;;; srfi-19.scm --- Time/Date Library ;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ;; ;; As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission ;; for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE. ;; ;; The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files ;; to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the ;; resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. ;; Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of ;; linking the GUILE library code into it. ;; ;; This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why ;; the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. ;; ;; This exception applies only to the code released by the ;; Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy ;; code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of ;; GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does ;; not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading ;; anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete ;; this exception notice from them. ;; ;; If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice ;; whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. ;; If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. ;;; Author: Rob Browning ;;; Originally from SRFI reference implementation by Will Fitzgerald. ;;; Commentary: ;; This module is fully documented in the Guile Reference Manual. ;;; Code: ;; FIXME: I haven't checked a decent amount of this code for potential ;; performance improvements, but I suspect that there may be some ;; substantial ones to be realized, esp. in the later "parsing" half ;; of the file, by rewriting the code with use of more Guile native ;; functions that do more work in a "chunk". ;; ;; FIXME: mkoeppe: Time zones are treated a little simplistic in ;; SRFI-19; they are only a numeric offset. Thus, printing time zones ;; (PRIV:LOCALE-PRINT-TIME-ZONE) can't be implemented sensibly. The ;; functions taking an optional TZ-OFFSET should be extended to take a ;; symbolic time-zone (like "CET"); this string should be stored in ;; the DATE structure. (define-module (srfi srfi-19) :use-module (srfi srfi-6) :use-module (srfi srfi-8) :use-module (srfi srfi-9)) (begin-deprecated ;; Prevent `export' from re-exporting core bindings. This behaviour ;; of `export' is deprecated and will disappear in one of the next ;; releases. (define current-time #f)) (export ;; Constants time-duration time-monotonic time-process time-tai time-thread time-utc ;; Current time and clock resolution current-date current-julian-day current-modified-julian-day current-time time-resolution ;; Time object and accessors make-time time? time-type time-nanosecond time-second set-time-type! set-time-nanosecond! set-time-second! copy-time ;; Time comparison procedures time<=? time=? time>? ;; Time arithmetic procedures time-difference time-difference! add-duration add-duration! subtract-duration subtract-duration! ;; Date object and accessors make-date date? date-nanosecond date-second date-minute date-hour date-day date-month date-year date-zone-offset date-year-day date-week-day date-week-number ;; Time/Date/Julian Day/Modified Julian Day converters date->julian-day date->modified-julian-day date->time-monotonic date->time-tai date->time-utc julian-day->date julian-day->time-monotonic julian-day->time-tai julian-day->time-utc modified-julian-day->date modified-julian-day->time-monotonic modified-julian-day->time-tai modified-julian-day->time-utc time-monotonic->date time-monotonic->time-tai time-monotonic->time-tai! time-monotonic->time-utc time-monotonic->time-utc! time-tai->date time-tai->julian-day time-tai->modified-julian-day time-tai->time-monotonic time-tai->time-monotonic! time-tai->time-utc time-tai->time-utc! time-utc->date time-utc->julian-day time-utc->modified-julian-day time-utc->time-monotonic time-utc->time-monotonic! time-utc->time-tai time-utc->time-tai! ;; Date to string/string to date converters. date->string string->date) (cond-expand-provide (current-module) '(srfi-19)) (define time-tai 'time-tai) (define time-utc 'time-utc) (define time-monotonic 'time-monotonic) (define time-thread 'time-thread) (define time-process 'time-process) (define time-duration 'time-duration) ;; FIXME: do we want to add gc time? ;; (define time-gc 'time-gc) ;;-- LOCALE dependent constants (define priv:locale-number-separator ".") (define priv:locale-abbr-weekday-vector (vector "Sun" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat")) (define priv:locale-long-weekday-vector (vector "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday")) ;; note empty string in 0th place. (define priv:locale-abbr-month-vector (vector "" "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec")) (define priv:locale-long-month-vector (vector "" "January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July" "August" "September" "October" "November" "December")) (define priv:locale-pm "PM") (define priv:locale-am "AM") ;; See date->string (define priv:locale-date-time-format "~a ~b ~d ~H:~M:~S~z ~Y") (define priv:locale-short-date-format "~m/~d/~y") (define priv:locale-time-format "~H:~M:~S") (define priv:iso-8601-date-time-format "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S~z") ;;-- Miscellaneous Constants. ;;-- only the priv:tai-epoch-in-jd might need changing if ;; a different epoch is used. (define priv:nano 1000000000) ; nanoseconds in a second (define priv:sid 86400) ; seconds in a day (define priv:sihd 43200) ; seconds in a half day (define priv:tai-epoch-in-jd 4881175/2) ; julian day number for 'the epoch' ;; FIXME: should this be something other than misc-error? (define (priv:time-error caller type value) (if value (throw 'misc-error caller "TIME-ERROR type ~A: ~S" (list type value) #f) (throw 'misc-error caller "TIME-ERROR type ~A" (list type) #f))) ;; A table of leap seconds ;; See ftp://maia.usno.navy.mil/ser7/tai-utc.dat ;; and update as necessary. ;; this procedures reads the file in the abover ;; format and creates the leap second table ;; it also calls the almost standard, but not R5 procedures read-line ;; & open-input-string ;; ie (set! priv:leap-second-table (priv:read-tai-utc-date "tai-utc.dat")) (define (priv:read-tai-utc-data filename) (define (convert-jd jd) (* (- (inexact->exact jd) priv:tai-epoch-in-jd) priv:sid)) (define (convert-sec sec) (inexact->exact sec)) (let ((port (open-input-file filename)) (table '())) (let loop ((line (read-line port))) (if (not (eq? line eof)) (begin (let* ((data (read (open-input-string (string-append "(" line ")")))) (year (car data)) (jd (cadddr (cdr data))) (secs (cadddr (cdddr data)))) (if (>= year 1972) (set! table (cons (cons (convert-jd jd) (convert-sec secs)) table))) (loop (read-line port)))))) table)) ;; each entry is (tai seconds since epoch . # seconds to subtract for utc) ;; note they go higher to lower, and end in 1972. (define priv:leap-second-table '((915148800 . 32) (867715200 . 31) (820454400 . 30) (773020800 . 29) (741484800 . 28) (709948800 . 27) (662688000 . 26) (631152000 . 25) (567993600 . 24) (489024000 . 23) (425865600 . 22) (394329600 . 21) (362793600 . 20) (315532800 . 19) (283996800 . 18) (252460800 . 17) (220924800 . 16) (189302400 . 15) (157766400 . 14) (126230400 . 13) (94694400 . 12) (78796800 . 11) (63072000 . 10))) (define (read-leap-second-table filename) (set! priv:leap-second-table (priv:read-tai-utc-data filename)) (values)) (define (priv:leap-second-delta utc-seconds) (letrec ((lsd (lambda (table) (cond ((>= utc-seconds (caar table)) (cdar table)) (else (lsd (cdr table))))))) (if (< utc-seconds (* (- 1972 1970) 365 priv:sid)) 0 (lsd priv:leap-second-table)))) ;;; the TIME structure; creates the accessors, too. (define-record-type time (make-time-unnormalized type nanosecond second) time? (type time-type set-time-type!) (nanosecond time-nanosecond set-time-nanosecond!) (second time-second set-time-second!)) (define (copy-time time) (make-time (time-type time) (time-nanosecond time) (time-second time))) (define (priv:split-real r) (if (integer? r) (values (inexact->exact r) 0) (let ((l (truncate r))) (values (inexact->exact l) (- r l))))) (define (priv:time-normalize! t) (if (>= (abs (time-nanosecond t)) 1000000000) (receive (int frac) (priv:split-real (time-nanosecond t)) (set-time-second! t (+ (time-second t) (quotient int 1000000000))) (set-time-nanosecond! t (+ (remainder int 1000000000) frac)))) (if (and (positive? (time-second t)) (negative? (time-nanosecond t))) (begin (set-time-second! t (- (time-second t) 1)) (set-time-nanosecond! t (+ 1000000000 (time-nanosecond t)))) (if (and (negative? (time-second t)) (positive? (time-nanosecond t))) (begin (set-time-second! t (+ (time-second t) 1)) (set-time-nanosecond! t (+ 1000000000 (time-nanosecond t)))))) t) (define (make-time type nanosecond second) (priv:time-normalize! (make-time-unnormalized type nanosecond second))) ;; Helpers ;; FIXME: finish this and publish it? (define (date->broken-down-time date) (let ((result (mktime 0))) ;; FIXME: What should we do about leap-seconds which may overflow ;; set-tm:sec? (set-tm:sec result (date-second date)) (set-tm:min result (date-minute date)) (set-tm:hour result (date-hour date)) ;; FIXME: SRFI day ranges from 0-31. (not compatible with set-tm:mday). (set-tm:mday result (date-day date)) (set-tm:month result (- (date-month date) 1)) ;; FIXME: need to signal error on range violation. (set-tm:year result (+ 1900 (date-year date))) (set-tm:isdst result -1) (set-tm:gmtoff result (- (date-zone-offset date))) result)) ;;; current-time ;;; specific time getters. (define (priv:current-time-utc) ;; Resolution is microseconds. (let ((tod (gettimeofday))) (make-time time-utc (* (cdr tod) 1000) (car tod)))) (define (priv:current-time-tai) ;; Resolution is microseconds. (let* ((tod (gettimeofday)) (sec (car tod)) (usec (cdr tod))) (make-time time-tai (* usec 1000) (+ (car tod) (priv:leap-second-delta sec))))) ;;(define (priv:current-time-ms-time time-type proc) ;; (let ((current-ms (proc))) ;; (make-time time-type ;; (quotient current-ms 10000) ;; (* (remainder current-ms 1000) 10000)))) ;; -- we define it to be the same as TAI. ;; A different implemation of current-time-montonic ;; will require rewriting all of the time-monotonic converters, ;; of course. (define (priv:current-time-monotonic) ;; Resolution is microseconds. (priv:current-time-tai)) (define (priv:current-time-thread) (priv:time-error 'current-time 'unsupported-clock-type 'time-thread)) (define priv:ns-per-guile-tick (/ 1000000000 internal-time-units-per-second)) (define (priv:current-time-process) (let ((run-time (get-internal-run-time))) (make-time time-process (quotient run-time internal-time-units-per-second) (* (remainder run-time internal-time-units-per-second) priv:ns-per-guile-tick)))) (define (priv:current-time-process) (let ((run-time (get-internal-run-time))) (list 'time-process (* (remainder run-time internal-time-units-per-second) priv:ns-per-guile-tick) (quotient run-time internal-time-units-per-second)))) ;;(define (priv:current-time-gc) ;; (priv:current-time-ms-time time-gc current-gc-milliseconds)) (define (current-time . clock-type) (let ((clock-type (if (null? clock-type) time-utc (car clock-type)))) (cond ((eq? clock-type time-tai) (priv:current-time-tai)) ((eq? clock-type time-utc) (priv:current-time-utc)) ((eq? clock-type time-monotonic) (priv:current-time-monotonic)) ((eq? clock-type time-thread) (priv:current-time-thread)) ((eq? clock-type time-process) (priv:current-time-process)) ;; ((eq? clock-type time-gc) (priv:current-time-gc)) (else (priv:time-error 'current-time 'invalid-clock-type clock-type))))) ;; -- Time Resolution ;; This is the resolution of the clock in nanoseconds. ;; This will be implementation specific. (define (time-resolution . clock-type) (let ((clock-type (if (null? clock-type) time-utc (car clock-type)))) (case clock-type ((time-tai) 1000) ((time-utc) 1000) ((time-monotonic) 1000) ((time-process) priv:ns-per-guile-tick) ;; ((eq? clock-type time-thread) 1000) ;; ((eq? clock-type time-gc) 10000) (else (priv:time-error 'time-resolution 'invalid-clock-type clock-type))))) ;; -- Time comparisons (define (time=? t1 t2) ;; Arrange tests for speed and presume that t1 and t2 are actually times. ;; also presume it will be rare to check two times of different types. (and (= (time-second t1) (time-second t2)) (= (time-nanosecond t1) (time-nanosecond t2)) (eq? (time-type t1) (time-type t2)))) (define (time>? t1 t2) (or (> (time-second t1) (time-second t2)) (and (= (time-second t1) (time-second t2)) (> (time-nanosecond t1) (time-nanosecond t2))))) (define (time=? t1 t2) (or (> (time-second t1) (time-second t2)) (and (= (time-second t1) (time-second t2)) (>= (time-nanosecond t1) (time-nanosecond t2))))) (define (time<=? t1 t2) (or (< (time-second t1) (time-second t2)) (and (= (time-second t1) (time-second t2)) (<= (time-nanosecond t1) (time-nanosecond t2))))) ;; -- Time arithmetic (define (time-difference! time1 time2) (let ((sec-diff (- (time-second time1) (time-second time2))) (nsec-diff (- (time-nanosecond time1) (time-nanosecond time2)))) (set-time-type! time1 time-duration) (set-time-second! time1 sec-diff) (set-time-nanosecond! time1 nsec-diff) (priv:time-normalize! time1))) (define (time-difference time1 time2) (let ((result (copy-time time1))) (time-difference! result time2))) (define (add-duration! t duration) (if (not (eq? (time-type duration) time-duration)) (priv:time-error 'add-duration 'not-duration duration) (let ((sec-plus (+ (time-second t) (time-second duration))) (nsec-plus (+ (time-nanosecond t) (time-nanosecond duration)))) (set-time-second! t sec-plus) (set-time-nanosecond! t nsec-plus) (priv:time-normalize! t)))) (define (add-duration t duration) (let ((result (copy-time t))) (add-duration! result duration))) (define (subtract-duration! t duration) (if (not (eq? (time-type duration) time-duration)) (priv:time-error 'add-duration 'not-duration duration) (let ((sec-minus (- (time-second t) (time-second duration))) (nsec-minus (- (time-nanosecond t) (time-nanosecond duration)))) (set-time-second! t sec-minus) (set-time-nanosecond! t nsec-minus) (priv:time-normalize! t)))) (define (subtract-duration time1 duration) (let ((result (copy-time time1))) (subtract-duration! result duration))) ;; -- Converters between types. (define (priv:time-tai->time-utc! time-in time-out caller) (if (not (eq? (time-type time-in) time-tai)) (priv:time-error caller 'incompatible-time-types time-in)) (set-time-type! time-out time-utc) (set-time-nanosecond! time-out (time-nanosecond time-in)) (set-time-second! time-out (- (time-second time-in) (priv:leap-second-delta (time-second time-in)))) time-out) (define (time-tai->time-utc time-in) (priv:time-tai->time-utc! time-in (make-time-unnormalized #f #f #f) 'time-tai->time-utc)) (define (time-tai->time-utc! time-in) (priv:time-tai->time-utc! time-in time-in 'time-tai->time-utc!)) (define (priv:time-utc->time-tai! time-in time-out caller) (if (not (eq? (time-type time-in) time-utc)) (priv:time-error caller 'incompatible-time-types time-in)) (set-time-type! time-out time-tai) (set-time-nanosecond! time-out (time-nanosecond time-in)) (set-time-second! time-out (+ (time-second time-in) (priv:leap-second-delta (time-second time-in)))) time-out) (define (time-utc->time-tai time-in) (priv:time-utc->time-tai! time-in (make-time-unnormalized #f #f #f) 'time-utc->time-tai)) (define (time-utc->time-tai! time-in) (priv:time-utc->time-tai! time-in time-in 'time-utc->time-tai!)) ;; -- these depend on time-monotonic having the same definition as time-tai! (define (time-monotonic->time-utc time-in) (if (not (eq? (time-type time-in) time-monotonic)) (priv:time-error caller 'incompatible-time-types time-in)) (let ((ntime (copy-time time-in))) (set-time-type! ntime time-tai) (priv:time-tai->time-utc! ntime ntime 'time-monotonic->time-utc))) (define (time-monotonic->time-utc! time-in) (if (not (eq? (time-type time-in) time-monotonic)) (priv:time-error caller 'incompatible-time-types time-in)) (set-time-type! time-in time-tai) (priv:time-tai->time-utc! ntime ntime 'time-monotonic->time-utc)) (define (time-monotonic->time-tai time-in) (if (not (eq? (time-type time-in) time-monotonic)) (priv:time-error caller 'incompatible-time-types time-in)) (let ((ntime (copy-time time-in))) (set-time-type! ntime time-tai) ntime)) (define (time-monotonic->time-tai! time-in) (if (not (eq? (time-type time-in) time-monotonic)) (priv:time-error caller 'incompatible-time-types time-in)) (set-time-type! time-in time-tai) time-in) (define (time-utc->time-monotonic time-in) (if (not (eq? (time-type time-in) time-utc)) (priv:time-error caller 'incompatible-time-types time-in)) (let ((ntime (priv:time-utc->time-tai! time-in (make-time-unnormalized #f #f #f) 'time-utc->time-monotonic))) (set-time-type! ntime time-monotonic) ntime)) (define (time-utc->time-monotonic! time-in) (if (not (eq? (time-type time-in) time-utc)) (priv:time-error caller 'incompatible-time-types time-in)) (let ((ntime (priv:time-utc->time-tai! time-in time-in 'time-utc->time-monotonic!))) (set-time-type! ntime time-monotonic) ntime)) (define (time-tai->time-monotonic time-in) (if (not (eq? (time-type time-in) time-tai)) (priv:time-error caller 'incompatible-time-types time-in)) (let ((ntime (copy-time time-in))) (set-time-type! ntime time-monotonic) ntime)) (define (time-tai->time-monotonic! time-in) (if (not (eq? (time-type time-in) time-tai)) (priv:time-error caller 'incompatible-time-types time-in)) (set-time-type! time-in time-monotonic) time-in) ;; -- Date Structures ;; FIXME: to be really safe, perhaps we should normalize the ;; seconds/nanoseconds/minutes coming in to make-date... (define-record-type date (make-date nanosecond second minute hour day month year zone-offset) date? (nanosecond date-nanosecond set-date-nanosecond!) (second date-second set-date-second!) (minute date-minute set-date-minute!) (hour date-hour set-date-hour!) (day date-day set-date-day!) (month date-month set-date-month!) (year date-year set-date-year!) (zone-offset date-zone-offset set-date-zone-offset!)) ;; gives the julian day which starts at noon. (define (priv:encode-julian-day-number day month year) (let* ((a (quotient (- 14 month) 12)) (y (- (+ year 4800) a (if (negative? year) -1 0))) (m (- (+ month (* 12 a)) 3))) (+ day (quotient (+ (* 153 m) 2) 5) (* 365 y) (quotient y 4) (- (quotient y 100)) (quotient y 400) -32045))) ;; gives the seconds/date/month/year (define (priv:decode-julian-day-number jdn) (let* ((days (inexact->exact (truncate jdn))) (a (+ days 32044)) (b (quotient (+ (* 4 a) 3) 146097)) (c (- a (quotient (* 146097 b) 4))) (d (quotient (+ (* 4 c) 3) 1461)) (e (- c (quotient (* 1461 d) 4))) (m (quotient (+ (* 5 e) 2) 153)) (y (+ (* 100 b) d -4800 (quotient m 10)))) (values ; seconds date month year (* (- jdn days) priv:sid) (+ e (- (quotient (+ (* 153 m) 2) 5)) 1) (+ m 3 (* -12 (quotient m 10))) (if (>= 0 y) (- y 1) y)))) ;; relies on the fact that we named our time zone accessor ;; differently from MzScheme's.... ;; This should be written to be OS specific. (define (priv:local-tz-offset utc-time) ;; SRFI uses seconds West, but guile (and libc) use seconds East. (- (tm:gmtoff (localtime (time-second utc-time))))) ;; special thing -- ignores nanos (define (priv:time->julian-day-number seconds tz-offset) (+ (/ (+ seconds tz-offset priv:sihd) priv:sid) priv:tai-epoch-in-jd)) (define (priv:leap-second? second) (and (assoc second priv:leap-second-table) #t)) (define (time-utc->date time . tz-offset) (if (not (eq? (time-type time) time-utc)) (priv:time-error 'time->date 'incompatible-time-types time)) (let* ((offset (if (null? tz-offset) (priv:local-tz-offset time) (car tz-offset))) (leap-second? (priv:leap-second? (+ offset (time-second time)))) (jdn (priv:time->julian-day-number (if leap-second? (- (time-second time) 1) (time-second time)) offset))) (call-with-values (lambda () (priv:decode-julian-day-number jdn)) (lambda (secs date month year) ;; secs is a real because jdn is a real in Guile; ;; but it is conceptionally an integer. (let* ((int-secs (inexact->exact (round secs))) (hours (quotient int-secs (* 60 60))) (rem (remainder int-secs (* 60 60))) (minutes (quotient rem 60)) (seconds (remainder rem 60))) (make-date (time-nanosecond time) (if leap-second? (+ seconds 1) seconds) minutes hours date month year offset)))))) (define (time-tai->date time . tz-offset) (if (not (eq? (time-type time) time-tai)) (priv:time-error 'time->date 'incompatible-time-types time)) (let* ((offset (if (null? tz-offset) (priv:local-tz-offset (time-tai->time-utc time)) (car tz-offset))) (seconds (- (time-second time) (priv:leap-second-delta (time-second time)))) (leap-second? (priv:leap-second? (+ offset seconds))) (jdn (priv:time->julian-day-number (if leap-second? (- seconds 1) seconds) offset))) (call-with-values (lambda () (priv:decode-julian-day-number jdn)) (lambda (secs date month year) ;; secs is a real because jdn is a real in Guile; ;; but it is conceptionally an integer. ;; adjust for leap seconds if necessary ... (let* ((int-secs (inexact->exact (round secs))) (hours (quotient int-secs (* 60 60))) (rem (remainder int-secs (* 60 60))) (minutes (quotient rem 60)) (seconds (remainder rem 60))) (make-date (time-nanosecond time) (if leap-second? (+ seconds 1) seconds) minutes hours date month year offset)))))) ;; this is the same as time-tai->date. (define (time-monotonic->date time . tz-offset) (if (not (eq? (time-type time) time-monotonic)) (priv:time-error 'time->date 'incompatible-time-types time)) (let* ((offset (if (null? tz-offset) (priv:local-tz-offset (time-monotonic->time-utc time)) (car tz-offset))) (seconds (- (time-second time) (priv:leap-second-delta (time-second time)))) (leap-second? (priv:leap-second? (+ offset seconds))) (jdn (priv:time->julian-day-number (if leap-second? (- seconds 1) seconds) offset))) (call-with-values (lambda () (priv:decode-julian-day-number jdn)) (lambda (secs date month year) ;; secs is a real because jdn is a real in Guile; ;; but it is conceptionally an integer. ;; adjust for leap seconds if necessary ... (let* ((int-secs (inexact->exact (round secs))) (hours (quotient int-secs (* 60 60))) (rem (remainder int-secs (* 60 60))) (minutes (quotient rem 60)) (seconds (remainder rem 60))) (make-date (time-nanosecond time) (if leap-second? (+ seconds 1) seconds) minutes hours date month year offset)))))) (define (date->time-utc date) (let* ((jdays (- (priv:encode-julian-day-number (date-day date) (date-month date) (date-year date)) priv:tai-epoch-in-jd)) ;; jdays is an integer plus 1/2, (jdays-1/2 (inexact->exact (- jdays 1/2)))) (make-time time-utc (date-nanosecond date) (+ (* jdays-1/2 24 60 60) (* (date-hour date) 60 60) (* (date-minute date) 60) (date-second date) (- (date-zone-offset date)))))) (define (date->time-tai date) (time-utc->time-tai! (date->time-utc date))) (define (date->time-monotonic date) (time-utc->time-monotonic! (date->time-utc date))) (define (priv:leap-year? year) (or (= (modulo year 400) 0) (and (= (modulo year 4) 0) (not (= (modulo year 100) 0))))) (define (leap-year? date) (priv:leap-year? (date-year date))) ;; Map 1-based month number M to number of days in the year before the ;; start of month M (in a non-leap year). (define priv:month-assoc '((1 . 0) (2 . 31) (3 . 59) (4 . 90) (5 . 120) (6 . 151) (7 . 181) (8 . 212) (9 . 243) (10 . 273) (11 . 304) (12 . 334))) (define (priv:year-day day month year) (let ((days-pr (assoc month priv:month-assoc))) (if (not days-pr) (priv:error 'date-year-day 'invalid-month-specification month)) (if (and (priv:leap-year? year) (> month 2)) (+ day (cdr days-pr) 1) (+ day (cdr days-pr))))) (define (date-year-day date) (priv:year-day (date-day date) (date-month date) (date-year date))) ;; from calendar faq (define (priv:week-day day month year) (let* ((a (quotient (- 14 month) 12)) (y (- year a)) (m (+ month (* 12 a) -2))) (modulo (+ day y (quotient y 4) (- (quotient y 100)) (quotient y 400) (quotient (* 31 m) 12)) 7))) (define (date-week-day date) (priv:week-day (date-day date) (date-month date) (date-year date))) (define (priv:days-before-first-week date day-of-week-starting-week) (let* ((first-day (make-date 0 0 0 0 1 1 (date-year date) #f)) (fdweek-day (date-week-day first-day))) (modulo (- day-of-week-starting-week fdweek-day) 7))) (define (date-week-number date day-of-week-starting-week) (quotient (- (date-year-day date) (priv:days-before-first-week date day-of-week-starting-week)) 7)) (define (current-date . tz-offset) (let ((time (current-time time-utc))) (time-utc->date time (if (null? tz-offset) (priv:local-tz-offset time) (car tz-offset))))) ;; given a 'two digit' number, find the year within 50 years +/- (define (priv:natural-year n) (let* ((current-year (date-year (current-date))) (current-century (* (quotient current-year 100) 100))) (cond ((>= n 100) n) ((< n 0) n) ((<= (- (+ current-century n) current-year) 50) (+ current-century n)) (else (+ (- current-century 100) n))))) (define (date->julian-day date) (let ((nanosecond (date-nanosecond date)) (second (date-second date)) (minute (date-minute date)) (hour (date-hour date)) (day (date-day date)) (month (date-month date)) (year (date-year date))) (+ (priv:encode-julian-day-number day month year) (- 1/2) (+ (/ (+ (* hour 60 60) (* minute 60) second (/ nanosecond priv:nano)) priv:sid))))) (define (date->modified-julian-day date) (- (date->julian-day date) 4800001/2)) (define (time-utc->julian-day time) (if (not (eq? (time-type time) time-utc)) (priv:time-error 'time->date 'incompatible-time-types time)) (+ (/ (+ (time-second time) (/ (time-nanosecond time) priv:nano)) priv:sid) priv:tai-epoch-in-jd)) (define (time-utc->modified-julian-day time) (- (time-utc->julian-day time) 4800001/2)) (define (time-tai->julian-day time) (if (not (eq? (time-type time) time-tai)) (priv:time-error 'time->date 'incompatible-time-types time)) (+ (/ (+ (- (time-second time) (priv:leap-second-delta (time-second time))) (/ (time-nanosecond time) priv:nano)) priv:sid) priv:tai-epoch-in-jd)) (define (time-tai->modified-julian-day time) (- (time-tai->julian-day time) 4800001/2)) ;; this is the same as time-tai->julian-day (define (time-monotonic->julian-day time) (if (not (eq? (time-type time) time-monotonic)) (priv:time-error 'time->date 'incompatible-time-types time)) (+ (/ (+ (- (time-second time) (priv:leap-second-delta (time-second time))) (/ (time-nanosecond time) priv:nano)) priv:sid) priv:tai-epoch-in-jd)) (define (time-monotonic->modified-julian-day time) (- (time-monotonic->julian-day time) 4800001/2)) (define (julian-day->time-utc jdn) (let ((secs (* priv:sid (- jdn priv:tai-epoch-in-jd)))) (receive (seconds parts) (priv:split-real secs) (make-time time-utc (* parts priv:nano) seconds)))) (define (julian-day->time-tai jdn) (time-utc->time-tai! (julian-day->time-utc jdn))) (define (julian-day->time-monotonic jdn) (time-utc->time-monotonic! (julian-day->time-utc jdn))) (define (julian-day->date jdn . tz-offset) (let* ((time (julian-day->time-utc jdn)) (offset (if (null? tz-offset) (priv:local-tz-offset time) (car tz-offset)))) (time-utc->date time offset))) (define (modified-julian-day->date jdn . tz-offset) (apply julian-day->date (+ jdn 4800001/2) tz-offset)) (define (modified-julian-day->time-utc jdn) (julian-day->time-utc (+ jdn 4800001/2))) (define (modified-julian-day->time-tai jdn) (julian-day->time-tai (+ jdn 4800001/2))) (define (modified-julian-day->time-monotonic jdn) (julian-day->time-monotonic (+ jdn 4800001/2))) (define (current-julian-day) (time-utc->julian-day (current-time time-utc))) (define (current-modified-julian-day) (time-utc->modified-julian-day (current-time time-utc))) ;; returns a string rep. of number N, of minimum LENGTH, padded with ;; character PAD-WITH. If PAD-WITH is #f, no padding is done, and it's ;; as if number->string was used. if string is longer than or equal ;; in length to LENGTH, it's as if number->string was used. (define (priv:padding n pad-with length) (let* ((str (number->string n)) (str-len (string-length str))) (if (or (>= str-len length) (not pad-with)) str (string-append (make-string (- length str-len) pad-with) str)))) (define (priv:last-n-digits i n) (abs (remainder i (expt 10 n)))) (define (priv:locale-abbr-weekday n) (vector-ref priv:locale-abbr-weekday-vector n)) (define (priv:locale-long-weekday n) (vector-ref priv:locale-long-weekday-vector n)) (define (priv:locale-abbr-month n) (vector-ref priv:locale-abbr-month-vector n)) (define (priv:locale-long-month n) (vector-ref priv:locale-long-month-vector n)) (define (priv:vector-find needle haystack comparator) (let ((len (vector-length haystack))) (define (priv:vector-find-int index) (cond ((>= index len) #f) ((comparator needle (vector-ref haystack index)) index) (else (priv:vector-find-int (+ index 1))))) (priv:vector-find-int 0))) (define (priv:locale-abbr-weekday->index string) (priv:vector-find string priv:locale-abbr-weekday-vector string=?)) (define (priv:locale-long-weekday->index string) (priv:vector-find string priv:locale-long-weekday-vector string=?)) (define (priv:locale-abbr-month->index string) (priv:vector-find string priv:locale-abbr-month-vector string=?)) (define (priv:locale-long-month->index string) (priv:vector-find string priv:locale-long-month-vector string=?)) ;; FIXME: mkoeppe: Put a symbolic time zone in the date structs. ;; Print it here instead of the numerical offset if available. (define (priv:locale-print-time-zone date port) (priv:tz-printer (date-zone-offset date) port)) ;; FIXME: we should use strftime to determine this dynamically if possible. ;; Again, locale specific. (define (priv:locale-am/pm hr) (if (> hr 11) priv:locale-pm priv:locale-am)) (define (priv:tz-printer offset port) (cond ((= offset 0) (display "Z" port)) ((negative? offset) (display "-" port)) (else (display "+" port))) (if (not (= offset 0)) (let ((hours (abs (quotient offset (* 60 60)))) (minutes (abs (quotient (remainder offset (* 60 60)) 60)))) (display (priv:padding hours #\0 2) port) (display (priv:padding minutes #\0 2) port)))) ;; A table of output formatting directives. ;; the first time is the format char. ;; the second is a procedure that takes the date, a padding character ;; (which might be #f), and the output port. ;; (define priv:directives (list (cons #\~ (lambda (date pad-with port) (display #\~ port))) (cons #\a (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:locale-abbr-weekday (date-week-day date)) port))) (cons #\A (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:locale-long-weekday (date-week-day date)) port))) (cons #\b (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:locale-abbr-month (date-month date)) port))) (cons #\B (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:locale-long-month (date-month date)) port))) (cons #\c (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date priv:locale-date-time-format) port))) (cons #\d (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:padding (date-day date) #\0 2) port))) (cons #\D (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~m/~d/~y") port))) (cons #\e (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:padding (date-day date) #\Space 2) port))) (cons #\f (lambda (date pad-with port) (if (> (date-nanosecond date) priv:nano) (display (priv:padding (+ (date-second date) 1) pad-with 2) port) (display (priv:padding (date-second date) pad-with 2) port)) (receive (i f) (priv:split-real (/ (date-nanosecond date) priv:nano 1.0)) (let* ((ns (number->string f)) (le (string-length ns))) (if (> le 2) (begin (display priv:locale-number-separator port) (display (substring ns 2 le) port))))))) (cons #\h (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~b") port))) (cons #\H (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:padding (date-hour date) pad-with 2) port))) (cons #\I (lambda (date pad-with port) (let ((hr (date-hour date))) (if (> hr 12) (display (priv:padding (- hr 12) pad-with 2) port) (display (priv:padding hr pad-with 2) port))))) (cons #\j (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:padding (date-year-day date) pad-with 3) port))) (cons #\k (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:padding (date-hour date) #\Space 2) port))) (cons #\l (lambda (date pad-with port) (let ((hr (if (> (date-hour date) 12) (- (date-hour date) 12) (date-hour date)))) (display (priv:padding hr #\Space 2) port)))) (cons #\m (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:padding (date-month date) pad-with 2) port))) (cons #\M (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:padding (date-minute date) pad-with 2) port))) (cons #\n (lambda (date pad-with port) (newline port))) (cons #\N (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:padding (date-nanosecond date) pad-with 7) port))) (cons #\p (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:locale-am/pm (date-hour date)) port))) (cons #\r (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~I:~M:~S ~p") port))) (cons #\s (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (time-second (date->time-utc date)) port))) (cons #\S (lambda (date pad-with port) (if (> (date-nanosecond date) priv:nano) (display (priv:padding (+ (date-second date) 1) pad-with 2) port) (display (priv:padding (date-second date) pad-with 2) port)))) (cons #\t (lambda (date pad-with port) (display #\Tab port))) (cons #\T (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~H:~M:~S") port))) (cons #\U (lambda (date pad-with port) (if (> (priv:days-before-first-week date 0) 0) (display (priv:padding (+ (date-week-number date 0) 1) #\0 2) port) (display (priv:padding (date-week-number date 0) #\0 2) port)))) (cons #\V (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:padding (date-week-number date 1) #\0 2) port))) (cons #\w (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date-week-day date) port))) (cons #\x (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date priv:locale-short-date-format) port))) (cons #\X (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date priv:locale-time-format) port))) (cons #\W (lambda (date pad-with port) (if (> (priv:days-before-first-week date 1) 0) (display (priv:padding (+ (date-week-number date 1) 1) #\0 2) port) (display (priv:padding (date-week-number date 1) #\0 2) port)))) (cons #\y (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (priv:padding (priv:last-n-digits (date-year date) 2) pad-with 2) port))) (cons #\Y (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date-year date) port))) (cons #\z (lambda (date pad-with port) (priv:tz-printer (date-zone-offset date) port))) (cons #\Z (lambda (date pad-with port) (priv:locale-print-time-zone date port))) (cons #\1 (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~Y-~m-~d") port))) (cons #\2 (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~k:~M:~S~z") port))) (cons #\3 (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~k:~M:~S") port))) (cons #\4 (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~Y-~m-~dT~k:~M:~S~z") port))) (cons #\5 (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~Y-~m-~dT~k:~M:~S") port))))) (define (priv:get-formatter char) (let ((associated (assoc char priv:directives))) (if associated (cdr associated) #f))) (define (priv:date-printer date index format-string str-len port) (if (>= index str-len) (values) (let ((current-char (string-ref format-string index))) (if (not (char=? current-char #\~)) (begin (display current-char port) (priv:date-printer date (+ index 1) format-string str-len port)) (if (= (+ index 1) str-len) ; bad format string. (priv:time-error 'priv:date-printer 'bad-date-format-string format-string) (let ((pad-char? (string-ref format-string (+ index 1)))) (cond ((char=? pad-char? #\-) (if (= (+ index 2) str-len) ; bad format string. (priv:time-error 'priv:date-printer 'bad-date-format-string format-string) (let ((formatter (priv:get-formatter (string-ref format-string (+ index 2))))) (if (not formatter) (priv:time-error 'priv:date-printer 'bad-date-format-string format-string) (begin (formatter date #f port) (priv:date-printer date (+ index 3) format-string str-len port)))))) ((char=? pad-char? #\_) (if (= (+ index 2) str-len) ; bad format string. (priv:time-error 'priv:date-printer 'bad-date-format-string format-string) (let ((formatter (priv:get-formatter (string-ref format-string (+ index 2))))) (if (not formatter) (priv:time-error 'priv:date-printer 'bad-date-format-string format-string) (begin (formatter date #\Space port) (priv:date-printer date (+ index 3) format-string str-len port)))))) (else (let ((formatter (priv:get-formatter (string-ref format-string (+ index 1))))) (if (not formatter) (priv:time-error 'priv:date-printer 'bad-date-format-string format-string) (begin (formatter date #\0 port) (priv:date-printer date (+ index 2) format-string str-len port)))))))))))) (define (date->string date . format-string) (let ((str-port (open-output-string)) (fmt-str (if (null? format-string) "~c" (car format-string)))) (priv:date-printer date 0 fmt-str (string-length fmt-str) str-port) (get-output-string str-port))) (define (priv:char->int ch) (case ch ((#\0) 0) ((#\1) 1) ((#\2) 2) ((#\3) 3) ((#\4) 4) ((#\5) 5) ((#\6) 6) ((#\7) 7) ((#\8) 8) ((#\9) 9) (else (priv:time-error 'bad-date-template-string (list "Non-integer character" ch i))))) ;; read an integer upto n characters long on port; upto -> #f is any length (define (priv:integer-reader upto port) (let loop ((accum 0) (nchars 0)) (let ((ch (peek-char port))) (if (or (eof-object? ch) (not (char-numeric? ch)) (and upto (>= nchars upto))) accum (loop (+ (* accum 10) (priv:char->int (read-char port))) (+ nchars 1)))))) (define (priv:make-integer-reader upto) (lambda (port) (priv:integer-reader upto port))) ;; read *exactly* n characters and convert to integer; could be padded (define (priv:integer-reader-exact n port) (let ((padding-ok #t)) (define (accum-int port accum nchars) (let ((ch (peek-char port))) (cond ((>= nchars n) accum) ((eof-object? ch) (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-template-string "Premature ending to integer read.")) ((char-numeric? ch) (set! padding-ok #f) (accum-int port (+ (* accum 10) (priv:char->int (read-char port))) (+ nchars 1))) (padding-ok (read-char port) ; consume padding (accum-int port accum (+ nchars 1))) (else ; padding where it shouldn't be (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-template-string "Non-numeric characters in integer read."))))) (accum-int port 0 0))) (define (priv:make-integer-exact-reader n) (lambda (port) (priv:integer-reader-exact n port))) (define (priv:zone-reader port) (let ((offset 0) (positive? #f)) (let ((ch (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? ch) (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-template-string (list "Invalid time zone +/-" ch))) (if (or (char=? ch #\Z) (char=? ch #\z)) 0 (begin (cond ((char=? ch #\+) (set! positive? #t)) ((char=? ch #\-) (set! positive? #f)) (else (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-template-string (list "Invalid time zone +/-" ch)))) (let ((ch (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? ch) (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-template-string (list "Invalid time zone number" ch))) (set! offset (* (priv:char->int ch) 10 60 60))) (let ((ch (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? ch) (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-template-string (list "Invalid time zone number" ch))) (set! offset (+ offset (* (priv:char->int ch) 60 60)))) (let ((ch (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? ch) (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-template-string (list "Invalid time zone number" ch))) (set! offset (+ offset (* (priv:char->int ch) 10 60)))) (let ((ch (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? ch) (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-template-string (list "Invalid time zone number" ch))) (set! offset (+ offset (* (priv:char->int ch) 60)))) (if positive? offset (- offset))))))) ;; looking at a char, read the char string, run thru indexer, return index (define (priv:locale-reader port indexer) (define (read-char-string result) (let ((ch (peek-char port))) (if (char-alphabetic? ch) (read-char-string (cons (read-char port) result)) (list->string (reverse! result))))) (let* ((str (read-char-string '())) (index (indexer str))) (if index index (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-template-string (list "Invalid string for " indexer))))) (define (priv:make-locale-reader indexer) (lambda (port) (priv:locale-reader port indexer))) (define (priv:make-char-id-reader char) (lambda (port) (if (char=? char (read-char port)) char (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-template-string "Invalid character match.")))) ;; A List of formatted read directives. ;; Each entry is a list. ;; 1. the character directive; ;; a procedure, which takes a character as input & returns ;; 2. #t as soon as a character on the input port is acceptable ;; for input, ;; 3. a port reader procedure that knows how to read the current port ;; for a value. Its one parameter is the port. ;; 4. a action procedure, that takes the value (from 3.) and some ;; object (here, always the date) and (probably) side-effects it. ;; In some cases (e.g., ~A) the action is to do nothing (define priv:read-directives (let ((ireader4 (priv:make-integer-reader 4)) (ireader2 (priv:make-integer-reader 2)) (ireaderf (priv:make-integer-reader #f)) (eireader2 (priv:make-integer-exact-reader 2)) (eireader4 (priv:make-integer-exact-reader 4)) (locale-reader-abbr-weekday (priv:make-locale-reader priv:locale-abbr-weekday->index)) (locale-reader-long-weekday (priv:make-locale-reader priv:locale-long-weekday->index)) (locale-reader-abbr-month (priv:make-locale-reader priv:locale-abbr-month->index)) (locale-reader-long-month (priv:make-locale-reader priv:locale-long-month->index)) (char-fail (lambda (ch) #t)) (do-nothing (lambda (val object) (values)))) (list (list #\~ char-fail (priv:make-char-id-reader #\~) do-nothing) (list #\a char-alphabetic? locale-reader-abbr-weekday do-nothing) (list #\A char-alphabetic? locale-reader-long-weekday do-nothing) (list #\b char-alphabetic? locale-reader-abbr-month (lambda (val object) (set-date-month! object val))) (list #\B char-alphabetic? locale-reader-long-month (lambda (val object) (set-date-month! object val))) (list #\d char-numeric? ireader2 (lambda (val object) (set-date-day! object val))) (list #\e char-fail eireader2 (lambda (val object) (set-date-day! object val))) (list #\h char-alphabetic? locale-reader-abbr-month (lambda (val object) (set-date-month! object val))) (list #\H char-numeric? ireader2 (lambda (val object) (set-date-hour! object val))) (list #\k char-fail eireader2 (lambda (val object) (set-date-hour! object val))) (list #\m char-numeric? ireader2 (lambda (val object) (set-date-month! object val))) (list #\M char-numeric? ireader2 (lambda (val object) (set-date-minute! object val))) (list #\S char-numeric? ireader2 (lambda (val object) (set-date-second! object val))) (list #\y char-fail eireader2 (lambda (val object) (set-date-year! object (priv:natural-year val)))) (list #\Y char-numeric? ireader4 (lambda (val object) (set-date-year! object val))) (list #\z (lambda (c) (or (char=? c #\Z) (char=? c #\z) (char=? c #\+) (char=? c #\-))) priv:zone-reader (lambda (val object) (set-date-zone-offset! object val)))))) (define (priv:string->date date index format-string str-len port template-string) (define (skip-until port skipper) (let ((ch (peek-char port))) (if (eof-object? port) (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-format-string template-string) (if (not (skipper ch)) (begin (read-char port) (skip-until port skipper)))))) (if (>= index str-len) (begin (values)) (let ((current-char (string-ref format-string index))) (if (not (char=? current-char #\~)) (let ((port-char (read-char port))) (if (or (eof-object? port-char) (not (char=? current-char port-char))) (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-format-string template-string)) (priv:string->date date (+ index 1) format-string str-len port template-string)) ;; otherwise, it's an escape, we hope (if (> (+ index 1) str-len) (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-format-string template-string) (let* ((format-char (string-ref format-string (+ index 1))) (format-info (assoc format-char priv:read-directives))) (if (not format-info) (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-format-string template-string) (begin (let ((skipper (cadr format-info)) (reader (caddr format-info)) (actor (cadddr format-info))) (skip-until port skipper) (let ((val (reader port))) (if (eof-object? val) (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-format-string template-string) (actor val date))) (priv:string->date date (+ index 2) format-string str-len port template-string)))))))))) (define (string->date input-string template-string) (define (priv:date-ok? date) (and (date-nanosecond date) (date-second date) (date-minute date) (date-hour date) (date-day date) (date-month date) (date-year date) (date-zone-offset date))) (let ((newdate (make-date 0 0 0 0 #f #f #f #f))) (priv:string->date newdate 0 template-string (string-length template-string) (open-input-string input-string) template-string) (if (not (date-zone-offset newdate)) (begin ;; this is necessary to get DST right -- as far as we can ;; get it right (think of the double/missing hour in the ;; night when we are switching between normal time and DST). (set-date-zone-offset! newdate (priv:local-tz-offset (make-time time-utc 0 0))) (set-date-zone-offset! newdate (priv:local-tz-offset (date->time-utc newdate))))) (if (priv:date-ok? newdate) newdate (priv:time-error 'string->date 'bad-date-format-string (list "Incomplete date read. " newdate template-string))))) ;;; srfi-19.scm ends here