;;; Guile bytecode disassembler ;;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009-2010, 2012-2015, 2017-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;; ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;; Code: (define-module (system vm disassembler) #:use-module (language bytecode) #:use-module (system vm elf) #:use-module (system vm debug) #:use-module (system vm program) #:use-module (system vm loader) #:use-module (system base types internal) #:use-module (system foreign) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 vlist) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-4) #:export (disassemble-program fold-program-code disassemble-image disassemble-file instruction-length instruction-has-fallthrough? instruction-relative-jump-targets instruction-stack-size-after instruction-slot-clobbers)) (define (unpack-scm n) (pointer->scm (make-pointer n))) (define (unpack-s24 s) (if (zero? (logand s (ash 1 23))) s (- s (ash 1 24)))) (define (unpack-s12 s) (if (zero? (logand s (ash 1 11))) s (- s (ash 1 12)))) (define (unpack-s32 s) (if (zero? (logand s (ash 1 31))) s (- s (ash 1 32)))) (eval-when (expand) (define-syntax-rule (u32-ref buf n) (bytevector-u32-native-ref buf (* n 4))) (define-syntax-rule (s32-ref buf n) (bytevector-s32-native-ref buf (* n 4))) (define-syntax-rule (define-op-handlers handlers make-handler) (define handlers (let ((handlers (make-vector 256 #f))) (define-syntax init-handlers (lambda (stx) #`(begin #,@(filter-map (match-lambda ((name opcode kind . word-types) (match (make-handler name kind word-types) (#f #f) (init #`(vector-set! handlers #,opcode #,init))))) (instruction-list))))) (init-handlers) handlers)))) (define-op-handlers disassemblers (lambda (name kind word-types) (define (parse-first-word word type) (with-syntax ((word word)) (case type ((X32) #'()) ((X8_S24 X8_F24 X8_C24) #'((ash word -8))) ((X8_L24) #'((unpack-s24 (ash word -8)))) ((X8_S8_I16 X8_S8_ZI16) #'((logand (ash word -8) #xff) (ash word -16))) ((X8_S12_S12 X8_S12_C12 X8_C12_C12 X8_F12_F12) #'((logand (ash word -8) #xfff) (ash word -20))) ((X8_S12_Z12) #'((logand (ash word -8) #xfff) (unpack-s12 (ash word -20)))) ((X8_S8_S8_S8 X8_S8_S8_C8 X8_S8_C8_S8) #'((logand (ash word -8) #xff) (logand (ash word -16) #xff) (ash word -24))) (else (error "bad head kind" type))))) (define (parse-tail-word word type n) (with-syntax ((word word) (n n)) (case type ((C32 I32 A32 B32 AU32 BU32 AS32 BS32 AF32 BF32) #'(1 word)) ((N32 R32 L32 LO32) #'(1 (unpack-s32 word))) ((C8_C24 C8_S24) #'(1 (logand word #xff) (ash word -8))) ((C16_C16) #'(1 (logand word #xffff) (ash word -16))) ((B1_C7_L24) #'(1 (not (zero? (logand word #x1))) (logand (ash word -1) #x7f) (unpack-s24 (ash word -8)))) ((B1_X7_S24 B1_X7_F24 B1_X7_C24) #'(1 (not (zero? (logand word #x1))) (ash word -8))) ((B1_X7_L24) #'(1 (not (zero? (logand word #x1))) (unpack-s24 (ash word -8)))) ((B1_X31) #'(1 (not (zero? (logand word #x1))))) ((X8_S24 X8_F24 X8_C24) #'(1 (ash word -8))) ((X8_L24) #'(1 (unpack-s24 (ash word -8)))) ((V32_X8_L24) #'((+ 1 word) (let ((v (make-vector word)) (base (+ offset n 1))) (let lp ((i 0)) (when (< i word) (vector-set! v i (unpack-s24 (ash (u32-ref buf (+ base i)) -8))) (lp (1+ i)))) v))) (else (error "bad tail kind" type))))) (match word-types ((first-word . tail-words) (let ((vars (generate-temporaries tail-words)) (word-offsets (map 1+ (iota (length tail-words))))) (with-syntax ((name (datum->syntax #'nowhere name)) ((word* ...) vars) ((n ...) word-offsets) ((asm ...) (parse-first-word #'first first-word)) (((len asm* ...) ...) (map parse-tail-word vars tail-words word-offsets))) #'(lambda (buf offset first) (let ((word* (u32-ref buf (+ offset n))) ...) (values (+ 1 len ...) (list 'name asm ... asm* ... ...)))))))))) ;; -> len list (define (disassemble-one buf offset) (let ((first (u32-ref buf offset))) (match (vector-ref disassemblers (logand first #xff)) (#f (error "bad instruction" (logand first #xff) first buf offset)) (disassemble (disassemble buf offset first))))) (define (u32-offset->addr offset context) "Given an offset into an image in 32-bit units, return the absolute address of that offset." (+ (debug-context-base context) (* offset 4))) (define immediate-tag-annotations '()) (define-syntax-rule (define-immediate-tag-annotation name pred mask tag) (set! immediate-tag-annotations (cons `((,mask ,tag) ,(cond ('pred => symbol->string) (else (string-append "eq-" (symbol->string 'name) "?")))) immediate-tag-annotations))) (visit-immediate-tags define-immediate-tag-annotation) (define heap-tag-annotations '()) (define-syntax-rule (define-heap-tag-annotation name pred mask tag) (set! heap-tag-annotations (cons `((,mask ,tag) ,(symbol->string 'pred)) heap-tag-annotations))) (visit-heap-tags define-heap-tag-annotation) (define (sign-extended-immediate uimm n) (unpack-scm (if (>= uimm (ash 1 (- n 1))) (let ((word-bits (* (sizeof '*) 8))) ; FIXME (logand (1- (ash 1 word-bits)) (- uimm (ash 1 n)))) uimm))) (define (code-annotation code len offset start labels context push-addr!) ;; FIXME: Print names for register loads and stores that correspond to ;; access to named locals. (define (reference-scm target) (unpack-scm (u32-offset->addr (+ offset target) context))) (define (dereference-scm target) (let ((addr (u32-offset->addr (+ offset target) context))) (pointer->scm (dereference-pointer (make-pointer addr))))) (match code (((or 'j 'je 'jl 'jge 'jne 'jnl 'jnge) target) (list "-> ~A" (vector-ref labels (- (+ offset target) start)))) (('immediate-tag=? _ mask tag) (assoc-ref immediate-tag-annotations (list mask tag))) (('heap-tag=? _ mask tag) (assoc-ref heap-tag-annotations (list mask tag))) (('prompt tag escape-only? proc-slot handler) ;; The H is for handler. (list "H -> ~A" (vector-ref labels (- (+ offset handler) start)))) (((or 'make-immediate 'eq-immediate?) _ imm) (list "~S" (sign-extended-immediate imm 16))) (((or 'make-short-immediate 'make-long-immediate) _ imm) (list "~S" (unpack-scm imm))) (('make-long-long-immediate _ high low) (list "~S" (unpack-scm (logior (ash high 32) low)))) (('assert-nargs-ee/locals nargs locals) ;; The nargs includes the procedure. (list "~a slot~:p (~a arg~:p)" (+ locals nargs) (1- nargs))) (('bind-optionals nargs) (list "~a args~:p" (1- nargs))) (('alloc-frame nlocals) (list "~a slot~:p" nlocals)) (('reset-frame nlocals) (list "~a slot~:p" nlocals)) (('bind-rest dst) (list "~a slot~:p" (1+ dst))) (('make-closure dst target nfree) (let* ((addr (u32-offset->addr (+ offset target) context)) (pdi (find-program-debug-info addr context)) (name (or (and pdi (program-debug-info-name pdi)) "anonymous procedure"))) (push-addr! addr name) (list "~A at #x~X (~A free var~:p)" name addr nfree))) (('load-label dst src) (let* ((addr (u32-offset->addr (+ offset src) context)) (pdi (find-program-debug-info addr context)) (name (or (and pdi (program-debug-info-name pdi)) "anonymous procedure"))) (push-addr! addr name) (list "~A at #x~X" name addr))) (('call-label closure nlocals target) (let* ((addr (u32-offset->addr (+ offset target) context)) (pdi (find-program-debug-info addr context)) (name (or (and pdi (program-debug-info-name pdi)) "anonymous procedure"))) (push-addr! addr name) (list "~A at #x~X" name addr))) (('tail-call-label target) (let* ((addr (u32-offset->addr (+ offset target) context)) (pdi (find-program-debug-info addr context)) (name (or (and pdi (program-debug-info-name pdi)) "anonymous procedure"))) (push-addr! addr name) (list "~A at #x~X" name addr))) (('make-non-immediate dst target) (let ((val (reference-scm target))) (when (program? val) (push-addr! (program-code val) val)) (list "~@Y" val))) (((or 'throw/value 'throw/value+data) dst target) (list "~@Y" (reference-scm target))) (('builtin-ref dst idx) (list "~A" (builtin-index->name idx))) (((or 'static-ref 'static-set!) _ target) (list "~@Y" (dereference-scm target))) (('resolve-module dst name public) (list "~a" (if (zero? public) "private" "public"))) (('load-typed-array dst type shape target len) (let ((addr (u32-offset->addr (+ offset target) context))) (list "~a bytes from #x~X" len addr))) (_ #f))) (define (compute-labels bv start end) (let ((labels (make-vector (- end start) #f))) (define (add-label! pos header) (unless (vector-ref labels (- pos start)) (vector-set! labels (- pos start) header))) (let lp ((offset start)) (when (< offset end) (call-with-values (lambda () (disassemble-one bv offset)) (lambda (len elt) (match elt ((inst arg ...) (case inst ((j je jl jge jne jnl jnge) (match arg ((_ ... target) (add-label! (+ offset target) "L")))) ((prompt) (match arg ((_ ... target) (add-label! (+ offset target) "H")))) ((jtable) (match arg ((_ ... targets) (let ((len (vector-length targets))) (let lp ((i 0)) (when (< i len) (add-label! (+ offset (vector-ref targets i)) "L") (lp (1+ i))))))))))) (lp (+ offset len)))))) (let lp ((offset start) (n 1)) (when (< offset end) (let* ((pos (- offset start)) (label (vector-ref labels pos))) (if label (begin (vector-set! labels pos (string->symbol (string-append label (number->string n)))) (lp (1+ offset) (1+ n))) (lp (1+ offset) n))))) labels)) (define (print-info port addr label info extra src) (when label (format port "~A:\n" label)) (format port "~4@S ~32S~@[;; ~1{~@?~}~]~@[~61t at ~a~]\n" addr info extra src)) (define (disassemble-buffer port bv start end context push-addr!) (let ((labels (compute-labels bv start end)) (sources (find-program-sources (u32-offset->addr start context) context))) (define (lookup-source addr) (let lp ((sources sources)) (match sources (() #f) ((source . sources) (let ((pc (source-pre-pc source))) (cond ((< pc addr) (lp sources)) ((= pc addr) (format #f "~a:~a:~a" (or (source-file source) "(unknown file)") (source-line-for-user source) (source-column source))) (else #f))))))) (let lp ((offset start)) (when (< offset end) (call-with-values (lambda () (disassemble-one bv offset)) (lambda (len elt) (let ((pos (- offset start)) (addr (u32-offset->addr offset context)) (annotation (code-annotation elt len offset start labels context push-addr!))) (print-info port pos (vector-ref labels pos) elt annotation (lookup-source addr)) (lp (+ offset len))))))))) (define* (disassemble-addr addr label port #:optional (seen (make-hash-table))) (format port "Disassembly of ~A at #x~X:\n\n" label addr) (cond ((find-program-debug-info addr) => (lambda (pdi) (let ((worklist '())) (define (push-addr! addr label) (unless (hashv-ref seen addr) (hashv-set! seen addr #t) (set! worklist (acons addr label worklist)))) (disassemble-buffer port (program-debug-info-image pdi) (program-debug-info-u32-offset pdi) (program-debug-info-u32-offset-end pdi) (program-debug-info-context pdi) push-addr!) (for-each (match-lambda ((addr . label) (display "\n----------------------------------------\n" port) (disassemble-addr addr label port seen))) worklist)))) (else (format port "Debugging information unavailable.~%"))) (values)) (define* (disassemble-program program #:optional (port (current-output-port))) (disassemble-addr (program-code program) program port)) (define (fold-code-range proc seed bv start end context raw?) (define (cook code offset) (define (reference-scm target) (unpack-scm (u32-offset->addr (+ offset target) context))) (define (dereference-scm target) (let ((addr (u32-offset->addr (+ offset target) context))) (pointer->scm (dereference-pointer (make-pointer addr))))) (match code (((or 'make-short-immediate 'make-long-immediate) dst imm) `(,(car code) ,dst ,(unpack-scm imm))) (('make-long-long-immediate dst high low) `(make-long-long-immediate ,dst ,(unpack-scm (logior (ash high 32) low)))) (('make-closure dst target nfree) `(make-closure ,dst ,(u32-offset->addr (+ offset target) context) ,nfree)) (('load-label dst src) `(load-label ,dst ,(u32-offset->addr (+ offset src) context))) (('make-non-immediate dst target) `(make-non-immediate ,dst ,(reference-scm target))) (('builtin-ref dst idx) `(builtin-ref ,dst ,(builtin-index->name idx))) (((or 'static-ref 'static-set!) dst target) `(,(car code) ,dst ,(dereference-scm target))) (_ code))) (let lp ((offset start) (seed seed)) (cond ((< offset end) (call-with-values (lambda () (disassemble-one bv offset)) (lambda (len elt) (lp (+ offset len) (proc (if raw? elt (cook elt offset)) seed))))) (else seed)))) (define* (fold-program-code proc seed program-or-addr #:key raw?) (cond ((find-program-debug-info (if (program? program-or-addr) (program-code program-or-addr) program-or-addr)) => (lambda (pdi) (fold-code-range proc seed (program-debug-info-image pdi) (program-debug-info-u32-offset pdi) (program-debug-info-u32-offset-end pdi) (program-debug-info-context pdi) raw?))) (else seed))) (define* (disassemble-image bv #:optional (port (current-output-port))) (let* ((ctx (debug-context-from-image bv)) (base (debug-context-text-base ctx))) (for-each-elf-symbol ctx (lambda (sym) (let ((name (elf-symbol-name sym)) (value (elf-symbol-value sym)) (size (elf-symbol-size sym))) (format port "Disassembly of ~A at #x~X:\n\n" (if (and (string? name) (not (string-null? name))) name "") (+ base value)) (disassemble-buffer port bv (/ (+ base value) 4) (/ (+ base value size) 4) ctx (lambda (addr name) #t)) (display "\n\n" port))))) (values)) (define* (disassemble-file file #:optional (port (current-output-port))) (let* ((thunk (load-thunk-from-file file)) (elf (find-mapped-elf-image (program-code thunk)))) (disassemble-image elf port))) (define-syntax instruction-lengths-vector (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_) (let ((lengths (make-vector 256 #f))) (for-each (match-lambda ((name opcode kind word ... 'V32_X8_L24) ;; Indicate variable-length instruction by setting ;; statically known length to 0. (vector-set! lengths opcode 0)) ((name opcode kind words ...) (vector-set! lengths opcode (* 4 (length words))))) (instruction-list)) (datum->syntax x lengths)))))) (define (instruction-length code pos) (unless (zero? (modulo pos 4)) (error "invalid pos")) (let ((opcode (logand (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) #xff))) (match (vector-ref (instruction-lengths-vector) opcode) (#f (error "Unknown opcode" opcode)) (0 (call-with-values (lambda () (let ((offset (/ pos 4))) (disassemble-one code offset))) (lambda (u32-len disasm) (* u32-len 4)))) (len len)))) (define-syntax static-opcode-set (lambda (x) (define (instruction-opcode inst) (cond ((assq inst (instruction-list)) => (match-lambda ((name opcode . _) opcode))) (else (error "unknown instruction" inst)))) (syntax-case x () ((static-opcode-set inst ...) (let ((bv (make-bitvector 256 #f))) (for-each (lambda (inst) (bitvector-set-bit! bv (instruction-opcode inst))) (syntax->datum #'(inst ...))) (datum->syntax #'static-opcode-set bv)))))) (define (instruction-has-fallthrough? code pos) (define non-fallthrough-set (static-opcode-set halt throw throw/value throw/value+data tail-call tail-call-label return-values subr-call foreign-call continuation-call j jtable)) (let ((opcode (logand (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) #xff))) (bitvector-bit-clear? non-fallthrough-set opcode))) (define (word-offset->byte-offset n) (* n 4)) (define-op-handlers jump-parsers (lambda (op kind word-types) (case op ((prompt j je jl jge jne jnl jnge) #'(lambda (code pos) (call-with-values (lambda () (disassemble-one code (/ pos 4))) (lambda (len disasm) (match disasm ;; Assume that the target is in the last word, as a ;; word offset. ((_ ___ target) (list (word-offset->byte-offset target)))))))) ((jtable) #'(lambda (code pos) (call-with-values (lambda () (disassemble-one code (/ pos 4))) (lambda (len disasm) (match disasm ;; Assume that the target is in the last word, as a ;; vector of word offsets. ((_ ___ targets) (map word-offset->byte-offset (vector->list targets)))))))) (else #f)))) (define (instruction-relative-jump-targets code pos) (let ((opcode (logand (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) #xff))) (match (vector-ref jump-parsers opcode) (#f '()) (proc (proc code pos))))) (define-op-handlers stack-effect-parsers (lambda (name kind word-types) (case name ((push) #'(lambda (code pos size) (and size (+ size 1)))) ((pop) #'(lambda (code pos size) (and size (- size 1)))) ((drop) #'(lambda (code pos size) (let ((count (ash (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) -8))) (and size (- size count))))) ((alloc-frame reset-frame bind-optionals) #'(lambda (code pos size) (let ((nlocals (ash (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) -8))) nlocals))) ((receive) #'(lambda (code pos size) (let ((nlocals (ash (bytevector-u32-native-ref code (+ pos 4)) -8))) nlocals))) ((bind-kwargs) #'(lambda (code pos size) (let ((ntotal (ash (bytevector-u32-native-ref code (+ pos 8)) -8))) ntotal))) ((bind-rest) #'(lambda (code pos size) (let ((dst (ash (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) -8))) (+ dst 1)))) ((assert-nargs-ee/locals) #'(lambda (code pos size) (let ((nargs (logand (ash (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) -8) #xfff)) (nlocals (ash (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) -20))) (+ nargs nlocals)))) ((call call-label tail-call tail-call-label expand-apply-argument) #'(lambda (code pos size) #f)) ((shuffle-down) #'(lambda (code pos size) (let ((from (logand (ash (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) -8) #xfff)) (to (ash (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) -20))) (and size (- size (- from to)))))) (else #f)))) (define (instruction-stack-size-after code pos size) (let ((opcode (logand (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) #xff))) (match (vector-ref stack-effect-parsers opcode) (#f size) (proc (proc code pos size))))) (define-op-handlers clobber-parsers (lambda (name kind word-types) (match kind ('! (case name ((call call-label) #'(lambda (code pos nslots-in nslots-out) (call-with-values (lambda () (disassemble-one code (/ pos 4))) (lambda (len elt) (define frame-size 3) (match elt ((_ proc . _) (let lp ((slot (- proc frame-size))) (if (and nslots-in (< slot nslots-in)) (cons slot (lp (1+ slot))) '())))))))) (else #f))) ('<- #`(lambda (code pos nslots-in nslots-out) (call-with-values (lambda () (disassemble-one code (/ pos 4))) (lambda (len elt) (match elt ((_ dst . _) #,(match word-types (((or 'X8_F24 'X8_F12_F12) . _) #'(list dst)) (else #'(if nslots-out (list (- nslots-out 1 dst)) '())))))))))))) (define (instruction-slot-clobbers code pos nslots-in nslots-out) (let ((opcode (logand (bytevector-u32-native-ref code pos) #xff))) (match (vector-ref clobber-parsers opcode) (#f '()) (proc (proc code pos nslots-in nslots-out)))))