/* Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1999,2000,2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE. * * The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files * to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of * linking the GUILE library code into it. * * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. * * This exception applies only to the code released by the * Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy * code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of * GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete * this exception notice from them. * * If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ #include #include "libguile/_scm.h" #include "libguile/chars.h" #include "libguile/eval.h" #include "libguile/unif.h" #include "libguile/keywords.h" #include "libguile/alist.h" #include "libguile/srcprop.h" #include "libguile/hashtab.h" #include "libguile/hash.h" #include "libguile/ports.h" #include "libguile/root.h" #include "libguile/strings.h" #include "libguile/strports.h" #include "libguile/vectors.h" #include "libguile/validate.h" #include "libguile/read.h" SCM_SYMBOL (scm_keyword_prefix, "prefix"); scm_t_option scm_read_opts[] = { { SCM_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "copy", 0, "Copy source code expressions." }, { SCM_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "positions", 0, "Record positions of source code expressions." }, { SCM_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "case-insensitive", 0, "Convert symbols to lower case."}, { SCM_OPTION_SCM, "keywords", SCM_UNPACK (SCM_BOOL_F), "Style of keyword recognition: #f or 'prefix."} }; /* Give meaningful error messages for errors We use the format FILE:LINE:COL: MESSAGE This happened in .... This is not standard GNU format, but the test-suite likes the real message to be in front. */ static void scm_input_error(char const * function, SCM port, const char * message, SCM arg) { char *fn = SCM_STRINGP (SCM_FILENAME(port)) ? SCM_STRING_CHARS(SCM_FILENAME(port)) : "#"; SCM string_port = scm_open_output_string (); SCM string = SCM_EOL; scm_simple_format (string_port, scm_makfrom0str ("~A:~S:~S: ~A"), scm_list_4 (scm_makfrom0str (fn), scm_int2num (SCM_LINUM (port) + 1), scm_int2num (SCM_COL (port) + 1), scm_makfrom0str (message))); string = scm_get_output_string (string_port); scm_close_output_port (string_port); scm_error_scm (scm_str2symbol ("read-error"), scm_makfrom0str (function), string, SCM_EOL, SCM_BOOL_F); } SCM_DEFINE (scm_read_options, "read-options-interface", 0, 1, 0, (SCM setting), "Option interface for the read options. Instead of using\n" "this procedure directly, use the procedures @code{read-enable},\n" "@code{read-disable}, @code{read-set!} and @code{read-options}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_read_options { SCM ans = scm_options (setting, scm_read_opts, SCM_N_READ_OPTIONS, FUNC_NAME); if (SCM_COPY_SOURCE_P) SCM_RECORD_POSITIONS_P = 1; return ans; } #undef FUNC_NAME /* An association list mapping extra hash characters to procedures. */ static SCM *scm_read_hash_procedures; SCM_DEFINE (scm_read, "read", 0, 1, 0, (SCM port), "Read an s-expression from the input port @var{port}, or from\n" "the current input port if @var{port} is not specified.\n" "Any whitespace before the next token is discarded.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_read { int c; SCM tok_buf, copy; if (SCM_UNBNDP (port)) port = scm_cur_inp; SCM_VALIDATE_OPINPORT (1, port); c = scm_flush_ws (port, (char *) NULL); if (EOF == c) return SCM_EOF_VAL; scm_ungetc (c, port); tok_buf = scm_allocate_string (30); return scm_lreadr (&tok_buf, port, ©); } #undef FUNC_NAME char * scm_grow_tok_buf (SCM *tok_buf) { size_t oldlen = SCM_STRING_LENGTH (*tok_buf); SCM newstr = scm_allocate_string (2 * oldlen); size_t i; for (i = 0; i != oldlen; ++i) SCM_STRING_CHARS (newstr) [i] = SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf) [i]; *tok_buf = newstr; return SCM_STRING_CHARS (newstr); } int scm_flush_ws (SCM port, const char *eoferr) { register int c; while (1) switch (c = scm_getc (port)) { case EOF: goteof: if (eoferr) { scm_input_error (eoferr, port, "end of file", SCM_EOL); } return c; case ';': lp: switch (c = scm_getc (port)) { case EOF: goto goteof; default: goto lp; case SCM_LINE_INCREMENTORS: break; } break; case SCM_LINE_INCREMENTORS: case SCM_SINGLE_SPACES: case '\t': break; default: return c; } } int scm_casei_streq (char *s1, char *s2) { while (*s1 && *s2) if (scm_downcase((int)*s1) != scm_downcase((int)*s2)) return 0; else { ++s1; ++s2; } return !(*s1 || *s2); } /* recsexpr is used when recording expressions * constructed by read:sharp. */ #ifndef DEBUG_EXTENSIONS #define recsexpr(obj, line, column, filename) (obj) #else static SCM recsexpr (SCM obj, long line, int column, SCM filename) { if (!SCM_CONSP(obj)) { return obj; } else { SCM tmp = obj, copy; /* If this sexpr is visible in the read:sharp source, we want to keep that information, so only record non-constant cons cells which haven't previously been read by the reader. */ if (SCM_FALSEP (scm_whash_lookup (scm_source_whash, obj))) { if (SCM_COPY_SOURCE_P) { copy = scm_cons (recsexpr (SCM_CAR (obj), line, column, filename), SCM_UNDEFINED); while ((tmp = SCM_CDR (tmp)) && SCM_CONSP (tmp)) { SCM_SETCDR (copy, scm_cons (recsexpr (SCM_CAR (tmp), line, column, filename), SCM_UNDEFINED)); copy = SCM_CDR (copy); } SCM_SETCDR (copy, tmp); } else { recsexpr (SCM_CAR (obj), line, column, filename); while ((tmp = SCM_CDR (tmp)) && SCM_CONSP (tmp)) recsexpr (SCM_CAR (tmp), line, column, filename); copy = SCM_UNDEFINED; } scm_whash_insert (scm_source_whash, obj, scm_make_srcprops (line, column, filename, copy, SCM_EOL)); } return obj; } } #endif /* Consume an SCSH-style block comment. Assume that we've already read the initial `#!', and eat characters until we get a newline/exclamation-point/sharp-sign/newline sequence. */ static void skip_scsh_block_comment (SCM port) #define FUNC_NAME "skip_scsh_block_comment" { /* Is this portable? Dear God, spare me from the non-eight-bit characters. But is it tasteful? */ long history = 0; for (;;) { int c = scm_getc (port); if (c == EOF) SCM_MISC_ERROR ("unterminated `#! ... !#' comment", SCM_EOL); history = ((history << 8) | (c & 0xff)) & 0xffffffff; /* Were the last four characters read "\n!#\n"? */ if (history == (('\n' << 24) | ('!' << 16) | ('#' << 8) | '\n')) return; } } #undef FUNC_NAME static SCM scm_get_hash_procedure(int c); static char s_list[]="list"; SCM scm_lreadr (SCM *tok_buf, SCM port, SCM *copy) #define FUNC_NAME "scm_lreadr" { int c; size_t j; SCM p; tryagain: c = scm_flush_ws (port, s_scm_read); tryagain_no_flush_ws: switch (c) { case EOF: return SCM_EOF_VAL; case '(': return SCM_RECORD_POSITIONS_P ? scm_lreadrecparen (tok_buf, port, s_list, copy) : scm_lreadparen (tok_buf, port, s_list, copy SCM_ELISP_CLOSE); case ')': scm_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port,"unexpected \")\"", SCM_EOL); goto tryagain; #ifdef SCM_ELISP_READ_EXTENSIONS case '[': p = scm_lreadparen (tok_buf, port, "vector", copy, ']'); return SCM_NULLP (p) ? scm_nullvect : scm_vector (p); #endif case '\'': p = scm_sym_quote; goto recquote; case '`': p = scm_sym_quasiquote; goto recquote; case ',': c = scm_getc (port); if ('@' == c) p = scm_sym_uq_splicing; else { scm_ungetc (c, port); p = scm_sym_unquote; } recquote: p = scm_cons2 (p, scm_lreadr (tok_buf, port, copy), SCM_EOL); if (SCM_RECORD_POSITIONS_P) scm_whash_insert (scm_source_whash, p, scm_make_srcprops (SCM_LINUM (port), SCM_COL (port) - 1, SCM_FILENAME (port), SCM_COPY_SOURCE_P ? (*copy = scm_cons2 (SCM_CAR (p), SCM_CAR (SCM_CDR (p)), SCM_EOL)) : SCM_UNDEFINED, SCM_EOL)); return p; case '#': c = scm_getc (port); { /* Check for user-defined hash procedure first, to allow overriding of builtin hash read syntaxes. */ SCM sharp = scm_get_hash_procedure (c); if (!SCM_FALSEP (sharp)) { int line = SCM_LINUM (port); int column = SCM_COL (port) - 2; SCM got; got = scm_call_2 (sharp, SCM_MAKE_CHAR (c), port); if (SCM_EQ_P (got, SCM_UNSPECIFIED)) goto handle_sharp; if (SCM_RECORD_POSITIONS_P) return *copy = recsexpr (got, line, column, SCM_FILENAME (port)); else return got; } } handle_sharp: switch (c) { case '(': p = scm_lreadparen (tok_buf, port, "vector", copy SCM_ELISP_CLOSE); return SCM_NULLP (p) ? scm_nullvect : scm_vector (p); case 't': case 'T': return SCM_BOOL_T; case 'f': case 'F': return SCM_BOOL_F; case 'b': case 'B': case 'o': case 'O': case 'd': case 'D': case 'x': case 'X': case 'i': case 'I': case 'e': case 'E': scm_ungetc (c, port); c = '#'; goto num; case '!': /* start of a shell script. Parse as a block comment, terminated by !#, just like SCSH. */ skip_scsh_block_comment (port); /* EOF is not an error here */ c = scm_flush_ws (port, (char *)NULL); goto tryagain_no_flush_ws; #ifdef HAVE_ARRAYS case '*': j = scm_read_token (c, tok_buf, port, 0); p = scm_istr2bve (SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf) + 1, (long) (j - 1)); if (!SCM_FALSEP (p)) return p; else goto unkshrp; #endif case '{': j = scm_read_token (c, tok_buf, port, 1); return scm_mem2symbol (SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf), j); case '\\': c = scm_getc (port); j = scm_read_token (c, tok_buf, port, 0); if (j == 1) return SCM_MAKE_CHAR (c); if (c >= '0' && c < '8') { /* Dirk:FIXME:: This type of character syntax is not R5RS * compliant. Further, it should be verified that the constant * does only consist of octal digits. Finally, it should be * checked whether the resulting fixnum is in the range of * characters. */ p = scm_i_mem2number (SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf), j, 8); if (SCM_INUMP (p)) return SCM_MAKE_CHAR (SCM_INUM (p)); } for (c = 0; c < scm_n_charnames; c++) if (scm_charnames[c] && (scm_casei_streq (scm_charnames[c], SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf)))) return SCM_MAKE_CHAR (scm_charnums[c]); scm_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "unknown # object", SCM_EOL); /* #:SYMBOL is a syntax for keywords supported in all contexts. */ case ':': j = scm_read_token ('-', tok_buf, port, 0); p = scm_mem2symbol (SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf), j); return scm_make_keyword_from_dash_symbol (p); default: callshrp: { SCM sharp = scm_get_hash_procedure (c); if (!SCM_FALSEP (sharp)) { int line = SCM_LINUM (port); int column = SCM_COL (port) - 2; SCM got; got = scm_call_2 (sharp, SCM_MAKE_CHAR (c), port); if (SCM_EQ_P (got, SCM_UNSPECIFIED)) goto unkshrp; if (SCM_RECORD_POSITIONS_P) return *copy = recsexpr (got, line, column, SCM_FILENAME (port)); else return got; } } unkshrp: scm_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "Unknown # object: ~S", scm_list_1 (SCM_MAKE_CHAR (c))); } case '"': j = 0; while ('"' != (c = scm_getc (port))) { if (c == EOF) scm_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "end of file in string constant", SCM_EOL); while (j + 2 >= SCM_STRING_LENGTH (*tok_buf)) scm_grow_tok_buf (tok_buf); if (c == '\\') switch (c = scm_getc (port)) { case '\n': continue; case '0': c = '\0'; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'a': c = '\007'; break; case 'v': c = '\v'; break; } SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf)[j] = c; ++j; } if (j == 0) return scm_nullstr; SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf)[j] = 0; return scm_mem2string (SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf), j); case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '.': case '-': case '+': num: j = scm_read_token (c, tok_buf, port, 0); if (j == 1 && (c == '+' || c == '-')) /* Shortcut: Detected symbol '+ or '- */ goto tok; p = scm_i_mem2number (SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf), j, 10); if (!SCM_FALSEP (p)) return p; if (c == '#') { if ((j == 2) && (scm_getc (port) == '(')) { scm_ungetc ('(', port); c = SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf)[1]; goto callshrp; } scm_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "unknown # object", SCM_EOL); } goto tok; case ':': if (SCM_EQ_P (SCM_PACK (SCM_KEYWORD_STYLE), scm_keyword_prefix)) { j = scm_read_token ('-', tok_buf, port, 0); p = scm_mem2symbol (SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf), j); return scm_make_keyword_from_dash_symbol (p); } /* fallthrough */ default: j = scm_read_token (c, tok_buf, port, 0); /* fallthrough */ tok: return scm_mem2symbol (SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf), j); } } #undef FUNC_NAME #ifdef _UNICOS _Pragma ("noopt"); /* # pragma _CRI noopt */ #endif size_t scm_read_token (int ic, SCM *tok_buf, SCM port, int weird) { register size_t j; register int c; register char *p; c = (SCM_CASE_INSENSITIVE_P ? scm_downcase(ic) : ic); p = SCM_STRING_CHARS (*tok_buf); if (weird) j = 0; else { j = 0; while (j + 2 >= SCM_STRING_LENGTH (*tok_buf)) p = scm_grow_tok_buf (tok_buf); p[j] = c; ++j; } while (1) { while (j + 2 >= SCM_STRING_LENGTH (*tok_buf)) p = scm_grow_tok_buf (tok_buf); c = scm_getc (port); switch (c) { case '(': case ')': #ifdef SCM_ELISP_READ_EXTENSIONS case '[': case ']': #endif case '"': case ';': case SCM_WHITE_SPACES: case SCM_LINE_INCREMENTORS: if (weird) goto default_case; scm_ungetc (c, port); case EOF: eof_case: p[j] = 0; return j; case '\\': if (!weird) goto default_case; else { c = scm_getc (port); if (c == EOF) goto eof_case; else goto default_case; } case '}': if (!weird) goto default_case; c = scm_getc (port); if (c == '#') { p[j] = 0; return j; } else { scm_ungetc (c, port); c = '}'; goto default_case; } default: default_case: { c = (SCM_CASE_INSENSITIVE_P ? scm_downcase(c) : c); p[j] = c; ++j; } } } } #ifdef _UNICOS _Pragma ("opt"); /* # pragma _CRI opt */ #endif SCM scm_lreadparen (SCM *tok_buf, SCM port, char *name, SCM *copy #ifdef SCM_ELISP_READ_EXTENSIONS , char term_char #else #define term_char ')' #endif ) #define FUNC_NAME "scm_lreadparen" { SCM tmp; SCM tl; SCM ans; int c; c = scm_flush_ws (port, name); if (term_char == c) return SCM_EOL; scm_ungetc (c, port); if (SCM_EQ_P (scm_sym_dot, (tmp = scm_lreadr (tok_buf, port, copy)))) { ans = scm_lreadr (tok_buf, port, copy); closeit: if (term_char != (c = scm_flush_ws (port, name))) scm_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "missing close paren", SCM_EOL); return ans; } ans = tl = scm_cons (tmp, SCM_EOL); while (term_char != (c = scm_flush_ws (port, name))) { scm_ungetc (c, port); if (SCM_EQ_P (scm_sym_dot, (tmp = scm_lreadr (tok_buf, port, copy)))) { SCM_SETCDR (tl, scm_lreadr (tok_buf, port, copy)); goto closeit; } SCM_SETCDR (tl, scm_cons (tmp, SCM_EOL)); tl = SCM_CDR (tl); } return ans; } #undef FUNC_NAME #ifndef SCM_ELISP_READ_EXTENSIONS #undef term_char #endif SCM scm_lreadrecparen (SCM *tok_buf, SCM port, char *name, SCM *copy) #define FUNC_NAME "scm_lreadrecparen" { register int c; register SCM tmp; register SCM tl, tl2 = SCM_EOL; SCM ans, ans2 = SCM_EOL; /* Need to capture line and column numbers here. */ int line = SCM_LINUM (port); int column = SCM_COL (port) - 1; c = scm_flush_ws (port, name); if (')' == c) return SCM_EOL; scm_ungetc (c, port); if (SCM_EQ_P (scm_sym_dot, (tmp = scm_lreadr (tok_buf, port, copy)))) { ans = scm_lreadr (tok_buf, port, copy); if (')' != (c = scm_flush_ws (port, name))) scm_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "missing close paren", SCM_EOL); return ans; } /* Build the head of the list structure. */ ans = tl = scm_cons (tmp, SCM_EOL); if (SCM_COPY_SOURCE_P) ans2 = tl2 = scm_cons (SCM_CONSP (tmp) ? *copy : tmp, SCM_EOL); while (')' != (c = scm_flush_ws (port, name))) { SCM new_tail; scm_ungetc (c, port); if (SCM_EQ_P (scm_sym_dot, (tmp = scm_lreadr (tok_buf, port, copy)))) { SCM_SETCDR (tl, tmp = scm_lreadr (tok_buf, port, copy)); if (SCM_COPY_SOURCE_P) SCM_SETCDR (tl2, scm_cons (SCM_CONSP (tmp) ? *copy : tmp, SCM_EOL)); if (')' != (c = scm_flush_ws (port, name))) scm_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "missing close paren", SCM_EOL); goto exit; } new_tail = scm_cons (tmp, SCM_EOL); SCM_SETCDR (tl, new_tail); tl = new_tail; if (SCM_COPY_SOURCE_P) { SCM new_tail2 = scm_cons (SCM_CONSP (tmp) ? *copy : tmp, SCM_EOL); SCM_SETCDR (tl2, new_tail2); tl2 = new_tail2; } } exit: scm_whash_insert (scm_source_whash, ans, scm_make_srcprops (line, column, SCM_FILENAME (port), SCM_COPY_SOURCE_P ? *copy = ans2 : SCM_UNDEFINED, SCM_EOL)); return ans; } #undef FUNC_NAME /* Manipulate the read-hash-procedures alist. This could be written in Scheme, but maybe it will also be used by C code during initialisation. */ SCM_DEFINE (scm_read_hash_extend, "read-hash-extend", 2, 0, 0, (SCM chr, SCM proc), "Install the procedure @var{proc} for reading expressions\n" "starting with the character sequence @code{#} and @var{chr}.\n" "@var{proc} will be called with two arguments: the character\n" "@var{chr} and the port to read further data from. The object\n" "returned will be the return value of @code{read}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_read_hash_extend { SCM this; SCM prev; SCM_VALIDATE_CHAR (1, chr); SCM_ASSERT (SCM_FALSEP (proc) || SCM_EQ_P (scm_procedure_p (proc), SCM_BOOL_T), proc, SCM_ARG2, FUNC_NAME); /* Check if chr is already in the alist. */ this = *scm_read_hash_procedures; prev = SCM_BOOL_F; while (1) { if (SCM_NULLP (this)) { /* not found, so add it to the beginning. */ if (!SCM_FALSEP (proc)) { *scm_read_hash_procedures = scm_cons (scm_cons (chr, proc), *scm_read_hash_procedures); } break; } if (SCM_EQ_P (chr, SCM_CAAR (this))) { /* already in the alist. */ if (SCM_FALSEP (proc)) { /* remove it. */ if (SCM_FALSEP (prev)) { *scm_read_hash_procedures = SCM_CDR (*scm_read_hash_procedures); } else scm_set_cdr_x (prev, SCM_CDR (this)); } else { /* replace it. */ scm_set_cdr_x (SCM_CAR (this), proc); } break; } prev = this; this = SCM_CDR (this); } return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #undef FUNC_NAME /* Recover the read-hash procedure corresponding to char c. */ static SCM scm_get_hash_procedure (int c) { SCM rest = *scm_read_hash_procedures; while (1) { if (SCM_NULLP (rest)) return SCM_BOOL_F; if (SCM_CHAR (SCM_CAAR (rest)) == c) return SCM_CDAR (rest); rest = SCM_CDR (rest); } } void scm_init_read () { scm_read_hash_procedures = SCM_VARIABLE_LOC (scm_c_define ("read-hash-procedures", SCM_EOL)); scm_init_opts (scm_read_options, scm_read_opts, SCM_N_READ_OPTIONS); #include "libguile/read.x" } /* Local Variables: c-file-style: "gnu" End: */