diff options
authorThomas Schilling <>2011-04-04 21:05:26 +0100
committerThomas Schilling <>2011-04-07 13:03:59 +0100
commit4e6bac1ec5a0546584c945c3232863d117496d90 (patch)
parentd637f9bc79e075f046843906900c03a2121d67f2 (diff)
Start support for coloured SDoc output.
The SDoc type now passes around an abstract SDocContext rather than just a PprStyle which required touching a few more files. This should also make it easier to integrate DynFlags passing, so that we can get rid of global variables.
8 files changed, 127 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Module.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.lhs
index c4bdba209c..108bd8d454 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/Module.lhs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.lhs
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ module Module
import Config
import Outputable
-import qualified Pretty
import Unique
import UniqFM
import FastString
@@ -256,9 +255,10 @@ mkModule :: PackageId -> ModuleName -> Module
mkModule = Module
pprModule :: Module -> SDoc
-pprModule mod@(Module p n) = pprPackagePrefix p mod <> pprModuleName n
+pprModule mod@(Module p n) =
+ pprPackagePrefix p mod <> pprModuleName n
-pprPackagePrefix :: PackageId -> Module -> PprStyle -> Pretty.Doc
+pprPackagePrefix :: PackageId -> Module -> SDoc
pprPackagePrefix p mod = getPprStyle doc
doc sty
diff --git a/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs b/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs
index 67515e53a1..372bd3507e 100644
--- a/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs
@@ -233,5 +233,5 @@ missingArgErr f = Left ("missing argument for flag: " ++ f)
errorsToGhcException :: [Located String] -> GhcException
errorsToGhcException errs =
let errors = vcat [ ppr l <> text ": " <> text e | L l e <- errs ]
- in UsageError (showSDoc $ withPprStyle cmdlineParserStyle errors)
+ in UsageError (renderWithStyle errors cmdlineParserStyle)
diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
index 706ded869d..9eac33c2df 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
@@ -760,12 +760,12 @@ defaultDynFlags =
log_action = \severity srcSpan style msg ->
case severity of
- SevOutput -> printOutput (msg style)
- SevInfo -> printErrs (msg style)
- SevFatal -> printErrs (msg style)
+ SevOutput -> printSDoc msg style
+ SevInfo -> printErrs msg style
+ SevFatal -> printErrs msg style
_ -> do
hPutChar stderr '\n'
- printErrs ((mkLocMessage srcSpan msg) style)
+ printErrs (mkLocMessage srcSpan msg) style
-- careful (#2302): printErrs prints in UTF-8, whereas
-- converting to string first and using hPutStr would
-- just emit the low 8 bits of each unicode char.
diff --git a/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs b/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
index d0a8a862a4..b6297a2d6d 100644
--- a/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ mkLocMessage locn msg
-- would look strange. Better to say explicitly "<no location info>".
printError :: SrcSpan -> Message -> IO ()
-printError span msg = printErrs (mkLocMessage span msg $ defaultErrStyle)
+printError span msg =
+ printErrs (mkLocMessage span msg) defaultErrStyle
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs b/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
index 7a38540baa..0ce95ef509 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ makeImportsDoc dflags imports
| otherwise
= Pretty.empty
- doPpr lbl = (lbl, Pretty.render $ pprCLabel lbl astyle)
+ doPpr lbl = (lbl, renderWithStyle (pprCLabel lbl) astyle)
astyle = mkCodeStyle AsmStyle
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.lhs
index ad2405b95e..f105e622c6 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.lhs
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ failIfM :: Message -> IfL a
failIfM msg
= do { env <- getLclEnv
; let full_msg = (if_loc env <> colon) $$ nest 2 msg
- ; liftIO (printErrs (full_msg defaultErrStyle))
+ ; liftIO (printErrs full_msg defaultErrStyle)
; failM }
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ forkM_maybe doc thing_inside
; return Nothing }
- print_errs sdoc = liftIO (printErrs (sdoc defaultErrStyle))
+ print_errs sdoc = liftIO (printErrs sdoc defaultErrStyle)
forkM :: SDoc -> IfL a -> IfL a
forkM doc thing_inside
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs b/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
index e178e99f0d..1dbb0c3763 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ module Outputable (
hang, punctuate, ppWhen, ppUnless,
speakNth, speakNTimes, speakN, speakNOf, plural,
+ coloured, PprColour, colType, colCoerc, colDataCon,
+ colGlobal, colLocal, bold, keyword,
-- * Converting 'SDoc' into strings and outputing it
printSDoc, printErrs, printOutput, hPrintDump, printDump,
printForC, printForAsm, printForUser, printForUserPartWay,
@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ module Outputable (
showSDocForUser, showSDocDebug, showSDocDump, showSDocDumpOneLine,
showSDocUnqual, showsPrecSDoc,
+ renderWithStyle,
pprInfixVar, pprPrefixVar,
pprHsChar, pprHsString, pprHsInfix, pprHsVar,
@@ -218,24 +222,39 @@ code (either C or assembly), or generating interface files.
-type SDoc = PprStyle -> Doc
+type SDoc = SDocContext -> Doc
+data SDocContext = SDC
+ { sdocStyle :: !PprStyle
+ , sdocLastColour :: !PprColour
+ -- ^ The most recently used colour. This allows nesting colours.
+ }
+initSDocContext :: PprStyle -> SDocContext
+initSDocContext sty = SDC
+ { sdocStyle = sty
+ , sdocLastColour = colReset
+ }
withPprStyle :: PprStyle -> SDoc -> SDoc
-withPprStyle sty d _sty' = d sty
+withPprStyle sty d ctxt = d ctxt{sdocStyle=sty}
withPprStyleDoc :: PprStyle -> SDoc -> Doc
-withPprStyleDoc sty d = d sty
+withPprStyleDoc sty d = d (initSDocContext sty)
pprDeeper :: SDoc -> SDoc
-pprDeeper _ (PprUser _ (PartWay 0)) = Pretty.text "..."
-pprDeeper d (PprUser q (PartWay n)) = d (PprUser q (PartWay (n-1)))
-pprDeeper d other_sty = d other_sty
+pprDeeper _ SDC{sdocStyle=PprUser _ (PartWay 0)} =
+ Pretty.text "..."
+pprDeeper d ctx@SDC{sdocStyle=PprUser q (PartWay n)} =
+ d ctx{sdocStyle = PprUser q (PartWay (n-1))}
+pprDeeper d other_sty =
+ d other_sty
pprDeeperList :: ([SDoc] -> SDoc) -> [SDoc] -> SDoc
-- Truncate a list that list that is longer than the current depth
-pprDeeperList f ds (PprUser q (PartWay n))
+pprDeeperList f ds ctx@SDC{sdocStyle=PprUser q (PartWay n)}
| n==0 = Pretty.text "..."
- | otherwise = f (go 0 ds) (PprUser q (PartWay (n-1)))
+ | otherwise = f (go 0 ds) ctx{sdocStyle = PprUser q (PartWay (n-1))}
go _ [] = []
go i (d:ds) | i >= n = [text "...."]
@@ -245,11 +264,12 @@ pprDeeperList f ds other_sty
= f ds other_sty
pprSetDepth :: Depth -> SDoc -> SDoc
-pprSetDepth depth doc (PprUser q _) = doc (PprUser q depth)
+pprSetDepth depth doc ctx@SDC{sdocStyle=PprUser q _} =
+ doc ctx{sdocStyle = PprUser q depth}
pprSetDepth _depth doc other_sty = doc other_sty
getPprStyle :: (PprStyle -> SDoc) -> SDoc
-getPprStyle df sty = df sty sty
+getPprStyle df sty = df (sdocStyle sty) sty
@@ -282,22 +302,23 @@ userStyle (PprUser _ _) = True
userStyle _other = False
ifPprDebug :: SDoc -> SDoc -- Empty for non-debug style
-ifPprDebug d sty@PprDebug = d sty
-ifPprDebug _ _ = Pretty.empty
+ifPprDebug d ctx@SDC{sdocStyle=PprDebug} = d ctx
+ifPprDebug _ _ = Pretty.empty
-- Unused [7/02 sof]
printSDoc :: SDoc -> PprStyle -> IO ()
printSDoc d sty = do
- Pretty.printDoc PageMode stdout (d sty)
+ Pretty.printDoc PageMode stdout (d (initSDocContext sty))
hFlush stdout
-- I'm not sure whether the direct-IO approach of Pretty.printDoc
-- above is better or worse than the put-big-string approach here
-printErrs :: Doc -> IO ()
-printErrs doc = do Pretty.printDoc PageMode stderr doc
- hFlush stderr
+printErrs :: SDoc -> PprStyle -> IO ()
+printErrs doc sty = do
+ Pretty.printDoc PageMode stderr (doc (initSDocContext sty))
+ hFlush stderr
printOutput :: Doc -> IO ()
printOutput doc = Pretty.printDoc PageMode stdout doc
@@ -307,25 +328,27 @@ printDump doc = hPrintDump stdout doc
hPrintDump :: Handle -> SDoc -> IO ()
hPrintDump h doc = do
- Pretty.printDoc PageMode h (better_doc defaultDumpStyle)
+ Pretty.printDoc PageMode h (better_doc (initSDocContext defaultDumpStyle))
hFlush h
better_doc = doc $$ blankLine
printForUser :: Handle -> PrintUnqualified -> SDoc -> IO ()
printForUser handle unqual doc
- = Pretty.printDoc PageMode handle (doc (mkUserStyle unqual AllTheWay))
+ = Pretty.printDoc PageMode handle (doc (initSDocContext (mkUserStyle unqual AllTheWay)))
printForUserPartWay :: Handle -> Int -> PrintUnqualified -> SDoc -> IO ()
printForUserPartWay handle d unqual doc
- = Pretty.printDoc PageMode handle (doc (mkUserStyle unqual (PartWay d)))
+ = Pretty.printDoc PageMode handle (doc (initSDocContext (mkUserStyle unqual (PartWay d))))
-- printForC, printForAsm do what they sound like
printForC :: Handle -> SDoc -> IO ()
-printForC handle doc = Pretty.printDoc LeftMode handle (doc (PprCode CStyle))
+printForC handle doc =
+ Pretty.printDoc LeftMode handle (doc (initSDocContext (PprCode CStyle)))
printForAsm :: Handle -> SDoc -> IO ()
-printForAsm handle doc = Pretty.printDoc LeftMode handle (doc (PprCode AsmStyle))
+printForAsm handle doc =
+ Pretty.printDoc LeftMode handle (doc (initSDocContext (PprCode AsmStyle)))
pprCode :: CodeStyle -> SDoc -> SDoc
pprCode cs d = withPprStyle (PprCode cs) d
@@ -337,32 +360,40 @@ mkCodeStyle = PprCode
-- However, Doc *is* an instance of Show
-- showSDoc just blasts it out as a string
showSDoc :: SDoc -> String
-showSDoc d = Pretty.showDocWith PageMode (d defaultUserStyle)
+showSDoc d = Pretty.showDocWith PageMode (d (initSDocContext defaultUserStyle))
+renderWithStyle :: SDoc -> PprStyle -> String
+renderWithStyle sdoc sty =
+ Pretty.render (sdoc (initSDocContext sty))
-- This shows an SDoc, but on one line only. It's cheaper than a full
-- showSDoc, designed for when we're getting results like ""
-- and "foo{uniq strictness}" so we don't want fancy layout anyway.
showSDocOneLine :: SDoc -> String
-showSDocOneLine d = Pretty.showDocWith PageMode (d defaultUserStyle)
+showSDocOneLine d =
+ Pretty.showDocWith PageMode (d (initSDocContext defaultUserStyle))
showSDocForUser :: PrintUnqualified -> SDoc -> String
-showSDocForUser unqual doc = show (doc (mkUserStyle unqual AllTheWay))
+showSDocForUser unqual doc =
+ show (doc (initSDocContext (mkUserStyle unqual AllTheWay)))
showSDocUnqual :: SDoc -> String
-- Only used in the gruesome isOperator
-showSDocUnqual d = show (d (mkUserStyle neverQualify AllTheWay))
+showSDocUnqual d =
+ show (d (initSDocContext (mkUserStyle neverQualify AllTheWay)))
showsPrecSDoc :: Int -> SDoc -> ShowS
-showsPrecSDoc p d = showsPrec p (d defaultUserStyle)
+showsPrecSDoc p d = showsPrec p (d (initSDocContext defaultUserStyle))
showSDocDump :: SDoc -> String
-showSDocDump d = Pretty.showDocWith PageMode (d PprDump)
+showSDocDump d = Pretty.showDocWith PageMode (d (initSDocContext PprDump))
showSDocDumpOneLine :: SDoc -> String
-showSDocDumpOneLine d = Pretty.showDocWith OneLineMode (d PprDump)
+showSDocDumpOneLine d =
+ Pretty.showDocWith OneLineMode (d (initSDocContext PprDump))
showSDocDebug :: SDoc -> String
-showSDocDebug d = show (d PprDebug)
+showSDocDebug d = show (d (initSDocContext PprDebug))
showPpr :: Outputable a => a -> String
showPpr = showSDoc . ppr
@@ -500,6 +531,50 @@ ppWhen False _ = empty
ppUnless True _ = empty
ppUnless False doc = doc
+-- | A colour\/style for use with 'coloured'.
+newtype PprColour = PprColour String
+-- Colours
+colType :: PprColour
+colType = PprColour "\27[34m"
+colBold :: PprColour
+colBold = PprColour "\27[;1m"
+colCoerc :: PprColour
+colCoerc = PprColour "\27[34m"
+colDataCon :: PprColour
+colDataCon = PprColour "\27[31;1m"
+colGlobal :: PprColour
+colGlobal = PprColour "\27[32m"
+colLocal :: PprColour
+colLocal = PprColour "\27[35m"
+colReset :: PprColour
+colReset = PprColour "\27[0m"
+-- | Apply the given colour\/style for the argument.
+-- Only takes effect if colours are enabled.
+coloured :: PprColour -> SDoc -> SDoc
+-- TODO: coloured _ sdoc ctxt | coloursDisabled = sdoc ctxt
+coloured col@(PprColour c) sdoc
+ ctx@SDC{ sdocLastColour = PprColour lc } =
+ Pretty.zeroWidthText c Pretty.<> sdoc ctx' Pretty.<> Pretty.zeroWidthText lc
+ where
+ ctx' = ctx{ sdocLastColour = col }
+bold :: SDoc -> SDoc
+bold = coloured colBold
+keyword :: SDoc -> SDoc
+keyword = bold
@@ -803,21 +878,23 @@ pprTrace str doc x
pprPanicFastInt :: String -> SDoc -> FastInt
-- ^ Specialization of pprPanic that can be safely used with 'FastInt'
-pprPanicFastInt heading pretty_msg = panicFastInt (show (doc PprDebug))
- where
- doc = text heading <+> pretty_msg
+pprPanicFastInt heading pretty_msg =
+ panicFastInt (show (doc (initSDocContext PprDebug)))
+ where
+ doc = text heading <+> pretty_msg
pprAndThen :: (String -> a) -> String -> SDoc -> a
-pprAndThen cont heading pretty_msg = cont (show (doc PprDebug))
- where
+pprAndThen cont heading pretty_msg =
+ cont (show (doc (initSDocContext PprDebug)))
+ where
doc = sep [text heading, nest 4 pretty_msg]
assertPprPanic :: String -> Int -> SDoc -> a
-- ^ Panic with an assertation failure, recording the given file and line number.
-- Should typically be accessed with the ASSERT family of macros
assertPprPanic file line msg
- = panic (show (doc PprDebug))
+ = panic (show (doc (initSDocContext PprDebug)))
doc = sep [hsep[text "ASSERT failed! file",
text file,
@@ -830,7 +907,7 @@ warnPprTrace :: Bool -> String -> Int -> SDoc -> a -> a
warnPprTrace _ _file _line _msg x | opt_NoDebugOutput = x
warnPprTrace False _file _line _msg x = x
warnPprTrace True file line msg x
- = trace (show (doc defaultDumpStyle)) x
+ = trace (show (doc (initSDocContext defaultDumpStyle))) x
doc = sep [hsep [text "WARNING: file", text file, text "line", int line],
diff --git a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
index 2685377500..0f68607a92 100644
--- a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
+++ b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import HscTypes ( handleFlagWarnings )
import HsImpExp
import qualified RdrName ( getGRE_NameQualifier_maybes ) -- should this come via GHC?
import RdrName (RdrName)
-import Outputable hiding (printForUser, printForUserPartWay)
+import Outputable hiding (printForUser, printForUserPartWay, bold)
import Module -- for ModuleEnv
import Name
import SrcLoc