diff options
authorMatthew Pickering <>2019-05-17 11:03:47 +0100
committerMatthew Pickering <>2019-05-17 11:03:47 +0100
commit9b4e07f18bda19baca40b3d85691162b50027cb4 (patch)
parentaf4366f8085642bfb10b9c9633f019fa384684e4 (diff)
5 files changed, 28 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
index 6cdb14880a..ec5441a2f0 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
@@ -70,24 +70,34 @@ codeGen dflags this_mod data_tycons
; cgref <- liftIO $ newIORef =<< initC
; let cg :: FCode () -> Stream IO CmmGroup ()
cg fcode = do
+ pprTraceM "cg" empty
cmm <- liftIO $ do
+ putStrLn "start1"
st <- readIORef cgref
+ putStrLn "start2"
let (a,st') = runC dflags this_mod st (getCmm fcode)
+ putStrLn "start3"
-- NB. stub-out cgs_tops and cgs_stmts. This fixes
-- a big space leak. DO NOT REMOVE!
writeIORef cgref $! st'{ cgs_tops = nilOL,
cgs_stmts = mkNop }
+ putStrLn "start4"
return a
+ pprTraceM "cg2" empty
yield cmm
+ pprTraceM "cg3" empty
-- Note [codegen-split-init] the cmm_init block must come
-- FIRST. This is because when -split-objs is on we need to
-- combine this block with its initialisation routines; see
-- Note [pipeline-split-init].
+ ; pprTraceM "this far" empty
; cg (mkModuleInit cost_centre_info this_mod hpc_info)
+ ; pprTraceM "this far2" empty
; mapM_ (cg . cgTopBinding dflags) stg_binds
+ ; pprTraceM "this far3" empty
-- Put datatype_stuff after code_stuff, because the
-- datatype closure table (for enumeration types) to
@@ -120,8 +130,11 @@ variable. -}
cgTopBinding :: DynFlags -> CgStgTopBinding -> FCode ()
cgTopBinding dflags (StgTopLifted (StgNonRec id rhs))
= do { let (info, fcode) = cgTopRhs dflags NonRecursive id rhs
+ ; pprTraceM "this far 4" (ppr id)
; fcode
+ ; pprTraceM "this far 5" (ppr id)
; addBindC info
+ ; pprTraceM "this far 6" (ppr id)
cgTopBinding dflags (StgTopLifted (StgRec pairs))
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
index 258896ff1a..46397f171e 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ cgTopRhsCon dflags id con args =
MASSERT( not (isDllConApp dflags this_mod con (map fromNonVoid args)) )
; ASSERT( args `lengthIs` countConRepArgs con ) return ()
+ ; pprTraceM "this far 6" (ppr id)
; let
(tot_wds, -- #ptr_wds + #nonptr_wds
@@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ cgTopRhsCon dflags id con args =
info_tbl = mkDataConInfoTable dflags con True ptr_wds nonptr_wds
+ ; pprTraceM "this far 7" (ppr id)
; payload <- mapM mk_payload nv_args_w_offsets
-- NB1: nv_args_w_offsets is sorted into ptrs then non-ptrs
-- NB2: all the amodes should be Lits!
@@ -112,7 +114,9 @@ cgTopRhsCon dflags id con args =
+ ; pprTraceM "this far 8" (ppr id)
; emitDataLits closure_label closure_rep
+ ; pprTraceM "this far 9" (ppr id)
; return () }
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
index e605762f1f..1f5d40c259 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ maybeLetNoEscape _other = Nothing
addBindC :: CgIdInfo -> FCode ()
addBindC stuff_to_bind = do
binds <- getBinds
+ pprTraceM "this far new 1" empty
setBinds $ extendVarEnv binds (cg_id stuff_to_bind) stuff_to_bind
addBindsC :: [CgIdInfo] -> FCode ()
diff --git a/hadrian/ b/hadrian/
index 4c9b9c6710..21291b126b 100755
--- a/hadrian/
+++ b/hadrian/
@@ -2,5 +2,8 @@
set -e
-GHC_FLAGS=$(TERM=dumb CABFLAGS=-v0 . "hadrian/" tool-args -q --build-root=.hadrian_ghci --flavour=ghc-in-ghci "$@")
-ghci $GHC_FLAGS -fno-code -fwrite-interface -hidir=.hadrian_ghci/interface -O0 ghc/Main.hs
+GHC_FLAGS=$(TERM=dumb CABFLAGS=-v0 . "hadrian/" tool-args -q --build-root=.hadrian_ghci --flavour=ghc-in-ghci "$@")
+echo $GHC_FLAGS
+/home/matt/ghc/m559b/stage1/bin/ghc --interactive -O0 $GHC_FLAGS -fwrite-interface -hidir=.hadrian_ghci/interface -O0 -DGHC_LOADED_INTO_GHCI ghc/Main.hs
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/ParserM.hs b/utils/genprimopcode/ParserM.hs
index 190ec0edc0..ada6291ca3 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/ParserM.hs
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/ParserM.hs
@@ -42,7 +42,10 @@ instance Monad ParserM where
Left err ->
Left err
return a = ParserM $ \i s -> Right (i, s, a)
- fail err = ParserM $ \_ _ -> Left err
+ --fail err = ParserM $ \_ _ -> Left err
+instance MonadFail ParserM where
+ fail err = ParserM $ \_ _ -> Left err
run_parser :: ParserM a -> (String -> Either String a)
run_parser (ParserM f)