;;;; r6rs-ports.test --- R6RS I/O port tests. -*- coding: utf-8; -*- ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 2009-2012, 2013-2015, 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; Ludovic Courtès ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA (define-module (test-io-ports) #:use-module (test-suite lib) #:use-module (test-suite guile-test) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-11) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module ((ice-9 binary-ports) #:select (get-bytevector-some!)) #:use-module (rnrs io ports) #:use-module (rnrs io simple) #:use-module (rnrs exceptions) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)) (define-syntax pass-if-condition (syntax-rules () ((_ name predicate body0 body ...) (let ((cookie (list 'cookie))) (pass-if name (eq? cookie (guard (c ((predicate c) cookie)) body0 body ...))))))) (define (test-file) (data-file-name "ports-test.tmp")) ;; A input/output port that swallows all output, and produces just ;; spaces on input. Reading and writing beyond `failure-position' ;; produces `system-error' exceptions. Used for testing exception ;; behavior. (define* (make-failing-port #:optional (failure-position 0)) (define (maybe-fail index errno) (if (> index failure-position) (scm-error 'system-error 'failing-port "I/O beyond failure position" '() (list errno)))) (let ((read-index 0) (write-index 0)) (define (write-char chr) (set! write-index (+ 1 write-index)) (maybe-fail write-index ENOSPC)) (make-soft-port (vector write-char (lambda (str) ;; write-string (for-each write-char (string->list str))) (lambda () #t) ;; flush-output (lambda () ;; read-char (set! read-index (+ read-index 1)) (maybe-fail read-index EIO) #\space) (lambda () #t)) ;; close-port "rw"))) (define (call-with-bytevector-output-port/transcoded transcoder receiver) (call-with-bytevector-output-port (lambda (bv-port) (call-with-port (transcoded-port bv-port transcoder) receiver)))) (with-test-prefix "8.2.5 End-of-File Object" (pass-if "eof-object" (and (eqv? (eof-object) (eof-object)) (eq? (eof-object) (eof-object)))) (pass-if "port-eof?" (port-eof? (open-input-string "")))) (with-test-prefix "8.2.8 Binary Input" (pass-if "get-u8" (let ((port (open-input-string "A"))) (and (= (char->integer #\A) (get-u8 port)) (eof-object? (get-u8 port))))) (pass-if "lookahead-u8" (let ((port (open-input-string "A"))) (and (= (char->integer #\A) (lookahead-u8 port)) (= (char->integer #\A) (lookahead-u8 port)) (= (char->integer #\A) (get-u8 port)) (eof-object? (get-u8 port))))) (pass-if "lookahead-u8 non-ASCII" (let ((port (open-input-string "λ"))) (and (= 206 (lookahead-u8 port)) (= 206 (lookahead-u8 port)) (= 206 (get-u8 port)) (= 187 (lookahead-u8 port)) (= 187 (lookahead-u8 port)) (= 187 (get-u8 port)) (eof-object? (lookahead-u8 port)) (eof-object? (get-u8 port))))) (pass-if "lookahead-u8: result is unsigned" ;; Bug #31081. (let ((port (open-bytevector-input-port #vu8(255)))) (= (lookahead-u8 port) 255))) (pass-if "get-bytevector-n [short]" (let* ((port (open-input-string "GNU Guile")) (bv (get-bytevector-n port 4))) (and (bytevector? bv) (equal? (bytevector->u8-list bv) (map char->integer (string->list "GNU ")))))) (pass-if "get-bytevector-n [long]" (let* ((port (open-input-string "GNU Guile")) (bv (get-bytevector-n port 256))) (and (bytevector? bv) (equal? (bytevector->u8-list bv) (map char->integer (string->list "GNU Guile")))))) (pass-if-exception "get-bytevector-n with closed port" exception:wrong-type-arg (let ((port (%make-void-port "r"))) (close-port port) (get-bytevector-n port 3))) (let ((expected (make-bytevector 20 (char->integer #\a)))) (pass-if-equal "http://bugs.gnu.org/17466" ;; is about a memory corruption ;; whereas bytevector shrunk in 'get-bytevector-n' would keep ;; referring to the previous (larger) bytevector. expected (let loop ((count 50)) (if (zero? count) expected (let ((bv (call-with-input-string "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (lambda (port) (get-bytevector-n port 4096))))) ;; Cause the 4 KiB bytevector initially created by ;; 'get-bytevector-n' to be reclaimed. (make-bytevector 4096) (if (equal? bv expected) (loop (- count 1)) bv)))))) (pass-if "get-bytevector-n! [short]" (let* ((port (open-input-string "GNU Guile")) (bv (make-bytevector 4)) (read (get-bytevector-n! port bv 0 4))) (and (equal? read 4) (equal? (bytevector->u8-list bv) (map char->integer (string->list "GNU ")))))) (pass-if "get-bytevector-n! [long]" (let* ((str "GNU Guile") (port (open-input-string str)) (bv (make-bytevector 256)) (read (get-bytevector-n! port bv 0 256))) (and (equal? read (string-length str)) (equal? (map (lambda (i) (bytevector-u8-ref bv i)) (iota read)) (map char->integer (string->list str)))))) (pass-if "get-bytevector-some [simple]" (let* ((str "GNU Guile") (port (open-input-string str)) (bv (get-bytevector-some port))) (and (bytevector? bv) (equal? (bytevector->u8-list bv) (map char->integer (string->list str)))))) (pass-if "get-bytevector-some! [short]" (let* ((port (open-input-string "GNU Guile")) (bv (make-bytevector 4)) (read (get-bytevector-some! port bv 0 4))) (and (equal? read 4) (equal? (bytevector->u8-list bv) (map char->integer (string->list "GNU ")))))) (pass-if "get-bytevector-some! [long]" (let* ((str "GNU Guile") (port (open-input-string str)) (bv (make-bytevector 256)) (read (get-bytevector-some! port bv 0 256))) (and (equal? read (string-length str)) (equal? (map (lambda (i) (bytevector-u8-ref bv i)) (iota read)) (map char->integer (string->list str)))))) (pass-if "get-bytevector-all" (let* ((str "GNU Guile") (index 0) (port (make-soft-port (vector #f #f #f (lambda () (if (>= index (string-length str)) (eof-object) (let ((c (string-ref str index))) (set! index (+ index 1)) c))) (lambda () #t) (let ((cont? #f)) (lambda () ;; Number of readily available octets: falls to ;; zero after 4 octets have been read and then ;; starts again. (let ((a (if cont? (- (string-length str) index) (- 4 (modulo index 5))))) (if (= 0 a) (set! cont? #t)) a)))) "r")) (bv (get-bytevector-all port))) (and (bytevector? bv) (= index (string-length str)) (= (bytevector-length bv) (string-length str)) (equal? (bytevector->u8-list bv) (map char->integer (string->list str))))))) (define (make-soft-output-port) (let* ((bv (make-bytevector 1024)) (read-index 0) (write-index 0) (write-char (lambda (chr) (bytevector-u8-set! bv write-index (char->integer chr)) (set! write-index (+ 1 write-index))))) (make-soft-port (vector write-char (lambda (str) ;; write-string (for-each write-char (string->list str))) (lambda () #t) ;; flush-output (lambda () ;; read-char (if (>= read-index (bytevector-length bv)) (eof-object) (let ((c (bytevector-u8-ref bv read-index))) (set! read-index (+ read-index 1)) (integer->char c)))) (lambda () #t)) ;; close-port "rw"))) (with-test-prefix "8.2.11 Binary Output" (pass-if "put-u8" (let ((port (make-soft-output-port))) (put-u8 port 77) (equal? (get-u8 port) 77))) ;; Note: The `put-bytevector' tests below temporarily set the default ;; port encoding to ISO-8859-1 so that the soft-port will let all the ;; bytes through, unmodified. This is hacky, but we can't use "custom ;; binary output ports" here because they're only tested later. (pass-if "put-bytevector [2 args]" (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "ISO-8859-1")) (let ((port (make-soft-output-port)) (bv (make-bytevector 256))) (put-bytevector port bv) (equal? (bytevector->u8-list bv) (bytevector->u8-list (get-bytevector-n port (bytevector-length bv))))))) (pass-if "put-bytevector [3 args]" (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "ISO-8859-1")) (let ((port (make-soft-output-port)) (bv (make-bytevector 256)) (start 10)) (put-bytevector port bv start) (equal? (drop (bytevector->u8-list bv) start) (bytevector->u8-list (get-bytevector-n port (- (bytevector-length bv) start))))))) (pass-if "put-bytevector [4 args]" (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "ISO-8859-1")) (let ((port (make-soft-output-port)) (bv (make-bytevector 256)) (start 10) (count 77)) (put-bytevector port bv start count) (equal? (take (drop (bytevector->u8-list bv) start) count) (bytevector->u8-list (get-bytevector-n port count)))))) (pass-if-exception "put-bytevector with closed port" exception:wrong-type-arg (let* ((bv (make-bytevector 4)) (port (%make-void-port "w"))) (close-port port) (put-bytevector port bv))) (pass-if "put-bytevector with UTF-16 string port" (let* ((str "hello, world") (bv (string->utf16 str))) (equal? str (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (set-port-encoding! port "UTF-16BE") (put-bytevector port bv)))))) (pass-if "put-bytevector with wrong-encoding string port" (let* ((str "hello, world") (bv (string->utf16 str))) (catch 'decoding-error (lambda () (with-fluids ((%default-port-conversion-strategy 'error)) (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (set-port-encoding! port "UTF-32") (put-bytevector port bv))) #f)) ; fail if we reach this point (lambda (key subr message errno port) (string? (strerror errno))))))) (define (test-input-file-opener open filename) (let ((contents (string->utf8 "GNU λ"))) ;; Create file (call-with-output-file filename (lambda (port) (put-bytevector port contents))) (pass-if "opens binary input port with correct contents" (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (call-with-port (open-file-input-port filename) (lambda (port) (and (binary-port? port) (input-port? port) (bytevector=? contents (get-bytevector-all port)))))))) (delete-file filename)) (with-test-prefix "8.2.7 Input Ports" (with-test-prefix "open-file-input-port" (test-input-file-opener open-file-input-port (test-file))) ;; This section appears here so that it can use the binary input ;; primitives. (pass-if "open-bytevector-input-port [1 arg]" (let* ((str "Hello Port!") (bv (u8-list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list str)))) (port (open-bytevector-input-port bv)) (read-to-string (lambda (port) (let loop ((chr (read-char port)) (result '())) (if (eof-object? chr) (apply string (reverse! result)) (loop (read-char port) (cons chr result))))))) (equal? (read-to-string port) str))) (pass-if "bytevector-input-port is binary" (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (binary-port? (open-bytevector-input-port #vu8(1 2 3))))) (pass-if-equal "bytevector-input-port uses ISO-8859-1 (Guile extension)" "©©" (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (get-string-all (open-bytevector-input-port #vu8(194 169 194 169))))) (pass-if-exception "bytevector-input-port is read-only" exception:wrong-type-arg (let* ((str "Hello Port!") (bv (u8-list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list str)))) (port (open-bytevector-input-port bv #f))) (write "hello" port))) (pass-if "bytevector input port supports seeking" (let* ((str "Hello Port!") (bv (u8-list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list str)))) (port (open-bytevector-input-port bv #f))) (and (port-has-port-position? port) (= 0 (port-position port)) (port-has-set-port-position!? port) (begin (set-port-position! port 6) (= 6 (port-position port))) (bytevector=? (get-bytevector-all port) (u8-list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list "Port!"))))))) (pass-if "bytevector input port can seek to very end" (let ((empty (open-bytevector-input-port '#vu8())) (not-empty (open-bytevector-input-port '#vu8(1 2 3)))) (and (begin (set-port-position! empty (port-position empty)) (= 0 (port-position empty))) (begin (get-bytevector-n not-empty 3) (set-port-position! not-empty (port-position not-empty)) (= 3 (port-position not-empty)))))) (pass-if-exception "make-custom-binary-input-port [wrong-num-args]" exception:wrong-num-args ;; Prior to Guile-R6RS-Libs 0.2, the last 3 arguments were wrongfully ;; optional. (make-custom-binary-input-port "port" (lambda args #t))) (pass-if "make-custom-binary-input-port" (let* ((source (make-bytevector 7777)) (read! (let ((pos 0) (len (bytevector-length source))) (lambda (bv start count) (let ((amount (min count (- len pos)))) (if (> amount 0) (bytevector-copy! source pos bv start amount)) (set! pos (+ pos amount)) amount)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" read! #f #f #f))) (and (binary-port? port) (input-port? port) (bytevector=? (get-bytevector-all port) source)))) (pass-if-equal "make-custom-binary-input-port uses ISO-8859-1 (Guile extension)" "©©" (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (let* ((source #vu8(194 169 194 169)) (read! (let ((pos 0) (len (bytevector-length source))) (lambda (bv start count) (let ((amount (min count (- len pos)))) (if (> amount 0) (bytevector-copy! source pos bv start amount)) (set! pos (+ pos amount)) amount)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" read! #f #f #f))) (get-string-all port)))) (pass-if "custom binary input port does not support `port-position'" (let* ((str "Hello Port!") (source (open-bytevector-input-port (u8-list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list str))))) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" read! #f #f #f))) (not (or (port-has-port-position? port) (port-has-set-port-position!? port))))) (pass-if-exception "custom binary input port 'read!' returns too much" exception:out-of-range ;; In Guile <= 2.0.9 this would segfault. (let* ((read! (lambda (bv start count) (+ count 4242))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" read! #f #f #f))) (get-bytevector-all port))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input port supports `port-position', \ not `set-port-position!'" 42 (let ((port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" (const 0) (const 42) #f #f))) (and (port-has-port-position? port) (not (port-has-set-port-position!? port)) (port-position port)))) (pass-if "custom binary input port supports `port-position'" (let* ((str "Hello Port!") (source (open-bytevector-input-port (u8-list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list str))))) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (get-pos (lambda () (port-position source))) (set-pos! (lambda (pos) (set-port-position! source pos))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" read! get-pos set-pos! #f))) (and (port-has-port-position? port) (= 0 (port-position port)) (port-has-set-port-position!? port) (begin (set-port-position! port 6) (= 6 (port-position port))) (bytevector=? (get-bytevector-all port) (u8-list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list "Port!"))))))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input port position, long offset" (expt 2 42) ;; In Guile <= 2.2.4, 'seek' would throw to 'out-of-range'. (let* ((port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" (const 0) (const (expt 2 42)) #f #f))) (port-position port))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input port buffered partial reads" "Hello Port!" ;; Check what happens when READ! returns less than COUNT bytes. (let* ((src (string->utf8 "Hello Port!")) (chunks '(2 4 5)) ; provide 2 bytes, then 4, etc. (offset 0) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (match chunks ((count rest ...) (bytevector-copy! src offset bv start count) (set! chunks rest) (set! offset (+ offset count)) count) (() 0)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" read! #f #f #f))) (get-string-all port))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input port unbuffered & 'port-position'" '(0 2 5 11) ;; Check that the value returned by 'port-position' is correct, and ;; that each 'port-position' call leads one call to the ;; 'get-position' method. (let* ((str "Hello Port!") (output (make-bytevector (string-length str))) (source (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (open-string-input-port str))) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (pos '()) (get-pos (lambda () (let ((p (port-position source))) (set! pos (cons p pos)) p))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" read! get-pos #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'none) (and (= 0 (port-position port)) (begin (get-bytevector-n! port output 0 2) (= 2 (port-position port))) (begin (get-bytevector-n! port output 2 3) (= 5 (port-position port))) (let ((bv (string->utf8 (get-string-all port)))) (bytevector-copy! bv 0 output 5 (bytevector-length bv)) (= (string-length str) (port-position port))) (bytevector=? output (string->utf8 str)) (reverse pos)))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input port unbuffered & 'read!' calls" `((2 "He") (3 "llo") (42 " Port!")) (let* ((str "Hello Port!") (source (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (open-string-input-port str))) (reads '()) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (set! reads (cons count reads)) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" read! #f #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'none) (let ((ret (list (get-bytevector-n port 2) (get-bytevector-n port 3) (get-bytevector-n port 42)))) (zip (reverse reads) (map (lambda (obj) (if (bytevector? obj) (utf8->string obj) obj)) ret))))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input port unbuffered & 'get-string-all'" (make-string 1000 #\a) ;; In Guile 2.0.11 this test would lead to a buffer overrun followed ;; by an assertion failure. See . (let* ((input (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding #f)) (open-input-string (make-string 1000 #\a)))) (read! (lambda (bv index count) (let ((n (get-bytevector-n! input bv index count))) (if (eof-object? n) 0 n)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "foo" read! #f #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'none) (get-string-all port))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input port unbuffered UTF-8 & 'get-string-all'" (make-string 1000 #\λ) ;; In Guile 2.0.11 this test would lead to a buffer overrun followed ;; by an assertion failure. See . (let* ((input (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (open-input-string (make-string 1000 #\λ)))) (read! (lambda (bv index count) (let ((n (get-bytevector-n! input bv index count))) (if (eof-object? n) 0 n)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "foo" read! #f #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'none) (set-port-encoding! port "UTF-8") (get-string-all port))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input port, unbuffered then buffered" `((6 "Lorem ") (12 "ipsum dolor ") (777 "sit amet, consectetur…") (777 ,(eof-object))) (let* ((str "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur…") (source (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (open-string-input-port str))) (reads '()) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (set! reads (cons count reads)) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" read! #f #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'none) (let ((ret (list (get-bytevector-n port 6) (get-bytevector-n port 12) (begin (setvbuf port 'block 777) (get-bytevector-n port 42)) (get-bytevector-n port 42)))) (zip (reverse reads) (map (lambda (obj) (if (bytevector? obj) (utf8->string obj) obj)) ret))))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input port, buffered then unbuffered" `((18 42 14 ; scm_c_read tries to fill the 42-byte buffer 42) ("Lorem " "ipsum dolor " "sit amet, consectetur bla…" ,(eof-object))) (let* ((str "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur bla…") (source (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (open-string-input-port str))) (reads '()) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (set! reads (cons count reads)) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" read! #f #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'block 18) (let ((ret (list (get-bytevector-n port 6) (get-bytevector-n port 12) (begin (setvbuf port 'none) (get-bytevector-n port 42)) (get-bytevector-n port 42)))) (list (reverse reads) (map (lambda (obj) (if (bytevector? obj) (utf8->string obj) obj)) ret))))) (pass-if "custom binary input port `close-proc' is called" (let* ((closed? #f) (read! (lambda (bv start count) 0)) (get-pos (lambda () 0)) (set-pos! (lambda (pos) #f)) (close! (lambda () (set! closed? #t))) (port (make-custom-binary-input-port "the port" read! get-pos set-pos! close!))) (close-port port) (gc) ; Test for marking a closed port. closed?)) (pass-if "standard-input-port is binary" (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (binary-port? (standard-input-port))))) (define (test-output-file-opener open filename) (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (pass-if "opens binary output port" (call-with-port (open filename) (lambda (port) (put-bytevector port '#vu8(1 2 3)) (and (binary-port? port) (output-port? port)))))) (pass-if-condition "exception: already-exists" i/o-file-already-exists-error? (open filename)) (pass-if "no-fail no-truncate" (and (call-with-port (open filename (file-options no-fail no-truncate)) (lambda (port) (= 0 (port-position port)))) (= 3 (stat:size (stat filename))))) (pass-if "no-fail" (and (call-with-port (open filename (file-options no-fail)) binary-port?) (= 0 (stat:size (stat filename))))) (pass-if "buffer-mode none" (call-with-port (open filename (file-options no-fail) (buffer-mode none)) (lambda (port) (eq? (output-port-buffer-mode port) 'none)))) (pass-if "buffer-mode line" (call-with-port (open filename (file-options no-fail) (buffer-mode line)) (lambda (port) (eq? (output-port-buffer-mode port) 'line)))) (pass-if "buffer-mode block" (call-with-port (open filename (file-options no-fail) (buffer-mode block)) (lambda (port) (eq? (output-port-buffer-mode port) 'block)))) (delete-file filename) (pass-if-condition "exception: does-not-exist" i/o-file-does-not-exist-error? (open filename (file-options no-create)))) (with-test-prefix "8.2.10 Output ports" (with-test-prefix "open-file-output-port" (test-output-file-opener open-file-output-port (test-file))) (pass-if "open-string-output-port" (call-with-values open-string-output-port (lambda (port proc) (and (port? port) (thunk? proc))))) (pass-if-equal "calling string output port truncates port" '("hello" "" "world") (call-with-values open-string-output-port (lambda (port proc) (display "hello" port) (let* ((s1 (proc)) (s2 (proc))) (display "world" port) (list s1 s2 (proc)))))) (pass-if "open-bytevector-output-port" (let-values (((port get-content) (open-bytevector-output-port #f))) (let ((source (make-bytevector 7777))) (put-bytevector port source) (and (bytevector=? (get-content) source) (bytevector=? (get-content) (make-bytevector 0)))))) (pass-if "bytevector-output-port is binary" (binary-port? (open-bytevector-output-port))) (pass-if-equal "bytevector-output-port uses ISO-8859-1 (Guile extension)" #vu8(194 169 194 169) (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (let-values (((port get-content) (open-bytevector-output-port))) (put-string port "©©") (get-content)))) (pass-if "open-bytevector-output-port [extract after close]" (let-values (((port get-content) (open-bytevector-output-port))) (let ((source (make-bytevector 12345 #xFE))) (put-bytevector port source) (close-port port) (bytevector=? (get-content) source)))) (pass-if "open-bytevector-output-port [put-u8]" (let-values (((port get-content) (open-bytevector-output-port))) (put-u8 port 77) (and (bytevector=? (get-content) (make-bytevector 1 77)) (bytevector=? (get-content) (make-bytevector 0))))) (pass-if "open-bytevector-output-port [display]" (let-values (((port get-content) (open-bytevector-output-port))) (display "hello" port) (and (bytevector=? (get-content) (string->utf8 "hello")) (bytevector=? (get-content) (make-bytevector 0))))) (pass-if "bytevector output port supports `port-position'" (let-values (((port get-content) (open-bytevector-output-port))) (let ((source (make-bytevector 7777)) (overwrite (make-bytevector 33))) (and (port-has-port-position? port) (port-has-set-port-position!? port) (begin (put-bytevector port source) (= (bytevector-length source) (port-position port))) (begin (set-port-position! port 10) (= 10 (port-position port))) (begin (put-bytevector port overwrite) (bytevector-copy! overwrite 0 source 10 (bytevector-length overwrite)) (= (port-position port) (+ 10 (bytevector-length overwrite)))) (bytevector=? (get-content) source) (bytevector=? (get-content) (make-bytevector 0)))))) (pass-if "make-custom-binary-output-port" (let ((port (make-custom-binary-output-port "cbop" (lambda (x y z) 0) #f #f #f))) (and (output-port? port) (binary-port? port) (not (port-has-port-position? port)) (not (port-has-set-port-position!? port))))) (pass-if "make-custom-binary-output-port [partial writes]" (let* ((source (uint-list->bytevector (iota 333) (native-endianness) 2)) (sink (make-bytevector (bytevector-length source))) (sink-pos 0) (eof? #f) (write! (lambda (bv start count) (if (= 0 count) (begin (set! eof? #t) 0) (let ((u8 (bytevector-u8-ref bv start))) ;; Get one byte at a time. (bytevector-u8-set! sink sink-pos u8) (set! sink-pos (+ 1 sink-pos)) 1)))) (port (make-custom-binary-output-port "cbop" write! #f #f #f))) (put-bytevector port source) (force-output port) (and (= sink-pos (bytevector-length source)) (not eof?) (bytevector=? sink source)))) (pass-if "make-custom-binary-output-port [full writes]" (let* ((source (uint-list->bytevector (iota 333) (native-endianness) 2)) (sink (make-bytevector (bytevector-length source))) (sink-pos 0) (eof? #f) (write! (lambda (bv start count) (if (= 0 count) (begin (set! eof? #t) 0) (begin (bytevector-copy! bv start sink sink-pos count) (set! sink-pos (+ sink-pos count)) count)))) (port (make-custom-binary-output-port "cbop" write! #f #f #f))) (put-bytevector port source) (force-output port) (and (= sink-pos (bytevector-length source)) (not eof?) (bytevector=? sink source)))) (pass-if-equal "custom-binary-output-port uses ISO-8859-1 (Guile extension)" '(194 169 194 169) (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (let* ((sink '()) (write! (lambda (bv start count) (if (= 0 count) ; EOF 0 (let ((u8 (bytevector-u8-ref bv start))) ;; Get one byte at a time. (set! sink (cons u8 sink)) 1)))) (port (make-custom-binary-output-port "cbop" write! #f #f #f))) (put-string port "©©") (force-output port) (reverse sink)))) (pass-if "standard-output-port is binary" (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (binary-port? (standard-output-port)))) (pass-if "standard-error-port is binary" (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (binary-port? (standard-error-port))))) (with-test-prefix "8.2.6 Input and output ports" (define (check-transcoded-port-mode make-port pred) (let ((p (make-port "/dev/null" (file-options no-fail)))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () #t) (lambda () (set! p (transcoded-port p (native-transcoder))) (pred p)) (lambda () (close-port p))))) (pass-if "transcoded-port preserves input mode" (check-transcoded-port-mode open-file-input-port (lambda (p) (and (input-port? p) (not (output-port? p)))))) (pass-if "transcoded-port preserves output mode" (check-transcoded-port-mode open-file-output-port (lambda (p) (and (not (input-port? p)) (output-port? p))))) (pass-if "transcoded-port preserves input/output mode" (check-transcoded-port-mode open-file-input/output-port (lambda (p) (and (input-port? p) (output-port? p))))) (pass-if "transcoded-port [output]" (let ((s "Hello\nÄÖÜ")) (bytevector=? (string->utf8 s) (call-with-bytevector-output-port/transcoded (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec)) (lambda (utf8-port) (put-string utf8-port s)))))) (pass-if "transcoded-port [input]" (let ((s "Hello\nÄÖÜ")) (string=? s (get-string-all (transcoded-port (open-bytevector-input-port (string->utf8 s)) (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec))))))) (pass-if "transcoded-port [input line]" (string=? "ÄÖÜ" (get-line (transcoded-port (open-bytevector-input-port (string->utf8 "ÄÖÜ\nFooBar")) (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec)))))) (pass-if "transcoded-port [error handling mode = raise]" (let* ((t (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec) (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode raise))) (b (open-bytevector-input-port #vu8(255 2 1))) (tp (transcoded-port b t))) (guard (c ((i/o-decoding-error? c) (eq? (i/o-error-port c) tp))) (get-line tp) #f))) ; fail if we reach this point (pass-if "transcoded-port [error handling mode = replace]" (let* ((t (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec) (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode replace))) (b (open-bytevector-input-port #vu8(255 1 2 3 103 110 117))) (tp (transcoded-port b t))) (string-suffix? "gnu" (get-line tp)))) (pass-if "transcoded-port, output [error handling mode = raise]" (let-values (((p get) (open-bytevector-output-port))) (let* ((t (make-transcoder (latin-1-codec) (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode raise))) (tp (transcoded-port p t))) (setvbuf tp 'none) (guard (c ((i/o-encoding-error? c) (and (eq? (i/o-error-port c) tp) (char=? (i/o-encoding-error-char c) #\λ) (bytevector=? (get) (string->utf8 "The letter "))))) (put-string tp "The letter λ cannot be represented in Latin-1.") #f)))) (pass-if "port-transcoder [transcoded port]" (let* ((p (transcoded-port (open-bytevector-input-port (string->utf8 "foo")) (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec)))) (t (port-transcoder p))) (and t (transcoder-codec t) (eq? (native-eol-style) (transcoder-eol-style t)) (eq? (error-handling-mode replace) (transcoder-error-handling-mode t)))))) (with-test-prefix "8.2.9 Textual input" (pass-if "get-string-n [short]" (let ((port (open-input-string "GNU Guile"))) (string=? "GNU " (get-string-n port 4)))) (pass-if "get-string-n [long]" (let ((port (open-input-string "GNU Guile"))) (string=? "GNU Guile" (get-string-n port 256)))) (pass-if "get-string-n [eof]" (let ((port (open-input-string ""))) (eof-object? (get-string-n port 4)))) (pass-if "get-string-n! [short]" (let ((port (open-input-string "GNU Guile")) (s (string-copy "Isn't XXX great?"))) (and (= 3 (get-string-n! port s 6 3)) (string=? s "Isn't GNU great?")))) (with-test-prefix "read error" (pass-if-condition "get-char" i/o-read-error? (get-char (make-failing-port))) (pass-if-condition "lookahead-char" i/o-read-error? (lookahead-char (make-failing-port))) ;; FIXME: these are not yet exception-correct #| (pass-if-condition "get-string-n" i/o-read-error? (get-string-n (make-failing-port) 5)) (pass-if-condition "get-string-n!" i/o-read-error? (get-string-n! (make-failing-port) (make-string 5) 0 5)) |# (pass-if-condition "get-string-all" i/o-read-error? (get-string-all (make-failing-port 100))) (pass-if-condition "get-line" i/o-read-error? (get-line (make-failing-port))) (pass-if-condition "get-datum" i/o-read-error? (get-datum (make-failing-port))))) (define (encoding-error-predicate char) (lambda (c) (and (i/o-encoding-error? c) (char=? char (i/o-encoding-error-char c))))) (with-test-prefix "8.2.12 Textual Output" (with-test-prefix "write error" (pass-if-condition "put-char" i/o-write-error? (put-char (make-failing-port) #\G)) (pass-if-condition "put-string" i/o-write-error? (put-string (make-failing-port) "Hello World!")) (pass-if-condition "put-datum" i/o-write-error? (put-datum (make-failing-port) '(hello world!)))) (with-test-prefix "encoding error" (pass-if-condition "put-char" (encoding-error-predicate #\λ) (call-with-bytevector-output-port/transcoded (make-transcoder (latin-1-codec) (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode raise)) (lambda (port) (put-char port #\λ)))) (pass-if-condition "put-string" (encoding-error-predicate #\λ) (call-with-bytevector-output-port/transcoded (make-transcoder (latin-1-codec) (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode raise)) (lambda (port) (put-string port "FooλBar")))))) (with-test-prefix "8.3 Simple I/O" (with-test-prefix "read error" (pass-if-condition "read-char" i/o-read-error? (read-char (make-failing-port))) (pass-if-condition "peek-char" i/o-read-error? (peek-char (make-failing-port))) (pass-if-condition "read" i/o-read-error? (read (make-failing-port)))) (with-test-prefix "write error" (pass-if-condition "display" i/o-write-error? (display "Hi there!" (make-failing-port))) (pass-if-condition "write" i/o-write-error? (write '(hi there!) (make-failing-port))) (pass-if-condition "write-char" i/o-write-error? (write-char #\G (make-failing-port))) (pass-if-condition "newline" i/o-write-error? (newline (make-failing-port)))) (let ((filename (test-file))) ;; ensure the test file exists (call-with-output-file filename (lambda (port) (write "foo" port))) (pass-if "call-with-input-file [port is textual]" (call-with-input-file filename textual-port?)) (pass-if-condition "call-with-input-file [exception: not-found]" i/o-file-does-not-exist-error? (call-with-input-file ",this-is-highly-unlikely-to-exist!" values)) (pass-if-condition "call-with-output-file [exception: already-exists]" i/o-file-already-exists-error? (call-with-output-file filename values)) (delete-file filename))) ;; Used for a lot of the make-custom-input/output tests to stub out ;; the read/write section for whatever part we're ignoring (define dummy-write! (const 0)) (define dummy-read! (const 0)) (with-test-prefix "8.2.13 Input/output ports" (with-test-prefix "open-file-input/output-port [output]" (test-output-file-opener open-file-input/output-port (test-file))) (with-test-prefix "open-file-input/output-port [input]" (test-input-file-opener open-file-input/output-port (test-file))) ;; Custom binary input/output tests. Most of these are simple ;; ports of the custom-binary-input-port tests or custom-binary-ouput-port ;; tests, simply ported to use a custom-binary-input/output port. ;; The copy-pasta is strong here; a diet lighter in spaghetti may wish ;; to make the previous tests more reusable. (pass-if "make-custom-binary-input/output-port" (let* ((source (make-bytevector 7777)) (read! (let ((pos 0) (len (bytevector-length source))) (lambda (bv start count) (let ((amount (min count (- len pos)))) (if (> amount 0) (bytevector-copy! source pos bv start amount)) (set! pos (+ pos amount)) amount)))) (write! (lambda (x y z) 0)) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" read! write! #f #f #f))) (and (binary-port? port) (input-port? port) (output-port? port) (bytevector=? (get-bytevector-all port) source) (not (port-has-port-position? port)) (not (port-has-set-port-position!? port))))) (pass-if-equal "make-custom-binary-input/output-port uses ISO-8859-1 (Guile \ extension) [input]" "©©" (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (let* ((source #vu8(194 169 194 169)) (read! (let ((pos 0) (len (bytevector-length source))) (lambda (bv start count) (let ((amount (min count (- len pos)))) (if (> amount 0) (bytevector-copy! source pos bv start amount)) (set! pos (+ pos amount)) amount)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" read! dummy-write! #f #f #f))) (get-string-all port)))) (pass-if "custom binary input/output port does not support `port-position'" (let* ((str "Hello Port!") (source (open-bytevector-input-port (u8-list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list str))))) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" read! dummy-write! #f #f #f))) (not (or (port-has-port-position? port) (port-has-set-port-position!? port))))) (pass-if-exception "custom binary input/output port 'read!' returns too much" exception:out-of-range ;; In Guile <= 2.0.9 this would segfault. (let* ((read! (lambda (bv start count) (+ count 4242))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" read! dummy-write! #f #f #f))) (get-bytevector-all port))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input/output port supports `port-position', \ not `set-port-position!'" 42 (let ((port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" (const 0) dummy-write! (const 42) #f #f))) (and (port-has-port-position? port) (not (port-has-set-port-position!? port)) (port-position port)))) (pass-if "custom binary input/output port supports `port-position'" (let* ((str "Hello Port!") (source (open-bytevector-input-port (u8-list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list str))))) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (get-pos (lambda () (port-position source))) (set-pos! (lambda (pos) (set-port-position! source pos))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" read! dummy-write! get-pos set-pos! #f))) (and (port-has-port-position? port) (= 0 (port-position port)) (port-has-set-port-position!? port) (begin (set-port-position! port 6) (= 6 (port-position port))) (bytevector=? (get-bytevector-all port) (u8-list->bytevector (map char->integer (string->list "Port!"))))))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input/output port buffered partial reads" "Hello Port!" ;; Check what happens when READ! returns less than COUNT bytes. (let* ((src (string->utf8 "Hello Port!")) (chunks '(2 4 5)) ; provide 2 bytes, then 4, etc. (offset 0) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (match chunks ((count rest ...) (bytevector-copy! src offset bv start count) (set! chunks rest) (set! offset (+ offset count)) count) (() 0)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" read! dummy-write! #f #f #f))) (get-string-all port))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input/output port unbuffered & 'port-position'" '(0 2 5 11) ;; Check that the value returned by 'port-position' is correct, and ;; that each 'port-position' call leads one call to the ;; 'get-position' method. (let* ((str "Hello Port!") (output (make-bytevector (string-length str))) (source (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (open-string-input-port str))) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (pos '()) (get-pos (lambda () (let ((p (port-position source))) (set! pos (cons p pos)) p))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" read! dummy-write! get-pos #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'none) (and (= 0 (port-position port)) (begin (get-bytevector-n! port output 0 2) (= 2 (port-position port))) (begin (get-bytevector-n! port output 2 3) (= 5 (port-position port))) (let ((bv (string->utf8 (get-string-all port)))) (bytevector-copy! bv 0 output 5 (bytevector-length bv)) (= (string-length str) (port-position port))) (bytevector=? output (string->utf8 str)) (reverse pos)))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input/output port unbuffered & 'read!' calls" `((2 "He") (3 "llo") (42 " Port!")) (let* ((str "Hello Port!") (source (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (open-string-input-port str))) (reads '()) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (set! reads (cons count reads)) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" read! dummy-write! #f #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'none) (let ((ret (list (get-bytevector-n port 2) (get-bytevector-n port 3) (get-bytevector-n port 42)))) (zip (reverse reads) (map (lambda (obj) (if (bytevector? obj) (utf8->string obj) obj)) ret))))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input/output port unbuffered & 'get-string-all'" (make-string 1000 #\a) ;; In Guile 2.0.11 this test would lead to a buffer overrun followed ;; by an assertion failure. See . (let* ((input (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding #f)) (open-input-string (make-string 1000 #\a)))) (read! (lambda (bv index count) (let ((n (get-bytevector-n! input bv index count))) (if (eof-object? n) 0 n)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "foo" read! dummy-write! #f #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'none) (get-string-all port))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input/output port unbuffered UTF-8 & \ 'get-string-all'" (make-string 1000 #\λ) ;; In Guile 2.0.11 this test would lead to a buffer overrun followed ;; by an assertion failure. See . (let* ((input (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (open-input-string (make-string 1000 #\λ)))) (read! (lambda (bv index count) (let ((n (get-bytevector-n! input bv index count))) (if (eof-object? n) 0 n)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "foo" read! dummy-write! #f #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'none) (set-port-encoding! port "UTF-8") (get-string-all port))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input/output port, unbuffered then buffered" `((6 "Lorem ") (12 "ipsum dolor ") (777 "sit amet, consectetur…") (777 ,(eof-object))) (let* ((str "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur…") (source (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (open-string-input-port str))) (reads '()) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (set! reads (cons count reads)) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" read! dummy-write! #f #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'none) (let ((ret (list (get-bytevector-n port 6) (get-bytevector-n port 12) (begin (setvbuf port 'block 777) (get-bytevector-n port 42)) (get-bytevector-n port 42)))) (zip (reverse reads) (map (lambda (obj) (if (bytevector? obj) (utf8->string obj) obj)) ret))))) (pass-if-equal "custom binary input/output port, buffered then unbuffered" `((18 42 14 ; scm_c_read tries to fill the 42-byte buffer 42) ("Lorem " "ipsum dolor " "sit amet, consectetur bla…" ,(eof-object))) (let* ((str "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur bla…") (source (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (open-string-input-port str))) (reads '()) (read! (lambda (bv start count) (set! reads (cons count reads)) (let ((r (get-bytevector-n! source bv start count))) (if (eof-object? r) 0 r)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" read! dummy-write! #f #f #f))) (setvbuf port 'block 18) (let ((ret (list (get-bytevector-n port 6) (get-bytevector-n port 12) (begin (setvbuf port 'none) (get-bytevector-n port 42)) (get-bytevector-n port 42)))) (list (reverse reads) (map (lambda (obj) (if (bytevector? obj) (utf8->string obj) obj)) ret))))) (pass-if "custom binary input/output port `close-proc' is called" (let* ((closed? #f) (read! (lambda (bv start count) 0)) (get-pos (lambda () 0)) (set-pos! (lambda (pos) #f)) (close! (lambda () (set! closed? #t))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "the port" read! dummy-write! get-pos set-pos! close!))) (close-port port) (gc) ; Test for marking a closed port. closed?)) (pass-if "make-custom-binary-input/output-port [partial writes]" (let* ((source (uint-list->bytevector (iota 333) (native-endianness) 2)) (sink (make-bytevector (bytevector-length source))) (sink-pos 0) (eof? #f) (write! (lambda (bv start count) (if (= 0 count) (begin (set! eof? #t) 0) (let ((u8 (bytevector-u8-ref bv start))) ;; Get one byte at a time. (bytevector-u8-set! sink sink-pos u8) (set! sink-pos (+ 1 sink-pos)) 1)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "cbop" dummy-read! write! #f #f #f))) (put-bytevector port source) (force-output port) (and (= sink-pos (bytevector-length source)) (not eof?) (bytevector=? sink source)))) (pass-if "make-custom-binary-input/output-port [full writes]" (let* ((source (uint-list->bytevector (iota 333) (native-endianness) 2)) (sink (make-bytevector (bytevector-length source))) (sink-pos 0) (eof? #f) (write! (lambda (bv start count) (if (= 0 count) (begin (set! eof? #t) 0) (begin (bytevector-copy! bv start sink sink-pos count) (set! sink-pos (+ sink-pos count)) count)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "cbop" dummy-read! write! #f #f #f))) (put-bytevector port source) (force-output port) (and (= sink-pos (bytevector-length source)) (not eof?) (bytevector=? sink source)))) (pass-if-equal "custom-binary-output-port uses ISO-8859-1 (Guile extension)\ [output]" '(194 169 194 169) (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8")) (let* ((sink '()) (write! (lambda (bv start count) (if (= 0 count) ; EOF 0 (let ((u8 (bytevector-u8-ref bv start))) ;; Get one byte at a time. (set! sink (cons u8 sink)) 1)))) (port (make-custom-binary-input/output-port "cbop" dummy-read! write! #f #f #f))) (put-string port "©©") (force-output port) (reverse sink)))) ) (define exception:encoding-error '(encoding-error . "")) (define exception:decoding-error '(decoding-error . "")) (with-test-prefix "ascii string" (let ((s "Hello, World!")) ;; For ASCII, all of these encodings should be the same. (pass-if "to ascii bytevector" (equal? (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "ASCII")) #vu8(72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33))) (pass-if "to ascii bytevector (length check)" (equal? (string-length s) (bytevector-length (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "ascii"))))) (pass-if "from ascii bytevector" (equal? s (bytevector->string (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "ascii")) (make-transcoder "ascii")))) (pass-if "to utf-8 bytevector" (equal? (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "ASCII")) (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "utf-8")))) (pass-if "to UTF-8 bytevector (testing encoding case sensitivity)" (equal? (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "ascii")) (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "UTF-8")))) (pass-if "from utf-8 bytevector" (equal? s (bytevector->string (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "utf-8")) (make-transcoder "utf-8")))) (pass-if "to latin1 bytevector" (equal? (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "ASCII")) (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "latin1")))) (pass-if "from latin1 bytevector" (equal? s (bytevector->string (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "utf-8")) (make-transcoder "utf-8")))))) (with-test-prefix "narrow non-ascii string" (let ((s "été")) (pass-if "to latin1 bytevector" (equal? (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "latin1")) #vu8(233 116 233))) (pass-if "to latin1 bytevector (length check)" (equal? (string-length s) (bytevector-length (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "latin1"))))) (pass-if "from latin1 bytevector" (equal? s (bytevector->string (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "latin1")) (make-transcoder "latin1")))) (pass-if "to utf-8 bytevector" (equal? (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "utf-8")) #vu8(195 169 116 195 169))) (pass-if "from utf-8 bytevector" (equal? s (bytevector->string (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "utf-8")) (make-transcoder "utf-8")))) (pass-if-exception "encode latin1 as ascii" exception:encoding-error (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "ascii" (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode raise)))) (pass-if-exception "misparse latin1 as utf8" exception:decoding-error (bytevector->string (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "latin1")) (make-transcoder "utf-8" (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode raise)))) (pass-if "misparse latin1 as utf8 with substitutions" (equal? (bytevector->string (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "latin1")) (make-transcoder "utf-8" (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode replace))) "\uFFFDt\uFFFD")) (pass-if-exception "misparse latin1 as ascii" exception:decoding-error (bytevector->string (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "latin1")) (make-transcoder "ascii" (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode raise)))))) (with-test-prefix "wide non-ascii string" (let ((s "ΧΑΟΣ")) (pass-if "to utf-8 bytevector" (equal? (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "utf-8")) #vu8(206 167 206 145 206 159 206 163) )) (pass-if "from utf-8 bytevector" (equal? s (bytevector->string (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "utf-8")) (make-transcoder "utf-8")))) (pass-if-exception "encode as ascii" exception:encoding-error (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "ascii" (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode raise)))) (pass-if-exception "encode as latin1" exception:encoding-error (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "latin1" (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode raise)))) (pass-if "encode as ascii with substitutions" (equal? (make-string (string-length s) #\?) (bytevector->string (string->bytevector s (make-transcoder "ascii" (native-eol-style) (error-handling-mode replace))) (make-transcoder "ascii")))))) ;;; Local Variables: ;;; mode: scheme ;;; eval: (put 'guard 'scheme-indent-function 1) ;;; End: