;;; Guile VM code converters ;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;; Code: (define-module (language assembly decompile-bytecode) #:use-module (system vm instruction) #:use-module (system base pmatch) #:use-module (srfi srfi-4) #:use-module (rnrs bytevector) #:use-module (language assembly) #:use-module ((system vm objcode) #:select (byte-order)) #:export (decompile-bytecode)) (define (decompile-bytecode x env opts) (let ((i 0) (size (u8vector-length x))) (define (pop) (let ((b (cond ((< i size) (u8vector-ref x i)) ((= i size) #f) (else (error "tried to decode too many bytes"))))) (if b (set! i (1+ i))) b)) (let ((ret (decode-load-program pop))) (if (= i size) (values ret env) (error "bad bytecode: only decoded ~a out of ~a bytes" i size))))) (define (br-instruction? x) (memq x '(br br-if br-if-not br-if-eq br-if-not-eq br-if-null br-if-not-null))) (define (bytes->s16 a b) (let ((x (+ (ash a 8) b))) (if (zero? (logand (ash 1 15) x)) x (- x (ash 1 16))))) ;; FIXME: this is a little-endian disassembly!!! (define (decode-load-program pop) (let* ((nargs (pop)) (nrest (pop)) (nlocs0 (pop)) (nlocs1 (pop)) (nlocs (+ nlocs0 (ash nlocs1 8))) (a (pop)) (b (pop)) (c (pop)) (d (pop)) (e (pop)) (f (pop)) (g (pop)) (h (pop)) (len (+ a (ash b 8) (ash c 16) (ash d 24))) (metalen (+ e (ash f 8) (ash g 16) (ash h 24))) (totlen (+ len metalen)) (pad0 (pop)) (pad1 (pop)) (pad2 (pop)) (pad3 (pop)) (labels '()) (i 0)) (define (ensure-label rel1 rel2) (let ((where (+ (logand i (lognot #x7)) (* (bytes->s16 rel1 rel2) 8)))) (or (assv-ref labels where) (begin (let ((l (gensym ":L"))) (set! labels (acons where l labels)) l))))) (define (sub-pop) ;; ...records. ha. ha. (let ((b (cond ((< i len) (pop)) ((= i len) #f) (else (error "tried to decode too many bytes"))))) (if b (set! i (1+ i))) b)) (let lp ((out '())) (cond ((> i len) (error "error decoding program -- read too many bytes" out)) ((= i len) `(load-program ,nargs ,nrest ,nlocs ,(map (lambda (x) (cons (cdr x) (car x))) (reverse labels)) ,len ,(if (zero? metalen) #f (decode-load-program pop)) ,@(reverse! out))) (else (let ((exp (decode-bytecode sub-pop))) (pmatch exp ((,br ,rel1 ,rel2) (guard (br-instruction? br)) (lp (cons `(,br ,(ensure-label rel1 rel2)) out))) ((mv-call ,n ,rel1 ,rel2) (lp (cons `(mv-call ,n ,(ensure-label rel1 rel2)) out))) (else (lp (cons exp out)))))))))) (define (decode-bytecode pop) (define (get1 bytes-per-char) (if (= bytes-per-char 1) (pop) (let* ((a (pop)) (b (pop)) (c (pop)) (d (pop))) (if (= byte-order 1234) (+ (ash d 24) (ash c 16) (ash b 8) a) (+ (ash a 24) (ash b 16) (ash c 8) d))))) (and=> (pop) (lambda (opcode) (let ((inst (opcode->instruction opcode))) (cond ((eq? inst 'load-program) (decode-load-program pop)) ((< (instruction-length inst) 0) ;; the negative length indicates a variable length ;; instruction (let* ((make-sequence (if (eq? inst 'load-array) make-bytevector make-string)) (sequence-set! (if (eq? inst 'load-array) bytevector-u8-set! (lambda (str pos value) (string-set! str pos (integer->char value))))) (len (let* ((a (pop)) (b (pop)) (c (pop))) (+ (ash a 16) (ash b 8) c))) (bytes-per-count (if (or (eq? inst 'load-string) (eq? inst 'load-symbol) (eq? inst 'load-keyword) (eq? inst 'define)) (pop) 1)) (seq (make-sequence len))) (let lp ((i 0)) (if (= i len) `(,inst ,seq) (begin (sequence-set! seq i (get1 bytes-per-count)) (lp (1+ i))))))) (else ;; fixed length (let lp ((n (instruction-length inst)) (out (list inst))) (if (zero? n) (reverse! out) (lp (1- n) (cons (pop) out))))))))))