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authorRyan Scott <>2019-09-28 21:15:39 -0400
committerMarge Bot <>2019-10-28 09:21:13 -0400
commitcd9b94594440163a1a726300d300f76ff05cd15a (patch)
parent6635a3f67d8e8ebafeccfdce35490601039fe216 (diff)
Refactor TcDeriv to validity-check less in anyclass/via deriving (#13154)
Due to the way `DerivEnv` is currently structured, there is an invariant that every derived instance must consist of a class applied to a non-empty list of argument types, where the last argument *must* be an application of a type constructor to some arguments. This works for many cases, but there are also some design patterns in standalone `anyclass`/`via` deriving that are made impossible due to enforcing this invariant, as documented in #13154. This fixes #13154 by refactoring `TcDeriv` and friends to perform fewer validity checks when using the `anyclass` or `via` strategies. The highlights are as followed: * Five fields of `DerivEnv` have been factored out into a new `DerivInstTys` data type. These fields only make sense for instances that satisfy the invariant mentioned above, so `DerivInstTys` is now only used in `stock` and `newtype` deriving, but not in other deriving strategies. * There is now a `Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]` describing the bullet point above in more detail, as well as explaining the exact requirements that each deriving strategy imposes. * I've refactored `mkEqnHelp`'s call graph to be slightly less complicated. Instead of the previous `mkDataTypeEqn`/`mkNewTypeEqn` dichotomy, there is now a single entrypoint `mk_eqn`. * Various bits of code were tweaked so as not to use fields that are specific to `DerivInstTys` so that they may be used by all deriving strategies, since not all deriving strategies use `DerivInstTys`.
9 files changed, 622 insertions, 301 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
index ba6dcf773b..11232e624e 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Handles @deriving@ clauses on @data@ declarations.
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module TcDeriv ( tcDeriving, DerivInfo(..) ) where
@@ -383,9 +384,9 @@ continuation-returning style, so we opt for that route.
Note [Why we don't pass rep_tc into deriveTyData]
-Down in the bowels of mkEqnHelp, we need to convert the fam_tc back into
-the rep_tc by means of a lookup. And yet we have the rep_tc right here!
-Why look it up again? Answer: it's just easier this way.
+Down in the bowels of mk_deriv_inst_tys_maybe, we need to convert the fam_tc
+back into the rep_tc by means of a lookup. And yet we have the rep_tc right
+here! Why look it up again? Answer: it's just easier this way.
We drop some number of arguments from the end of the datatype definition
in deriveTyData. The arguments are dropped from the fam_tc.
This action may drop a *different* number of arguments
@@ -626,16 +627,22 @@ deriveStandalone (L loc (DerivDecl _ deriv_ty mb_lderiv_strat overlap_mode))
; (cls_tvs, deriv_ctxt, cls, inst_tys)
<- tcExtendTyVarEnv via_tvs $
tcStandaloneDerivInstType ctxt deriv_ty
- ; checkTc (not (null inst_tys)) derivingNullaryErr
; let mb_deriv_strat = fmap unLoc mb_lderiv_strat
tvs = via_tvs ++ cls_tvs
- inst_ty = last inst_tys
-- See Note [Unify kinds in deriving]
; (tvs', deriv_ctxt', inst_tys', mb_deriv_strat') <-
case mb_deriv_strat of
-- Perform an additional unification with the kind of the `via`
-- type and the result of the previous kind unification.
- Just (ViaStrategy via_ty) -> do
+ Just (ViaStrategy via_ty)
+ -- This unification must be performed on the last element of
+ -- inst_tys, but we have not yet checked for this property.
+ -- (This is done later in expectNonNullaryClsArgs). For now,
+ -- simply do nothing if inst_tys is empty, since
+ -- expectNonNullaryClsArgs will error later if this
+ -- is the case.
+ | Just inst_ty <- lastMaybe inst_tys
+ -> do
let via_kind = tcTypeKind via_ty
inst_ty_kind = tcTypeKind inst_ty
mb_match = tcUnifyTy inst_ty_kind via_kind
@@ -667,8 +674,6 @@ deriveStandalone (L loc (DerivDecl _ deriv_ty mb_lderiv_strat overlap_mode))
, Just (ViaStrategy final_via_ty) )
_ -> pure (tvs, deriv_ctxt, inst_tys, mb_deriv_strat)
- ; let cls_tys' = take (length inst_tys' - 1) inst_tys'
- inst_ty' = last inst_tys'
; traceTc "Standalone deriving;" $ vcat
[ text "tvs':" <+> ppr tvs'
, text "mb_deriv_strat':" <+> ppr mb_deriv_strat'
@@ -676,29 +681,13 @@ deriveStandalone (L loc (DerivDecl _ deriv_ty mb_lderiv_strat overlap_mode))
, text "cls:" <+> ppr cls
, text "inst_tys':" <+> ppr inst_tys' ]
-- C.f. TcInstDcls.tcLocalInstDecl1
- ; traceTc "Standalone deriving:" $ vcat
- [ text "class:" <+> ppr cls
- , text "class types:" <+> ppr cls_tys'
- , text "type:" <+> ppr inst_ty' ]
- ; let bale_out msg = failWithTc (derivingThingErr False cls cls_tys'
- inst_ty' mb_deriv_strat' msg)
- ; case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe inst_ty' of
- Just (tc, tc_args)
- | className cls == typeableClassName
- -> do warnUselessTypeable
- return Nothing
- | otherwise
- -> Just <$> mkEqnHelp (fmap unLoc overlap_mode)
- tvs' cls cls_tys' tc tc_args
- deriv_ctxt' mb_deriv_strat'
- _ -> -- Complain about functions, primitive types, etc,
- bale_out $
- text "The last argument of the instance must be a data or newtype application"
- }
+ ; if className cls == typeableClassName
+ then do warnUselessTypeable
+ return Nothing
+ else Just <$> mkEqnHelp (fmap unLoc overlap_mode)
+ tvs' cls inst_tys'
+ deriv_ctxt' mb_deriv_strat' }
deriveStandalone (L _ (XDerivDecl nec)) = noExtCon nec
-- Typecheck the type in a standalone deriving declaration.
@@ -853,7 +842,8 @@ deriveTyData tc tc_args mb_deriv_strat deriv_tvs cls cls_tys cls_arg_kind
; traceTc "deriveTyData 2" $ vcat
[ ppr final_tkvs ]
- ; let final_tc_app = mkTyConApp tc final_tc_args
+ ; let final_tc_app = mkTyConApp tc final_tc_args
+ final_cls_args = final_cls_tys ++ [final_tc_app]
; checkTc (allDistinctTyVars (mkVarSet final_tkvs) args_to_drop) -- (a, b, c)
(derivingEtaErr cls final_cls_tys final_tc_app)
-- Check that
@@ -871,13 +861,11 @@ deriveTyData tc tc_args mb_deriv_strat deriv_tvs cls cls_tys cls_arg_kind
-- expand any type synonyms.
-- See Note [Eta-reducing type synonyms]
- ; checkValidInstHead DerivClauseCtxt cls $
- final_cls_tys ++ [final_tc_app]
+ ; checkValidInstHead DerivClauseCtxt cls final_cls_args
-- Check that we aren't deriving an instance of a magical
-- type like (~) or Coercible (#14916).
- ; spec <- mkEqnHelp Nothing final_tkvs
- cls final_cls_tys tc final_tc_args
+ ; spec <- mkEqnHelp Nothing final_tkvs cls final_cls_args
(InferContext Nothing) final_mb_deriv_strat
; traceTc "deriveTyData 3" (ppr spec)
; return spec }
@@ -1153,7 +1141,6 @@ required to obtain the latter instance just isn't worth it.
mkEqnHelp :: Maybe OverlapMode
-> [TyVar]
-> Class -> [Type]
- -> TyCon -> [Type]
-> DerivContext
-- SupplyContext => context supplied (standalone deriving)
-- InferContext => context inferred (deriving on data decl, or
@@ -1165,35 +1152,106 @@ mkEqnHelp :: Maybe OverlapMode
-- where the 'theta' is optional (that's the Maybe part)
-- Assumes that this declaration is well-kinded
-mkEqnHelp overlap_mode tvs cls cls_tys tycon tc_args deriv_ctxt deriv_strat
- = do { -- Find the instance of a data family
- -- Note [Looking up family instances for deriving]
- fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
- ; let (rep_tc, rep_tc_args, _co) = tcLookupDataFamInst fam_envs tycon tc_args
- -- If it's still a data family, the lookup failed; i.e no instance exists
- ; when (isDataFamilyTyCon rep_tc)
- (bale_out (text "No family instance for" <+> quotes (pprTypeApp tycon tc_args)))
- ; is_boot <- tcIsHsBootOrSig
- ; when is_boot $
- bale_out (text "Cannot derive instances in hs-boot files"
- $+$ text "Write an instance declaration instead")
- ; let deriv_env = DerivEnv
- { denv_overlap_mode = overlap_mode
+mkEqnHelp overlap_mode tvs cls cls_args deriv_ctxt deriv_strat = do
+ is_boot <- tcIsHsBootOrSig
+ when is_boot $
+ bale_out (text "Cannot derive instances in hs-boot files"
+ $+$ text "Write an instance declaration instead")
+ runReaderT mk_eqn deriv_env
+ where
+ deriv_env = DerivEnv { denv_overlap_mode = overlap_mode
, denv_tvs = tvs
, denv_cls = cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , denv_tc = tycon
- , denv_tc_args = tc_args
- , denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
- , denv_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args
+ , denv_inst_tys = cls_args
, denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt
, denv_strat = deriv_strat }
- ; flip runReaderT deriv_env $
- if isNewTyCon rep_tc then mkNewTypeEqn else mkDataTypeEqn }
+ bale_out msg = failWithTc $ derivingThingErr False cls cls_args deriv_strat msg
+ mk_eqn :: DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
+ mk_eqn = do
+ DerivEnv { denv_inst_tys = cls_args
+ , denv_strat = mb_strat } <- ask
+ case mb_strat of
+ Just StockStrategy -> do
+ (cls_tys, inst_ty) <- expectNonNullaryClsArgs cls_args
+ dit <- expectAlgTyConApp cls_tys inst_ty
+ mk_eqn_stock dit
+ Just AnyclassStrategy -> mk_eqn_anyclass
+ Just (ViaStrategy via_ty) -> do
+ (cls_tys, inst_ty) <- expectNonNullaryClsArgs cls_args
+ mk_eqn_via cls_tys inst_ty via_ty
+ Just NewtypeStrategy -> do
+ (cls_tys, inst_ty) <- expectNonNullaryClsArgs cls_args
+ dit <- expectAlgTyConApp cls_tys inst_ty
+ unless (isNewTyCon (dit_rep_tc dit)) $
+ derivingThingFailWith False gndNonNewtypeErr
+ mkNewTypeEqn True dit
+ Nothing -> mk_eqn_no_strategy
+-- @expectNonNullaryClsArgs inst_tys@ checks if @inst_tys@ is non-empty.
+-- If so, return @(init inst_tys, last inst_tys)@.
+-- Otherwise, throw an error message.
+-- See @Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]@ in "TcDerivUtils" for why this
+-- property is important.
+expectNonNullaryClsArgs :: [Type] -> DerivM ([Type], Type)
+expectNonNullaryClsArgs inst_tys =
+ maybe (derivingThingFailWith False derivingNullaryErr) pure $
+ snocView inst_tys
+-- @expectAlgTyConApp cls_tys inst_ty@ checks if @inst_ty@ is an application
+-- of an algebraic type constructor. If so, return a 'DerivInstTys' consisting
+-- of @cls_tys@ and the constituent pars of @inst_ty@.
+-- Otherwise, throw an error message.
+-- See @Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]@ in "TcDerivUtils" for why this
+-- property is important.
+expectAlgTyConApp :: [Type] -- All but the last argument to the class in a
+ -- derived instance
+ -> Type -- The last argument to the class in a
+ -- derived instance
+ -> DerivM DerivInstTys
+expectAlgTyConApp cls_tys inst_ty = do
+ fam_envs <- lift tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ case mk_deriv_inst_tys_maybe fam_envs cls_tys inst_ty of
+ Nothing -> derivingThingFailWith False $
+ text "The last argument of the instance must be a"
+ <+> text "data or newtype application"
+ Just dit -> do expectNonDataFamTyCon dit
+ pure dit
+-- @expectNonDataFamTyCon dit@ checks if @dit_rep_tc dit@ is a representation
+-- type constructor for a data family instance, and if not,
+-- throws an error message.
+-- See @Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]@ in "TcDerivUtils" for why this
+-- property is important.
+expectNonDataFamTyCon :: DerivInstTys -> DerivM ()
+expectNonDataFamTyCon (DerivInstTys { dit_tc = tc
+ , dit_tc_args = tc_args
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc }) =
+ -- If it's still a data family, the lookup failed; i.e no instance exists
+ when (isDataFamilyTyCon rep_tc) $
+ derivingThingFailWith False $
+ text "No family instance for" <+> quotes (pprTypeApp tc tc_args)
+mk_deriv_inst_tys_maybe :: FamInstEnvs
+ -> [Type] -> Type -> Maybe DerivInstTys
+mk_deriv_inst_tys_maybe fam_envs cls_tys inst_ty =
+ fmap lookup $ tcSplitTyConApp_maybe inst_ty
- bale_out msg = failWithTc (derivingThingErr False cls cls_tys
- (mkTyConApp tycon tc_args) deriv_strat msg)
+ lookup :: (TyCon, [Type]) -> DerivInstTys
+ lookup (tc, tc_args) =
+ -- Find the instance of a data family
+ -- Note [Looking up family instances for deriving]
+ let (rep_tc, rep_tc_args, _co) = tcLookupDataFamInst fam_envs tc tc_args
+ in DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
+ , dit_tc = tc
+ , dit_tc_args = tc_args
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args }
Note [Looking up family instances for deriving]
@@ -1261,34 +1319,15 @@ See Note [Eta reduction for data families] in FamInstEnv
--- | Derive an instance for a data type (i.e., non-newtype).
-mkDataTypeEqn :: DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
- = do mb_strat <- asks denv_strat
- case mb_strat of
- Just StockStrategy -> mk_eqn_stock
- Just AnyclassStrategy -> mk_eqn_anyclass
- Just (ViaStrategy ty) -> mk_eqn_via ty
- -- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving makes no sense for non-newtypes
- Just NewtypeStrategy -> derivingThingFailWith False gndNonNewtypeErr
- -- Lacking a user-requested deriving strategy, we will try to pick
- -- between the stock or anyclass strategies
- Nothing -> mk_eqn_no_mechanism
-- Once the DerivSpecMechanism is known, we can finally produce an
-- EarlyDerivSpec from it.
mk_eqn_from_mechanism :: DerivSpecMechanism -> DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
mk_eqn_from_mechanism mechanism
= do DerivEnv { denv_overlap_mode = overlap_mode
, denv_tvs = tvs
- , denv_tc = tc
- , denv_tc_args = tc_args
- , denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
, denv_cls = cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
+ , denv_inst_tys = inst_tys
, denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
- let inst_ty = mkTyConApp tc tc_args
- inst_tys = cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]
doDerivInstErrorChecks1 mechanism
loc <- lift getSrcSpanM
dfun_name <- lift $ newDFunName cls inst_tys loc
@@ -1300,7 +1339,6 @@ mk_eqn_from_mechanism mechanism
{ ds_loc = loc
, ds_name = dfun_name, ds_tvs = tvs'
, ds_cls = cls, ds_tys = inst_tys'
- , ds_tc = rep_tc
, ds_theta = inferred_constraints
, ds_overlap = overlap_mode
, ds_standalone_wildcard = wildcard
@@ -1311,23 +1349,24 @@ mk_eqn_from_mechanism mechanism
{ ds_loc = loc
, ds_name = dfun_name, ds_tvs = tvs
, ds_cls = cls, ds_tys = inst_tys
- , ds_tc = rep_tc
, ds_theta = theta
, ds_overlap = overlap_mode
, ds_standalone_wildcard = Nothing
, ds_mechanism = mechanism }
-mk_eqn_stock :: DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
- = do DerivEnv { denv_tc = tc
- , denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
- , denv_cls = cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
+mk_eqn_stock :: DerivInstTys -- Information about the arguments to the class
+ -> DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
+mk_eqn_stock dit@(DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
+ , dit_tc = tc
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc })
+ = do DerivEnv { denv_cls = cls
+ , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
dflags <- getDynFlags
case checkOriginativeSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls cls_tys
tc rep_tc of
- CanDeriveStock gen_fn -> mk_eqn_from_mechanism $ DerivSpecStock gen_fn
+ CanDeriveStock gen_fn -> mk_eqn_from_mechanism $
+ DerivSpecStock { dsm_stock_dit = dit
+ , dsm_stock_gen_fn = gen_fn }
StockClassError msg -> derivingThingFailWith False msg
_ -> derivingThingFailWith False (nonStdErr cls)
@@ -1338,60 +1377,106 @@ mk_eqn_anyclass
IsValid -> mk_eqn_from_mechanism DerivSpecAnyClass
NotValid msg -> derivingThingFailWith False msg
-mk_eqn_newtype :: Type -- The newtype's representation type
+mk_eqn_newtype :: DerivInstTys -- Information about the arguments to the class
+ -> Type -- The newtype's representation type
-> DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
-mk_eqn_newtype rep_ty = mk_eqn_from_mechanism (DerivSpecNewtype rep_ty)
+mk_eqn_newtype dit rep_ty =
+ mk_eqn_from_mechanism $ DerivSpecNewtype { dsm_newtype_dit = dit
+ , dsm_newtype_rep_ty = rep_ty }
-mk_eqn_via :: Type -- The @via@ type
+mk_eqn_via :: [Type] -- All arguments to the class besides the last
+ -> Type -- The last argument to the class
+ -> Type -- The @via@ type
-> DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
-mk_eqn_via via_ty = mk_eqn_from_mechanism (DerivSpecVia via_ty)
-mk_eqn_no_mechanism :: DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
- = do DerivEnv { denv_tc = tc
- , denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
- , denv_cls = cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- -- See Note [Deriving instances for classes themselves]
- let dac_error msg
- | isClassTyCon rep_tc
- = quotes (ppr tc) <+> text "is a type class,"
- <+> text "and can only have a derived instance"
- $+$ text "if DeriveAnyClass is enabled"
- | otherwise
- = nonStdErr cls $$ msg
- case checkOriginativeSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls cls_tys
- tc rep_tc of
- -- NB: pass the *representation* tycon to
- -- checkOriginativeSideConditions
- NonDerivableClass msg -> derivingThingFailWith False (dac_error msg)
- StockClassError msg -> derivingThingFailWith False msg
- CanDeriveStock gen_fn -> mk_eqn_from_mechanism $ DerivSpecStock gen_fn
- CanDeriveAnyClass -> mk_eqn_from_mechanism DerivSpecAnyClass
+mk_eqn_via cls_tys inst_ty via_ty =
+ mk_eqn_from_mechanism $ DerivSpecVia { dsm_via_cls_tys = cls_tys
+ , dsm_via_inst_ty = inst_ty
+ , dsm_via_ty = via_ty }
+-- Derive an instance without a user-requested deriving strategy. This uses
+-- heuristics to determine which deriving strategy to use.
+-- See Note [Deriving strategies].
+mk_eqn_no_strategy :: DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
+mk_eqn_no_strategy = do
+ DerivEnv { denv_cls = cls
+ , denv_inst_tys = cls_args } <- ask
+ fam_envs <- lift tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ -- First, check if the last argument is an application of a type constructor.
+ -- If not, fall back to DeriveAnyClass.
+ if | Just (cls_tys, inst_ty) <- snocView cls_args
+ , Just dit <- mk_deriv_inst_tys_maybe fam_envs cls_tys inst_ty
+ -> if | isNewTyCon (dit_rep_tc dit)
+ -- We have a dedicated code path for newtypes (see the
+ -- documentation for mkNewTypeEqn as to why this is the case)
+ -> mkNewTypeEqn False dit
+ | otherwise
+ -> do -- Otherwise, our only other options are stock or anyclass.
+ -- If it is stock, we must confirm that the last argument's
+ -- type constructor is algebraic.
+ -- See Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism] in TcDerivUtils
+ whenIsJust (hasStockDeriving cls) $ \_ ->
+ expectNonDataFamTyCon dit
+ mk_eqn_originative dit
+ | otherwise
+ -> mk_eqn_anyclass
+ where
+ -- Use heuristics (checkOriginativeSideConditions) to determine whether
+ -- stock or anyclass deriving should be used.
+ mk_eqn_originative :: DerivInstTys -> DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
+ mk_eqn_originative dit@(DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
+ , dit_tc = tc
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc }) = do
+ DerivEnv { denv_cls = cls
+ , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- See Note [Deriving instances for classes themselves]
+ let dac_error msg
+ | isClassTyCon rep_tc
+ = quotes (ppr tc) <+> text "is a type class,"
+ <+> text "and can only have a derived instance"
+ $+$ text "if DeriveAnyClass is enabled"
+ | otherwise
+ = nonStdErr cls $$ msg
+ case checkOriginativeSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls
+ cls_tys tc rep_tc of
+ NonDerivableClass msg -> derivingThingFailWith False (dac_error msg)
+ StockClassError msg -> derivingThingFailWith False msg
+ CanDeriveStock gen_fn -> mk_eqn_from_mechanism $
+ DerivSpecStock { dsm_stock_dit = dit
+ , dsm_stock_gen_fn = gen_fn }
+ CanDeriveAnyClass -> mk_eqn_from_mechanism DerivSpecAnyClass
* *
- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving and DerivingVia
+ Deriving instances for newtypes
* *
--- | Derive an instance for a newtype.
-mkNewTypeEqn :: DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
+-- Derive an instance for a newtype. We put this logic into its own function
+-- because
+-- (a) When no explicit deriving strategy is requested, we have special
+-- heuristics for newtypes to determine which deriving strategy should
+-- actually be used. See Note [Deriving strategies].
+-- (b) We make an effort to give error messages specifically tailored to
+-- newtypes.
+mkNewTypeEqn :: Bool -- Was this instance derived using an explicit @newtype@
+ -- deriving strategy?
+ -> DerivInstTys -> DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
+mkNewTypeEqn newtype_strat dit@(DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
+ , dit_tc = tycon
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tycon
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args })
-- Want: instance (...) => cls (cls_tys ++ [tycon tc_args]) where ...
- = do DerivEnv { denv_tc = tycon
- , denv_rep_tc = rep_tycon
- , denv_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args
- , denv_cls = cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt
- , denv_strat = mb_strat } <- ask
+ = do DerivEnv { denv_cls = cls
+ , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
dflags <- getDynFlags
let newtype_deriving = xopt LangExt.GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving dflags
@@ -1474,10 +1559,8 @@ mkNewTypeEqn
eta_msg = text "cannot eta-reduce the representation type enough"
MASSERT( cls_tys `lengthIs` (classArity cls - 1) )
- case mb_strat of
- Just StockStrategy -> mk_eqn_stock
- Just AnyclassStrategy -> mk_eqn_anyclass
- Just NewtypeStrategy ->
+ if newtype_strat
+ then
-- Since the user explicitly asked for GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
-- we don't need to perform all of the checks we normally would,
-- such as if the class being derived is known to produce ill-roled
@@ -1485,20 +1568,15 @@ mkNewTypeEqn
-- instance and let it error if need be.
-- See Note [Determining whether newtype-deriving is appropriate]
if eta_ok && newtype_deriving
- then mk_eqn_newtype rep_inst_ty
+ then mk_eqn_newtype dit rep_inst_ty
else bale_out (cant_derive_err $$
if newtype_deriving then empty else suggest_gnd)
- Just (ViaStrategy via_ty) ->
- -- NB: For DerivingVia, we don't need to any eta-reduction checking,
- -- since the @via@ type is already "eta-reduced".
- mk_eqn_via via_ty
- Nothing
- | might_be_newtype_derivable
+ else
+ if might_be_newtype_derivable
&& ((newtype_deriving && not deriveAnyClass)
|| std_class_via_coercible cls)
- -> mk_eqn_newtype rep_inst_ty
- | otherwise
- -> case checkOriginativeSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls cls_tys
+ then mk_eqn_newtype dit rep_inst_ty
+ else case checkOriginativeSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls cls_tys
tycon rep_tycon of
StockClassError msg
-- There's a particular corner case where
@@ -1511,7 +1589,7 @@ mkNewTypeEqn
-- and the previous cases won't catch it. This fixes the bug
-- reported in #10598.
| might_be_newtype_derivable && newtype_deriving
- -> mk_eqn_newtype rep_inst_ty
+ -> mk_eqn_newtype dit rep_inst_ty
-- Otherwise, throw an error for a stock class
| might_be_newtype_derivable && not newtype_deriving
-> bale_out (msg $$ suggest_gnd)
@@ -1546,7 +1624,8 @@ mkNewTypeEqn
mk_eqn_from_mechanism DerivSpecAnyClass
-- CanDeriveStock
CanDeriveStock gen_fn -> mk_eqn_from_mechanism $
- DerivSpecStock gen_fn
+ DerivSpecStock { dsm_stock_dit = dit
+ , dsm_stock_gen_fn = gen_fn }
Note [Recursive newtypes]
@@ -1753,25 +1832,19 @@ the renamer. What a great hack!
--- Generate the InstInfo for the required instance paired with the
--- *representation* tycon for that instance,
+-- Generate the InstInfo for the required instance
-- plus any auxiliary bindings required
--- Representation tycons differ from the tycon in the instance signature in
--- case of instances for indexed families.
genInst :: DerivSpec theta
-> TcM (ThetaType -> TcM (InstInfo GhcPs), BagDerivStuff, [Name])
-- We must use continuation-returning style here to get the order in which we
-- typecheck family instances and derived instances right.
-- See Note [Staging of tcDeriving]
-genInst spec@(DS { ds_tvs = tvs, ds_tc = rep_tycon
- , ds_mechanism = mechanism, ds_tys = tys
- , ds_cls = clas, ds_loc = loc
+genInst spec@(DS { ds_tvs = tvs, ds_mechanism = mechanism
+ , ds_tys = tys, ds_cls = clas, ds_loc = loc
, ds_standalone_wildcard = wildcard })
= do (meth_binds, deriv_stuff, unusedNames)
<- set_span_and_ctxt $
- genDerivStuff mechanism loc clas rep_tycon tys tvs
+ genDerivStuff mechanism loc clas tys tvs
let mk_inst_info theta = set_span_and_ctxt $ do
inst_spec <- newDerivClsInst theta spec
doDerivInstErrorChecks2 clas inst_spec theta wildcard mechanism
@@ -1809,11 +1882,15 @@ genInst spec@(DS { ds_tvs = tvs, ds_tc = rep_tycon
doDerivInstErrorChecks1 :: DerivSpecMechanism -> DerivM ()
doDerivInstErrorChecks1 mechanism =
case mechanism of
- DerivSpecStock{} -> data_cons_in_scope_check
- DerivSpecNewtype{} -> do atf_coerce_based_error_checks
- data_cons_in_scope_check
- DerivSpecAnyClass{} -> pure ()
- DerivSpecVia{} -> atf_coerce_based_error_checks
+ DerivSpecStock{dsm_stock_dit = dit}
+ -> data_cons_in_scope_check dit
+ DerivSpecNewtype{dsm_newtype_dit = dit}
+ -> do atf_coerce_based_error_checks
+ data_cons_in_scope_check dit
+ DerivSpecAnyClass{}
+ -> pure ()
+ DerivSpecVia{}
+ -> atf_coerce_based_error_checks
-- When processing a standalone deriving declaration, check that all of the
-- constructors for the data type are in scope. For instance:
@@ -1827,11 +1904,11 @@ doDerivInstErrorChecks1 mechanism =
-- Note that the only strategies that require this check are `stock` and
-- `newtype`. Neither `anyclass` nor `via` require it as the code that they
-- generate does not require using data constructors.
- data_cons_in_scope_check :: DerivM ()
- data_cons_in_scope_check = do
+ data_cons_in_scope_check :: DerivInstTys -> DerivM ()
+ data_cons_in_scope_check (DerivInstTys { dit_tc = tc
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc }) = do
standalone <- isStandaloneDeriv
when standalone $ do
- DerivEnv { denv_tc = tc, denv_rep_tc = rep_tc } <- ask
let bale_out msg = do err <- derivingThingErrMechanism mechanism msg
lift $ failWithTc err
@@ -1953,15 +2030,18 @@ derivingThingFailWith newtype_deriving msg = do
lift $ failWithTc err
genDerivStuff :: DerivSpecMechanism -> SrcSpan -> Class
- -> TyCon -> [Type] -> [TyVar]
+ -> [Type] -> [TyVar]
-> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff, [Name])
-genDerivStuff mechanism loc clas tycon inst_tys tyvars
+genDerivStuff mechanism loc clas inst_tys tyvars
= case mechanism of
-- See Note [Bindings for Generalised Newtype Deriving]
- DerivSpecNewtype rhs_ty -> gen_newtype_or_via rhs_ty
+ DerivSpecNewtype { dsm_newtype_rep_ty = rhs_ty}
+ -> gen_newtype_or_via rhs_ty
-- Try a stock deriver
- DerivSpecStock gen_fn -> gen_fn loc tycon inst_tys
+ DerivSpecStock { dsm_stock_dit = DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = rep_tc}
+ , dsm_stock_gen_fn = gen_fn }
+ -> gen_fn loc rep_tc inst_tys
-- Try DeriveAnyClass
DerivSpecAnyClass -> do
@@ -1983,7 +2063,8 @@ genDerivStuff mechanism loc clas tycon inst_tys tyvars
, [] )
-- Try DerivingVia
- DerivSpecVia via_ty -> gen_newtype_or_via via_ty
+ DerivSpecVia{dsm_via_ty = via_ty}
+ -> gen_newtype_or_via via_ty
gen_newtype_or_via ty = do
(binds, faminsts) <- gen_Newtype_binds loc clas tyvars inst_tys ty
@@ -2167,37 +2248,30 @@ derivingEtaErr cls cls_tys inst_ty
nest 2 (text "instance (...) =>"
<+> pprClassPred cls (cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]))]
-derivingThingErr :: Bool -> Class -> [Type] -> Type
+derivingThingErr :: Bool -> Class -> [Type]
-> Maybe (DerivStrategy GhcTc) -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc
-derivingThingErr newtype_deriving cls cls_tys inst_ty mb_strat why
- = derivingThingErr' newtype_deriving cls cls_tys inst_ty mb_strat
+derivingThingErr newtype_deriving cls cls_args mb_strat why
+ = derivingThingErr' newtype_deriving cls cls_args mb_strat
(maybe empty derivStrategyName mb_strat) why
derivingThingErrM :: Bool -> MsgDoc -> DerivM MsgDoc
derivingThingErrM newtype_deriving why
- = do DerivEnv { denv_tc = tc
- , denv_tc_args = tc_args
- , denv_cls = cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , denv_strat = mb_strat } <- ask
- pure $ derivingThingErr newtype_deriving cls cls_tys
- (mkTyConApp tc tc_args) mb_strat why
+ = do DerivEnv { denv_cls = cls
+ , denv_inst_tys = cls_args
+ , denv_strat = mb_strat } <- ask
+ pure $ derivingThingErr newtype_deriving cls cls_args mb_strat why
derivingThingErrMechanism :: DerivSpecMechanism -> MsgDoc -> DerivM MsgDoc
derivingThingErrMechanism mechanism why
- = do DerivEnv { denv_tc = tc
- , denv_tc_args = tc_args
- , denv_cls = cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , denv_strat = mb_strat } <- ask
- pure $ derivingThingErr' (isDerivSpecNewtype mechanism) cls cls_tys
- (mkTyConApp tc tc_args) mb_strat
- (derivStrategyName $ derivSpecMechanismToStrategy mechanism)
- why
-derivingThingErr' :: Bool -> Class -> [Type] -> Type
+ = do DerivEnv { denv_cls = cls
+ , denv_inst_tys = cls_args
+ , denv_strat = mb_strat } <- ask
+ pure $ derivingThingErr' (isDerivSpecNewtype mechanism) cls cls_args mb_strat
+ (derivStrategyName $ derivSpecMechanismToStrategy mechanism) why
+derivingThingErr' :: Bool -> Class -> [Type]
-> Maybe (DerivStrategy GhcTc) -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc -> MsgDoc
-derivingThingErr' newtype_deriving cls cls_tys inst_ty mb_strat strat_msg why
+derivingThingErr' newtype_deriving cls cls_args mb_strat strat_msg why
= sep [(hang (text "Can't make a derived instance of")
2 (quotes (ppr pred) <+> via_mechanism)
$$ nest 2 extra) <> colon,
@@ -2207,7 +2281,7 @@ derivingThingErr' newtype_deriving cls cls_tys inst_ty mb_strat strat_msg why
extra | not strat_used, newtype_deriving
= text "(even with cunning GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving)"
| otherwise = empty
- pred = mkClassPred cls (cls_tys ++ [inst_ty])
+ pred = mkClassPred cls cls_args
via_mechanism | strat_used
= text "with the" <+> strat_msg <+> text "strategy"
| otherwise
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs
index c8ecde4014..3187122828 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs
@@ -72,23 +72,26 @@ inferConstraints :: DerivSpecMechanism
-- generated method definitions should succeed. This set will be simplified
-- before being used in the instance declaration
inferConstraints mechanism
- = do { DerivEnv { denv_tvs = tvs
- , denv_tc = tc
- , denv_tc_args = tc_args
- , denv_cls = main_cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys } <- ask
+ = do { DerivEnv { denv_tvs = tvs
+ , denv_cls = main_cls
+ , denv_inst_tys = inst_tys } <- ask
; wildcard <- isStandaloneWildcardDeriv
; let infer_constraints :: DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
infer_constraints =
case mechanism of
- DerivSpecStock{}
- -> inferConstraintsStock
+ DerivSpecStock{dsm_stock_dit = dit}
+ -> inferConstraintsStock dit
- -> infer_constraints_simple $ inferConstraintsAnyclass
- DerivSpecNewtype rep_ty
- -> infer_constraints_simple $ inferConstraintsCoerceBased rep_ty
- DerivSpecVia via_ty
- -> infer_constraints_simple $ inferConstraintsCoerceBased via_ty
+ -> infer_constraints_simple inferConstraintsAnyclass
+ DerivSpecNewtype { dsm_newtype_dit =
+ DerivInstTys{dit_cls_tys = cls_tys}
+ , dsm_newtype_rep_ty = rep_ty }
+ -> infer_constraints_simple $
+ inferConstraintsCoerceBased cls_tys rep_ty
+ DerivSpecVia { dsm_via_cls_tys = cls_tys
+ , dsm_via_ty = via_ty }
+ -> infer_constraints_simple $
+ inferConstraintsCoerceBased cls_tys via_ty
-- Most deriving strategies do not need to do anything special to
-- the type variables and arguments to the class in the derived
@@ -102,9 +105,6 @@ inferConstraints mechanism
thetas <- infer_thetas
pure (thetas, tvs, inst_tys)
- inst_ty = mkTyConApp tc tc_args
- inst_tys = cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]
-- Constraints arising from superclasses
-- See Note [Superclasses of derived instance]
cls_tvs = classTyVars main_cls
@@ -147,20 +147,19 @@ inferConstraints mechanism
-- to be well kinded, so we return @[]@/@[Type, f, g]@ for the
-- 'TyVar's/'TcType's, /not/ @[k]@/@[k, f, g]@.
-- See Note [Inferring the instance context].
-inferConstraintsStock :: DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
- = do DerivEnv { denv_tvs = tvs
- , denv_tc = tc
- , denv_tc_args = tc_args
- , denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
- , denv_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args
- , denv_cls = main_cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys } <- ask
+inferConstraintsStock :: DerivInstTys
+ -> DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
+inferConstraintsStock (DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
+ , dit_tc = tc
+ , dit_tc_args = tc_args
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args })
+ = do DerivEnv { denv_tvs = tvs
+ , denv_cls = main_cls
+ , denv_inst_tys = inst_tys } <- ask
wildcard <- isStandaloneWildcardDeriv
- let inst_ty = mkTyConApp tc tc_args
- inst_tys = cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]
+ let inst_ty = mkTyConApp tc tc_args
tc_binders = tyConBinders rep_tc
choose_level bndr
| isNamedTyConBinder bndr = KindLevel
@@ -339,16 +338,11 @@ inferConstraintsStock
-- derived instance context.
inferConstraintsAnyclass :: DerivM [ThetaOrigin]
- = do { DerivEnv { denv_tc = tc
- , denv_tc_args = tc_args
- , denv_cls = cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys } <- ask
+ = do { DerivEnv { denv_cls = cls
+ , denv_inst_tys = inst_tys } <- ask
; wildcard <- isStandaloneWildcardDeriv
- ; let inst_ty = mkTyConApp tc tc_args
- inst_tys = cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]
- gen_dms = [ (sel_id, dm_ty)
+ ; let gen_dms = [ (sel_id, dm_ty)
| (sel_id, Just (_, GenericDM dm_ty)) <- classOpItems cls ]
cls_tvs = classTyVars cls
@@ -384,13 +378,12 @@ inferConstraintsAnyclass
-- We would infer the following constraints ('ThetaOrigin's):
-- > (Num Int, Coercible Age Int)
-inferConstraintsCoerceBased :: Type -> DerivM [ThetaOrigin]
-inferConstraintsCoerceBased rep_ty = do
- DerivEnv { denv_tvs = tvs
- , denv_tc = tycon
- , denv_tc_args = tc_args
- , denv_cls = cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys } <- ask
+inferConstraintsCoerceBased :: [Type] -> Type
+ -> DerivM [ThetaOrigin]
+inferConstraintsCoerceBased cls_tys rep_ty = do
+ DerivEnv { denv_tvs = tvs
+ , denv_cls = cls
+ , denv_inst_tys = inst_tys } <- ask
sa_wildcard <- isStandaloneWildcardDeriv
let -- The following functions are polymorphic over the representation
-- type, since we might either give it the underlying type of a
@@ -402,8 +395,6 @@ inferConstraintsCoerceBased rep_ty = do
-- rep_pred is the representation dictionary, from where
-- we are going to get all the methods for the final
-- dictionary
- inst_ty = mkTyConApp tycon tc_args
- inst_tys = cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]
deriv_origin = mkDerivOrigin sa_wildcard
-- Next we collect constraints for the class methods
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs
index 76c42817fd..8defda4128 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Error-checking and other utilities for @deriving@ clauses or declarations.
module TcDerivUtils (
DerivM, DerivEnv(..),
- DerivSpec(..), pprDerivSpec,
+ DerivSpec(..), pprDerivSpec, DerivInstTys(..),
DerivSpecMechanism(..), derivSpecMechanismToStrategy, isDerivSpecStock,
isDerivSpecNewtype, isDerivSpecAnyClass, isDerivSpecVia,
DerivContext(..), OriginativeDerivStatus(..),
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ mkDerivOrigin standalone_wildcard
-- | Contains all of the information known about a derived instance when
-- determining what its @EarlyDerivSpec@ should be.
+-- See @Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]@.
data DerivEnv = DerivEnv
{ denv_overlap_mode :: Maybe OverlapMode
-- ^ Is this an overlapping instance?
@@ -97,19 +98,8 @@ data DerivEnv = DerivEnv
-- ^ Universally quantified type variables in the instance
, denv_cls :: Class
-- ^ Class for which we need to derive an instance
- , denv_cls_tys :: [Type]
- -- ^ Other arguments to the class except the last
- , denv_tc :: TyCon
- -- ^ Type constructor for which the instance is requested
- -- (last arguments to the type class)
- , denv_tc_args :: [Type]
- -- ^ Arguments to the type constructor
- , denv_rep_tc :: TyCon
- -- ^ The representation tycon for 'denv_tc'
- -- (for data family instances)
- , denv_rep_tc_args :: [Type]
- -- ^ The representation types for 'denv_tc_args'
- -- (for data family instances)
+ , denv_inst_tys :: [Type]
+ -- ^ All arguments to to 'denv_cls' in the derived instance.
, denv_ctxt :: DerivContext
-- ^ @'SupplyContext' theta@ for standalone deriving (where @theta@ is the
-- context of the instance).
@@ -125,22 +115,14 @@ instance Outputable DerivEnv where
ppr (DerivEnv { denv_overlap_mode = overlap_mode
, denv_tvs = tvs
, denv_cls = cls
- , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , denv_tc = tc
- , denv_tc_args = tc_args
- , denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
- , denv_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args
+ , denv_inst_tys = inst_tys
, denv_ctxt = ctxt
, denv_strat = mb_strat })
= hang (text "DerivEnv")
2 (vcat [ text "denv_overlap_mode" <+> ppr overlap_mode
, text "denv_tvs" <+> ppr tvs
, text "denv_cls" <+> ppr cls
- , text "denv_cls_tys" <+> ppr cls_tys
- , text "denv_tc" <+> ppr tc
- , text "denv_tc_args" <+> ppr tc_args
- , text "denv_rep_tc" <+> ppr rep_tc
- , text "denv_rep_tc_args" <+> ppr rep_tc_args
+ , text "denv_inst_tys" <+> ppr inst_tys
, text "denv_ctxt" <+> ppr ctxt
, text "denv_strat" <+> ppr mb_strat ])
@@ -150,7 +132,6 @@ data DerivSpec theta = DS { ds_loc :: SrcSpan
, ds_theta :: theta
, ds_cls :: Class
, ds_tys :: [Type]
- , ds_tc :: TyCon
, ds_overlap :: Maybe OverlapMode
, ds_standalone_wildcard :: Maybe SrcSpan
-- See Note [Inferring the instance context]
@@ -160,10 +141,6 @@ data DerivSpec theta = DS { ds_loc :: SrcSpan
-- df :: forall tvs. theta => C tys
-- The Name is the name for the DFun we'll build
-- The tyvars bind all the variables in the theta
- -- For type families, the tycon in
- -- in ds_tys is the *family* tycon
- -- in ds_tc is the *representation* type
- -- For non-family tycons, both are the same
-- the theta is either the given and final theta, in standalone deriving,
-- or the not-yet-simplified list of constraints together with their origin
@@ -180,7 +157,7 @@ Example:
axiom :RTList a = Tree a
DS { ds_tvs = [a,s], ds_cls = C, ds_tys = [s, T [a]]
- , ds_tc = :RTList, ds_mechanism = DerivSpecNewtype (Tree a) }
+ , ds_mechanism = DerivSpecNewtype (Tree a) }
pprDerivSpec :: Outputable theta => DerivSpec theta -> SDoc
@@ -200,41 +177,95 @@ pprDerivSpec (DS { ds_loc = l, ds_name = n, ds_tvs = tvs, ds_cls = c,
instance Outputable theta => Outputable (DerivSpec theta) where
ppr = pprDerivSpec
--- What action to take in order to derive a class instance.
--- See Note [Deriving strategies] in TcDeriv
+-- | Information about the arguments to the class in a stock- or
+-- newtype-derived instance.
+-- See @Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]@.
+data DerivInstTys = DerivInstTys
+ { dit_cls_tys :: [Type]
+ -- ^ Other arguments to the class except the last
+ , dit_tc :: TyCon
+ -- ^ Type constructor for which the instance is requested
+ -- (last arguments to the type class)
+ , dit_tc_args :: [Type]
+ -- ^ Arguments to the type constructor
+ , dit_rep_tc :: TyCon
+ -- ^ The representation tycon for 'dit_tc'
+ -- (for data family instances). Otherwise the same as 'dit_tc'.
+ , dit_rep_tc_args :: [Type]
+ -- ^ The representation types for 'dit_tc_args'
+ -- (for data family instances). Otherwise the same as 'dit_tc_args'.
+ }
+instance Outputable DerivInstTys where
+ ppr (DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys, dit_tc = tc, dit_tc_args = tc_args
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc, dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args })
+ = hang (text "DITTyConHead")
+ 2 (vcat [ text "dit_cls_tys" <+> ppr cls_tys
+ , text "dit_tc" <+> ppr tc
+ , text "dit_tc_args" <+> ppr tc_args
+ , text "dit_rep_tc" <+> ppr rep_tc
+ , text "dit_rep_tc_args" <+> ppr rep_tc_args ])
+-- | What action to take in order to derive a class instance.
+-- See @Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]@, as well as
+-- @Note [Deriving strategies]@ in "TcDeriv".
data DerivSpecMechanism
- = DerivSpecStock -- "Standard" classes
- (SrcSpan -> TyCon
- -> [Type]
- -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff, [Name]))
- -- This function returns three things:
+ -- | \"Standard\" classes
+ = DerivSpecStock
+ { dsm_stock_dit :: DerivInstTys
+ -- ^ Information about the arguments to the class in the derived
+ -- instance, including what type constructor the last argument is
+ -- headed by. See @Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]@.
+ , dsm_stock_gen_fn ::
+ SrcSpan -> TyCon
+ -> [Type]
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff, [Name])
+ -- ^ This function returns three things:
-- 1. @LHsBinds GhcPs@: The derived instance's function bindings
-- (e.g., @compare (T x) (T y) = compare x y@)
+ --
-- 2. @BagDerivStuff@: Auxiliary bindings needed to support the derived
-- instance. As examples, derived 'Generic' instances require
-- associated type family instances, and derived 'Eq' and 'Ord'
-- instances require top-level @con2tag@ functions.
- -- See Note [Auxiliary binders] in TcGenDeriv.
+ -- See @Note [Auxiliary binders]@ in "TcGenDeriv".
+ --
-- 3. @[Name]@: A list of Names for which @-Wunused-binds@ should be
-- suppressed. This is used to suppress unused warnings for record
-- selectors when deriving 'Read', 'Show', or 'Generic'.
- -- See Note [Deriving and unused record selectors].
- | DerivSpecNewtype -- -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- Type -- The newtype rep type
- | DerivSpecAnyClass -- -XDeriveAnyClass
- | DerivSpecVia -- -XDerivingVia
- Type -- The @via@ type
+ -- See @Note [Deriving and unused record selectors]@.
+ }
+ -- | @GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving@
+ | DerivSpecNewtype
+ { dsm_newtype_dit :: DerivInstTys
+ -- ^ Information about the arguments to the class in the derived
+ -- instance, including what type constructor the last argument is
+ -- headed by. See @Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]@.
+ , dsm_newtype_rep_ty :: Type
+ -- ^ The newtype rep type.
+ }
+ -- | @DeriveAnyClass@
+ | DerivSpecAnyClass
+ -- | @DerivingVia@
+ | DerivSpecVia
+ { dsm_via_cls_tys :: [Type]
+ -- ^ All arguments to the class besides the last one.
+ , dsm_via_inst_ty :: Type
+ -- ^ The last argument to the class.
+ , dsm_via_ty :: Type
+ -- ^ The @via@ type
+ }
-- | Convert a 'DerivSpecMechanism' to its corresponding 'DerivStrategy'.
derivSpecMechanismToStrategy :: DerivSpecMechanism -> DerivStrategy GhcTc
-derivSpecMechanismToStrategy DerivSpecStock{} = StockStrategy
-derivSpecMechanismToStrategy DerivSpecNewtype{} = NewtypeStrategy
-derivSpecMechanismToStrategy DerivSpecAnyClass = AnyclassStrategy
-derivSpecMechanismToStrategy (DerivSpecVia t) = ViaStrategy t
+derivSpecMechanismToStrategy DerivSpecStock{} = StockStrategy
+derivSpecMechanismToStrategy DerivSpecNewtype{} = NewtypeStrategy
+derivSpecMechanismToStrategy DerivSpecAnyClass = AnyclassStrategy
+derivSpecMechanismToStrategy (DerivSpecVia{dsm_via_ty = t}) = ViaStrategy t
isDerivSpecStock, isDerivSpecNewtype, isDerivSpecAnyClass, isDerivSpecVia
:: DerivSpecMechanism -> Bool
@@ -251,10 +282,116 @@ isDerivSpecVia (DerivSpecVia{}) = True
isDerivSpecVia _ = False
instance Outputable DerivSpecMechanism where
- ppr (DerivSpecStock{}) = text "DerivSpecStock"
- ppr (DerivSpecNewtype t) = text "DerivSpecNewtype" <> colon <+> ppr t
- ppr DerivSpecAnyClass = text "DerivSpecAnyClass"
- ppr (DerivSpecVia t) = text "DerivSpecVia" <> colon <+> ppr t
+ ppr (DerivSpecStock{dsm_stock_dit = dit})
+ = hang (text "DerivSpecStock")
+ 2 (vcat [ text "dsm_stock_dit" <+> ppr dit ])
+ ppr (DerivSpecNewtype { dsm_newtype_dit = dit, dsm_newtype_rep_ty = rep_ty })
+ = hang (text "DerivSpecNewtype")
+ 2 (vcat [ text "dsm_newtype_dit" <+> ppr dit
+ , text "dsm_newtype_rep_ty" <+> ppr rep_ty ])
+ ppr DerivSpecAnyClass = text "DerivSpecAnyClass"
+ ppr (DerivSpecVia { dsm_via_cls_tys = cls_tys, dsm_via_inst_ty = inst_ty
+ , dsm_via_ty = via_ty })
+ = hang (text "DerivSpecVia")
+ 2 (vcat [ text "dsm_via_cls_tys" <+> ppr cls_tys
+ , text "dsm_via_inst_ty" <+> ppr inst_ty
+ , text "dsm_via_ty" <+> ppr via_ty ])
+Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]
+DerivEnv contains all of the bits and pieces that are common to every
+deriving strategy. (See Note [Deriving strategies] in TcDeriv.) Some deriving
+strategies impose stricter requirements on the types involved in the derived
+instance than others, and these differences are factored out into the
+DerivSpecMechanism type. Suppose that the derived instance looks like this:
+ instance ... => C arg_1 ... arg_n
+Each deriving strategy imposes restrictions on arg_1 through arg_n as follows:
+* stock (DerivSpecStock):
+ Stock deriving requires that:
+ - n must be a positive number. This is checked by
+ TcDeriv.expectNonNullaryClsArgs
+ - arg_n must be an application of an algebraic type constructor. Here,
+ "algebraic type constructor" means:
+ + An ordinary data type constructor, or
+ + A data family type constructor such that the arguments it is applied to
+ give rise to a data family instance.
+ This is checked by TcDeriv.expectAlgTyConApp.
+ This extra structure is witnessed by the DerivInstTys data type, which stores
+ arg_1 through arg_(n-1) (dit_cls_tys), the algebraic type constructor
+ (dit_tc), and its arguments (dit_tc_args). If dit_tc is an ordinary data type
+ constructor, then dit_rep_tc/dit_rep_tc_args are the same as
+ dit_tc/dit_tc_args. If dit_tc is a data family type constructor, then
+ dit_rep_tc is the representation type constructor for the data family
+ instance, and dit_rep_tc_args are the arguments to the representation type
+ constructor in the corresponding instance.
+* newtype (DerivSpecNewtype):
+ Newtype deriving imposes the same DerivInstTys requirements as stock
+ deriving. This is necessary because we need to know what the underlying type
+ that the newtype wraps is, and this information can only be learned by
+ knowing dit_rep_tc.
+* anyclass (DerivSpecAnyclass):
+ DeriveAnyClass is the most permissive deriving strategy of all, as it
+ essentially imposes no requirements on the derived instance. This is because
+ DeriveAnyClass simply derives an empty instance, so it does not need any
+ particular knowledge about the types involved. It can do several things
+ that stock/newtype deriving cannot do (#13154):
+ - n can be 0. That is, one is allowed to anyclass-derive an instance with
+ no arguments to the class, such as in this example:
+ class C
+ deriving anyclass instance C
+ - One can derive an instance for a type that is not headed by a type
+ constructor, such as in the following example:
+ class C (n :: Nat)
+ deriving instance C 0
+ deriving instance C 1
+ ...
+ - One can derive an instance for a data family with no data family instances,
+ such as in the following example:
+ data family Foo a
+ class C a
+ deriving anyclass instance C (Foo a)
+* via (DerivSpecVia):
+ Like newtype deriving, DerivingVia requires that n must be a positive number.
+ This is because when one derives something like this:
+ deriving via Foo instance C Bar
+ Then the generated code must specifically mention Bar. However, in
+ contrast with newtype deriving, DerivingVia does *not* require Bar to be
+ an application of an algebraic type constructor. This is because the
+ generated code simply defers to invoking `coerce`, which does not need to
+ know anything in particular about Bar (besides that it is representationally
+ equal to Foo). This allows DerivingVia to do some things that are not
+ possible with newtype deriving, such as deriving instances for data families
+ without data instances (#13154):
+ data family Foo a
+ newtype ByBar a = ByBar a
+ class Baz a where ...
+ instance Baz (ByBar a) where ...
+ deriving via ByBar (Foo a) instance Baz (Foo a)
-- | Whether GHC is processing a @deriving@ clause or a standalone deriving
-- declaration.
@@ -920,12 +1057,9 @@ if DeriveAnyClass is enabled.
This is not restricted to Generics; any class can be derived, simply giving
rise to an empty instance.
-Unfortunately, it is not clear how to determine the context (when using a
-deriving clause; in standalone deriving, the user provides the context).
-GHC uses the same heuristic for figuring out the class context that it uses for
-Eq in the case of *-kinded classes, and for Functor in the case of
-* -> *-kinded classes. That may not be optimal or even wrong. But in such
-cases, standalone deriving can still be used.
+See Note [Gathering and simplifying constraints for DeriveAnyClass] in
+TcDerivInfer for an explanation hof how the instance context is inferred for
Note [Check that the type variable is truly universal]
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T13154b.hs b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T13154b.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9df828b111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T13154b.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-partial-type-signatures #-}
+module T13154b where
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.Typeable
+import GHC.Exts
+import GHC.TypeLits
+class Foo1 (a :: TYPE ('TupleRep '[]))
+deriving instance Foo1 a
+class Foo2 (a :: TYPE ('TupleRep '[]))
+deriving instance Foo2 (##)
+class Foo3 (a :: TYPE ('SumRep '[ 'LiftedRep, 'LiftedRep ]))
+deriving instance Foo3 a
+class Foo4 (a :: TYPE ('SumRep '[ 'LiftedRep, 'LiftedRep ]))
+deriving instance Foo4 (# a | b #)
+class Foo5 (a :: Type)
+deriving instance Foo5 a
+class Foo6
+deriving instance Foo6
+class Foo7 (a :: Nat)
+deriving anyclass instance Foo7 0
+deriving instance Foo7 1
+class Foo8 (a :: Symbol)
+deriving anyclass instance Foo8 "a"
+deriving instance Foo8 "b"
+class Typeable a => Foo9 a
+deriving instance _ => Foo9 (f a)
+data family D1 a
+newtype ByBar a = ByBar a
+class Foo10 a where
+ baz :: a -> a
+instance Foo10 (ByBar a) where
+ baz = id
+deriving via ByBar (D1 a) instance Foo10 (D1 a)
+data family D2
+data family D3
+class Foo11 a where
+deriving anyclass instance Foo11 D2
+deriving instance Foo11 D3
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/all.T b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/all.T
index 55c7d90f09..e29ae0e0b5 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/all.T
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ test('T12616', normal, compile, [''])
test('T12688', normal, compile, [''])
test('T12814', normal, compile, ['-Wredundant-constraints'])
test('T13154a', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T13154b', normal, compile, [''])
test('T13272', normal, compile, [''])
test('T13272a', normal, compile, [''])
test('T13297', normal, compile, [''])
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T13154c.hs b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T13154c.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..342bb9fc48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T13154c.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+module T13154c where
+import GHC.Exts
+-- Test some nonsense configurations
+class Foo1 (a :: TYPE ('TupleRep '[]))
+deriving stock instance Foo1 a
+deriving stock instance Foo1 (##)
+deriving newtype instance Foo1 a
+deriving newtype instance Foo1 (##)
+class Foo2
+deriving stock instance Foo2
+deriving newtype instance Foo2
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T13154c.stderr b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T13154c.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70031a79b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T13154c.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+T13154c.hs:16:1: error:
+ • Can't make a derived instance of
+ ‘Foo1 a’ with the stock strategy:
+ The last argument of the instance must be a data or newtype application
+ • In the stand-alone deriving instance for ‘Foo1 a’
+T13154c.hs:17:1: error:
+ • Can't make a derived instance of
+ ‘Foo1 (# #)’ with the stock strategy:
+ ‘Foo1’ is not a stock derivable class (Eq, Show, etc.)
+ • In the stand-alone deriving instance for ‘Foo1 (# #)’
+T13154c.hs:18:1: error:
+ • Can't make a derived instance of
+ ‘Foo1 a’ with the newtype strategy:
+ The last argument of the instance must be a data or newtype application
+ • In the stand-alone deriving instance for ‘Foo1 a’
+T13154c.hs:19:1: error:
+ • Can't make a derived instance of
+ ‘Foo1 (# #)’ with the newtype strategy:
+ GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving cannot be used on non-newtypes
+ • In the stand-alone deriving instance for ‘Foo1 (# #)’
+T13154c.hs:22:1: error:
+ • Can't make a derived instance of ‘Foo2’ with the stock strategy:
+ Cannot derive instances for nullary classes
+ • In the stand-alone deriving instance for ‘Foo2’
+T13154c.hs:23:1: error:
+ • Can't make a derived instance of
+ ‘Foo2’ with the newtype strategy:
+ Cannot derive instances for nullary classes
+ • In the stand-alone deriving instance for ‘Foo2’
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T7959.stderr b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T7959.stderr
index 254cfedacb..0ba77ffb8b 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T7959.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T7959.stderr
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
T7959.hs:5:1: error:
- • Cannot derive instances for nullary classes
+ • Can't make a derived instance of ‘A’: Try enabling DeriveAnyClass
• In the stand-alone deriving instance for ‘A’
T7959.hs:6:17: error:
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/all.T b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/all.T
index bd2c55983a..d195a08691 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/all.T
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ test('T11509_1', [when(doing_ghci(), extra_hc_opts('-fobject-code'))],
test('T12163', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('T12512', omit_ways(['ghci']), compile_fail, [''])
test('T12801', normal, compile_fail, [''])
+test('T13154c', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('T14365', [extra_files(['T14365B.hs','T14365B.hs-boot'])],
multimod_compile_fail, ['T14365A',''])
test('T14728a', normal, compile_fail, [''])