diff options
authorIavor S. Diatchki <>2013-10-17 02:13:11 -0700
committerIavor S. Diatchki <>2013-10-17 02:13:11 -0700
commit74144ddd477484466c30ec0788d2bc8161e9d723 (patch)
parentc9f3be7c1f1768dddf98d8fd3c5287b13072a920 (diff)
Hook-up an SMT solver.
NOTE: This uses a very naive method to call the SMT solver: * GHC will call a program called cvc4, which better be an SMT solver, which is in the path * GHC will create (overwrite!) two files "ghc_input.smt" and "ghc_output,smt" two files in the current directory.
4 files changed, 738 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
index 5f6da438c7..118b99df78 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
@@ -1473,19 +1473,42 @@ doTopReactFunEq wi fl fun_tc args xi loc
fam_ty = mkTyConApp fun_tc args
- | isLinArithTyCon fun_tc =
- do { (gis,wis) <- undefined -- getRelevantLinArithInerts
+ | isLinArithTyCon fun_tc args =
+ do { (gis,wis) <- getRelevantLinArithInerts
; res <- liftIO $ decideLinArith gis wis wi
; let addInerts = mapM_ insertInertItemTcS
+ setEvidence (ct, ev) =
+ setEvBind (ctEvId $ ctEvidence ct) ev
; case res of
SolvedWanted ev -> do
addInerts wis
- setEvBind (ctEvId $ ctEvidence wi) ev
+ setEvidence (wi, ev)
+ traceTcS "[NATS]" (text "SOLVED WANTED")
IgnoreGiven -> do
addInerts wis
- Progress new_work new_is -> do
+ traceTcS "[NATS]" (text "IGNORING")
+ Impossible -> do emitInsoluble wi
+ traceTcS "[NATS]" (text "IMPOSSIBLE")
+ Progress new_wanted_work new_work new_is solved -> do
addInerts new_is
- updWorkListTcS $ extendWorkListEqs new_work
+ let mkWanted (tv, xi) =
+ do ev <- newWantedEvVarNC (mkEqPred (mkTyVarTy tv) xi)
+ return $ CTyEqCan
+ { cc_ev = ev, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi
+ , cc_loc = cc_loc wi }
+ mapM_ setEvidence solved
+ new_wanted_cts <- mapM mkWanted new_wanted_work
+ updWorkListTcS $ extendWorkListEqs $
+ new_wanted_cts ++ new_work
+ let dbg x ys = text x $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map ppr ys)
+ traceTcS "[NATS]" $
+ text "Progress" $$
+ nest 2 (vcat
+ [ dbg "New wanted work:" (new_wanted_cts ++ new_work)
+ , dbg "Solved:" (map fst solved)
+ , dbg "Inerts" new_is
+ ]
+ )
; return $ SomeTopInt "LinArith" Stop
@@ -1508,6 +1531,27 @@ doTopReactFunEq wi fl fun_tc args xi loc
xcomp [x] = EvCoercion (co `mkTcTransCo` evTermCoercion x)
xcomp _ = panic "No more goals!"
xev = XEvTerm xcomp xdecomp
+-- This gets givens and wanteds relevant to the numeric solver.
+-- The givens are just copies of what's in the inert set, while the wanteds
+-- are removed from the inert set.
+getRelevantLinArithInerts :: TcS ([Ct], [Ct])
+getRelevantLinArithInerts =
+ modifyInertTcS $ upd $ \fun_eqs->
+ let (wanteds, rest_funeqs) = partCtFamHeadMap (isArith Wanted) fun_eqs
+ givens = getCtFamHeadMapCts (isArith Given) rest_funeqs
+ in ((bagToList givens, bagToList wanteds), rest_funeqs)
+ where
+ isArith fl ct
+ | fl == ctFlavour ct
+ , Just (tc,tys) <- isCFunEqCan_maybe ct = isLinArithTyCon tc tys
+ | otherwise = False
+ upd f i =
+ let cans = inert_cans i
+ (a,new) = f (inert_funeqs cans)
+ in (a, i { inert_cans = cans { inert_funeqs = new } })
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs
index 6502d6d914..6ada2c707b 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs
@@ -1381,6 +1381,7 @@ data CtEvidence
-- but if we do manage to solve it may help in solving other goals.
data CtFlavour = Given | Wanted | Derived
+ deriving Eq
ctFlavour :: Ct -> CtFlavour
ctFlavour ct = ctEvFlavour (cc_ev ct)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs
index 11d6a3187f..cf60921f33 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ module TcSMonad (
CCanMap(..), CtTypeMap, CtFamHeadMap, CtPredMap,
PredMap, FamHeadMap,
partCtFamHeadMap, lookupFamHead, lookupSolvedDict,
+ getCtFamHeadMapCts,
instDFunType, -- Instantiation
@@ -439,6 +440,10 @@ partCtFamHeadMap f (FamHeadMap ctmap)
fam_head = funEqHead ct
+-- XXX: Maybe this could be more efficient?
+getCtFamHeadMapCts :: (Ct -> Bool) -> CtFamHeadMap -> Cts
+getCtFamHeadMapCts p = fst . partCtFamHeadMap p
funEqHead :: Ct -> Type
funEqHead ct = case isCFunEqCan_maybe ct of
Just (tc,tys) -> mkTyConApp tc tys
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs
index cbd295008b..e4373efd1c 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs
@@ -12,13 +12,17 @@ import Pair
import TcType ( TcType )
import TyCon ( TyCon, SynTyConRhs(..), mkSynTyCon, TyConParent(..) )
import Coercion ( Role(..) )
-import TcRnTypes ( Xi, Ct )
-import TcEvidence ( mkTcAxiomRuleCo, TcCoercion, EvTerm )
+import TcRnTypes ( Xi, Ct(..), CtLoc, ctFlavour, ctPred, CtFlavour(..)
+ , CtEvidence(..) )
+import TcEvidence ( mkTcAxiomRuleCo, TcCoercion, EvTerm(..) )
import CoAxiom ( CoAxiomRule(..) )
-import Name ( Name, BuiltInSyntax(..) )
+import Name ( Name, BuiltInSyntax(..), nameUnique, nameOccName )
+import OccName ( occNameString )
+import Var ( tyVarName, tyVarKind )
import TysWiredIn ( typeNatKind, mkWiredInTyConName
, promotedBoolTyCon
, promotedFalseDataCon, promotedTrueDataCon
+ , typeNatKindCon
import TysPrim ( tyVarList, mkArrowKinds )
import PrelNames ( gHC_TYPELITS
@@ -30,13 +34,20 @@ import PrelNames ( gHC_TYPELITS
import FamInst ( TcBuiltInSynFamily(..) )
import FastString ( FastString, fsLit )
+import Outputable ( ppr, panic, pprPanic )
+import UniqSet ( foldUniqSet )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
+import Data.List ( tails, genericReplicate )
+import Data.List ( genericReplicate )
+import System.Cmd ( system )
-isLinArithTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isLinArithTyCon tc = tc `elem` [ typeNatAddTyCon, typeNatMulTyCon,
- typeNatLeqTyCon, typeNatSubTyCon ]
+isLinArithTyCon :: TyCon -> [Xi] -> Bool
+isLinArithTyCon tc ts =
+ tc `elem` [ typeNatAddTyCon, typeNatLeqTyCon, typeNatSubTyCon ] ||
+ (tc == typeNatMulTyCon && any (isJust . isNumLitTy) ts)
@@ -199,7 +210,7 @@ typeNatCoAxiomRules = Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (coaxrName x, x))
, axLeqRefl
, axLeq0L
, axSubDef
- , decisionProcedure "z3"
+ , smtSolver
decisionProcedure :: String -> CoAxiomRule
@@ -215,6 +226,11 @@ decisionProcedure name =
_ -> Nothing
+smtSolver :: CoAxiomRule
+smtSolver = decisionProcedure "smt"
+evBySMT :: Type -> Type -> EvTerm
+evBySMT t1 t2 = EvCoercion $ mkTcAxiomRuleCo smtSolver [t1,t2] []
@@ -571,9 +587,667 @@ Calling an external decision procedure
data LinArithResult = SolvedWanted EvTerm
| IgnoreGiven
- | Progress [Ct] [Ct] -- new work and new inerts
+ | Impossible
+ | Progress [(TyVar, Xi)] [Ct] [Ct] [(Ct, EvTerm)]
+ -- Args:
+ -- 1) turn into wanted and add to work list,
+ -- 2) stick in work list, and
+ -- 3) add to inert set
+ -- 4) discharged, set evidence
+data Op = Add | Sub | Mul | Leq | Eq | Implies | And
+ deriving Show
+data Term = Op Term Op Term
+ | Num Integer
+ | Bool Bool
+ | Var String
+ | Not Term
+termToSMT :: Term -> Expr
+termToSMT term =
+ case term of
+ Op t1 op t2 -> opToSMT op (termToSMT t1) (termToSMT t2)
+ Num x -> fromInteger x
+ Bool x -> if x then true else false
+ Not t -> eNot (termToSMT t)
+ Var x -> app x []
+opToSMT :: Op -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+opToSMT op =
+ case op of
+ Add -> (+)
+ Sub -> (-)
+ Mul -> (*)
+ Leq -> nLeq
+ Eq -> (====)
+ Implies -> (===>)
+ And -> eAnd
+instance Show Term where
+ showsPrec p v =
+ case v of
+ Num n -> shows n
+ Var s -> showString s
+ Not v -> showParen (p > 8) $ showString "!" . showsPrec 8 v
+ Bool b -> shows b
+ Op a o b -> showParen (p > pOp) $ showsPrec pL a . showString opStr
+ . showsPrec pR b
+ where
+ (pOp, pL, pR, opStr) =
+ case o of
+ Add -> (6, 6, 7, " + ")
+ Sub -> (6, 6, 7, " - ")
+ Mul -> (7, 7, 8, " * ")
+ Leq -> (4, 5, 5, " <= ")
+ Eq -> (4, 5, 5, " == ")
+ Implies -> (1, 2, 1, " -> ")
+ And -> (3, 4, 3, " & ")
+tyConToOp :: TyCon -> Op
+tyConToOp tc
+ | tc == typeNatAddTyCon = Add
+ | tc == typeNatSubTyCon = Sub
+ | tc == typeNatMulTyCon = Mul
+ | tc == typeNatLeqTyCon = Leq
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "tyConToOp" (ppr tc)
+tyConToBool :: TyCon -> Maybe Bool
+tyConToBool tc
+ | tc == promotedTrueDataCon = Just True
+ | tc == promotedFalseDataCon = Just False
+tyConToBool _ = Nothing
+varName :: TyVar -> String
+varName x = let n = tyVarName x
+ u = nameUnique n
+ in occNameString (nameOccName n) ++ "_" ++ show u
+typeToTerm :: Type -> Term
+typeToTerm ty
+ | Just x <- getTyVar_maybe ty = Var (varName x)
+ | Just x <- isNumLitTy ty = Num x
+ | Just (tc,[]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ , Just x <- tyConToBool tc = Bool x
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "typeToTerm" (ppr ty)
+ctToTerm :: Ct -> Term
+ctToTerm CFunEqCan { cc_fun = tc, cc_tyargs = [t1,t2], cc_rhs = xi } =
+ Op (Op (typeToTerm t1) (tyConToOp tc) (typeToTerm t2)) Eq (typeToTerm xi)
+ctToTerm ct = pprPanic "ctToTerm" (ppr ct)
+termToType :: VarMap -> Term -> Xi
+termToType vmap t =
+ case t of
+ Num n -> num n
+ Bool b -> bool b
+ Var x -> mkTyVarTy $ stringToTyVar vmap x
+ _ -> panic ("termToType: " ++ show t)
+stringToTyVar :: VarMap -> String -> TyVar
+stringToTyVar vmap x =
+ case Map.lookup x vmap of
+ Just ty -> ty
+ Nothing -> panic ("stringToTyVar: " ++ x)
decideLinArith :: [Ct] -> [Ct] -> Ct -> IO LinArithResult
-decideLinArith = undefined
+decideLinArith givenCts wantedCts goalCt = decide
+ where
+ givens = map ctToTerm givenCts
+ wanteds = map ctToTerm wantedCts
+ goal = ctToTerm goalCt
+ varMap = getVarTys (goalCt : wantedCts ++ givenCts)
+ flav = ctFlavour goalCt
+ bySMT = uncurry evBySMT . getEqPredTys . ctPred
+ noProgress = return (Progress [] [] (goalCt : wantedCts)) []
+ assumptions
+ | flav == Wanted = givens ++ wanteds
+ | otherwise = givens
+ decide =
+ do yes <- prove varMap (assumptions ==> goal)
+ if yes
+ then return (if flav == Given then IgnoreGiven
+ else SolvedWanted (bySMT goalCt))
+ else checkConsistent
+ checkConsistent =
+ do res <- sat varMap (ands $ goal : assumptions)
+ case res of
+ Unsat -> return Impossible
+ Unknown -> improve []
+ Sat m -> improve m
+ improve model =
+ do let candidates =
+ [ (x, valueToTerm v) | (x, v) <- model ] ++
+ [ (x, Var y) | (x,xv):xs <- tails (Map.toList varMap)
+ , (y,yv) <- xs
+ , eqType (tyVarKind xv) (tyVarKind yv) ]
+ eqs <- fmap concat $ mapM tryAssign candidates
+ prune eqs
+ tryAssign (x, t) =
+ do yes <- prove varMap (goal : assumptions ==> Op (Var x) Eq t)
+ if not yes
+ then return []
+ else return [(x, t)]
+ prune eqs
+ | flav == Given =
+ do let newGiven = map (mkGivenCt varMap $ cc_loc goalCt) eqs
+ return $ Progress [] (wantedCts ++ newGiven) [goalCt] []
+ | otherwise =
+ do let newWanted = [ (stringToTyVar varMap x, termToType varMap t)
+ | (x, t) <- eqs ]
+ (newInerts, solved) <-
+ simplifyInerts (zip wanteds wantedCts)
+ (goal : givens) [goalCt] []
+ return $ Progress newWanted [] newInerts solved
+ simplifyInerts [] _ done solved = return (done, solved)
+ simplifyInerts ((p, ct):todo) assmps done solved =
+ do yes <- prove varMap (map fst todo ++ assmps ==> p)
+ if yes
+ then simplifyInerts todo assmps done ((ct, bySMT ct):solved)
+ else simplifyInerts todo (p:assmps) (ct:done) solved
+mkGivenCt :: VarMap -> CtLoc -> (String, Term) -> Ct
+mkGivenCt varMap loc (x, t) =
+ CTyEqCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_loc = loc, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = rhs }
+ where
+ ev = CtGiven { ctev_pred = mkEqPred lhs rhs
+ , ctev_evtm = evBySMT lhs rhs }
+ tv = stringToTyVar varMap x
+ lhs = mkTyVarTy tv
+ rhs = termToType varMap t
+getVarTys :: [Ct] -> VarMap
+getVarTys = Map.fromList
+ . map addName
+ . foldUniqSet (:) []
+ . tyVarsOfTypes
+ . concatMap ctTypes
+ where
+ addName x = (varName x, x)
+ ctTypes CFunEqCan { cc_tyargs = [t1,t2], cc_rhs = xi } = [t1,t2,xi]
+ ctTypes ct = pprPanic "getVarTys" (ppr ct)
+data Result = Sat [(String, Value)]
+ | Unsat
+ | Unknown
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Read Result where
+ readsPrec _ xs = do ("sat", xs1) <- lex xs
+ (vs,rest) <- readParen True getVals xs1
+ return (Sat vs, rest)
+ ++ do ("unsat", _) <- lex xs
+ return (Unsat, [])
+ ++ do ("unknown", _) <- lex xs
+ return (Unknown, [])
+ where
+ getVals xs@(')' : _) = [ ([], xs) ]
+ getVals xs = do (x,cs) <- getVal xs
+ (rest,ds) <- getVals cs
+ return (x : rest, ds)
+ getVal = readParen True $ \xs -> do (name,rest) <- lex xs
+ (val,rest1) <- reads rest
+ return ((name,val), rest1)
+data Value = VInt Integer | VBool Bool
+instance Show Value where
+ show (VInt n) = show n
+ show (VBool b) = show b
+instance Read Value where
+ readsPrec p s = [ (VInt n, s') | (n, s') <- readsPrec p s ] ++
+ [ (VBool True, s') | ("true", s') <- lex s ] ++
+ [ (VBool False, s') | ("false", s') <- lex s ]
+valueToTerm :: Value -> Term
+valueToTerm (VInt n) = Num n
+valueToTerm (VBool b) = Bool b
+type VarMap = Map String TyVar
+sat :: VarMap -> Term -> IO Result
+sat varMap t =
+ do writeFile "ghc_input.smt" $ pp script
+ system ("cvc4 --lang=smtlib2 -m ghc_input.smt > ghc_output.smt")
+ txt <- readFile "ghc_output.smt"
+ {-
+ putStrLn (replicate 50 '-')
+ print t
+ putStrLn (replicate 50 '-')
+ putStrLn txt
+ putStrLn (replicate 50 '-')
+ -}
+ case reads txt of
+ [(v,_)] -> return v
+ _ -> panic $ "sat:\n" ++ txt
+ where
+ declareVar (x,tv) =
+ case splitTyConApp_maybe (tyVarKind tv) of
+ Just (tc,[])
+ | tc == promotedBoolTyCon -> [ CmdDeclareFun (N x) [] tBool ]
+ | tc == typeNatKindCon -> [ CmdDeclareFun (N x) [] tInt
+ , CmdAssert (nGeq (app x []) 0)
+ ]
+ -- XXX: Could we encounter a kind variable?
+ _ -> pprPanic "sat" (ppr (tyVarKind tv))
+ script =
+ Script $ [ CmdSetLogic (N "QF_LIA") ]
+ ++ concatMap declareVar (Map.toList varMap)
+ ++ [ CmdAssert (termToSMT t)
+ , CmdCheckSat
+ , CmdGetValue [ app x [] | x <- Map.keys varMap ]
+ ]
+prove :: VarMap -> Term -> IO Bool
+prove varMap p =
+ do x <- sat varMap (Not p)
+ case x of
+ Unsat -> return True
+ _ -> return False
+ands :: [Term] -> Term
+ands [] = Bool True
+ands ps = foldr1 (\x y -> Op x And y) ps
+infixr 1 ==>
+(==>) :: [Term] -> Term -> Term
+[] ==> q = q
+ps ==> q = Op (ands ps) Implies q
+newtype SmtName = N String
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+data Ident = I SmtName [Integer]
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+data Quant = Exists | Forall
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+data Binder = Bind { bindVar :: SmtName, bindSmtType :: SmtType }
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+data Defn = Defn { defVar :: SmtName, defExpr :: Expr }
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+data Literal = LitNum Integer
+ | LitFrac Rational
+ | LitStr String
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+data SmtType = TApp Ident [SmtType]
+ | TVar SmtName
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+data Expr = Lit Literal
+ | App Ident (Maybe SmtType) [Expr]
+ | Quant Quant [Binder] Expr
+ | Let [Defn] Expr
+ | Annot Expr [Attr]
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+data Attr = Attr { attrName :: SmtName , attrVal :: Maybe AttrVal }
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+type AttrVal = Expr -- A bit of an approximation....
+data Option
+ = OptPrintSuccess Bool
+ | OptExpandDefinitions Bool
+ | OptInteractiveMode Bool
+ | OptProduceProofs Bool
+ | OptProduceUnsatCores Bool
+ | OptProduceModels Bool
+ | OptProduceAssignments Bool
+ | OptRegularOutputChannel String
+ | OptDiagnosticOutputChannel String
+ | OptRandomSeed Integer
+ | OptVerbosity Integer
+ | OptAttr Attr
+data InfoFlag
+ = InfoAllStatistics
+ | InfoErrorBehavior
+ | InfoName
+ | InfoAuthors
+ | InfoVersion
+ | InfoStatus
+ | InfoReasonUnknown
+ | InfoAttr Attr
+data Command
+ = CmdSetLogic SmtName
+ | CmdSetOption Option
+ | CmdSetInfo Attr
+ | CmdDeclareSmtType SmtName Integer
+ | CmdDefineSmtType SmtName [SmtName] SmtType
+ | CmdDeclareFun SmtName [SmtType] SmtType
+ | CmdDefineFun SmtName [Binder] SmtType Expr
+ | CmdPush Integer
+ | CmdPop Integer
+ | CmdAssert Expr
+ | CmdCheckSat
+ | CmdGetAssertions
+ | CmdGetValue [Expr]
+ | CmdGetProof
+ | CmdGetUnsatCore
+ | CmdGetInfo InfoFlag
+ | CmdGetOption SmtName
+ | CmdExit
+newtype Script = Script [Command]
+-- To make it a bit simpler to write terms in the above AST
+-- we provide some instances. They are intended to be used only
+-- for writing simple literals, and not any of the computational
+-- operations associated with the classes.
+-- Strings
+instance IsString SmtName where fromString = N
+instance IsString Ident where fromString x = I (fromString x) []
+instance IsString SmtType where fromString x = TApp (fromString x) []
+instance IsString Expr where fromString = Lit . LitStr . fromString
+-- Integers
+-- NOTE: Some of these might not mean anything, depending on the theory.
+instance Num Expr where
+ fromInteger x = Lit (LitNum x)
+ x + y = app "+" [x,y]
+ x - y = app "-" [x,y]
+ x * y = app "*" [x,y]
+ signum x = app "signum" [x]
+ abs x = app "abs" [x]
+-- Fractional numbers
+instance Fractional Expr where
+ fromRational x = Lit (LitFrac x)
+ x / y = app "/" [x,y]
+app :: String -> [Expr] -> Expr
+app f es = App (I (N f) []) Nothing es
+type Doc = String
+x <+> y = fsep [x,y]
+(<>) = (++)
+nest _ x = x
+integer = show
+char x = [x]
+parens x = "(" ++ x ++ ")"
+fsep = unwords
+x $$ y = x ++ "\n" ++ y
+vcat = unlines
+text = id
+empty = ""
+class PP t where
+ pp :: t -> Doc
+instance PP Bool where
+ pp True = text "true"
+ pp False = text "false"
+instance PP Integer where
+ pp = integer
+ppString :: String -> Doc
+ppString = text . show
+instance PP SmtName where
+ pp (N x) = text x
+instance PP Ident where
+ pp (I x []) = pp x
+ pp (I x is) = parens (char '_' <+> pp x <+> fsep (map integer is))
+instance PP Attr where
+ pp (Attr x v) = char ':' <> pp x <+> maybe empty pp v
+instance PP Quant where
+ pp Forall = text "forall"
+ pp Exists = text "exists"
+instance PP Expr where
+ pp expr =
+ case expr of
+ Lit l -> pp l
+ App c ty ts ->
+ case ts of
+ [] -> ppFun
+ _ -> parens (ppFun <+> fsep (map pp ts))
+ where ppFun = case ty of
+ Nothing -> pp c
+ Just t -> parens (text "as" <+> pp c <+> pp t)
+ Quant q bs e ->
+ case bs of
+ [] -> pp e
+ _ -> parens (pp q <+> parens (fsep (map pp bs)) $$ nest 2 (pp e))
+ Let ds e ->
+ case ds of
+ [] -> pp e
+ _ -> parens (text "let" <+> (parens (vcat (map pp ds)) $$ pp e))
+ Annot e as ->
+ case as of
+ [] -> pp e
+ _ -> parens (char '!' <+> pp e $$ nest 2 (vcat (map pp as)))
+instance PP Binder where
+ pp (Bind x t) = parens (pp x <+> pp t)
+instance PP Defn where
+ pp (Defn x e) = parens (pp x <+> pp e)
+instance PP SmtType where
+ pp ty =
+ case ty of
+ TApp c ts ->
+ case ts of
+ [] -> pp c
+ _ -> parens (pp c <+> fsep (map pp ts))
+ TVar x -> pp x
+instance PP Literal where
+ pp lit =
+ case lit of
+ LitNum n -> integer n
+ LitFrac x -> text (show (fromRational x :: Double)) -- XXX: Good enough?
+ LitStr x -> ppString x
+instance PP Option where
+ pp opt =
+ case opt of
+ OptPrintSuccess b -> std "print-success" b
+ OptExpandDefinitions b -> std "expand-definitions" b
+ OptInteractiveMode b -> std "interactive-mode" b
+ OptProduceProofs b -> std "produce-proofs" b
+ OptProduceUnsatCores b -> std "produce-unsat-cores" b
+ OptProduceModels b -> std "produce-models" b
+ OptProduceAssignments b -> std "produce-assignments" b
+ OptRegularOutputChannel s -> str "regular-output-channel" s
+ OptDiagnosticOutputChannel s -> str "diagnostic-output-channel" s
+ OptRandomSeed n -> std "random-seed" n
+ OptVerbosity n -> std "verbosity" n
+ OptAttr a -> pp a
+ where mk a b = char ':' <> text a <+> b
+ std a b = mk a (pp b)
+ str a b = mk a (ppString b)
+instance PP InfoFlag where
+ pp info =
+ case info of
+ InfoAllStatistics -> mk "all-statistics"
+ InfoErrorBehavior -> mk "error-behavior"
+ InfoName -> mk "name"
+ InfoAuthors -> mk "authors"
+ InfoVersion -> mk "version"
+ InfoStatus -> mk "status"
+ InfoReasonUnknown -> mk "reason-unknown"
+ InfoAttr a -> pp a
+ where mk x = char ':' <> text x
+instance PP Command where
+ pp cmd =
+ case cmd of
+ CmdSetLogic n -> std "set-logic" n
+ CmdSetOption o -> std "set-options" o
+ CmdSetInfo a -> std "set-info" a
+ CmdDeclareSmtType x n -> mk "declare-sort" (pp x <+> integer n)
+ CmdDefineSmtType x as t -> fun "define-sort" x as (pp t)
+ CmdDeclareFun x ts t -> fun "declare-fun" x ts (pp t)
+ CmdDefineFun x bs t e -> fun "define-fun" x bs (pp t $$ nest 2 (pp e))
+ CmdPush n -> std "push" n
+ CmdPop n -> std "pop" n
+ CmdAssert e -> std "assert" e
+ CmdCheckSat -> one "check-sat"
+ CmdGetAssertions -> one "get-assertions"
+ CmdGetValue es -> mk "get-value" (parens (fsep (map pp es)))
+ CmdGetProof -> one "get-proof"
+ CmdGetUnsatCore -> one "get-unsat-core"
+ CmdGetInfo i -> std "get-info" i
+ CmdGetOption n -> std "get-option" n
+ CmdExit -> one "exit"
+ where mk x d = parens (text x <+> d)
+ one x = mk x empty
+ std x a = mk x (pp a)
+ fun x y as d = mk x (pp y <+> parens (fsep (map pp as)) <+> d)
+instance PP Script where
+ pp (Script cs) = vcat (map pp cs)
+tBool :: SmtType
+tBool = TApp (I (N "Bool") []) []
+true :: Expr
+true = app "true" []
+false :: Expr
+false = app "false" []
+eNot :: Expr -> Expr
+eNot p = app "not" [p]
+(===>) :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+p ===> q = app "=>" [p,q]
+eAnd :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+eAnd p q = app "and" [p,q]
+eOr :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+eOr p q = app "or" [p,q]
+eXor :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+eXor p q = app "xor" [p,q]
+(====) :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+x ==== y = app "=" [x,y]
+(=/=) :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+x =/= y = app "distinct" [x,y]
+ite :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+ite b x y = app "ite" [b,x,y]
+tInt :: SmtType
+tInt = TApp (I (N "Int") []) []
+nNeg :: Expr -> Expr
+nNeg x = app "-" [x]
+nSub :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+nSub x y = app "-" [x,y]
+nAdd :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+nAdd x y = app "+" [x,y]
+nMul :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+nMul x y = app "*" [x,y]
+nDiv :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+nDiv x y = app "div" [x,y]
+nMod :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+nMod x y = app "mod" [x,y]
+nAbs :: Expr -> Expr
+nAbs x = app "abs" [x]
+nLeq :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+nLeq x y = app "<=" [x,y]
+nLt :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+nLt x y = app "<" [x,y]
+nGeq :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+nGeq x y = app ">=" [x,y]
+nGt :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+nGt x y = app ">" [x,y]
+example =
+ Script
+ [ CmdSetLogic (N "QF_LIA")
+ , CmdDeclareFun (N "x") [] tInt
+ , CmdDeclareFun (N "y") [] tInt
+ , CmdDeclareFun (N "z") [] tBool
+ , CmdAssert $ nGeq (app "x" []) (app "y" []) ==== (app "z" [])
+ , CmdCheckSat
+ , CmdGetValue [ app "x" [], app "y" [], app "z" [] ]
+ ]