diff options
authorRichard Eisenberg <>2019-10-03 23:20:13 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2019-10-16 15:58:58 -0400
commit51fad9e6693fdf8964d104425122d0010229c939 (patch)
parent798037a1f6823c72e3ba59ed726d0ff74d0245e8 (diff)
Break up TcRnTypes, among other modules.
This introduces three new modules: - basicTypes/Predicate.hs describes predicates, moving this logic out of Type. Predicates don't really exist in Core, and so don't belong in Type. - typecheck/TcOrigin.hs describes the origin of constraints and types. It was easy to remove from other modules and can often be imported instead of other, scarier modules. - typecheck/Constraint.hs describes constraints as used in the solver. It is taken from TcRnTypes. No work other than module splitting is in this patch. This is the first step toward homogeneous equality, which will rely more strongly on predicates. And homogeneous equality is the next step toward a dependently typed core language.
66 files changed, 3071 insertions, 2892 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Ticky.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Ticky.hs
index 06ef520c0d..7548f3de13 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Ticky.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Ticky.hs
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ import DynFlags
-- Turgid imports for showTypeCategory
import PrelNames
import TcType
-import Type
import TyCon
+import Predicate
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Char
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.hs
index 43ad2cbbba..6e18180d1c 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.hs
@@ -106,7 +106,9 @@ module BasicTypes(
IntWithInf, infinity, treatZeroAsInf, mkIntWithInf, intGtLimit,
- SpliceExplicitFlag(..)
+ SpliceExplicitFlag(..),
+ TypeOrKind(..), isTypeLevel, isKindLevel
) where
import GhcPrelude
@@ -1644,3 +1646,25 @@ data SpliceExplicitFlag
= ExplicitSplice | -- ^ <=> $(f x y)
ImplicitSplice -- ^ <=> f x y, i.e. a naked top level expression
deriving Data
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Types vs Kinds
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- | Flag to see whether we're type-checking terms or kind-checking types
+data TypeOrKind = TypeLevel | KindLevel
+ deriving Eq
+instance Outputable TypeOrKind where
+ ppr TypeLevel = text "TypeLevel"
+ ppr KindLevel = text "KindLevel"
+isTypeLevel :: TypeOrKind -> Bool
+isTypeLevel TypeLevel = True
+isTypeLevel KindLevel = False
+isKindLevel :: TypeOrKind -> Bool
+isKindLevel TypeLevel = False
+isKindLevel KindLevel = True
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.hs
index 690ed6854f..47eb7a838b 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.hs
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ import FieldLabel
import Class
import Name
import PrelNames
+import Predicate
import Var
import VarSet( emptyVarSet )
import Outputable
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Id.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/Id.hs
index 4dceb4bc03..8c62cc9944 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/Id.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Id.hs
@@ -73,9 +73,6 @@ module Id (
isConLikeId, isBottomingId, idIsFrom,
- -- ** Evidence variables
- DictId, isDictId, isEvVar,
-- ** Join variables
JoinId, isJoinId, isJoinId_maybe, idJoinArity,
asJoinId, asJoinId_maybe, zapJoinId,
@@ -129,7 +126,7 @@ import IdInfo
import BasicTypes
-- Imported and re-exported
-import Var( Id, CoVar, DictId, JoinId,
+import Var( Id, CoVar, JoinId,
InId, InVar,
OutId, OutVar,
idInfo, idDetails, setIdDetails, globaliseId, varType,
@@ -587,20 +584,6 @@ isDeadBinder bndr | isId bndr = isDeadOcc (idOccInfo bndr)
* *
- Evidence variables
-* *
-isEvVar :: Var -> Bool
-isEvVar var = isEvVarType (varType var)
-isDictId :: Id -> Bool
-isDictId id = isDictTy (idType id)
-* *
Join variables
* *
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Predicate.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/Predicate.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dab4e64a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Predicate.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+Describes predicates as they are considered by the solver.
+module Predicate (
+ Pred(..), classifyPredType,
+ isPredTy, isEvVarType,
+ -- Equality predicates
+ EqRel(..), eqRelRole,
+ isEqPrimPred, isEqPred,
+ getEqPredTys, getEqPredTys_maybe, getEqPredRole,
+ predTypeEqRel,
+ mkPrimEqPred, mkReprPrimEqPred, mkPrimEqPredRole,
+ mkHeteroPrimEqPred, mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred,
+ -- Class predicates
+ mkClassPred, isDictTy,
+ isClassPred, isEqPredClass, isCTupleClass,
+ getClassPredTys, getClassPredTys_maybe,
+ -- Implicit parameters
+ isIPPred, isIPPred_maybe, isIPTyCon, isIPClass, hasIPPred,
+ -- Evidence variables
+ DictId, isEvVar, isDictId
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import Type
+import Class
+import TyCon
+import Var
+import Coercion
+import PrelNames
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import Util
+import Control.Monad ( guard )
+-- | A predicate in the solver. The solver tries to prove Wanted predicates
+-- from Given ones.
+data Pred
+ = ClassPred Class [Type]
+ | EqPred EqRel Type Type
+ | IrredPred PredType
+ | ForAllPred [TyCoVarBinder] [PredType] PredType
+ -- ForAllPred: see Note [Quantified constraints] in TcCanonical
+ -- NB: There is no TuplePred case
+ -- Tuple predicates like (Eq a, Ord b) are just treated
+ -- as ClassPred, as if we had a tuple class with two superclasses
+ -- class (c1, c2) => (%,%) c1 c2
+classifyPredType :: PredType -> Pred
+classifyPredType ev_ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ev_ty of
+ Just (tc, [_, _, ty1, ty2])
+ | tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey -> EqPred ReprEq ty1 ty2
+ | tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey -> EqPred NomEq ty1 ty2
+ Just (tc, tys)
+ | Just clas <- tyConClass_maybe tc
+ -> ClassPred clas tys
+ _ | (tvs, rho) <- splitForAllVarBndrs ev_ty
+ , (theta, pred) <- splitFunTys rho
+ , not (null tvs && null theta)
+ -> ForAllPred tvs theta pred
+ | otherwise
+ -> IrredPred ev_ty
+-- --------------------- Dictionary types ---------------------------------
+mkClassPred :: Class -> [Type] -> PredType
+mkClassPred clas tys = mkTyConApp (classTyCon clas) tys
+isDictTy :: Type -> Bool
+isDictTy = isClassPred
+getClassPredTys :: HasDebugCallStack => PredType -> (Class, [Type])
+getClassPredTys ty = case getClassPredTys_maybe ty of
+ Just (clas, tys) -> (clas, tys)
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "getClassPredTys" (ppr ty)
+getClassPredTys_maybe :: PredType -> Maybe (Class, [Type])
+getClassPredTys_maybe ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tc, tys) | Just clas <- tyConClass_maybe tc -> Just (clas, tys)
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- --------------------- Equality predicates ---------------------------------
+-- | A choice of equality relation. This is separate from the type 'Role'
+-- because 'Phantom' does not define a (non-trivial) equality relation.
+data EqRel = NomEq | ReprEq
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+instance Outputable EqRel where
+ ppr NomEq = text "nominal equality"
+ ppr ReprEq = text "representational equality"
+eqRelRole :: EqRel -> Role
+eqRelRole NomEq = Nominal
+eqRelRole ReprEq = Representational
+getEqPredTys :: PredType -> (Type, Type)
+getEqPredTys ty
+ = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tc, [_, _, ty1, ty2])
+ | tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey
+ || tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey
+ -> (ty1, ty2)
+ _ -> pprPanic "getEqPredTys" (ppr ty)
+getEqPredTys_maybe :: PredType -> Maybe (Role, Type, Type)
+getEqPredTys_maybe ty
+ = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tc, [_, _, ty1, ty2])
+ | tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey -> Just (Nominal, ty1, ty2)
+ | tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey -> Just (Representational, ty1, ty2)
+ _ -> Nothing
+getEqPredRole :: PredType -> Role
+getEqPredRole ty = eqRelRole (predTypeEqRel ty)
+-- | Get the equality relation relevant for a pred type.
+predTypeEqRel :: PredType -> EqRel
+predTypeEqRel ty
+ | Just (tc, _) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ , tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey
+ = ReprEq
+ | otherwise
+ = NomEq
+Predicates on PredType
+Note [Evidence for quantified constraints]
+The superclass mechanism in TcCanonical.makeSuperClasses risks
+taking a quantified constraint like
+ (forall a. C a => a ~ b)
+and generate superclass evidence
+ (forall a. C a => a ~# b)
+This is a funny thing: neither isPredTy nor isCoVarType are true
+of it. So we are careful not to generate it in the first place:
+see Note [Equality superclasses in quantified constraints]
+in TcCanonical.
+isEvVarType :: Type -> Bool
+-- True of (a) predicates, of kind Constraint, such as (Eq a), and (a ~ b)
+-- (b) coercion types, such as (t1 ~# t2) or (t1 ~R# t2)
+-- See Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence] in TyCoRep
+-- See Note [Evidence for quantified constraints]
+isEvVarType ty = isCoVarType ty || isPredTy ty
+isEqPredClass :: Class -> Bool
+-- True of (~) and (~~)
+isEqPredClass cls = cls `hasKey` eqTyConKey
+ || cls `hasKey` heqTyConKey
+isClassPred, isEqPred, isEqPrimPred, isIPPred :: PredType -> Bool
+isClassPred ty = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty of
+ Just tyCon | isClassTyCon tyCon -> True
+ _ -> False
+isEqPred ty -- True of (a ~ b) and (a ~~ b)
+ -- ToDo: should we check saturation?
+ | Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty
+ , Just cls <- tyConClass_maybe tc
+ = isEqPredClass cls
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+isEqPrimPred ty = isCoVarType ty
+ -- True of (a ~# b) (a ~R# b)
+isIPPred ty = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty of
+ Just tc -> isIPTyCon tc
+ _ -> False
+isIPTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
+isIPTyCon tc = tc `hasKey` ipClassKey
+ -- Class and its corresponding TyCon have the same Unique
+isIPClass :: Class -> Bool
+isIPClass cls = cls `hasKey` ipClassKey
+isCTupleClass :: Class -> Bool
+isCTupleClass cls = isTupleTyCon (classTyCon cls)
+isIPPred_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (FastString, Type)
+isIPPred_maybe ty =
+ do (tc,[t1,t2]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ guard (isIPTyCon tc)
+ x <- isStrLitTy t1
+ return (x,t2)
+hasIPPred :: PredType -> Bool
+hasIPPred pred
+ = case classifyPredType pred of
+ ClassPred cls tys
+ | isIPClass cls -> True
+ | isCTupleClass cls -> any hasIPPred tys
+ _other -> False
+* *
+ Evidence variables
+* *
+isEvVar :: Var -> Bool
+isEvVar var = isEvVarType (varType var)
+isDictId :: Id -> Bool
+isDictId id = isDictTy (varType id)
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs
index d8497322a1..d940d9d69c 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import VarEnv
import Id
import Type
import TyCon ( initRecTc, checkRecTc )
+import Predicate ( isDictTy )
import Coercion
import BasicTypes
import Unique
@@ -517,7 +518,7 @@ mk_cheap_fn dflags cheap_app
= \e mb_ty -> exprIsCheapX cheap_app e
|| case mb_ty of
Nothing -> False
- Just ty -> isDictLikeTy ty
+ Just ty -> isDictTy ty
@@ -624,9 +625,6 @@ The (foo DInt) is floated out, and makes ineffective a RULE
One could go further and make exprIsCheap reply True to any
dictionary-typed expression, but that's more work.
-See Note [Dictionary-like types] in TcType.hs for why we use
-isDictLikeTy here rather than isDictTy
Note [Eta expanding thunks]
We don't eta-expand
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
index 95aae22b58..1ca5a6b438 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ import Id
import IdInfo
import PrelNames( absentErrorIdKey )
import Type
+import Predicate
import TyCoRep( TyCoBinder(..), TyBinder )
import Coercion
import TyCon
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
index 95c26b90e0..6498ed7f6f 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import CoreArity ( etaExpand )
import CoreUnfold
import CoreFVs
import Digraph
+import Predicate
import PrelNames
import TyCon
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 3ff27ea098..4737d13c0b 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ Library
+ Predicate
@@ -505,6 +506,8 @@ Library
+ Constraint
+ TcOrigin
diff --git a/compiler/main/GHC.hs b/compiler/main/GHC.hs
index dc336e3914..d35adf8f4f 100644
--- a/compiler/main/GHC.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/GHC.hs
@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ import GhcMonad
import TcRnMonad ( finalSafeMode, fixSafeInstances, initIfaceTcRn )
import LoadIface ( loadSysInterface )
import TcRnTypes
+import Predicate
import Packages
import NameSet
import RdrName
diff --git a/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs b/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs
index e7f3947210..04e50ebca8 100644
--- a/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs
@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ import TyCon
import Type hiding( typeKind )
import RepType
import TcType
+import Constraint
+import TcOrigin
+import Predicate
import Var
import Id
import Name hiding ( varName )
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.hs b/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.hs
index 27c7318805..79a30482b0 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.hs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.hs
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ module TysPrim(
eqPrimTyCon, -- ty1 ~# ty2
eqReprPrimTyCon, -- ty1 ~R# ty2 (at role Representational)
eqPhantPrimTyCon, -- ty1 ~P# ty2 (at role Phantom)
+ equalityTyCon,
-- * SIMD
#include "primop-vector-tys-exports.hs-incl"
@@ -919,6 +920,12 @@ eqPhantPrimTyCon = mkPrimTyCon eqPhantPrimTyConName binders res_kind roles
res_kind = unboxedTupleKind []
roles = [Nominal, Nominal, Phantom, Phantom]
+-- | Given a Role, what TyCon is the type of equality predicates at that role?
+equalityTyCon :: Role -> TyCon
+equalityTyCon Nominal = eqPrimTyCon
+equalityTyCon Representational = eqReprPrimTyCon
+equalityTyCon Phantom = eqPhantPrimTyCon
{- *********************************************************************
* *
The primitive array types
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs b/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs
index 56caee1a2a..9b93af907b 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import NameSet
import RdrName ( RdrName, rdrNameOcc )
import SrcLoc
import ListSetOps ( findDupsEq )
-import BasicTypes ( RecFlag(..) )
+import BasicTypes ( RecFlag(..), TypeOrKind(..) )
import Digraph ( SCC(..) )
import Bag
import Util
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs b/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
index ea8cfb5347..791b6a4ceb 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import NameEnv
import Avail
import Outputable
import Bag
-import BasicTypes ( pprRuleName )
+import BasicTypes ( pprRuleName, TypeOrKind(..) )
import FastString
import SrcLoc
import DynFlags
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
index 87f364011e..434ed496f1 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
@@ -57,8 +57,9 @@ import FieldLabel
import Util
import ListSetOps ( deleteBys )
-import BasicTypes ( compareFixity, funTyFixity, negateFixity,
- Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), LexicalFixity(..) )
+import BasicTypes ( compareFixity, funTyFixity, negateFixity
+ , Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), LexicalFixity(..)
+ , TypeOrKind(..) )
import Outputable
import FastString
import Maybes
diff --git a/compiler/specialise/Specialise.hs b/compiler/specialise/Specialise.hs
index e49a40dc0d..75e80d0c46 100644
--- a/compiler/specialise/Specialise.hs
+++ b/compiler/specialise/Specialise.hs
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import GhcPrelude
import Id
import TcType hiding( substTy )
import Type hiding( substTy, extendTvSubstList )
+import Predicate
import Module( Module, HasModule(..) )
import Coercion( Coercion )
import CoreMonad
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/WwLib.hs b/compiler/stranal/WwLib.hs
index 5e4d22857a..f8b398fbcd 100644
--- a/compiler/stranal/WwLib.hs
+++ b/compiler/stranal/WwLib.hs
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Literal ( absentLiteralOf, rubbishLit )
import VarEnv ( mkInScopeSet )
import VarSet ( VarSet )
import Type
+import Predicate ( isClassPred )
import RepType ( isVoidTy, typePrimRep )
import Coercion
import FamInstEnv
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/ClsInst.hs b/compiler/typecheck/ClsInst.hs
index ee1971345b..d367d1df63 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/ClsInst.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/ClsInst.hs
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import TcType
import TcTypeable
import TcMType
import TcEvidence
+import Predicate
import RnEnv( addUsedGRE )
import RdrName( lookupGRE_FieldLabel )
import InstEnv
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/Constraint.hs b/compiler/typecheck/Constraint.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..acc335262a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/Constraint.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1778 @@
+This module defines types and simple operations over constraints,
+as used in the type-checker and constraint solver.
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Constraint (
+ -- QCInst
+ QCInst(..), isPendingScInst,
+ -- Canonical constraints
+ Xi, Ct(..), Cts, emptyCts, andCts, andManyCts, pprCts,
+ singleCt, listToCts, ctsElts, consCts, snocCts, extendCtsList,
+ isEmptyCts, isCTyEqCan, isCFunEqCan,
+ isPendingScDict, superClassesMightHelp, getPendingWantedScs,
+ isCDictCan_Maybe, isCFunEqCan_maybe,
+ isCNonCanonical, isWantedCt, isDerivedCt,
+ isGivenCt, isHoleCt, isOutOfScopeCt, isExprHoleCt, isTypeHoleCt,
+ isUserTypeErrorCt, getUserTypeErrorMsg,
+ ctEvidence, ctLoc, setCtLoc, ctPred, ctFlavour, ctEqRel, ctOrigin,
+ ctEvId, mkTcEqPredLikeEv,
+ mkNonCanonical, mkNonCanonicalCt, mkGivens,
+ mkIrredCt, mkInsolubleCt,
+ ctEvPred, ctEvLoc, ctEvOrigin, ctEvEqRel,
+ ctEvExpr, ctEvTerm, ctEvCoercion, ctEvEvId,
+ tyCoVarsOfCt, tyCoVarsOfCts,
+ tyCoVarsOfCtList, tyCoVarsOfCtsList,
+ WantedConstraints(..), insolubleWC, emptyWC, isEmptyWC,
+ isSolvedWC, andWC, unionsWC, mkSimpleWC, mkImplicWC,
+ addInsols, insolublesOnly, addSimples, addImplics,
+ tyCoVarsOfWC, dropDerivedWC, dropDerivedSimples,
+ tyCoVarsOfWCList, insolubleCt, insolubleEqCt,
+ isDroppableCt, insolubleImplic,
+ arisesFromGivens,
+ Implication(..), implicationPrototype,
+ ImplicStatus(..), isInsolubleStatus, isSolvedStatus,
+ SubGoalDepth, initialSubGoalDepth, maxSubGoalDepth,
+ bumpSubGoalDepth, subGoalDepthExceeded,
+ CtLoc(..), ctLocSpan, ctLocEnv, ctLocLevel, ctLocOrigin,
+ ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe,
+ ctLocDepth, bumpCtLocDepth, isGivenLoc,
+ setCtLocOrigin, updateCtLocOrigin, setCtLocEnv, setCtLocSpan,
+ pprCtLoc,
+ -- CtEvidence
+ CtEvidence(..), TcEvDest(..),
+ mkKindLoc, toKindLoc, mkGivenLoc,
+ isWanted, isGiven, isDerived, isGivenOrWDeriv,
+ ctEvRole,
+ wrapType, wrapTypeWithImplication,
+ CtFlavour(..), ShadowInfo(..), ctEvFlavour,
+ CtFlavourRole, ctEvFlavourRole, ctFlavourRole,
+ eqCanRewrite, eqCanRewriteFR, eqMayRewriteFR,
+ eqCanDischargeFR,
+ funEqCanDischarge, funEqCanDischargeF,
+ -- Pretty printing
+ pprEvVarTheta,
+ pprEvVars, pprEvVarWithType,
+ -- holes
+ HoleSort(..),
+ )
+ where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} TcRnTypes ( TcLclEnv, setLclEnvTcLevel, getLclEnvTcLevel
+ , setLclEnvLoc, getLclEnvLoc )
+import Predicate
+import Type
+import Coercion
+import Class
+import TyCon
+import Var
+import Id
+import TcType
+import TcEvidence
+import TcOrigin
+import CoreSyn
+import OccName
+import FV
+import VarSet
+import DynFlags
+import BasicTypes
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc
+import Bag
+import Util
+import Control.Monad ( msum )
+* *
+* Canonical constraints *
+* *
+* These are the constraints the low-level simplifier works with *
+* *
+-- The syntax of xi (ξ) types:
+-- xi ::= a | T xis | xis -> xis | ... | forall a. tau
+-- Two important notes:
+-- (i) No type families, unless we are under a ForAll
+-- (ii) Note that xi types can contain unexpanded type synonyms;
+-- however, the (transitive) expansions of those type synonyms
+-- will not contain any type functions, unless we are under a ForAll.
+-- We enforce the structure of Xi types when we flatten (TcCanonical)
+type Xi = Type -- In many comments, "xi" ranges over Xi
+type Cts = Bag Ct
+data Ct
+ -- Atomic canonical constraints
+ = CDictCan { -- e.g. Num xi
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence, -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
+ cc_class :: Class,
+ cc_tyargs :: [Xi], -- cc_tyargs are function-free, hence Xi
+ cc_pend_sc :: Bool -- See Note [The superclass story] in TcCanonical
+ -- True <=> (a) cc_class has superclasses
+ -- (b) we have not (yet) added those
+ -- superclasses as Givens
+ }
+ | CIrredCan { -- These stand for yet-unusable predicates
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence, -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
+ cc_insol :: Bool -- True <=> definitely an error, can never be solved
+ -- False <=> might be soluble
+ -- For the might-be-soluble case, the ctev_pred of the evidence is
+ -- of form (tv xi1 xi2 ... xin) with a tyvar at the head
+ -- or (tv1 ~ ty2) where the CTyEqCan kind invariant fails
+ -- or (F tys ~ ty) where the CFunEqCan kind invariant fails
+ -- See Note [CIrredCan constraints]
+ -- The definitely-insoluble case is for things like
+ -- Int ~ Bool tycons don't match
+ -- a ~ [a] occurs check
+ }
+ | CTyEqCan { -- tv ~ rhs
+ -- Invariants:
+ -- * See Note [Applying the inert substitution] in TcFlatten
+ -- * tv not in tvs(rhs) (occurs check)
+ -- * If tv is a TauTv, then rhs has no foralls
+ -- (this avoids substituting a forall for the tyvar in other types)
+ -- * tcTypeKind ty `tcEqKind` tcTypeKind tv; Note [Ct kind invariant]
+ -- * rhs may have at most one top-level cast
+ -- * rhs (perhaps under the one cast) is not necessarily function-free,
+ -- but it has no top-level function.
+ -- E.g. a ~ [F b] is fine
+ -- but a ~ F b is not
+ -- * If the equality is representational, rhs has no top-level newtype
+ -- See Note [No top-level newtypes on RHS of representational
+ -- equalities] in TcCanonical
+ -- * If rhs (perhaps under the cast) is also a tv, then it is oriented
+ -- to give best chance of
+ -- unification happening; eg if rhs is touchable then lhs is too
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence, -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
+ cc_tyvar :: TcTyVar,
+ cc_rhs :: TcType, -- Not necessarily function-free (hence not Xi)
+ -- See invariants above
+ cc_eq_rel :: EqRel -- INVARIANT: cc_eq_rel = ctEvEqRel cc_ev
+ }
+ | CFunEqCan { -- F xis ~ fsk
+ -- Invariants:
+ -- * isTypeFamilyTyCon cc_fun
+ -- * tcTypeKind (F xis) = tyVarKind fsk; Note [Ct kind invariant]
+ -- * always Nominal role
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence, -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
+ cc_fun :: TyCon, -- A type function
+ cc_tyargs :: [Xi], -- cc_tyargs are function-free (hence Xi)
+ -- Either under-saturated or exactly saturated
+ -- *never* over-saturated (because if so
+ -- we should have decomposed)
+ cc_fsk :: TcTyVar -- [G] always a FlatSkolTv
+ -- [W], [WD], or [D] always a FlatMetaTv
+ -- See Note [The flattening story] in TcFlatten
+ }
+ | CNonCanonical { -- See Note [NonCanonical Semantics] in TcSMonad
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence
+ }
+ | CHoleCan { -- See Note [Hole constraints]
+ -- Treated as an "insoluble" constraint
+ -- See Note [Insoluble constraints]
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence,
+ cc_occ :: OccName, -- The name of this hole
+ cc_hole :: HoleSort -- The sort of this hole (expr, type, ...)
+ }
+ | CQuantCan QCInst -- A quantified constraint
+ -- NB: I expect to make more of the cases in Ct
+ -- look like this, with the payload in an
+ -- auxiliary type
+data QCInst -- A much simplified version of ClsInst
+ -- See Note [Quantified constraints] in TcCanonical
+ = QCI { qci_ev :: CtEvidence -- Always of type forall tvs. context => ty
+ -- Always Given
+ , qci_tvs :: [TcTyVar] -- The tvs
+ , qci_pred :: TcPredType -- The ty
+ , qci_pend_sc :: Bool -- Same as cc_pend_sc flag in CDictCan
+ -- Invariant: True => qci_pred is a ClassPred
+ }
+instance Outputable QCInst where
+ ppr (QCI { qci_ev = ev }) = ppr ev
+-- | Used to indicate which sort of hole we have.
+data HoleSort = ExprHole
+ -- ^ Either an out-of-scope variable or a "true" hole in an
+ -- expression (TypedHoles)
+ | TypeHole
+ -- ^ A hole in a type (PartialTypeSignatures)
+{- Note [Hole constraints]
+CHoleCan constraints are used for two kinds of holes,
+distinguished by cc_hole:
+ * For holes in expressions
+ e.g. f x = g _ x
+ * For holes in type signatures
+ e.g. f :: _ -> _
+ f x = [x,True]
+Note [CIrredCan constraints]
+CIrredCan constraints are used for constraints that are "stuck"
+ - we can't solve them (yet)
+ - we can't use them to solve other constraints
+ - but they may become soluble if we substitute for some
+ of the type variables in the constraint
+Example 1: (c Int), where c :: * -> Constraint. We can't do anything
+ with this yet, but if later c := Num, *then* we can solve it
+Example 2: a ~ b, where a :: *, b :: k, where k is a kind variable
+ We don't want to use this to substitute 'b' for 'a', in case
+ 'k' is subsequently unifed with (say) *->*, because then
+ we'd have ill-kinded types floating about. Rather we want
+ to defer using the equality altogether until 'k' get resolved.
+Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
+If ct :: Ct, then extra fields of 'ct' cache precisely the ctev_pred field
+of (cc_ev ct), and is fully rewritten wrt the substitution. Eg for CDictCan,
+ ctev_pred (cc_ev ct) = (cc_class ct) (cc_tyargs ct)
+This holds by construction; look at the unique place where CDictCan is
+built (in TcCanonical).
+In contrast, the type of the evidence *term* (ctev_dest / ctev_evar) in
+the evidence may *not* be fully zonked; we are careful not to look at it
+during constraint solving. See Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence].
+Note [Ct kind invariant]
+CTyEqCan and CFunEqCan both require that the kind of the lhs matches the kind
+of the rhs. This is necessary because both constraints are used for substitutions
+during solving. If the kinds differed, then the substitution would take a well-kinded
+type to an ill-kinded one.
+mkNonCanonical :: CtEvidence -> Ct
+mkNonCanonical ev = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = ev }
+mkNonCanonicalCt :: Ct -> Ct
+mkNonCanonicalCt ct = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = cc_ev ct }
+mkIrredCt :: CtEvidence -> Ct
+mkIrredCt ev = CIrredCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_insol = False }
+mkInsolubleCt :: CtEvidence -> Ct
+mkInsolubleCt ev = CIrredCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_insol = True }
+mkGivens :: CtLoc -> [EvId] -> [Ct]
+mkGivens loc ev_ids
+ = map mk ev_ids
+ where
+ mk ev_id = mkNonCanonical (CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev_id
+ , ctev_pred = evVarPred ev_id
+ , ctev_loc = loc })
+ctEvidence :: Ct -> CtEvidence
+ctEvidence (CQuantCan (QCI { qci_ev = ev })) = ev
+ctEvidence ct = cc_ev ct
+ctLoc :: Ct -> CtLoc
+ctLoc = ctEvLoc . ctEvidence
+setCtLoc :: Ct -> CtLoc -> Ct
+setCtLoc ct loc = ct { cc_ev = (cc_ev ct) { ctev_loc = loc } }
+ctOrigin :: Ct -> CtOrigin
+ctOrigin = ctLocOrigin . ctLoc
+ctPred :: Ct -> PredType
+-- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
+ctPred ct = ctEvPred (ctEvidence ct)
+ctEvId :: Ct -> EvVar
+-- The evidence Id for this Ct
+ctEvId ct = ctEvEvId (ctEvidence ct)
+-- | Makes a new equality predicate with the same role as the given
+-- evidence.
+mkTcEqPredLikeEv :: CtEvidence -> TcType -> TcType -> TcType
+mkTcEqPredLikeEv ev
+ = case predTypeEqRel pred of
+ NomEq -> mkPrimEqPred
+ ReprEq -> mkReprPrimEqPred
+ where
+ pred = ctEvPred ev
+-- | Get the flavour of the given 'Ct'
+ctFlavour :: Ct -> CtFlavour
+ctFlavour = ctEvFlavour . ctEvidence
+-- | Get the equality relation for the given 'Ct'
+ctEqRel :: Ct -> EqRel
+ctEqRel = ctEvEqRel . ctEvidence
+instance Outputable Ct where
+ ppr ct = ppr (ctEvidence ct) <+> parens pp_sort
+ where
+ pp_sort = case ct of
+ CTyEqCan {} -> text "CTyEqCan"
+ CFunEqCan {} -> text "CFunEqCan"
+ CNonCanonical {} -> text "CNonCanonical"
+ CDictCan { cc_pend_sc = pend_sc }
+ | pend_sc -> text "CDictCan(psc)"
+ | otherwise -> text "CDictCan"
+ CIrredCan { cc_insol = insol }
+ | insol -> text "CIrredCan(insol)"
+ | otherwise -> text "CIrredCan(sol)"
+ CHoleCan { cc_occ = occ } -> text "CHoleCan:" <+> ppr occ
+ CQuantCan (QCI { qci_pend_sc = pend_sc })
+ | pend_sc -> text "CQuantCan(psc)"
+ | otherwise -> text "CQuantCan"
+* *
+ Simple functions over evidence variables
+* *
+---------------- Getting free tyvars -------------------------
+-- | Returns free variables of constraints as a non-deterministic set
+tyCoVarsOfCt :: Ct -> TcTyCoVarSet
+tyCoVarsOfCt = fvVarSet . tyCoFVsOfCt
+-- | Returns free variables of constraints as a deterministically ordered.
+-- list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
+tyCoVarsOfCtList :: Ct -> [TcTyCoVar]
+tyCoVarsOfCtList = fvVarList . tyCoFVsOfCt
+-- | Returns free variables of constraints as a composable FV computation.
+-- See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
+tyCoFVsOfCt :: Ct -> FV
+tyCoFVsOfCt (CTyEqCan { cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
+ = tyCoFVsOfType xi `unionFV` FV.unitFV tv
+ `unionFV` tyCoFVsOfType (tyVarKind tv)
+tyCoFVsOfCt (CFunEqCan { cc_tyargs = tys, cc_fsk = fsk })
+ = tyCoFVsOfTypes tys `unionFV` FV.unitFV fsk
+ `unionFV` tyCoFVsOfType (tyVarKind fsk)
+tyCoFVsOfCt (CDictCan { cc_tyargs = tys }) = tyCoFVsOfTypes tys
+tyCoFVsOfCt ct = tyCoFVsOfType (ctPred ct)
+-- | Returns free variables of a bag of constraints as a non-deterministic
+-- set. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
+tyCoVarsOfCts :: Cts -> TcTyCoVarSet
+tyCoVarsOfCts = fvVarSet . tyCoFVsOfCts
+-- | Returns free variables of a bag of constraints as a deterministically
+-- odered list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
+tyCoVarsOfCtsList :: Cts -> [TcTyCoVar]
+tyCoVarsOfCtsList = fvVarList . tyCoFVsOfCts
+-- | Returns free variables of a bag of constraints as a composable FV
+-- computation. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
+tyCoFVsOfCts :: Cts -> FV
+tyCoFVsOfCts = foldr (unionFV . tyCoFVsOfCt) emptyFV
+-- | Returns free variables of WantedConstraints as a non-deterministic
+-- set. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
+tyCoVarsOfWC :: WantedConstraints -> TyCoVarSet
+-- Only called on *zonked* things, hence no need to worry about flatten-skolems
+tyCoVarsOfWC = fvVarSet . tyCoFVsOfWC
+-- | Returns free variables of WantedConstraints as a deterministically
+-- ordered list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
+tyCoVarsOfWCList :: WantedConstraints -> [TyCoVar]
+-- Only called on *zonked* things, hence no need to worry about flatten-skolems
+tyCoVarsOfWCList = fvVarList . tyCoFVsOfWC
+-- | Returns free variables of WantedConstraints as a composable FV
+-- computation. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
+tyCoFVsOfWC :: WantedConstraints -> FV
+-- Only called on *zonked* things, hence no need to worry about flatten-skolems
+tyCoFVsOfWC (WC { wc_simple = simple, wc_impl = implic })
+ = tyCoFVsOfCts simple `unionFV`
+ tyCoFVsOfBag tyCoFVsOfImplic implic
+-- | Returns free variables of Implication as a composable FV computation.
+-- See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
+tyCoFVsOfImplic :: Implication -> FV
+-- Only called on *zonked* things, hence no need to worry about flatten-skolems
+tyCoFVsOfImplic (Implic { ic_skols = skols
+ , ic_given = givens
+ , ic_wanted = wanted })
+ | isEmptyWC wanted
+ = emptyFV
+ | otherwise
+ = tyCoFVsVarBndrs skols $
+ tyCoFVsVarBndrs givens $
+ tyCoFVsOfWC wanted
+tyCoFVsOfBag :: (a -> FV) -> Bag a -> FV
+tyCoFVsOfBag tvs_of = foldr (unionFV . tvs_of) emptyFV
+dropDerivedWC :: WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints
+-- See Note [Dropping derived constraints]
+dropDerivedWC wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples })
+ = wc { wc_simple = dropDerivedSimples simples }
+ -- The wc_impl implications are already (recursively) filtered
+dropDerivedSimples :: Cts -> Cts
+-- Drop all Derived constraints, but make [W] back into [WD],
+-- so that if we re-simplify these constraints we will get all
+-- the right derived constraints re-generated. Forgetting this
+-- step led to #12936
+dropDerivedSimples simples = mapMaybeBag dropDerivedCt simples
+dropDerivedCt :: Ct -> Maybe Ct
+dropDerivedCt ct
+ = case ctEvFlavour ev of
+ Wanted WOnly -> Just (ct' { cc_ev = ev_wd })
+ Wanted _ -> Just ct'
+ _ | isDroppableCt ct -> Nothing
+ | otherwise -> Just ct
+ where
+ ev = ctEvidence ct
+ ev_wd = ev { ctev_nosh = WDeriv }
+ ct' = setPendingScDict ct -- See Note [Resetting cc_pend_sc]
+{- Note [Resetting cc_pend_sc]
+When we discard Derived constraints, in dropDerivedSimples, we must
+set the cc_pend_sc flag to True, so that if we re-process this
+CDictCan we will re-generate its derived superclasses. Otherwise
+we might miss some fundeps. #13662 showed this up.
+See Note [The superclass story] in TcCanonical.
+isDroppableCt :: Ct -> Bool
+isDroppableCt ct
+ = isDerived ev && not keep_deriv
+ -- Drop only derived constraints, and then only if they
+ -- obey Note [Dropping derived constraints]
+ where
+ ev = ctEvidence ct
+ loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ orig = ctLocOrigin loc
+ keep_deriv
+ = case ct of
+ CHoleCan {} -> True
+ CIrredCan { cc_insol = insoluble }
+ -> keep_eq insoluble
+ _ -> keep_eq False
+ keep_eq definitely_insoluble
+ | isGivenOrigin orig -- Arising only from givens
+ = definitely_insoluble -- Keep only definitely insoluble
+ | otherwise
+ = case orig of
+ KindEqOrigin {} -> True -- See Note [Dropping derived constraints]
+ -- See Note [Dropping derived constraints]
+ -- For fundeps, drop wanted/wanted interactions
+ FunDepOrigin2 {} -> True -- Top-level/Wanted
+ FunDepOrigin1 _ orig1 _ _ orig2 _
+ | g1 || g2 -> True -- Given/Wanted errors: keep all
+ | otherwise -> False -- Wanted/Wanted errors: discard
+ where
+ g1 = isGivenOrigin orig1
+ g2 = isGivenOrigin orig2
+ _ -> False
+arisesFromGivens :: Ct -> Bool
+arisesFromGivens ct
+ = case ctEvidence ct of
+ CtGiven {} -> True
+ CtWanted {} -> False
+ CtDerived { ctev_loc = loc } -> isGivenLoc loc
+isGivenLoc :: CtLoc -> Bool
+isGivenLoc loc = isGivenOrigin (ctLocOrigin loc)
+{- Note [Dropping derived constraints]
+In general we discard derived constraints at the end of constraint solving;
+see dropDerivedWC. For example
+ * Superclasses: if we have an unsolved [W] (Ord a), we don't want to
+ complain about an unsolved [D] (Eq a) as well.
+ * If we have [W] a ~ Int, [W] a ~ Bool, improvement will generate
+ [D] Int ~ Bool, and we don't want to report that because it's
+ incomprehensible. That is why we don't rewrite wanteds with wanteds!
+ * We might float out some Wanteds from an implication, leaving behind
+ their insoluble Deriveds. For example:
+ forall a[2]. [W] alpha[1] ~ Int
+ [W] alpha[1] ~ Bool
+ [D] Int ~ Bool
+ The Derived is insoluble, but we very much want to drop it when floating
+ out.
+But (tiresomely) we do keep *some* Derived constraints:
+ * Type holes are derived constraints, because they have no evidence
+ and we want to keep them, so we get the error report
+ * Insoluble kind equalities (e.g. [D] * ~ (* -> *)), with
+ KindEqOrigin, may arise from a type equality a ~ Int#, say. See
+ Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in TcCanonical.
+ Keeping these around produces better error messages, in practice.
+ E.g., test case dependent/should_fail/T11471
+ * We keep most derived equalities arising from functional dependencies
+ - Given/Given interactions (subset of FunDepOrigin1):
+ The definitely-insoluble ones reflect unreachable code.
+ Others not-definitely-insoluble ones like [D] a ~ Int do not
+ reflect unreachable code; indeed if fundeps generated proofs, it'd
+ be a useful equality. See #14763. So we discard them.
+ - Given/Wanted interacGiven or Wanted interacting with an
+ instance declaration (FunDepOrigin2)
+ - Given/Wanted interactions (FunDepOrigin1); see #9612
+ - But for Wanted/Wanted interactions we do /not/ want to report an
+ error (#13506). Consider [W] C Int Int, [W] C Int Bool, with
+ a fundep on class C. We don't want to report an insoluble Int~Bool;
+ c.f. "wanteds do not rewrite wanteds".
+To distinguish these cases we use the CtOrigin.
+NB: we keep *all* derived insolubles under some circumstances:
+ * They are looked at by simplifyInfer, to decide whether to
+ generalise. Example: [W] a ~ Int, [W] a ~ Bool
+ We get [D] Int ~ Bool, and indeed the constraints are insoluble,
+ and we want simplifyInfer to see that, even though we don't
+ ultimately want to generate an (inexplicable) error message from it
+* *
+ CtEvidence
+ The "flavor" of a canonical constraint
+* *
+isWantedCt :: Ct -> Bool
+isWantedCt = isWanted . ctEvidence
+isGivenCt :: Ct -> Bool
+isGivenCt = isGiven . ctEvidence
+isDerivedCt :: Ct -> Bool
+isDerivedCt = isDerived . ctEvidence
+isCTyEqCan :: Ct -> Bool
+isCTyEqCan (CTyEqCan {}) = True
+isCTyEqCan (CFunEqCan {}) = False
+isCTyEqCan _ = False
+isCDictCan_Maybe :: Ct -> Maybe Class
+isCDictCan_Maybe (CDictCan {cc_class = cls }) = Just cls
+isCDictCan_Maybe _ = Nothing
+isCFunEqCan_maybe :: Ct -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
+isCFunEqCan_maybe (CFunEqCan { cc_fun = tc, cc_tyargs = xis }) = Just (tc, xis)
+isCFunEqCan_maybe _ = Nothing
+isCFunEqCan :: Ct -> Bool
+isCFunEqCan (CFunEqCan {}) = True
+isCFunEqCan _ = False
+isCNonCanonical :: Ct -> Bool
+isCNonCanonical (CNonCanonical {}) = True
+isCNonCanonical _ = False
+isHoleCt:: Ct -> Bool
+isHoleCt (CHoleCan {}) = True
+isHoleCt _ = False
+isOutOfScopeCt :: Ct -> Bool
+-- A Hole that does not have a leading underscore is
+-- simply an out-of-scope variable, and we treat that
+-- a bit differently when it comes to error reporting
+isOutOfScopeCt (CHoleCan { cc_occ = occ }) = not (startsWithUnderscore occ)
+isOutOfScopeCt _ = False
+isExprHoleCt :: Ct -> Bool
+isExprHoleCt (CHoleCan { cc_hole = ExprHole }) = True
+isExprHoleCt _ = False
+isTypeHoleCt :: Ct -> Bool
+isTypeHoleCt (CHoleCan { cc_hole = TypeHole }) = True
+isTypeHoleCt _ = False
+{- Note [Custom type errors in constraints]
+When GHC reports a type-error about an unsolved-constraint, we check
+to see if the constraint contains any custom-type errors, and if so
+we report them. Here are some examples of constraints containing type
+TypeError msg -- The actual constraint is a type error
+TypError msg ~ Int -- Some type was supposed to be Int, but ended up
+ -- being a type error instead
+Eq (TypeError msg) -- A class constraint is stuck due to a type error
+F (TypeError msg) ~ a -- A type function failed to evaluate due to a type err
+It is also possible to have constraints where the type error is nested deeper,
+for example see #11990, and also:
+Eq (F (TypeError msg)) -- Here the type error is nested under a type-function
+ -- call, which failed to evaluate because of it,
+ -- and so the `Eq` constraint was unsolved.
+ -- This may happen when one function calls another
+ -- and the called function produced a custom type error.
+-- | A constraint is considered to be a custom type error, if it contains
+-- custom type errors anywhere in it.
+-- See Note [Custom type errors in constraints]
+getUserTypeErrorMsg :: Ct -> Maybe Type
+getUserTypeErrorMsg ct = findUserTypeError (ctPred ct)
+ where
+ findUserTypeError t = msum ( userTypeError_maybe t
+ : map findUserTypeError (subTys t)
+ )
+ subTys t = case splitAppTys t of
+ (t,[]) ->
+ case splitTyConApp_maybe t of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just (_,ts) -> ts
+ (t,ts) -> t : ts
+isUserTypeErrorCt :: Ct -> Bool
+isUserTypeErrorCt ct = case getUserTypeErrorMsg ct of
+ Just _ -> True
+ _ -> False
+isPendingScDict :: Ct -> Maybe Ct
+-- Says whether this is a CDictCan with cc_pend_sc is True,
+-- AND if so flips the flag
+isPendingScDict ct@(CDictCan { cc_pend_sc = True })
+ = Just (ct { cc_pend_sc = False })
+isPendingScDict _ = Nothing
+isPendingScInst :: QCInst -> Maybe QCInst
+-- Same as isPrendinScDict, but for QCInsts
+isPendingScInst qci@(QCI { qci_pend_sc = True })
+ = Just (qci { qci_pend_sc = False })
+isPendingScInst _ = Nothing
+setPendingScDict :: Ct -> Ct
+-- Set the cc_pend_sc flag to True
+setPendingScDict ct@(CDictCan { cc_pend_sc = False })
+ = ct { cc_pend_sc = True }
+setPendingScDict ct = ct
+superClassesMightHelp :: WantedConstraints -> Bool
+-- ^ True if taking superclasses of givens, or of wanteds (to perhaps
+-- expose more equalities or functional dependencies) might help to
+-- solve this constraint. See Note [When superclasses help]
+superClassesMightHelp (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics })
+ = anyBag might_help_ct simples || anyBag might_help_implic implics
+ where
+ might_help_implic ic
+ | IC_Unsolved <- ic_status ic = superClassesMightHelp (ic_wanted ic)
+ | otherwise = False
+ might_help_ct ct = isWantedCt ct && not (is_ip ct)
+ is_ip (CDictCan { cc_class = cls }) = isIPClass cls
+ is_ip _ = False
+getPendingWantedScs :: Cts -> ([Ct], Cts)
+getPendingWantedScs simples
+ = mapAccumBagL get [] simples
+ where
+ get acc ct | Just ct' <- isPendingScDict ct
+ = (ct':acc, ct')
+ | otherwise
+ = (acc, ct)
+{- Note [When superclasses help]
+First read Note [The superclass story] in TcCanonical.
+We expand superclasses and iterate only if there is at unsolved wanted
+for which expansion of superclasses (e.g. from given constraints)
+might actually help. The function superClassesMightHelp tells if
+doing this superclass expansion might help solve this constraint.
+Note that
+ * We look inside implications; maybe it'll help to expand the Givens
+ at level 2 to help solve an unsolved Wanted buried inside an
+ implication. E.g.
+ forall a. Ord a => forall b. [W] Eq a
+ * Superclasses help only for Wanted constraints. Derived constraints
+ are not really "unsolved" and we certainly don't want them to
+ trigger superclass expansion. This was a good part of the loop
+ in #11523
+ * Even for Wanted constraints, we say "no" for implicit parameters.
+ we have [W] ?x::ty, expanding superclasses won't help:
+ - Superclasses can't be implicit parameters
+ - If we have a [G] ?x:ty2, then we'll have another unsolved
+ [D] ty ~ ty2 (from the functional dependency)
+ which will trigger superclass expansion.
+ It's a bit of a special case, but it's easy to do. The runtime cost
+ is low because the unsolved set is usually empty anyway (errors
+ aside), and the first non-imlicit-parameter will terminate the search.
+ The special case is worth it (#11480, comment:2) because it
+ applies to CallStack constraints, which aren't type errors. If we have
+ f :: (C a) => blah
+ f x = ...undefined...
+ we'll get a CallStack constraint. If that's the only unsolved
+ constraint it'll eventually be solved by defaulting. So we don't
+ want to emit warnings about hitting the simplifier's iteration
+ limit. A CallStack constraint really isn't an unsolved
+ constraint; it can always be solved by defaulting.
+singleCt :: Ct -> Cts
+singleCt = unitBag
+andCts :: Cts -> Cts -> Cts
+andCts = unionBags
+listToCts :: [Ct] -> Cts
+listToCts = listToBag
+ctsElts :: Cts -> [Ct]
+ctsElts = bagToList
+consCts :: Ct -> Cts -> Cts
+consCts = consBag
+snocCts :: Cts -> Ct -> Cts
+snocCts = snocBag
+extendCtsList :: Cts -> [Ct] -> Cts
+extendCtsList cts xs | null xs = cts
+ | otherwise = cts `unionBags` listToBag xs
+andManyCts :: [Cts] -> Cts
+andManyCts = unionManyBags
+emptyCts :: Cts
+emptyCts = emptyBag
+isEmptyCts :: Cts -> Bool
+isEmptyCts = isEmptyBag
+pprCts :: Cts -> SDoc
+pprCts cts = vcat (map ppr (bagToList cts))
+* *
+ Wanted constraints
+ These are forced to be in TcRnTypes because
+ TcLclEnv mentions WantedConstraints
+ WantedConstraint mentions CtLoc
+ CtLoc mentions ErrCtxt
+ ErrCtxt mentions TcM
+* *
+data WantedConstraints
+ = WC { wc_simple :: Cts -- Unsolved constraints, all wanted
+ , wc_impl :: Bag Implication
+ }
+emptyWC :: WantedConstraints
+emptyWC = WC { wc_simple = emptyBag, wc_impl = emptyBag }
+mkSimpleWC :: [CtEvidence] -> WantedConstraints
+mkSimpleWC cts
+ = WC { wc_simple = listToBag (map mkNonCanonical cts)
+ , wc_impl = emptyBag }
+mkImplicWC :: Bag Implication -> WantedConstraints
+mkImplicWC implic
+ = WC { wc_simple = emptyBag, wc_impl = implic }
+isEmptyWC :: WantedConstraints -> Bool
+isEmptyWC (WC { wc_simple = f, wc_impl = i })
+ = isEmptyBag f && isEmptyBag i
+-- | Checks whether a the given wanted constraints are solved, i.e.
+-- that there are no simple constraints left and all the implications
+-- are solved.
+isSolvedWC :: WantedConstraints -> Bool
+isSolvedWC WC {wc_simple = wc_simple, wc_impl = wc_impl} =
+ isEmptyBag wc_simple && allBag (isSolvedStatus . ic_status) wc_impl
+andWC :: WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints
+andWC (WC { wc_simple = f1, wc_impl = i1 })
+ (WC { wc_simple = f2, wc_impl = i2 })
+ = WC { wc_simple = f1 `unionBags` f2
+ , wc_impl = i1 `unionBags` i2 }
+unionsWC :: [WantedConstraints] -> WantedConstraints
+unionsWC = foldr andWC emptyWC
+addSimples :: WantedConstraints -> Bag Ct -> WantedConstraints
+addSimples wc cts
+ = wc { wc_simple = wc_simple wc `unionBags` cts }
+ -- Consider: Put the new constraints at the front, so they get solved first
+addImplics :: WantedConstraints -> Bag Implication -> WantedConstraints
+addImplics wc implic = wc { wc_impl = wc_impl wc `unionBags` implic }
+addInsols :: WantedConstraints -> Bag Ct -> WantedConstraints
+addInsols wc cts
+ = wc { wc_simple = wc_simple wc `unionBags` cts }
+insolublesOnly :: WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints
+-- Keep only the definitely-insoluble constraints
+insolublesOnly (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics })
+ = WC { wc_simple = filterBag insolubleCt simples
+ , wc_impl = mapBag implic_insols_only implics }
+ where
+ implic_insols_only implic
+ = implic { ic_wanted = insolublesOnly (ic_wanted implic) }
+isSolvedStatus :: ImplicStatus -> Bool
+isSolvedStatus (IC_Solved {}) = True
+isSolvedStatus _ = False
+isInsolubleStatus :: ImplicStatus -> Bool
+isInsolubleStatus IC_Insoluble = True
+isInsolubleStatus IC_BadTelescope = True
+isInsolubleStatus _ = False
+insolubleImplic :: Implication -> Bool
+insolubleImplic ic = isInsolubleStatus (ic_status ic)
+insolubleWC :: WantedConstraints -> Bool
+insolubleWC (WC { wc_impl = implics, wc_simple = simples })
+ = anyBag insolubleCt simples
+ || anyBag insolubleImplic implics
+insolubleCt :: Ct -> Bool
+-- Definitely insoluble, in particular /excluding/ type-hole constraints
+-- Namely: a) an equality constraint
+-- b) that is insoluble
+-- c) and does not arise from a Given
+insolubleCt ct
+ | isHoleCt ct = isOutOfScopeCt ct -- See Note [Insoluble holes]
+ | not (insolubleEqCt ct) = False
+ | arisesFromGivens ct = False -- See Note [Given insolubles]
+ | otherwise = True
+insolubleEqCt :: Ct -> Bool
+-- Returns True of /equality/ constraints
+-- that are /definitely/ insoluble
+-- It won't detect some definite errors like
+-- F a ~ T (F a)
+-- where F is a type family, which actually has an occurs check
+-- The function is tuned for application /after/ constraint solving
+-- i.e. assuming canonicalisation has been done
+-- E.g. It'll reply True for a ~ [a]
+-- but False for [a] ~ a
+-- and
+-- True for Int ~ F a Int
+-- but False for Maybe Int ~ F a Int Int
+-- (where F is an arity-1 type function)
+insolubleEqCt (CIrredCan { cc_insol = insol }) = insol
+insolubleEqCt _ = False
+instance Outputable WantedConstraints where
+ ppr (WC {wc_simple = s, wc_impl = i})
+ = text "WC" <+> braces (vcat
+ [ ppr_bag (text "wc_simple") s
+ , ppr_bag (text "wc_impl") i ])
+ppr_bag :: Outputable a => SDoc -> Bag a -> SDoc
+ppr_bag doc bag
+ | isEmptyBag bag = empty
+ | otherwise = hang (doc <+> equals)
+ 2 (foldr (($$) . ppr) empty bag)
+{- Note [Given insolubles]
+Consider (#14325, comment:)
+ class (a~b) => C a b
+ foo :: C a c => a -> c
+ foo x = x
+ hm3 :: C (f b) b => b -> f b
+ hm3 x = foo x
+In the RHS of hm3, from the [G] C (f b) b we get the insoluble
+[G] f b ~# b. Then we also get an unsolved [W] C b (f b).
+Residual implication looks like
+ forall b. C (f b) b => [G] f b ~# b
+ [W] C f (f b)
+We do /not/ want to set the implication status to IC_Insoluble,
+because that'll suppress reports of [W] C b (f b). But we
+may not report the insoluble [G] f b ~# b either (see Note [Given errors]
+in TcErrors), so we may fail to report anything at all! Yikes.
+The same applies to Derived constraints that /arise from/ Givens.
+E.g. f :: (C Int [a]) => blah
+where a fundep means we get
+ [D] Int ~ [a]
+By the same reasoning we must not suppress other errors (#15767)
+Bottom line: insolubleWC (called in TcSimplify.setImplicationStatus)
+ should ignore givens even if they are insoluble.
+Note [Insoluble holes]
+Hole constraints that ARE NOT treated as truly insoluble:
+ a) type holes, arising from PartialTypeSignatures,
+ b) "true" expression holes arising from TypedHoles
+An "expression hole" or "type hole" constraint isn't really an error
+at all; it's a report saying "_ :: Int" here. But an out-of-scope
+variable masquerading as expression holes IS treated as truly
+insoluble, so that it trumps other errors during error reporting.
+* *
+ Implication constraints
+* *
+data Implication
+ = Implic { -- Invariants for a tree of implications:
+ -- see TcType Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables]
+ ic_tclvl :: TcLevel, -- TcLevel of unification variables
+ -- allocated /inside/ this implication
+ ic_skols :: [TcTyVar], -- Introduced skolems
+ ic_info :: SkolemInfo, -- See Note [Skolems in an implication]
+ -- See Note [Shadowing in a constraint]
+ ic_telescope :: Maybe SDoc, -- User-written telescope, if there is one
+ -- See Note [Checking telescopes]
+ ic_given :: [EvVar], -- Given evidence variables
+ -- (order does not matter)
+ -- See Invariant (GivenInv) in TcType
+ ic_no_eqs :: Bool, -- True <=> ic_givens have no equalities, for sure
+ -- False <=> ic_givens might have equalities
+ ic_warn_inaccessible :: Bool,
+ -- True <=> -Winaccessible-code is enabled
+ -- at construction. See
+ -- Note [Avoid -Winaccessible-code when deriving]
+ -- in TcInstDcls
+ ic_env :: TcLclEnv,
+ -- Records the TcLClEnv at the time of creation.
+ --
+ -- The TcLclEnv gives the source location
+ -- and error context for the implication, and
+ -- hence for all the given evidence variables.
+ ic_wanted :: WantedConstraints, -- The wanteds
+ -- See Invariang (WantedInf) in TcType
+ ic_binds :: EvBindsVar, -- Points to the place to fill in the
+ -- abstraction and bindings.
+ -- The ic_need fields keep track of which Given evidence
+ -- is used by this implication or its children
+ -- NB: including stuff used by nested implications that have since
+ -- been discarded
+ -- See Note [Needed evidence variables]
+ ic_need_inner :: VarSet, -- Includes all used Given evidence
+ ic_need_outer :: VarSet, -- Includes only the free Given evidence
+ -- i.e. ic_need_inner after deleting
+ -- (a) givens (b) binders of ic_binds
+ ic_status :: ImplicStatus
+ }
+implicationPrototype :: Implication
+ = Implic { -- These fields must be initialised
+ ic_tclvl = panic "newImplic:tclvl"
+ , ic_binds = panic "newImplic:binds"
+ , ic_info = panic "newImplic:info"
+ , ic_env = panic "newImplic:env"
+ , ic_warn_inaccessible = panic "newImplic:warn_inaccessible"
+ -- The rest have sensible default values
+ , ic_skols = []
+ , ic_telescope = Nothing
+ , ic_given = []
+ , ic_wanted = emptyWC
+ , ic_no_eqs = False
+ , ic_status = IC_Unsolved
+ , ic_need_inner = emptyVarSet
+ , ic_need_outer = emptyVarSet }
+data ImplicStatus
+ = IC_Solved -- All wanteds in the tree are solved, all the way down
+ { ics_dead :: [EvVar] } -- Subset of ic_given that are not needed
+ -- See Note [Tracking redundant constraints] in TcSimplify
+ | IC_Insoluble -- At least one insoluble constraint in the tree
+ | IC_BadTelescope -- solved, but the skolems in the telescope are out of
+ -- dependency order
+ | IC_Unsolved -- Neither of the above; might go either way
+instance Outputable Implication where
+ ppr (Implic { ic_tclvl = tclvl, ic_skols = skols
+ , ic_given = given, ic_no_eqs = no_eqs
+ , ic_wanted = wanted, ic_status = status
+ , ic_binds = binds
+ , ic_need_inner = need_in, ic_need_outer = need_out
+ , ic_info = info })
+ = hang (text "Implic" <+> lbrace)
+ 2 (sep [ text "TcLevel =" <+> ppr tclvl
+ , text "Skolems =" <+> pprTyVars skols
+ , text "No-eqs =" <+> ppr no_eqs
+ , text "Status =" <+> ppr status
+ , hang (text "Given =") 2 (pprEvVars given)
+ , hang (text "Wanted =") 2 (ppr wanted)
+ , text "Binds =" <+> ppr binds
+ , whenPprDebug (text "Needed inner =" <+> ppr need_in)
+ , whenPprDebug (text "Needed outer =" <+> ppr need_out)
+ , pprSkolInfo info ] <+> rbrace)
+instance Outputable ImplicStatus where
+ ppr IC_Insoluble = text "Insoluble"
+ ppr IC_BadTelescope = text "Bad telescope"
+ ppr IC_Unsolved = text "Unsolved"
+ ppr (IC_Solved { ics_dead = dead })
+ = text "Solved" <+> (braces (text "Dead givens =" <+> ppr dead))
+{- Note [Checking telescopes]
+When kind-checking a /user-written/ type, we might have a "bad telescope"
+like this one:
+ data SameKind :: forall k. k -> k -> Type
+ type Foo :: forall a k (b :: k). SameKind a b -> Type
+The kind of 'a' mentions 'k' which is bound after 'a'. Oops.
+Knowing this means that unification etc must have happened, so it's
+convenient to detect it in the constraint solver:
+* We make a single implication constraint when kind-checking
+ the 'forall' in Foo's kind, something like
+ forall a k (b::k). { wanted constraints }
+* Having solved {wanted}, before discarding the now-solved implication,
+ the costraint solver checks the dependency order of the skolem
+ variables (ic_skols). This is done in setImplicationStatus.
+* This check is only necessary if the implication was born from a
+ user-written signature. If, say, it comes from checking a pattern
+ match that binds existentials, where the type of the data constructor
+ is known to be valid (it in tcConPat), no need for the check.
+ So the check is done if and only if ic_telescope is (Just blah).
+* If ic_telesope is (Just d), the d::SDoc displays the original,
+ user-written type variables.
+* Be careful /NOT/ to discard an implication with non-Nothing
+ ic_telescope, even if ic_wanted is empty. We must give the
+ constraint solver a chance to make that bad-telesope test! Hence
+ the extra guard in emitResidualTvConstraint; see #16247
+See also TcHsType Note [Keeping scoped variables in order: Explicit]
+Note [Needed evidence variables]
+Th ic_need_evs field holds the free vars of ic_binds, and all the
+ic_binds in nested implications.
+ * Main purpose: if one of the ic_givens is not mentioned in here, it
+ is redundant.
+ * solveImplication may drop an implication altogether if it has no
+ remaining 'wanteds'. But we still track the free vars of its
+ evidence binds, even though it has now disappeared.
+Note [Shadowing in a constraint]
+We assume NO SHADOWING in a constraint. Specifically
+ * The unification variables are all implicitly quantified at top
+ level, and are all unique
+ * The skolem variables bound in ic_skols are all freah when the
+ implication is created.
+So we can safely substitute. For example, if we have
+ forall a. a~Int => ...(forall b. ...a...)...
+we can push the (a~Int) constraint inwards in the "givens" without
+worrying that 'b' might clash.
+Note [Skolems in an implication]
+The skolems in an implication are not there to perform a skolem escape
+check. That happens because all the environment variables are in the
+untouchables, and therefore cannot be unified with anything at all,
+let alone the skolems.
+Instead, ic_skols is used only when considering floating a constraint
+outside the implication in TcSimplify.floatEqualities or
+Note [Insoluble constraints]
+Some of the errors that we get during canonicalization are best
+reported when all constraints have been simplified as much as
+possible. For instance, assume that during simplification the
+following constraints arise:
+ [Wanted] F alpha ~ uf1
+ [Wanted] beta ~ uf1 beta
+When canonicalizing the wanted (beta ~ uf1 beta), if we eagerly fail
+we will simply see a message:
+ 'Can't construct the infinite type beta ~ uf1 beta'
+and the user has no idea what the uf1 variable is.
+Instead our plan is that we will NOT fail immediately, but:
+ (1) Record the "frozen" error in the ic_insols field
+ (2) Isolate the offending constraint from the rest of the inerts
+ (3) Keep on simplifying/canonicalizing
+At the end, we will hopefully have substituted uf1 := F alpha, and we
+will be able to report a more informative error:
+ 'Can't construct the infinite type beta ~ F alpha beta'
+Insoluble constraints *do* include Derived constraints. For example,
+a functional dependency might give rise to [D] Int ~ Bool, and we must
+report that. If insolubles did not contain Deriveds, reportErrors would
+never see it.
+* *
+ Pretty printing
+* *
+pprEvVars :: [EvVar] -> SDoc -- Print with their types
+pprEvVars ev_vars = vcat (map pprEvVarWithType ev_vars)
+pprEvVarTheta :: [EvVar] -> SDoc
+pprEvVarTheta ev_vars = pprTheta (map evVarPred ev_vars)
+pprEvVarWithType :: EvVar -> SDoc
+pprEvVarWithType v = ppr v <+> dcolon <+> pprType (evVarPred v)
+-- | Wraps the given type with the constraints (via ic_given) in the given
+-- implication, according to the variables mentioned (via ic_skols)
+-- in the implication, but taking care to only wrap those variables
+-- that are mentioned in the type or the implication.
+wrapTypeWithImplication :: Type -> Implication -> Type
+wrapTypeWithImplication ty impl = wrapType ty mentioned_skols givens
+ where givens = map idType $ ic_given impl
+ skols = ic_skols impl
+ freeVars = fvVarSet $ tyCoFVsOfTypes (ty:givens)
+ mentioned_skols = filter (`elemVarSet` freeVars) skols
+wrapType :: Type -> [TyVar] -> [PredType] -> Type
+wrapType ty skols givens = mkSpecForAllTys skols $ mkPhiTy givens ty
+* *
+ CtEvidence
+* *
+Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence]
+During constraint solving we never look at the type of ctev_evar/ctev_dest;
+instead we look at the ctev_pred field. The evtm/evar field
+may be un-zonked.
+Note [Bind new Givens immediately]
+For Givens we make new EvVars and bind them immediately. Two main reasons:
+ * Gain sharing. E.g. suppose we start with g :: C a b, where
+ class D a => C a b
+ class (E a, F a) => D a
+ If we generate all g's superclasses as separate EvTerms we might
+ get selD1 (selC1 g) :: E a
+ selD2 (selC1 g) :: F a
+ selC1 g :: D a
+ which we could do more economically as:
+ g1 :: D a = selC1 g
+ g2 :: E a = selD1 g1
+ g3 :: F a = selD2 g1
+ * For *coercion* evidence we *must* bind each given:
+ class (a~b) => C a b where ....
+ f :: C a b => ....
+ Then in f's Givens we have g:(C a b) and the superclass sc(g,0):a~b.
+ But that superclass selector can't (yet) appear in a coercion
+ (see evTermCoercion), so the easy thing is to bind it to an Id.
+So a Given has EvVar inside it rather than (as previously) an EvTerm.
+-- | A place for type-checking evidence to go after it is generated.
+-- Wanted equalities are always HoleDest; other wanteds are always
+-- EvVarDest.
+data TcEvDest
+ = EvVarDest EvVar -- ^ bind this var to the evidence
+ -- EvVarDest is always used for non-type-equalities
+ -- e.g. class constraints
+ | HoleDest CoercionHole -- ^ fill in this hole with the evidence
+ -- HoleDest is always used for type-equalities
+ -- See Note [Coercion holes] in TyCoRep
+data CtEvidence
+ = CtGiven -- Truly given, not depending on subgoals
+ { ctev_pred :: TcPredType -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
+ , ctev_evar :: EvVar -- See Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence]
+ , ctev_loc :: CtLoc }
+ | CtWanted -- Wanted goal
+ { ctev_pred :: TcPredType -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
+ , ctev_dest :: TcEvDest
+ , ctev_nosh :: ShadowInfo -- See Note [Constraint flavours]
+ , ctev_loc :: CtLoc }
+ | CtDerived -- A goal that we don't really have to solve and can't
+ -- immediately rewrite anything other than a derived
+ -- (there's no evidence!) but if we do manage to solve
+ -- it may help in solving other goals.
+ { ctev_pred :: TcPredType
+ , ctev_loc :: CtLoc }
+ctEvPred :: CtEvidence -> TcPredType
+-- The predicate of a flavor
+ctEvPred = ctev_pred
+ctEvLoc :: CtEvidence -> CtLoc
+ctEvLoc = ctev_loc
+ctEvOrigin :: CtEvidence -> CtOrigin
+ctEvOrigin = ctLocOrigin . ctEvLoc
+-- | Get the equality relation relevant for a 'CtEvidence'
+ctEvEqRel :: CtEvidence -> EqRel
+ctEvEqRel = predTypeEqRel . ctEvPred
+-- | Get the role relevant for a 'CtEvidence'
+ctEvRole :: CtEvidence -> Role
+ctEvRole = eqRelRole . ctEvEqRel
+ctEvTerm :: CtEvidence -> EvTerm
+ctEvTerm ev = EvExpr (ctEvExpr ev)
+ctEvExpr :: CtEvidence -> EvExpr
+ctEvExpr ev@(CtWanted { ctev_dest = HoleDest _ })
+ = Coercion $ ctEvCoercion ev
+ctEvExpr ev = evId (ctEvEvId ev)
+ctEvCoercion :: HasDebugCallStack => CtEvidence -> TcCoercion
+ctEvCoercion (CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev_id })
+ = mkTcCoVarCo ev_id
+ctEvCoercion (CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest })
+ | HoleDest hole <- dest
+ = -- ctEvCoercion is only called on type equalities
+ -- and they always have HoleDests
+ mkHoleCo hole
+ctEvCoercion ev
+ = pprPanic "ctEvCoercion" (ppr ev)
+ctEvEvId :: CtEvidence -> EvVar
+ctEvEvId (CtWanted { ctev_dest = EvVarDest ev }) = ev
+ctEvEvId (CtWanted { ctev_dest = HoleDest h }) = coHoleCoVar h
+ctEvEvId (CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev }) = ev
+ctEvEvId ctev@(CtDerived {}) = pprPanic "ctEvId:" (ppr ctev)
+instance Outputable TcEvDest where
+ ppr (HoleDest h) = text "hole" <> ppr h
+ ppr (EvVarDest ev) = ppr ev
+instance Outputable CtEvidence where
+ ppr ev = ppr (ctEvFlavour ev)
+ <+> pp_ev
+ <+> braces (ppr (ctl_depth (ctEvLoc ev))) <> dcolon
+ -- Show the sub-goal depth too
+ <+> ppr (ctEvPred ev)
+ where
+ pp_ev = case ev of
+ CtGiven { ctev_evar = v } -> ppr v
+ CtWanted {ctev_dest = d } -> ppr d
+ CtDerived {} -> text "_"
+isWanted :: CtEvidence -> Bool
+isWanted (CtWanted {}) = True
+isWanted _ = False
+isGiven :: CtEvidence -> Bool
+isGiven (CtGiven {}) = True
+isGiven _ = False
+isDerived :: CtEvidence -> Bool
+isDerived (CtDerived {}) = True
+isDerived _ = False
+%* *
+ CtFlavour
+%* *
+Note [Constraint flavours]
+Constraints come in four flavours:
+* [G] Given: we have evidence
+* [W] Wanted WOnly: we want evidence
+* [D] Derived: any solution must satisfy this constraint, but
+ we don't need evidence for it. Examples include:
+ - superclasses of [W] class constraints
+ - equalities arising from functional dependencies
+ or injectivity
+* [WD] Wanted WDeriv: a single constraint that represents
+ both [W] and [D]
+ We keep them paired as one both for efficiency, and because
+ when we have a finite map F tys -> CFunEqCan, it's inconvenient
+ to have two CFunEqCans in the range
+The ctev_nosh field of a Wanted distinguishes between [W] and [WD]
+Wanted constraints are born as [WD], but are split into [W] and its
+"shadow" [D] in TcSMonad.maybeEmitShadow.
+See Note [The improvement story and derived shadows] in TcSMonad
+data CtFlavour -- See Note [Constraint flavours]
+ = Given
+ | Wanted ShadowInfo
+ | Derived
+ deriving Eq
+data ShadowInfo
+ = WDeriv -- [WD] This Wanted constraint has no Derived shadow,
+ -- so it behaves like a pair of a Wanted and a Derived
+ | WOnly -- [W] It has a separate derived shadow
+ -- See Note [The improvement story and derived shadows] in TcSMonad
+ deriving( Eq )
+isGivenOrWDeriv :: CtFlavour -> Bool
+isGivenOrWDeriv Given = True
+isGivenOrWDeriv (Wanted WDeriv) = True
+isGivenOrWDeriv _ = False
+instance Outputable CtFlavour where
+ ppr Given = text "[G]"
+ ppr (Wanted WDeriv) = text "[WD]"
+ ppr (Wanted WOnly) = text "[W]"
+ ppr Derived = text "[D]"
+ctEvFlavour :: CtEvidence -> CtFlavour
+ctEvFlavour (CtWanted { ctev_nosh = nosh }) = Wanted nosh
+ctEvFlavour (CtGiven {}) = Given
+ctEvFlavour (CtDerived {}) = Derived
+-- | Whether or not one 'Ct' can rewrite another is determined by its
+-- flavour and its equality relation. See also
+-- Note [Flavours with roles] in TcSMonad
+type CtFlavourRole = (CtFlavour, EqRel)
+-- | Extract the flavour, role, and boxity from a 'CtEvidence'
+ctEvFlavourRole :: CtEvidence -> CtFlavourRole
+ctEvFlavourRole ev = (ctEvFlavour ev, ctEvEqRel ev)
+-- | Extract the flavour and role from a 'Ct'
+ctFlavourRole :: Ct -> CtFlavourRole
+-- Uses short-cuts to role for special cases
+ctFlavourRole (CDictCan { cc_ev = ev })
+ = (ctEvFlavour ev, NomEq)
+ctFlavourRole (CTyEqCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_eq_rel = eq_rel })
+ = (ctEvFlavour ev, eq_rel)
+ctFlavourRole (CFunEqCan { cc_ev = ev })
+ = (ctEvFlavour ev, NomEq)
+ctFlavourRole (CHoleCan { cc_ev = ev })
+ = (ctEvFlavour ev, NomEq) -- NomEq: CHoleCans can be rewritten by
+ -- by nominal equalities but empahatically
+ -- not by representational equalities
+ctFlavourRole ct
+ = ctEvFlavourRole (ctEvidence ct)
+{- Note [eqCanRewrite]
+(eqCanRewrite ct1 ct2) holds if the constraint ct1 (a CTyEqCan of form
+tv ~ ty) can be used to rewrite ct2. It must satisfy the properties of
+a can-rewrite relation, see Definition [Can-rewrite relation] in
+With the solver handling Coercible constraints like equality constraints,
+the rewrite conditions must take role into account, never allowing
+a representational equality to rewrite a nominal one.
+Note [Wanteds do not rewrite Wanteds]
+We don't allow Wanteds to rewrite Wanteds, because that can give rise
+to very confusing type error messages. A good example is #8450.
+Here's another
+ f :: a -> Bool
+ f x = ( [x,'c'], [x,True] ) `seq` True
+Here we get
+ [W] a ~ Char
+ [W] a ~ Bool
+but we do not want to complain about Bool ~ Char!
+Note [Deriveds do rewrite Deriveds]
+However we DO allow Deriveds to rewrite Deriveds, because that's how
+improvement works; see Note [The improvement story] in TcInteract.
+However, for now at least I'm only letting (Derived,NomEq) rewrite
+(Derived,NomEq) and not doing anything for ReprEq. If we have
+ eqCanRewriteFR (Derived, NomEq) (Derived, _) = True
+then we lose property R2 of Definition [Can-rewrite relation]
+in TcSMonad
+ R2. If f1 >= f, and f2 >= f,
+ then either f1 >= f2 or f2 >= f1
+Consider f1 = (Given, ReprEq)
+ f2 = (Derived, NomEq)
+ f = (Derived, ReprEq)
+I thought maybe we could never get Derived ReprEq constraints, but
+we can; straight from the Wanteds during improvement. And from a Derived
+ReprEq we could conceivably get a Derived NomEq improvement (by decomposing
+a type constructor with Nomninal role), and hence unify.
+eqCanRewrite :: EqRel -> EqRel -> Bool
+eqCanRewrite NomEq _ = True
+eqCanRewrite ReprEq ReprEq = True
+eqCanRewrite ReprEq NomEq = False
+eqCanRewriteFR :: CtFlavourRole -> CtFlavourRole -> Bool
+-- Can fr1 actually rewrite fr2?
+-- Very important function!
+-- See Note [eqCanRewrite]
+-- See Note [Wanteds do not rewrite Wanteds]
+-- See Note [Deriveds do rewrite Deriveds]
+eqCanRewriteFR (Given, r1) (_, r2) = eqCanRewrite r1 r2
+eqCanRewriteFR (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) (Derived, NomEq) = True
+eqCanRewriteFR (Derived, NomEq) (Derived, NomEq) = True
+eqCanRewriteFR _ _ = False
+eqMayRewriteFR :: CtFlavourRole -> CtFlavourRole -> Bool
+-- Is it /possible/ that fr1 can rewrite fr2?
+-- This is used when deciding which inerts to kick out,
+-- at which time a [WD] inert may be split into [W] and [D]
+eqMayRewriteFR (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) = True
+eqMayRewriteFR (Derived, NomEq) (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) = True
+eqMayRewriteFR fr1 fr2 = eqCanRewriteFR fr1 fr2
+{- Note [funEqCanDischarge]
+Suppose we have two CFunEqCans with the same LHS:
+ (x1:F ts ~ f1) `funEqCanDischarge` (x2:F ts ~ f2)
+Can we drop x2 in favour of x1, either unifying
+f2 (if it's a flatten meta-var) or adding a new Given
+(f1 ~ f2), if x2 is a Given?
+Answer: yes if funEqCanDischarge is true.
+ :: CtEvidence -> CtEvidence
+ -> ( SwapFlag -- NotSwapped => lhs can discharge rhs
+ -- Swapped => rhs can discharge lhs
+ , Bool) -- True <=> upgrade non-discharded one
+ -- from [W] to [WD]
+-- See Note [funEqCanDischarge]
+funEqCanDischarge ev1 ev2
+ = ASSERT2( ctEvEqRel ev1 == NomEq, ppr ev1 )
+ ASSERT2( ctEvEqRel ev2 == NomEq, ppr ev2 )
+ -- CFunEqCans are all Nominal, hence asserts
+ funEqCanDischargeF (ctEvFlavour ev1) (ctEvFlavour ev2)
+funEqCanDischargeF :: CtFlavour -> CtFlavour -> (SwapFlag, Bool)
+funEqCanDischargeF Given _ = (NotSwapped, False)
+funEqCanDischargeF _ Given = (IsSwapped, False)
+funEqCanDischargeF (Wanted WDeriv) _ = (NotSwapped, False)
+funEqCanDischargeF _ (Wanted WDeriv) = (IsSwapped, True)
+funEqCanDischargeF (Wanted WOnly) (Wanted WOnly) = (NotSwapped, False)
+funEqCanDischargeF (Wanted WOnly) Derived = (NotSwapped, True)
+funEqCanDischargeF Derived (Wanted WOnly) = (IsSwapped, True)
+funEqCanDischargeF Derived Derived = (NotSwapped, False)
+{- Note [eqCanDischarge]
+Suppose we have two identical CTyEqCan equality constraints
+(i.e. both LHS and RHS are the same)
+ (x1:a~t) `eqCanDischarge` (xs:a~t)
+Can we just drop x2 in favour of x1?
+Answer: yes if eqCanDischarge is true.
+Note that we do /not/ allow Wanted to discharge Derived.
+We must keep both. Why? Because the Derived may rewrite
+other Deriveds in the model whereas the Wanted cannot.
+However a Wanted can certainly discharge an identical Wanted. So
+eqCanDischarge does /not/ define a can-rewrite relation in the
+sense of Definition [Can-rewrite relation] in TcSMonad.
+We /do/ say that a [W] can discharge a [WD]. In evidence terms it
+certainly can, and the /caller/ arranges that the otherwise-lost [D]
+is spat out as a new Derived. -}
+eqCanDischargeFR :: CtFlavourRole -> CtFlavourRole -> Bool
+-- See Note [eqCanDischarge]
+eqCanDischargeFR (f1,r1) (f2, r2) = eqCanRewrite r1 r2
+ && eqCanDischargeF f1 f2
+eqCanDischargeF :: CtFlavour -> CtFlavour -> Bool
+eqCanDischargeF Given _ = True
+eqCanDischargeF (Wanted _) (Wanted _) = True
+eqCanDischargeF (Wanted WDeriv) Derived = True
+eqCanDischargeF Derived Derived = True
+eqCanDischargeF _ _ = False
+* *
+ SubGoalDepth
+* *
+Note [SubGoalDepth]
+The 'SubGoalDepth' takes care of stopping the constraint solver from looping.
+The counter starts at zero and increases. It includes dictionary constraints,
+equality simplification, and type family reduction. (Why combine these? Because
+it's actually quite easy to mistake one for another, in sufficiently involved
+scenarios, like ConstraintKinds.)
+The flag -fcontext-stack=n (not very well named!) fixes the maximium
+* The counter includes the depth of type class instance declarations. Example:
+ [W] d{7} : Eq [Int]
+ That is d's dictionary-constraint depth is 7. If we use the instance
+ $dfEqList :: Eq a => Eq [a]
+ to simplify it, we get
+ d{7} = $dfEqList d'{8}
+ where d'{8} : Eq Int, and d' has depth 8.
+ For civilised (decidable) instance declarations, each increase of
+ depth removes a type constructor from the type, so the depth never
+ gets big; i.e. is bounded by the structural depth of the type.
+* The counter also increments when resolving
+equalities involving type functions. Example:
+ Assume we have a wanted at depth 7:
+ [W] d{7} : F () ~ a
+ If there is a type function equation "F () = Int", this would be rewritten to
+ [W] d{8} : Int ~ a
+ and remembered as having depth 8.
+ Again, without UndecidableInstances, this counter is bounded, but without it
+ can resolve things ad infinitum. Hence there is a maximum level.
+* Lastly, every time an equality is rewritten, the counter increases. Again,
+ rewriting an equality constraint normally makes progress, but it's possible
+ the "progress" is just the reduction of an infinitely-reducing type family.
+ Hence we need to track the rewrites.
+When compiling a program requires a greater depth, then GHC recommends turning
+off this check entirely by setting -freduction-depth=0. This is because the
+exact number that works is highly variable, and is likely to change even between
+minor releases. Because this check is solely to prevent infinite compilation
+times, it seems safe to disable it when a user has ascertained that their program
+doesn't loop at the type level.
+-- | See Note [SubGoalDepth]
+newtype SubGoalDepth = SubGoalDepth Int
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Outputable)
+initialSubGoalDepth :: SubGoalDepth
+initialSubGoalDepth = SubGoalDepth 0
+bumpSubGoalDepth :: SubGoalDepth -> SubGoalDepth
+bumpSubGoalDepth (SubGoalDepth n) = SubGoalDepth (n + 1)
+maxSubGoalDepth :: SubGoalDepth -> SubGoalDepth -> SubGoalDepth
+maxSubGoalDepth (SubGoalDepth n) (SubGoalDepth m) = SubGoalDepth (n `max` m)
+subGoalDepthExceeded :: DynFlags -> SubGoalDepth -> Bool
+subGoalDepthExceeded dflags (SubGoalDepth d)
+ = mkIntWithInf d > reductionDepth dflags
+* *
+ CtLoc
+* *
+The 'CtLoc' gives information about where a constraint came from.
+This is important for decent error message reporting because
+dictionaries don't appear in the original source code.
+type will evolve...
+data CtLoc = CtLoc { ctl_origin :: CtOrigin
+ , ctl_env :: TcLclEnv
+ , ctl_t_or_k :: Maybe TypeOrKind -- OK if we're not sure
+ , ctl_depth :: !SubGoalDepth }
+ -- The TcLclEnv includes particularly
+ -- source location: tcl_loc :: RealSrcSpan
+ -- context: tcl_ctxt :: [ErrCtxt]
+ -- binder stack: tcl_bndrs :: TcBinderStack
+ -- level: tcl_tclvl :: TcLevel
+mkKindLoc :: TcType -> TcType -- original *types* being compared
+ -> CtLoc -> CtLoc
+mkKindLoc s1 s2 loc = setCtLocOrigin (toKindLoc loc)
+ (KindEqOrigin s1 (Just s2) (ctLocOrigin loc)
+ (ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe loc))
+-- | Take a CtLoc and moves it to the kind level
+toKindLoc :: CtLoc -> CtLoc
+toKindLoc loc = loc { ctl_t_or_k = Just KindLevel }
+mkGivenLoc :: TcLevel -> SkolemInfo -> TcLclEnv -> CtLoc
+mkGivenLoc tclvl skol_info env
+ = CtLoc { ctl_origin = GivenOrigin skol_info
+ , ctl_env = setLclEnvTcLevel env tclvl
+ , ctl_t_or_k = Nothing -- this only matters for error msgs
+ , ctl_depth = initialSubGoalDepth }
+ctLocEnv :: CtLoc -> TcLclEnv
+ctLocEnv = ctl_env
+ctLocLevel :: CtLoc -> TcLevel
+ctLocLevel loc = getLclEnvTcLevel (ctLocEnv loc)
+ctLocDepth :: CtLoc -> SubGoalDepth
+ctLocDepth = ctl_depth
+ctLocOrigin :: CtLoc -> CtOrigin
+ctLocOrigin = ctl_origin
+ctLocSpan :: CtLoc -> RealSrcSpan
+ctLocSpan (CtLoc { ctl_env = lcl}) = getLclEnvLoc lcl
+ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe :: CtLoc -> Maybe TypeOrKind
+ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe = ctl_t_or_k
+setCtLocSpan :: CtLoc -> RealSrcSpan -> CtLoc
+setCtLocSpan ctl@(CtLoc { ctl_env = lcl }) loc = setCtLocEnv ctl (setLclEnvLoc lcl loc)
+bumpCtLocDepth :: CtLoc -> CtLoc
+bumpCtLocDepth loc@(CtLoc { ctl_depth = d }) = loc { ctl_depth = bumpSubGoalDepth d }
+setCtLocOrigin :: CtLoc -> CtOrigin -> CtLoc
+setCtLocOrigin ctl orig = ctl { ctl_origin = orig }
+updateCtLocOrigin :: CtLoc -> (CtOrigin -> CtOrigin) -> CtLoc
+updateCtLocOrigin ctl@(CtLoc { ctl_origin = orig }) upd
+ = ctl { ctl_origin = upd orig }
+setCtLocEnv :: CtLoc -> TcLclEnv -> CtLoc
+setCtLocEnv ctl env = ctl { ctl_env = env }
+pprCtLoc :: CtLoc -> SDoc
+-- "arising from ... at ..."
+-- Not an instance of Outputable because of the "arising from" prefix
+pprCtLoc (CtLoc { ctl_origin = o, ctl_env = lcl})
+ = sep [ pprCtOrigin o
+ , text "at" <+> ppr (getLclEnvLoc lcl)]
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/FunDeps.hs b/compiler/typecheck/FunDeps.hs
index 14399df4a6..f8c4124534 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/FunDeps.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/FunDeps.hs
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import GhcPrelude
import Name
import Var
import Class
+import Predicate
import Type
import TcType( transSuperClasses )
import CoAxiom( TypeEqn )
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/Inst.hs b/compiler/typecheck/Inst.hs
index 8e180b4cf4..cab0e596c5 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/Inst.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/Inst.hs
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ import FastString
import GHC.Hs
import TcHsSyn
import TcRnMonad
+import Constraint
+import Predicate
+import TcOrigin
import TcEnv
import TcEvidence
import InstEnv
@@ -66,6 +69,7 @@ import SrcLoc
import DynFlags
import Util
import Outputable
+import BasicTypes ( TypeOrKind(..) )
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import Control.Monad( unless )
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcArrows.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcArrows.hs
index 34f1a1fb37..e6c07cf6ba 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcArrows.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcArrows.hs
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import TcPat
import TcUnify
import TcRnMonad
import TcEnv
+import TcOrigin
import TcEvidence
import Id( mkLocalId )
import Inst
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcBackpack.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcBackpack.hs
index bc66834849..17c9ac7e80 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcBackpack.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcBackpack.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module TcBackpack (
import GhcPrelude
-import BasicTypes (defaultFixity)
+import BasicTypes (defaultFixity, TypeOrKind(..))
import Packages
import TcRnExports
import DynFlags
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ import TcIface
import TcMType
import TcType
import TcSimplify
+import Constraint
+import TcOrigin
import LoadIface
import RnNames
import ErrUtils
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
index e909556e06..dc701d360b 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import FastString
import GHC.Hs
import TcSigs
import TcRnMonad
+import TcOrigin
import TcEnv
import TcUnify
import TcSimplify
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs
index c2e90c6023..30ea3a9a87 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ module TcCanonical(
import GhcPrelude
-import TcRnTypes
+import Constraint
+import Predicate
+import TcOrigin
import TcUnify( swapOverTyVars, metaTyVarUpdateOK )
import TcType
import Type
@@ -284,7 +286,7 @@ So here's the plan:
Note [Eagerly expand given superclasses].
3. If we have any remaining unsolved wanteds
- (see Note [When superclasses help] in TcRnTypes)
+ (see Note [When superclasses help] in Constraint)
try harder: take both the Givens and Wanteds, and expand
superclasses again. See the calls to expandSuperClasses in
TcSimplify.simpl_loop and solveWanteds.
@@ -617,7 +619,7 @@ case. Instead we have a special case in TcInteract.doTopReactOther,
which looks for primitive equalities specially in the quantified
-See also Note [Evidence for quantified constraints] in Type.
+See also Note [Evidence for quantified constraints] in Predicate.
@@ -702,7 +704,7 @@ Here are the moving parts
* checkValidType gets some changes to accept forall-constraints
only in the right places.
- * Type.PredTree gets a new constructor ForAllPred, and
+ * Predicate.Pred gets a new constructor ForAllPred, and
and classifyPredType analyses a PredType to decompose
the new forall-constraints
@@ -2114,7 +2116,7 @@ Int ~ Int. The user thus sees that GHC can't solve Int ~ Int, which
is embarrassing. See #11198 for more tales of destruction.
The reason for this odd behavior is much the same as
-Note [Wanteds do not rewrite Wanteds] in TcRnTypes: note that the
+Note [Wanteds do not rewrite Wanteds] in Constraint: note that the
new `co` is a Wanted.
The solution is then not to use `co` to "rewrite" -- that is, cast -- `w`, but
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.hs
index 6f2ef4c292..18e71c8803 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.hs
@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ import TcBinds
import TcUnify
import TcHsType
import TcMType
-import Type ( getClassPredTys_maybe, piResultTys )
+import Type ( piResultTys )
+import Predicate
+import TcOrigin
import TcType
import TcRnMonad
import DriverPhases (HscSource(..))
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
index 055af76743..ba6dcf773b 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import DynFlags
import TcRnMonad
import FamInst
+import TcOrigin
+import Predicate
import TcDerivInfer
import TcDerivUtils
import TcValidity( allDistinctTyVars )
@@ -617,7 +619,7 @@ deriveStandalone (L loc (DerivDecl _ deriv_ty mb_lderiv_strat overlap_mode))
= setSrcSpan loc $
addErrCtxt (standaloneCtxt deriv_ty) $
do { traceTc "Standalone deriving decl for" (ppr deriv_ty)
- ; let ctxt = TcType.InstDeclCtxt True
+ ; let ctxt = TcOrigin.InstDeclCtxt True
; traceTc "Deriving strategy (standalone deriving)" $
vcat [ppr mb_lderiv_strat, ppr deriv_ty]
; (mb_lderiv_strat, via_tvs) <- tcDerivStrategy mb_lderiv_strat
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs
index 4bb1c76063..c8ecde4014 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ import TcGenFunctor
import TcGenGenerics
import TcMType
import TcRnMonad
+import TcOrigin
+import Constraint
+import Predicate
import TcType
import TyCon
import Type
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs
index ae191f937b..76c42817fd 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import SrcLoc
import TcGenDeriv
import TcGenFunctor
import TcGenGenerics
+import TcOrigin
import TcRnMonad
import TcType
import THNames (liftClassKey)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.hs
index 814143103c..62117bc756 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.hs
@@ -15,10 +15,13 @@ import GhcPrelude
import TcRnTypes
import TcRnMonad
+import Constraint
+import Predicate
import TcMType
import TcUnify( occCheckForErrors, MetaTyVarUpdateResult(..) )
import TcEnv( tcInitTidyEnv )
import TcType
+import TcOrigin
import RnUnbound ( unknownNameSuggestions )
import Type
import TyCoRep
@@ -415,7 +418,7 @@ reportImplic ctxt implic@(Implic { ic_skols = tvs, ic_telescope = m_telescope
warnRedundantConstraints ctxt' tcl_env info' dead_givens
; when bad_telescope $ reportBadTelescope ctxt tcl_env m_telescope tvs }
- tcl_env = implicLclEnv implic
+ tcl_env = ic_env implic
insoluble = isInsolubleStatus status
(env1, tvs') = mapAccumL tidyVarBndr (cec_tidy ctxt) tvs
info' = tidySkolemInfo env1 info
@@ -580,7 +583,7 @@ reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics })
-- rigid_nom_eq, rigid_nom_tv_eq,
is_hole, is_dict,
- is_equality, is_ip, is_irred :: Ct -> PredTree -> Bool
+ is_equality, is_ip, is_irred :: Ct -> Pred -> Bool
is_given_eq ct pred
| EqPred {} <- pred = arisesFromGivens ct
@@ -639,7 +642,7 @@ reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics })
has_gadt_match (implic : implics)
| PatSkol {} <- ic_info implic
, not (ic_no_eqs implic)
- , wopt Opt_WarnInaccessibleCode (implicDynFlags implic)
+ , ic_warn_inaccessible implic
-- Don't bother doing this if -Winaccessible-code isn't enabled.
-- See Note [Avoid -Winaccessible-code when deriving] in TcInstDcls.
= True
@@ -672,7 +675,7 @@ type Reporter
= ReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM ()
type ReporterSpec
= ( String -- Name
- , Ct -> PredTree -> Bool -- Pick these ones
+ , Ct -> Pred -> Bool -- Pick these ones
, Bool -- True <=> suppress subsequent reporters
, Reporter) -- The reporter itself
@@ -720,7 +723,7 @@ mkGivenErrorReporter ctxt cts
; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let (implic:_) = cec_encl ctxt
-- Always non-empty when mkGivenErrorReporter is called
- ct' = setCtLoc ct (setCtLocEnv (ctLoc ct) (implicLclEnv implic))
+ ct' = setCtLoc ct (setCtLocEnv (ctLoc ct) (ic_env implic))
-- For given constraints we overwrite the env (and hence src-loc)
-- with one from the immediately-enclosing implication.
-- See Note [Inaccessible code]
@@ -1218,7 +1221,7 @@ givenConstraintsMsg ctxt =
constraints =
do { implic@Implic{ ic_given = given } <- cec_encl ctxt
; constraint <- given
- ; return (varType constraint, tcl_loc (implicLclEnv implic)) }
+ ; return (varType constraint, tcl_loc (ic_env implic)) }
pprConstraint (constraint, loc) =
ppr constraint <+> nest 2 (parens (text "from" <+> ppr loc))
@@ -1571,7 +1574,7 @@ mkTyVarEqErr' dflags ctxt report ct oriented tv1 co1 ty2
<+> text "bound by"
, nest 2 $ ppr skol_info
, nest 2 $ text "at" <+>
- ppr (tcl_loc (implicLclEnv implic)) ] ]
+ ppr (tcl_loc (ic_env implic)) ] ]
; mkErrorMsgFromCt ctxt ct (mconcat [msg, tv_extra, report]) }
-- Nastiest case: attempt to unify an untouchable variable
@@ -1590,7 +1593,7 @@ mkTyVarEqErr' dflags ctxt report ct oriented tv1 co1 ty2
, nest 2 $ text "inside the constraints:" <+> pprEvVarTheta given
, nest 2 $ text "bound by" <+> ppr skol_info
, nest 2 $ text "at" <+>
- ppr (tcl_loc (implicLclEnv implic)) ]
+ ppr (tcl_loc (ic_env implic)) ]
tv_extra = important $ extraTyVarEqInfo ctxt tv1 ty2
add_sig = important $ suggestAddSig ctxt ty1 ty2
; mkErrorMsgFromCt ctxt ct $ mconcat
@@ -1685,7 +1688,7 @@ pp_givens givens
-- See Note [Suppress redundant givens during error reporting]
-- for why we use mkMinimalBySCs above.
2 (sep [ text "bound by" <+> ppr skol_info
- , text "at" <+> ppr (tcl_loc (implicLclEnv implic)) ])
+ , text "at" <+> ppr (tcl_loc (ic_env implic)) ])
Note [Suppress redundant givens during error reporting]
@@ -2433,7 +2436,7 @@ mk_dict_err ctxt@(CEC {cec_encl = implics}) (ct, (matches, unifiers, unsafe_over
_ -> Just $ hang (pprTheta ev_vars_matching)
2 (sep [ text "bound by" <+> ppr skol_info
, text "at" <+>
- ppr (tcl_loc (implicLclEnv implic)) ])
+ ppr (tcl_loc (ic_env implic)) ])
where ev_vars_matching = [ pred
| ev_var <- evvars
, let pred = evVarPred ev_var
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.hs
index 85175b227a..ee5b72033f 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.hs
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ import PrelNames
import DynFlags ( gopt, GeneralFlag(Opt_PrintTypecheckerElaboration) )
import VarEnv
import VarSet
+import Predicate
import Name
import Pair
import CoreSyn
import Class ( classSCSelId )
-import Id ( isEvVar )
import CoreFVs ( exprSomeFreeVars )
import Util
@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ mkTcForAllCos :: [(TyVar, TcCoercionN)] -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
mkTcNthCo :: Role -> Int -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
mkTcLRCo :: LeftOrRight -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
mkTcSubCo :: TcCoercionN -> TcCoercionR
-maybeTcSubCo :: EqRel -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
tcDowngradeRole :: Role -> Role -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
mkTcAxiomRuleCo :: CoAxiomRule -> [TcCoercion] -> TcCoercionR
mkTcGReflRightCo :: Role -> TcType -> TcCoercionN -> TcCoercion
@@ -156,7 +155,6 @@ mkTcForAllCos = mkForAllCos
mkTcNthCo = mkNthCo
mkTcLRCo = mkLRCo
mkTcSubCo = mkSubCo
-maybeTcSubCo = maybeSubCo
tcDowngradeRole = downgradeRole
mkTcAxiomRuleCo = mkAxiomRuleCo
mkTcGReflRightCo = mkGReflRightCo
@@ -177,6 +175,13 @@ isTcReflexiveCo = isReflexiveCo
tcCoToMCo :: TcCoercion -> TcMCoercion
tcCoToMCo = coToMCo
+-- | If the EqRel is ReprEq, makes a SubCo; otherwise, does nothing.
+-- Note that the input coercion should always be nominal.
+maybeTcSubCo :: EqRel -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
+maybeTcSubCo NomEq = id
+maybeTcSubCo ReprEq = mkTcSubCo
%* *
@@ -641,7 +646,7 @@ Instead we make a binding
g1 :: a~Bool = g |> ax7 a
and the constraint
[G] g1 :: a~Bool
-See #7238 and Note [Bind new Givens immediately] in TcRnTypes
+See #7238 and Note [Bind new Givens immediately] in Constraint
Note [EvBinds/EvTerm]
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs
index 31c2ea4298..3c827fba59 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} TcSplice( tcSpliceExpr, tcTypedBracket, tcUntypedBracket
import THNames( liftStringName, liftName )
import GHC.Hs
+import Constraint ( HoleSort(..) )
import TcHsSyn
import TcRnMonad
import TcUnify
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ import TcHsType
import TcPatSyn( tcPatSynBuilderOcc, nonBidirectionalErr )
import TcPat
import TcMType
+import TcOrigin
import TcType
import Id
import IdInfo
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs-boot b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs-boot
index efebcdc6e5..3aa9952088 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs-boot
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ module TcExpr where
import Name
import GHC.Hs ( HsExpr, LHsExpr, SyntaxExpr )
import TcType ( TcRhoType, TcSigmaType, SyntaxOpType, ExpType, ExpRhoType )
-import TcRnTypes( TcM, CtOrigin )
+import TcRnTypes( TcM )
+import TcOrigin ( CtOrigin )
import GHC.Hs.Extension ( GhcRn, GhcTcId )
tcPolyExpr ::
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcFlatten.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcFlatten.hs
index c575cb572c..8f271ac444 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcFlatten.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcFlatten.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ module TcFlatten(
import GhcPrelude
import TcRnTypes
+import Constraint
+import Predicate
import TcType
import Type
import TcEvidence
@@ -1362,7 +1364,7 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
; let xi = fsk_xi `mkCastTy` kind_co
co' = mkTcCoherenceLeftCo role fsk_xi kind_co fsk_co
- maybeSubCo eq_rel (mkSymCo co)
+ maybeTcSubCo eq_rel (mkSymCo co)
`mkTransCo` ret_co
; return (xi, co')
@@ -1397,7 +1399,7 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
-- the xis are flattened
; let fsk_ty = mkTyVarTy fsk
xi = fsk_ty `mkCastTy` kind_co
- co' = mkTcCoherenceLeftCo role fsk_ty kind_co (maybeSubCo eq_rel (mkSymCo co))
+ co' = mkTcCoherenceLeftCo role fsk_ty kind_co (maybeTcSubCo eq_rel (mkSymCo co))
`mkTransCo` ret_co
; return (xi, co')
@@ -1435,7 +1437,7 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
; (xi, final_co) <- bumpDepth $ flatten_one norm_ty
; eq_rel <- getEqRel
- ; let co = maybeSubCo eq_rel norm_co
+ ; let co = maybeTcSubCo eq_rel norm_co
`mkTransCo` mkSymCo final_co
; flavour <- getFlavour
-- NB: only extend cache with nominal equalities
@@ -1461,7 +1463,7 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
Just (norm_co, norm_ty)
-> do { (xi, final_co) <- bumpDepth $ flatten_one norm_ty
; eq_rel <- getEqRel
- ; let co = mkSymCo (maybeSubCo eq_rel norm_co
+ ; let co = mkSymCo (maybeTcSubCo eq_rel norm_co
`mkTransCo` mkSymCo final_co)
; return $ Just (xi, co) }
Nothing -> pure Nothing }
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleErrors.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleErrors.hs
index 3366e5a1ad..a2eee57947 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleErrors.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleErrors.hs
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import GhcPrelude
import TcRnTypes
import TcRnMonad
+import Constraint
+import TcOrigin
import TcMType
import TcEvidence
import TcType
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleErrors.hs-boot b/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleErrors.hs-boot
index 16e0c953c0..a8f5b81c8c 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleErrors.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleErrors.hs-boot
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
-- + which calls 'TcSimplify.simpl_top'
module TcHoleErrors where
-import TcRnTypes ( TcM, Ct, Implication )
+import TcRnTypes ( TcM )
+import Constraint ( Ct, Implication )
import Outputable ( SDoc )
import VarEnv ( TidyEnv )
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleFitTypes.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleFitTypes.hs
index fccf47eb54..0748367f43 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleFitTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHoleFitTypes.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module TcHoleFitTypes (
import GhcPrelude
import TcRnTypes
+import Constraint
import TcType
import RdrName
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
index 3e5f7dc1fe..8ae3a8dc18 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import GhcPrelude
import GHC.Hs
import Id
import IdInfo
+import Predicate
import TcRnMonad
import PrelNames
import BuildTyCl ( TcMethInfo, MethInfo )
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.hs
index cd65fc0522..c2776c7b1b 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.hs
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ import GhcPrelude
import GHC.Hs
import TcRnMonad
+import TcOrigin
+import Predicate
+import Constraint
import TcEvidence
import TcEnv
import TcMType
@@ -1674,7 +1677,7 @@ is correct, choosing ImplicationStatus IC_BadTelescope if they aren't.
Then, in TcErrors, we report if there is a bad telescope. This way,
we can report a suggested ordering to the user if there is a problem.
-See also Note [Checking telescopes] in TcRnTypes
+See also Note [Checking telescopes] in Constraint
Note [Keeping scoped variables in order: Implicit]
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs
index c047d13cc8..16150dfec7 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ import TcValidity
import TcHsSyn
import TcMType
import TcType
+import Constraint
+import TcOrigin
import BuildTyCl
import Inst
import ClsInst( AssocInstInfo(..), isNotAssociated )
@@ -1660,10 +1662,8 @@ Instead, we take the much simpler approach of always disabling
1. In tcMethods (which typechecks method bindings), disable
-2. When creating Implications during typechecking, record the Env
- (through ic_env) at the time of creation. Since the Env also stores
- DynFlags, this will remember that -Winaccessible-code was disabled over
- the scope of that implication.
+2. When creating Implications during typechecking, record this flag
+ (in ic_warn_inaccessible) at the time of creation.
3. After typechecking comes error reporting, where GHC must decide how to
report inaccessible code to the user, on an Implication-by-Implication
basis. If an Implication's DynFlags indicate that -Winaccessible-code was
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs
index 9122a04436..dbc564a9d3 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ import TcEvidence
import Outputable
import TcRnTypes
+import Constraint
+import Predicate
+import TcOrigin
import TcSMonad
import Bag
import MonadUtils ( concatMapM, foldlM )
@@ -1181,8 +1184,12 @@ addFunDepWork inerts work_ev cls
inert_loc = ctEvLoc inert_ev
derived_loc = work_loc { ctl_depth = ctl_depth work_loc `maxSubGoalDepth`
ctl_depth inert_loc
- , ctl_origin = FunDepOrigin1 work_pred work_loc
- inert_pred inert_loc }
+ , ctl_origin = FunDepOrigin1 work_pred
+ (ctLocOrigin work_loc)
+ (ctLocSpan work_loc)
+ inert_pred
+ (ctLocOrigin inert_loc)
+ (ctLocSpan inert_loc) }
@@ -1860,7 +1867,7 @@ selection. This avoids having to support quantified constraints whose
kind is not Constraint, such as (forall a. F a ~# b)
- * Note [Evidence for quantified constraints] in Type
+ * Note [Evidence for quantified constraints] in Predicate
* Note [Equality superclasses in quantified constraints]
in TcCanonical
@@ -2609,4 +2616,3 @@ matchLocalInst pred loc
qtv_set = mkVarSet qtvs
this_unif = mightMatchLater qpred (ctEvLoc ev) pred loc
(matches, unif) = match_local_inst qcis
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.hs
index ebd531ec13..e0dc5bcfa8 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.hs
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ module TcMType (
unpackCoercionHole, unpackCoercionHole_maybe,
+ newImplication,
-- Instantiation
newMetaTyVars, newMetaTyVarX, newMetaTyVarsX,
@@ -98,9 +100,12 @@ import TyCon
import Coercion
import Class
import Var
+import Predicate
+import TcOrigin
-- others:
import TcRnMonad -- TcType, amongst others
+import Constraint
import TcEvidence
import Id
import Name
@@ -116,7 +121,9 @@ import FastString
import Bag
import Pair
import UniqSet
+import DynFlags
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import BasicTypes ( TypeOrKind(..) )
import Control.Monad
import Maybes
@@ -287,6 +294,22 @@ predTypeOccName ty = case classifyPredType ty of
IrredPred {} -> mkVarOccFS (fsLit "irred")
ForAllPred {} -> mkVarOccFS (fsLit "df")
+-- | Create a new 'Implication' with as many sensible defaults for its fields
+-- as possible. Note that the 'ic_tclvl', 'ic_binds', and 'ic_info' fields do
+-- /not/ have sensible defaults, so they are initialized with lazy thunks that
+-- will 'panic' if forced, so one should take care to initialize these fields
+-- after creation.
+-- This is monadic to look up the 'TcLclEnv', which is used to initialize
+-- 'ic_env', and to set the -Winaccessible-code flag. See
+-- Note [Avoid -Winaccessible-code when deriving] in TcInstDcls.
+newImplication :: TcM Implication
+ = do env <- getLclEnv
+ warn_inaccessible <- woptM Opt_WarnInaccessibleCode
+ return (implicationPrototype { ic_env = env
+ , ic_warn_inaccessible = warn_inaccessible })
* *
@@ -2211,10 +2234,10 @@ zonkTidyOrigin env (KindEqOrigin ty1 m_ty2 orig t_or_k)
Nothing -> return (env1, Nothing)
; (env3, orig') <- zonkTidyOrigin env2 orig
; return (env3, KindEqOrigin ty1' m_ty2' orig' t_or_k) }
-zonkTidyOrigin env (FunDepOrigin1 p1 l1 p2 l2)
+zonkTidyOrigin env (FunDepOrigin1 p1 o1 l1 p2 o2 l2)
= do { (env1, p1') <- zonkTidyTcType env p1
; (env2, p2') <- zonkTidyTcType env1 p2
- ; return (env2, FunDepOrigin1 p1' l1 p2' l2) }
+ ; return (env2, FunDepOrigin1 p1' o1 l1 p2' o2 l2) }
zonkTidyOrigin env (FunDepOrigin2 p1 o1 p2 l2)
= do { (env1, p1') <- zonkTidyTcType env p1
; (env2, p2') <- zonkTidyTcType env1 p2
@@ -2257,7 +2280,7 @@ tidySkolemInfo _ info = info
tidySigSkol :: TidyEnv -> UserTypeCtxt
-> TcType -> [(Name,TcTyVar)] -> SkolemInfo
-- We need to take special care when tidying SigSkol
--- See Note [SigSkol SkolemInfo] in TcRnTypes
+-- See Note [SigSkol SkolemInfo] in Origin
tidySigSkol env cx ty tv_prs
= SigSkol cx (tidy_ty env ty) tv_prs'
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.hs
index f971da2aa3..139f729fea 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.hs
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import TcMType
import TcType
import TcBinds
import TcUnify
+import TcOrigin
import Name
import TysWiredIn
import Id
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcOrigin.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcOrigin.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43bf617749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcOrigin.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+Describes the provenance of types as they flow through the type-checker.
+The datatypes here are mainly used for error message generation.
+module TcOrigin (
+ -- UserTypeCtxt
+ UserTypeCtxt(..), pprUserTypeCtxt, isSigMaybe,
+ -- SkolemInfo
+ SkolemInfo(..), pprSigSkolInfo, pprSkolInfo,
+ -- CtOrigin
+ CtOrigin(..), exprCtOrigin, lexprCtOrigin, matchesCtOrigin, grhssCtOrigin,
+ isVisibleOrigin, toInvisibleOrigin,
+ pprCtOrigin, isGivenOrigin
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import TcType
+import GHC.Hs
+import Id
+import DataCon
+import ConLike
+import TyCon
+import InstEnv
+import PatSyn
+import Module
+import Name
+import RdrName
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import DynFlags
+import SrcLoc
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import BasicTypes
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ UserTypeCtxt
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- | UserTypeCtxt describes the origin of the polymorphic type
+-- in the places where we need an expression to have that type
+data UserTypeCtxt
+ = FunSigCtxt -- Function type signature, when checking the type
+ -- Also used for types in SPECIALISE pragmas
+ Name -- Name of the function
+ Bool -- True <=> report redundant constraints
+ -- This is usually True, but False for
+ -- * Record selectors (not important here)
+ -- * Class and instance methods. Here
+ -- the code may legitimately be more
+ -- polymorphic than the signature
+ -- generated from the class
+ -- declaration
+ | InfSigCtxt Name -- Inferred type for function
+ | ExprSigCtxt -- Expression type signature
+ | KindSigCtxt -- Kind signature
+ | StandaloneKindSigCtxt -- Standalone kind signature
+ Name -- Name of the type/class
+ | TypeAppCtxt -- Visible type application
+ | ConArgCtxt Name -- Data constructor argument
+ | TySynCtxt Name -- RHS of a type synonym decl
+ | PatSynCtxt Name -- Type sig for a pattern synonym
+ | PatSigCtxt -- Type sig in pattern
+ -- eg f (x::t) = ...
+ -- or (x::t, y) = e
+ | RuleSigCtxt Name -- LHS of a RULE forall
+ -- RULE "foo" forall (x :: a -> a). f (Just x) = ...
+ | ResSigCtxt -- Result type sig
+ -- f x :: t = ....
+ | ForSigCtxt Name -- Foreign import or export signature
+ | DefaultDeclCtxt -- Types in a default declaration
+ | InstDeclCtxt Bool -- An instance declaration
+ -- True: stand-alone deriving
+ -- False: vanilla instance declaration
+ | SpecInstCtxt -- SPECIALISE instance pragma
+ | ThBrackCtxt -- Template Haskell type brackets [t| ... |]
+ | GenSigCtxt -- Higher-rank or impredicative situations
+ -- e.g. (f e) where f has a higher-rank type
+ -- We might want to elaborate this
+ | GhciCtxt Bool -- GHCi command :kind <type>
+ -- The Bool indicates if we are checking the outermost
+ -- type application.
+ -- See Note [Unsaturated type synonyms in GHCi] in
+ -- TcValidity.
+ | ClassSCCtxt Name -- Superclasses of a class
+ | SigmaCtxt -- Theta part of a normal for-all type
+ -- f :: <S> => a -> a
+ | DataTyCtxt Name -- The "stupid theta" part of a data decl
+ -- data <S> => T a = MkT a
+ | DerivClauseCtxt -- A 'deriving' clause
+ | TyVarBndrKindCtxt Name -- The kind of a type variable being bound
+ | DataKindCtxt Name -- The kind of a data/newtype (instance)
+ | TySynKindCtxt Name -- The kind of the RHS of a type synonym
+ | TyFamResKindCtxt Name -- The result kind of a type family
+-- Notes re TySynCtxt
+-- We allow type synonyms that aren't types; e.g. type List = []
+-- If the RHS mentions tyvars that aren't in scope, we'll
+-- quantify over them:
+-- e.g. type T = a->a
+-- will become type T = forall a. a->a
+-- With gla-exts that's right, but for H98 we should complain.
+pprUserTypeCtxt :: UserTypeCtxt -> SDoc
+pprUserTypeCtxt (FunSigCtxt n _) = text "the type signature for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
+pprUserTypeCtxt (InfSigCtxt n) = text "the inferred type for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
+pprUserTypeCtxt (RuleSigCtxt n) = text "a RULE for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
+pprUserTypeCtxt ExprSigCtxt = text "an expression type signature"
+pprUserTypeCtxt KindSigCtxt = text "a kind signature"
+pprUserTypeCtxt (StandaloneKindSigCtxt n) = text "a standalone kind signature for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
+pprUserTypeCtxt TypeAppCtxt = text "a type argument"
+pprUserTypeCtxt (ConArgCtxt c) = text "the type of the constructor" <+> quotes (ppr c)
+pprUserTypeCtxt (TySynCtxt c) = text "the RHS of the type synonym" <+> quotes (ppr c)
+pprUserTypeCtxt ThBrackCtxt = text "a Template Haskell quotation [t|...|]"
+pprUserTypeCtxt PatSigCtxt = text "a pattern type signature"
+pprUserTypeCtxt ResSigCtxt = text "a result type signature"
+pprUserTypeCtxt (ForSigCtxt n) = text "the foreign declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
+pprUserTypeCtxt DefaultDeclCtxt = text "a type in a `default' declaration"
+pprUserTypeCtxt (InstDeclCtxt False) = text "an instance declaration"
+pprUserTypeCtxt (InstDeclCtxt True) = text "a stand-alone deriving instance declaration"
+pprUserTypeCtxt SpecInstCtxt = text "a SPECIALISE instance pragma"
+pprUserTypeCtxt GenSigCtxt = text "a type expected by the context"
+pprUserTypeCtxt (GhciCtxt {}) = text "a type in a GHCi command"
+pprUserTypeCtxt (ClassSCCtxt c) = text "the super-classes of class" <+> quotes (ppr c)
+pprUserTypeCtxt SigmaCtxt = text "the context of a polymorphic type"
+pprUserTypeCtxt (DataTyCtxt tc) = text "the context of the data type declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr tc)
+pprUserTypeCtxt (PatSynCtxt n) = text "the signature for pattern synonym" <+> quotes (ppr n)
+pprUserTypeCtxt (DerivClauseCtxt) = text "a `deriving' clause"
+pprUserTypeCtxt (TyVarBndrKindCtxt n) = text "the kind annotation on the type variable" <+> quotes (ppr n)
+pprUserTypeCtxt (DataKindCtxt n) = text "the kind annotation on the declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
+pprUserTypeCtxt (TySynKindCtxt n) = text "the kind annotation on the declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
+pprUserTypeCtxt (TyFamResKindCtxt n) = text "the result kind for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
+isSigMaybe :: UserTypeCtxt -> Maybe Name
+isSigMaybe (FunSigCtxt n _) = Just n
+isSigMaybe (ConArgCtxt n) = Just n
+isSigMaybe (ForSigCtxt n) = Just n
+isSigMaybe (PatSynCtxt n) = Just n
+isSigMaybe _ = Nothing
+* *
+ SkolemInfo
+* *
+-- SkolemInfo gives the origin of *given* constraints
+-- a) type variables are skolemised
+-- b) an implication constraint is generated
+data SkolemInfo
+ = SigSkol -- A skolem that is created by instantiating
+ -- a programmer-supplied type signature
+ -- Location of the binding site is on the TyVar
+ -- See Note [SigSkol SkolemInfo]
+ UserTypeCtxt -- What sort of signature
+ TcType -- Original type signature (before skolemisation)
+ [(Name,TcTyVar)] -- Maps the original name of the skolemised tyvar
+ -- to its instantiated version
+ | SigTypeSkol UserTypeCtxt
+ -- like SigSkol, but when we're kind-checking the *type*
+ -- hence, we have less info
+ | ForAllSkol SDoc -- Bound by a user-written "forall".
+ | DerivSkol Type -- Bound by a 'deriving' clause;
+ -- the type is the instance we are trying to derive
+ | InstSkol -- Bound at an instance decl
+ | InstSC TypeSize -- A "given" constraint obtained by superclass selection.
+ -- If (C ty1 .. tyn) is the largest class from
+ -- which we made a superclass selection in the chain,
+ -- then TypeSize = sizeTypes [ty1, .., tyn]
+ -- See Note [Solving superclass constraints] in TcInstDcls
+ | FamInstSkol -- Bound at a family instance decl
+ | PatSkol -- An existential type variable bound by a pattern for
+ ConLike -- a data constructor with an existential type.
+ (HsMatchContext Name)
+ -- e.g. data T = forall a. Eq a => MkT a
+ -- f (MkT x) = ...
+ -- The pattern MkT x will allocate an existential type
+ -- variable for 'a'.
+ | ArrowSkol -- An arrow form (see TcArrows)
+ | IPSkol [HsIPName] -- Binding site of an implicit parameter
+ | RuleSkol RuleName -- The LHS of a RULE
+ | InferSkol [(Name,TcType)]
+ -- We have inferred a type for these (mutually-recursivive)
+ -- polymorphic Ids, and are now checking that their RHS
+ -- constraints are satisfied.
+ | BracketSkol -- Template Haskell bracket
+ | UnifyForAllSkol -- We are unifying two for-all types
+ TcType -- The instantiated type *inside* the forall
+ | TyConSkol TyConFlavour Name -- bound in a type declaration of the given flavour
+ | DataConSkol Name -- bound as an existential in a Haskell98 datacon decl or
+ -- as any variable in a GADT datacon decl
+ | ReifySkol -- Bound during Template Haskell reification
+ | QuantCtxtSkol -- Quantified context, e.g.
+ -- f :: forall c. (forall a. c a => c [a]) => blah
+ | UnkSkol -- Unhelpful info (until I improve it)
+instance Outputable SkolemInfo where
+ ppr = pprSkolInfo
+pprSkolInfo :: SkolemInfo -> SDoc
+-- Complete the sentence "is a rigid type variable bound by..."
+pprSkolInfo (SigSkol cx ty _) = pprSigSkolInfo cx ty
+pprSkolInfo (SigTypeSkol cx) = pprUserTypeCtxt cx
+pprSkolInfo (ForAllSkol doc) = quotes doc
+pprSkolInfo (IPSkol ips) = text "the implicit-parameter binding" <> plural ips <+> text "for"
+ <+> pprWithCommas ppr ips
+pprSkolInfo (DerivSkol pred) = text "the deriving clause for" <+> quotes (ppr pred)
+pprSkolInfo InstSkol = text "the instance declaration"
+pprSkolInfo (InstSC n) = text "the instance declaration" <> whenPprDebug (parens (ppr n))
+pprSkolInfo FamInstSkol = text "a family instance declaration"
+pprSkolInfo BracketSkol = text "a Template Haskell bracket"
+pprSkolInfo (RuleSkol name) = text "the RULE" <+> pprRuleName name
+pprSkolInfo ArrowSkol = text "an arrow form"
+pprSkolInfo (PatSkol cl mc) = sep [ pprPatSkolInfo cl
+ , text "in" <+> pprMatchContext mc ]
+pprSkolInfo (InferSkol ids) = hang (text "the inferred type" <> plural ids <+> text "of")
+ 2 (vcat [ ppr name <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty
+ | (name,ty) <- ids ])
+pprSkolInfo (UnifyForAllSkol ty) = text "the type" <+> ppr ty
+pprSkolInfo (TyConSkol flav name) = text "the" <+> ppr flav <+> text "declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr name)
+pprSkolInfo (DataConSkol name)= text "the data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr name)
+pprSkolInfo ReifySkol = text "the type being reified"
+pprSkolInfo (QuantCtxtSkol {}) = text "a quantified context"
+-- UnkSkol
+-- For type variables the others are dealt with by pprSkolTvBinding.
+-- For Insts, these cases should not happen
+pprSkolInfo UnkSkol = WARN( True, text "pprSkolInfo: UnkSkol" ) text "UnkSkol"
+pprSigSkolInfo :: UserTypeCtxt -> TcType -> SDoc
+-- The type is already tidied
+pprSigSkolInfo ctxt ty
+ = case ctxt of
+ FunSigCtxt f _ -> vcat [ text "the type signature for:"
+ , nest 2 (pprPrefixOcc f <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty) ]
+ PatSynCtxt {} -> pprUserTypeCtxt ctxt -- See Note [Skolem info for pattern synonyms]
+ _ -> vcat [ pprUserTypeCtxt ctxt <> colon
+ , nest 2 (ppr ty) ]
+pprPatSkolInfo :: ConLike -> SDoc
+pprPatSkolInfo (RealDataCon dc)
+ = sep [ text "a pattern with constructor:"
+ , nest 2 $ ppr dc <+> dcolon
+ <+> pprType (dataConUserType dc) <> comma ]
+ -- pprType prints forall's regardless of -fprint-explicit-foralls
+ -- which is what we want here, since we might be saying
+ -- type variable 't' is bound by ...
+pprPatSkolInfo (PatSynCon ps)
+ = sep [ text "a pattern with pattern synonym:"
+ , nest 2 $ ppr ps <+> dcolon
+ <+> pprPatSynType ps <> comma ]
+{- Note [Skolem info for pattern synonyms]
+For pattern synonym SkolemInfo we have
+ SigSkol (PatSynCtxt p) ty _
+but the type 'ty' is not very helpful. The full pattern-synonym type
+has the provided and required pieces, which it is inconvenient to
+record and display here. So we simply don't display the type at all,
+contenting outselves with just the name of the pattern synonym, which
+is fine. We could do more, but it doesn't seem worth it.
+Note [SigSkol SkolemInfo]
+Suppose we (deeply) skolemise a type
+ f :: forall a. a -> forall b. b -> a
+Then we'll instantiate [a :-> a', b :-> b'], and with the instantiated
+ a' -> b' -> a.
+But when, in an error message, we report that "b is a rigid type
+variable bound by the type signature for f", we want to show the foralls
+in the right place. So we proceed as follows:
+* In SigSkol we record
+ - the original signature forall a. a -> forall b. b -> a
+ - the instantiation mapping [a :-> a', b :-> b']
+* Then when tidying in TcMType.tidySkolemInfo, we first tidy a' to
+ whatever it tidies to, say a''; and then we walk over the type
+ replacing the binder a by the tidied version a'', to give
+ forall a''. a'' -> forall b''. b'' -> a''
+ We need to do this under function arrows, to match what deeplySkolemise
+ does.
+* Typically a'' will have a nice pretty name like "a", but the point is
+ that the foral-bound variables of the signature we report line up with
+ the instantiated skolems lying around in other types.
+* *
+ CtOrigin
+* *
+data CtOrigin
+ = GivenOrigin SkolemInfo
+ -- All the others are for *wanted* constraints
+ | OccurrenceOf Name -- Occurrence of an overloaded identifier
+ | OccurrenceOfRecSel RdrName -- Occurrence of a record selector
+ | AppOrigin -- An application of some kind
+ | SpecPragOrigin UserTypeCtxt -- Specialisation pragma for
+ -- function or instance
+ | TypeEqOrigin { uo_actual :: TcType
+ , uo_expected :: TcType
+ , uo_thing :: Maybe SDoc
+ -- ^ The thing that has type "actual"
+ , uo_visible :: Bool
+ -- ^ Is at least one of the three elements above visible?
+ -- (Errors from the polymorphic subsumption check are considered
+ -- visible.) Only used for prioritizing error messages.
+ }
+ | KindEqOrigin -- See Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in TcCanonical.
+ TcType (Maybe TcType) -- A kind equality arising from unifying these two types
+ CtOrigin -- originally arising from this
+ (Maybe TypeOrKind) -- the level of the eq this arises from
+ | IPOccOrigin HsIPName -- Occurrence of an implicit parameter
+ | OverLabelOrigin FastString -- Occurrence of an overloaded label
+ | LiteralOrigin (HsOverLit GhcRn) -- Occurrence of a literal
+ | NegateOrigin -- Occurrence of syntactic negation
+ | ArithSeqOrigin (ArithSeqInfo GhcRn) -- [x..], [x..y] etc
+ | AssocFamPatOrigin -- When matching the patterns of an associated
+ -- family instance with that of its parent class
+ | SectionOrigin
+ | TupleOrigin -- (..,..)
+ | ExprSigOrigin -- e :: ty
+ | PatSigOrigin -- p :: ty
+ | PatOrigin -- Instantiating a polytyped pattern at a constructor
+ | ProvCtxtOrigin -- The "provided" context of a pattern synonym signature
+ (PatSynBind GhcRn GhcRn) -- Information about the pattern synonym, in
+ -- particular the name and the right-hand side
+ | RecordUpdOrigin
+ | ViewPatOrigin
+ | ScOrigin TypeSize -- Typechecking superclasses of an instance declaration
+ -- If the instance head is C ty1 .. tyn
+ -- then TypeSize = sizeTypes [ty1, .., tyn]
+ -- See Note [Solving superclass constraints] in TcInstDcls
+ | DerivClauseOrigin -- Typechecking a deriving clause (as opposed to
+ -- standalone deriving).
+ | DerivOriginDC DataCon Int Bool
+ -- Checking constraints arising from this data con and field index. The
+ -- Bool argument in DerivOriginDC and DerivOriginCoerce is True if
+ -- standalong deriving (with a wildcard constraint) is being used. This
+ -- is used to inform error messages on how to recommended fixes (e.g., if
+ -- the argument is True, then don't recommend "use standalone deriving",
+ -- but rather "fill in the wildcard constraint yourself").
+ -- See Note [Inferring the instance context] in TcDerivInfer
+ | DerivOriginCoerce Id Type Type Bool
+ -- DerivOriginCoerce id ty1 ty2: Trying to coerce class method `id` from
+ -- `ty1` to `ty2`.
+ | StandAloneDerivOrigin -- Typechecking stand-alone deriving. Useful for
+ -- constraints coming from a wildcard constraint,
+ -- e.g., deriving instance _ => Eq (Foo a)
+ -- See Note [Inferring the instance context]
+ -- in TcDerivInfer
+ | DefaultOrigin -- Typechecking a default decl
+ | DoOrigin -- Arising from a do expression
+ | DoPatOrigin (LPat GhcRn) -- Arising from a failable pattern in
+ -- a do expression
+ | MCompOrigin -- Arising from a monad comprehension
+ | MCompPatOrigin (LPat GhcRn) -- Arising from a failable pattern in a
+ -- monad comprehension
+ | IfOrigin -- Arising from an if statement
+ | ProcOrigin -- Arising from a proc expression
+ | AnnOrigin -- An annotation
+ | FunDepOrigin1 -- A functional dependency from combining
+ PredType CtOrigin RealSrcSpan -- This constraint arising from ...
+ PredType CtOrigin RealSrcSpan -- and this constraint arising from ...
+ | FunDepOrigin2 -- A functional dependency from combining
+ PredType CtOrigin -- This constraint arising from ...
+ PredType SrcSpan -- and this top-level instance
+ -- We only need a CtOrigin on the first, because the location
+ -- is pinned on the entire error message
+ | HoleOrigin
+ | UnboundOccurrenceOf OccName
+ | ListOrigin -- An overloaded list
+ | StaticOrigin -- A static form
+ | FailablePattern (LPat GhcTcId) -- A failable pattern in do-notation for the
+ -- MonadFail Proposal (MFP). Obsolete when
+ -- actual desugaring to is
+ -- live.
+ | Shouldn'tHappenOrigin String
+ -- the user should never see this one,
+ -- unless ImpredicativeTypes is on, where all
+ -- bets are off
+ | InstProvidedOrigin Module ClsInst
+ -- Skolem variable arose when we were testing if an instance
+ -- is solvable or not.
+-- An origin is visible if the place where the constraint arises is manifest
+-- in user code. Currently, all origins are visible except for invisible
+-- TypeEqOrigins. This is used when choosing which error of
+-- several to report
+isVisibleOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool
+isVisibleOrigin (TypeEqOrigin { uo_visible = vis }) = vis
+isVisibleOrigin (KindEqOrigin _ _ sub_orig _) = isVisibleOrigin sub_orig
+isVisibleOrigin _ = True
+-- Converts a visible origin to an invisible one, if possible. Currently,
+-- this works only for TypeEqOrigin
+toInvisibleOrigin :: CtOrigin -> CtOrigin
+toInvisibleOrigin orig@(TypeEqOrigin {}) = orig { uo_visible = False }
+toInvisibleOrigin orig = orig
+isGivenOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool
+isGivenOrigin (GivenOrigin {}) = True
+isGivenOrigin (FunDepOrigin1 _ o1 _ _ o2 _) = isGivenOrigin o1 && isGivenOrigin o2
+isGivenOrigin (FunDepOrigin2 _ o1 _ _) = isGivenOrigin o1
+isGivenOrigin _ = False
+instance Outputable CtOrigin where
+ ppr = pprCtOrigin
+ctoHerald :: SDoc
+ctoHerald = text "arising from"
+-- | Extract a suitable CtOrigin from a HsExpr
+lexprCtOrigin :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> CtOrigin
+lexprCtOrigin (L _ e) = exprCtOrigin e
+exprCtOrigin :: HsExpr GhcRn -> CtOrigin
+exprCtOrigin (HsVar _ (L _ name)) = OccurrenceOf name
+exprCtOrigin (HsUnboundVar _ uv) = UnboundOccurrenceOf uv
+exprCtOrigin (HsConLikeOut {}) = panic "exprCtOrigin HsConLikeOut"
+exprCtOrigin (HsRecFld _ f) = OccurrenceOfRecSel (rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc f)
+exprCtOrigin (HsOverLabel _ _ l) = OverLabelOrigin l
+exprCtOrigin (HsIPVar _ ip) = IPOccOrigin ip
+exprCtOrigin (HsOverLit _ lit) = LiteralOrigin lit
+exprCtOrigin (HsLit {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "concrete literal"
+exprCtOrigin (HsLam _ matches) = matchesCtOrigin matches
+exprCtOrigin (HsLamCase _ ms) = matchesCtOrigin ms
+exprCtOrigin (HsApp _ e1 _) = lexprCtOrigin e1
+exprCtOrigin (HsAppType _ e1 _) = lexprCtOrigin e1
+exprCtOrigin (OpApp _ _ op _) = lexprCtOrigin op
+exprCtOrigin (NegApp _ e _) = lexprCtOrigin e
+exprCtOrigin (HsPar _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
+exprCtOrigin (SectionL _ _ _) = SectionOrigin
+exprCtOrigin (SectionR _ _ _) = SectionOrigin
+exprCtOrigin (ExplicitTuple {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "explicit tuple"
+exprCtOrigin ExplicitSum{} = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "explicit sum"
+exprCtOrigin (HsCase _ _ matches) = matchesCtOrigin matches
+exprCtOrigin (HsIf _ (Just syn) _ _ _) = exprCtOrigin (syn_expr syn)
+exprCtOrigin (HsIf {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "if expression"
+exprCtOrigin (HsMultiIf _ rhs) = lGRHSCtOrigin rhs
+exprCtOrigin (HsLet _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
+exprCtOrigin (HsDo {}) = DoOrigin
+exprCtOrigin (ExplicitList {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "list"
+exprCtOrigin (RecordCon {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "record construction"
+exprCtOrigin (RecordUpd {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "record update"
+exprCtOrigin (ExprWithTySig {}) = ExprSigOrigin
+exprCtOrigin (ArithSeq {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "arithmetic sequence"
+exprCtOrigin (HsSCC _ _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
+exprCtOrigin (HsCoreAnn _ _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
+exprCtOrigin (HsBracket {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "TH bracket"
+exprCtOrigin (HsRnBracketOut {})= Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "HsRnBracketOut"
+exprCtOrigin (HsTcBracketOut {})= panic "exprCtOrigin HsTcBracketOut"
+exprCtOrigin (HsSpliceE {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "TH splice"
+exprCtOrigin (HsProc {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "proc"
+exprCtOrigin (HsStatic {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "static expression"
+exprCtOrigin (HsTick _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
+exprCtOrigin (HsBinTick _ _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
+exprCtOrigin (HsTickPragma _ _ _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
+exprCtOrigin (HsWrap {}) = panic "exprCtOrigin HsWrap"
+exprCtOrigin (XExpr nec) = noExtCon nec
+-- | Extract a suitable CtOrigin from a MatchGroup
+matchesCtOrigin :: MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> CtOrigin
+matchesCtOrigin (MG { mg_alts = alts })
+ | L _ [L _ match] <- alts
+ , Match { m_grhss = grhss } <- match
+ = grhssCtOrigin grhss
+ | otherwise
+ = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "multi-way match"
+matchesCtOrigin (XMatchGroup nec) = noExtCon nec
+-- | Extract a suitable CtOrigin from guarded RHSs
+grhssCtOrigin :: GRHSs GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> CtOrigin
+grhssCtOrigin (GRHSs { grhssGRHSs = lgrhss }) = lGRHSCtOrigin lgrhss
+grhssCtOrigin (XGRHSs nec) = noExtCon nec
+-- | Extract a suitable CtOrigin from a list of guarded RHSs
+lGRHSCtOrigin :: [LGRHS GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)] -> CtOrigin
+lGRHSCtOrigin [L _ (GRHS _ _ (L _ e))] = exprCtOrigin e
+lGRHSCtOrigin [L _ (XGRHS nec)] = noExtCon nec
+lGRHSCtOrigin _ = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "multi-way GRHS"
+pprCtOrigin :: CtOrigin -> SDoc
+-- "arising from ..."
+-- Not an instance of Outputable because of the "arising from" prefix
+pprCtOrigin (GivenOrigin sk) = ctoHerald <+> ppr sk
+pprCtOrigin (SpecPragOrigin ctxt)
+ = case ctxt of
+ FunSigCtxt n _ -> text "a SPECIALISE pragma for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
+ SpecInstCtxt -> text "a SPECIALISE INSTANCE pragma"
+ _ -> text "a SPECIALISE pragma" -- Never happens I think
+pprCtOrigin (FunDepOrigin1 pred1 orig1 loc1 pred2 orig2 loc2)
+ = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "a functional dependency between constraints:")
+ 2 (vcat [ hang (quotes (ppr pred1)) 2 (pprCtOrigin orig1 <+> text "at" <+> ppr loc1)
+ , hang (quotes (ppr pred2)) 2 (pprCtOrigin orig2 <+> text "at" <+> ppr loc2) ])
+pprCtOrigin (FunDepOrigin2 pred1 orig1 pred2 loc2)
+ = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "a functional dependency between:")
+ 2 (vcat [ hang (text "constraint" <+> quotes (ppr pred1))
+ 2 (pprCtOrigin orig1 )
+ , hang (text "instance" <+> quotes (ppr pred2))
+ 2 (text "at" <+> ppr loc2) ])
+pprCtOrigin (KindEqOrigin t1 (Just t2) _ _)
+ = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "a kind equality arising from")
+ 2 (sep [ppr t1, char '~', ppr t2])
+pprCtOrigin AssocFamPatOrigin
+ = text "when matching a family LHS with its class instance head"
+pprCtOrigin (KindEqOrigin t1 Nothing _ _)
+ = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "a kind equality when matching")
+ 2 (ppr t1)
+pprCtOrigin (UnboundOccurrenceOf name)
+ = ctoHerald <+> text "an undeclared identifier" <+> quotes (ppr name)
+pprCtOrigin (DerivOriginDC dc n _)
+ = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "the" <+> speakNth n
+ <+> text "field of" <+> quotes (ppr dc))
+ 2 (parens (text "type" <+> quotes (ppr ty)))
+ where
+ ty = dataConOrigArgTys dc !! (n-1)
+pprCtOrigin (DerivOriginCoerce meth ty1 ty2 _)
+ = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "the coercion of the method" <+> quotes (ppr meth))
+ 2 (sep [ text "from type" <+> quotes (ppr ty1)
+ , nest 2 $ text "to type" <+> quotes (ppr ty2) ])
+pprCtOrigin (DoPatOrigin pat)
+ = ctoHerald <+> text "a do statement"
+ $$
+ text "with the failable pattern" <+> quotes (ppr pat)
+pprCtOrigin (MCompPatOrigin pat)
+ = ctoHerald <+> hsep [ text "the failable pattern"
+ , quotes (ppr pat)
+ , text "in a statement in a monad comprehension" ]
+pprCtOrigin (FailablePattern pat)
+ = ctoHerald <+> text "the failable pattern" <+> quotes (ppr pat)
+ $$
+ text "(this will become an error in a future GHC release)"
+pprCtOrigin (Shouldn'tHappenOrigin note)
+ = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ if xopt LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes dflags
+ then text "a situation created by impredicative types"
+ else
+ vcat [ text "<< This should not appear in error messages. If you see this"
+ , text "in an error message, please report a bug mentioning" <+> quotes (text note) <+> text "at"
+ , text " >>" ]
+pprCtOrigin (ProvCtxtOrigin PSB{ psb_id = (L _ name) })
+ = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "the \"provided\" constraints claimed by")
+ 2 (text "the signature of" <+> quotes (ppr name))
+pprCtOrigin (InstProvidedOrigin mod cls_inst)
+ = vcat [ text "arising when attempting to show that"
+ , ppr cls_inst
+ , text "is provided by" <+> quotes (ppr mod)]
+pprCtOrigin simple_origin
+ = ctoHerald <+> pprCtO simple_origin
+-- | Short one-liners
+pprCtO :: CtOrigin -> SDoc
+pprCtO (OccurrenceOf name) = hsep [text "a use of", quotes (ppr name)]
+pprCtO (OccurrenceOfRecSel name) = hsep [text "a use of", quotes (ppr name)]
+pprCtO AppOrigin = text "an application"
+pprCtO (IPOccOrigin name) = hsep [text "a use of implicit parameter", quotes (ppr name)]
+pprCtO (OverLabelOrigin l) = hsep [text "the overloaded label"
+ ,quotes (char '#' <> ppr l)]
+pprCtO RecordUpdOrigin = text "a record update"
+pprCtO ExprSigOrigin = text "an expression type signature"
+pprCtO PatSigOrigin = text "a pattern type signature"
+pprCtO PatOrigin = text "a pattern"
+pprCtO ViewPatOrigin = text "a view pattern"
+pprCtO IfOrigin = text "an if expression"
+pprCtO (LiteralOrigin lit) = hsep [text "the literal", quotes (ppr lit)]
+pprCtO (ArithSeqOrigin seq) = hsep [text "the arithmetic sequence", quotes (ppr seq)]
+pprCtO SectionOrigin = text "an operator section"
+pprCtO AssocFamPatOrigin = text "the LHS of a famly instance"
+pprCtO TupleOrigin = text "a tuple"
+pprCtO NegateOrigin = text "a use of syntactic negation"
+pprCtO (ScOrigin n) = text "the superclasses of an instance declaration"
+ <> whenPprDebug (parens (ppr n))
+pprCtO DerivClauseOrigin = text "the 'deriving' clause of a data type declaration"
+pprCtO StandAloneDerivOrigin = text "a 'deriving' declaration"
+pprCtO DefaultOrigin = text "a 'default' declaration"
+pprCtO DoOrigin = text "a do statement"
+pprCtO MCompOrigin = text "a statement in a monad comprehension"
+pprCtO ProcOrigin = text "a proc expression"
+pprCtO (TypeEqOrigin t1 t2 _ _)= text "a type equality" <+> sep [ppr t1, char '~', ppr t2]
+pprCtO AnnOrigin = text "an annotation"
+pprCtO HoleOrigin = text "a use of" <+> quotes (text "_")
+pprCtO ListOrigin = text "an overloaded list"
+pprCtO StaticOrigin = text "a static form"
+pprCtO _ = panic "pprCtOrigin"
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
index 1a7adde878..39e6dcd3dd 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import TcUnify
import TcHsType
import TysWiredIn
import TcEvidence
+import TcOrigin
import TyCon
import DataCon
import PatSyn
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs
index 28ec8471ff..746b48401b 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs
@@ -40,10 +40,11 @@ import TcBinds
import BasicTypes
import TcSimplify
import TcUnify
-import Type( PredTree(..), EqRel(..), classifyPredType )
+import Predicate
import TysWiredIn
import TcType
import TcEvidence
+import TcOrigin
import BuildTyCl
import VarSet
import MkId
@@ -300,7 +301,7 @@ have type
$bP :: forall a b. (a ~# Maybe b, Eq b) => [b] -> X a
and that is bad because (a ~# Maybe b) is not a predicate type
-(see Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence] in Type)
+(see Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence] in TyCoRep
and is not implicitly instantiated.
So in mkProvEvidence we lift (a ~# b) to (a ~ b). Tiresome, and
@@ -405,7 +406,7 @@ tcCheckPatSynDecl psb@PSB{ psb_id = lname@(dL->L _ name), psb_args = details
; let skol_info = SigSkol (PatSynCtxt name) pat_ty []
-- The type here is a bit bogus, but we do not print
-- the type for PatSynCtxt, so it doesn't matter
- -- See TcRnTypes Note [Skolem info for pattern synonyms]
+ -- See Note [Skolem info for pattern synonyms] in Origin
; (implics, ev_binds) <- buildImplicationFor tclvl skol_info univ_tvs req_dicts wanted
-- Solve the constraints now, because we are about to make a PatSyn,
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPluginM.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPluginM.hs
index f4fe3013a3..d88e25cc87 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPluginM.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPluginM.hs
@@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ import qualified IfaceEnv
import qualified Finder
import FamInstEnv ( FamInstEnv )
-import TcRnMonad ( TcGblEnv, TcLclEnv, Ct, CtLoc, TcPluginM
+import TcRnMonad ( TcGblEnv, TcLclEnv, TcPluginM
, unsafeTcPluginTcM, getEvBindsTcPluginM
, liftIO, traceTc )
+import Constraint ( Ct, CtLoc, CtEvidence(..), ctLocOrigin )
import TcMType ( TcTyVar, TcType )
import TcEnv ( TcTyThing )
import TcEvidence ( TcCoercion, CoercionHole, EvTerm(..)
, EvExpr, EvBind, mkGivenEvBind )
-import TcRnTypes ( CtEvidence(..) )
import Var ( EvVar )
import Module
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ zonkCt = unsafeTcPluginTcM . TcM.zonkCt
-- | Create a new wanted constraint.
newWanted :: CtLoc -> PredType -> TcPluginM CtEvidence
newWanted loc pty
- = unsafeTcPluginTcM (TcM.newWanted (TcM.ctLocOrigin loc) Nothing pty)
+ = unsafeTcPluginTcM (TcM.newWanted (ctLocOrigin loc) Nothing pty)
-- | Create a new derived constraint.
newDerived :: CtLoc -> PredType -> TcPluginM CtEvidence
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
index 22606871aa..000455bd3f 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ import TcExpr
import TcRnMonad
import TcRnExports
import TcEvidence
+import Constraint
+import TcOrigin
import qualified BooleanFormula as BF
import PprTyThing( pprTyThingInContext )
import CoreFVs( orphNamesOfFamInst )
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
index fe3f3e6d4c..c820eb3c20 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
@@ -146,7 +146,9 @@ import GhcPrelude
import TcRnTypes -- Re-export all
import IOEnv -- Re-export all
+import Constraint
import TcEvidence
+import TcOrigin
import GHC.Hs hiding (LIE)
import HscTypes
@@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ import FastString
import Panic
import Util
import Annotations
-import BasicTypes( TopLevelFlag )
+import BasicTypes( TopLevelFlag, TypeOrKind(..) )
import Maybes
import CostCentreState
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs
index f95f853a70..8fa12b28b1 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ module TcRnTypes(
-- The environment types
TcGblEnv(..), TcLclEnv(..),
+ setLclEnvTcLevel, getLclEnvTcLevel,
+ setLclEnvLoc, getLclEnvLoc,
IfGblEnv(..), IfLclEnv(..),
@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ module TcRnTypes(
-- Renamer types
- ErrCtxt, RecFieldEnv,
+ ErrCtxt, RecFieldEnv, pushErrCtxt, pushErrCtxtSameOrigin,
ImportAvails(..), emptyImportAvails, plusImportAvails,
WhereFrom(..), mkModDeps, modDepsElts,
@@ -64,59 +66,9 @@ module TcRnTypes(
TcIdSigInst(..), TcPatSynInfo(..),
isPartialSig, hasCompleteSig,
- -- QCInst
- QCInst(..), isPendingScInst,
- -- Canonical constraints
- Xi, Ct(..), Cts, emptyCts, andCts, andManyCts, pprCts,
- singleCt, listToCts, ctsElts, consCts, snocCts, extendCtsList,
- isEmptyCts, isCTyEqCan, isCFunEqCan,
- isPendingScDict, superClassesMightHelp, getPendingWantedScs,
- isCDictCan_Maybe, isCFunEqCan_maybe,
- isCNonCanonical, isWantedCt, isDerivedCt,
- isGivenCt, isHoleCt, isOutOfScopeCt, isExprHoleCt, isTypeHoleCt,
- isUserTypeErrorCt, getUserTypeErrorMsg,
- ctEvidence, ctLoc, setCtLoc, ctPred, ctFlavour, ctEqRel, ctOrigin,
- ctEvId, mkTcEqPredLikeEv,
- mkNonCanonical, mkNonCanonicalCt, mkGivens,
- mkIrredCt, mkInsolubleCt,
- ctEvPred, ctEvLoc, ctEvOrigin, ctEvEqRel,
- ctEvExpr, ctEvTerm, ctEvCoercion, ctEvEvId,
- tyCoVarsOfCt, tyCoVarsOfCts,
- tyCoVarsOfCtList, tyCoVarsOfCtsList,
- WantedConstraints(..), insolubleWC, emptyWC, isEmptyWC,
- isSolvedWC, andWC, unionsWC, mkSimpleWC, mkImplicWC,
- addInsols, insolublesOnly, addSimples, addImplics,
- tyCoVarsOfWC, dropDerivedWC, dropDerivedSimples,
- tyCoVarsOfWCList, insolubleCt, insolubleEqCt,
- isDroppableCt, insolubleImplic,
- arisesFromGivens,
- Implication(..), newImplication, implicationPrototype,
- implicLclEnv, implicDynFlags,
- ImplicStatus(..), isInsolubleStatus, isSolvedStatus,
- SubGoalDepth, initialSubGoalDepth, maxSubGoalDepth,
- bumpSubGoalDepth, subGoalDepthExceeded,
- CtLoc(..), ctLocSpan, ctLocEnv, ctLocLevel, ctLocOrigin,
- ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe,
- ctLocDepth, bumpCtLocDepth, isGivenLoc,
- setCtLocOrigin, updateCtLocOrigin, setCtLocEnv, setCtLocSpan,
- CtOrigin(..), exprCtOrigin, lexprCtOrigin, matchesCtOrigin, grhssCtOrigin,
- isVisibleOrigin, toInvisibleOrigin,
- TypeOrKind(..), isTypeLevel, isKindLevel,
- pprCtOrigin, pprCtLoc,
- pushErrCtxt, pushErrCtxtSameOrigin,
- SkolemInfo(..), pprSigSkolInfo, pprSkolInfo,
- CtEvidence(..), TcEvDest(..),
- mkKindLoc, toKindLoc, mkGivenLoc,
- isWanted, isGiven, isDerived, isGivenOrWDeriv,
- ctEvRole,
- wrapType, wrapTypeWithImplication,
+ -- Misc other types
+ TcId, TcIdSet,
+ NameShape(..),
-- Constraint solver plugins
@@ -124,25 +76,9 @@ module TcRnTypes(
TcPluginM, runTcPluginM, unsafeTcPluginTcM,
- CtFlavour(..), ShadowInfo(..), ctEvFlavour,
- CtFlavourRole, ctEvFlavourRole, ctFlavourRole,
- eqCanRewrite, eqCanRewriteFR, eqMayRewriteFR,
- eqCanDischargeFR,
- funEqCanDischarge, funEqCanDischargeF,
- -- Pretty printing
- pprEvVarTheta,
- pprEvVars, pprEvVarWithType,
- -- Misc other types
- TcId, TcIdSet,
- HoleSort(..),
- NameShape(..),
-- Role annotations
RoleAnnotEnv, emptyRoleAnnotEnv, mkRoleAnnotEnv,
- lookupRoleAnnot, getRoleAnnots,
+ lookupRoleAnnot, getRoleAnnots
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -150,20 +86,16 @@ module TcRnTypes(
import GhcPrelude
import GHC.Hs
-import CoreSyn
import HscTypes
import TcEvidence
import Type
-import Class ( Class )
-import TyCon ( TyCon, TyConFlavour, tyConKind )
-import TyCoRep ( coHoleCoVar )
-import Coercion ( Coercion, mkHoleCo )
-import ConLike ( ConLike(..) )
-import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConUserType, dataConOrigArgTys )
-import PatSyn ( PatSyn, pprPatSynType )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, tyConKind )
+import PatSyn ( PatSyn )
import Id ( idType, idName )
import FieldLabel ( FieldLabel )
import TcType
+import Constraint
+import TcOrigin
import Annotations
import InstEnv
import FamInstEnv
@@ -175,7 +107,6 @@ import NameEnv
import NameSet
import Avail
import Var
-import FV
import VarEnv
import Module
import SrcLoc
@@ -188,16 +119,14 @@ import Bag
import DynFlags
import Outputable
import ListSetOps
-import FastString
-import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import Fingerprint
import Util
import PrelNames ( isUnboundName )
import CostCentreState
-import Control.Monad (ap, msum)
+import Control.Monad (ap)
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as MonadFail
-import Data.Set ( Set )
+import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.List ( sort )
@@ -856,6 +785,18 @@ data TcLclEnv -- Changes as we move inside an expression
tcl_errs :: TcRef Messages -- Place to accumulate errors
+setLclEnvTcLevel :: TcLclEnv -> TcLevel -> TcLclEnv
+setLclEnvTcLevel env lvl = env { tcl_tclvl = lvl }
+getLclEnvTcLevel :: TcLclEnv -> TcLevel
+getLclEnvTcLevel = tcl_tclvl
+setLclEnvLoc :: TcLclEnv -> RealSrcSpan -> TcLclEnv
+setLclEnvLoc env loc = env { tcl_loc = loc }
+getLclEnvLoc :: TcLclEnv -> RealSrcSpan
+getLclEnvLoc = tcl_loc
type ErrCtxt = (Bool, TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, MsgDoc))
-- Monadic so that we have a chance
-- to deal with bound type variables just before error
@@ -864,6 +805,18 @@ type ErrCtxt = (Bool, TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, MsgDoc))
-- Bool: True <=> this is a landmark context; do not
-- discard it when trimming for display
+-- These are here to avoid module loops: one might expect them
+-- in Constraint, but they refer to ErrCtxt which refers to TcM.
+-- Easier to just keep these definitions here, alongside TcM.
+pushErrCtxt :: CtOrigin -> ErrCtxt -> CtLoc -> CtLoc
+pushErrCtxt o err loc@(CtLoc { ctl_env = lcl })
+ = loc { ctl_origin = o, ctl_env = lcl { tcl_ctxt = err : tcl_ctxt lcl } }
+pushErrCtxtSameOrigin :: ErrCtxt -> CtLoc -> CtLoc
+-- Just add information w/o updating the origin!
+pushErrCtxtSameOrigin err loc@(CtLoc { ctl_env = lcl })
+ = loc { ctl_env = lcl { tcl_ctxt = err : tcl_ctxt lcl } }
type TcTypeEnv = NameEnv TcTyThing
type ThBindEnv = NameEnv (TopLevelFlag, ThLevel)
@@ -1677,2220 +1630,6 @@ hasCompleteSig sig_fn name
-* *
-* Canonical constraints *
-* *
-* These are the constraints the low-level simplifier works with *
-* *
--- The syntax of xi (ξ) types:
--- xi ::= a | T xis | xis -> xis | ... | forall a. tau
--- Two important notes:
--- (i) No type families, unless we are under a ForAll
--- (ii) Note that xi types can contain unexpanded type synonyms;
--- however, the (transitive) expansions of those type synonyms
--- will not contain any type functions, unless we are under a ForAll.
--- We enforce the structure of Xi types when we flatten (TcCanonical)
-type Xi = Type -- In many comments, "xi" ranges over Xi
-type Cts = Bag Ct
-data Ct
- -- Atomic canonical constraints
- = CDictCan { -- e.g. Num xi
- cc_ev :: CtEvidence, -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
- cc_class :: Class,
- cc_tyargs :: [Xi], -- cc_tyargs are function-free, hence Xi
- cc_pend_sc :: Bool -- See Note [The superclass story] in TcCanonical
- -- True <=> (a) cc_class has superclasses
- -- (b) we have not (yet) added those
- -- superclasses as Givens
- }
- | CIrredCan { -- These stand for yet-unusable predicates
- cc_ev :: CtEvidence, -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
- cc_insol :: Bool -- True <=> definitely an error, can never be solved
- -- False <=> might be soluble
- -- For the might-be-soluble case, the ctev_pred of the evidence is
- -- of form (tv xi1 xi2 ... xin) with a tyvar at the head
- -- or (tv1 ~ ty2) where the CTyEqCan kind invariant fails
- -- or (F tys ~ ty) where the CFunEqCan kind invariant fails
- -- See Note [CIrredCan constraints]
- -- The definitely-insoluble case is for things like
- -- Int ~ Bool tycons don't match
- -- a ~ [a] occurs check
- }
- | CTyEqCan { -- tv ~ rhs
- -- Invariants:
- -- * See Note [Applying the inert substitution] in TcFlatten
- -- * tv not in tvs(rhs) (occurs check)
- -- * If tv is a TauTv, then rhs has no foralls
- -- (this avoids substituting a forall for the tyvar in other types)
- -- * tcTypeKind ty `tcEqKind` tcTypeKind tv; Note [Ct kind invariant]
- -- * rhs may have at most one top-level cast
- -- * rhs (perhaps under the one cast) is not necessarily function-free,
- -- but it has no top-level function.
- -- E.g. a ~ [F b] is fine
- -- but a ~ F b is not
- -- * If the equality is representational, rhs has no top-level newtype
- -- See Note [No top-level newtypes on RHS of representational
- -- equalities] in TcCanonical
- -- * If rhs (perhaps under the cast) is also a tv, then it is oriented
- -- to give best chance of
- -- unification happening; eg if rhs is touchable then lhs is too
- cc_ev :: CtEvidence, -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
- cc_tyvar :: TcTyVar,
- cc_rhs :: TcType, -- Not necessarily function-free (hence not Xi)
- -- See invariants above
- cc_eq_rel :: EqRel -- INVARIANT: cc_eq_rel = ctEvEqRel cc_ev
- }
- | CFunEqCan { -- F xis ~ fsk
- -- Invariants:
- -- * isTypeFamilyTyCon cc_fun
- -- * tcTypeKind (F xis) = tyVarKind fsk; Note [Ct kind invariant]
- -- * always Nominal role
- cc_ev :: CtEvidence, -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
- cc_fun :: TyCon, -- A type function
- cc_tyargs :: [Xi], -- cc_tyargs are function-free (hence Xi)
- -- Either under-saturated or exactly saturated
- -- *never* over-saturated (because if so
- -- we should have decomposed)
- cc_fsk :: TcTyVar -- [G] always a FlatSkolTv
- -- [W], [WD], or [D] always a FlatMetaTv
- -- See Note [The flattening story] in TcFlatten
- }
- | CNonCanonical { -- See Note [NonCanonical Semantics] in TcSMonad
- cc_ev :: CtEvidence
- }
- | CHoleCan { -- See Note [Hole constraints]
- -- Treated as an "insoluble" constraint
- -- See Note [Insoluble constraints]
- cc_ev :: CtEvidence,
- cc_occ :: OccName, -- The name of this hole
- cc_hole :: HoleSort -- The sort of this hole (expr, type, ...)
- }
- | CQuantCan QCInst -- A quantified constraint
- -- NB: I expect to make more of the cases in Ct
- -- look like this, with the payload in an
- -- auxiliary type
-data QCInst -- A much simplified version of ClsInst
- -- See Note [Quantified constraints] in TcCanonical
- = QCI { qci_ev :: CtEvidence -- Always of type forall tvs. context => ty
- -- Always Given
- , qci_tvs :: [TcTyVar] -- The tvs
- , qci_pred :: TcPredType -- The ty
- , qci_pend_sc :: Bool -- Same as cc_pend_sc flag in CDictCan
- -- Invariant: True => qci_pred is a ClassPred
- }
-instance Outputable QCInst where
- ppr (QCI { qci_ev = ev }) = ppr ev
--- | Used to indicate which sort of hole we have.
-data HoleSort = ExprHole
- -- ^ Either an out-of-scope variable or a "true" hole in an
- -- expression (TypedHoles)
- | TypeHole
- -- ^ A hole in a type (PartialTypeSignatures)
-{- Note [Hole constraints]
-CHoleCan constraints are used for two kinds of holes,
-distinguished by cc_hole:
- * For holes in expressions
- e.g. f x = g _ x
- * For holes in type signatures
- e.g. f :: _ -> _
- f x = [x,True]
-Note [CIrredCan constraints]
-CIrredCan constraints are used for constraints that are "stuck"
- - we can't solve them (yet)
- - we can't use them to solve other constraints
- - but they may become soluble if we substitute for some
- of the type variables in the constraint
-Example 1: (c Int), where c :: * -> Constraint. We can't do anything
- with this yet, but if later c := Num, *then* we can solve it
-Example 2: a ~ b, where a :: *, b :: k, where k is a kind variable
- We don't want to use this to substitute 'b' for 'a', in case
- 'k' is subsequently unifed with (say) *->*, because then
- we'd have ill-kinded types floating about. Rather we want
- to defer using the equality altogether until 'k' get resolved.
-Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
-If ct :: Ct, then extra fields of 'ct' cache precisely the ctev_pred field
-of (cc_ev ct), and is fully rewritten wrt the substitution. Eg for CDictCan,
- ctev_pred (cc_ev ct) = (cc_class ct) (cc_tyargs ct)
-This holds by construction; look at the unique place where CDictCan is
-built (in TcCanonical).
-In contrast, the type of the evidence *term* (ctev_dest / ctev_evar) in
-the evidence may *not* be fully zonked; we are careful not to look at it
-during constraint solving. See Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence].
-Note [Ct kind invariant]
-CTyEqCan and CFunEqCan both require that the kind of the lhs matches the kind
-of the rhs. This is necessary because both constraints are used for substitutions
-during solving. If the kinds differed, then the substitution would take a well-kinded
-type to an ill-kinded one.
-mkNonCanonical :: CtEvidence -> Ct
-mkNonCanonical ev = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = ev }
-mkNonCanonicalCt :: Ct -> Ct
-mkNonCanonicalCt ct = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = cc_ev ct }
-mkIrredCt :: CtEvidence -> Ct
-mkIrredCt ev = CIrredCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_insol = False }
-mkInsolubleCt :: CtEvidence -> Ct
-mkInsolubleCt ev = CIrredCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_insol = True }
-mkGivens :: CtLoc -> [EvId] -> [Ct]
-mkGivens loc ev_ids
- = map mk ev_ids
- where
- mk ev_id = mkNonCanonical (CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev_id
- , ctev_pred = evVarPred ev_id
- , ctev_loc = loc })
-ctEvidence :: Ct -> CtEvidence
-ctEvidence (CQuantCan (QCI { qci_ev = ev })) = ev
-ctEvidence ct = cc_ev ct
-ctLoc :: Ct -> CtLoc
-ctLoc = ctEvLoc . ctEvidence
-setCtLoc :: Ct -> CtLoc -> Ct
-setCtLoc ct loc = ct { cc_ev = (cc_ev ct) { ctev_loc = loc } }
-ctOrigin :: Ct -> CtOrigin
-ctOrigin = ctLocOrigin . ctLoc
-ctPred :: Ct -> PredType
--- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
-ctPred ct = ctEvPred (ctEvidence ct)
-ctEvId :: Ct -> EvVar
--- The evidence Id for this Ct
-ctEvId ct = ctEvEvId (ctEvidence ct)
--- | Makes a new equality predicate with the same role as the given
--- evidence.
-mkTcEqPredLikeEv :: CtEvidence -> TcType -> TcType -> TcType
-mkTcEqPredLikeEv ev
- = case predTypeEqRel pred of
- NomEq -> mkPrimEqPred
- ReprEq -> mkReprPrimEqPred
- where
- pred = ctEvPred ev
--- | Get the flavour of the given 'Ct'
-ctFlavour :: Ct -> CtFlavour
-ctFlavour = ctEvFlavour . ctEvidence
--- | Get the equality relation for the given 'Ct'
-ctEqRel :: Ct -> EqRel
-ctEqRel = ctEvEqRel . ctEvidence
-instance Outputable Ct where
- ppr ct = ppr (ctEvidence ct) <+> parens pp_sort
- where
- pp_sort = case ct of
- CTyEqCan {} -> text "CTyEqCan"
- CFunEqCan {} -> text "CFunEqCan"
- CNonCanonical {} -> text "CNonCanonical"
- CDictCan { cc_pend_sc = pend_sc }
- | pend_sc -> text "CDictCan(psc)"
- | otherwise -> text "CDictCan"
- CIrredCan { cc_insol = insol }
- | insol -> text "CIrredCan(insol)"
- | otherwise -> text "CIrredCan(sol)"
- CHoleCan { cc_occ = occ } -> text "CHoleCan:" <+> ppr occ
- CQuantCan (QCI { qci_pend_sc = pend_sc })
- | pend_sc -> text "CQuantCan(psc)"
- | otherwise -> text "CQuantCan"
-* *
- Simple functions over evidence variables
-* *
----------------- Getting free tyvars -------------------------
--- | Returns free variables of constraints as a non-deterministic set
-tyCoVarsOfCt :: Ct -> TcTyCoVarSet
-tyCoVarsOfCt = fvVarSet . tyCoFVsOfCt
--- | Returns free variables of constraints as a deterministically ordered.
--- list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
-tyCoVarsOfCtList :: Ct -> [TcTyCoVar]
-tyCoVarsOfCtList = fvVarList . tyCoFVsOfCt
--- | Returns free variables of constraints as a composable FV computation.
--- See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
-tyCoFVsOfCt :: Ct -> FV
-tyCoFVsOfCt (CTyEqCan { cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
- = tyCoFVsOfType xi `unionFV` FV.unitFV tv
- `unionFV` tyCoFVsOfType (tyVarKind tv)
-tyCoFVsOfCt (CFunEqCan { cc_tyargs = tys, cc_fsk = fsk })
- = tyCoFVsOfTypes tys `unionFV` FV.unitFV fsk
- `unionFV` tyCoFVsOfType (tyVarKind fsk)
-tyCoFVsOfCt (CDictCan { cc_tyargs = tys }) = tyCoFVsOfTypes tys
-tyCoFVsOfCt ct = tyCoFVsOfType (ctPred ct)
--- | Returns free variables of a bag of constraints as a non-deterministic
--- set. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
-tyCoVarsOfCts :: Cts -> TcTyCoVarSet
-tyCoVarsOfCts = fvVarSet . tyCoFVsOfCts
--- | Returns free variables of a bag of constraints as a deterministically
--- odered list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
-tyCoVarsOfCtsList :: Cts -> [TcTyCoVar]
-tyCoVarsOfCtsList = fvVarList . tyCoFVsOfCts
--- | Returns free variables of a bag of constraints as a composable FV
--- computation. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
-tyCoFVsOfCts :: Cts -> FV
-tyCoFVsOfCts = foldr (unionFV . tyCoFVsOfCt) emptyFV
--- | Returns free variables of WantedConstraints as a non-deterministic
--- set. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
-tyCoVarsOfWC :: WantedConstraints -> TyCoVarSet
--- Only called on *zonked* things, hence no need to worry about flatten-skolems
-tyCoVarsOfWC = fvVarSet . tyCoFVsOfWC
--- | Returns free variables of WantedConstraints as a deterministically
--- ordered list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
-tyCoVarsOfWCList :: WantedConstraints -> [TyCoVar]
--- Only called on *zonked* things, hence no need to worry about flatten-skolems
-tyCoVarsOfWCList = fvVarList . tyCoFVsOfWC
--- | Returns free variables of WantedConstraints as a composable FV
--- computation. See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
-tyCoFVsOfWC :: WantedConstraints -> FV
--- Only called on *zonked* things, hence no need to worry about flatten-skolems
-tyCoFVsOfWC (WC { wc_simple = simple, wc_impl = implic })
- = tyCoFVsOfCts simple `unionFV`
- tyCoFVsOfBag tyCoFVsOfImplic implic
--- | Returns free variables of Implication as a composable FV computation.
--- See Note [Deterministic FV] in FV.
-tyCoFVsOfImplic :: Implication -> FV
--- Only called on *zonked* things, hence no need to worry about flatten-skolems
-tyCoFVsOfImplic (Implic { ic_skols = skols
- , ic_given = givens
- , ic_wanted = wanted })
- | isEmptyWC wanted
- = emptyFV
- | otherwise
- = tyCoFVsVarBndrs skols $
- tyCoFVsVarBndrs givens $
- tyCoFVsOfWC wanted
-tyCoFVsOfBag :: (a -> FV) -> Bag a -> FV
-tyCoFVsOfBag tvs_of = foldr (unionFV . tvs_of) emptyFV
-dropDerivedWC :: WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints
--- See Note [Dropping derived constraints]
-dropDerivedWC wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples })
- = wc { wc_simple = dropDerivedSimples simples }
- -- The wc_impl implications are already (recursively) filtered
-dropDerivedSimples :: Cts -> Cts
--- Drop all Derived constraints, but make [W] back into [WD],
--- so that if we re-simplify these constraints we will get all
--- the right derived constraints re-generated. Forgetting this
--- step led to #12936
-dropDerivedSimples simples = mapMaybeBag dropDerivedCt simples
-dropDerivedCt :: Ct -> Maybe Ct
-dropDerivedCt ct
- = case ctEvFlavour ev of
- Wanted WOnly -> Just (ct' { cc_ev = ev_wd })
- Wanted _ -> Just ct'
- _ | isDroppableCt ct -> Nothing
- | otherwise -> Just ct
- where
- ev = ctEvidence ct
- ev_wd = ev { ctev_nosh = WDeriv }
- ct' = setPendingScDict ct -- See Note [Resetting cc_pend_sc]
-{- Note [Resetting cc_pend_sc]
-When we discard Derived constraints, in dropDerivedSimples, we must
-set the cc_pend_sc flag to True, so that if we re-process this
-CDictCan we will re-generate its derived superclasses. Otherwise
-we might miss some fundeps. #13662 showed this up.
-See Note [The superclass story] in TcCanonical.
-isDroppableCt :: Ct -> Bool
-isDroppableCt ct
- = isDerived ev && not keep_deriv
- -- Drop only derived constraints, and then only if they
- -- obey Note [Dropping derived constraints]
- where
- ev = ctEvidence ct
- loc = ctEvLoc ev
- orig = ctLocOrigin loc
- keep_deriv
- = case ct of
- CHoleCan {} -> True
- CIrredCan { cc_insol = insoluble }
- -> keep_eq insoluble
- _ -> keep_eq False
- keep_eq definitely_insoluble
- | isGivenOrigin orig -- Arising only from givens
- = definitely_insoluble -- Keep only definitely insoluble
- | otherwise
- = case orig of
- KindEqOrigin {} -> True -- See Note [Dropping derived constraints]
- -- See Note [Dropping derived constraints]
- -- For fundeps, drop wanted/wanted interactions
- FunDepOrigin2 {} -> True -- Top-level/Wanted
- FunDepOrigin1 _ loc1 _ loc2
- | g1 || g2 -> True -- Given/Wanted errors: keep all
- | otherwise -> False -- Wanted/Wanted errors: discard
- where
- g1 = isGivenLoc loc1
- g2 = isGivenLoc loc2
- _ -> False
-arisesFromGivens :: Ct -> Bool
-arisesFromGivens ct
- = case ctEvidence ct of
- CtGiven {} -> True
- CtWanted {} -> False
- CtDerived { ctev_loc = loc } -> isGivenLoc loc
-isGivenLoc :: CtLoc -> Bool
-isGivenLoc loc = isGivenOrigin (ctLocOrigin loc)
-isGivenOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool
-isGivenOrigin (GivenOrigin {}) = True
-isGivenOrigin (FunDepOrigin1 _ l1 _ l2) = isGivenLoc l1 && isGivenLoc l2
-isGivenOrigin (FunDepOrigin2 _ o1 _ _) = isGivenOrigin o1
-isGivenOrigin _ = False
-{- Note [Dropping derived constraints]
-In general we discard derived constraints at the end of constraint solving;
-see dropDerivedWC. For example
- * Superclasses: if we have an unsolved [W] (Ord a), we don't want to
- complain about an unsolved [D] (Eq a) as well.
- * If we have [W] a ~ Int, [W] a ~ Bool, improvement will generate
- [D] Int ~ Bool, and we don't want to report that because it's
- incomprehensible. That is why we don't rewrite wanteds with wanteds!
- * We might float out some Wanteds from an implication, leaving behind
- their insoluble Deriveds. For example:
- forall a[2]. [W] alpha[1] ~ Int
- [W] alpha[1] ~ Bool
- [D] Int ~ Bool
- The Derived is insoluble, but we very much want to drop it when floating
- out.
-But (tiresomely) we do keep *some* Derived constraints:
- * Type holes are derived constraints, because they have no evidence
- and we want to keep them, so we get the error report
- * Insoluble kind equalities (e.g. [D] * ~ (* -> *)), with
- KindEqOrigin, may arise from a type equality a ~ Int#, say. See
- Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in TcCanonical.
- Keeping these around produces better error messages, in practice.
- E.g., test case dependent/should_fail/T11471
- * We keep most derived equalities arising from functional dependencies
- - Given/Given interactions (subset of FunDepOrigin1):
- The definitely-insoluble ones reflect unreachable code.
- Others not-definitely-insoluble ones like [D] a ~ Int do not
- reflect unreachable code; indeed if fundeps generated proofs, it'd
- be a useful equality. See #14763. So we discard them.
- - Given/Wanted interacGiven or Wanted interacting with an
- instance declaration (FunDepOrigin2)
- - Given/Wanted interactions (FunDepOrigin1); see #9612
- - But for Wanted/Wanted interactions we do /not/ want to report an
- error (#13506). Consider [W] C Int Int, [W] C Int Bool, with
- a fundep on class C. We don't want to report an insoluble Int~Bool;
- c.f. "wanteds do not rewrite wanteds".
-To distinguish these cases we use the CtOrigin.
-NB: we keep *all* derived insolubles under some circumstances:
- * They are looked at by simplifyInfer, to decide whether to
- generalise. Example: [W] a ~ Int, [W] a ~ Bool
- We get [D] Int ~ Bool, and indeed the constraints are insoluble,
- and we want simplifyInfer to see that, even though we don't
- ultimately want to generate an (inexplicable) error message from it
-* *
- CtEvidence
- The "flavor" of a canonical constraint
-* *
-isWantedCt :: Ct -> Bool
-isWantedCt = isWanted . ctEvidence
-isGivenCt :: Ct -> Bool
-isGivenCt = isGiven . ctEvidence
-isDerivedCt :: Ct -> Bool
-isDerivedCt = isDerived . ctEvidence
-isCTyEqCan :: Ct -> Bool
-isCTyEqCan (CTyEqCan {}) = True
-isCTyEqCan (CFunEqCan {}) = False
-isCTyEqCan _ = False
-isCDictCan_Maybe :: Ct -> Maybe Class
-isCDictCan_Maybe (CDictCan {cc_class = cls }) = Just cls
-isCDictCan_Maybe _ = Nothing
-isCFunEqCan_maybe :: Ct -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
-isCFunEqCan_maybe (CFunEqCan { cc_fun = tc, cc_tyargs = xis }) = Just (tc, xis)
-isCFunEqCan_maybe _ = Nothing
-isCFunEqCan :: Ct -> Bool
-isCFunEqCan (CFunEqCan {}) = True
-isCFunEqCan _ = False
-isCNonCanonical :: Ct -> Bool
-isCNonCanonical (CNonCanonical {}) = True
-isCNonCanonical _ = False
-isHoleCt:: Ct -> Bool
-isHoleCt (CHoleCan {}) = True
-isHoleCt _ = False
-isOutOfScopeCt :: Ct -> Bool
--- A Hole that does not have a leading underscore is
--- simply an out-of-scope variable, and we treat that
--- a bit differently when it comes to error reporting
-isOutOfScopeCt (CHoleCan { cc_occ = occ }) = not (startsWithUnderscore occ)
-isOutOfScopeCt _ = False
-isExprHoleCt :: Ct -> Bool
-isExprHoleCt (CHoleCan { cc_hole = ExprHole }) = True
-isExprHoleCt _ = False
-isTypeHoleCt :: Ct -> Bool
-isTypeHoleCt (CHoleCan { cc_hole = TypeHole }) = True
-isTypeHoleCt _ = False
-{- Note [Custom type errors in constraints]
-When GHC reports a type-error about an unsolved-constraint, we check
-to see if the constraint contains any custom-type errors, and if so
-we report them. Here are some examples of constraints containing type
-TypeError msg -- The actual constraint is a type error
-TypError msg ~ Int -- Some type was supposed to be Int, but ended up
- -- being a type error instead
-Eq (TypeError msg) -- A class constraint is stuck due to a type error
-F (TypeError msg) ~ a -- A type function failed to evaluate due to a type err
-It is also possible to have constraints where the type error is nested deeper,
-for example see #11990, and also:
-Eq (F (TypeError msg)) -- Here the type error is nested under a type-function
- -- call, which failed to evaluate because of it,
- -- and so the `Eq` constraint was unsolved.
- -- This may happen when one function calls another
- -- and the called function produced a custom type error.
--- | A constraint is considered to be a custom type error, if it contains
--- custom type errors anywhere in it.
--- See Note [Custom type errors in constraints]
-getUserTypeErrorMsg :: Ct -> Maybe Type
-getUserTypeErrorMsg ct = findUserTypeError (ctPred ct)
- where
- findUserTypeError t = msum ( userTypeError_maybe t
- : map findUserTypeError (subTys t)
- )
- subTys t = case splitAppTys t of
- (t,[]) ->
- case splitTyConApp_maybe t of
- Nothing -> []
- Just (_,ts) -> ts
- (t,ts) -> t : ts
-isUserTypeErrorCt :: Ct -> Bool
-isUserTypeErrorCt ct = case getUserTypeErrorMsg ct of
- Just _ -> True
- _ -> False
-isPendingScDict :: Ct -> Maybe Ct
--- Says whether this is a CDictCan with cc_pend_sc is True,
--- AND if so flips the flag
-isPendingScDict ct@(CDictCan { cc_pend_sc = True })
- = Just (ct { cc_pend_sc = False })
-isPendingScDict _ = Nothing
-isPendingScInst :: QCInst -> Maybe QCInst
--- Same as isPrendinScDict, but for QCInsts
-isPendingScInst qci@(QCI { qci_pend_sc = True })
- = Just (qci { qci_pend_sc = False })
-isPendingScInst _ = Nothing
-setPendingScDict :: Ct -> Ct
--- Set the cc_pend_sc flag to True
-setPendingScDict ct@(CDictCan { cc_pend_sc = False })
- = ct { cc_pend_sc = True }
-setPendingScDict ct = ct
-superClassesMightHelp :: WantedConstraints -> Bool
--- ^ True if taking superclasses of givens, or of wanteds (to perhaps
--- expose more equalities or functional dependencies) might help to
--- solve this constraint. See Note [When superclasses help]
-superClassesMightHelp (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics })
- = anyBag might_help_ct simples || anyBag might_help_implic implics
- where
- might_help_implic ic
- | IC_Unsolved <- ic_status ic = superClassesMightHelp (ic_wanted ic)
- | otherwise = False
- might_help_ct ct = isWantedCt ct && not (is_ip ct)
- is_ip (CDictCan { cc_class = cls }) = isIPClass cls
- is_ip _ = False
-getPendingWantedScs :: Cts -> ([Ct], Cts)
-getPendingWantedScs simples
- = mapAccumBagL get [] simples
- where
- get acc ct | Just ct' <- isPendingScDict ct
- = (ct':acc, ct')
- | otherwise
- = (acc, ct)
-{- Note [When superclasses help]
-First read Note [The superclass story] in TcCanonical.
-We expand superclasses and iterate only if there is at unsolved wanted
-for which expansion of superclasses (e.g. from given constraints)
-might actually help. The function superClassesMightHelp tells if
-doing this superclass expansion might help solve this constraint.
-Note that
- * We look inside implications; maybe it'll help to expand the Givens
- at level 2 to help solve an unsolved Wanted buried inside an
- implication. E.g.
- forall a. Ord a => forall b. [W] Eq a
- * Superclasses help only for Wanted constraints. Derived constraints
- are not really "unsolved" and we certainly don't want them to
- trigger superclass expansion. This was a good part of the loop
- in #11523
- * Even for Wanted constraints, we say "no" for implicit parameters.
- we have [W] ?x::ty, expanding superclasses won't help:
- - Superclasses can't be implicit parameters
- - If we have a [G] ?x:ty2, then we'll have another unsolved
- [D] ty ~ ty2 (from the functional dependency)
- which will trigger superclass expansion.
- It's a bit of a special case, but it's easy to do. The runtime cost
- is low because the unsolved set is usually empty anyway (errors
- aside), and the first non-imlicit-parameter will terminate the search.
- The special case is worth it (#11480, comment:2) because it
- applies to CallStack constraints, which aren't type errors. If we have
- f :: (C a) => blah
- f x = ...undefined...
- we'll get a CallStack constraint. If that's the only unsolved
- constraint it'll eventually be solved by defaulting. So we don't
- want to emit warnings about hitting the simplifier's iteration
- limit. A CallStack constraint really isn't an unsolved
- constraint; it can always be solved by defaulting.
-singleCt :: Ct -> Cts
-singleCt = unitBag
-andCts :: Cts -> Cts -> Cts
-andCts = unionBags
-listToCts :: [Ct] -> Cts
-listToCts = listToBag
-ctsElts :: Cts -> [Ct]
-ctsElts = bagToList
-consCts :: Ct -> Cts -> Cts
-consCts = consBag
-snocCts :: Cts -> Ct -> Cts
-snocCts = snocBag
-extendCtsList :: Cts -> [Ct] -> Cts
-extendCtsList cts xs | null xs = cts
- | otherwise = cts `unionBags` listToBag xs
-andManyCts :: [Cts] -> Cts
-andManyCts = unionManyBags
-emptyCts :: Cts
-emptyCts = emptyBag
-isEmptyCts :: Cts -> Bool
-isEmptyCts = isEmptyBag
-pprCts :: Cts -> SDoc
-pprCts cts = vcat (map ppr (bagToList cts))
-* *
- Wanted constraints
- These are forced to be in TcRnTypes because
- TcLclEnv mentions WantedConstraints
- WantedConstraint mentions CtLoc
- CtLoc mentions ErrCtxt
- ErrCtxt mentions TcM
-* *
-data WantedConstraints
- = WC { wc_simple :: Cts -- Unsolved constraints, all wanted
- , wc_impl :: Bag Implication
- }
-emptyWC :: WantedConstraints
-emptyWC = WC { wc_simple = emptyBag, wc_impl = emptyBag }
-mkSimpleWC :: [CtEvidence] -> WantedConstraints
-mkSimpleWC cts
- = WC { wc_simple = listToBag (map mkNonCanonical cts)
- , wc_impl = emptyBag }
-mkImplicWC :: Bag Implication -> WantedConstraints
-mkImplicWC implic
- = WC { wc_simple = emptyBag, wc_impl = implic }
-isEmptyWC :: WantedConstraints -> Bool
-isEmptyWC (WC { wc_simple = f, wc_impl = i })
- = isEmptyBag f && isEmptyBag i
--- | Checks whether a the given wanted constraints are solved, i.e.
--- that there are no simple constraints left and all the implications
--- are solved.
-isSolvedWC :: WantedConstraints -> Bool
-isSolvedWC WC {wc_simple = wc_simple, wc_impl = wc_impl} =
- isEmptyBag wc_simple && allBag (isSolvedStatus . ic_status) wc_impl
-andWC :: WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints
-andWC (WC { wc_simple = f1, wc_impl = i1 })
- (WC { wc_simple = f2, wc_impl = i2 })
- = WC { wc_simple = f1 `unionBags` f2
- , wc_impl = i1 `unionBags` i2 }
-unionsWC :: [WantedConstraints] -> WantedConstraints
-unionsWC = foldr andWC emptyWC
-addSimples :: WantedConstraints -> Bag Ct -> WantedConstraints
-addSimples wc cts
- = wc { wc_simple = wc_simple wc `unionBags` cts }
- -- Consider: Put the new constraints at the front, so they get solved first
-addImplics :: WantedConstraints -> Bag Implication -> WantedConstraints
-addImplics wc implic = wc { wc_impl = wc_impl wc `unionBags` implic }
-addInsols :: WantedConstraints -> Bag Ct -> WantedConstraints
-addInsols wc cts
- = wc { wc_simple = wc_simple wc `unionBags` cts }
-insolublesOnly :: WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints
--- Keep only the definitely-insoluble constraints
-insolublesOnly (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics })
- = WC { wc_simple = filterBag insolubleCt simples
- , wc_impl = mapBag implic_insols_only implics }
- where
- implic_insols_only implic
- = implic { ic_wanted = insolublesOnly (ic_wanted implic) }
-isSolvedStatus :: ImplicStatus -> Bool
-isSolvedStatus (IC_Solved {}) = True
-isSolvedStatus _ = False
-isInsolubleStatus :: ImplicStatus -> Bool
-isInsolubleStatus IC_Insoluble = True
-isInsolubleStatus IC_BadTelescope = True
-isInsolubleStatus _ = False
-insolubleImplic :: Implication -> Bool
-insolubleImplic ic = isInsolubleStatus (ic_status ic)
-insolubleWC :: WantedConstraints -> Bool
-insolubleWC (WC { wc_impl = implics, wc_simple = simples })
- = anyBag insolubleCt simples
- || anyBag insolubleImplic implics
-insolubleCt :: Ct -> Bool
--- Definitely insoluble, in particular /excluding/ type-hole constraints
--- Namely: a) an equality constraint
--- b) that is insoluble
--- c) and does not arise from a Given
-insolubleCt ct
- | isHoleCt ct = isOutOfScopeCt ct -- See Note [Insoluble holes]
- | not (insolubleEqCt ct) = False
- | arisesFromGivens ct = False -- See Note [Given insolubles]
- | otherwise = True
-insolubleEqCt :: Ct -> Bool
--- Returns True of /equality/ constraints
--- that are /definitely/ insoluble
--- It won't detect some definite errors like
--- F a ~ T (F a)
--- where F is a type family, which actually has an occurs check
--- The function is tuned for application /after/ constraint solving
--- i.e. assuming canonicalisation has been done
--- E.g. It'll reply True for a ~ [a]
--- but False for [a] ~ a
--- and
--- True for Int ~ F a Int
--- but False for Maybe Int ~ F a Int Int
--- (where F is an arity-1 type function)
-insolubleEqCt (CIrredCan { cc_insol = insol }) = insol
-insolubleEqCt _ = False
-instance Outputable WantedConstraints where
- ppr (WC {wc_simple = s, wc_impl = i})
- = text "WC" <+> braces (vcat
- [ ppr_bag (text "wc_simple") s
- , ppr_bag (text "wc_impl") i ])
-ppr_bag :: Outputable a => SDoc -> Bag a -> SDoc
-ppr_bag doc bag
- | isEmptyBag bag = empty
- | otherwise = hang (doc <+> equals)
- 2 (foldr (($$) . ppr) empty bag)
-{- Note [Given insolubles]
-Consider (#14325, comment:)
- class (a~b) => C a b
- foo :: C a c => a -> c
- foo x = x
- hm3 :: C (f b) b => b -> f b
- hm3 x = foo x
-In the RHS of hm3, from the [G] C (f b) b we get the insoluble
-[G] f b ~# b. Then we also get an unsolved [W] C b (f b).
-Residual implication looks like
- forall b. C (f b) b => [G] f b ~# b
- [W] C f (f b)
-We do /not/ want to set the implication status to IC_Insoluble,
-because that'll suppress reports of [W] C b (f b). But we
-may not report the insoluble [G] f b ~# b either (see Note [Given errors]
-in TcErrors), so we may fail to report anything at all! Yikes.
-The same applies to Derived constraints that /arise from/ Givens.
-E.g. f :: (C Int [a]) => blah
-where a fundep means we get
- [D] Int ~ [a]
-By the same reasoning we must not suppress other errors (#15767)
-Bottom line: insolubleWC (called in TcSimplify.setImplicationStatus)
- should ignore givens even if they are insoluble.
-Note [Insoluble holes]
-Hole constraints that ARE NOT treated as truly insoluble:
- a) type holes, arising from PartialTypeSignatures,
- b) "true" expression holes arising from TypedHoles
-An "expression hole" or "type hole" constraint isn't really an error
-at all; it's a report saying "_ :: Int" here. But an out-of-scope
-variable masquerading as expression holes IS treated as truly
-insoluble, so that it trumps other errors during error reporting.
-* *
- Implication constraints
-* *
-data Implication
- = Implic { -- Invariants for a tree of implications:
- -- see TcType Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables]
- ic_tclvl :: TcLevel, -- TcLevel of unification variables
- -- allocated /inside/ this implication
- ic_skols :: [TcTyVar], -- Introduced skolems
- ic_info :: SkolemInfo, -- See Note [Skolems in an implication]
- -- See Note [Shadowing in a constraint]
- ic_telescope :: Maybe SDoc, -- User-written telescope, if there is one
- -- See Note [Checking telescopes]
- ic_given :: [EvVar], -- Given evidence variables
- -- (order does not matter)
- -- See Invariant (GivenInv) in TcType
- ic_no_eqs :: Bool, -- True <=> ic_givens have no equalities, for sure
- -- False <=> ic_givens might have equalities
- ic_env :: Env TcGblEnv TcLclEnv,
- -- Records the Env at the time of creation.
- --
- -- This is primarly needed for the enclosed
- -- TcLclEnv, which gives the source location
- -- and error context for the implication, and
- -- hence for all the given evidence variables.
- --
- -- The enclosed DynFlags also influences error
- -- reporting. See Note [Avoid
- -- -Winaccessible-code when deriving] in
- -- TcInstDcls.
- ic_wanted :: WantedConstraints, -- The wanteds
- -- See Invariang (WantedInf) in TcType
- ic_binds :: EvBindsVar, -- Points to the place to fill in the
- -- abstraction and bindings.
- -- The ic_need fields keep track of which Given evidence
- -- is used by this implication or its children
- -- NB: including stuff used by nested implications that have since
- -- been discarded
- ic_need_inner :: VarSet, -- Includes all used Given evidence
- ic_need_outer :: VarSet, -- Includes only the free Given evidence
- -- i.e. ic_need_inner after deleting
- -- (a) givens (b) binders of ic_binds
- ic_status :: ImplicStatus
- }
--- | Create a new 'Implication' with as many sensible defaults for its fields
--- as possible. Note that the 'ic_tclvl', 'ic_binds', and 'ic_info' fields do
--- /not/ have sensible defaults, so they are initialized with lazy thunks that
--- will 'panic' if forced, so one should take care to initialize these fields
--- after creation.
--- This is monadic purely to look up the 'Env', which is used to initialize
--- 'ic_env'.
-newImplication :: TcM Implication
- = do env <- getEnv
- return (implicationPrototype { ic_env = env })
-implicationPrototype :: Implication
- = Implic { -- These fields must be initialised
- ic_tclvl = panic "newImplic:tclvl"
- , ic_binds = panic "newImplic:binds"
- , ic_info = panic "newImplic:info"
- , ic_env = panic "newImplic:env"
- -- The rest have sensible default values
- , ic_skols = []
- , ic_telescope = Nothing
- , ic_given = []
- , ic_wanted = emptyWC
- , ic_no_eqs = False
- , ic_status = IC_Unsolved
- , ic_need_inner = emptyVarSet
- , ic_need_outer = emptyVarSet }
--- | Retrieve the enclosed 'TcLclEnv' from an 'Implication'.
-implicLclEnv :: Implication -> TcLclEnv
-implicLclEnv = env_lcl . ic_env
--- | Retrieve the enclosed 'DynFlags' from an 'Implication'.
-implicDynFlags :: Implication -> DynFlags
-implicDynFlags = hsc_dflags . env_top . ic_env
-data ImplicStatus
- = IC_Solved -- All wanteds in the tree are solved, all the way down
- { ics_dead :: [EvVar] } -- Subset of ic_given that are not needed
- -- See Note [Tracking redundant constraints] in TcSimplify
- | IC_Insoluble -- At least one insoluble constraint in the tree
- | IC_BadTelescope -- solved, but the skolems in the telescope are out of
- -- dependency order
- | IC_Unsolved -- Neither of the above; might go either way
-instance Outputable Implication where
- ppr (Implic { ic_tclvl = tclvl, ic_skols = skols
- , ic_given = given, ic_no_eqs = no_eqs
- , ic_wanted = wanted, ic_status = status
- , ic_binds = binds
- , ic_need_inner = need_in, ic_need_outer = need_out
- , ic_info = info })
- = hang (text "Implic" <+> lbrace)
- 2 (sep [ text "TcLevel =" <+> ppr tclvl
- , text "Skolems =" <+> pprTyVars skols
- , text "No-eqs =" <+> ppr no_eqs
- , text "Status =" <+> ppr status
- , hang (text "Given =") 2 (pprEvVars given)
- , hang (text "Wanted =") 2 (ppr wanted)
- , text "Binds =" <+> ppr binds
- , whenPprDebug (text "Needed inner =" <+> ppr need_in)
- , whenPprDebug (text "Needed outer =" <+> ppr need_out)
- , pprSkolInfo info ] <+> rbrace)
-instance Outputable ImplicStatus where
- ppr IC_Insoluble = text "Insoluble"
- ppr IC_BadTelescope = text "Bad telescope"
- ppr IC_Unsolved = text "Unsolved"
- ppr (IC_Solved { ics_dead = dead })
- = text "Solved" <+> (braces (text "Dead givens =" <+> ppr dead))
-{- Note [Checking telescopes]
-When kind-checking a /user-written/ type, we might have a "bad telescope"
-like this one:
- data SameKind :: forall k. k -> k -> Type
- type Foo :: forall a k (b :: k). SameKind a b -> Type
-The kind of 'a' mentions 'k' which is bound after 'a'. Oops.
-Knowing this means that unification etc must have happened, so it's
-convenient to detect it in the constraint solver:
-* We make a single implication constraint when kind-checking
- the 'forall' in Foo's kind, something like
- forall a k (b::k). { wanted constraints }
-* Having solved {wanted}, before discarding the now-solved implication,
- the costraint solver checks the dependency order of the skolem
- variables (ic_skols). This is done in setImplicationStatus.
-* This check is only necessary if the implication was born from a
- user-written signature. If, say, it comes from checking a pattern
- match that binds existentials, where the type of the data constructor
- is known to be valid (it in tcConPat), no need for the check.
- So the check is done if and only if ic_telescope is (Just blah).
-* If ic_telesope is (Just d), the d::SDoc displays the original,
- user-written type variables.
-* Be careful /NOT/ to discard an implication with non-Nothing
- ic_telescope, even if ic_wanted is empty. We must give the
- constraint solver a chance to make that bad-telesope test! Hence
- the extra guard in emitResidualTvConstraint; see #16247
-See also TcHsTYpe Note [Keeping scoped variables in order: Explicit]
-Note [Needed evidence variables]
-Th ic_need_evs field holds the free vars of ic_binds, and all the
-ic_binds in nested implications.
- * Main purpose: if one of the ic_givens is not mentioned in here, it
- is redundant.
- * solveImplication may drop an implication altogether if it has no
- remaining 'wanteds'. But we still track the free vars of its
- evidence binds, even though it has now disappeared.
-Note [Shadowing in a constraint]
-We assume NO SHADOWING in a constraint. Specifically
- * The unification variables are all implicitly quantified at top
- level, and are all unique
- * The skolem variables bound in ic_skols are all freah when the
- implication is created.
-So we can safely substitute. For example, if we have
- forall a. a~Int => ...(forall b. ...a...)...
-we can push the (a~Int) constraint inwards in the "givens" without
-worrying that 'b' might clash.
-Note [Skolems in an implication]
-The skolems in an implication are not there to perform a skolem escape
-check. That happens because all the environment variables are in the
-untouchables, and therefore cannot be unified with anything at all,
-let alone the skolems.
-Instead, ic_skols is used only when considering floating a constraint
-outside the implication in TcSimplify.floatEqualities or
-Note [Insoluble constraints]
-Some of the errors that we get during canonicalization are best
-reported when all constraints have been simplified as much as
-possible. For instance, assume that during simplification the
-following constraints arise:
- [Wanted] F alpha ~ uf1
- [Wanted] beta ~ uf1 beta
-When canonicalizing the wanted (beta ~ uf1 beta), if we eagerly fail
-we will simply see a message:
- 'Can't construct the infinite type beta ~ uf1 beta'
-and the user has no idea what the uf1 variable is.
-Instead our plan is that we will NOT fail immediately, but:
- (1) Record the "frozen" error in the ic_insols field
- (2) Isolate the offending constraint from the rest of the inerts
- (3) Keep on simplifying/canonicalizing
-At the end, we will hopefully have substituted uf1 := F alpha, and we
-will be able to report a more informative error:
- 'Can't construct the infinite type beta ~ F alpha beta'
-Insoluble constraints *do* include Derived constraints. For example,
-a functional dependency might give rise to [D] Int ~ Bool, and we must
-report that. If insolubles did not contain Deriveds, reportErrors would
-never see it.
-* *
- Pretty printing
-* *
-pprEvVars :: [EvVar] -> SDoc -- Print with their types
-pprEvVars ev_vars = vcat (map pprEvVarWithType ev_vars)
-pprEvVarTheta :: [EvVar] -> SDoc
-pprEvVarTheta ev_vars = pprTheta (map evVarPred ev_vars)
-pprEvVarWithType :: EvVar -> SDoc
-pprEvVarWithType v = ppr v <+> dcolon <+> pprType (evVarPred v)
--- | Wraps the given type with the constraints (via ic_given) in the given
--- implication, according to the variables mentioned (via ic_skols)
--- in the implication, but taking care to only wrap those variables
--- that are mentioned in the type or the implication.
-wrapTypeWithImplication :: Type -> Implication -> Type
-wrapTypeWithImplication ty impl = wrapType ty mentioned_skols givens
- where givens = map idType $ ic_given impl
- skols = ic_skols impl
- freeVars = fvVarSet $ tyCoFVsOfTypes (ty:givens)
- mentioned_skols = filter (`elemVarSet` freeVars) skols
-wrapType :: Type -> [TyVar] -> [PredType] -> Type
-wrapType ty skols givens = mkSpecForAllTys skols $ mkPhiTy givens ty
-* *
- CtEvidence
-* *
-Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence]
-During constraint solving we never look at the type of ctev_evar/ctev_dest;
-instead we look at the ctev_pred field. The evtm/evar field
-may be un-zonked.
-Note [Bind new Givens immediately]
-For Givens we make new EvVars and bind them immediately. Two main reasons:
- * Gain sharing. E.g. suppose we start with g :: C a b, where
- class D a => C a b
- class (E a, F a) => D a
- If we generate all g's superclasses as separate EvTerms we might
- get selD1 (selC1 g) :: E a
- selD2 (selC1 g) :: F a
- selC1 g :: D a
- which we could do more economically as:
- g1 :: D a = selC1 g
- g2 :: E a = selD1 g1
- g3 :: F a = selD2 g1
- * For *coercion* evidence we *must* bind each given:
- class (a~b) => C a b where ....
- f :: C a b => ....
- Then in f's Givens we have g:(C a b) and the superclass sc(g,0):a~b.
- But that superclass selector can't (yet) appear in a coercion
- (see evTermCoercion), so the easy thing is to bind it to an Id.
-So a Given has EvVar inside it rather than (as previously) an EvTerm.
--- | A place for type-checking evidence to go after it is generated.
--- Wanted equalities are always HoleDest; other wanteds are always
--- EvVarDest.
-data TcEvDest
- = EvVarDest EvVar -- ^ bind this var to the evidence
- -- EvVarDest is always used for non-type-equalities
- -- e.g. class constraints
- | HoleDest CoercionHole -- ^ fill in this hole with the evidence
- -- HoleDest is always used for type-equalities
- -- See Note [Coercion holes] in TyCoRep
-data CtEvidence
- = CtGiven -- Truly given, not depending on subgoals
- { ctev_pred :: TcPredType -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
- , ctev_evar :: EvVar -- See Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence]
- , ctev_loc :: CtLoc }
- | CtWanted -- Wanted goal
- { ctev_pred :: TcPredType -- See Note [Ct/evidence invariant]
- , ctev_dest :: TcEvDest
- , ctev_nosh :: ShadowInfo -- See Note [Constraint flavours]
- , ctev_loc :: CtLoc }
- | CtDerived -- A goal that we don't really have to solve and can't
- -- immediately rewrite anything other than a derived
- -- (there's no evidence!) but if we do manage to solve
- -- it may help in solving other goals.
- { ctev_pred :: TcPredType
- , ctev_loc :: CtLoc }
-ctEvPred :: CtEvidence -> TcPredType
--- The predicate of a flavor
-ctEvPred = ctev_pred
-ctEvLoc :: CtEvidence -> CtLoc
-ctEvLoc = ctev_loc
-ctEvOrigin :: CtEvidence -> CtOrigin
-ctEvOrigin = ctLocOrigin . ctEvLoc
--- | Get the equality relation relevant for a 'CtEvidence'
-ctEvEqRel :: CtEvidence -> EqRel
-ctEvEqRel = predTypeEqRel . ctEvPred
--- | Get the role relevant for a 'CtEvidence'
-ctEvRole :: CtEvidence -> Role
-ctEvRole = eqRelRole . ctEvEqRel
-ctEvTerm :: CtEvidence -> EvTerm
-ctEvTerm ev = EvExpr (ctEvExpr ev)
-ctEvExpr :: CtEvidence -> EvExpr
-ctEvExpr ev@(CtWanted { ctev_dest = HoleDest _ })
- = Coercion $ ctEvCoercion ev
-ctEvExpr ev = evId (ctEvEvId ev)
-ctEvCoercion :: HasDebugCallStack => CtEvidence -> Coercion
-ctEvCoercion (CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev_id })
- = mkTcCoVarCo ev_id
-ctEvCoercion (CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest })
- | HoleDest hole <- dest
- = -- ctEvCoercion is only called on type equalities
- -- and they always have HoleDests
- mkHoleCo hole
-ctEvCoercion ev
- = pprPanic "ctEvCoercion" (ppr ev)
-ctEvEvId :: CtEvidence -> EvVar
-ctEvEvId (CtWanted { ctev_dest = EvVarDest ev }) = ev
-ctEvEvId (CtWanted { ctev_dest = HoleDest h }) = coHoleCoVar h
-ctEvEvId (CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev }) = ev
-ctEvEvId ctev@(CtDerived {}) = pprPanic "ctEvId:" (ppr ctev)
-instance Outputable TcEvDest where
- ppr (HoleDest h) = text "hole" <> ppr h
- ppr (EvVarDest ev) = ppr ev
-instance Outputable CtEvidence where
- ppr ev = ppr (ctEvFlavour ev)
- <+> pp_ev
- <+> braces (ppr (ctl_depth (ctEvLoc ev))) <> dcolon
- -- Show the sub-goal depth too
- <+> ppr (ctEvPred ev)
- where
- pp_ev = case ev of
- CtGiven { ctev_evar = v } -> ppr v
- CtWanted {ctev_dest = d } -> ppr d
- CtDerived {} -> text "_"
-isWanted :: CtEvidence -> Bool
-isWanted (CtWanted {}) = True
-isWanted _ = False
-isGiven :: CtEvidence -> Bool
-isGiven (CtGiven {}) = True
-isGiven _ = False
-isDerived :: CtEvidence -> Bool
-isDerived (CtDerived {}) = True
-isDerived _ = False
-%* *
- CtFlavour
-%* *
-Note [Constraint flavours]
-Constraints come in four flavours:
-* [G] Given: we have evidence
-* [W] Wanted WOnly: we want evidence
-* [D] Derived: any solution must satisfy this constraint, but
- we don't need evidence for it. Examples include:
- - superclasses of [W] class constraints
- - equalities arising from functional dependencies
- or injectivity
-* [WD] Wanted WDeriv: a single constraint that represents
- both [W] and [D]
- We keep them paired as one both for efficiency, and because
- when we have a finite map F tys -> CFunEqCan, it's inconvenient
- to have two CFunEqCans in the range
-The ctev_nosh field of a Wanted distinguishes between [W] and [WD]
-Wanted constraints are born as [WD], but are split into [W] and its
-"shadow" [D] in TcSMonad.maybeEmitShadow.
-See Note [The improvement story and derived shadows] in TcSMonad
-data CtFlavour -- See Note [Constraint flavours]
- = Given
- | Wanted ShadowInfo
- | Derived
- deriving Eq
-data ShadowInfo
- = WDeriv -- [WD] This Wanted constraint has no Derived shadow,
- -- so it behaves like a pair of a Wanted and a Derived
- | WOnly -- [W] It has a separate derived shadow
- -- See Note [Derived shadows]
- deriving( Eq )
-isGivenOrWDeriv :: CtFlavour -> Bool
-isGivenOrWDeriv Given = True
-isGivenOrWDeriv (Wanted WDeriv) = True
-isGivenOrWDeriv _ = False
-instance Outputable CtFlavour where
- ppr Given = text "[G]"
- ppr (Wanted WDeriv) = text "[WD]"
- ppr (Wanted WOnly) = text "[W]"
- ppr Derived = text "[D]"
-ctEvFlavour :: CtEvidence -> CtFlavour
-ctEvFlavour (CtWanted { ctev_nosh = nosh }) = Wanted nosh
-ctEvFlavour (CtGiven {}) = Given
-ctEvFlavour (CtDerived {}) = Derived
--- | Whether or not one 'Ct' can rewrite another is determined by its
--- flavour and its equality relation. See also
--- Note [Flavours with roles] in TcSMonad
-type CtFlavourRole = (CtFlavour, EqRel)
--- | Extract the flavour, role, and boxity from a 'CtEvidence'
-ctEvFlavourRole :: CtEvidence -> CtFlavourRole
-ctEvFlavourRole ev = (ctEvFlavour ev, ctEvEqRel ev)
--- | Extract the flavour and role from a 'Ct'
-ctFlavourRole :: Ct -> CtFlavourRole
--- Uses short-cuts to role for special cases
-ctFlavourRole (CDictCan { cc_ev = ev })
- = (ctEvFlavour ev, NomEq)
-ctFlavourRole (CTyEqCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_eq_rel = eq_rel })
- = (ctEvFlavour ev, eq_rel)
-ctFlavourRole (CFunEqCan { cc_ev = ev })
- = (ctEvFlavour ev, NomEq)
-ctFlavourRole (CHoleCan { cc_ev = ev })
- = (ctEvFlavour ev, NomEq) -- NomEq: CHoleCans can be rewritten by
- -- by nominal equalities but empahatically
- -- not by representational equalities
-ctFlavourRole ct
- = ctEvFlavourRole (ctEvidence ct)
-{- Note [eqCanRewrite]
-(eqCanRewrite ct1 ct2) holds if the constraint ct1 (a CTyEqCan of form
-tv ~ ty) can be used to rewrite ct2. It must satisfy the properties of
-a can-rewrite relation, see Definition [Can-rewrite relation] in
-With the solver handling Coercible constraints like equality constraints,
-the rewrite conditions must take role into account, never allowing
-a representational equality to rewrite a nominal one.
-Note [Wanteds do not rewrite Wanteds]
-We don't allow Wanteds to rewrite Wanteds, because that can give rise
-to very confusing type error messages. A good example is #8450.
-Here's another
- f :: a -> Bool
- f x = ( [x,'c'], [x,True] ) `seq` True
-Here we get
- [W] a ~ Char
- [W] a ~ Bool
-but we do not want to complain about Bool ~ Char!
-Note [Deriveds do rewrite Deriveds]
-However we DO allow Deriveds to rewrite Deriveds, because that's how
-improvement works; see Note [The improvement story] in TcInteract.
-However, for now at least I'm only letting (Derived,NomEq) rewrite
-(Derived,NomEq) and not doing anything for ReprEq. If we have
- eqCanRewriteFR (Derived, NomEq) (Derived, _) = True
-then we lose property R2 of Definition [Can-rewrite relation]
-in TcSMonad
- R2. If f1 >= f, and f2 >= f,
- then either f1 >= f2 or f2 >= f1
-Consider f1 = (Given, ReprEq)
- f2 = (Derived, NomEq)
- f = (Derived, ReprEq)
-I thought maybe we could never get Derived ReprEq constraints, but
-we can; straight from the Wanteds during improvement. And from a Derived
-ReprEq we could conceivably get a Derived NomEq improvement (by decomposing
-a type constructor with Nomninal role), and hence unify.
-eqCanRewrite :: EqRel -> EqRel -> Bool
-eqCanRewrite NomEq _ = True
-eqCanRewrite ReprEq ReprEq = True
-eqCanRewrite ReprEq NomEq = False
-eqCanRewriteFR :: CtFlavourRole -> CtFlavourRole -> Bool
--- Can fr1 actually rewrite fr2?
--- Very important function!
--- See Note [eqCanRewrite]
--- See Note [Wanteds do not rewrite Wanteds]
--- See Note [Deriveds do rewrite Deriveds]
-eqCanRewriteFR (Given, r1) (_, r2) = eqCanRewrite r1 r2
-eqCanRewriteFR (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) (Derived, NomEq) = True
-eqCanRewriteFR (Derived, NomEq) (Derived, NomEq) = True
-eqCanRewriteFR _ _ = False
-eqMayRewriteFR :: CtFlavourRole -> CtFlavourRole -> Bool
--- Is it /possible/ that fr1 can rewrite fr2?
--- This is used when deciding which inerts to kick out,
--- at which time a [WD] inert may be split into [W] and [D]
-eqMayRewriteFR (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) = True
-eqMayRewriteFR (Derived, NomEq) (Wanted WDeriv, NomEq) = True
-eqMayRewriteFR fr1 fr2 = eqCanRewriteFR fr1 fr2
-{- Note [funEqCanDischarge]
-Suppose we have two CFunEqCans with the same LHS:
- (x1:F ts ~ f1) `funEqCanDischarge` (x2:F ts ~ f2)
-Can we drop x2 in favour of x1, either unifying
-f2 (if it's a flatten meta-var) or adding a new Given
-(f1 ~ f2), if x2 is a Given?
-Answer: yes if funEqCanDischarge is true.
- :: CtEvidence -> CtEvidence
- -> ( SwapFlag -- NotSwapped => lhs can discharge rhs
- -- Swapped => rhs can discharge lhs
- , Bool) -- True <=> upgrade non-discharded one
- -- from [W] to [WD]
--- See Note [funEqCanDischarge]
-funEqCanDischarge ev1 ev2
- = ASSERT2( ctEvEqRel ev1 == NomEq, ppr ev1 )
- ASSERT2( ctEvEqRel ev2 == NomEq, ppr ev2 )
- -- CFunEqCans are all Nominal, hence asserts
- funEqCanDischargeF (ctEvFlavour ev1) (ctEvFlavour ev2)
-funEqCanDischargeF :: CtFlavour -> CtFlavour -> (SwapFlag, Bool)
-funEqCanDischargeF Given _ = (NotSwapped, False)
-funEqCanDischargeF _ Given = (IsSwapped, False)
-funEqCanDischargeF (Wanted WDeriv) _ = (NotSwapped, False)
-funEqCanDischargeF _ (Wanted WDeriv) = (IsSwapped, True)
-funEqCanDischargeF (Wanted WOnly) (Wanted WOnly) = (NotSwapped, False)
-funEqCanDischargeF (Wanted WOnly) Derived = (NotSwapped, True)
-funEqCanDischargeF Derived (Wanted WOnly) = (IsSwapped, True)
-funEqCanDischargeF Derived Derived = (NotSwapped, False)
-{- Note [eqCanDischarge]
-Suppose we have two identical CTyEqCan equality constraints
-(i.e. both LHS and RHS are the same)
- (x1:a~t) `eqCanDischarge` (xs:a~t)
-Can we just drop x2 in favour of x1?
-Answer: yes if eqCanDischarge is true.
-Note that we do /not/ allow Wanted to discharge Derived.
-We must keep both. Why? Because the Derived may rewrite
-other Deriveds in the model whereas the Wanted cannot.
-However a Wanted can certainly discharge an identical Wanted. So
-eqCanDischarge does /not/ define a can-rewrite relation in the
-sense of Definition [Can-rewrite relation] in TcSMonad.
-We /do/ say that a [W] can discharge a [WD]. In evidence terms it
-certainly can, and the /caller/ arranges that the otherwise-lost [D]
-is spat out as a new Derived. -}
-eqCanDischargeFR :: CtFlavourRole -> CtFlavourRole -> Bool
--- See Note [eqCanDischarge]
-eqCanDischargeFR (f1,r1) (f2, r2) = eqCanRewrite r1 r2
- && eqCanDischargeF f1 f2
-eqCanDischargeF :: CtFlavour -> CtFlavour -> Bool
-eqCanDischargeF Given _ = True
-eqCanDischargeF (Wanted _) (Wanted _) = True
-eqCanDischargeF (Wanted WDeriv) Derived = True
-eqCanDischargeF Derived Derived = True
-eqCanDischargeF _ _ = False
-* *
- SubGoalDepth
-* *
-Note [SubGoalDepth]
-The 'SubGoalDepth' takes care of stopping the constraint solver from looping.
-The counter starts at zero and increases. It includes dictionary constraints,
-equality simplification, and type family reduction. (Why combine these? Because
-it's actually quite easy to mistake one for another, in sufficiently involved
-scenarios, like ConstraintKinds.)
-The flag -fcontext-stack=n (not very well named!) fixes the maximium
-* The counter includes the depth of type class instance declarations. Example:
- [W] d{7} : Eq [Int]
- That is d's dictionary-constraint depth is 7. If we use the instance
- $dfEqList :: Eq a => Eq [a]
- to simplify it, we get
- d{7} = $dfEqList d'{8}
- where d'{8} : Eq Int, and d' has depth 8.
- For civilised (decidable) instance declarations, each increase of
- depth removes a type constructor from the type, so the depth never
- gets big; i.e. is bounded by the structural depth of the type.
-* The counter also increments when resolving
-equalities involving type functions. Example:
- Assume we have a wanted at depth 7:
- [W] d{7} : F () ~ a
- If there is a type function equation "F () = Int", this would be rewritten to
- [W] d{8} : Int ~ a
- and remembered as having depth 8.
- Again, without UndecidableInstances, this counter is bounded, but without it
- can resolve things ad infinitum. Hence there is a maximum level.
-* Lastly, every time an equality is rewritten, the counter increases. Again,
- rewriting an equality constraint normally makes progress, but it's possible
- the "progress" is just the reduction of an infinitely-reducing type family.
- Hence we need to track the rewrites.
-When compiling a program requires a greater depth, then GHC recommends turning
-off this check entirely by setting -freduction-depth=0. This is because the
-exact number that works is highly variable, and is likely to change even between
-minor releases. Because this check is solely to prevent infinite compilation
-times, it seems safe to disable it when a user has ascertained that their program
-doesn't loop at the type level.
--- | See Note [SubGoalDepth]
-newtype SubGoalDepth = SubGoalDepth Int
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Outputable)
-initialSubGoalDepth :: SubGoalDepth
-initialSubGoalDepth = SubGoalDepth 0
-bumpSubGoalDepth :: SubGoalDepth -> SubGoalDepth
-bumpSubGoalDepth (SubGoalDepth n) = SubGoalDepth (n + 1)
-maxSubGoalDepth :: SubGoalDepth -> SubGoalDepth -> SubGoalDepth
-maxSubGoalDepth (SubGoalDepth n) (SubGoalDepth m) = SubGoalDepth (n `max` m)
-subGoalDepthExceeded :: DynFlags -> SubGoalDepth -> Bool
-subGoalDepthExceeded dflags (SubGoalDepth d)
- = mkIntWithInf d > reductionDepth dflags
-* *
- CtLoc
-* *
-The 'CtLoc' gives information about where a constraint came from.
-This is important for decent error message reporting because
-dictionaries don't appear in the original source code.
-type will evolve...
-data CtLoc = CtLoc { ctl_origin :: CtOrigin
- , ctl_env :: TcLclEnv
- , ctl_t_or_k :: Maybe TypeOrKind -- OK if we're not sure
- , ctl_depth :: !SubGoalDepth }
- -- The TcLclEnv includes particularly
- -- source location: tcl_loc :: RealSrcSpan
- -- context: tcl_ctxt :: [ErrCtxt]
- -- binder stack: tcl_bndrs :: TcBinderStack
- -- level: tcl_tclvl :: TcLevel
-mkKindLoc :: TcType -> TcType -- original *types* being compared
- -> CtLoc -> CtLoc
-mkKindLoc s1 s2 loc = setCtLocOrigin (toKindLoc loc)
- (KindEqOrigin s1 (Just s2) (ctLocOrigin loc)
- (ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe loc))
--- | Take a CtLoc and moves it to the kind level
-toKindLoc :: CtLoc -> CtLoc
-toKindLoc loc = loc { ctl_t_or_k = Just KindLevel }
-mkGivenLoc :: TcLevel -> SkolemInfo -> TcLclEnv -> CtLoc
-mkGivenLoc tclvl skol_info env
- = CtLoc { ctl_origin = GivenOrigin skol_info
- , ctl_env = env { tcl_tclvl = tclvl }
- , ctl_t_or_k = Nothing -- this only matters for error msgs
- , ctl_depth = initialSubGoalDepth }
-ctLocEnv :: CtLoc -> TcLclEnv
-ctLocEnv = ctl_env
-ctLocLevel :: CtLoc -> TcLevel
-ctLocLevel loc = tcl_tclvl (ctLocEnv loc)
-ctLocDepth :: CtLoc -> SubGoalDepth
-ctLocDepth = ctl_depth
-ctLocOrigin :: CtLoc -> CtOrigin
-ctLocOrigin = ctl_origin
-ctLocSpan :: CtLoc -> RealSrcSpan
-ctLocSpan (CtLoc { ctl_env = lcl}) = tcl_loc lcl
-ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe :: CtLoc -> Maybe TypeOrKind
-ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe = ctl_t_or_k
-setCtLocSpan :: CtLoc -> RealSrcSpan -> CtLoc
-setCtLocSpan ctl@(CtLoc { ctl_env = lcl }) loc = setCtLocEnv ctl (lcl { tcl_loc = loc })
-bumpCtLocDepth :: CtLoc -> CtLoc
-bumpCtLocDepth loc@(CtLoc { ctl_depth = d }) = loc { ctl_depth = bumpSubGoalDepth d }
-setCtLocOrigin :: CtLoc -> CtOrigin -> CtLoc
-setCtLocOrigin ctl orig = ctl { ctl_origin = orig }
-updateCtLocOrigin :: CtLoc -> (CtOrigin -> CtOrigin) -> CtLoc
-updateCtLocOrigin ctl@(CtLoc { ctl_origin = orig }) upd
- = ctl { ctl_origin = upd orig }
-setCtLocEnv :: CtLoc -> TcLclEnv -> CtLoc
-setCtLocEnv ctl env = ctl { ctl_env = env }
-pushErrCtxt :: CtOrigin -> ErrCtxt -> CtLoc -> CtLoc
-pushErrCtxt o err loc@(CtLoc { ctl_env = lcl })
- = loc { ctl_origin = o, ctl_env = lcl { tcl_ctxt = err : tcl_ctxt lcl } }
-pushErrCtxtSameOrigin :: ErrCtxt -> CtLoc -> CtLoc
--- Just add information w/o updating the origin!
-pushErrCtxtSameOrigin err loc@(CtLoc { ctl_env = lcl })
- = loc { ctl_env = lcl { tcl_ctxt = err : tcl_ctxt lcl } }
-* *
- SkolemInfo
-* *
--- SkolemInfo gives the origin of *given* constraints
--- a) type variables are skolemised
--- b) an implication constraint is generated
-data SkolemInfo
- = SigSkol -- A skolem that is created by instantiating
- -- a programmer-supplied type signature
- -- Location of the binding site is on the TyVar
- -- See Note [SigSkol SkolemInfo]
- UserTypeCtxt -- What sort of signature
- TcType -- Original type signature (before skolemisation)
- [(Name,TcTyVar)] -- Maps the original name of the skolemised tyvar
- -- to its instantiated version
- | SigTypeSkol UserTypeCtxt
- -- like SigSkol, but when we're kind-checking the *type*
- -- hence, we have less info
- | ForAllSkol SDoc -- Bound by a user-written "forall".
- | DerivSkol Type -- Bound by a 'deriving' clause;
- -- the type is the instance we are trying to derive
- | InstSkol -- Bound at an instance decl
- | InstSC TypeSize -- A "given" constraint obtained by superclass selection.
- -- If (C ty1 .. tyn) is the largest class from
- -- which we made a superclass selection in the chain,
- -- then TypeSize = sizeTypes [ty1, .., tyn]
- -- See Note [Solving superclass constraints] in TcInstDcls
- | FamInstSkol -- Bound at a family instance decl
- | PatSkol -- An existential type variable bound by a pattern for
- ConLike -- a data constructor with an existential type.
- (HsMatchContext Name)
- -- e.g. data T = forall a. Eq a => MkT a
- -- f (MkT x) = ...
- -- The pattern MkT x will allocate an existential type
- -- variable for 'a'.
- | ArrowSkol -- An arrow form (see TcArrows)
- | IPSkol [HsIPName] -- Binding site of an implicit parameter
- | RuleSkol RuleName -- The LHS of a RULE
- | InferSkol [(Name,TcType)]
- -- We have inferred a type for these (mutually-recursivive)
- -- polymorphic Ids, and are now checking that their RHS
- -- constraints are satisfied.
- | BracketSkol -- Template Haskell bracket
- | UnifyForAllSkol -- We are unifying two for-all types
- TcType -- The instantiated type *inside* the forall
- | TyConSkol TyConFlavour Name -- bound in a type declaration of the given flavour
- | DataConSkol Name -- bound as an existential in a Haskell98 datacon decl or
- -- as any variable in a GADT datacon decl
- | ReifySkol -- Bound during Template Haskell reification
- | QuantCtxtSkol -- Quantified context, e.g.
- -- f :: forall c. (forall a. c a => c [a]) => blah
- | UnkSkol -- Unhelpful info (until I improve it)
-instance Outputable SkolemInfo where
- ppr = pprSkolInfo
-pprSkolInfo :: SkolemInfo -> SDoc
--- Complete the sentence "is a rigid type variable bound by..."
-pprSkolInfo (SigSkol cx ty _) = pprSigSkolInfo cx ty
-pprSkolInfo (SigTypeSkol cx) = pprUserTypeCtxt cx
-pprSkolInfo (ForAllSkol doc) = quotes doc
-pprSkolInfo (IPSkol ips) = text "the implicit-parameter binding" <> plural ips <+> text "for"
- <+> pprWithCommas ppr ips
-pprSkolInfo (DerivSkol pred) = text "the deriving clause for" <+> quotes (ppr pred)
-pprSkolInfo InstSkol = text "the instance declaration"
-pprSkolInfo (InstSC n) = text "the instance declaration" <> whenPprDebug (parens (ppr n))
-pprSkolInfo FamInstSkol = text "a family instance declaration"
-pprSkolInfo BracketSkol = text "a Template Haskell bracket"
-pprSkolInfo (RuleSkol name) = text "the RULE" <+> pprRuleName name
-pprSkolInfo ArrowSkol = text "an arrow form"
-pprSkolInfo (PatSkol cl mc) = sep [ pprPatSkolInfo cl
- , text "in" <+> pprMatchContext mc ]
-pprSkolInfo (InferSkol ids) = hang (text "the inferred type" <> plural ids <+> text "of")
- 2 (vcat [ ppr name <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty
- | (name,ty) <- ids ])
-pprSkolInfo (UnifyForAllSkol ty) = text "the type" <+> ppr ty
-pprSkolInfo (TyConSkol flav name) = text "the" <+> ppr flav <+> text "declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr name)
-pprSkolInfo (DataConSkol name)= text "the data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr name)
-pprSkolInfo ReifySkol = text "the type being reified"
-pprSkolInfo (QuantCtxtSkol {}) = text "a quantified context"
--- UnkSkol
--- For type variables the others are dealt with by pprSkolTvBinding.
--- For Insts, these cases should not happen
-pprSkolInfo UnkSkol = WARN( True, text "pprSkolInfo: UnkSkol" ) text "UnkSkol"
-pprSigSkolInfo :: UserTypeCtxt -> TcType -> SDoc
--- The type is already tidied
-pprSigSkolInfo ctxt ty
- = case ctxt of
- FunSigCtxt f _ -> vcat [ text "the type signature for:"
- , nest 2 (pprPrefixOcc f <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty) ]
- PatSynCtxt {} -> pprUserTypeCtxt ctxt -- See Note [Skolem info for pattern synonyms]
- _ -> vcat [ pprUserTypeCtxt ctxt <> colon
- , nest 2 (ppr ty) ]
-pprPatSkolInfo :: ConLike -> SDoc
-pprPatSkolInfo (RealDataCon dc)
- = sep [ text "a pattern with constructor:"
- , nest 2 $ ppr dc <+> dcolon
- <+> pprType (dataConUserType dc) <> comma ]
- -- pprType prints forall's regardless of -fprint-explicit-foralls
- -- which is what we want here, since we might be saying
- -- type variable 't' is bound by ...
-pprPatSkolInfo (PatSynCon ps)
- = sep [ text "a pattern with pattern synonym:"
- , nest 2 $ ppr ps <+> dcolon
- <+> pprPatSynType ps <> comma ]
-{- Note [Skolem info for pattern synonyms]
-For pattern synonym SkolemInfo we have
- SigSkol (PatSynCtxt p) ty _
-but the type 'ty' is not very helpful. The full pattern-synonym type
-has the provided and required pieces, which it is inconvenient to
-record and display here. So we simply don't display the type at all,
-contenting outselves with just the name of the pattern synonym, which
-is fine. We could do more, but it doesn't seem worth it.
-Note [SigSkol SkolemInfo]
-Suppose we (deeply) skolemise a type
- f :: forall a. a -> forall b. b -> a
-Then we'll instantiate [a :-> a', b :-> b'], and with the instantiated
- a' -> b' -> a.
-But when, in an error message, we report that "b is a rigid type
-variable bound by the type signature for f", we want to show the foralls
-in the right place. So we proceed as follows:
-* In SigSkol we record
- - the original signature forall a. a -> forall b. b -> a
- - the instantiation mapping [a :-> a', b :-> b']
-* Then when tidying in TcMType.tidySkolemInfo, we first tidy a' to
- whatever it tidies to, say a''; and then we walk over the type
- replacing the binder a by the tidied version a'', to give
- forall a''. a'' -> forall b''. b'' -> a''
- We need to do this under function arrows, to match what deeplySkolemise
- does.
-* Typically a'' will have a nice pretty name like "a", but the point is
- that the foral-bound variables of the signature we report line up with
- the instantiated skolems lying around in other types.
-* *
- CtOrigin
-* *
-data CtOrigin
- = GivenOrigin SkolemInfo
- -- All the others are for *wanted* constraints
- | OccurrenceOf Name -- Occurrence of an overloaded identifier
- | OccurrenceOfRecSel RdrName -- Occurrence of a record selector
- | AppOrigin -- An application of some kind
- | SpecPragOrigin UserTypeCtxt -- Specialisation pragma for
- -- function or instance
- | TypeEqOrigin { uo_actual :: TcType
- , uo_expected :: TcType
- , uo_thing :: Maybe SDoc
- -- ^ The thing that has type "actual"
- , uo_visible :: Bool
- -- ^ Is at least one of the three elements above visible?
- -- (Errors from the polymorphic subsumption check are considered
- -- visible.) Only used for prioritizing error messages.
- }
- | KindEqOrigin -- See Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in TcCanonical.
- TcType (Maybe TcType) -- A kind equality arising from unifying these two types
- CtOrigin -- originally arising from this
- (Maybe TypeOrKind) -- the level of the eq this arises from
- | IPOccOrigin HsIPName -- Occurrence of an implicit parameter
- | OverLabelOrigin FastString -- Occurrence of an overloaded label
- | LiteralOrigin (HsOverLit GhcRn) -- Occurrence of a literal
- | NegateOrigin -- Occurrence of syntactic negation
- | ArithSeqOrigin (ArithSeqInfo GhcRn) -- [x..], [x..y] etc
- | AssocFamPatOrigin -- When matching the patterns of an associated
- -- family instance with that of its parent class
- | SectionOrigin
- | TupleOrigin -- (..,..)
- | ExprSigOrigin -- e :: ty
- | PatSigOrigin -- p :: ty
- | PatOrigin -- Instantiating a polytyped pattern at a constructor
- | ProvCtxtOrigin -- The "provided" context of a pattern synonym signature
- (PatSynBind GhcRn GhcRn) -- Information about the pattern synonym, in
- -- particular the name and the right-hand side
- | RecordUpdOrigin
- | ViewPatOrigin
- | ScOrigin TypeSize -- Typechecking superclasses of an instance declaration
- -- If the instance head is C ty1 .. tyn
- -- then TypeSize = sizeTypes [ty1, .., tyn]
- -- See Note [Solving superclass constraints] in TcInstDcls
- | DerivClauseOrigin -- Typechecking a deriving clause (as opposed to
- -- standalone deriving).
- | DerivOriginDC DataCon Int Bool
- -- Checking constraints arising from this data con and field index. The
- -- Bool argument in DerivOriginDC and DerivOriginCoerce is True if
- -- standalong deriving (with a wildcard constraint) is being used. This
- -- is used to inform error messages on how to recommended fixes (e.g., if
- -- the argument is True, then don't recommend "use standalone deriving",
- -- but rather "fill in the wildcard constraint yourself").
- -- See Note [Inferring the instance context] in TcDerivInfer
- | DerivOriginCoerce Id Type Type Bool
- -- DerivOriginCoerce id ty1 ty2: Trying to coerce class method `id` from
- -- `ty1` to `ty2`.
- | StandAloneDerivOrigin -- Typechecking stand-alone deriving. Useful for
- -- constraints coming from a wildcard constraint,
- -- e.g., deriving instance _ => Eq (Foo a)
- -- See Note [Inferring the instance context]
- -- in TcDerivInfer
- | DefaultOrigin -- Typechecking a default decl
- | DoOrigin -- Arising from a do expression
- | DoPatOrigin (LPat GhcRn) -- Arising from a failable pattern in
- -- a do expression
- | MCompOrigin -- Arising from a monad comprehension
- | MCompPatOrigin (LPat GhcRn) -- Arising from a failable pattern in a
- -- monad comprehension
- | IfOrigin -- Arising from an if statement
- | ProcOrigin -- Arising from a proc expression
- | AnnOrigin -- An annotation
- | FunDepOrigin1 -- A functional dependency from combining
- PredType CtLoc -- This constraint arising from ...
- PredType CtLoc -- and this constraint arising from ...
- | FunDepOrigin2 -- A functional dependency from combining
- PredType CtOrigin -- This constraint arising from ...
- PredType SrcSpan -- and this top-level instance
- -- We only need a CtOrigin on the first, because the location
- -- is pinned on the entire error message
- | HoleOrigin
- | UnboundOccurrenceOf OccName
- | ListOrigin -- An overloaded list
- | StaticOrigin -- A static form
- | FailablePattern (LPat GhcTcId) -- A failable pattern in do-notation for the
- -- MonadFail Proposal (MFP). Obsolete when
- -- actual desugaring to is
- -- live.
- | Shouldn'tHappenOrigin String
- -- the user should never see this one,
- -- unless ImpredicativeTypes is on, where all
- -- bets are off
- | InstProvidedOrigin Module ClsInst
- -- Skolem variable arose when we were testing if an instance
- -- is solvable or not.
--- | Flag to see whether we're type-checking terms or kind-checking types
-data TypeOrKind = TypeLevel | KindLevel
- deriving Eq
-instance Outputable TypeOrKind where
- ppr TypeLevel = text "TypeLevel"
- ppr KindLevel = text "KindLevel"
-isTypeLevel :: TypeOrKind -> Bool
-isTypeLevel TypeLevel = True
-isTypeLevel KindLevel = False
-isKindLevel :: TypeOrKind -> Bool
-isKindLevel TypeLevel = False
-isKindLevel KindLevel = True
--- An origin is visible if the place where the constraint arises is manifest
--- in user code. Currently, all origins are visible except for invisible
--- TypeEqOrigins. This is used when choosing which error of
--- several to report
-isVisibleOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool
-isVisibleOrigin (TypeEqOrigin { uo_visible = vis }) = vis
-isVisibleOrigin (KindEqOrigin _ _ sub_orig _) = isVisibleOrigin sub_orig
-isVisibleOrigin _ = True
--- Converts a visible origin to an invisible one, if possible. Currently,
--- this works only for TypeEqOrigin
-toInvisibleOrigin :: CtOrigin -> CtOrigin
-toInvisibleOrigin orig@(TypeEqOrigin {}) = orig { uo_visible = False }
-toInvisibleOrigin orig = orig
-instance Outputable CtOrigin where
- ppr = pprCtOrigin
-ctoHerald :: SDoc
-ctoHerald = text "arising from"
--- | Extract a suitable CtOrigin from a HsExpr
-lexprCtOrigin :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> CtOrigin
-lexprCtOrigin (L _ e) = exprCtOrigin e
-exprCtOrigin :: HsExpr GhcRn -> CtOrigin
-exprCtOrigin (HsVar _ (L _ name)) = OccurrenceOf name
-exprCtOrigin (HsUnboundVar _ uv) = UnboundOccurrenceOf uv
-exprCtOrigin (HsConLikeOut {}) = panic "exprCtOrigin HsConLikeOut"
-exprCtOrigin (HsRecFld _ f) = OccurrenceOfRecSel (rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc f)
-exprCtOrigin (HsOverLabel _ _ l) = OverLabelOrigin l
-exprCtOrigin (HsIPVar _ ip) = IPOccOrigin ip
-exprCtOrigin (HsOverLit _ lit) = LiteralOrigin lit
-exprCtOrigin (HsLit {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "concrete literal"
-exprCtOrigin (HsLam _ matches) = matchesCtOrigin matches
-exprCtOrigin (HsLamCase _ ms) = matchesCtOrigin ms
-exprCtOrigin (HsApp _ e1 _) = lexprCtOrigin e1
-exprCtOrigin (HsAppType _ e1 _) = lexprCtOrigin e1
-exprCtOrigin (OpApp _ _ op _) = lexprCtOrigin op
-exprCtOrigin (NegApp _ e _) = lexprCtOrigin e
-exprCtOrigin (HsPar _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
-exprCtOrigin (SectionL _ _ _) = SectionOrigin
-exprCtOrigin (SectionR _ _ _) = SectionOrigin
-exprCtOrigin (ExplicitTuple {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "explicit tuple"
-exprCtOrigin ExplicitSum{} = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "explicit sum"
-exprCtOrigin (HsCase _ _ matches) = matchesCtOrigin matches
-exprCtOrigin (HsIf _ (Just syn) _ _ _) = exprCtOrigin (syn_expr syn)
-exprCtOrigin (HsIf {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "if expression"
-exprCtOrigin (HsMultiIf _ rhs) = lGRHSCtOrigin rhs
-exprCtOrigin (HsLet _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
-exprCtOrigin (HsDo {}) = DoOrigin
-exprCtOrigin (ExplicitList {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "list"
-exprCtOrigin (RecordCon {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "record construction"
-exprCtOrigin (RecordUpd {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "record update"
-exprCtOrigin (ExprWithTySig {}) = ExprSigOrigin
-exprCtOrigin (ArithSeq {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "arithmetic sequence"
-exprCtOrigin (HsSCC _ _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
-exprCtOrigin (HsCoreAnn _ _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
-exprCtOrigin (HsBracket {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "TH bracket"
-exprCtOrigin (HsRnBracketOut {})= Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "HsRnBracketOut"
-exprCtOrigin (HsTcBracketOut {})= panic "exprCtOrigin HsTcBracketOut"
-exprCtOrigin (HsSpliceE {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "TH splice"
-exprCtOrigin (HsProc {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "proc"
-exprCtOrigin (HsStatic {}) = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "static expression"
-exprCtOrigin (HsTick _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
-exprCtOrigin (HsBinTick _ _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
-exprCtOrigin (HsTickPragma _ _ _ _ e) = lexprCtOrigin e
-exprCtOrigin (HsWrap {}) = panic "exprCtOrigin HsWrap"
-exprCtOrigin (XExpr nec) = noExtCon nec
--- | Extract a suitable CtOrigin from a MatchGroup
-matchesCtOrigin :: MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> CtOrigin
-matchesCtOrigin (MG { mg_alts = alts })
- | L _ [L _ match] <- alts
- , Match { m_grhss = grhss } <- match
- = grhssCtOrigin grhss
- | otherwise
- = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "multi-way match"
-matchesCtOrigin (XMatchGroup nec) = noExtCon nec
--- | Extract a suitable CtOrigin from guarded RHSs
-grhssCtOrigin :: GRHSs GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> CtOrigin
-grhssCtOrigin (GRHSs { grhssGRHSs = lgrhss }) = lGRHSCtOrigin lgrhss
-grhssCtOrigin (XGRHSs nec) = noExtCon nec
--- | Extract a suitable CtOrigin from a list of guarded RHSs
-lGRHSCtOrigin :: [LGRHS GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)] -> CtOrigin
-lGRHSCtOrigin [L _ (GRHS _ _ (L _ e))] = exprCtOrigin e
-lGRHSCtOrigin [L _ (XGRHS nec)] = noExtCon nec
-lGRHSCtOrigin _ = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "multi-way GRHS"
-pprCtLoc :: CtLoc -> SDoc
--- "arising from ... at ..."
--- Not an instance of Outputable because of the "arising from" prefix
-pprCtLoc (CtLoc { ctl_origin = o, ctl_env = lcl})
- = sep [ pprCtOrigin o
- , text "at" <+> ppr (tcl_loc lcl)]
-pprCtOrigin :: CtOrigin -> SDoc
--- "arising from ..."
--- Not an instance of Outputable because of the "arising from" prefix
-pprCtOrigin (GivenOrigin sk) = ctoHerald <+> ppr sk
-pprCtOrigin (SpecPragOrigin ctxt)
- = case ctxt of
- FunSigCtxt n _ -> text "a SPECIALISE pragma for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
- SpecInstCtxt -> text "a SPECIALISE INSTANCE pragma"
- _ -> text "a SPECIALISE pragma" -- Never happens I think
-pprCtOrigin (FunDepOrigin1 pred1 loc1 pred2 loc2)
- = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "a functional dependency between constraints:")
- 2 (vcat [ hang (quotes (ppr pred1)) 2 (pprCtLoc loc1)
- , hang (quotes (ppr pred2)) 2 (pprCtLoc loc2) ])
-pprCtOrigin (FunDepOrigin2 pred1 orig1 pred2 loc2)
- = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "a functional dependency between:")
- 2 (vcat [ hang (text "constraint" <+> quotes (ppr pred1))
- 2 (pprCtOrigin orig1 )
- , hang (text "instance" <+> quotes (ppr pred2))
- 2 (text "at" <+> ppr loc2) ])
-pprCtOrigin (KindEqOrigin t1 (Just t2) _ _)
- = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "a kind equality arising from")
- 2 (sep [ppr t1, char '~', ppr t2])
-pprCtOrigin AssocFamPatOrigin
- = text "when matching a family LHS with its class instance head"
-pprCtOrigin (KindEqOrigin t1 Nothing _ _)
- = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "a kind equality when matching")
- 2 (ppr t1)
-pprCtOrigin (UnboundOccurrenceOf name)
- = ctoHerald <+> text "an undeclared identifier" <+> quotes (ppr name)
-pprCtOrigin (DerivOriginDC dc n _)
- = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "the" <+> speakNth n
- <+> text "field of" <+> quotes (ppr dc))
- 2 (parens (text "type" <+> quotes (ppr ty)))
- where
- ty = dataConOrigArgTys dc !! (n-1)
-pprCtOrigin (DerivOriginCoerce meth ty1 ty2 _)
- = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "the coercion of the method" <+> quotes (ppr meth))
- 2 (sep [ text "from type" <+> quotes (ppr ty1)
- , nest 2 $ text "to type" <+> quotes (ppr ty2) ])
-pprCtOrigin (DoPatOrigin pat)
- = ctoHerald <+> text "a do statement"
- $$
- text "with the failable pattern" <+> quotes (ppr pat)
-pprCtOrigin (MCompPatOrigin pat)
- = ctoHerald <+> hsep [ text "the failable pattern"
- , quotes (ppr pat)
- , text "in a statement in a monad comprehension" ]
-pprCtOrigin (FailablePattern pat)
- = ctoHerald <+> text "the failable pattern" <+> quotes (ppr pat)
- $$
- text "(this will become an error in a future GHC release)"
-pprCtOrigin (Shouldn'tHappenOrigin note)
- = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
- if xopt LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes dflags
- then text "a situation created by impredicative types"
- else
- vcat [ text "<< This should not appear in error messages. If you see this"
- , text "in an error message, please report a bug mentioning" <+> quotes (text note) <+> text "at"
- , text " >>" ]
-pprCtOrigin (ProvCtxtOrigin PSB{ psb_id = (L _ name) })
- = hang (ctoHerald <+> text "the \"provided\" constraints claimed by")
- 2 (text "the signature of" <+> quotes (ppr name))
-pprCtOrigin (InstProvidedOrigin mod cls_inst)
- = vcat [ text "arising when attempting to show that"
- , ppr cls_inst
- , text "is provided by" <+> quotes (ppr mod)]
-pprCtOrigin simple_origin
- = ctoHerald <+> pprCtO simple_origin
--- | Short one-liners
-pprCtO :: CtOrigin -> SDoc
-pprCtO (OccurrenceOf name) = hsep [text "a use of", quotes (ppr name)]
-pprCtO (OccurrenceOfRecSel name) = hsep [text "a use of", quotes (ppr name)]
-pprCtO AppOrigin = text "an application"
-pprCtO (IPOccOrigin name) = hsep [text "a use of implicit parameter", quotes (ppr name)]
-pprCtO (OverLabelOrigin l) = hsep [text "the overloaded label"
- ,quotes (char '#' <> ppr l)]
-pprCtO RecordUpdOrigin = text "a record update"
-pprCtO ExprSigOrigin = text "an expression type signature"
-pprCtO PatSigOrigin = text "a pattern type signature"
-pprCtO PatOrigin = text "a pattern"
-pprCtO ViewPatOrigin = text "a view pattern"
-pprCtO IfOrigin = text "an if expression"
-pprCtO (LiteralOrigin lit) = hsep [text "the literal", quotes (ppr lit)]
-pprCtO (ArithSeqOrigin seq) = hsep [text "the arithmetic sequence", quotes (ppr seq)]
-pprCtO SectionOrigin = text "an operator section"
-pprCtO AssocFamPatOrigin = text "the LHS of a famly instance"
-pprCtO TupleOrigin = text "a tuple"
-pprCtO NegateOrigin = text "a use of syntactic negation"
-pprCtO (ScOrigin n) = text "the superclasses of an instance declaration"
- <> whenPprDebug (parens (ppr n))
-pprCtO DerivClauseOrigin = text "the 'deriving' clause of a data type declaration"
-pprCtO StandAloneDerivOrigin = text "a 'deriving' declaration"
-pprCtO DefaultOrigin = text "a 'default' declaration"
-pprCtO DoOrigin = text "a do statement"
-pprCtO MCompOrigin = text "a statement in a monad comprehension"
-pprCtO ProcOrigin = text "a proc expression"
-pprCtO (TypeEqOrigin t1 t2 _ _)= text "a type equality" <+> sep [ppr t1, char '~', ppr t2]
-pprCtO AnnOrigin = text "an annotation"
-pprCtO HoleOrigin = text "a use of" <+> quotes (text "_")
-pprCtO ListOrigin = text "an overloaded list"
-pprCtO StaticOrigin = text "a static form"
-pprCtO _ = panic "pprCtOrigin"
Constraint Solver Plugins
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs-boot b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs-boot
index b22f5c3ff8..dda9f627fe 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs-boot
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
module TcRnTypes where
--- Build ordering
-import GHC.Base()
+import TcType
+import SrcLoc
data TcLclEnv
+setLclEnvTcLevel :: TcLclEnv -> TcLevel -> TcLclEnv
+getLclEnvTcLevel :: TcLclEnv -> TcLevel
+setLclEnvLoc :: TcLclEnv -> RealSrcSpan -> TcLclEnv
+getLclEnvLoc :: TcLclEnv -> RealSrcSpan
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRules.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRules.hs
index 41a7be18b7..36de540aed 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRules.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRules.hs
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ import GHC.Hs
import TcRnTypes
import TcRnMonad
import TcSimplify
+import Constraint
+import Predicate
+import TcOrigin
import TcMType
import TcType
import TcHsType
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
index 72017d9069..ca6022f23b 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
@@ -164,6 +164,9 @@ import Bag
import UniqSupply
import Util
import TcRnTypes
+import TcOrigin
+import Constraint
+import Predicate
import Unique
import UniqFM
@@ -1100,7 +1103,7 @@ instance Outputable InertCans where
Note [The improvement story and derived shadows]
Because Wanteds cannot rewrite Wanteds (see Note [Wanteds do not
-rewrite Wanteds] in TcRnTypes), we may miss some opportunities for
+rewrite Wanteds] in Constraint), we may miss some opportunities for
solving. Here's a classic example (indexed-types/should_fail/T4093a)
Ambiguity check for f: (Foo e ~ Maybe e) => Foo e
@@ -2931,7 +2934,7 @@ checkTvConstraintsTcS skol_info skol_tvs (TcS thing_inside)
; unless (null wanteds) $
do { ev_binds_var <- TcM.newNoTcEvBinds
- ; imp <- newImplication
+ ; imp <- TcM.newImplication
; let wc = emptyWC { wc_simple = wanteds }
imp' = imp { ic_tclvl = new_tclvl
, ic_skols = skol_tvs
@@ -2970,7 +2973,7 @@ checkConstraintsTcS skol_info skol_tvs given (TcS thing_inside)
thing_inside new_tcs_env
; ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
- ; imp <- newImplication
+ ; imp <- TcM.newImplication
; let wc = emptyWC { wc_simple = wanteds }
imp' = imp { ic_tclvl = new_tclvl
, ic_skols = skol_tvs
@@ -3440,7 +3443,7 @@ newGivenEvVar :: CtLoc -> (TcPredType, EvTerm) -> TcS CtEvidence
-- Make a new variable of the given PredType,
-- immediately bind it to the given term
-- and return its CtEvidence
--- See Note [Bind new Givens immediately] in TcRnTypes
+-- See Note [Bind new Givens immediately] in Constraint
newGivenEvVar loc (pred, rhs)
= do { new_ev <- newBoundEvVarId pred rhs
; return (CtGiven { ctev_pred = pred, ctev_evar = new_ev, ctev_loc = loc }) }
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSigs.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSigs.hs
index 3aa16a83f5..9d03576ae0 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSigs.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSigs.hs
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import GHC.Hs
import TcHsType
import TcRnTypes
import TcRnMonad
+import TcOrigin
import TcType
import TcMType
import TcValidity ( checkValidType )
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.hs
index 7efaf2f29a..34bc4a8448 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.hs
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ import TcCanonical ( makeSuperClasses, solveCallStack )
import TcMType as TcM
import TcRnMonad as TcM
import TcSMonad as TcS
+import Constraint
+import Predicate
+import TcOrigin
import TcType
import Type
import TysWiredIn ( liftedRepTy )
@@ -835,7 +838,7 @@ simplifyInfer rhs_tclvl infer_mode sigs name_taus wanteds
| psig_theta_var <- psig_theta_vars ]
-- Now construct the residual constraint
- ; residual_wanted <- mkResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl tc_env ev_binds_var
+ ; residual_wanted <- mkResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl ev_binds_var
name_taus co_vars qtvs bound_theta_vars
(wanted_transformed `andWC` mkSimpleWC psig_wanted)
@@ -854,13 +857,13 @@ simplifyInfer rhs_tclvl infer_mode sigs name_taus wanteds
partial_sigs = filter isPartialSig sigs
-mkResidualConstraints :: TcLevel -> Env TcGblEnv TcLclEnv -> EvBindsVar
+mkResidualConstraints :: TcLevel -> EvBindsVar
-> [(Name, TcTauType)]
-> VarSet -> [TcTyVar] -> [EvVar]
-> WantedConstraints -> TcM WantedConstraints
-- Emit the remaining constraints from the RHS.
-- See Note [Emitting the residual implication in simplifyInfer]
-mkResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl tc_env ev_binds_var
+mkResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl ev_binds_var
name_taus co_vars qtvs full_theta_vars wanteds
| isEmptyWC wanteds
= return wanteds
@@ -873,23 +876,22 @@ mkResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl tc_env ev_binds_var
; _ <- promoteTyVarSet (tyCoVarsOfCts outer_simple)
; let inner_wanted = wanteds { wc_simple = inner_simple }
+ ; implics <- if isEmptyWC inner_wanted
+ then return emptyBag
+ else do implic1 <- newImplication
+ return $ unitBag $
+ implic1 { ic_tclvl = rhs_tclvl
+ , ic_skols = qtvs
+ , ic_telescope = Nothing
+ , ic_given = full_theta_vars
+ , ic_wanted = inner_wanted
+ , ic_binds = ev_binds_var
+ , ic_no_eqs = False
+ , ic_info = skol_info }
; return (WC { wc_simple = outer_simple
- , wc_impl = mk_implic inner_wanted })}
+ , wc_impl = implics })}
- mk_implic inner_wanted
- | isEmptyWC inner_wanted
- = emptyBag
- | otherwise
- = unitBag (implicationPrototype { ic_tclvl = rhs_tclvl
- , ic_skols = qtvs
- , ic_telescope = Nothing
- , ic_given = full_theta_vars
- , ic_wanted = inner_wanted
- , ic_binds = ev_binds_var
- , ic_no_eqs = False
- , ic_info = skol_info
- , ic_env = tc_env })
full_theta = map idType full_theta_vars
skol_info = InferSkol [ (name, mkSigmaTy [] full_theta ty)
| (name, ty) <- name_taus ]
@@ -1663,7 +1665,7 @@ solveImplication imp@(Implic { ic_tclvl = tclvl
-- Solve the nested constraints
; (no_given_eqs, given_insols, residual_wanted)
<- nestImplicTcS ev_binds_var tclvl $
- do { let loc = mkGivenLoc tclvl info (implicLclEnv imp)
+ do { let loc = mkGivenLoc tclvl info (ic_env imp)
givens = mkGivens loc given_ids
; solveSimpleGivens givens
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
index 05c2b0fd10..aa9e38357e 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import SrcLoc
import THNames
import TcUnify
import TcEnv
+import TcOrigin
import Coercion( etaExpandCoAxBranch )
import FileCleanup ( newTempName, TempFileLifetime(..) )
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.hs
index 904f80827f..80e220d385 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.hs
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import RnEnv( lookupConstructorFields )
import FamInst
import FamInstEnv
import Coercion
+import TcOrigin
import Type
import TyCoRep -- for checkValidRoles
import Class
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
index 09a6be7a69..026186c1bd 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import TcEnv
import TcBinds( tcValBinds )
import TyCoRep( Type(..), Coercion(..), MCoercion(..), UnivCoProvenance(..) )
import TcType
+import Predicate
import TysWiredIn( unitTy )
import MkCore( rEC_SEL_ERROR_ID )
import GHC.Hs
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcType.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcType.hs
index 1d3ec0d568..c116e4fea3 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcType.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcType.hs
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ module TcType (
promoteSkolem, promoteSkolemX, promoteSkolemsX,
-- MetaDetails
- UserTypeCtxt(..), pprUserTypeCtxt, isSigMaybe,
TcTyVarDetails(..), pprTcTyVarDetails, vanillaSkolemTv, superSkolemTv,
MetaDetails(Flexi, Indirect), MetaInfo(..),
isImmutableTyVar, isSkolemTyVar, isMetaTyVar, isMetaTyVarTy, isTyVarTy,
@@ -141,7 +140,6 @@ module TcType (
isClassPred, isEqPrimPred, isIPPred, isEqPred, isEqPredClass,
- isDictLikeTy,
tcSplitDFunTy, tcSplitDFunHead, tcSplitMethodTy,
isRuntimeRepVar, isKindLevPoly,
isVisibleBinder, isInvisibleBinder,
@@ -205,6 +203,7 @@ import ForeignCall
import VarSet
import Coercion
import Type
+import Predicate
import RepType
import TyCon
@@ -572,123 +571,6 @@ instance Outputable MetaInfo where
{- *********************************************************************
* *
- UserTypeCtxt
-* *
-********************************************************************* -}
--- UserTypeCtxt describes the origin of the polymorphic type
--- in the places where we need an expression to have that type
-data UserTypeCtxt
- = FunSigCtxt -- Function type signature, when checking the type
- -- Also used for types in SPECIALISE pragmas
- Name -- Name of the function
- Bool -- True <=> report redundant constraints
- -- This is usually True, but False for
- -- * Record selectors (not important here)
- -- * Class and instance methods. Here
- -- the code may legitimately be more
- -- polymorphic than the signature
- -- generated from the class
- -- declaration
- | InfSigCtxt Name -- Inferred type for function
- | ExprSigCtxt -- Expression type signature
- | KindSigCtxt -- Kind signature
- | StandaloneKindSigCtxt -- Standalone kind signature
- Name -- Name of the type/class
- | TypeAppCtxt -- Visible type application
- | ConArgCtxt Name -- Data constructor argument
- | TySynCtxt Name -- RHS of a type synonym decl
- | PatSynCtxt Name -- Type sig for a pattern synonym
- | PatSigCtxt -- Type sig in pattern
- -- eg f (x::t) = ...
- -- or (x::t, y) = e
- | RuleSigCtxt Name -- LHS of a RULE forall
- -- RULE "foo" forall (x :: a -> a). f (Just x) = ...
- | ResSigCtxt -- Result type sig
- -- f x :: t = ....
- | ForSigCtxt Name -- Foreign import or export signature
- | DefaultDeclCtxt -- Types in a default declaration
- | InstDeclCtxt Bool -- An instance declaration
- -- True: stand-alone deriving
- -- False: vanilla instance declaration
- | SpecInstCtxt -- SPECIALISE instance pragma
- | ThBrackCtxt -- Template Haskell type brackets [t| ... |]
- | GenSigCtxt -- Higher-rank or impredicative situations
- -- e.g. (f e) where f has a higher-rank type
- -- We might want to elaborate this
- | GhciCtxt Bool -- GHCi command :kind <type>
- -- The Bool indicates if we are checking the outermost
- -- type application.
- -- See Note [Unsaturated type synonyms in GHCi] in
- -- TcValidity.
- | ClassSCCtxt Name -- Superclasses of a class
- | SigmaCtxt -- Theta part of a normal for-all type
- -- f :: <S> => a -> a
- | DataTyCtxt Name -- The "stupid theta" part of a data decl
- -- data <S> => T a = MkT a
- | DerivClauseCtxt -- A 'deriving' clause
- | TyVarBndrKindCtxt Name -- The kind of a type variable being bound
- | DataKindCtxt Name -- The kind of a data/newtype (instance)
- | TySynKindCtxt Name -- The kind of the RHS of a type synonym
- | TyFamResKindCtxt Name -- The result kind of a type family
--- Notes re TySynCtxt
--- We allow type synonyms that aren't types; e.g. type List = []
--- If the RHS mentions tyvars that aren't in scope, we'll
--- quantify over them:
--- e.g. type T = a->a
--- will become type T = forall a. a->a
--- With gla-exts that's right, but for H98 we should complain.
-pprUserTypeCtxt :: UserTypeCtxt -> SDoc
-pprUserTypeCtxt (FunSigCtxt n _) = text "the type signature for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
-pprUserTypeCtxt (InfSigCtxt n) = text "the inferred type for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
-pprUserTypeCtxt (RuleSigCtxt n) = text "a RULE for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
-pprUserTypeCtxt ExprSigCtxt = text "an expression type signature"
-pprUserTypeCtxt KindSigCtxt = text "a kind signature"
-pprUserTypeCtxt (StandaloneKindSigCtxt n) = text "a standalone kind signature for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
-pprUserTypeCtxt TypeAppCtxt = text "a type argument"
-pprUserTypeCtxt (ConArgCtxt c) = text "the type of the constructor" <+> quotes (ppr c)
-pprUserTypeCtxt (TySynCtxt c) = text "the RHS of the type synonym" <+> quotes (ppr c)
-pprUserTypeCtxt ThBrackCtxt = text "a Template Haskell quotation [t|...|]"
-pprUserTypeCtxt PatSigCtxt = text "a pattern type signature"
-pprUserTypeCtxt ResSigCtxt = text "a result type signature"
-pprUserTypeCtxt (ForSigCtxt n) = text "the foreign declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
-pprUserTypeCtxt DefaultDeclCtxt = text "a type in a `default' declaration"
-pprUserTypeCtxt (InstDeclCtxt False) = text "an instance declaration"
-pprUserTypeCtxt (InstDeclCtxt True) = text "a stand-alone deriving instance declaration"
-pprUserTypeCtxt SpecInstCtxt = text "a SPECIALISE instance pragma"
-pprUserTypeCtxt GenSigCtxt = text "a type expected by the context"
-pprUserTypeCtxt (GhciCtxt {}) = text "a type in a GHCi command"
-pprUserTypeCtxt (ClassSCCtxt c) = text "the super-classes of class" <+> quotes (ppr c)
-pprUserTypeCtxt SigmaCtxt = text "the context of a polymorphic type"
-pprUserTypeCtxt (DataTyCtxt tc) = text "the context of the data type declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr tc)
-pprUserTypeCtxt (PatSynCtxt n) = text "the signature for pattern synonym" <+> quotes (ppr n)
-pprUserTypeCtxt (DerivClauseCtxt) = text "a `deriving' clause"
-pprUserTypeCtxt (TyVarBndrKindCtxt n) = text "the kind annotation on the type variable" <+> quotes (ppr n)
-pprUserTypeCtxt (DataKindCtxt n) = text "the kind annotation on the declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
-pprUserTypeCtxt (TySynKindCtxt n) = text "the kind annotation on the declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
-pprUserTypeCtxt (TyFamResKindCtxt n) = text "the result kind for" <+> quotes (ppr n)
-isSigMaybe :: UserTypeCtxt -> Maybe Name
-isSigMaybe (FunSigCtxt n _) = Just n
-isSigMaybe (ConArgCtxt n) = Just n
-isSigMaybe (ForSigCtxt n) = Just n
-isSigMaybe (PatSynCtxt n) = Just n
-isSigMaybe _ = Nothing
-{- *********************************************************************
-* *
Untouchable type variables
* *
********************************************************************* -}
@@ -1998,7 +1880,7 @@ Note [Lift equality constaints when quantifying]
We can't quantify over a constraint (t1 ~# t2) because that isn't a
predicate type; see Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence]
-in Type.hs.
+in TyCoRep.
So we have to 'lift' it to (t1 ~ t2). Similarly (~R#) must be lifted
to Coercible.
@@ -2137,14 +2019,6 @@ isCallStackPred cls tys
| otherwise
= Nothing
-hasIPPred :: PredType -> Bool
-hasIPPred pred
- = case classifyPredType pred of
- ClassPred cls tys
- | isIPClass cls -> True
- | isCTupleClass cls -> any hasIPPred tys
- _other -> False
is_tc :: Unique -> Type -> Bool
-- Newtypes are opaque to this
is_tc uniq ty = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs
index 8588576acb..6e5eb94d72 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import TcType ( TcType, tcEqType )
import TyCon ( TyCon, FamTyConFlav(..), mkFamilyTyCon
, Injectivity(..) )
import Coercion ( Role(..) )
-import TcRnTypes ( Xi )
+import Constraint ( Xi )
import CoAxiom ( CoAxiomRule(..), BuiltInSynFamily(..), TypeEqn )
import Name ( Name, BuiltInSyntax(..) )
import TysWiredIn
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.hs
index 37190a63fb..819cc0c2ee 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.hs
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ import TcType
import Type
import Coercion
import TcEvidence
+import Constraint
+import Predicate
+import TcOrigin
import Name( isSystemName )
import Inst
import TyCon
@@ -1208,7 +1211,7 @@ emitResidualTvConstraint skol_info m_telescope skol_tvs tclvl wanted
, isNothing m_telescope || skol_tvs `lengthAtMost` 1
-- If m_telescope is (Just d), we must do the bad-telescope check,
-- so we must /not/ discard the implication even if there are no
- -- wanted constraints. See Note [Checking telescopes] in TcRnTypes.
+ -- wanted constraints. See Note [Checking telescopes] in Constraint.
-- Lacking this check led to #16247
= return ()
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.hs
index e72aa7f7b0..e5d0f3ca5e 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.hs
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ import Coercion
import CoAxiom
import Class
import TyCon
+import Predicate
+import TcOrigin
-- others:
import IfaceType( pprIfaceType, pprIfaceTypeApp )
diff --git a/compiler/types/Coercion.hs b/compiler/types/Coercion.hs
index d0000e1e35..7695e31643 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Coercion.hs
+++ b/compiler/types/Coercion.hs
@@ -37,11 +37,13 @@ module Coercion (
mkUnsafeCo, mkHoleCo, mkUnivCo, mkSubCo,
mkAxiomInstCo, mkProofIrrelCo,
- downgradeRole, maybeSubCo, mkAxiomRuleCo,
+ downgradeRole, mkAxiomRuleCo,
mkGReflRightCo, mkGReflLeftCo, mkCoherenceLeftCo, mkCoherenceRightCo,
mkKindCo, castCoercionKind, castCoercionKindI,
+ mkPrimEqPred, mkReprPrimEqPred, mkPrimEqPredRole,
+ mkHeteroPrimEqPred, mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred,
-- ** Decomposition
@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ import Unique
import Pair
import SrcLoc
import PrelNames
-import TysPrim ( eqPhantPrimTyCon )
+import TysPrim
import ListSetOps
import Maybes
import UniqFM
@@ -506,22 +508,6 @@ coVarRole cv
Just tc0 -> tc0
Nothing -> pprPanic "coVarRole: not tyconapp" (ppr cv)
--- | Makes a coercion type from two types: the types whose equality
--- is proven by the relevant 'Coercion'
-mkCoercionType :: Role -> Type -> Type -> Type
-mkCoercionType Nominal = mkPrimEqPred
-mkCoercionType Representational = mkReprPrimEqPred
-mkCoercionType Phantom = \ty1 ty2 ->
- let ki1 = typeKind ty1
- ki2 = typeKind ty2
- in
- TyConApp eqPhantPrimTyCon [ki1, ki2, ty1, ty2]
-mkHeteroCoercionType :: Role -> Kind -> Kind -> Type -> Type -> Type
-mkHeteroCoercionType Nominal = mkHeteroPrimEqPred
-mkHeteroCoercionType Representational = mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred
-mkHeteroCoercionType Phantom = panic "mkHeteroCoercionType"
-- | Given a coercion @co1 :: (a :: TYPE r1) ~ (b :: TYPE r2)@,
-- produce a coercion @rep_co :: r1 ~ r2@.
mkRuntimeRepCo :: HasDebugCallStack => Coercion -> Coercion
@@ -1232,13 +1218,6 @@ downgradeRole r1 r2 co
Just co' -> co'
Nothing -> pprPanic "downgradeRole" (ppr co)
--- | If the EqRel is ReprEq, makes a SubCo; otherwise, does nothing.
--- Note that the input coercion should always be nominal.
-maybeSubCo :: EqRel -> Coercion -> Coercion
-maybeSubCo NomEq = id
-maybeSubCo ReprEq = mkSubCo
mkAxiomRuleCo :: CoAxiomRule -> [Coercion] -> Coercion
mkAxiomRuleCo = AxiomRuleCo
@@ -2357,6 +2336,54 @@ cf Type.piResultTys (which in fact we call here).
+-- | Makes a coercion type from two types: the types whose equality
+-- is proven by the relevant 'Coercion'
+mkCoercionType :: Role -> Type -> Type -> Type
+mkCoercionType Nominal = mkPrimEqPred
+mkCoercionType Representational = mkReprPrimEqPred
+mkCoercionType Phantom = \ty1 ty2 ->
+ let ki1 = typeKind ty1
+ ki2 = typeKind ty2
+ in
+ TyConApp eqPhantPrimTyCon [ki1, ki2, ty1, ty2]
+mkHeteroCoercionType :: Role -> Kind -> Kind -> Type -> Type -> Type
+mkHeteroCoercionType Nominal = mkHeteroPrimEqPred
+mkHeteroCoercionType Representational = mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred
+mkHeteroCoercionType Phantom = panic "mkHeteroCoercionType"
+-- | Creates a primitive type equality predicate.
+-- Invariant: the types are not Coercions
+mkPrimEqPred :: Type -> Type -> Type
+mkPrimEqPred ty1 ty2
+ = mkTyConApp eqPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
+ where
+ k1 = typeKind ty1
+ k2 = typeKind ty2
+-- | Makes a lifted equality predicate at the given role
+mkPrimEqPredRole :: Role -> Type -> Type -> PredType
+mkPrimEqPredRole Nominal = mkPrimEqPred
+mkPrimEqPredRole Representational = mkReprPrimEqPred
+mkPrimEqPredRole Phantom = panic "mkPrimEqPredRole phantom"
+-- | Creates a primite type equality predicate with explicit kinds
+mkHeteroPrimEqPred :: Kind -> Kind -> Type -> Type -> Type
+mkHeteroPrimEqPred k1 k2 ty1 ty2 = mkTyConApp eqPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
+-- | Creates a primitive representational type equality predicate
+-- with explicit kinds
+mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred :: Kind -> Kind -> Type -> Type -> Type
+mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred k1 k2 ty1 ty2
+ = mkTyConApp eqReprPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
+mkReprPrimEqPred :: Type -> Type -> Type
+mkReprPrimEqPred ty1 ty2
+ = mkTyConApp eqReprPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
+ where
+ k1 = typeKind ty1
+ k2 = typeKind ty2
-- | Assuming that two types are the same, ignoring coercions, find
-- a nominal coercion between the types. This is useful when optimizing
-- transitivity over coercion applications, where splitting two
diff --git a/compiler/types/Type.hs b/compiler/types/Type.hs
index ed94241c5f..51c3679351 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Type.hs
+++ b/compiler/types/Type.hs
@@ -52,11 +52,14 @@ module Type (
mkLamType, mkLamTypes,
piResultTy, piResultTys,
applyTysX, dropForAlls,
+ mkFamilyTyConApp,
mkNumLitTy, isNumLitTy,
mkStrLitTy, isStrLitTy,
+ isPredTy,
getRuntimeRep_maybe, kindRep_maybe, kindRep,
mkCastTy, mkCoercionTy, splitCastTy_maybe,
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ module Type (
userTypeError_maybe, pprUserTypeErrorTy,
- stripCoercionTy, splitCoercionType_maybe,
+ stripCoercionTy,
splitPiTysInvisible, splitPiTysInvisibleN,
@@ -82,23 +85,6 @@ module Type (
-- (Newtypes)
- -- Pred types
- mkFamilyTyConApp,
- isDictLikeTy,
- mkPrimEqPred, mkReprPrimEqPred, mkPrimEqPredRole,
- equalityTyCon,
- mkHeteroPrimEqPred, mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred,
- mkClassPred,
- isClassPred, isEqPrimPred, isEqPred, isEqPredClass,
- isIPPred, isIPTyCon, isIPClass,
- isCTupleClass,
- -- Deconstructing predicate types
- PredTree(..), EqRel(..), eqRelRole, classifyPredType,
- getClassPredTys, getClassPredTys_maybe,
- getEqPredTys, getEqPredTys_maybe, getEqPredRole,
- predTypeEqRel,
-- ** Binders
mkTyCoVarBinder, mkTyCoVarBinders,
@@ -117,11 +103,11 @@ module Type (
-- ** Predicates on types
- isTyVarTy, isFunTy, isDictTy, isPredTy, isCoercionTy,
+ isTyVarTy, isFunTy, isCoercionTy,
isCoercionTy_maybe, isForAllTy,
isForAllTy_ty, isForAllTy_co,
isPiTy, isTauTy, isFamFreeTy,
- isCoVarType, isEvVarType,
+ isCoVarType,
@@ -253,7 +239,6 @@ import VarEnv
import VarSet
import UniqSet
-import Class
import TyCon
import TysPrim
import {-# SOURCE #-} TysWiredIn ( listTyCon, typeNatKind
@@ -1191,6 +1176,18 @@ splitTyConApp_maybe :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
splitTyConApp_maybe ty | Just ty' <- coreView ty = splitTyConApp_maybe ty'
splitTyConApp_maybe ty = repSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
+-- | Split a type constructor application into its type constructor and
+-- applied types. Note that this may fail in the case of a 'FunTy' with an
+-- argument of unknown kind 'FunTy' (e.g. @FunTy (a :: k) Int@. since the kind
+-- of @a@ isn't of the form @TYPE rep@). Consequently, you may need to zonk your
+-- type before using this function.
+-- If you only need the 'TyCon', consider using 'tcTyConAppTyCon_maybe'.
+tcSplitTyConApp_maybe :: HasCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
+-- Defined here to avoid module loops between Unify and TcType.
+tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty | Just ty' <- tcView ty = tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty'
+tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty = repSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
repSplitTyConApp_maybe :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
-- ^ Like 'splitTyConApp_maybe', but doesn't look through synonyms. This
@@ -1790,320 +1787,6 @@ binderRelevantType_maybe :: TyCoBinder -> Maybe Type
binderRelevantType_maybe (Named {}) = Nothing
binderRelevantType_maybe (Anon _ ty) = Just ty
-%* *
- Pred
-* *
-Predicates on PredType
-Note [Evidence for quantified constraints]
-The superclass mechanism in TcCanonical.makeSuperClasses risks
-taking a quantified constraint like
- (forall a. C a => a ~ b)
-and generate superclass evidence
- (forall a. C a => a ~# b)
-This is a funny thing: neither isPredTy nor isCoVarType are true
-of it. So we are careful not to generate it in the first place:
-see Note [Equality superclasses in quantified constraints]
-in TcCanonical.
--- | Split a type constructor application into its type constructor and
--- applied types. Note that this may fail in the case of a 'FunTy' with an
--- argument of unknown kind 'FunTy' (e.g. @FunTy (a :: k) Int@. since the kind
--- of @a@ isn't of the form @TYPE rep@). Consequently, you may need to zonk your
--- type before using this function.
--- If you only need the 'TyCon', consider using 'tcTyConAppTyCon_maybe'.
-tcSplitTyConApp_maybe :: HasCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
--- Defined here to avoid module loops between Unify and TcType.
-tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty | Just ty' <- tcView ty = tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty'
-tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty = repSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
--- tcIsConstraintKind stuf only makes sense in the typechecker
--- After that Constraint = Type
--- See Note [coreView vs tcView]
--- Defined here because it is used in isPredTy and tcRepSplitAppTy_maybe (sigh)
-tcIsConstraintKind :: Kind -> Bool
-tcIsConstraintKind ty
- | Just (tc, args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty -- Note: tcSplit here
- , isConstraintKindCon tc
- = ASSERT2( null args, ppr ty ) True
- | otherwise
- = False
--- | Is this kind equivalent to @*@?
--- This considers 'Constraint' to be distinct from @*@. For a version that
--- treats them as the same type, see 'isLiftedTypeKind'.
-tcIsLiftedTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
-tcIsLiftedTypeKind ty
- | Just (tc, [arg]) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty -- Note: tcSplit here
- , tc `hasKey` tYPETyConKey
- = isLiftedRuntimeRep arg
- | otherwise
- = False
--- | Is this kind equivalent to @TYPE r@ (for some unknown r)?
--- This considers 'Constraint' to be distinct from @*@.
-tcIsRuntimeTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
-tcIsRuntimeTypeKind ty
- | Just (tc, _) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty -- Note: tcSplit here
- , tc `hasKey` tYPETyConKey
- = True
- | otherwise
- = False
-tcReturnsConstraintKind :: Kind -> Bool
--- True <=> the Kind ultimately returns a Constraint
--- E.g. * -> Constraint
--- forall k. k -> Constraint
-tcReturnsConstraintKind kind
- | Just kind' <- tcView kind = tcReturnsConstraintKind kind'
-tcReturnsConstraintKind (ForAllTy _ ty) = tcReturnsConstraintKind ty
-tcReturnsConstraintKind (FunTy { ft_res = ty }) = tcReturnsConstraintKind ty
-tcReturnsConstraintKind (TyConApp tc _) = isConstraintKindCon tc
-tcReturnsConstraintKind _ = False
-isEvVarType :: Type -> Bool
--- True of (a) predicates, of kind Constraint, such as (Eq a), and (a ~ b)
--- (b) coercion types, such as (t1 ~# t2) or (t1 ~R# t2)
--- See Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence]
--- See Note [Evidence for quantified constraints]
-isEvVarType ty = isCoVarType ty || isPredTy ty
--- | Does this type classify a core (unlifted) Coercion?
--- At either role nominal or representational
--- (t1 ~# t2) or (t1 ~R# t2)
--- See Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence]
-isCoVarType :: Type -> Bool
-isCoVarType ty = isEqPrimPred ty
-isEqPredClass :: Class -> Bool
--- True of (~) and (~~)
-isEqPredClass cls = cls `hasKey` eqTyConKey
- || cls `hasKey` heqTyConKey
-isClassPred, isEqPred, isEqPrimPred, isIPPred :: PredType -> Bool
-isClassPred ty = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty of
- Just tyCon | isClassTyCon tyCon -> True
- _ -> False
-isEqPred ty -- True of (a ~ b) and (a ~~ b)
- -- ToDo: should we check saturation?
- | Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty
- , Just cls <- tyConClass_maybe tc
- = isEqPredClass cls
- | otherwise
- = False
-isEqPrimPred ty -- True of (a ~# b) (a ~R# b)
- -- ToDo: should we check saturation?
- | Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty
- = tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey || tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey
- | otherwise
- = False
-isIPPred ty = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty of
- Just tc -> isIPTyCon tc
- _ -> False
-isIPTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isIPTyCon tc = tc `hasKey` ipClassKey
- -- Class and its corresponding TyCon have the same Unique
-isIPClass :: Class -> Bool
-isIPClass cls = cls `hasKey` ipClassKey
-isCTupleClass :: Class -> Bool
-isCTupleClass cls = isTupleTyCon (classTyCon cls)
-Make PredTypes
---------------------- Equality types ---------------------------------
--- | Makes a lifted equality predicate at the given role
-mkPrimEqPredRole :: Role -> Type -> Type -> PredType
-mkPrimEqPredRole Nominal = mkPrimEqPred
-mkPrimEqPredRole Representational = mkReprPrimEqPred
-mkPrimEqPredRole Phantom = panic "mkPrimEqPredRole phantom"
--- | Creates a primitive type equality predicate.
--- Invariant: the types are not Coercions
-mkPrimEqPred :: Type -> Type -> Type
-mkPrimEqPred ty1 ty2
- = TyConApp eqPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
- where
- k1 = typeKind ty1
- k2 = typeKind ty2
--- | Creates a primite type equality predicate with explicit kinds
-mkHeteroPrimEqPred :: Kind -> Kind -> Type -> Type -> Type
-mkHeteroPrimEqPred k1 k2 ty1 ty2 = TyConApp eqPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
--- | Creates a primitive representational type equality predicate
--- with explicit kinds
-mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred :: Kind -> Kind -> Type -> Type -> Type
-mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred k1 k2 ty1 ty2
- = TyConApp eqReprPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
--- | Try to split up a coercion type into the types that it coerces
-splitCoercionType_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
-splitCoercionType_maybe ty
- = do { (tc, [_, _, ty1, ty2]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
- ; guard $ tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey || tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey
- ; return (ty1, ty2) }
-mkReprPrimEqPred :: Type -> Type -> Type
-mkReprPrimEqPred ty1 ty2
- = TyConApp eqReprPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
- where
- k1 = typeKind ty1
- k2 = typeKind ty2
-equalityTyCon :: Role -> TyCon
-equalityTyCon Nominal = eqPrimTyCon
-equalityTyCon Representational = eqReprPrimTyCon
-equalityTyCon Phantom = eqPhantPrimTyCon
--- --------------------- Dictionary types ---------------------------------
-mkClassPred :: Class -> [Type] -> PredType
-mkClassPred clas tys = TyConApp (classTyCon clas) tys
-isDictTy :: Type -> Bool
-isDictTy = isClassPred
-isDictLikeTy :: Type -> Bool
--- Note [Dictionary-like types]
-isDictLikeTy ty | Just ty' <- coreView ty = isDictLikeTy ty'
-isDictLikeTy ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tc, tys) | isClassTyCon tc -> True
- | isTupleTyCon tc -> all isDictLikeTy tys
- _other -> False
-{- Note [Dictionary-like types]
-Being "dictionary-like" means either a dictionary type or a tuple thereof.
-In GHC 6.10 we build implication constraints which construct such tuples,
-and if we land up with a binding
- t :: (C [a], Eq [a])
- t = blah
-then we want to treat t as cheap under "-fdicts-cheap" for example.
-(Implication constraints are normally inlined, but sadly not if the
-occurrence is itself inside an INLINE function! Until we revise the
-handling of implication constraints, that is.) This turned out to
-be important in getting good arities in DPH code. Example:
- class C a
- class D a where { foo :: a -> a }
- instance C a => D (Maybe a) where { foo x = x }
- bar :: (C a, C b) => a -> b -> (Maybe a, Maybe b)
- {-# INLINE bar #-}
- bar x y = (foo (Just x), foo (Just y))
-Then 'bar' should jolly well have arity 4 (two dicts, two args), but
-we ended up with something like
- bar = __inline_me__ (\d1,d2. let t :: (D (Maybe a), D (Maybe b)) = ...
- in \x,y. <blah>)
-This is all a bit ad-hoc; eg it relies on knowing that implication
-constraints build tuples.
-ToDo: it would be far easier just to use isPredTy.
--- | A choice of equality relation. This is separate from the type 'Role'
--- because 'Phantom' does not define a (non-trivial) equality relation.
-data EqRel = NomEq | ReprEq
- deriving (Eq, Ord)
-instance Outputable EqRel where
- ppr NomEq = text "nominal equality"
- ppr ReprEq = text "representational equality"
-eqRelRole :: EqRel -> Role
-eqRelRole NomEq = Nominal
-eqRelRole ReprEq = Representational
-data PredTree
- = ClassPred Class [Type]
- | EqPred EqRel Type Type
- | IrredPred PredType
- | ForAllPred [TyCoVarBinder] [PredType] PredType
- -- ForAllPred: see Note [Quantified constraints] in TcCanonical
- -- NB: There is no TuplePred case
- -- Tuple predicates like (Eq a, Ord b) are just treated
- -- as ClassPred, as if we had a tuple class with two superclasses
- -- class (c1, c2) => (%,%) c1 c2
-classifyPredType :: PredType -> PredTree
-classifyPredType ev_ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ev_ty of
- Just (tc, [_, _, ty1, ty2])
- | tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey -> EqPred ReprEq ty1 ty2
- | tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey -> EqPred NomEq ty1 ty2
- Just (tc, tys)
- | Just clas <- tyConClass_maybe tc
- -> ClassPred clas tys
- _ | (tvs, rho) <- splitForAllVarBndrs ev_ty
- , (theta, pred) <- splitFunTys rho
- , not (null tvs && null theta)
- -> ForAllPred tvs theta pred
- | otherwise
- -> IrredPred ev_ty
-getClassPredTys :: HasDebugCallStack => PredType -> (Class, [Type])
-getClassPredTys ty = case getClassPredTys_maybe ty of
- Just (clas, tys) -> (clas, tys)
- Nothing -> pprPanic "getClassPredTys" (ppr ty)
-getClassPredTys_maybe :: PredType -> Maybe (Class, [Type])
-getClassPredTys_maybe ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tc, tys) | Just clas <- tyConClass_maybe tc -> Just (clas, tys)
- _ -> Nothing
-getEqPredTys :: PredType -> (Type, Type)
-getEqPredTys ty
- = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tc, [_, _, ty1, ty2])
- | tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey
- || tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey
- -> (ty1, ty2)
- _ -> pprPanic "getEqPredTys" (ppr ty)
-getEqPredTys_maybe :: PredType -> Maybe (Role, Type, Type)
-getEqPredTys_maybe ty
- = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tc, [_, _, ty1, ty2])
- | tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey -> Just (Nominal, ty1, ty2)
- | tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey -> Just (Representational, ty1, ty2)
- _ -> Nothing
-getEqPredRole :: PredType -> Role
-getEqPredRole ty = eqRelRole (predTypeEqRel ty)
--- | Get the equality relation relevant for a pred type.
-predTypeEqRel :: PredType -> EqRel
-predTypeEqRel ty
- | Just (tc, _) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
- , tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey
- = ReprEq
- | otherwise
- = NomEq
------------- Closing over kinds -----------------
-- | Add the kind variables free in the kinds of the tyvars in the given set.
@@ -2187,6 +1870,19 @@ isFamFreeTy (ForAllTy _ ty) = isFamFreeTy ty
isFamFreeTy (CastTy ty _) = isFamFreeTy ty
isFamFreeTy (CoercionTy _) = False -- Not sure about this
+-- | Does this type classify a core (unlifted) Coercion?
+-- At either role nominal or representational
+-- (t1 ~# t2) or (t1 ~R# t2)
+-- See Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence] in TyCoRep
+isCoVarType :: Type -> Bool
+ -- ToDo: should we check saturation?
+isCoVarType ty
+ | Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty
+ = tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey || tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey
+ | otherwise
+ = False
* *
@@ -2706,7 +2402,10 @@ typeKind ty@(ForAllTy {})
(tvs, body) = splitTyVarForAllTys ty
body_kind = typeKind body
+-- Utilities to be used in Unify, which uses "tc" functions
tcTypeKind :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Kind
-- No need to expand synonyms
tcTypeKind (TyConApp tc tys) = piResultTys (tyConKind tc) tys
@@ -2749,9 +2448,56 @@ tcTypeKind ty@(ForAllTy {})
isPredTy :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Bool
--- See Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence]
+-- See Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence] in TyCoRep
isPredTy ty = tcIsConstraintKind (tcTypeKind ty)
+-- tcIsConstraintKind stuff only makes sense in the typechecker
+-- After that Constraint = Type
+-- See Note [coreView vs tcView]
+-- Defined here because it is used in isPredTy and tcRepSplitAppTy_maybe (sigh)
+tcIsConstraintKind :: Kind -> Bool
+tcIsConstraintKind ty
+ | Just (tc, args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty -- Note: tcSplit here
+ , isConstraintKindCon tc
+ = ASSERT2( null args, ppr ty ) True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+-- | Is this kind equivalent to @*@?
+-- This considers 'Constraint' to be distinct from @*@. For a version that
+-- treats them as the same type, see 'isLiftedTypeKind'.
+tcIsLiftedTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
+tcIsLiftedTypeKind ty
+ | Just (tc, [arg]) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty -- Note: tcSplit here
+ , tc `hasKey` tYPETyConKey
+ = isLiftedRuntimeRep arg
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+-- | Is this kind equivalent to @TYPE r@ (for some unknown r)?
+-- This considers 'Constraint' to be distinct from @*@.
+tcIsRuntimeTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
+tcIsRuntimeTypeKind ty
+ | Just (tc, _) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty -- Note: tcSplit here
+ , tc `hasKey` tYPETyConKey
+ = True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+tcReturnsConstraintKind :: Kind -> Bool
+-- True <=> the Kind ultimately returns a Constraint
+-- E.g. * -> Constraint
+-- forall k. k -> Constraint
+tcReturnsConstraintKind kind
+ | Just kind' <- tcView kind = tcReturnsConstraintKind kind'
+tcReturnsConstraintKind (ForAllTy _ ty) = tcReturnsConstraintKind ty
+tcReturnsConstraintKind (FunTy { ft_res = ty }) = tcReturnsConstraintKind ty
+tcReturnsConstraintKind (TyConApp tc _) = isConstraintKindCon tc
+tcReturnsConstraintKind _ = False
typeLiteralKind :: TyLit -> Kind
typeLiteralKind (NumTyLit {}) = typeNatKind
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_run/CountParserDeps.hs b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_run/CountParserDeps.hs
index d0de0b9e11..67a2eef8c8 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_run/CountParserDeps.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_run/CountParserDeps.hs
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ main = do
[libdir] <- getArgs
modules <- parserDeps libdir
let num = sizeUniqSet modules
- unless (num < 160) $ exitWith (ExitFailure num)
+-- print num
+-- print (map moduleNameString $ nonDetEltsUniqSet modules)
+ unless (num < 165) $ exitWith (ExitFailure num)
parserDeps :: FilePath -> IO (UniqSet ModuleName)
parserDeps libdir =
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/plugins/hole-fit-plugin/HoleFitPlugin.hs b/testsuite/tests/plugins/hole-fit-plugin/HoleFitPlugin.hs
index 2a04742a53..2692dbe665 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/plugins/hole-fit-plugin/HoleFitPlugin.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/plugins/hole-fit-plugin/HoleFitPlugin.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import TcHoleErrors
import Data.List (stripPrefix, sortOn)
-import TcRnTypes
+import Constraint
import TcRnMonad