;;; Guile VM frame functions ;;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2005, 2009-2016, 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;; ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;; Code: (define-module (system vm frame) #:use-module (system base pmatch) #:use-module (system foreign) #:use-module (system vm program) #:use-module (system vm debug) #:use-module (system vm disassembler) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-11) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:export (binding-index binding-name binding-slot binding-representation frame-bindings frame-lookup-binding binding-ref binding-set! frame-call-representation frame-return-values frame-environment frame-object-binding frame-object-name)) (eval-when (expand compile load eval) (load-extension (string-append "libguile-" (effective-version)) "scm_init_frames_builtins")) (define-record-type (make-binding frame idx name slot representation) binding? (frame binding-frame) (idx binding-index) (name binding-name) (slot binding-slot) (representation binding-representation)) (define (parse-code code) (let ((len (bytevector-length code))) (let lp ((pos 0) (out '())) (cond ((< pos len) (let* ((inst-len (instruction-length code pos)) (pos (+ pos inst-len))) (unless (<= pos len) (error "Failed to parse codestream")) (lp pos (cons inst-len out)))) (else (list->vector (reverse out))))))) (define (compute-predecessors code parsed) (let ((preds (make-vector (vector-length parsed) '()))) (define (add-pred! from target) (let lp ((to from) (target target)) (cond ((negative? target) (lp (1- to) (+ target (vector-ref parsed (1- to))))) ((positive? target) (lp (1+ to) (- target (vector-ref parsed to)))) ((= to (vector-length preds)) ;; This can happen when an arity fails to match. Just ignore ;; this case. #t) (else (vector-set! preds to (cons from (vector-ref preds to))))))) (let lp ((n 0) (pos 0)) (when (< n (vector-length preds)) (when (instruction-has-fallthrough? code pos) (add-pred! n (vector-ref parsed n))) (for-each (lambda (target) (add-pred! n target)) (instruction-relative-jump-targets code pos)) (lp (1+ n) (+ pos (vector-ref parsed n))))) preds)) (define (compute-frame-sizes code parsed initial-size) (let ((in-sizes (make-vector (vector-length parsed) #f)) (out-sizes (make-vector (vector-length parsed) #f))) ;; This only computes all possible valid stack sizes if the bytecode ;; is sorted topologically. Guiles' compiler does this currently, ;; but if that changes we should do a proper pre-order visit. Of ;; course the bytecode has to be valid too. (define (find-idx n diff) (let lp ((n n) (diff diff)) (cond ((= n (vector-length parsed)) ;; Possible for jumps to alternate arities. #f) ((negative? diff) (lp (1- n) (+ diff (vector-ref parsed (1- n))))) ((positive? diff) (lp (1+ n) (- diff (vector-ref parsed n)))) (else n)))) (vector-set! in-sizes 0 initial-size) (let lp ((n 0) (pos 0)) (define (offset->idx target) (call-with-values (lambda () (if (>= target pos) (values n pos) (values 0 0))) (lambda (n pos) (let lp ((n n) (pos pos)) (cond ((= pos target) n) ((< pos target) (lp (1+ n) (+ pos (vector-ref parsed n)))) (else (error "bad target" target))))))) (when (< n (vector-length parsed)) (let* ((in (vector-ref in-sizes n)) (out (instruction-stack-size-after code pos in))) (vector-set! out-sizes n out) (when out (when (instruction-has-fallthrough? code pos) (vector-set! in-sizes (1+ n) out)) (for-each (lambda (target) (let ((idx (find-idx n target))) (when idx (vector-set! in-sizes idx out)))) (instruction-relative-jump-targets code pos)))) (lp (1+ n) (+ pos (vector-ref parsed n))))) (values in-sizes out-sizes))) (define (compute-genv parsed defs) (let ((genv (make-vector (vector-length parsed) '()))) (define (add-def! pos var) (vector-set! genv pos (cons var (vector-ref genv pos)))) (let lp ((var 0) (pos 0) (pc-offset 0)) (when (< var (vector-length defs)) (match (vector-ref defs var) (#(name offset slot representation) (when (< offset pc-offset) (error "mismatch between def offsets and parsed code")) (cond ((< pc-offset offset) (lp var (1+ pos) (+ pc-offset (vector-ref parsed pos)))) (else (add-def! pos var) (lp (1+ var) pos pc-offset))))))) genv)) (define (compute-defs-by-slot defs) (let* ((nslots (match defs (#(#(_ _ slot _) ...) (1+ (apply max slot))))) (by-slot (make-vector nslots #f))) (let lp ((n 0)) (when (< n nslots) (vector-set! by-slot n (make-bitvector (vector-length defs) #f)) (lp (1+ n)))) (let lp ((n 0)) (when (< n (vector-length defs)) (match (vector-ref defs n) (#(_ _ slot _) (bitvector-set-bit! (vector-ref by-slot slot) n) (lp (1+ n)))))) by-slot)) (define (compute-killv code parsed defs) (let*-values (((defs-by-slot) (compute-defs-by-slot defs)) ((initial-frame-size) (vector-length defs-by-slot)) ((in-sizes out-sizes) (compute-frame-sizes code parsed initial-frame-size)) ((killv) (make-vector (vector-length parsed) #f))) (define (kill-slot! n slot) (bitvector-set-bits! (vector-ref killv n) (vector-ref defs-by-slot slot))) (let lp ((n 0)) (when (< n (vector-length killv)) (vector-set! killv n (make-bitvector (vector-length defs) #f)) (lp (1+ n)))) ;; Some defs get into place without explicit instructions -- this is ;; the case if no shuffling need occur, for example. In any case, ;; mark them as killing any previous definitions at that slot. (let lp ((var 0) (pos 0) (pc-offset 0)) (when (< var (vector-length defs)) (match (vector-ref defs var) (#(name offset slot representation) (when (< offset pc-offset) (error "mismatch between def offsets and parsed code")) (cond ((< pc-offset offset) (lp var (1+ pos) (+ pc-offset (vector-ref parsed pos)))) (else (kill-slot! pos slot) (lp (1+ var) pos pc-offset))))))) (let lp ((n 0) (pos 0)) (when (< n (vector-length parsed)) (for-each (lambda (slot) (when (< slot (vector-length defs-by-slot)) (kill-slot! n slot))) (let ((in (vector-ref in-sizes n)) (out (vector-ref out-sizes n))) (instruction-slot-clobbers code pos in out))) (lp (1+ n) (+ pos (vector-ref parsed n))))) killv)) (define (available-bindings frame arity ip top-frame?) (let* ((defs (list->vector (arity-definitions arity))) (code (arity-code arity)) (parsed (parse-code code)) (len (vector-length parsed)) (preds (compute-predecessors code parsed)) (genv (compute-genv parsed defs)) (killv (compute-killv code parsed defs)) (inv (make-vector len #f)) (outv (make-vector len #f)) (tmp (make-bitvector (vector-length defs) #f))) (define (bitvector-copy! dst src) (bitvector-clear-all-bits! dst) (bitvector-set-bits! dst src)) (define (bitvector-meet! accum src) (bitvector-copy! tmp src) (bitvector-flip-all-bits! tmp) (bitvector-clear-bits! accum tmp)) (let lp ((n 0)) (when (< n len) (vector-set! inv n (make-bitvector (vector-length defs) #f)) (vector-set! outv n (make-bitvector (vector-length defs) #f)) (lp (1+ n)))) (let lp ((n 0) (first? #t) (changed? #f)) (cond ((< n len) (let ((in (vector-ref inv n)) (out (vector-ref outv n)) (kill (vector-ref killv n)) (gen (vector-ref genv n))) (let ((out-count (or changed? (bitvector-count out)))) (if (zero? n) (bitvector-clear-all-bits! in) (bitvector-set-all-bits! in)) (let lp ((preds (vector-ref preds n))) (match preds (() #t) ((pred . preds) (unless (and first? (<= n pred)) (bitvector-meet! in (vector-ref outv pred))) (lp preds)))) (bitvector-copy! out in) (bitvector-clear-bits! out kill) (for-each (lambda (def) (bitvector-set-bit! out def)) gen) (lp (1+ n) first? (or changed? (not (eqv? out-count (bitvector-count out)))))))) ((or changed? first?) (lp 0 #f #f)))) (let lp ((n 0) (offset (- ip (arity-low-pc arity)))) (when (< offset 0) (error "ip did not correspond to an instruction boundary?")) (if (zero? offset) ;; It shouldn't be the case that both OFFSET and N are zero ;; but TOP-FRAME? is false. Still, it could happen, as is ;; currently the case in frame-arguments. (let ((live (if (or top-frame? (zero? n)) (vector-ref inv n) ;; If we're not at a top frame, the IP points ;; to the continuation -- but we haven't ;; returned and defined its values yet. The ;; set of live variables is the set that was ;; live going into the call, minus the set ;; killed by the call, but not including ;; values defined by the call. (begin (bitvector-copy! tmp (vector-ref inv (1- n))) (bitvector-clear-bits! tmp (vector-ref killv (1- n))) tmp)))) (let lp ((n 0)) (let ((n (bitvector-position live #t n))) (if n (match (vector-ref defs n) (#(name def-offset slot representation) (cons (make-binding frame n name slot representation) (lp (1+ n))))) '())))) (lp (1+ n) (- offset (vector-ref parsed n))))))) (define* (frame-bindings frame #:optional top-frame?) (let ((ip (frame-instruction-pointer frame))) (cond ((find-program-arity ip) => (lambda (arity) (available-bindings frame arity ip top-frame?))) (else '())))) (define (frame-lookup-binding frame var) (let lp ((bindings (frame-bindings frame))) (cond ((null? bindings) #f) ((eq? (binding-name (car bindings)) var) (car bindings)) (else (lp (cdr bindings)))))) (define (binding-ref binding) (frame-local-ref (or (binding-frame binding) (error "binding has no frame" binding)) (binding-slot binding) (binding-representation binding))) (define (binding-set! binding val) (frame-local-set! (or (binding-frame binding) (error "binding has no frame" binding)) (binding-slot binding) val (binding-representation binding))) (define* (frame-procedure-name frame #:key (info (find-program-debug-info (frame-instruction-pointer frame)))) (if info (program-debug-info-name info) (primitive-code-name (frame-instruction-pointer frame)))) ;; This function is always called to get some sort of representation of the ;; frame to present to the user, so let's do the logical thing and dispatch to ;; frame-call-representation. (define (frame-arguments frame) (cdr (frame-call-representation frame))) ;;; ;;; Pretty printing ;;; ;; Basically there are three cases to deal with here: ;; ;; 1. We've already parsed the arguments, and bound them to local ;; variables. In a standard (lambda (a b c) ...) call, this doesn't ;; involve any argument shuffling; but with rest, optional, or ;; keyword arguments, the arguments as given to the procedure may ;; not correspond to what's on the stack. We reconstruct the ;; arguments using e.g. for the case above: `(,a ,b ,c). This works ;; for rest arguments too: (a b . c) => `(,a ,b . ,c) ;; ;; 2. We have failed to parse the arguments. Perhaps it's the wrong ;; number of arguments, or perhaps we're doing a typed dispatch and ;; the types don't match. In that case the arguments are all on the ;; stack, and nothing else is on the stack. ;; ;; 3. Alternately it's possible that we're between a primitive call ;; and its associated return. In that case, we won't be able to ;; say anything at all. (define* (frame-call-representation frame #:key top-frame?) (let* ((ip (frame-instruction-pointer frame)) (info (find-program-debug-info ip)) (nlocals (frame-num-locals frame))) (define (find-slot i bindings) (match bindings (() #f) (((and binding ($ frame idx name slot)) . bindings) (if (< idx i) (find-slot i bindings) (and (= idx i) binding))))) (define (local-ref i bindings) (cond ((not bindings) ;; This case is only hit for primitives and application ;; arguments. (frame-local-ref frame i 'scm)) ((find-slot i bindings) => (lambda (binding) (let ((val (frame-local-ref frame (binding-slot binding) (binding-representation binding)))) ;; It could be that there's a value that isn't clobbered ;; by a call but that isn't live after a call either. In ;; that case, if GC runs during the call, the value will ;; be collected, and on the stack it will be replaced ;; with the unspecified value. Assume that clobbering ;; values is more likely than passing the unspecified ;; value as an argument, and replace unspecified with _, ;; as if the binding were not available. (if (unspecified? val) '_ val)))) (else '_))) (define (application-arguments) ;; Case 1. (map (lambda (local) (local-ref local #f)) ;; Cdr past the 0th local, which is the procedure. (cdr (iota nlocals)))) (define (reconstruct-arguments bindings nreq nopt kw has-rest? local) ;; Case 2. (cond ((positive? nreq) (cons (local-ref local bindings) (reconstruct-arguments bindings (1- nreq) nopt kw has-rest? (1+ local)))) ((positive? nopt) (cons (local-ref local bindings) (reconstruct-arguments bindings nreq (1- nopt) kw has-rest? (1+ local)))) ((pair? kw) (cons* (caar kw) (local-ref (cdar kw) bindings) (reconstruct-arguments bindings nreq nopt (cdr kw) has-rest? (1+ local)))) (has-rest? (local-ref local bindings)) (else '()))) (cons (or (frame-procedure-name frame #:info info) '_) (cond ((find-program-arity ip) => (lambda (arity) (if (and top-frame? (eqv? ip (arity-low-pc arity))) (application-arguments) (reconstruct-arguments (available-bindings frame arity ip top-frame?) (arity-nreq arity) (arity-nopt arity) (arity-keyword-args arity) (arity-has-rest? arity) (if (arity-has-closure? arity) 1 0))))) ((and (primitive-code? ip) (program-arguments-alist (frame-local-ref frame 0 'scm) ip)) => (lambda (args) (match args ((('required . req) ('optional . opt) ('keyword . kw) ('allow-other-keys? . _) ('rest . rest)) (reconstruct-arguments #f (length req) (length opt) kw rest 1))))) (else (application-arguments)))))) ;;; Misc ;;; (define (frame-environment frame) (map (lambda (binding) (cons (binding-name binding) (binding-ref binding))) (frame-bindings frame))) (define (frame-object-binding frame obj) (do ((bs (frame-bindings frame) (cdr bs))) ((or (null? bs) (eq? obj (binding-ref (car bs)))) (and (pair? bs) (car bs))))) (define (frame-object-name frame obj) (cond ((frame-object-binding frame obj) => binding-name) (else #f)))