Subject: Plans for gnome-vfs replacement Recently there has been a lot of discussions about the platform and the correct stacking order and quality of the modules. Gnome-vfs is a clear problem in this discussion. Having spent the last 4 years as the gnome-vfs maintainer, and even longer as the primary gnome-vfs user (in Nautilus) I'm well aware of the problems it has. I think that we've reached a point where the problems in the gnome-vfs architecture and its position in the stack are now ranking as one of the most problematic aspects of the gnome platform, especially considering the enhancements and quality improvements seen in other parts of the platform. So, I think the time has come for a serious look at what gnome-vfs could be. I've spent much time last week thinking about the weaknesses and problems of the current gnome-vfs and possibilities inherent in a redesign, both having learnt from 7 years of gnome-vfs existance and the improvements in the platform (both Gnome and surrounding technologies) since 1999 when it was designed. As soon as you spend some time looking at this problem is evident that to solve the platform ordering issues we really need a clean cut from the current gnome-vfs. I think the ideal level for a VFS would be in glib, in a separate library similar to gthread or gobject. That way gtk+ would be able to integrate with it and all gnome apps would have access to it, but it wouldn't affect small apps that just wants to use the glib core. Furthermore, not being libglib lets us use GObjects in the vfs, which means we can make a more modern API. Of course, this places quite some limitations on the vfs, especially in terms of dependencies and how integration with a UI should work. Any thoughs on the design of a vfs to replace gnome-vfs must be based on a solid understanding of the problems with the current system, to avoid redoing old mistakes and to make sure that we solve all the known problems of the current system. So, I'm gonna start by describing what I see as the main architectural and "hard" problems in gnome-vfs. The first, and most often discussed problem is of course compatibility. The various desktops use different vfs implementations, so they can't read each others files. Many applications use no VFS at all and have no way to access files on vfs shares. And the existence of multiple vfs implementations makes it unlikely that they will start using one. Gnome-vfs has no concept of Display Names, something which is very useful in a gui based system. In some places we auto-generate virtual desktop files to get this feature, but that is very hackish and need support in all apps to understand them. This is also quite closely related to handling filename charset encoding, another very weak point in gnome-vfs. The ideal way to reference a file is the actual real identifer on disk, database, remote share or what have you, as that can be passed between implementations, used with other access methods, etc. But to display something useful to the user you really need a user understandable utf-8 encoded string and a way to map that to/from the filename. There is no support for icons at the level of gnome-vfs. This means that all users above the vfs must implement it themselves (e.g. in nautilus and in the file selector). Each implementation have its own bugs, maintainance load and risk for different behaviour. It also means that vfs backends cannot supply their own icons, something which might be very useful for e.g. a network share based on some new fancy web service. The abstraction that gnome-vfs use is very similar to the posix model, which is problematic in several ways. The posix model matches poorly with the sort of highlevel operations that gnome applications wants to do with the vfs. The vfs is not typically used for what I would call "implementation files", which are things like configuration files, data files shipped with apps, system files, etc, but rather for what I'd like to call "user document files". These are the kind of files you open, save, or download from the internet to look at. Applications that use these would like highlevel operations that match the kind of operations you use on them, like read-entire-file, save-file, copy-file, etc. The posix model is also a bad match when implementing gnome-vfs modules. It requires some features from the implementation that can be difficult or impossible to implement. For example, its not really possible to support seeking when writing to a file on a webdav share, because a webdav put operation is essentially just streaming a copy of the new file contents. We currently work around this by locally caching all the file data being written and then sending it all in the close() call. This is clearly suboptimal for a lot of reasons, like applications not expecting close() to take a long time, and not checking its error conditions very closely. Another problem is that the posix model doesn't contain explicit operations for some of the things applications need to do. So instead applications rely on well known knowledge of the behaviour of posix to implement these operations. However, such behaviour might not be guaranteed on some gnome-vfs backends. A common example is the atomic save operation. A typical way to implement this on posix is to write to a temporary file in the same directory, and then rename over the target file, thus guaranteeing an atomic replacement of the file on disk, or a failure that didn't affect the original file. Of course, if a gnome-vfs application would use this and the backend was a webdav share to a subversion repository you would get some really weird versioning history in the repository for no good reason. If the backend had its own implementation of the save operation we could get both optimal behaviour on each backend, and an application API that doesn't require arcane knowledge of the atomicity of renames. One of the most problematic aspects of gnome-vfs is its authentication framework. The way it works is that you register callbacks to handle the authentication dialog, and whenever any operation needs to do authentication these callbacks will be called. The idea is that a console application would register a set of callbacks that print prompts on the console, and a Gtk+ application would have a set of callbacks that displays dialogs. There is a set of standard dialog based callbacks in libgnomeui that you can install by calling gnome_authentication_manager_init(). From an initial look this seems like a reasonable approach, but it turns out that this creates a host of different problems. One problem is how you connect this to the application. A lot of people are unaware that you have to call gnome_auth_manager_init() to get authentication dialogs, or don't want to depend on libgnomeui to do so. So a lot of applications don't work with authentication. Those who do call it generally have pretty poor integration with the authentication dialogs. For instance, the general authentication dialogs can't be marked as parents of whatever dialog caused the authentication (because they have know whay of knowing what caused it), and all sorts of problems appear when there is a modal dialog displayed already. Another problem is the combination of blocking gnome-vfs calls and authentication. When calling a blocking operation like read() and it results in a password dialog we have to start up a recursive mainloop to display it. Not only is this unexpected for the application, it also brings with it all the type of reentrancy issues that we had in bonobo. Even worse, there is no way to make this threadsafe. To make it threadsafe the callback would have to take the gdk lock before doing any Gtk+ calls, but this would cause a deadlock if the application called it with the gdk lock held. If we don't take the gdk lock then you can't do blocking vfs calls on any thread but the mainloop, or you have to take the gdk lock on any gnome-vfs call. The authentication callbacks can appear at *any* gnome-vfs entry point, which makes it very hard to write gnome-vfs applications that don't accidentally trigger a lot of authentication dialogs. For instance, the tree sidebar in nautilus has to take particular care not to stat or otherwise look at the toplevel items until the user explicitly expands them, otherwise you'd get authentication dialogs every time you opened a window. Its also easy to get multiple authentication dialogs for the same entity. The way threads are used in gnome-vfs is problematic, both from the point of view of writing backends, and for users of the library. For users it forces the use of threading, even if the application doesn't use the asynchronous calls that use the threading. It also enforces the need for a gnome_vfs_init() function, as thread initialization must be done very early. For backend implementations the use of threads forces every backend to be threadsafe. Many of the backends are inherently single threaded, either because they use non-threadsafe libraries like the smb backend, or because the server being wrapped forces serialized access (like an ftp backend where you really only want one connection to the server). Backends run in context of the application using gnome-vfs, which can be a gtk+ app, but as well a console application, so they have no control or guarantee of their environment. For instance, they cannot rely on the existance of a mainloop, so there is no way to use e.g. timeouts to handle invalidation of caches. One way we have tried to solve this is to move some backends to the gnome-vfs daemon, where they can rely on the existance of the mainloop. Gnome-vfs use something called "gnome vfs uris" to identify files. These are similar, but not entierly identical to the types of uri used in webbrowsers. For instance, we often make us our own types of URIs when there is no official standard for them (although such standards might appear later, with incompatible behaviour). We also have a "well defined" posix-like type of behaviour that isn't the same as for web uris. The most extreme example would be mailto:, but even things like ftp:// uris are different. The ftp uri rfc explains how ftp:///dir/file.txt refers to $(login_dir)/dir/file.txt, and that you have to use ftp:///%2fdir/file.txt to refer to the absolute path /dir/file.txt on the server. Clearly we can't have pathname handling semantics that vary depending on the backend (no app would get it right), so we ignore the rfcs on this. Then there is the thing with escaping and unescaping uris. Although technically not very complex it is just are very hard to get right all the time. Among the most common questions on the gnome-vfs list is what the various escape/unescape functions does, what arguments has to be escaped, and how to display uris "nicely" (i.e. without escapes, although that makes them invalid uris). This is made extra complicated due to the poor handling of filename encodings and display names, and the fact that only "less common" cases (like spaces in filenames) break if you get it wrong. Last but not least, the fact that gnome-vfs uses something called a "uri" gives people the wrong impression of what the library is designed for. It causes people to complain when it doesn't have some support for mailto: links, and it makes people want support for cookies, extra http headers and other things typically used by a web browser. This isn't really the kind of use that vfs is targeted at. A library specific to that sort use would probably fit these apps much better. Most gnome-vfs state is tied to the application that uses it, which I think is quite unexpected by the user. For instance, when you log into a network share in nautilus and then click on a file to open it, the opening application will have to re-connect and re-authenticate to the share, much to the users surprise. I really think most people expect a login like that is somehow session global. We do sometimes misuse gnome-keyring to "solve" the authentication issue, but even then we still have multiple connections to the network share, which can cause problem, for instance with ftp shares that use round-robin dns where the mirrors aren't fully sync:ed up. Again, some backends (smb) are now in the daemon which solves this issue. gnome_vfs_xfer() is possibly the worst-API call in the whole gnome platform. Its a single, buggy, do-it-all function with shitloads of combinations of flags and arguments to do all sort of things, with little or no semantic specifications or testcases. Its also to a large extent unnecessary for most applications and could easily be part of the file manager instead of a generic library. I'm also not sure that the "first do preflight calculation, then execute operation" model it uses is right. It is inherently racy, since the target or source could easily change during the preflight, and it makes error reporting and handling much more complicated. The behaviour of symlink resolution in the UI has been discussed many times. Should clicking on a symlink "foo" in $dir go to $dir/foo or to the target directory. The Nautilus maintainers has decided that the best way to approach this is to have symlinks be used for "filesystem implementation" (like a symlink for /home -> /mnt/hdb2) and thus not be resolved on activation. However, we should (this hasn't been finished yet) support a different form of links (called "shortcuts" in the UI) that always resolve on activation. At the moment there is no support for anything like that in gnome-vfs, so we abuse desktop files for this. We even generate virtual in-memory desktop files in the smb backend to get this behaviour. Proper support for shortcuts in the vfs API would let apps automatically work without ugly desktop file hacks. Over the years gnome-vfs has accumulated a lot of cruft. It links to a lot of libraries, including openssl, gconf+ORBit2, avahi, dbus, popt, libxml, kerberos, libz and libresolv. Very few applications need all of these, yet every application that uses gnome-vfs links to all of them. Furthermore, some of the functionallity in gnome-vfs, like the wrapper for dns-sd, resolving, network utilities, ls parsing functions, ssl support, pty handling are perhaps not best suited for a vfs library, nor do they always have great apis and quality implementations. We could definately clean this up and minimize the APIs. At some point in time gnome_vfs_uri_is_local() started detecting and returning TRUE for NFS mounts and other type of local network mounts. This is both slow and unexpected, and has led to problems and unnecessary changes in many places. The way the cancellation API for asynchronous operations is set up creates races and fragile code. The main issue is that if you call cancel before the operation callback has been called the callback will not be called. However, the callback typically wants to free some sort of user_data object passed to it, so that has to be handled also when you call cancellation. Couple this with the fact that there is no destroy notifies and you can't cancel after the operation callback has been called and you get an extremely tricky setup of combined callbacks. Furthermore, if threads are used there are some inherent races wrt detecting if the callback has been called when cancel is called, making it essentially impossible to get this right. There are also a bunch of issues with the current gnome-vfs that could technically be fixed like support for hidden file flags, backend-extensible metadata, no standard vfs dialogs like progress bars, etc. Last week I started thinking about a new design for a gnome-vfs replacement that would solve most of these issues, and at the same time gives a correct ordering of the platform stack. I've come up with a highlevel architecture that I think will work, even though I haven't yet finished it in detail or gotten the API totally worked out. Its somewhat of a radical departure from gnome-vfs as it is today, so brace with me as I try to explain the model and the ideas behind it. The gnome-vfs model is what I would call stateless. You can at any time throw a URI at it and it will do everything required to access the location. There is no need to, nor is there a way to set up anything like a "session" with a remote share. Of course, in practice this is not the way network shares work, so all sorts of session initiation, caching and other magic happens under the covers to make it look stateless. This is the source of all the problems with the gnome-vfs authentication model. I'd like to propose using a stateful model, where you have to explicitly initiate a session ("mount" a share) before you can start accessing files. This will give a well specified time when all forms of authentication will happen, when applications expect it and when they can use a more expressive and suitable API for this kind of operation. The actual i/o operations will then never cause any sort of authentication issues, and can thus be purely non-graphical (i.e. glib-only apps can do i/o). I imagine all/most actual mounting of shares will happen in the file manager and the file selector, or at gnome-session startup, so applications don't really need to handle this themselves. Not only is the model stateful. I'd like all state to be session global. That is, all mounts and network connections are shared between all applications in the session. So, if you pass a file reference from one app to another there is no need to log in again or anything like that. I think this is what users expect. Having a global stateful model means all non-local vfs accesses go through the vfs daemon. This works pretty well with the smb backend in the current gnome-vfs, and smb is the backend most likely to have high bandwidth traffic, so this doesn't seem to be a large performance problem. Although we do have to take the performance aspect into consideration when designing the daemon. In order to avoid all the problems with threading described above the vfs daemon will not use threads. In fact, I think the best approach is to let each active mountpoint be its own process. That way we get robustness (one mount can't crash the others) and simplify the backend creation greatly (each backend fully controls its context). It also will let us do concurrent access to e.g. two smb shares (like a copy from one to the other). We can't really do this atm since the thread lock in the smb backend serializes such access. But with two smb processes this is not a problem. There might be an issue with using separate processes for the mountpoints bloating up the desktop, but I don't think that it will be much of a problem. None of these processes will use the gui libraries that are the real sources of unshared dirty memory use. I tried a simple process that just used gobject and ran a mainloop. It only used 78k of dirty memory. Also, each server need only link to and initialize the few libraries it needs, further keeping memory use down and avoiding bloat in all applications (e.g. apps need not link to openssl). As a consequence of the stateful model we don't need the stateless properties that URIs has as identifier. To avoid all the problems comming from the use of URIs we use a much simpler form of identifier. Namely filenames, in a hierarchical tree with mountpoints. These filenames are from an extended set of strings that includes the set of normal filenames, but also includes some platform dependent extensions. On win32 the full set might be some form of stringified version of the ITEMIDLIST from the windows shell api, and on unix we would use some out of band prefix to mark a non-local filename. For example, we could be to use "//.network/" as a prefix for the vfs filename namespace. A smb share might then be accessed as "//.network/smb/computer:share/dir/file.txt", or a ftp share as "//.network/ftp/". With a setup like "//.network/$method/$mount_object/" it would be quite easy to find the process handling the mount. Just ask for a dbus named object like "". It is also very easy to detect local filenames and short-circuit to in-process i/o. These filenames would be the real identifier for the files, and as such not really presentable to the user as it. You'd need to ask for the display name via the vfs to get a user readable utf8-encoded string for display. The set of operations on files and folders would be both simplified and extended. We'd remove complicated things like read+write access to a file, and give less posix-like guarantees. We also make seek and truncate support optional in the backend. But then we will extend the set of operations possible to allow things like copy on the remote side (to avoid a download+upload operation on copy) and to have a set of highlevel operations that applications want, like "save" that implements the best way to save for each particular backend. We support metadata like display name, mimetypes, icon, and some general information like length and mtime. But we make support for getting the full "struct stat" buffer backend optional, as that isn't a good abstraction for most backends. Also, the API will be designed on the idea that network latency is expensive, so that there will only be one call to stat() or readdir() needed to read all the metadata requested by the application. (Whereas posix will have readdir return only the names and force you to stat each file in a separate roundtrip.) We likely don't want the full gnome/unix vfs implementation in glib, instead glib will only ship an implementation of the vfs API for local file access, and one that communicates to the vfs daemon(s). Then we ship the daemon and the implementations of the various backends externally. We will also write a single gnome-vfs backend that allows access to all the glib vfs shares by using a uri like gvfs:///XXX that just maps to //.network/XXX. We can also implement a similar backend for kio so that kde applications can read and write to the shares. Furthermore, if FUSE is supported on the system we can write a FUSE filesystem so that we can access the files as $HOME/.network/XXX. This can be made extra nice if the application (like e.g. acrobat) uses the gtk+ file selector but not the vfs by having the file selector detect a filename like this and reverse-mapping it into a vfs pathname and use the vfs for folder access. I've been doing some initial sketching of the glib API, and I've started by introducing base GInputStream and GOutputStream similar to the stream objects in Java and .Net. These have async i/o support and will make the API for reading and writing files nicer and more modern. There is also a GSeekable interface that streams can optionally implement if they support seeking. I've also introduced a GFile object that wraps a file path. This means you don't have to do tedious string operations on the pathnames to navigate the filesystem. It also means we can use the openat() class of file operations when traversing the filesystem tree, avoiding some forms of races when we do things like recursive copies. To support the stateful model and still have some form of caching we will also need to add some cache specific api so that you can trigger a reload of information from a directory. Otherwise a reload operation in the file manager wouldn't always get the latest state on something like a ftp share where we cache things aggressively. I have some initial code here for some of the basic APIs, but its far from finished and I'd like to spend some more time working on it before I present it. However, I think the general architecture is pretty sound and in a state where it can be discussed. Hopefully this description of my plans is enought to make people understand some of my ideas and allow us to start and discussion about the future of gnome-vfs. Also, consider it a heads up that I and other people will likely be working on this this in the future.