diff options
authorMax Bolingbroke <>2012-11-16 14:11:36 +0000
committerMax Bolingbroke <>2012-11-16 14:11:36 +0000
commit5ff68875f73bd52faa3fe94631aab4cb2c05a70b (patch)
parent61f74db90cba9d4e5b9d9a9207f1cba6311dc0ff (diff)
Allow MSG to generalise occurrence info
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/Drive/Process3.hs b/compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/Drive/Process3.hs
index 2a902bb473..7ceef75a0f 100644
--- a/compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/Drive/Process3.hs
+++ b/compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/Drive/Process3.hs
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ sc' :: Maybe String -> State -> ScpM (Bool, (Deeds, FVedTerm)) -- Bool records w
sc' mb_h state = {- pprTrace "sc'" (trce1 state) $ -} {-# SCC "sc'" #-} case mb_h of
Nothing -> speculateM (reduce state) $ \state -> -- traceRenderM "!sc" (PrettyDoc (pPrintFullState quietStatePrettiness state)) >>
my_split state
- Just h -> flip catchM try_generalise $ \rb ->
+ Just h -> flip catchM my_generalise $ \rb ->
terminateM h state rb
(speculateM (reduce state) $ \state -> my_split state)
(\shallow_h shallow_state shallow_rb -> trce shallow_h shallow_state $ do
@@ -296,11 +296,9 @@ sc' mb_h state = {- pprTrace "sc'" (trce1 state) $ -} {-# SCC "sc'" #-} case mb_
case mb_shallow_gen of
Just shallow_gen | sC_ROLLBACK -> trace "sc-stop(rb,gen)" $ shallow_rb shallow_gen
Nothing | sC_ROLLBACK, Nothing <- mb_gen -> trace "sc-stop(rb,split)" $ shallow_rb (split sc shallow_state)
- _ -> case mb_gen of Just gen -> trace "sc-stop(gen)" $ try_generalise gen
- Nothing -> trace "sc-stop(split)" $ try_generalise (split sc state))
+ _ -> case mb_gen of Just gen -> trace "sc-stop(gen)" $ my_generalise gen
+ Nothing -> trace "sc-stop(split)" $ my_generalise (split sc state))
- try_generalise gen = my_generalise gen
-- FIXME: the "could have tied back" case is reachable (e.g. exp3_8 with unfoldings as internal bindings), and it doesn't appear to be
-- because of dumped promises (no "dumped" in output). I'm reasonably sure this should not happen :(
trce shallow_h shallow_state = pprTraceSC ("Embedding:" ++ shallow_h)
@@ -325,6 +323,41 @@ tryTaG opt shallow_state state = bothWays (\_ -> generaliseSplit opt gen) shallo
where gen = mK_GENERALISER shallow_state state
-- NB: this cannot return (Just, Nothing)
+tryMSG opt shallow_state state = case msgMaybe mode shallow_state state of
+ -- If we fail this way round, we should certainly fail the other way round too
+ Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
+ Just msg_result@(Pair l r, _)
+ | let Just msg_result_sym = msgMaybe mode state shallow_state -- Will certainly succeed, but with tags of shallow_state
+ -> pprTrace "MSG success" (pprMSGResult msg_result) $ -- NB: pretty print MSG the "correct" way around even if we roll back
+ case (trivialMSG l, trivialMSG r) of
+ -- Both trivial: we have certainly discovered a variable generalisation (not an instance match, or we would have tied back)
+ -- Perhaps ideally we would just SC our deep state normally, but that is awkward. Instead we will rollback and generalise,
+ -- but it might be unsafe to generalise without rolling back (we might not be throwing any info away)
+ (True, True) -> (Just (genFrom msg_result_sym), Nothing)
+ -- Trivial on the LHS only: probably an instance match. Unsafe to roll back because we might not throw any info away.
+ (True, False) -> (Nothing, Just (genFrom msg_result))
+ -- Trivial on the RHS only: kind of weird. Perhaps ideally we would just reduce+split our deep state normally, but it's a bit
+ -- awkward to arrange that. Instead we will accept generalising the earlier state.
+ (False, True) -> (Just (genFrom msg_result_sym), Nothing)
+ -- Non-trivial on both sides: can either rollback or not, doesn't matter. We throw away info either way.
+ (False, False) -> (Just (genFrom msg_result_sym), Just (genFrom msg_result))
+ where
+ trivialMSG (_, Heap h_lr _, _, k_lr) = isPureHeapEmpty h_lr && isStackEmpty k_lr
+ genFrom (Pair _ (deeds_r, heap_r@(Heap h_r ids_r), rn_r, k_r), (heap@(Heap _ ids), k, qa)) = do
+ let [deeds, deeds_r'] = splitDeeds deeds_r [heapSize heap + stackSize k + annedSize qa, heapSize heap_r + stackSize k_r]
+ (deeds', e) <- sc (deeds, heap, k, qa)
+ -- Just to suppress warnings from renameId (since output term may mention h functions). Alternatively, I could rename the State I pass to "sc"
+ -- NB: adding some new bindings to h_r for the h functions is a bit of a hack because:
+ -- 1. It only serves to suppress errors from "split" which occur when e' refers to some variables not bound in the heap
+ -- 2. These new dummy bindings will never be passed down to any recursive invocation of opt
+ (h_hs, e') <- renameSCResult ids (rn_r, e)
+ instanceSplit opt (deeds' `plusDeeds` deeds_r', Heap (h_r `M.union` h_hs) ids_r, k_r, e')
+ mode = MSGMode { msgCommonHeapVars = case shallow_state of (_, Heap _ ids, _, _) -> ids }
tryMSG opt = bothWays $ \shallow_state state -> do
msg_result@(Pair _ (deeds_r, heap_r@(Heap h_r ids_r), rn_r, k_r), (heap@(Heap _ ids), k, qa)) <- msgMaybe (MSGMode { msgCommonHeapVars = case shallow_state of (_, Heap _ ids, _, _) -> ids }) shallow_state state
-- NB: have to check that we throw away *some* info via MSG or else we can get a loop where we
@@ -339,6 +372,7 @@ tryMSG opt = bothWays $ \shallow_state state -> do
-- 2. These new dummy bindings will never be passed down to any recursive invocation of opt
(h_hs, e') <- renameSCResult ids (rn_r, e)
instanceSplit opt (deeds' `plusDeeds` deeds_r', Heap (h_r `M.union` h_hs) ids_r, k_r, e')
pprMSGResult :: MSGResult -> SDoc
pprMSGResult (Pair (deeds_l, heap_l, rn_l, k_l) (deeds_r, heap_r, rn_r, k_r), (heap, k, qa))