diff options
authorOndrej Holy <>2015-11-20 09:02:45 +0100
committerOndrej Holy <>2015-11-20 16:23:36 +0100
commit054b2b691855428c32d6e40ff090c1a741dfafff (patch)
parent5fa7c1ef3e41100f43c7ce9dac72d3e62cb81ea4 (diff)
Remove some obsoleted txt files
Those obsolete files are covered by up to date online docs:
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index 523051b9..00000000
--- a/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Implement the rest of the mountable GDaemonFile ops:
- unmount_mountable
- eject_mountable
-implement readahead in GVFSReadStream, time difference
-implement seek & truncate
-implement get_file_info for GFileInputStreamDaemon, needs marshalling attributes over custom protocol
-finish implementing copy progress callbacks
-implement stuff in GDaemonVolume / GDaemonVolumeMonitor
-convert GDaemonFiles to fuse paths on request
-detect fuse paths and reverse map back to GDaemonFile
-remove owners from bus_name_map when they fail
-smb support for smbc_getxattr!
-smb - handle server going down
-add trash:/// support
-decide exactly how to handle not-mounted errors and make sure its consistent.
-mount daemons should re-register when new owner for vfs daemon.
-Make built-in uri parsers link into gvfs shared lib instead of using a module
- (smb is a shared lib atm to make sure that works)
-Implement GFileCreateFlags in backends as possible
diff --git a/dbus.txt b/dbus.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c9925b11..00000000
--- a/dbus.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-All info for mapping uri -> dbus name + remainder path is stored in config files read by the client at startup.
-Each "mountpoint" in a mountpoint daemon owns a name like "org.gtk.vfs.mount.smb.$server.$share".
-It also instantiates a Mountpoint interface at /org/gtk/vfs/mount/smb/$server/$share which
-listens to operations.
-Each daemon that contains at least one mountpoint also registers a org.gtk.vfs.Daemon interface
-at /org/gtk/vfs/Daemon which supports operations like GetConnection and CancelOp.
-Clients use GetNameOwner to map uri -> mountpoint name -> owner of name -> GetConnection call so that
-it can handle multiple mountpoints in each daemon. This can be cached, and NameOwnerChanged can be used
-to invalidate the cache.
-How we map URIs
-Mapping functions needed:
-uri to mount + path
-mount + path to uri
-root parent
-Mapping %m://%u@%h:%p/%f
-smb://user@/ <-> smb-root.u_user
-smb:/// <-> smb-root; path = /
-smb:///foo <-> smb-root; path = /foo, type == link
-smb://foo/ <-> smb-browse; path = /foo
-smb://foo/server -> smb-browse; path = /foo/server, type == link
-smb://user@foo/ <-> smb-browse.u_user; path = /foo
-smb://user@foo:21/ <-> smb-browse.u_user.p_21; path = /foo
-smb://domain;user@foo:21/ <-> smb-browse.d_domain.u_user.p_21; path = /foo
-smb:///foo/share/blah <-> smb-share.h_foo.s_share, path = /blah
-m_smb-browse.u_%u path includes hostname
-m_http(s), username+path+port in path
-authentication (no mount)
-m_dav.h_%h.p_%p.u_%u.f_%f (f== path prefix)
-Find it by using ListNames
-Find it by using ListNames
-HowTo handle:
-uri query part
-filename encoding - paths are raw, get utf8 via get_display_name op. (What about IRIs? Try to do utf8 paths if possible?)
-automounting? - http?
diff --git a/txt/gvfs_dbus.txt b/txt/gvfs_dbus.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 86ac19ac..00000000
--- a/txt/gvfs_dbus.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-how to chain to simple stuff
-how to parse uris (i.e. map to mounts)
-what connections do we have:
-shared dbus connection
-connection to main daemom
-connection to each mount daemon
-"fast ops" (uri->gfile) vs blocking ops (read, open etc) and how to avoid slow blocking fast
-each thread has, on demand:
-connection to main daemon
-connection to some mount daemons
-global state:
-cache of previously used mountpoints
-how to mount
-how to store/restore permanent mounts with the session => store as drives (mountpoints), not volumes!
-Don't always want to log in to all mounts on login? (mounpoints!)
-computer:// handled in main daemon?
-No volume monitor in public API, only computer:// ?
-* mounted (desktop/computer:, trash dir)
-* unmounted/pre_unmount (desktop/computer:, close windows on unmounted volumes, trash dir)
-* map path to volume (close windows on unmounted volumes, check for readonly mount, get volume name)
-* get all drives/volumes (detecting where to show eject, mount, unmount menu items,
- tree view, places sidebar, display volume icon in pathbar)
-* eject/unmount ops
-* needs eject
-unmounted URI => return a mountpoint object?
-GMountOperation, async mount operation object
-signals => passwd, question, keyring?
-GFile mountpoint => GMountOperation
-What process calls gnome-keyring?
-GFile creation => decompose URI, no i/o
-on i/o:
- * figure out mountpoint (for now, always toplevel uri location)
- * if we have a local dbus connection to that, use it, otherwise:
- + create (if needed) local session dbus connection
- + ask for mount daemon for new session
- - If not existing, error on i/o, return mountpoint type on get_info
- + set up new local connection with the mount daemon
- * send dbus message
- * recieve answer, if has magic flag, followed by fd sendmsg() (created by socketpair())
diff --git a/txt/ops.txt b/txt/ops.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c1f04c34..00000000
--- a/txt/ops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-type: File, Folder, Symlink, Shortcut, Mountable, special (fifo, socket, chardec, blockdev)
-flags: hidden,
-GFileInfo {
- type get_type()
- char *get_name()
- char *get_display_name()
- char *get_icon() /* string? what about win32, remote icons etc */
- gint64 get_file_size()
- char *get_mime_type()
- char *get_link_target()
- can_read()/write()/delete()/rename()/maybe: move()/copy()
- flags get_flags()
- time_t get_modification_time()
- gboolean get_unix_stat ()
- char *get_attribute()
- char **get_attributes(char *namespace)
- char **get_all_attributes() /* form namespace:attrname -> string */
-GFSInfo {
- char *get_fs_type()
- gint64 get_free_space()
- gint64 get_total_space()
- char * get_hal_uid()
- can_unmount()
- can_eject()
- must_eject()
-GFile *g_file_for_path (char *path)
-GFile *g_file_for_uri (char *uri)
-GFile *g_file_parse_display_name (char *display_name)
-GFile {
- char *get_path()
- is_native() => is_file:///
- char *get_uri ();
- char *get_absolute_display_name ()
- set_keep_open(boolean keep_open)
- GFile *get_parent ()
- GFile *get_child (char *name)
- GFileEnumerator *enumerate_children(flags, attributes... "*", "vfs:*;dav:*;foo:bar")
- GFileInfo *get_info (flags, attributes...)
- void reload()
- GInputStream *read()
- GOutputStream *append_to() /* optional (not on webdav) */
- GOutputStream *create()
- GSaveStream *replace(mtime, backup_name, )
-/* permissions are all set minus umask, except replace which
- saves old permissions */
-/* ?? */
- GFile *resolve_symlink(char *symlink_target);
-/* output ops */
- write/save
- rename
- move
- copy
- delete
- mkdir
- rmkdir
- display name -> filename (for new files)
- set attrs
- /* other ops: */
- monitor(flags) + signals
- mount/unmount
- list volumes
- Maybe:
- GFile *new_from_uri(path, flags) (file:/// uris)
- URIs == raw filename (no encoding), all escaped
- We generate display absolute paths as filenames if possible, otherwise
- as IRIs. This means we can display nice URIs for native utf8 backends
- and filenames. However, URIs for non-utf8 shares will look bad. If we know
- the encoding we can still get nice non-absolut display names though.
- In client we store names as mountpoint + non-escaped no-encoding string.
- Non-uri display name handling done in daemon
-GStatable iface for fstat() support
-GSaveStream, with get_final_file_info()
-open for writing:
-append vs truncate
-fail on existing or replace
-mtime match
-mtime return
-backup (suffix+prefix)
-create filename from display name
-unique name
-keep inode or be atomic?
-write_append() /* optional (not on webdav) */
-ftp supports:
- overwrite
- append
- generate unique name
-http+webdav supports:
- overwrite
- append in recent versions
- get mtime, length, mimetype, atime on read open
-async thread work:
-function to run in thread
-data to pass to thread
-cancel identifier
-pass in cancel func + data
-way for function to communicate with mainloop (of specific context)
-does mainloop notifiers block on ack?