/* Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "libguile/_scm.h" #include "libguile/procprop.h" #include "libguile/root.h" #include "libguile/gsubr.h" #include "libguile/deprecation.h" #include "libguile/private-options.h" /* * gsubr.c * Provide `gsubrs' -- subrs taking a prescribed number of required, optional, * and rest arguments. */ /* #define GSUBR_TEST */ SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_name, "name"); static SCM create_gsubr (int define, const char *name, unsigned int req, unsigned int opt, unsigned int rst, SCM (*fcn) ()) { SCM subr; switch (SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE (req, opt, rst)) { case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(0, 0, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr (name, scm_tc7_subr_0, fcn); break; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(1, 0, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr (name, scm_tc7_subr_1, fcn); break; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(0, 1, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr (name, scm_tc7_subr_1o, fcn); break; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(1, 1, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr (name, scm_tc7_subr_2o, fcn); break; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(2, 0, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr (name, scm_tc7_subr_2, fcn); break; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(3, 0, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr (name, scm_tc7_subr_3, fcn); break; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(0, 0, 1): subr = scm_c_make_subr (name, scm_tc7_lsubr, fcn); break; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(2, 0, 1): subr = scm_c_make_subr (name, scm_tc7_lsubr_2, fcn); break; default: { unsigned type; type = SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE (req, opt, rst); if (SCM_GSUBR_REQ (type) != req || SCM_GSUBR_OPT (type) != opt || SCM_GSUBR_REST (type) != rst) scm_out_of_range ("create_gsubr", scm_from_uint (req + opt + rst)); subr = scm_c_make_subr (name, scm_tc7_gsubr | (type << 8U), fcn); } } if (define) scm_define (SCM_SNAME (subr), subr); return subr; } SCM scm_c_make_gsubr (const char *name, int req, int opt, int rst, SCM (*fcn)()) { return create_gsubr (0, name, req, opt, rst, fcn); } SCM scm_c_define_gsubr (const char *name, int req, int opt, int rst, SCM (*fcn)()) { return create_gsubr (1, name, req, opt, rst, fcn); } static SCM create_gsubr_with_generic (int define, const char *name, int req, int opt, int rst, SCM (*fcn)(), SCM *gf) { SCM subr; switch (SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(req, opt, rst)) { case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(0, 0, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr_with_generic (name, scm_tc7_subr_0, fcn, gf); goto create_subr; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(1, 0, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr_with_generic (name, scm_tc7_subr_1, fcn, gf); goto create_subr; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(0, 1, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr_with_generic (name, scm_tc7_subr_1o, fcn, gf); goto create_subr; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(1, 1, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr_with_generic (name, scm_tc7_subr_2o, fcn, gf); goto create_subr; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(2, 0, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr_with_generic (name, scm_tc7_subr_2, fcn, gf); goto create_subr; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(3, 0, 0): subr = scm_c_make_subr_with_generic (name, scm_tc7_subr_3, fcn, gf); goto create_subr; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(0, 0, 1): subr = scm_c_make_subr_with_generic (name, scm_tc7_lsubr, fcn, gf); goto create_subr; case SCM_GSUBR_MAKTYPE(2, 0, 1): subr = scm_c_make_subr_with_generic (name, scm_tc7_lsubr_2, fcn, gf); create_subr: if (define) scm_define (SCM_SNAME (subr), subr); return subr; default: ; } scm_misc_error ("scm_c_make_gsubr_with_generic", "can't make primitive-generic with this arity", SCM_EOL); return SCM_BOOL_F; /* never reached */ } SCM scm_c_make_gsubr_with_generic (const char *name, int req, int opt, int rst, SCM (*fcn)(), SCM *gf) { return create_gsubr_with_generic (0, name, req, opt, rst, fcn, gf); } SCM scm_c_define_gsubr_with_generic (const char *name, int req, int opt, int rst, SCM (*fcn)(), SCM *gf) { return create_gsubr_with_generic (1, name, req, opt, rst, fcn, gf); } /* Apply PROC, a gsubr, to the ARGC arguments in ARGV. ARGC is expected to match the number of arguments of the underlying C function. */ static SCM gsubr_apply_raw (SCM proc, unsigned int argc, const SCM *argv) { SCM (*fcn) (); unsigned int type, argc_max; type = SCM_GSUBR_TYPE (proc); argc_max = SCM_GSUBR_REQ (type) + SCM_GSUBR_OPT (type) + SCM_GSUBR_REST (type); if (SCM_UNLIKELY (argc != argc_max)) /* We expect the exact argument count. */ scm_wrong_num_args (SCM_SNAME (proc)); fcn = SCM_SUBRF (proc); switch (argc) { case 0: return (*fcn) (); case 1: return (*fcn) (argv[0]); case 2: return (*fcn) (argv[0], argv[1]); case 3: return (*fcn) (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2]); case 4: return (*fcn) (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); case 5: return (*fcn) (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]); case 6: return (*fcn) (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]); case 7: return (*fcn) (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6]); case 8: return (*fcn) (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], argv[7]); case 9: return (*fcn) (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], argv[7], argv[8]); case 10: return (*fcn) (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], argv[7], argv[8], argv[9]); default: scm_misc_error ((char *) SCM_SNAME (proc), "gsubr invocation with more than 10 arguments not implemented", SCM_EOL); } return SCM_BOOL_F; /* Never reached. */ } /* Apply PROC, a gsubr, to the given arguments. Missing optional arguments are added, and rest arguments are turned into a list. */ SCM scm_i_gsubr_apply (SCM proc, SCM arg, ...) { unsigned int type, argc, argc_max; SCM *argv; va_list arg_list; type = SCM_GSUBR_TYPE (proc); argc_max = SCM_GSUBR_REQ (type) + SCM_GSUBR_OPT (type); argv = alloca ((argc_max + SCM_GSUBR_REST (type)) * sizeof (*argv)); va_start (arg_list, arg); for (argc = 0; !SCM_UNBNDP (arg) && argc < argc_max; argc++, arg = va_arg (arg_list, SCM)) argv[argc] = arg; if (SCM_UNLIKELY (argc < SCM_GSUBR_REQ (type))) scm_wrong_num_args (SCM_SNAME (proc)); /* Fill in optional arguments that were not passed. */ while (argc < argc_max) argv[argc++] = SCM_UNDEFINED; if (SCM_GSUBR_REST (type)) { /* Accumulate rest arguments in a list. */ SCM *rest_loc; argv[argc_max] = SCM_EOL; for (rest_loc = &argv[argc_max]; !SCM_UNBNDP (arg); rest_loc = SCM_CDRLOC (*rest_loc), arg = va_arg (arg_list, SCM)) *rest_loc = scm_cons (arg, SCM_EOL); argc = argc_max + 1; } va_end (arg_list); return gsubr_apply_raw (proc, argc, argv); } /* Apply SELF, a gsubr, to the arguments listed in ARGS. Missing optional arguments are added, and rest arguments are kept into a list. */ SCM scm_i_gsubr_apply_list (SCM self, SCM args) #define FUNC_NAME "scm_i_gsubr_apply" { SCM v[SCM_GSUBR_MAX]; unsigned int typ = SCM_GSUBR_TYPE (self); long i, n = SCM_GSUBR_REQ (typ) + SCM_GSUBR_OPT (typ) + SCM_GSUBR_REST (typ); for (i = 0; i < SCM_GSUBR_REQ (typ); i++) { if (scm_is_null (args)) scm_wrong_num_args (SCM_SNAME (self)); v[i] = SCM_CAR(args); args = SCM_CDR(args); } for (; i < SCM_GSUBR_REQ (typ) + SCM_GSUBR_OPT (typ); i++) { if (SCM_NIMP (args)) { v[i] = SCM_CAR (args); args = SCM_CDR(args); } else v[i] = SCM_UNDEFINED; } if (SCM_GSUBR_REST(typ)) v[i] = args; else if (!scm_is_null (args)) scm_wrong_num_args (SCM_SNAME (self)); return gsubr_apply_raw (self, n, v); } #undef FUNC_NAME #ifdef GSUBR_TEST /* A silly example, taking 2 required args, 1 optional, and a scm_list of rest args */ SCM gsubr_21l(SCM req1, SCM req2, SCM opt, SCM rst) { scm_puts ("gsubr-2-1-l:\n req1: ", scm_cur_outp); scm_display(req1, scm_cur_outp); scm_puts ("\n req2: ", scm_cur_outp); scm_display(req2, scm_cur_outp); scm_puts ("\n opt: ", scm_cur_outp); scm_display(opt, scm_cur_outp); scm_puts ("\n rest: ", scm_cur_outp); scm_display(rst, scm_cur_outp); scm_newline(scm_cur_outp); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #endif void scm_init_gsubr() { #ifdef GSUBR_TEST scm_c_define_gsubr ("gsubr-2-1-l", 2, 1, 1, gsubr_21l); /* example */ #endif #include "libguile/gsubr.x" } /* Local Variables: c-file-style: "gnu" End: */