;;; arithmetic-fixnums.test --- Test suite for R6RS (rnrs arithmetic bitwise) ;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA (define-module (test-suite test-r6rs-arithmetic-fixnums) :use-module ((rnrs arithmetic fixnums) :version (6)) :use-module ((rnrs conditions) :version (6)) :use-module ((rnrs exceptions) :version (6)) :use-module (test-suite lib)) (with-test-prefix "fixnum-width" (pass-if-equal "consistent with least-fixnum" (- (expt 2 (- (fixnum-width) 1))) (least-fixnum)) (pass-if-equal "consistent with greatest-fixnum" (- (expt 2 (- (fixnum-width) 1)) 1) (greatest-fixnum))) (with-test-prefix "fixnum?" (pass-if "fixnum? is #t for fixnums" (fixnum? 0)) (pass-if "fixnum? is #f for non-fixnums" (not (fixnum? 'foo))) (pass-if "fixnum? is #f for non-fixnum numbers" (and (not (fixnum? 1.0)) (not (fixnum? (+ (greatest-fixnum) 1)))))) (with-test-prefix "fx=?" (pass-if "fx=? is #t for eqv inputs" (fx=? 3 3 3)) (pass-if "fx=? is #f for non-eqv inputs" (not (fx=? 1 2 3)))) (with-test-prefix "fx>?" (pass-if "fx>? is #t for monotonically > inputs" (fx>? 3 2 1)) (pass-if "fx>? is #f for non-monotonically > inputs" (not (fx>? 1 2 3)))) (with-test-prefix "fx=?" (pass-if "fx>=? is #t for monotonically > or = inputs" (fx>=? 3 2 2 1)) (pass-if "fx>=? is #f for non-monotonically > or = inputs" (not (fx>=? 1 2 3)))) (with-test-prefix "fx<=?" (pass-if "fx<=? is #t for monotonically < or = inputs" (fx<=? 1 2 2 3)) (pass-if "fx<=? is #f for non-monotonically < or = inputs" (not (fx<=? 3 2 1)))) (with-test-prefix "fxzero?" (pass-if "fxzero? is #t for zero" (fxzero? 0)) (pass-if "fxzero? is #f for non-zero fixnums" (and (not (fxzero? 1)) (not (fxzero? -1))))) (with-test-prefix "fxpositive?" (pass-if "fxpositive? is #t for positive fixnums" (fxpositive? 1)) (pass-if "fxpositive? is #f for non-positive fixnums" (and (not (fxpositive? -1)) (not (fxpositive? 0))))) (with-test-prefix "fxnegative?" (pass-if "fxnegative? is #t for negative fixnums" (fxnegative? -1)) (pass-if "fxnegative? is #f for non-negative fixnums" (and (not (fxnegative? 1)) (not (fxnegative? 0))))) (with-test-prefix "fxodd?" (pass-if "fxodd? is #t for odd fixnums" (fxodd? 1)) (pass-if "fxodd? is #f for even fixnums" (not (fxodd? 2)))) (with-test-prefix "fxeven?" (pass-if "fxeven? is #t for even fixnums" (fxeven? 2)) (pass-if "fxeven? is #f for odd fixnums" (not (fxeven? 1)))) (with-test-prefix "fxmax" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxmax 1 3 2) 3))) (with-test-prefix "fxmin" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxmin -1 0 2) -1))) (with-test-prefix "fx+" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fx+ 1 2) 3)) (pass-if "&implementation-restriction on non-fixnum result" (guard (condition ((implementation-restriction-violation? condition) #t) (else #f)) (begin (fx+ (greatest-fixnum) 1) #f)))) (with-test-prefix "fx*" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fx* 2 3) 6)) (pass-if "&implementation-restriction on non-fixnum result" (guard (condition ((implementation-restriction-violation? condition) #t) (else #f)) (begin (fx* (greatest-fixnum) 2) #f)))) (with-test-prefix "fx-" (pass-if "unary fx- negates argument" (fx=? (fx- 1) -1)) (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fx- 3 2) 1)) (pass-if "&assertion on non-fixnum result" (guard (condition ((assertion-violation? condition) #t) (else #f)) (fx- (least-fixnum) 1)))) (with-test-prefix "fxdiv-and-mod" (pass-if "simple" (call-with-values (lambda () (fxdiv-and-mod 123 10)) (lambda (d m) (and (fx=? d 12) (fx=? m 3)))))) (with-test-prefix "fxdiv" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxdiv -123 10) -13))) (with-test-prefix "fxmod" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxmod -123 10) 7))) (with-test-prefix "fxdiv0-and-mod0" (pass-if "simple" (call-with-values (lambda () (fxdiv0-and-mod0 -123 10)) (lambda (d m) (and (fx=? d -12) (fx=? m -3)))))) (with-test-prefix "fxdiv0" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxdiv0 -123 10) -12))) (with-test-prefix "fxmod0" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxmod0 -123 10) -3))) ;; Without working div and mod implementations and without any example results ;; from the spec, I have no idea what the results of these functions should ;; be. -juliang ;; UPDATE: div and mod implementations are now working properly -mhw (with-test-prefix "fx+/carry" (pass-if "simple" (throw 'unresolved))) (with-test-prefix "fx-/carry" (pass-if "simple" (throw 'unresolved))) (with-test-prefix "fx*/carry" (pass-if "simple" (throw 'unresolved))) (with-test-prefix "fxnot" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxnot 3) -4))) (with-test-prefix "fxand" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxand 5 6) 4))) (with-test-prefix "fxior" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxior 2 4) 6))) (with-test-prefix "fxxor" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxxor 5 4) 1))) (with-test-prefix "fxif" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxif 5 3 4) 1))) (with-test-prefix "fxbit-count" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxbit-count 5) 2)) (pass-if "negative" (fx=? (fxbit-count -5) -2))) (with-test-prefix "fxlength" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxlength 5) 3))) (with-test-prefix "fxfirst-bit-set" (pass-if "simple" (and (eqv? (fxfirst-bit-set 1) 0) (eqv? (fxfirst-bit-set -4) 2))) (pass-if "fxfirst-bit-set is -1 on zero" (and (eqv? (fxfirst-bit-set 0) -1)))) (with-test-prefix "fxbit-set?" (pass-if "fxbit-set? is #t on index of set bit" (fxbit-set? 5 2)) (pass-if "fxbit-set? is #f on index of unset bit" (not (fxbit-set? 5 1)))) (with-test-prefix "fxcopy-bit" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxcopy-bit 2 2 1) 6))) (with-test-prefix "fxbit-field" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxbit-field 50 1 4) 1))) (with-test-prefix "fxcopy-bit-field" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxcopy-bit-field 255 2 6 10) 235))) (with-test-prefix "fxarithmetic-shift" (pass-if "simple" (and (fx=? (fxarithmetic-shift -6 -1) -3) (fx=? (fxarithmetic-shift -5 -1) -3) (fx=? (fxarithmetic-shift -4 -1) -2) (fx=? (fxarithmetic-shift -3 -1) -2) (fx=? (fxarithmetic-shift -2 -1) -1) (fx=? (fxarithmetic-shift -1 -1) -1)))) (with-test-prefix "fxarithmetic-shift-left" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxarithmetic-shift-left -6 1) -12))) (with-test-prefix "fxarithmetic-shift-right" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxarithmetic-shift-right -6 1) -3))) (with-test-prefix "fxrotate-bit-field" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxrotate-bit-field 227 2 6 2) 203))) (with-test-prefix "fxreverse-bit-field" (pass-if "simple" (fx=? (fxreverse-bit-field 82 1 4) 88)))