path: root/.gitlab
diff options
authorMatthew Pickering <>2022-05-05 16:53:21 +0100
committerBen Gamari <>2022-05-18 13:17:04 -0400
commit898d869ab6e09fa64036762bb8f2acb84e0c59bd (patch)
treed0425f1d68ba3864025012e2a13e1b6d13e977ee /.gitlab
parentf87a897b5cb1cb108db330f9dcfb9b12a300ca35 (diff)
packaging: Introduce CI job for generating hackage documentation
This adds a CI job (hackage-doc-tarball) which generates the necessary tarballs for uploading libraries and documentation to hackage. The release script knows to download this folder and the upload script will also upload the release to hackage as part of the release. The `ghc_upload_libs` script is moved from ghc-utils into .gitlab/ghc_upload_libs There are two modes, preparation and upload. * The `prepare` mode takes a link to a bindist and creates a folder containing the source and doc tarballs ready to upload to hackage. * The `upload` mode takes the folder created by prepare and performs the upload to hackage. Fixes #21493 Related to #21512 (cherry picked from commit daac5040a9656ba0ac6633c9207cfc8c169b396c)
Diffstat (limited to '.gitlab')
2 files changed, 236 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/.gitlab/ b/.gitlab/
index 3bdec79b13..6c030a4e62 100755
--- a/.gitlab/
+++ b/.gitlab/
@@ -369,13 +369,17 @@ function setup_toolchain() {
function cleanup_submodules() {
start_section "clean submodules"
- info "Cleaning submodules..."
- # On Windows submodules can inexplicably get into funky states where git
- # believes that the submodule is initialized yet its associated repository
- # is not valid. Avoid failing in this case with the following insanity.
- git submodule sync --recursive || git submodule deinit --force --all
- git submodule update --init --recursive
- git submodule foreach git clean -xdf
+ if [ -d .git ]; then
+ info "Cleaning submodules..."
+ # On Windows submodules can inexplicably get into funky states where git
+ # believes that the submodule is initialized yet its associated repository
+ # is not valid. Avoid failing in this case with the following insanity.
+ git submodule sync --recursive || git submodule deinit --force --all
+ git submodule update --init --recursive
+ git submodule foreach git clean -xdf
+ else
+ info "Not cleaning submodules, not in a git repo"
+ fi;
end_section "clean submodules"
diff --git a/.gitlab/ b/.gitlab/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..0e799e6199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+A tool for uploading GHC's core libraries to Hackage.
+This is a utility for preparing and uploading source distributions and
+documentation of GHC's core libraries to Hackage. This should be run in
+a GHC tree of the release commit after having run ./configure.
+There are two modes, preparation and upload.
+* The `prepare` mode takes a link to a bindist and creates a folder containing the
+ source and doc tarballs ready to upload to hackage.
+* The `upload` mode takes the folder created by prepare and performs the upload to
+ hackage.
+from subprocess import run, check_call
+import shutil
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import NamedTuple, Callable, List, Dict, Optional
+import tempfile
+import re
+import pickle
+import os
+WORK_DIR = Path('.upload-libs')
+OUT_DIR = WORK_DIR / 'docs'
+class Package(NamedTuple):
+ name: str
+ path: Path
+ prepare_sdist: Callable[[], None]
+def no_prep():
+ pass
+def prep_base():
+ shutil.copy('config.guess', 'libraries/base')
+ shutil.copy('config.sub', 'libraries/base')
+def build_copy_file(pkg: Package, f: Path):
+ target = Path('_build') / 'stage1' / pkg.path / 'build' / f
+ dest = pkg.path / f
+ print(f'Building {target} for {dest}...')
+ build_cabal = Path('hadrian') / 'build-cabal'
+ if not build_cabal.is_file():
+ build_cabal = Path('hadrian') / ''
+ run([build_cabal, target], check=True)
+ dest.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ shutil.copyfile(target, dest)
+def modify_file(pkg: Package, fname: Path, f: Callable[[str], str]):
+ target = pkg.path / fname
+ s = target.read_text()
+ target.write_text(f(s))
+def prep_ghc_prim():
+ build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc-prim'], Path('GHC/PrimopWrappers.hs'))
+def prep_ghc_bignum():
+ shutil.copy('config.guess', 'libraries/base')
+ shutil.copy('config.sub', 'libraries/base')
+def prep_ghc_boot():
+ build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc-boot'], Path('GHC/Platform/Host.hs'))
+ build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc-boot'], Path('GHC/Version.hs'))
+def prep_ghc():
+ # Drop RTS includes from `include-dirs` as Hackage rejects this
+ modify_file(PACKAGES['ghc'], 'ghc.cabal',
+ lambda s: s.replace('../rts/dist/build', ''))
+ build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc'], 'GHC/Platform/Constants.hs')
+ build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc'], 'GHC/Settings/Config.hs')
+ pkg
+ for pkg in [
+ Package('base', Path("libraries/base"), prep_base),
+ Package('ghc-prim', Path("libraries/ghc-prim"), prep_ghc_prim),
+ Package('integer-gmp', Path("libraries/integer-gmp"), no_prep),
+ Package('ghc-bignum', Path("libraries/ghc-bignum"), prep_ghc_bignum),
+ Package('template-haskell', Path("libraries/template-haskell"), no_prep),
+ Package('ghc-heap', Path("libraries/ghc-heap"), no_prep),
+ Package('ghc-boot', Path("libraries/ghc-boot"), prep_ghc_boot),
+ Package('ghc-boot-th', Path("libraries/ghc-boot-th"), no_prep),
+ Package('ghc-compact', Path("libraries/ghc-compact"), no_prep),
+ Package('libiserv', Path("libraries/libiserv"), no_prep),
+ Package('ghc', Path("compiler"), prep_ghc),
+ ]
+# Dict[str, Package]
+def cabal_upload(tarball: Path, publish: bool=False, extra_args=[]):
+ if publish:
+ extra_args += ['--publish']
+ run(['cabal', 'upload'] + extra_args + [tarball], check=True)
+def prepare_sdist(pkg: Package):
+ print(f'Preparing package {}...')
+ shutil.rmtree(pkg.path / 'dist-newstyle', ignore_errors=True)
+ pkg.prepare_sdist()
+ # Upload source tarball
+ run(['cabal', 'sdist'], cwd=pkg.path, check=True)
+ sdist = list((pkg.path / 'dist-newstyle' / 'sdist').glob('*.tar.gz'))[0]
+ res_path = shutil.copy(sdist, OUT_DIR)
+ return os.path.relpath(res_path, OUT_DIR)
+def upload_pkg_sdist(sdist : Path, pkg : Package):
+ stamp = WORK_DIR / f'{}-sdist'
+ if stamp.is_file():
+ return
+ print(f'Uploading package {}...')
+ cabal_upload(sdist)
+ print()
+ print('Check over candidate on Hackage and press enter when ready...')
+ input()
+ cabal_upload(sdist, publish=True)
+ stamp.write_text('')
+def get_version(cabal_file: Path) -> Optional[str]:
+ m ='^version:\s*(\d+(\.\d+)*)', cabal_file.read_text(), re.I | re.M)
+ return None if m is None else
+def prepare_docs(bindist: Path, pkg: Package):
+ """
+ Prepare Haddock documentation for a package. bindist
+ is the path to an extract binary distribution produced by
+ hadrian.
+ """
+ docdir = bindist / 'docs' / 'html' / 'libraries' /
+ cabal_file = pkg.path / f'{}.cabal'
+ version = get_version(cabal_file)
+ assert version is not None
+ # Build the documentation tarball from the bindist documentation
+ stem = f'{}-{version}-docs'
+ tmp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(stem)
+ shutil.copytree(docdir, Path( / stem)
+ tarball = Path(f'{stem}.tar.gz')
+ run(['tar', '-czf', OUT_DIR / tarball, '-H', 'ustar', '-C',, stem])
+ return tarball
+def upload_docs(tarball : Path, pkg : Package):
+ stamp = WORK_DIR / f'{}-docs'
+ if stamp.is_file():
+ return
+ # Upload the documentation tarball
+ print(f'Uploading documentation for {}...')
+ cabal_upload(tarball, publish=True, extra_args=['--documentation'])
+ stamp.write_text('')
+def upload_pkg(pkg: Package, d : Path, meta):
+ print(f'Uploading {}...')
+ upload_pkg_sdist(d / meta['sdist'], pkg)
+ upload_docs(d / meta['docs'], pkg)
+def prepare_pkg(bindist : Path, pkg : Package):
+ if pkg.path.exists():
+ print(f'Processing {}...')
+ p1 = prepare_sdist(pkg)
+ p2 = prepare_docs(bindist, pkg)
+ return { 'sdist' : p1, 'docs': p2 }
+ else:
+ print(f"Package {} doesn't exist... skipping")
+def upload_all(bindist: Path):
+ for pkg in PACKAGES.values():
+ upload_pkg(bindist, pkg)
+def main() -> None:
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument('pkg', type=str, nargs='*', help='package to upload')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command")
+ parser_prepare = subparsers.add_parser('prepare')
+ parser_prepare.add_argument('--bindist', required=True, type=Path, help='extracted binary distribution')
+ parser_upload = subparsers.add_parser('upload')
+ parser_upload.add_argument('--docs', required = True, type=Path, help='folder created by --prepare')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ pkgs = args.pkg
+ if pkgs == []:
+ pkgs = PACKAGES.keys()
+ for pkg_name in pkgs:
+ assert pkg_name in PACKAGES
+ if args.command == "prepare":
+ manifest = {}
+ for pkg_name in pkgs:
+ print(pkg_name)
+ pkg = PACKAGES[pkg_name]
+ pkg_meta = prepare_pkg(args.bindist, pkg)
+ manifest[pkg] = pkg_meta
+ manifest_path = WORK_DIR / 'docs' / 'manifest.pickle'
+ with open(WORK_DIR / 'docs' / 'manifest.pickle', 'wb') as fout:
+ pickle.dump(manifest, fout)
+ elif args.command == "upload":
+ manifest_path =
+ with open(manifest_path / 'manifest.pickle', 'rb') as fin:
+ manifest = pickle.load(fin)
+ for pkg, item in manifest.items():
+ print(pkg, item)
+ upload_pkg(pkg, manifest_path, item)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()