/* Copyright (C) 1995,1996 Free Software Foundation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE. * * The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files * to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of * linking the GUILE library code into it. * * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. * * This exception applies only to the code released by the * Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy * code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of * GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete * this exception notice from them. * * If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. * * The author can be reached at djurfeldt@nada.kth.se * Mikael Djurfeldt, SANS/NADA KTH, 10044 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN */ #include #include "_scm.h" #include "smob.h" #include "alist.h" #include "debug.h" #include "hashtab.h" #include "hash.h" #include "weaks.h" #include "srcprop.h" /* {Source Properties} * * Properties of source list expressions. * Five of these have special meaning and optimized storage: * * filename string The name of the source file. * copy list A copy of the list expression. * line integer The source code line number. * column integer The source code column number. * breakpoint boolean Sets a breakpoint on this form. * * Most properties above can be set by the reader. * */ SCM scm_i_filename; SCM scm_i_copy; SCM scm_i_line; SCM scm_i_column; SCM scm_i_breakpoint; long scm_tc16_srcprops; static scm_srcprops_chunk *srcprops_chunklist = 0; static scm_srcprops *srcprops_freelist = 0; static SCM marksrcprops SCM_P ((SCM obj)); static SCM marksrcprops (obj) SCM obj; { SCM_SETGC8MARK (obj); scm_gc_mark (SRCPROPFNAME (obj)); scm_gc_mark (SRCPROPCOPY (obj)); return SRCPROPPLIST (obj); } static scm_sizet freesrcprops SCM_P ((SCM obj)); static scm_sizet freesrcprops (obj) SCM obj; { *((scm_srcprops **) SCM_CDR (obj)) = srcprops_freelist; srcprops_freelist = (scm_srcprops *) SCM_CDR (obj); return 0; /* srcprops_chunks are not freed until leaving guile */ } static int prinsrcprops SCM_P ((SCM obj, SCM port, scm_print_state *pstate)); static int prinsrcprops (obj, port, pstate) SCM obj; SCM port; scm_print_state *pstate; { int writingp = SCM_WRITINGP (pstate); scm_gen_puts (scm_regular_string, "#', port); return 1; } static scm_smobfuns srcpropssmob = {marksrcprops, freesrcprops, prinsrcprops, 0}; SCM scm_make_srcprops (line, col, filename, copy, plist) int line; int col; SCM filename; SCM copy; SCM plist; { register SCM ans; register scm_srcprops *ptr; SCM_DEFER_INTS; if ((ptr = srcprops_freelist) != NULL) srcprops_freelist = *(scm_srcprops **)ptr; else { int i; scm_srcprops_chunk *mem; scm_sizet n = sizeof (scm_srcprops_chunk) + sizeof (scm_srcprops) * (SRCPROPS_CHUNKSIZE - 1); SCM_SYSCALL (mem = (scm_srcprops_chunk *) malloc (n)); SCM_ASSERT (mem, SCM_UNDEFINED, SCM_NALLOC, "srcprops"); scm_mallocated += n; mem->next = srcprops_chunklist; srcprops_chunklist = mem; ptr = &mem->srcprops[0]; for (i = 1; i < SRCPROPS_CHUNKSIZE - 1; ++i) *(scm_srcprops **)&ptr[i] = &ptr[i + 1]; *(scm_srcprops **)&ptr[SRCPROPS_CHUNKSIZE - 1] = 0; srcprops_freelist = (scm_srcprops *) &ptr[1]; } SCM_NEWCELL (ans); SCM_SETCAR (ans, scm_tc16_srcprops); ptr->pos = SRCPROPMAKPOS (line, col); ptr->fname = filename; ptr->copy = copy; ptr->plist = plist; SCM_SETCDR (ans, (SCM) ptr); SCM_ALLOW_INTS; return ans; } SCM scm_srcprops_to_plist (obj) SCM obj; { SCM plist = SRCPROPPLIST (obj); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (SRCPROPCOPY (obj))) plist = scm_acons (scm_i_copy, SRCPROPCOPY (obj), plist); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (SRCPROPFNAME (obj))) plist = scm_acons (scm_i_filename, SRCPROPFNAME (obj), plist); plist = scm_acons (scm_i_column, SCM_MAKINUM (SRCPROPCOL (obj)), plist); plist = scm_acons (scm_i_line, SCM_MAKINUM (SRCPROPLINE (obj)), plist); plist = scm_acons (scm_i_breakpoint, SRCPROPBRK (obj), plist); return plist; } SCM_PROC (s_source_properties, "source-properties", 1, 0, 0, scm_source_properties); SCM scm_source_properties (obj) SCM obj; { SCM p; SCM_ASSERT (SCM_NIMP (obj), obj, SCM_ARG1, s_source_properties); if (SCM_MEMOIZEDP (obj)) obj = SCM_MEMOIZED_EXP (obj); #ifndef SCM_RECKLESS else if (SCM_NCONSP (obj)) scm_wrong_type_arg (s_source_properties, 1, obj); #endif p = scm_hashq_ref (scm_source_whash, obj, (SCM) NULL); if (p != (SCM) NULL && SRCPROPSP (p)) return scm_srcprops_to_plist (p); return SCM_EOL; } /* Perhaps this procedure should look through an alist and try to make a srcprops-object...? */ SCM_PROC (s_set_source_properties_x, "set-source-properties!", 2, 0, 0, scm_set_source_properties_x); SCM scm_set_source_properties_x (obj, plist) SCM obj; SCM plist; { SCM handle; SCM_ASSERT (SCM_NIMP (obj), obj, SCM_ARG1, s_set_source_properties_x); if (SCM_MEMOIZEDP (obj)) obj = SCM_MEMOIZED_EXP (obj); #ifndef SCM_RECKLESS else if (SCM_NCONSP (obj)) scm_wrong_type_arg (s_set_source_properties_x, 1, obj); #endif handle = scm_hashq_create_handle_x (scm_source_whash, obj, plist); SCM_SETCDR (handle, plist); return plist; } SCM_PROC (s_source_property, "source-property", 2, 0, 0, scm_source_property); SCM scm_source_property (obj, key) SCM obj; SCM key; { SCM p; SCM_ASSERT (SCM_NIMP (obj), obj, SCM_ARG1, s_source_property); if (SCM_MEMOIZEDP (obj)) obj = SCM_MEMOIZED_EXP (obj); #ifndef SCM_RECKLESS else if (SCM_NCONSP (obj)) scm_wrong_type_arg (s_source_property, 1, obj); #endif p = scm_hashq_ref (scm_source_whash, obj, SCM_EOL); if (SCM_IMP (p) || !SRCPROPSP (p)) goto plist; if (scm_i_breakpoint == key) p = SRCPROPBRK (p); else if (scm_i_line == key) p = SCM_MAKINUM (SRCPROPLINE (p)); else if (scm_i_column == key) p = SCM_MAKINUM (SRCPROPCOL (p)); else if (scm_i_filename == key) p = SRCPROPFNAME (p); else if (scm_i_copy == key) p = SRCPROPCOPY (p); else { p = SRCPROPPLIST (p); plist: p = scm_assoc (key, p); return (SCM_NIMP (p) ? SCM_CDR (p) : SCM_BOOL_F); } return SCM_UNBNDP (p) ? SCM_BOOL_F : p; } SCM_PROC (s_set_source_property_x, "set-source-property!", 3, 0, 0, scm_set_source_property_x); SCM scm_set_source_property_x (obj, key, datum) SCM obj; SCM key; SCM datum; { scm_whash_handle h; SCM p; SCM_ASSERT (SCM_NIMP (obj), obj, SCM_ARG1, s_set_source_property_x); if (SCM_MEMOIZEDP (obj)) obj = SCM_MEMOIZED_EXP (obj); #ifndef SCM_RECKLESS else if (SCM_NCONSP (obj)) scm_wrong_type_arg (s_set_source_property_x, 1, obj); #endif h = scm_whash_get_handle (scm_source_whash, obj); if (SCM_WHASHFOUNDP (h)) p = SCM_WHASHREF (scm_source_whash, h); else { h = scm_whash_create_handle (scm_source_whash, obj); p = SCM_EOL; } if (scm_i_breakpoint == key) if (SCM_FALSEP (datum)) CLEARSRCPROPBRK (SCM_NIMP (p) && SRCPROPSP (p) ? p : SCM_WHASHSET (scm_source_whash, h, scm_make_srcprops (0, 0, SCM_UNDEFINED, SCM_UNDEFINED, p))); else SETSRCPROPBRK (SCM_NIMP (p) && SRCPROPSP (p) ? p : SCM_WHASHSET (scm_source_whash, h, scm_make_srcprops (0, 0, SCM_UNDEFINED, SCM_UNDEFINED, p))); else if (scm_i_line == key) { if (SCM_NIMP (p) && SRCPROPSP (p)) SETSRCPROPLINE (p, datum); else SCM_WHASHSET (scm_source_whash, h, scm_make_srcprops (datum, 0, SCM_UNDEFINED, SCM_UNDEFINED, p)); } else if (scm_i_column == key) { if (SCM_NIMP (p) && SRCPROPSP (p)) SETSRCPROPCOL (p, datum); else SCM_WHASHSET (scm_source_whash, h, scm_make_srcprops (0, datum, SCM_UNDEFINED, SCM_UNDEFINED, p)); } else if (scm_i_filename == key) { if (SCM_NIMP (p) && SRCPROPSP (p)) SRCPROPFNAME (p) = datum; else SCM_WHASHSET (scm_source_whash, h, scm_make_srcprops (0, 0, datum, SCM_UNDEFINED, p)); } else if (scm_i_filename == key) { if (SCM_NIMP (p) && SRCPROPSP (p)) SRCPROPCOPY (p) = datum; else SCM_WHASHSET (scm_source_whash, h, scm_make_srcprops (0, 0, SCM_UNDEFINED, datum, p)); } else SCM_WHASHSET (scm_source_whash, h, scm_acons (key, datum, p)); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } void scm_init_srcprop () { scm_tc16_srcprops = scm_newsmob (&srcpropssmob); scm_source_whash = scm_make_weak_key_hash_table (SCM_MAKINUM (2047)); scm_i_filename = SCM_CAR (scm_sysintern ("filename", SCM_UNDEFINED)); scm_i_copy = SCM_CAR (scm_sysintern ("copy", SCM_UNDEFINED)); scm_i_line = SCM_CAR (scm_sysintern ("line", SCM_UNDEFINED)); scm_i_column = SCM_CAR (scm_sysintern ("column", SCM_UNDEFINED)); scm_i_breakpoint = SCM_CAR (scm_sysintern ("breakpoint", SCM_UNDEFINED)); scm_sysintern ("source-whash", scm_source_whash); #include "srcprop.x" } void scm_finish_srcprop () { register scm_srcprops_chunk *ptr = srcprops_chunklist, *next; while (ptr) { next = ptr->next; free ((char *) ptr); scm_mallocated -= sizeof (scm_srcprops_chunk) + sizeof (scm_srcprops) * (SRCPROPS_CHUNKSIZE - 1); ptr = next; } }