;;;; elisp-compiler.test --- Test the compiler for Elisp. -*- scheme -*- ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; Daniel Kraft ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA (define-module (test-elisp-compiler) :use-module (test-suite lib) :use-module (system base compile) :use-module (language elisp runtime)) ; Macros to handle the compilation conveniently. (define-syntax compile-test (syntax-rules (pass-if pass-if-equal pass-if-exception) ((_ (pass-if test-name exp)) (pass-if test-name (compile 'exp #:from 'elisp #:to 'value))) ((_ (pass-if test-name exp #:opts opts)) (pass-if test-name (compile 'exp #:from 'elisp #:to 'value #:opts opts))) ((_ (pass-if-equal test-name result exp)) (pass-if test-name (equal? result (compile 'exp #:from 'elisp #:to 'value)))) ((_ (pass-if-exception test-name exc exp)) (pass-if-exception test-name exc (compile 'exp #:from 'elisp #:to 'value))))) (define-syntax with-test-prefix/compile (syntax-rules () ((_ section-name exp ...) (with-test-prefix section-name (compile-test exp) ...)))) ; Test control structures. ; ======================== (compile '(%set-lexical-binding-mode #nil) #:from 'elisp #:to 'value) (with-test-prefix/compile "Sequencing" (pass-if-equal "progn" 1 (progn (setq a 0) (setq a (1+ a)) a)) (pass-if-equal "empty progn" #nil (progn)) (pass-if "prog1" (progn (setq a 0) (setq b (prog1 a (setq a (1+ a)))) (and (= a 1) (= b 0)))) (pass-if "prog2" (progn (setq a 0) (setq b (prog2 (setq a (1+ a)) (setq a (1+ a)) (setq a (1+ a)))) (and (= a 3) (= b 2))))) (with-test-prefix/compile "Conditionals" (pass-if-equal "succeeding if" 1 (if t 1 2)) (pass-if "failing if" (and (= (if nil 1 (setq a 2) (setq a (1+ a)) a) 3) (equal (if nil 1) nil))) (pass-if-equal "if with no else" #nil (if nil t)) (pass-if-equal "empty cond" nil-value (cond)) (pass-if-equal "all failing cond" nil-value (cond (nil) (nil))) (pass-if-equal "only condition" 5 (cond (nil) (5))) (pass-if-equal "succeeding cond value" 42 (cond (nil) (t 42) (t 0))) (pass-if-equal "succeeding cond side-effect" 42 (progn (setq a 0) (cond (nil) (t (setq a 42) 1) (t (setq a 0))) a))) (with-test-prefix/compile "Combining Conditions" (pass-if-equal "empty and" t-value (and)) (pass-if-equal "failing and" nil-value (and 1 2 nil 3)) (pass-if-equal "succeeding and" 3 (and 1 2 3)) (pass-if-equal "empty or" nil-value (or)) (pass-if-equal "failing or" nil-value (or nil nil nil)) (pass-if-equal "succeeding or" 1 (or nil 1 nil 2 nil 3)) (pass-if-equal "not true" nil-value (not 1)) (pass-if-equal "not false" t-value (not nil))) (with-test-prefix/compile "Iteration" (pass-if-equal "failing while" 0 (progn (setq a 0) (while nil (setq a 1)) a)) (pass-if-equal "running while" 120 (progn (setq prod 1 i 1) (while (<= i 5) (setq prod (* i prod)) (setq i (1+ i))) prod))) (with-test-prefix/compile "Exceptions" (pass-if "catch without exception" (and (setq a 0) (= (catch 'foobar (setq a (1+ a)) (setq a (1+ a)) a) 2) (= (catch (+ 1 2) a) 2))) ; FIXME: Figure out how to do this... ;(pass-if-exception "uncaught exception" 'elisp-exception ; (throw 'abc 1)) (pass-if "catch and throw" (and (setq mylist '(1 2)) (= (catch 'abc (throw 'abc 2) 1) 2) (= (catch 'abc (catch 'def (throw 'abc (1+ 0)) 2) 3) 1) (= (catch 'abc (catch 'def (throw 'def 1) 2) 3) 3) (= (catch mylist (catch (list 1 2) (throw mylist 1) 2) 3) 1))) (pass-if "unwind-protect" (progn (setq a 0 b 1 c 1) (catch 'exc (unwind-protect (progn (setq a 1) (throw 'exc 0)) (setq a 0) (setq b 0))) (unwind-protect nil (setq c 0)) (and (= a 0) (= b 0) (= c 0) (= (unwind-protect 42 1 2 3) 42))))) (with-test-prefix/compile "Eval" (pass-if-equal "basic eval" 3 (progn (setq code '(+ 1 2)) (eval code))) (pass-if "real dynamic code" (and (setq a 1 b 1 c 1) (defun set-code (var val) (list 'setq var val)) (= a 1) (= b 1) (= c 1) (eval (set-code 'a '(+ 2 3))) (eval (set-code 'c 42)) (= a 5) (= b 1) (= c 42))) ; Build code that recursively again and again calls eval. What we want is ; something like: ; (eval '(1+ (eval '(1+ (eval 1))))) (pass-if "recursive eval" (progn (setq depth 10 i depth) (setq code '(eval 0)) (while (not (zerop i)) (setq code (#{`}# (eval (quote (1+ (#{,}# code)))))) (setq i (1- i))) (= (eval code) depth)))) ; Test handling of variables. ; =========================== (with-test-prefix/compile "Variable Setting/Referencing" ; TODO: Check for variable-void error (pass-if-equal "setq and reference" 6 (progn (setq a 1 b 2 c 3) (+ a b c))) (pass-if-equal "setq evaluation order" 1 (progn (setq a 0 b 0) (setq a 1 b a))) (pass-if-equal "setq value" 2 (progn (setq a 1 b 2))) (pass-if "set and symbol-value" (progn (setq myvar 'a) (and (= (set myvar 42) 42) (= a 42) (= (symbol-value myvar) 42)))) (pass-if "void variables" (progn (setq a 1 b 2) (and (eq (makunbound 'b) 'b) (boundp 'a) (not (boundp 'b)))))) (with-test-prefix/compile "Let and Let*" (pass-if-equal "let without value" nil-value (let (a (b 5)) a)) (pass-if-equal "basic let" 0 (progn (setq a 0) (let ((a 1) (b a)) b))) (pass-if-equal "empty let" #nil (let ())) (pass-if "let*" (progn (setq a 0) (and (let* ((a 1) (b a)) (= b 1)) (let* (a b) (setq a 1 b 2) (and (= a 1) (= b 2))) (= a 0) (not (boundp 'b))))) (pass-if-equal "empty let*" #nil (let* ())) (pass-if "local scope" (progn (setq a 0) (setq b (let (a) (setq a 1) a)) (and (= a 0) (= b 1))))) (with-test-prefix/compile "Lexical Scoping" (pass-if "basic let semantics" (and (setq a 1) (lexical-let ((a 2) (b a)) (and (= a 2) (= b 1))) (lexical-let* ((a 2) (b a)) (and (= a 2) (= b 2) (setq a 42) (= a 42))) (= a 1))) (pass-if "lexical scope with lexical-let's" (and (setq a 1) (defun dyna () a) (lexical-let (a) (setq a 2) (and (= a 2) (= (dyna) 1))) (= a 1) (lexical-let* (a) (setq a 2) (and (= a 2) (= (dyna) 1))) (= a 1))) (pass-if "lexical scoping vs. symbol-value / set" (and (setq a 1) (lexical-let ((a 2)) (and (= a 2) (= (symbol-value 'a) 1) (set 'a 3) (= a 2) (= (symbol-value 'a) 3))) (= a 3))) (pass-if "let inside lexical-let" (and (setq a 1 b 1) (defun dynvals () (cons a b)) (lexical-let ((a 2)) (and (= a 2) (equal (dynvals) '(1 . 1)) (let ((a 3) (b a)) (declare (lexical a)) (and (= a 3) (= b 2) (equal (dynvals) '(1 . 2)))) (let* ((a 4) (b a)) (declare (lexical a)) (and (= a 4) (= b 4) (equal (dynvals) '(1 . 4)))) (= a 2))) (= a 1))) (pass-if "lambda args inside lexical-let" (and (setq a 1) (defun dyna () a) (lexical-let ((a 2) (b 42)) (and (= a 2) (= (dyna) 1) ((lambda (a) (declare (lexical a)) (and (= a 3) (= b 42) (= (dyna) 1))) 3) ((lambda () (let ((a 3)) (declare (lexical a)) (and (= a 3) (= (dyna) 1))))) (= a 2) (= (dyna) 1))) (= a 1))) (pass-if "closures" (and (defun make-counter () (lexical-let ((cnt 0)) (lambda () (setq cnt (1+ cnt))))) (setq c1 (make-counter) c2 (make-counter)) (= (funcall c1) 1) (= (funcall c1) 2) (= (funcall c1) 3) (= (funcall c2) 1) (= (funcall c2) 2) (= (funcall c1) 4) (= (funcall c2) 3))) (pass-if "lexical lambda args" (progn (setq a 1 b 1) (defun dyna () a) (defun dynb () b) (lexical-let (a c) ((lambda (a b &optional c) (declare (lexical a c)) (and (= a 3) (= (dyna) 1) (= b 2) (= (dynb) 2) (= c 1))) 3 2 1)))) ; Check if a lambda without dynamically bound arguments ; is tail-optimized by doing a deep recursion that would otherwise overflow ; the stack. (pass-if "lexical lambda tail-recursion" (lexical-let (i) (setq to 1000000) (defun iteration-1 (i) (declare (lexical i)) (if (< i to) (iteration-1 (1+ i)))) (iteration-1 0) (setq x 0) (defun iteration-2 () (if (< x to) (setq x (1+ x)) (iteration-2))) (iteration-2) t))) (with-test-prefix/compile "defconst and defvar" (pass-if-equal "defconst without docstring" 3.141 (progn (setq pi 3) (defconst pi 3.141) pi)) (pass-if-equal "defconst value" 'pi (defconst pi 3.141 "Pi")) (pass-if-equal "defvar without value" 42 (progn (setq a 42) (defvar a) a)) (pass-if-equal "defvar on already defined variable" 42 (progn (setq a 42) (defvar a 1 "Some docstring is also ok") a)) (pass-if-equal "defvar on undefined variable" 1 (progn (makunbound 'a) (defvar a 1) a)) (pass-if-equal "defvar value" 'a (defvar a))) ; Functions and lambda expressions. ; ================================= (with-test-prefix/compile "Lambda Expressions" (pass-if-equal "required arguments" 3 ((lambda (a b c) c) 1 2 3)) (pass-if-equal "optional argument" 3 ((lambda (a &optional b c) c) 1 2 3)) (pass-if-equal "optional missing" nil-value ((lambda (&optional a) a))) (pass-if-equal "rest argument" '(3 4 5) ((lambda (a b &rest c) c) 1 2 3 4 5)) (pass-if "rest missing" (null ((lambda (a b &rest c) c) 1 2))) (pass-if-equal "empty lambda" #nil ((lambda ())))) (with-test-prefix/compile "Function Definitions" (pass-if-equal "defun" 3 (progn (defun test (a b) (+ a b)) (test 1 2))) (pass-if-equal "defun value" 'test (defun test (a b) (+ a b))) (pass-if "fset and symbol-function" (progn (setq myfunc 'x x 5) (and (= (fset myfunc 42) 42) (= (symbol-function myfunc) 42) (= x 5)))) (pass-if "void function values" (progn (setq a 1) (defun test (a b) (+ a b)) (fmakunbound 'a) (fset 'b 5) (and (fboundp 'b) (fboundp 'test) (not (fboundp 'a)) (= a 1)))) (pass-if "flet" (progn (defun foobar () 42) (defun test () (foobar)) (and (= (test) 42) (flet ((foobar () 0) (myfoo () (funcall (symbol-function 'foobar)))) (and (= (myfoo) 42) (= (test) 42))) (flet ((foobar () nil)) (defun foobar () 0) (= (test) 42)) (= (test) 42))))) (with-test-prefix/compile "Calling Functions" (pass-if-equal "recursion" 120 (progn (defun factorial (n prod) (if (zerop n) prod (factorial (1- n) (* prod n)))) (factorial 5 1))) (pass-if "dynamic scoping" (progn (setq a 0) (defun foo () (setq a (1+ a)) a) (defun bar (a) (foo)) (and (= 43 (bar 42)) (zerop a)))) (pass-if "funcall and apply argument handling" (and (defun allid (&rest args) args) (setq allid-var (symbol-function 'allid)) (equal (funcall allid-var 1 2 3) '(1 2 3)) (equal (funcall allid-var) nil) (equal (funcall allid-var 1 2 '(3 4)) '(1 2 (3 4))) (equal (funcall allid-var '()) '(())) (equal (apply allid-var 1 2 '(3 4)) '(1 2 3 4)) (equal (apply allid-var '(1 2)) '(1 2)) (equal (apply allid-var '()) nil))) (pass-if "raw functions with funcall" (and (= (funcall '+ 1 2) 3) (= (funcall (lambda (a b) (+ a b)) 1 2) 3) (= (funcall '(lambda (a b) (+ a b)) 1 2) 3)))) ; Quoting and Backquotation. ; ========================== (with-test-prefix/compile "Quotation" (pass-if "quote" (and (equal '42 42) (equal '"abc" "abc") (equal '(1 2 (3 (4) x)) '(1 2 (3 (4) x))) (not (equal '(1 2 (3 4 (x))) '(1 2 3 4 x))) (equal '(1 2 . 3) '(1 2 . 3)))) (pass-if "simple backquote" (and (equal (#{`}# 42) 42) (equal (#{`}# (1 (a))) '(1 (a))) (equal (#{`}# (1 . 2)) '(1 . 2)))) (pass-if "unquote" (progn (setq a 42 l '(18 12)) (and (equal (#{`}# (#{,}# a)) 42) (equal (#{`}# (1 a ((#{,}# l)) . (#{,}# a))) '(1 a ((18 12)) . 42))))) (pass-if "unquote splicing" (progn (setq l '(18 12) empty '()) (and (equal (#{`}# (#{,@}# l)) '(18 12)) (equal (#{`}# (l 2 (3 (#{,@}# l)) ((#{,@}# l)) (#{,@}# l))) '(l 2 (3 18 12) (18 12) 18 12)) (equal (#{`}# (1 2 (#{,@}# empty) 3)) '(1 2 3)))))) ; Macros. ; ======= (with-test-prefix/compile "Macros" (pass-if-equal "defmacro value" 'magic-number (defmacro magic-number () 42)) (pass-if-equal "macro expansion" 1 (progn (defmacro take-first (a b) a) (take-first 1 (/ 1 0))))) ; Test the built-ins. ; =================== (with-test-prefix/compile "Equivalence Predicates" (pass-if "equal" (and (equal 2 2) (not (equal 1 2)) (equal "abc" "abc") (not (equal "abc" "ABC")) (equal 'abc 'abc) (not (equal 'abc 'def)) (equal '(1 2 (3 4) 5) '(1 2 (3 4) 5)) (not (equal '(1 2 3 4 5) '(1 2 (3 4) 5))))) (pass-if "eq" (progn (setq some-list '(1 2)) (setq some-string "abc") (and (eq 2 2) (not (eq 1 2)) (eq 'abc 'abc) (not (eq 'abc 'def)) (eq some-string some-string) (not (eq some-string (string 97 98 99))) (eq some-list some-list) (not (eq some-list (list 1 2))))))) (with-test-prefix/compile "Number Built-Ins" (pass-if "floatp" (and (floatp 1.0) (not (floatp 1)) (not (floatp 'a)))) (pass-if "integerp" (and (integerp 42) (integerp -2) (not (integerp 1.0)))) (pass-if "numberp" (and (numberp 1.0) (numberp -2) (not (numberp 'a)))) (pass-if "wholenump" (and (wholenump 0) (not (wholenump -2)) (not (wholenump 1.0)))) (pass-if "zerop" (and (zerop 0) (zerop 0.0) (not (zerop 1)))) (pass-if "comparisons" (and (= 1 1.0) (/= 0 1) (< 1 2) (> 2 1) (>= 1 1) (<= 1 1) (not (< 1 1)) (not (<= 2 1)))) (pass-if "max and min" (and (= (max -5 2 4.0 1) 4.0) (= (min -5 2 4.0 1) -5) (= (max 1) 1) (= (min 1) 1))) (pass-if "abs" (and (= (abs 1.0) 1.0) (= (abs -5) 5))) (pass-if "float" (and (= (float 1) 1) (= (float 5.5) 5.5) (floatp (float 1)))) (pass-if-equal "basic arithmetic operators" -8.5 (+ (1+ 0) (1- 0) (- 5.5) (* 2 -2) (- 2 1))) (pass-if "modulo" (= (% 5 3) 2)) (pass-if "floating point rounding" (and (= (ffloor 1.7) 1.0) (= (ffloor -1.2) -2.0) (= (ffloor 1.0) 1.0) (= (fceiling 1.2) 2.0) (= (fceiling -1.7) -1.0) (= (fceiling 1.0) 1.0) (= (ftruncate 1.6) 1.0) (= (ftruncate -1.7) -1.0) (= (fround 1.2) 1.0) (= (fround 1.7) 2.0) (= (fround -1.7) -2.0)))) (with-test-prefix/compile "List Built-Ins" (pass-if "consp and atom" (and (consp '(1 2 3)) (consp '(1 2 . 3)) (consp '(a . b)) (not (consp '())) (not (consp 1)) (not (consp "abc")) (atom 'a) (atom '()) (atom -1.5) (atom "abc") (not (atom '(1 . 2))) (not (atom '(1))))) (pass-if "listp and nlistp" (and (listp '(1 2 3)) (listp '(1)) (listp '()) (listp '(1 . 2)) (not (listp 'a)) (not (listp 42)) (nlistp 42) (not (nlistp '())) (not (nlistp '(1 2 3))) (not (nlistp '(1 . 2))))) (pass-if "null" (and (null '()) (not (null 1)) (not (null '(1 2))) (not (null '(1 . 2))))) (pass-if "car and cdr" (and (equal (car '(1 2 3)) 1) (equal (cdr '(1 2 3)) '(2 3)) (equal (car '()) nil) (equal (cdr '()) nil) (equal (car '(1 . 2)) 1) (equal (cdr '(1 . 2)) 2) (null (cdr '(1))))) (pass-if "car-safe and cdr-safe" (and (equal (car-safe '(1 2)) 1) (equal (cdr-safe '(1 2)) '(2)) (equal (car-safe 5) nil) (equal (cdr-safe 5) nil))) (pass-if "nth and nthcdr" (and (equal (nth -5 '(1 2 3)) 1) (equal (nth 3 '(1 2 3)) nil) (equal (nth 0 '(1 2 3)) 1) (equal (nth 2 '(1 2 3)) 3) (equal (nthcdr -5 '(1 2 3)) '(1 2 3)) (equal (nthcdr 4 '(1 2 3)) nil) (equal (nthcdr 1 '(1 2 3)) '(2 3)) (equal (nthcdr 2 '(1 2 3)) '(3)))) (pass-if "length" (and (= (length '()) 0) (= (length '(1 2 3 4 5)) 5) (= (length '(1 2 (3 4 (5)) 6)) 4))) (pass-if "cons, list and make-list" (and (equal (cons 1 2) '(1 . 2)) (equal (cons 1 '(2 3)) '(1 2 3)) (equal (cons 1 '()) '(1)) (equal (list 'a) '(a)) (equal (list) '()) (equal (list 1 2) '(1 2)) (equal (make-list 3 42) '(42 42 42)) (equal (make-list 0 1) '()))) (pass-if "append" (and (equal (append '(1 2) '(3 4) '(5)) '(1 2 3 4 5)) (equal (append '(1 2) 3) '(1 2 . 3)))) (pass-if "reverse" (and (equal (reverse '(5 4 3 2 1)) '(1 2 3 4 5)) (equal (reverse '()) '()))) (pass-if "setcar and setcdr" (progn (setq pair (cons 1 2)) (setq copy pair) (setq a (setcar copy 3)) (setq b (setcdr copy 4)) (and (= a 3) (= b 4) (equal pair '(3 . 4))))))