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authorRyan Scott <>2017-09-02 15:33:25 -0400
committerRyan Scott <>2017-09-02 15:33:26 -0400
commit8e4229ab3dc3e1717ad557ef00f3518da6b5c523 (patch)
parent5dd6b13c6e2942976aa3b5f4906ff7d0f959272d (diff)
Fix #14167 by using isGadtSyntaxTyCon in more places
Summary: Two places in GHC effectively attempt to //guess// whether a data type was declared using GADT syntax: 1. When reifying a data type in Template Haskell 2. When pretty-printing a data type (e.g., via `:info` in GHCi) But there's no need for heuristics here, since we have a 100% accurate way to determine whether a data type was declared using GADT syntax: the `isGadtSyntaxTyCon` function! By simply using that as the metric, we obtain far more accurate TH reification and pretty-printing results. This is technically a breaking change, since Template Haskell reification will now reify some data type constructors as `(Rec)GadtC` that it didn't before, and some data type constructors that were previously reified as `(Rec)GadtC` will no longer be reified as such. But it's a very understandable breaking change, since the previous behavior was simply incorrect. Test Plan: ./validate Reviewers: simonpj, goldfire, austin, bgamari Reviewed By: simonpj Subscribers: rwbarton, thomie GHC Trac Issues: #14167 Differential Revision:
11 files changed, 70 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs b/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs
index 13eb2089a7..1373fb0fcb 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs
@@ -697,19 +697,18 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceData { ifName = tycon, ifCType = ctype,
ifGadtSyntax = gadt,
ifBinders = binders })
- | gadt_style = vcat [ pp_roles
- , pp_nd <+> pp_lhs <+> pp_where
- , nest 2 (vcat pp_cons)
- , nest 2 $ ppShowIface ss pp_extra ]
- | otherwise = vcat [ pp_roles
- , hang (pp_nd <+> pp_lhs) 2 (add_bars pp_cons)
- , nest 2 $ ppShowIface ss pp_extra ]
+ | gadt = vcat [ pp_roles
+ , pp_nd <+> pp_lhs <+> pp_where
+ , nest 2 (vcat pp_cons)
+ , nest 2 $ ppShowIface ss pp_extra ]
+ | otherwise = vcat [ pp_roles
+ , hang (pp_nd <+> pp_lhs) 2 (add_bars pp_cons)
+ , nest 2 $ ppShowIface ss pp_extra ]
is_data_instance = isIfaceDataInstance parent
- gadt_style = gadt || any (not . isVanillaIfaceConDecl) cons
cons = visibleIfConDecls condecls
- pp_where = ppWhen (gadt_style && not (null cons)) $ text "where"
+ pp_where = ppWhen (gadt && not (null cons)) $ text "where"
pp_cons = ppr_trim (map show_con cons) :: [SDoc]
pp_lhs = case parent of
@@ -732,7 +731,7 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceData { ifName = tycon, ifCType = ctype,
ok_con dc = showSub ss dc || any (showSub ss . flSelector) (ifConFields dc)
show_con dc
- | ok_con dc = Just $ pprIfaceConDecl ss gadt_style tycon binders parent dc
+ | ok_con dc = Just $ pprIfaceConDecl ss gadt tycon binders parent dc
| otherwise = Nothing
pp_nd = case condecls of
@@ -953,12 +952,6 @@ pprIfaceDeclHead context ss tc_occ bndrs m_res_kind
<+> pprIfaceTyConBinders (suppressIfaceInvisibles dflags bndrs bndrs)
, maybe empty (\res_kind -> dcolon <+> pprIfaceType res_kind) m_res_kind ]
-isVanillaIfaceConDecl :: IfaceConDecl -> Bool
-isVanillaIfaceConDecl (IfCon { ifConExTvs = ex_tvs
- , ifConEqSpec = eq_spec
- , ifConCtxt = ctxt })
- = (null ex_tvs) && (null eq_spec) && (null ctxt)
pprIfaceConDecl :: ShowSub -> Bool
-> IfaceTopBndr
-> [IfaceTyConBinder]
@@ -969,23 +962,27 @@ pprIfaceConDecl ss gadt_style tycon tc_binders parent
ifConExTvs = ex_tvs,
ifConEqSpec = eq_spec, ifConCtxt = ctxt, ifConArgTys = arg_tys,
ifConStricts = stricts, ifConFields = fields })
- | gadt_style = pp_prefix_con <+> dcolon <+> ppr_ty
- | not (null fields) = pp_prefix_con <+> pp_field_args
- | is_infix
- , [ty1, ty2] <- pp_args = sep [ ty1
- , pprInfixIfDeclBndr how_much (occName name)
- , ty2]
- | otherwise = pp_prefix_con <+> sep pp_args
+ | gadt_style = pp_prefix_con <+> dcolon <+> ppr_gadt_ty
+ | otherwise = ppr_ex_quant pp_h98_con
+ pp_h98_con
+ | not (null fields) = pp_prefix_con <+> pp_field_args
+ | is_infix
+ , [ty1, ty2] <- pp_args
+ = sep [ ty1
+ , pprInfixIfDeclBndr how_much (occName name)
+ , ty2]
+ | otherwise = pp_prefix_con <+> sep pp_args
how_much = ss_how_much ss
tys_w_strs :: [(IfaceBang, IfaceType)]
tys_w_strs = zip stricts arg_tys
pp_prefix_con = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr how_much (occName name)
(univ_tvs, pp_res_ty) = mk_user_con_res_ty eq_spec
- ppr_ty = pprIfaceForAllPart (map tv_to_forall_bndr univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs)
- ctxt pp_tau
+ ppr_ex_quant = pprIfaceForAllPartMust ex_tvs ctxt
+ ppr_gadt_ty = pprIfaceForAllPart (map tv_to_forall_bndr univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs)
+ ctxt pp_tau
-- A bit gruesome this, but we can't form the full con_tau, and ppr it,
-- because we don't have a Name for the tycon, only an OccName
diff --git a/compiler/iface/IfaceType.hs b/compiler/iface/IfaceType.hs
index cde9e02d83..1f3ee6df07 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/IfaceType.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/IfaceType.hs
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ module IfaceType (
pprIfaceContext, pprIfaceContextArr,
pprIfaceIdBndr, pprIfaceLamBndr, pprIfaceTvBndr, pprIfaceTyConBinders,
pprIfaceBndrs, pprIfaceTcArgs, pprParendIfaceTcArgs,
- pprIfaceForAllPart, pprIfaceForAll, pprIfaceSigmaType,
- pprIfaceTyLit,
+ pprIfaceForAllPart, pprIfaceForAllPartMust, pprIfaceForAll,
+ pprIfaceSigmaType, pprIfaceTyLit,
pprIfaceCoercion, pprParendIfaceCoercion,
splitIfaceSigmaTy, pprIfaceTypeApp, pprUserIfaceForAll,
pprIfaceCoTcApp, pprTyTcApp, pprIfacePrefixApp,
@@ -744,6 +744,11 @@ pprIfaceForAllPart :: [IfaceForAllBndr] -> [IfacePredType] -> SDoc -> SDoc
pprIfaceForAllPart tvs ctxt sdoc
= ppr_iface_forall_part ShowForAllWhen tvs ctxt sdoc
+-- | Like 'pprIfaceForAllPart', but always uses an explicit @forall@.
+pprIfaceForAllPartMust :: [IfaceForAllBndr] -> [IfacePredType] -> SDoc -> SDoc
+pprIfaceForAllPartMust tvs ctxt sdoc
+ = ppr_iface_forall_part ShowForAllMust tvs ctxt sdoc
pprIfaceForAllCoPart :: [(IfLclName, IfaceCoercion)] -> SDoc -> SDoc
pprIfaceForAllCoPart tvs sdoc
= sep [ pprIfaceForAllCo tvs, sdoc ]
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
index 029ae28b7a..f0236b826a 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
@@ -1430,8 +1430,7 @@ reifyTyCon tc
= do { cxt <- reifyCxt (tyConStupidTheta tc)
; let tvs = tyConTyVars tc
dataCons = tyConDataCons tc
- -- see Note [Reifying GADT data constructors]
- isGadt = any (not . null . dataConEqSpec) dataCons
+ isGadt = isGadtSyntaxTyCon tc
; cons <- mapM (reifyDataCon isGadt (mkTyVarTys tvs)) dataCons
; r_tvs <- reifyTyVars tvs (Just tc)
; let name = reifyName tc
@@ -1443,7 +1442,6 @@ reifyTyCon tc
; return (TH.TyConI decl) }
reifyDataCon :: Bool -> [Type] -> DataCon -> TcM TH.Con
--- For GADTs etc, see Note [Reifying GADT data constructors]
reifyDataCon isGadtDataCon tys dc
= do { let -- used for H98 data constructors
(ex_tvs, theta, arg_tys)
@@ -1505,34 +1503,9 @@ reifyDataCon isGadtDataCon tys dc
ret_con }
-Note [Reifying GADT data constructors]
-At this point in the compilation pipeline we have no way of telling whether a
-data type was declared as a H98 data type or as a GADT. We have to rely on
-heuristics here. We look at dcEqSpec field of all data constructors in a
-data type declaration. If at least one data constructor has non-empty
-dcEqSpec this means that the data type must have been declared as a GADT.
-Consider these declarations:
- data T1 a where
- MkT1 :: T1 Int
- data T2 a where
- MkT2 :: forall a. (a ~ Int) => T2 a
-T1 will be reified as a GADT, as it has a non-empty EqSpec [(a, Int)] due to
-MkT1's return type. T2 will be reified as a normal H98 data type declaration
-since MkT2 uses an explicit type equality in its context instead of an implicit
-equality in its return type, and therefore has an empty EqSpec.
Note [Freshen reified GADT constructors' universal tyvars]
-Suppose one were to reify this data type:
- data a :~: b = (a ~ b) => Refl
-This will be reified as if it were a GADT definiton, so the reified definition
-will be closer to:
+Suppose one were to reify this GADT:
data a :~: b where
Refl :: forall a b. (a ~ b) => a :~: b
@@ -1697,8 +1670,7 @@ reifyFamilyInstance is_poly_tvs inst@(FamInst { fi_flavor = flavor
eta_expanded_tvs = mkTyVarTys fam_tvs `chkAppend` etad_tys
eta_expanded_lhs = lhs `chkAppend` etad_tys
dataCons = tyConDataCons rep_tc
- -- see Note [Reifying GADT data constructors]
- isGadt = any (not . null . dataConEqSpec) dataCons
+ isGadt = isGadtSyntaxTyCon rep_tc
; cons <- mapM (reifyDataCon isGadt eta_expanded_tvs) dataCons
; let types_only = filterOutInvisibleTypes fam_tc eta_expanded_lhs
; th_tys <- reifyTypes types_only
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/8.4.1-notes.rst b/docs/users_guide/8.4.1-notes.rst
index 8f61ef86fe..96fbdd4886 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/8.4.1-notes.rst
+++ b/docs/users_guide/8.4.1-notes.rst
@@ -124,6 +124,12 @@ Runtime system
Template Haskell
+- Template Haskell now reifies data types with GADT syntax accurately.
+ Previously, TH used heuristics to determine whether a data type
+ should be reified using GADT syntax, which could lead to incorrect results,
+ such as ``data T1 a = (a ~ Int) => MkT1`` being reified as a GADT and
+ ``data T2 a where MkT2 :: Show a => T2 a`` *not* being reified as a GADT.
``ghc`` library
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T7730.stdout b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T7730.stdout
index e96e909413..bf9c1d025b 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T7730.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T7730.stdout
@@ -3,6 +3,5 @@ data A (x :: k) (y :: k1)
-- Defined at <interactive>:2:1
A :: k1 -> k2 -> *
type role T phantom
-data T (a :: k) where
- MkT :: forall k (a :: k) a1. a1 -> T a
+data T (a :: k) = forall a1. MkT a1
-- Defined at <interactive>:6:1
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T7873.stdout b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T7873.stdout
index 2c79056da4..bcdebe71e1 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T7873.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T7873.stdout
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-data D2 where
- MkD2 :: (forall (p :: k -> *) (a :: k). p a -> Int) -> D2
+data D2
+ = forall k. MkD2 (forall (p :: k -> *) (a :: k). p a -> Int)
-- Defined at <interactive>:3:1
data D3 = MkD3 (forall k (p :: k -> *) (a :: k). p a -> Int)
-- Defined at <interactive>:4:1
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T9181.stdout b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T9181.stdout
index d51b345d5c..1ae9bd54d0 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T9181.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T9181.stdout
@@ -4,19 +4,22 @@ type family GHC.TypeLits.AppendSymbol (a :: GHC.Types.Symbol)
type family GHC.TypeLits.CmpSymbol (a :: GHC.Types.Symbol)
(b :: GHC.Types.Symbol)
:: Ordering
-data GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage where
- GHC.TypeLits.Text :: GHC.Types.Symbol -> GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage
- GHC.TypeLits.ShowType :: t -> GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage
- (GHC.TypeLits.:<>:) :: GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage
- -> GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage -> GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage
- (GHC.TypeLits.:$$:) :: GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage
- -> GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage -> GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage
+data GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage
+ = GHC.TypeLits.Text GHC.Types.Symbol
+ | forall t. GHC.TypeLits.ShowType t
+ | GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage
+ GHC.TypeLits.:<>:
+ GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage
+ | GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage
+ GHC.TypeLits.:$$:
+ GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage
class GHC.TypeLits.KnownSymbol (n :: GHC.Types.Symbol) where
GHC.TypeLits.symbolSing :: GHC.TypeLits.SSymbol n
{-# MINIMAL symbolSing #-}
-data GHC.TypeLits.SomeSymbol where
- GHC.TypeLits.SomeSymbol :: GHC.TypeLits.KnownSymbol n =>
- (Data.Proxy.Proxy n) -> GHC.TypeLits.SomeSymbol
+data GHC.TypeLits.SomeSymbol
+ = forall (n :: GHC.Types.Symbol).
+ GHC.TypeLits.KnownSymbol n =>
+ GHC.TypeLits.SomeSymbol (Data.Proxy.Proxy n)
type family GHC.TypeLits.TypeError (a :: GHC.TypeLits.ErrorMessage)
:: b
GHC.TypeLits.natVal ::
@@ -54,9 +57,10 @@ class GHC.TypeNats.KnownNat (n :: GHC.Types.Nat) where
GHC.TypeNats.natSing :: GHC.TypeNats.SNat n
{-# MINIMAL natSing #-}
data GHC.Types.Nat
-data GHC.TypeNats.SomeNat where
- GHC.TypeNats.SomeNat :: GHC.TypeNats.KnownNat n =>
- (Data.Proxy.Proxy n) -> GHC.TypeNats.SomeNat
+data GHC.TypeNats.SomeNat
+ = forall (n :: GHC.Types.Nat).
+ GHC.TypeNats.KnownNat n =>
+ GHC.TypeNats.SomeNat (Data.Proxy.Proxy n)
data GHC.Types.Symbol
type family (GHC.TypeNats.^) (a :: GHC.Types.Nat)
(b :: GHC.Types.Nat)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/ghci030.stdout b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/ghci030.stdout
index 9344bc39bd..49ce606456 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/ghci030.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/ghci030.stdout
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
-data D where
- C :: (Int -> a) -> Char -> D
- -- Defined at ghci030.hs:8:1
-data D where
- C :: (Int -> a) -> Char -> D
- -- Defined at ghci030.hs:8:10
+data D = forall a. C (Int -> a) Char -- Defined at ghci030.hs:8:1
+data D = forall a. C (Int -> a) Char -- Defined at ghci030.hs:8:10
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/rnfail055.stderr b/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/rnfail055.stderr
index 7fc5d80bad..b9ba174519 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/rnfail055.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/rnfail055.stderr
@@ -71,10 +71,8 @@ RnFail055.hs-boot:25:1: error:
Type constructor ‘T7’ has conflicting definitions in the module
and its hs-boot file
Main module: type role T7 phantom
- data T7 a where
- T7 :: a1 -> T7 a
- Boot file: data T7 a where
- T7 :: a -> T7 a
+ data T7 a = forall a1. T7 a1
+ Boot file: data T7 a = forall b. T7 a
The roles do not match.
Roles on abstract types default to ‘representational’ in boot files.
The constructors do not match: The types for ‘T7’ differ
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/th/T4188.stderr b/testsuite/tests/th/T4188.stderr
index 2e4155fd8b..38a22cf172 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/th/T4188.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/th/T4188.stderr
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-data T4188.T1 (a_0 :: *) = forall (b_1 :: *) . T4188.MkT1 a_0 b_1
-data T4188.T2 (a_0 :: *)
- = forall (b_1 :: *) . (T4188.C a_0, T4188.C b_1) => T4188.MkT2 a_0
- b_1
+data T4188.T1 (a_0 :: *) where
+ T4188.MkT1 :: forall (a_1 :: *) (b_2 :: *) . a_1 ->
+ b_2 -> T4188.T1 a_1
+data T4188.T2 (a_0 :: *) where
+ T4188.MkT2 :: forall (a_1 :: *) (b_2 :: *) . (T4188.C a_1,
+ T4188.C b_2) => a_1 -> b_2 -> T4188.T2 a_1
data T4188.T3 (x_0 :: *) where
T4188.MkT3 :: forall (x_1 :: *) (y_2 :: *) . (T4188.C x_1,
T4188.C y_2) => x_1 -> y_2 -> T4188.T3 (x_1, y_2)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T3468.stderr b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T3468.stderr
index 1f8bdcb11b..0a0fec223b 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T3468.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T3468.stderr
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ T3468.hs-boot:3:1: error:
Type constructor ‘Tool’ has conflicting definitions in the module
and its hs-boot file
Main module: type role Tool phantom
- data Tool d where
- F :: a -> Tool d
+ data Tool d = forall a r. F a
Boot file: data Tool
The types have different kinds