gvfs-mount gvfs Developer Alexander Larsson alexl@redhat.com gvfs-mount 1 User Commands gvfs-mount Mounts the locations gvfs-mount OPTION LOCATION gvfs-mount --unmount-scheme=SCHEME gvfs-mount --list OPTION gvfs-mount --monitor OPTION Description gvfs-mount provides commandline access to various aspects of GIOs mounting functionality. Mounting refers to the traditional concept of arranging multiple file systems and devices in a single tree, rooted at /. Classical mounting happens in the kernel and is controlled by the mount utility. GIO expands this concept by introducing mount daemons that can make file systems available to GIO applications without kernel involvement. Options The following options are understood: , Prints a short help text and exits. Shows the version number and exits. , Mount as a mountable. , Mount the volume with the given device file. , Unmount the locations. , Eject the locations. , Unmount all mounts with the given scheme. , Ignore outstanding file operations when unmounting or ejecting. , Use an anonymous user when authenticating , List all known mounts. , Monitor mount and unmount events. , Show extra information for --list and --monitor. Exit status On success 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise. See Also ls1, gvfs-info1