;;;; srfi-18.test --- Test suite for Guile's SRFI-18 functions. -*- scheme -*- ;;;; Julian Graham, 2007-10-26 ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2012, 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA (define-module (test-suite test-srfi-18) #:use-module ((ice-9 threads) #:prefix threads:) #:use-module (test-suite lib)) ;; two expressions so that the srfi-18 import is in effect for expansion ;; of the rest (if (provided? 'threads) (use-modules (srfi srfi-18))) (cond ((provided? 'threads) (with-test-prefix "current-thread" (pass-if "current-thread eq current-thread" (eq? (current-thread) (current-thread)))) (with-test-prefix "thread?" (pass-if "current-thread is thread" (thread? (current-thread))) (pass-if "foo not thread" (not (thread? 'foo)))) (with-test-prefix "make-thread" (pass-if "make-thread creates new thread" (let* ((n (length (threads:all-threads))) (t (make-thread (lambda () 'foo) 'make-thread-1)) (r (> (length (threads:all-threads)) n))) (thread-terminate! t) r))) (with-test-prefix "thread-name" (pass-if "make-thread with name binds name" (let* ((t (make-thread (lambda () 'foo) 'thread-name-1)) (r (eq? (thread-name t) 'thread-name-1))) (thread-terminate! t) r)) (pass-if "make-thread without name does not bind name" (let* ((t (make-thread (lambda () 'foo))) (r (not (thread-name t)))) (thread-terminate! t) r))) (with-test-prefix "thread-specific" (pass-if "thread-specific is initially #f" (let* ((t (make-thread (lambda () 'foo) 'thread-specific-1)) (r (not (thread-specific t)))) (thread-terminate! t) r)) (pass-if "thread-specific-set! can set value" (let ((t (make-thread (lambda () 'foo) 'thread-specific-2))) (thread-specific-set! t "hello") (let ((r (equal? (thread-specific t) "hello"))) (thread-terminate! t) r)))) (with-test-prefix "thread-start!" (pass-if "thread activates only after start" (let* ((started #f) (m (make-mutex 'thread-start-mutex)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (set! started #t)) 'thread-start-1))) (and (not started) (thread-start! t) (thread-join! t) started)))) (with-test-prefix "thread-yield!" (pass-if "thread yield suceeds" (thread-yield!) #t)) (with-test-prefix "thread-sleep!" (pass-if "thread sleep with time" (let ((future-time (seconds->time (+ (time->seconds (current-time)) 2)))) (unspecified? (thread-sleep! future-time)))) (pass-if "thread sleep with number" (unspecified? (thread-sleep! 0))) (pass-if "thread sleeps fractions of a second" (let* ((current (time->seconds (current-time))) (future (+ current 0.5))) (thread-sleep! 0.5) (>= (time->seconds (current-time)) future))) (pass-if "thread does not sleep on past time" (let ((past-time (seconds->time (- (time->seconds (current-time)) 2)))) (unspecified? (thread-sleep! past-time))))) (with-test-prefix "thread-terminate!" (pass-if "termination destroys non-started thread" (let ((t (make-thread (lambda () 'nothing) 'thread-terminate-1)) (num-threads (length (threads:all-threads))) (success #f)) (thread-terminate! t) (with-exception-handler (lambda (obj) (set! success (terminated-thread-exception? obj))) (lambda () (thread-join! t))) success)) (pass-if "termination destroys started thread" (let* ((m1 (make-mutex 'thread-terminate-2a)) (m2 (make-mutex 'thread-terminate-2b)) (c (make-condition-variable 'thread-terminate-2)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m1) (condition-variable-signal! c) (mutex-unlock! m1) (mutex-lock! m2)) 'thread-terminate-2)) (success #f)) (mutex-lock! m1) (mutex-lock! m2) (thread-start! t) (mutex-unlock! m1 c) (thread-terminate! t) (with-exception-handler (lambda (obj) (set! success (terminated-thread-exception? obj))) (lambda () (thread-join! t))) success))) (with-test-prefix "thread-join!" (pass-if "join receives result of thread" (let ((t (make-thread (lambda () 'foo) 'thread-join-1))) (thread-start! t) (eq? (thread-join! t) 'foo))) (pass-if "join receives timeout val if timeout expires" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'thread-join-2)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m)) 'thread-join-2))) (mutex-lock! m) (thread-start! t) (let ((r (thread-join! t (current-time) 'bar))) (thread-terminate! t) (eq? r 'bar)))) (pass-if "join throws exception on timeout without timeout val" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'thread-join-3)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m)) 'thread-join-3)) (success #f)) (mutex-lock! m) (thread-start! t) (with-exception-handler (lambda (obj) (set! success (join-timeout-exception? obj))) (lambda () (thread-join! t (current-time)))) (thread-terminate! t) success)) (pass-if "join waits on timeout" (let ((t (make-thread (lambda () (sleep 1) 'foo) 'thread-join-4))) (thread-start! t) (eq? (thread-join! t (+ (time->seconds (current-time)) 2)) 'foo)))) (with-test-prefix "mutex?" (pass-if "make-mutex creates mutex" (mutex? (make-mutex))) (pass-if "symbol not mutex" (not (mutex? 'foo)))) (with-test-prefix "mutex-name" (pass-if "make-mutex with name binds name" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-name-1))) (eq? (mutex-name m) 'mutex-name-1))) (pass-if "make-mutex without name does not bind name" (let* ((m (make-mutex))) (not (mutex-name m))))) (with-test-prefix "mutex-specific" (pass-if "mutex-specific is initially #f" (let ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-specific-1))) (not (mutex-specific m)))) (pass-if "mutex-specific-set! can set value" (let ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-specific-2))) (mutex-specific-set! m "hello") (equal? (mutex-specific m) "hello")))) (with-test-prefix "mutex-state" (pass-if "mutex state is initially not-abandoned" (let ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-state-1))) (eq? (mutex-state m) 'not-abandoned))) (pass-if "mutex state of locked, owned mutex is owner thread" (let ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-state-2))) (mutex-lock! m) (eq? (mutex-state m) (current-thread)))) (pass-if "mutex state of locked, unowned mutex is not-owned" (let ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-state-3))) (mutex-lock! m #f #f) (eq? (mutex-state m) 'not-owned))) (pass-if "mutex state of unlocked, abandoned mutex is abandoned" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-state-4)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m))))) (thread-start! t) (thread-join! t) (eq? (mutex-state m) 'abandoned)))) (with-test-prefix "mutex-lock!" (pass-if "mutex-lock! returns true on successful lock" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-lock-1))) (mutex-lock! m))) (pass-if "mutex-lock! returns false on timeout" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-lock-2)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m 0 #f))))) (mutex-lock! m) (thread-start! t) (not (thread-join! t)))) (pass-if "mutex-lock! returns true when lock obtained within timeout" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-lock-3)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m 100 #f))))) (mutex-lock! m) (thread-start! t) (mutex-unlock! m) (thread-join! t))) (pass-if "can lock mutex for non-current thread" (let* ((m1 (make-mutex 'mutex-lock-4a)) (m2 (make-mutex 'mutex-lock-4b)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m1)) 'mutex-lock-4))) (mutex-lock! m1) (thread-start! t) (mutex-lock! m2 #f t) (let ((success (eq? (mutex-state m2) t))) (thread-terminate! t) success))) (pass-if "locking abandoned mutex throws exception" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-lock-5)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m)) 'mutex-lock-5)) (success #f)) (thread-start! t) (thread-join! t) (with-exception-handler (lambda (obj) (set! success (abandoned-mutex-exception? obj))) (lambda () (mutex-lock! m))) (and success (eq? (mutex-state m) (current-thread))))) (pass-if "sleeping threads notified of abandonment" (let* ((m1 (make-mutex 'mutex-lock-6a)) (m2 (make-mutex 'mutex-lock-6b)) (c (make-condition-variable 'mutex-lock-6)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m1) (mutex-lock! m2) (condition-variable-signal! c)))) (success #f)) (mutex-lock! m1) (thread-start! t) (with-exception-handler (lambda (obj) (set! success (abandoned-mutex-exception? obj))) (lambda () (mutex-unlock! m1 c) (mutex-lock! m2))) success))) (with-test-prefix "mutex-unlock!" (pass-if "unlock changes mutex state" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-unlock-1))) (mutex-lock! m) (mutex-unlock! m) (eq? (mutex-state m) 'not-abandoned))) (pass-if "can unlock from any thread" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-unlock-2)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-unlock! m)) 'mutex-unlock-2))) (mutex-lock! m) (thread-start! t) (thread-join! t) (eq? (mutex-state m) 'not-abandoned))) (pass-if "recursive lock waits" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-unlock-2)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m) (mutex-lock! m 0.1) (mutex-unlock! m)) 'mutex-unlock-2))) (thread-start! t) (thread-join! t) (eq? (mutex-state m) 'not-abandoned))) (pass-if "recursive lock unblocked by second thread" (let* ((m1 (make-mutex)) (m2 (make-mutex)) (c (make-condition-variable))) (mutex-lock! m1) (let ((t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m1) (mutex-lock! m2) (condition-variable-signal! c) (mutex-unlock! m1) (mutex-lock! m2) (mutex-unlock! m2))))) (thread-start! t) (mutex-unlock! m1 c) ;; At this point the thread signalled that it has both m1 and ;; m2, and it will go to try to lock m2 again. We wait for it ;; to block trying to acquire m2 by sleeping a little bit and ;; then unblock it by unlocking m2 from here. (usleep #e1e5) (mutex-unlock! m2) (thread-join! t) (eq? (mutex-state m2) 'not-abandoned)))) (pass-if "mutex unlock is true when condition is signalled" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-unlock-3)) (c (make-condition-variable 'mutex-unlock-3)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m) (condition-variable-signal! c) (mutex-unlock! m))))) (mutex-lock! m) (thread-start! t) (mutex-unlock! m c))) (pass-if "mutex unlock is false when condition times out" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'mutex-unlock-4)) (c (make-condition-variable 'mutex-unlock-4))) (mutex-lock! m) (not (mutex-unlock! m c 1))))) (with-test-prefix "condition-variable?" (pass-if "make-condition-variable creates condition variable" (condition-variable? (make-condition-variable))) (pass-if "symbol not condition variable" (not (condition-variable? 'foo)))) (with-test-prefix "condition-variable-name" (pass-if "make-condition-variable with name binds name" (let* ((c (make-condition-variable 'condition-variable-name-1))) (eq? (condition-variable-name c) 'condition-variable-name-1))) (pass-if "make-condition-variable without name does not bind name" (let* ((c (make-condition-variable))) (not (condition-variable-name c))))) (with-test-prefix "condition-variable-specific" (pass-if "condition-variable-specific is initially #f" (let ((c (make-condition-variable 'condition-variable-specific-1))) (not (condition-variable-specific c)))) (pass-if "condition-variable-specific-set! can set value" (let ((c (make-condition-variable 'condition-variable-specific-1))) (condition-variable-specific-set! c "hello") (equal? (condition-variable-specific c) "hello")))) (with-test-prefix "condition-variable-signal!" (pass-if "condition-variable-signal! wakes up single thread" (let* ((m (make-mutex 'condition-variable-signal-1)) (c (make-condition-variable 'condition-variable-signal-1)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m) (condition-variable-signal! c) (mutex-unlock! m))))) (mutex-lock! m) (thread-start! t) (mutex-unlock! m c)))) (with-test-prefix "condition-variable-broadcast!" (pass-if "condition-variable-broadcast! wakes up multiple threads" (let* ((sem 0) (c1 (make-condition-variable 'condition-variable-broadcast-1-a)) (m1 (make-mutex 'condition-variable-broadcast-1-a)) (c2 (make-condition-variable 'condition-variable-broadcast-1-b)) (m2 (make-mutex 'condition-variable-broadcast-1-b)) (inc-sem! (lambda () (mutex-lock! m1) (set! sem (+ sem 1)) (condition-variable-broadcast! c1) (mutex-unlock! m1))) (dec-sem! (lambda () (mutex-lock! m1) (while (eqv? sem 0) (mutex-unlock! m1 c1) (mutex-lock! m1)) (set! sem (- sem 1)) (mutex-unlock! m1))) (t1 (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m2) (inc-sem!) (mutex-unlock! m2 c2) (inc-sem!)))) (t2 (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-lock! m2) (inc-sem!) (mutex-unlock! m2 c2) (inc-sem!))))) (thread-start! t1) (thread-start! t2) (dec-sem!) (dec-sem!) (mutex-lock! m2) (condition-variable-broadcast! c2) (mutex-unlock! m2) (dec-sem!) (dec-sem!)))) (with-test-prefix "time?" (pass-if "current-time is time" (time? (current-time))) (pass-if "number is not time" (not (time? 123))) (pass-if "symbol not time" (not (time? 'foo)))) (with-test-prefix "time->seconds" (pass-if "time->seconds makes time into rational" (rational? (time->seconds (current-time)))) (pass-if "time->seconds is reversible" (let ((t (current-time))) (equal? t (seconds->time (time->seconds t)))))) (with-test-prefix "seconds->time" (pass-if "seconds->time makes rational into time" (time? (seconds->time 123.456))) (pass-if "seconds->time is reversible" (let ((t (time->seconds (current-time)))) (equal? t (time->seconds (seconds->time t)))))) (with-test-prefix "current-exception-handler" (pass-if "current handler returned at top level" (procedure? (current-exception-handler))) (pass-if-equal "specified handler set under with-exception-handler" 'nothing (let ((h (lambda (exn) 'nothing))) (with-exception-handler h (lambda () ((current-exception-handler) #f))))) (pass-if-equal "multiple levels of handler nesting" 42 (with-exception-handler (lambda (exn) (+ exn 20)) (lambda () (with-exception-handler (lambda (exn) (raise (+ exn 12))) (lambda () (raise 10)))))) (pass-if "exception handler installation is thread-safe" (let* ((h2 (lambda (exn) 'nothing-2)) (m (make-mutex 'current-exception-handler-4)) (c (make-condition-variable 'current-exception-handler-4)) (t (make-thread (lambda () (with-exception-handler h2 (lambda () (mutex-lock! m) (condition-variable-signal! c) (mutex-unlock! m c) (mutex-lock! m) (and (eq? (raise #f) 'nothing-2) (mutex-unlock! m))))) 'current-exception-handler-4))) (mutex-lock! m) (thread-start! t) (mutex-unlock! m c) (mutex-lock! m) (and (condition-variable-signal! c) (mutex-unlock! m) (thread-join! t))))) (with-test-prefix "uncaught-exception-reason" (pass-if "initial handler captures top level exception" (let ((t (make-thread (lambda () (raise 'foo)))) (success #f)) (thread-start! t) (with-exception-handler (lambda (obj) (and (uncaught-exception? obj) (eq? (uncaught-exception-reason obj) 'foo) (set! success #t))) (lambda () (thread-join! t))) success)) (pass-if "initial handler captures non-SRFI-18 throw" (let ((t (make-thread (lambda () (throw 'foo)))) (success #f)) (thread-start! t) (with-exception-handler (lambda (obj) (and (uncaught-exception? obj) (equal? (exception-kind (uncaught-exception-reason obj)) 'foo) (equal? (exception-args (uncaught-exception-reason obj)) '()) (set! success #t))) (lambda () (thread-join! t))) success)))))