#include #include #include #include "gvfsimpldaemon.h" #include "gvfsuriutils.h" #include "gfiledaemon.h" #include "gfiledaemonlocal.h" #include #include #include "gvfsdaemondbus.h" #include "gdbusutils.h" #include "gmountspec.h" static void g_vfs_impl_daemon_class_init (GVfsImplDaemonClass *class); static void g_vfs_impl_daemon_vfs_iface_init (GVfsIface *iface); static void g_vfs_impl_daemon_finalize (GObject *object); struct _GVfsImplDaemon { GObject parent; DBusConnection *bus; GVfs *wrapped_vfs; GList *mount_cache; }; static GVfsImplDaemon *the_vfs = NULL; G_LOCK_DEFINE_STATIC(mount_cache); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GVfsImplDaemon, g_vfs_impl_daemon, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_VFS, g_vfs_impl_daemon_vfs_iface_init)) static void g_vfs_impl_daemon_class_init (GVfsImplDaemonClass *class) { GObjectClass *object_class; object_class = (GObjectClass *) class; object_class->finalize = g_vfs_impl_daemon_finalize; } static void g_vfs_impl_daemon_finalize (GObject *object) { /* must chain up */ G_OBJECT_CLASS (g_vfs_impl_daemon_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void get_mountspec_from_uri (GDecodedUri *uri, GMountSpec **spec_out, char **path_out) { GMountSpec *spec; char *path, *tmp; const char *p; const char *share, *share_end; /* TODO: Share MountSpec objects between files (its refcounted) */ /* TODO: Make less hardcoded */ spec = NULL; if (strcmp (uri->scheme, "test") == 0) { spec = g_mount_spec_new ("test"); path = g_strdup (uri->path); } else if (strcmp (uri->scheme, "smb") == 0) { if (uri->host == NULL || strlen (uri->host) == 0) { /* uri form: smb:/// or smb:///$path */ spec = g_mount_spec_new ("smb-network"); if (uri->path == NULL || *uri->path == 0) path = g_strdup ("/"); else path = g_strdup (uri->path); } else { /* host set */ p = uri->path; while (p && *p == '/') p++; if (p == NULL || *p == 0) { /* uri form: smb://$host/ */ spec = g_mount_spec_new ("smb-server"); tmp = g_ascii_strdown (uri->host, -1); g_mount_spec_set (spec, "server", tmp); g_free (tmp); path = g_strdup ("/"); } else { share = p; share_end = strchr (share, '/'); if (share_end == NULL) share_end = share + strlen (share); p = share_end; while (*p == '/') p++; if (*p == 0) { /* uri form: smb://$host/$share/ * Here we special case smb-server files by adding "##" to the names in the uri */ if (share[0] == '#' && share[1] == '#') { spec = g_mount_spec_new ("smb-server"); tmp = g_ascii_strdown (uri->host, -1); g_mount_spec_set (spec, "server", tmp); g_free (tmp); tmp = g_strndup (share+2, share_end - share); path = g_strconcat ("/", tmp, NULL); g_free (tmp); } else { spec = g_mount_spec_new ("smb-share"); tmp = g_ascii_strdown (uri->host, -1); g_mount_spec_set (spec, "server", tmp); g_free (tmp); g_mount_spec_set_with_len (spec, "share", share, share_end - share); path = g_strdup ("/"); } } else { spec = g_mount_spec_new ("smb-share"); tmp = g_ascii_strdown (uri->host, -1); g_mount_spec_set (spec, "server", tmp); g_free (tmp); g_mount_spec_set_with_len (spec, "share", share, share_end - share); path = g_strconcat ("/", p, NULL); } } } if (uri->userinfo) { const char *user = uri->userinfo; p = strchr (uri->userinfo, ';'); if (p) { if (p != user) g_mount_spec_set_with_len (spec, "domain", user, p - user); user = p + 1; } if (*user != 0) g_mount_spec_set (spec, "user", user); } } if (spec == NULL) { tmp = g_strdup_printf ("unknown-%s", uri->scheme); spec = g_mount_spec_new (tmp); g_free (tmp); path = g_strdup (uri->path); } *spec_out = spec; *path_out = path; } static void g_vfs_impl_daemon_init (GVfsImplDaemon *vfs) { g_assert (the_vfs == NULL); the_vfs = vfs; vfs->wrapped_vfs = g_vfs_local_new (); if (g_thread_supported ()) dbus_threads_init_default (); vfs->bus = dbus_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, NULL); if (vfs->bus) _g_dbus_connection_integrate_with_main (vfs->bus); } GVfsImplDaemon * g_vfs_impl_daemon_new (void) { return g_object_new (G_TYPE_VFS_IMPL_DAEMON, NULL); } static GFile * g_vfs_impl_daemon_get_file_for_path (GVfs *vfs, const char *path) { GFile *file; /* TODO: detect fuse paths and convert to daemon vfs GFiles */ file = g_vfs_get_file_for_path (G_VFS_IMPL_DAEMON (vfs)->wrapped_vfs, path); return g_file_daemon_local_new (file); } static GFile * g_vfs_impl_daemon_get_file_for_uri (GVfs *vfs, const char *uri) { GVfsImplDaemon *daemon_vfs; GFile *file, *wrapped; GDecodedUri *decoded; GMountSpec *spec; char *path; daemon_vfs = G_VFS_IMPL_DAEMON (vfs); decoded = _g_decode_uri (uri); if (decoded == NULL) return NULL; if (strcmp (decoded->scheme, "file") == 0) { wrapped = g_vfs_impl_daemon_get_file_for_path (vfs, decoded->path); file = g_file_daemon_local_new (wrapped); } else { get_mountspec_from_uri (decoded, &spec, &path); file = g_file_daemon_new (spec, path); g_mount_spec_unref (spec); g_free (path); } _g_decoded_uri_free (decoded); return file; } static GMountInfo * mount_info_ref (GMountInfo *info) { g_atomic_int_inc (&info->ref_count); return info; } void _g_mount_info_unref (GMountInfo *info) { if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&info->ref_count)) { g_free (info->dbus_id); g_free (info->object_path); g_mount_spec_unref (info->spec); g_free (info); } } const char * _g_mount_info_resolve_path (GMountInfo *info, const char *path) { const char *new_path; if (info->spec->mount_prefix != NULL && info->spec->mount_prefix[0] != 0) new_path = path + strlen (info->spec->mount_prefix); else new_path = path; if (new_path == NULL || new_path[0] == 0) new_path = "/"; return new_path; } static GMountInfo * lookup_mount_info_in_cache_locked (GMountSpec *spec, const char *path) { GMountInfo *info; GList *l; info = NULL; for (l = the_vfs->mount_cache; l != NULL; l = l->next) { GMountInfo *mount_info = l->data; if (g_mount_spec_match_with_path (mount_info->spec, spec, path)) { info = mount_info_ref (mount_info); break; } } return info; } static GMountInfo * lookup_mount_info_in_cache (GMountSpec *spec, const char *path) { GMountInfo *info; G_LOCK (mount_cache); info = lookup_mount_info_in_cache_locked (spec, path); G_UNLOCK (mount_cache); return info; } static GMountInfo * handler_lookup_mount_reply (DBusMessage *reply, GError **error) { DBusError derror; GMountInfo *info; DBusMessageIter iter; const char *display_name, *icon, *obj_path, *dbus_id; GMountSpec *mount_spec; GList *l; if (_g_error_from_message (reply, error)) return NULL; dbus_error_init (&derror); dbus_message_iter_init (reply, &iter); if (!_g_dbus_message_iter_get_args (&iter, &derror, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &display_name, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &icon, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &dbus_id, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &obj_path, 0)) { _g_error_from_dbus (&derror, error); dbus_error_free (&derror); return NULL; } mount_spec = g_mount_spec_from_dbus (&iter); if (mount_spec == NULL) { g_set_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_IO, "Error while getting mount info: %s", "Invalid reply"); return NULL; } G_LOCK (mount_cache); info = NULL; /* Already in cache from other thread? */ for (l = the_vfs->mount_cache; l != NULL; l = l->next) { GMountInfo *mount_info = l->data; if (strcmp (mount_info->dbus_id, dbus_id) == 0 && strcmp (mount_info->object_path, obj_path) == 0) { info = mount_info; break; } } /* No, lets add it to the cache */ if (info == NULL) { info = g_new0 (GMountInfo, 1); info->ref_count = 1; info->dbus_id = g_strdup (dbus_id); info->object_path = g_strdup (obj_path); info->spec = g_mount_spec_ref (mount_spec); the_vfs->mount_cache = g_list_prepend (the_vfs->mount_cache, info); } mount_info_ref (info); G_UNLOCK (mount_cache); g_mount_spec_unref (mount_spec); return info; } typedef struct { GMountInfoLookupCallback callback; gpointer user_data; } GetMountInfoData; static void async_get_mount_info_response (DBusMessage *reply, GError *io_error, void *_data) { GetMountInfoData *data = _data; GMountInfo *info; GError *error; if (reply == NULL) data->callback (NULL, data->user_data, io_error); else { error = NULL; info = handler_lookup_mount_reply (reply, &error); data->callback (info, data->user_data, error); if (info) _g_mount_info_unref (info); if (error) g_error_free (error); } g_free (data); } void _g_vfs_impl_daemon_get_mount_info_async (GMountSpec *spec, const char *path, GMountInfoLookupCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GMountInfo *info; GetMountInfoData *data; DBusMessage *message; DBusMessageIter iter; info = lookup_mount_info_in_cache (spec, path); if (info != NULL) { callback (info, user_data, NULL); _g_mount_info_unref (info); return; } message = dbus_message_new_method_call (G_VFS_DBUS_DAEMON_NAME, G_VFS_DBUS_MOUNTTRACKER_PATH, G_VFS_DBUS_MOUNTTRACKER_INTERFACE, G_VFS_DBUS_MOUNTTRACKER_OP_LOOKUP_MOUNT); dbus_message_set_auto_start (message, TRUE); dbus_message_iter_init_append (message, &iter); g_mount_spec_to_dbus_with_path (&iter, spec, path); data = g_new0 (GetMountInfoData, 1); data->callback = callback; data->user_data = user_data; _g_dbus_connection_call_async (the_vfs->bus, message, 2000, async_get_mount_info_response, data); dbus_message_unref (message); } GMountInfo * _g_vfs_impl_daemon_get_mount_info_sync (GMountSpec *spec, const char *path, GError **error) { GMountInfo *info; DBusConnection *conn; DBusMessage *message, *reply; DBusMessageIter iter; DBusError derror; info = lookup_mount_info_in_cache (spec, path); if (info != NULL) return info; conn = _g_dbus_connection_get_sync (NULL, error); if (conn == NULL) return NULL; message = dbus_message_new_method_call (G_VFS_DBUS_DAEMON_NAME, G_VFS_DBUS_MOUNTTRACKER_PATH, G_VFS_DBUS_MOUNTTRACKER_INTERFACE, G_VFS_DBUS_MOUNTTRACKER_OP_LOOKUP_MOUNT); dbus_message_set_auto_start (message, TRUE); dbus_message_iter_init_append (message, &iter); g_mount_spec_to_dbus_with_path (&iter, spec, path); dbus_error_init (&derror); reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block (conn, message, -1, &derror); dbus_message_unref (message); if (!reply) { g_set_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_IO, "Error while getting mount info: %s", derror.message); dbus_error_free (&derror); return NULL; } info = handler_lookup_mount_reply (reply, error); dbus_message_unref (reply); return info; } static GFile * g_vfs_impl_daemon_parse_name (GVfs *vfs, const char *parse_name) { GFile *file; char *path; if (g_path_is_absolute (parse_name)) { path = g_filename_from_utf8 (parse_name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); file = g_vfs_impl_daemon_get_file_for_path (vfs, path); g_free (path); } else { file = g_vfs_impl_daemon_get_file_for_uri (vfs, parse_name); } return file; } static void g_vfs_impl_daemon_vfs_iface_init (GVfsIface *iface) { iface->get_file_for_path = g_vfs_impl_daemon_get_file_for_path; iface->get_file_for_uri = g_vfs_impl_daemon_get_file_for_uri; iface->parse_name = g_vfs_impl_daemon_parse_name; } /* Module API */ GVfs * create_vfs (void); GVfs * create_vfs (void) { return G_VFS (g_vfs_impl_daemon_new ()); }