ (SCM_SETCDR ((x), SCM_PACK (SCM_UNPACK (SCM_CDR (x)) | (y)))) #define SCM_FREEP(x) (SCM_FREE_CELL_P (x)) #define SCM_NFREEP(x) (!SCM_FREE_CELL_P (x)) #define SCM_GC8MARKP(x) SCM_GCMARKP (x) #define SCM_SETGC8MARK(x) SCM_SETGCMARK (x) #define SCM_CLRGC8MARK(x) SCM_CLRGCMARK (x) #define SCM_GCTYP16(x) SCM_TYP16 (x) #define SCM_GCCDR(x) SCM_CDR (x) extern void scm_remember (SCM * ptr); #endif /* SCM_DEBUG_DEPRECATED == 0 */ #endif /* SCM_GC_H */ /* Local Variables: c-file-style: "gnu" End: */