;;; -*- mode: scheme; coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;; ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA (use-modules (language tree-il) (language tree-il primitives) (srfi srfi-1) (ice-9 control) (ice-9 pretty-print) (system syntax internal)) ;; Minimize a syntax-object such that it can no longer be used as the ;; first argument to 'datum->syntax', but is otherwise equivalent. (define (squeeze-syntax-object syn) (define (ensure-list x) (if (vector? x) (vector->list x) x)) (let ((x (syntax-expression syn)) (wrap (syntax-wrap syn)) (mod (syntax-module syn))) (let ((marks (car wrap)) (subst (cdr wrap))) (define (squeeze-wrap marks subst) (make-syntax x (cons marks subst) mod)) (cond ((symbol? x) (let loop ((marks marks) (subst subst)) (cond ((null? subst) (squeeze-wrap marks subst)) ((eq? 'shift (car subst)) (loop (cdr marks) (cdr subst))) ((find (lambda (entry) (and (eq? x (car entry)) (equal? marks (cadr entry)))) (apply map list (map ensure-list (cdr (vector->list (car subst)))))) => (lambda (entry) (squeeze-wrap marks (list (list->vector (cons 'ribcage (map vector entry))))))) (else (loop marks (cdr subst)))))) ((or (pair? x) (vector? x)) syn) (else x))))) (define (squeeze-constant x) (cond ((syntax? x) (squeeze-syntax-object x)) ((pair? x) (cons (squeeze-constant (car x)) (squeeze-constant (cdr x)))) ((vector? x) (list->vector (squeeze-constant (vector->list x)))) (else x))) (define (squeeze-tree-il x) (post-order (lambda (x) (if (const? x) (make-const (const-src x) (squeeze-constant (const-exp x))) x)) x)) (define (translate-literal-syntax-objects x) (define (find-make-syntax-lexical-binding x) (let/ec return (pre-order (lambda (x) (when (let? x) (for-each (lambda (name sym) (when (eq? name 'make-syntax) (return sym))) (let-names x) (let-gensyms x))) x) x) #f)) (let ((make-syntax-gensym (find-make-syntax-lexical-binding x)) (retry-tag (make-prompt-tag))) (define (translate-constant x) (let ((src (const-src x)) (exp (const-exp x))) (cond ((list? exp) (let ((exp (map (lambda (x) (translate-constant (make-const src x))) exp))) (if (and-map const? exp) x (make-primcall src 'list exp)))) ((pair? exp) (let ((car (translate-constant (make-const src (car exp)))) (cdr (translate-constant (make-const src (cdr exp))))) (if (and (const? car) (const? cdr)) x (make-primcall src 'cons (list car cdr))))) ((vector? exp) (let ((exp (map (lambda (x) (translate-constant (make-const src x))) (vector->list exp)))) (if (and-map const? exp) x (make-primcall src 'vector exp)))) ((syntax? exp) (make-call src (if make-syntax-gensym (make-lexical-ref src 'make-syntax make-syntax-gensym) (abort-to-prompt retry-tag)) (list (translate-constant (make-const src (syntax-expression exp))) (translate-constant (make-const src (syntax-wrap exp))) (translate-constant (make-const src (syntax-module exp)))))) (else x)))) (call-with-prompt retry-tag (lambda () (post-order (lambda (x) (if (const? x) (translate-constant x) x)) x)) (lambda (k) ;; OK, we have a syntax object embedded in this code, but ;; make-syntax isn't lexically bound. This is the case for the ;; top-level macro definitions in psyntax that follow the main ;; let blob. Attach a lexical binding and retry. (unless (toplevel-define? x) (error "unexpected")) (translate-literal-syntax-objects (make-toplevel-define (toplevel-define-src x) (toplevel-define-mod x) (toplevel-define-name x) (make-let (toplevel-define-src x) (list 'make-syntax) (list (module-gensym)) (list (make-toplevel-ref #f #f 'make-syntax)) (toplevel-define-exp x)))))))) ;; Avoid gratuitous churn in psyntax-pp.scm due to the marks and labels ;; changing session identifiers. (set! syntax-session-id (lambda () "*")) (let ((source (list-ref (command-line) 1)) (target (list-ref (command-line) 2))) (let ((in (open-input-file source)) (out (open-output-file (string-append target ".tmp")))) (write '(eval-when (compile) (set-current-module (resolve-module '(guile)))) out) (newline out) (let loop ((x (read in))) (if (eof-object? x) (begin (close-port out) (close-port in)) (begin (pretty-print (tree-il->scheme (translate-literal-syntax-objects (squeeze-tree-il (resolve-primitives (macroexpand x 'c '(compile load eval)) (current-module)))) (current-module) (list #:avoid-lambda? #f #:use-case? #f #:strip-numeric-suffixes? #t #:use-derived-syntax? (and (pair? x) (eq? 'let (car x))))) out #:width 120 #:max-expr-width 70) (newline out) (loop (read in)))))) (system (format #f "mv -f ~s.tmp ~s" target target)))