diff options
mode: <unknown>2010-03-04 12:53:37 +0000 <unknown>2010-03-04 12:53:37 +0000
commitf1cc3eb980a634e62f2739a7a25387c902fa9d8a (patch)
parent0a5613f40b0e32cf59966e6b56b807cdbe80aa7b (diff)
Refactor part of the renamer to fix Trac #3901
This one was bigger than I anticipated! The problem was that were were gathering the binders from a pattern before renaming -- but with record wild-cards we don't know what variables are bound by C {..} until after the renamer has filled in the "..". So this patch does the following * Change all the collect-X-Binders functions in HsUtils so that they expect to only be called *after* renaming. That means they don't need to return [Located id] but just [id]. Which turned out to be a very worthwhile simplification all by itself. * Refactor the renamer, and in ptic RnExpr.rnStmt, so that it doesn't need to use collectLStmtsBinders on pre-renamed Stmts. * This in turn required me to understand how GroupStmt and TransformStmts were renamed. Quite fiddly. I rewrote most of it; result is much shorter. * In doing so I flattened HsExpr.GroupByClause into its parent GroupStmt, with trivial knock-on effects in other files. Blargh.
17 files changed, 464 insertions, 443 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs
index 52c0f04b53..6bdc8a178c 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import HscTypes
import StaticFlags
import TyCon
import FiniteMap
+import MonadUtils
import Maybes
import Data.Array
@@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ addTickHsExpr (HsIf e1 e2 e3) =
(addTickLHsExprOptAlt True e2)
(addTickLHsExprOptAlt True e3)
addTickHsExpr (HsLet binds e) =
- bindLocals (map unLoc $ collectLocalBinders binds) $
+ bindLocals (collectLocalBinders binds) $
liftM2 HsLet
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds) -- to think about: !patterns.
(addTickLHsExprNeverOrAlways e)
@@ -398,7 +399,7 @@ addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany (GRHSs guarded local_binds) = do
guarded' <- mapM (liftL (addTickGRHS isOneOfMany)) guarded
return $ GRHSs guarded' local_binds'
- binders = map unLoc (collectLocalBinders local_binds)
+ binders = collectLocalBinders local_binds
addTickGRHS :: Bool -> GRHS Id -> TM (GRHS Id)
addTickGRHS isOneOfMany (GRHS stmts expr) = do
@@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ addTickLStmts' isGuard lstmts res
a <- res
return (lstmts', a)
- binders = map unLoc (collectLStmtsBinders lstmts)
+ binders = collectLStmtsBinders lstmts
addTickStmt :: (Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel)) -> Stmt Id -> TM (Stmt Id)
addTickStmt _isGuard (BindStmt pat e bind fail) = do
@@ -440,25 +441,21 @@ addTickStmt _isGuard (LetStmt binds) = do
addTickStmt isGuard (ParStmt pairs) = do
liftM ParStmt
(mapM (addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard) pairs)
-addTickStmt isGuard (TransformStmt (stmts, ids) usingExpr maybeByExpr) = do
- liftM3 TransformStmt
- (addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard (stmts, ids))
+addTickStmt isGuard (TransformStmt stmts ids usingExpr maybeByExpr) = do
+ liftM4 TransformStmt
+ (addTickLStmts isGuard stmts)
+ (return ids)
(addTickLHsExprAlways usingExpr)
(addTickMaybeByLHsExpr maybeByExpr)
-addTickStmt isGuard (GroupStmt (stmts, binderMap) groupByClause) = do
- liftM2 GroupStmt
- (addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard (stmts, binderMap))
- (case groupByClause of
- GroupByNothing usingExpr -> addTickLHsExprAlways usingExpr >>= (return . GroupByNothing)
- GroupBySomething eitherUsingExpr byExpr -> do
- eitherUsingExpr' <- mapEitherM addTickLHsExprAlways (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan) eitherUsingExpr
- byExpr' <- addTickLHsExprAlways byExpr
- return $ GroupBySomething eitherUsingExpr' byExpr')
- where
- mapEitherM f g x = do
- case x of
- Left a -> f a >>= (return . Left)
- Right b -> g b >>= (return . Right)
+addTickStmt isGuard (GroupStmt stmts binderMap by using) = do
+ liftM4 GroupStmt
+ (addTickLStmts isGuard stmts)
+ (return binderMap)
+ (fmapMaybeM addTickLHsExprAlways by)
+ (fmapEitherM addTickLHsExprAlways (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan) using)
addTickStmt isGuard stmt@(RecStmt {})
= do { stmts' <- addTickLStmts isGuard (recS_stmts stmt)
; ret' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_ret_fn stmt)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs
index 48700f6773..b1a4c59a88 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ import Match
import DsUtils
import DsMonad
-import HsSyn hiding (collectPatBinders, collectLocatedPatBinders, collectl,
- collectPatsBinders, collectLocatedPatsBinders)
+import HsSyn hiding (collectPatBinders, collectPatsBinders )
import TcHsSyn
-- NB: The desugarer, which straddles the source and Core worlds, sometimes
@@ -526,7 +525,7 @@ dsCmd ids local_vars env_ids stack res_ty (HsCase exp (MatchGroup matches match_
dsCmd ids local_vars env_ids stack res_ty (HsLet binds body) = do
- defined_vars = mkVarSet (map unLoc (collectLocalBinders binds))
+ defined_vars = mkVarSet (collectLocalBinders binds)
local_vars' = local_vars `unionVarSet` defined_vars
(core_body, _free_vars, env_ids') <- dsfixCmd ids local_vars' stack res_ty body
@@ -633,7 +632,7 @@ dsCmdDo ids local_vars env_ids res_ty [] body
dsCmdDo ids local_vars env_ids res_ty (stmt:stmts) body = do
- bound_vars = mkVarSet (map unLoc (collectLStmtBinders stmt))
+ bound_vars = mkVarSet (collectLStmtBinders stmt)
local_vars' = local_vars `unionVarSet` bound_vars
(core_stmts, _, env_ids') <- fixDs (\ ~(_,_,env_ids') -> do
(core_stmts, fv_stmts) <- dsCmdDo ids local_vars' env_ids' res_ty stmts body
@@ -923,7 +922,7 @@ dsCmdStmts ids local_vars env_ids out_ids [stmt]
dsCmdStmts ids local_vars env_ids out_ids (stmt:stmts) = do
- bound_vars = mkVarSet (map unLoc (collectLStmtBinders stmt))
+ bound_vars = mkVarSet (collectLStmtBinders stmt)
local_vars' = local_vars `unionVarSet` bound_vars
(core_stmts, _fv_stmts, env_ids') <- dsfixCmdStmts ids local_vars' out_ids stmts
(core_stmt, fv_stmt) <- dsCmdLStmt ids local_vars env_ids env_ids' stmt
@@ -963,10 +962,10 @@ leavesMatch (L _ (Match pats _ (GRHSs grhss binds)))
= let
defined_vars = mkVarSet (collectPatsBinders pats)
- mkVarSet (map unLoc (collectLocalBinders binds))
+ mkVarSet (collectLocalBinders binds)
- mkVarSet (map unLoc (collectLStmtsBinders stmts))
+ mkVarSet (collectLStmtsBinders stmts)
`unionVarSet` defined_vars)
| L _ (GRHS stmts expr) <- grhss]
@@ -1009,6 +1008,8 @@ foldb f xs = foldb f (fold_pairs xs)
fold_pairs (x1:x2:xs) = f x1 x2:fold_pairs xs
+Note [Dictionary binders in ConPatOut] See also same Note in HsUtils
The following functions to collect value variables from patterns are
copied from HsUtils, with one change: we also collect the dictionary
bindings (pat_binds) from ConPatOut. We need them for cases like
@@ -1029,29 +1030,24 @@ these bindings.
collectPatBinders :: OutputableBndr a => LPat a -> [a]
-collectPatBinders pat = map unLoc (collectLocatedPatBinders pat)
-collectLocatedPatBinders :: OutputableBndr a => LPat a -> [Located a]
-collectLocatedPatBinders pat = collectl pat []
+collectPatBinders pat = collectl pat []
collectPatsBinders :: OutputableBndr a => [LPat a] -> [a]
-collectPatsBinders pats = map unLoc (collectLocatedPatsBinders pats)
-collectLocatedPatsBinders :: OutputableBndr a => [LPat a] -> [Located a]
-collectLocatedPatsBinders pats = foldr collectl [] pats
+collectPatsBinders pats = foldr collectl [] pats
-collectl :: OutputableBndr a => LPat a -> [Located a] -> [Located a]
-collectl (L l pat) bndrs
+collectl :: OutputableBndr a => LPat a -> [a] -> [a]
+-- See Note [Dictionary binders in ConPatOut]
+collectl (L _ pat) bndrs
= go pat
- go (VarPat var) = L l var : bndrs
- go (VarPatOut var bs) = L l var : collectHsBindLocatedBinders bs
+ go (VarPat var) = var : bndrs
+ go (VarPatOut var bs) = var : collectHsBindsBinders bs
++ bndrs
go (WildPat _) = bndrs
go (LazyPat pat) = collectl pat bndrs
go (BangPat pat) = collectl pat bndrs
- go (AsPat a pat) = a : collectl pat bndrs
+ go (AsPat (L _ a) pat) = a : collectl pat bndrs
go (ParPat pat) = collectl pat bndrs
go (ListPat pats _) = foldr collectl bndrs pats
@@ -1060,11 +1056,11 @@ collectl (L l pat) bndrs
go (ConPatIn _ ps) = foldr collectl bndrs (hsConPatArgs ps)
go (ConPatOut {pat_args=ps, pat_binds=ds}) =
- collectHsBindLocatedBinders ds
+ collectHsBindsBinders ds
++ foldr collectl bndrs (hsConPatArgs ps)
go (LitPat _) = bndrs
go (NPat _ _ _) = bndrs
- go (NPlusKPat n _ _ _) = n : bndrs
+ go (NPlusKPat (L _ n) _ _ _) = n : bndrs
go (SigPatIn pat _) = collectl pat bndrs
go (SigPatOut pat _) = collectl pat bndrs
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
index e7c1f20df8..46ae1291c7 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ import PrelInfo
import SrcLoc
import Outputable
import FastString
-import Control.Monad ( liftM2 )
List comprehensions may be desugared in one of two ways: ``ordinary''
@@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ dsInnerListComp (stmts, bndrs) = do
-- Given such a statement it gives you back an expression representing how to compute the transformed
-- list and the tuple that you need to bind from that list in order to proceed with your desugaring
dsTransformStmt :: Stmt Id -> DsM (CoreExpr, LPat Id)
-dsTransformStmt (TransformStmt (stmts, binders) usingExpr maybeByExpr) = do
+dsTransformStmt (TransformStmt stmts binders usingExpr maybeByExpr) = do
(expr, binders_tuple_type) <- dsInnerListComp (stmts, binders)
usingExpr' <- dsLExpr usingExpr
@@ -120,7 +118,7 @@ dsTransformStmt (TransformStmt (stmts, binders) usingExpr maybeByExpr) = do
-- Given such a statement it gives you back an expression representing how to compute the transformed
-- list and the tuple that you need to bind from that list in order to proceed with your desugaring
dsGroupStmt :: Stmt Id -> DsM (CoreExpr, LPat Id)
-dsGroupStmt (GroupStmt (stmts, binderMap) groupByClause) = do
+dsGroupStmt (GroupStmt stmts binderMap by using) = do
let (fromBinders, toBinders) = unzip binderMap
fromBindersTypes = map idType fromBinders
@@ -129,23 +127,19 @@ dsGroupStmt (GroupStmt (stmts, binderMap) groupByClause) = do
toBindersTupleType = mkBigCoreTupTy toBindersTypes
-- Desugar an inner comprehension which outputs a list of tuples of the "from" binders
- (expr, fromBindersTupleType) <- dsInnerListComp (stmts, fromBinders)
+ (expr, from_tup_ty) <- dsInnerListComp (stmts, fromBinders)
-- Work out what arguments should be supplied to that expression: i.e. is an extraction
-- function required? If so, create that desugared function and add to arguments
- (usingExpr', usingArgs) <-
- case groupByClause of
- GroupByNothing usingExpr -> liftM2 (,) (dsLExpr usingExpr) (return [expr])
- GroupBySomething usingExpr byExpr -> do
- usingExpr' <- dsLExpr (either id noLoc usingExpr)
- byExpr' <- dsLExpr byExpr
- us <- newUniqueSupply
- [fromBindersTuple] <- newSysLocalsDs [fromBindersTupleType]
- let byExprWrapper = mkTupleCase us fromBinders byExpr' fromBindersTuple (Var fromBindersTuple)
- return (usingExpr', [Lam fromBindersTuple byExprWrapper, expr])
+ usingExpr' <- dsLExpr (either id noLoc using)
+ usingArgs <- case by of
+ Nothing -> return [expr]
+ Just by_e -> do { by_e' <- dsLExpr by_e
+ ; us <- newUniqueSupply
+ ; [from_tup_id] <- newSysLocalsDs [from_tup_ty]
+ ; let by_wrap = mkTupleCase us fromBinders by_e'
+ from_tup_id (Var from_tup_id)
+ ; return [Lam from_tup_id by_wrap, expr] }
-- Create an unzip function for the appropriate arity and element types and find "map"
(unzip_fn, unzip_rhs) <- mkUnzipBind fromBindersTypes
@@ -153,12 +147,12 @@ dsGroupStmt (GroupStmt (stmts, binderMap) groupByClause) = do
-- Generate the expressions to build the grouped list
let -- First we apply the grouping function to the inner list
- inner_list_expr = mkApps usingExpr' ((Type fromBindersTupleType) : usingArgs)
+ inner_list_expr = mkApps usingExpr' ((Type from_tup_ty) : usingArgs)
-- Then we map our "unzip" across it to turn the lists of tuples into tuples of lists
-- We make sure we instantiate the type variable "a" to be a list of "from" tuples and
-- the "b" to be a tuple of "to" lists!
unzipped_inner_list_expr = mkApps (Var map_id)
- [Type (mkListTy fromBindersTupleType), Type toBindersTupleType, Var unzip_fn, inner_list_expr]
+ [Type (mkListTy from_tup_ty), Type toBindersTupleType, Var unzip_fn, inner_list_expr]
-- Then finally we bind the unzip function around that expression
bound_unzipped_inner_list_expr = Let (Rec [(unzip_fn, unzip_rhs)]) unzipped_inner_list_expr
@@ -270,11 +264,11 @@ deListComp (LetStmt binds : quals) body list = do
core_rest <- deListComp quals body list
dsLocalBinds binds core_rest
-deListComp (stmt@(TransformStmt _ _ _) : quals) body list = do
+deListComp (stmt@(TransformStmt {}) : quals) body list = do
(inner_list_expr, pat) <- dsTransformStmt stmt
deBindComp pat inner_list_expr quals body list
-deListComp (stmt@(GroupStmt _ _) : quals) body list = do
+deListComp (stmt@(GroupStmt {}) : quals) body list = do
(inner_list_expr, pat) <- dsGroupStmt stmt
deBindComp pat inner_list_expr quals body list
@@ -362,12 +356,12 @@ dfListComp c_id n_id (LetStmt binds : quals) body = do
core_rest <- dfListComp c_id n_id quals body
dsLocalBinds binds core_rest
-dfListComp c_id n_id (stmt@(TransformStmt _ _ _) : quals) body = do
+dfListComp c_id n_id (stmt@(TransformStmt {}) : quals) body = do
(inner_list_expr, pat) <- dsTransformStmt stmt
-- Anyway, we bind the newly transformed list via the generic binding function
dfBindComp c_id n_id (pat, inner_list_expr) quals body
-dfListComp c_id n_id (stmt@(GroupStmt _ _) : quals) body = do
+dfListComp c_id n_id (stmt@(GroupStmt {}) : quals) body = do
(inner_list_expr, pat) <- dsGroupStmt stmt
-- Anyway, we bind the newly grouped list via the generic binding function
dfBindComp c_id n_id (pat, inner_list_expr) quals body
@@ -604,7 +598,7 @@ dePArrComp (BindStmt p e _ _ : qs) body pa cea = do
dePArrComp (LetStmt ds : qs) body pa cea = do
mapP <- dsLookupGlobalId mapPName
- let xs = map unLoc (collectLocalBinders ds)
+ let xs = collectLocalBinders ds
ty'cea = parrElemType cea
v <- newSysLocalDs ty'cea
clet <- dsLocalBinds ds (mkCoreTup (map Var xs))
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
index 43c4622b39..f071a172ff 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ repTopP pat = do { ss <- mkGenSyms (collectPatBinders pat)
repTopDs :: HsGroup Name -> DsM (Core (TH.Q [TH.Dec]))
repTopDs group
- = do { let { bndrs = map unLoc (groupBinders group) } ;
+ = do { let { bndrs = groupBinders group } ;
ss <- mkGenSyms bndrs ;
-- Bind all the names mainly to avoid repeated use of explicit strings.
@@ -135,13 +135,13 @@ repTopDs group
-- Do *not* gensym top-level binders
-groupBinders :: HsGroup Name -> [Located Name]
+groupBinders :: HsGroup Name -> [Name]
groupBinders (HsGroup { hs_valds = val_decls, hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
hs_instds = inst_decls, hs_fords = foreign_decls })
-- Collect the binders of a Group
= collectHsValBinders val_decls ++
- [n | d <- tycl_decls ++ assoc_tycl_decls, n <- tyClDeclNames (unLoc d)] ++
- [n | L _ (ForeignImport n _ _) <- foreign_decls]
+ [n | d <- tycl_decls ++ assoc_tycl_decls, L _ n <- tyClDeclNames (unLoc d)] ++
+ [n | L _ (ForeignImport (L _ n) _ _) <- foreign_decls]
assoc_tycl_decls = concat [ats | L _ (InstDecl _ _ _ ats) <- inst_decls]
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ repInstD' (L loc (InstDecl ty binds _ ats)) -- Ignore user pragmas for now
-- appear in the resulting data structure
do { cxt1 <- repContext cxt
; inst_ty1 <- repPredTy (HsClassP cls tys)
- ; ss <- mkGenSyms (collectHsBindBinders binds)
+ ; ss <- mkGenSyms (collectHsBindsBinders binds)
; binds1 <- addBinds ss (rep_binds binds)
; ats1 <- repLAssocFamInst ats
; decls1 <- coreList decQTyConName (ats1 ++ binds1)
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ repBinds EmptyLocalBinds
repBinds b@(HsIPBinds _) = notHandled "Implicit parameters" (ppr b)
repBinds (HsValBinds decs)
- = do { let { bndrs = map unLoc (collectHsValBinders decs) }
+ = do { let { bndrs = collectHsValBinders decs }
-- No need to worrry about detailed scopes within
-- the binding group, because we are talking Names
-- here, so we can safely treat it as a mutually
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
index fd4f6db8eb..a328ceeeb6 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
@@ -808,15 +808,6 @@ type LStmtLR idL idR = Located (StmtLR idL idR)
type Stmt id = StmtLR id id
-data GroupByClause id
- = GroupByNothing (LHsExpr id) -- Using expression, i.e.
- -- "then group using f" ==> GroupByNothing f
- | GroupBySomething (Either (LHsExpr id) (SyntaxExpr id)) (LHsExpr id)
- -- "then group using f by e" ==> GroupBySomething (Left f) e
- -- "then group by e" ==> GroupBySomething (Right _) e: in
- -- this case the expression is filled
- -- in by the renamer
-- The SyntaxExprs in here are used *only* for do-notation, which
-- has rebindable syntax. Otherwise they are unused.
data StmtLR idL idR
@@ -838,16 +829,33 @@ data StmtLR idL idR
-- After renaming, the ids are the binders bound by the stmts and used
-- after them
- | TransformStmt ([LStmt idL], [idR]) (LHsExpr idR) (Maybe (LHsExpr idR))
- -- After renaming, the IDs are the binders occurring within this
- -- transform statement that are used after it
- -- "qs, then f by e" ==> TransformStmt (qs, binders) f (Just e)
- -- "qs, then f" ==> TransformStmt (qs, binders) f Nothing
+ -- "qs, then f by e" ==> TransformStmt qs binders f (Just e)
+ -- "qs, then f" ==> TransformStmt qs binders f Nothing
+ | TransformStmt
+ [LStmt idL] -- Stmts are the ones to the left of the 'then'
+ [idR] -- After renaming, the IDs are the binders occurring
+ -- within this transform statement that are used after it
+ (LHsExpr idR) -- "then f"
+ (Maybe (LHsExpr idR)) -- "by e" (optional)
- | GroupStmt ([LStmt idL], [(idR, idR)]) (GroupByClause idR)
- -- After renaming, the IDs are the binders occurring within this
- -- transform statement that are used after it which are paired with
- -- the names which they group over in statements
+ | GroupStmt
+ [LStmt idL] -- Stmts to the *left* of the 'group'
+ -- which generates the tuples to be grouped
+ [(idR, idR)] -- After renaming, the IDs are the binders
+ -- occurring within this transform statement that
+ -- are used after it which are paired with the
+ -- names which they group over in statements
+ (Maybe (LHsExpr idR)) -- "by e" (optional)
+ (Either -- "using f"
+ (LHsExpr idR) -- Left f => explicit "using f"
+ (SyntaxExpr idR)) -- Right f => implicit; filled in with 'groupWith'
-- Recursive statement (see Note [RecStmt] below)
| RecStmt
@@ -959,43 +967,57 @@ pprStmt (LetStmt binds) = hsep [ptext (sLit "let"), pprBinds binds]
pprStmt (ExprStmt expr _ _) = ppr expr
pprStmt (ParStmt stmtss) = hsep (map doStmts stmtss)
where doStmts stmts = ptext (sLit "| ") <> ppr stmts
-pprStmt (TransformStmt (stmts, _) usingExpr maybeByExpr)
- = (hsep [stmtsDoc, ptext (sLit "then"), ppr usingExpr, byExprDoc])
- where stmtsDoc = interpp'SP stmts
- byExprDoc = maybe empty (\byExpr -> hsep [ptext (sLit "by"), ppr byExpr]) maybeByExpr
-pprStmt (GroupStmt (stmts, _) groupByClause) = (hsep [stmtsDoc, ptext (sLit "then group"), pprGroupByClause groupByClause])
- where stmtsDoc = interpp'SP stmts
-pprStmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = segment, recS_rec_ids = rec_ids, recS_later_ids = later_ids })
+pprStmt (TransformStmt stmts _ using by)
+ = sep (ppr_lc_stmts stmts ++ [pprTransformStmt using by])
+pprStmt (GroupStmt stmts _ by using)
+ = sep (ppr_lc_stmts stmts ++ [pprGroupStmt by using])
+pprStmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = segment, recS_rec_ids = rec_ids
+ , recS_later_ids = later_ids })
= ptext (sLit "rec") <+>
vcat [ braces (vcat (map ppr segment))
, ifPprDebug (vcat [ ptext (sLit "rec_ids=") <> ppr rec_ids
, ptext (sLit "later_ids=") <> ppr later_ids])]
-pprGroupByClause :: (OutputableBndr id) => GroupByClause id -> SDoc
-pprGroupByClause (GroupByNothing usingExpr) = hsep [ptext (sLit "using"), ppr usingExpr]
-pprGroupByClause (GroupBySomething eitherUsingExpr byExpr) = hsep [ptext (sLit "by"), ppr byExpr, usingExprDoc]
- where usingExprDoc = either (\usingExpr -> hsep [ptext (sLit "using"), ppr usingExpr]) (const empty) eitherUsingExpr
+pprTransformStmt :: OutputableBndr id => LHsExpr id -> Maybe (LHsExpr id) -> SDoc
+pprTransformStmt using by = sep [ ptext (sLit "then"), nest 2 (ppr using), nest 2 (pprBy by)]
+pprGroupStmt :: OutputableBndr id => Maybe (LHsExpr id)
+ -> Either (LHsExpr id) (SyntaxExpr is)
+ -> SDoc
+pprGroupStmt by using
+ = sep [ ptext (sLit "then group"), nest 2 (pprBy by), nest 2 (ppr_using using)]
+ where
+ ppr_using (Right _) = empty
+ ppr_using (Left e) = ptext (sLit "using") <+> ppr e
+pprBy :: OutputableBndr id => Maybe (LHsExpr id) -> SDoc
+pprBy Nothing = empty
+pprBy (Just e) = ptext (sLit "by") <+> ppr e
pprDo :: OutputableBndr id => HsStmtContext any -> [LStmt id] -> LHsExpr id -> SDoc
pprDo DoExpr stmts body = ptext (sLit "do") <+> ppr_do_stmts stmts body
pprDo GhciStmt stmts body = ptext (sLit "do") <+> ppr_do_stmts stmts body
pprDo (MDoExpr _) stmts body = ptext (sLit "mdo") <+> ppr_do_stmts stmts body
-pprDo ListComp stmts body = pprComp brackets stmts body
-pprDo PArrComp stmts body = pprComp pa_brackets stmts body
+pprDo ListComp stmts body = brackets $ pprComp stmts body
+pprDo PArrComp stmts body = pa_brackets $ pprComp stmts body
pprDo _ _ _ = panic "pprDo" -- PatGuard, ParStmtCxt
ppr_do_stmts :: OutputableBndr id => [LStmt id] -> LHsExpr id -> SDoc
-- Print a bunch of do stmts, with explicit braces and semicolons,
-- so that we are not vulnerable to layout bugs
ppr_do_stmts stmts body
- = lbrace <+> pprDeeperList vcat ([ ppr s <> semi | s <- stmts] ++ [ppr body])
+ = lbrace <+> pprDeeperList vcat ([ppr s <> semi | s <- stmts] ++ [ppr body])
<+> rbrace
-pprComp :: OutputableBndr id => (SDoc -> SDoc) -> [LStmt id] -> LHsExpr id -> SDoc
-pprComp brack quals body
- = brack $
- hang (ppr body <+> char '|')
- 4 (interpp'SP quals)
+ppr_lc_stmts :: OutputableBndr id => [LStmt id] -> [SDoc]
+ppr_lc_stmts stmts = [ppr s <> comma | s <- stmts]
+pprComp :: OutputableBndr id => [LStmt id] -> LHsExpr id -> SDoc
+pprComp quals body -- Prints: body | qual1, ..., qualn
+ = hang (ppr body <+> char '|') 2 (interpp'SP quals)
@@ -1202,5 +1224,10 @@ pprMatchInCtxt ctxt match = hang (ptext (sLit "In") <+> pprMatchContext ctxt <>
pprStmtInCtxt :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR)
=> HsStmtContext idL -> StmtLR idL idR -> SDoc
pprStmtInCtxt ctxt stmt = hang (ptext (sLit "In a stmt of") <+> pprStmtContext ctxt <> colon)
- 4 (ppr stmt)
+ 4 (ppr_stmt stmt)
+ where
+ -- For Group and Transform Stmts, don't print the nested stmts!
+ ppr_stmt (GroupStmt _ _ by using) = pprGroupStmt by using
+ ppr_stmt (TransformStmt _ _ using by) = pprTransformStmt using by
+ ppr_stmt stmt = pprStmt stmt
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
index 506537517d..8ab583a28c 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ data HsRecFields id arg -- A bunch of record fields
data HsRecField id arg = HsRecField {
hsRecFieldId :: Located id,
- hsRecFieldArg :: arg,
+ hsRecFieldArg :: arg, -- Filled in by renamer
hsRecPun :: Bool -- Note [Punning]
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
index 14193e0e07..d5ff6f5624 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,51 @@ which deal with the intantiated versions are located elsewhere:
Id typecheck/TcHsSyn
-module HsUtils where
+module HsUtils(
+ -- Terms
+ mkHsPar, mkHsApp, mkHsConApp, mkSimpleHsAlt,
+ mkSimpleMatch, unguardedGRHSs, unguardedRHS,
+ mkMatchGroup, mkMatch, mkHsLam,
+ mkHsWrap, mkLHsWrap, mkHsWrapCoI, coiToHsWrapper, mkHsDictLet,
+ mkHsOpApp, mkHsDo,
+ nlHsTyApp, nlHsVar, nlHsLit, nlHsApp, nlHsApps, nlHsIntLit, nlHsVarApps,
+ nlHsDo, nlHsOpApp, nlHsLam, nlHsPar, nlHsIf, nlHsCase, nlList,
+ mkLHsTupleExpr, mkLHsVarTuple, missingTupArg,
+ -- Bindigns
+ mkFunBind, mkVarBind, mkHsVarBind, mk_easy_FunBind, mk_FunBind,
+ -- Literals
+ mkHsIntegral, mkHsFractional, mkHsIsString, mkHsString,
+ -- Patterns
+ mkNPat, mkNPlusKPat, nlVarPat, nlLitPat, nlConVarPat, nlConPat, nlInfixConPat,
+ nlNullaryConPat, nlWildConPat, nlWildPat, nlTuplePat,
+ -- Types
+ mkHsAppTy, userHsTyVarBndrs,
+ nlHsAppTy, nlHsTyVar, nlHsFunTy, nlHsTyConApp,
+ -- Stmts
+ mkTransformStmt, mkTransformByStmt, mkExprStmt, mkBindStmt,
+ mkGroupUsingStmt, mkGroupByStmt, mkGroupByUsingStmt,
+ emptyRecStmt, mkRecStmt,
+ -- Template Haskell
+ unqualSplice, mkHsSpliceTy, mkHsSplice, mkHsQuasiQuote, unqualQuasiQuote,
+ -- Flags
+ noRebindableInfo,
+ -- Collecting binders
+ collectLocalBinders, collectHsValBinders,
+ collectHsBindsBinders, collectHsBindBinders, collectMethodBinders,
+ collectPatBinders, collectPatsBinders,
+ collectLStmtsBinders, collectStmtsBinders,
+ collectLStmtBinders, collectStmtBinders,
+ collectSigTysFromPats, collectSigTysFromPat
+ ) where
import HsBinds
import HsExpr
@@ -135,10 +179,6 @@ mkNPlusKPat :: Located id -> HsOverLit id -> Pat id
mkTransformStmt :: [LStmt idL] -> LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL idR
mkTransformByStmt :: [LStmt idL] -> LHsExpr idR -> LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL idR
-mkGroupUsingStmt :: [LStmt idL] -> LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL idR
-mkGroupByStmt :: [LStmt idL] -> LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL idR
-mkGroupByUsingStmt :: [LStmt idL] -> LHsExpr idR -> LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL idR
mkExprStmt :: LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL idR
mkBindStmt :: LPat idL -> LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL idR
@@ -158,12 +198,16 @@ mkHsDo ctxt stmts body = HsDo ctxt stmts body placeHolderType
mkNPat lit neg = NPat lit neg noSyntaxExpr
mkNPlusKPat id lit = NPlusKPat id lit noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr
-mkTransformStmt stmts usingExpr = TransformStmt (stmts, []) usingExpr Nothing
-mkTransformByStmt stmts usingExpr byExpr = TransformStmt (stmts, []) usingExpr (Just byExpr)
+mkTransformStmt stmts usingExpr = TransformStmt stmts [] usingExpr Nothing
+mkTransformByStmt stmts usingExpr byExpr = TransformStmt stmts [] usingExpr (Just byExpr)
-mkGroupUsingStmt stmts usingExpr = GroupStmt (stmts, []) (GroupByNothing usingExpr)
-mkGroupByStmt stmts byExpr = GroupStmt (stmts, []) (GroupBySomething (Right noSyntaxExpr) byExpr)
-mkGroupByUsingStmt stmts byExpr usingExpr = GroupStmt (stmts, []) (GroupBySomething (Left usingExpr) byExpr)
+mkGroupUsingStmt :: [LStmt idL] -> LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL idR
+mkGroupByStmt :: [LStmt idL] -> LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL idR
+mkGroupByUsingStmt :: [LStmt idL] -> LHsExpr idR -> LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL idR
+mkGroupUsingStmt stmts usingExpr = GroupStmt stmts [] Nothing (Left usingExpr)
+mkGroupByStmt stmts byExpr = GroupStmt stmts [] (Just byExpr) (Right noSyntaxExpr)
+mkGroupByUsingStmt stmts byExpr usingExpr = GroupStmt stmts [] (Just byExpr) (Left usingExpr)
mkExprStmt expr = ExprStmt expr noSyntaxExpr placeHolderType
mkBindStmt pat expr = BindStmt pat expr noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr
@@ -362,7 +406,7 @@ mkMatch pats expr binds
%* *
- Collecting binders from HsBindGroups and HsBinds
+ Collecting binders
%* *
@@ -376,126 +420,116 @@ where
it should return [x, y, f, a, b] (remember, order important).
+Note [Collect binders only after renaming]
+These functions should only be used on HsSyn *after* the renamer,
+to reuturn a [Name] or [Id]. Before renaming the record punning
+and wild-card mechanism makes it hard to know what is bound.
+So these functions should not be applied to (HsSyn RdrName)
-collectLocalBinders :: HsLocalBindsLR idL idR -> [Located idL]
+----------------- Bindings --------------------------
+collectLocalBinders :: HsLocalBindsLR idL idR -> [idL]
collectLocalBinders (HsValBinds val_binds) = collectHsValBinders val_binds
collectLocalBinders (HsIPBinds _) = []
collectLocalBinders EmptyLocalBinds = []
-collectHsValBinders :: HsValBindsLR idL idR -> [Located idL]
-collectHsValBinders (ValBindsIn binds _) = collectHsBindLocatedBinders binds
+collectHsValBinders :: HsValBindsLR idL idR -> [idL]
+collectHsValBinders (ValBindsIn binds _) = collectHsBindsBinders binds
collectHsValBinders (ValBindsOut binds _) = foldr collect_one [] binds
- collect_one (_,binds) acc = foldrBag (collectAcc . unLoc) acc binds
-collectAcc :: HsBindLR idL idR -> [Located idL] -> [Located idL]
-collectAcc (PatBind { pat_lhs = p }) acc = collectLocatedPatBinders p ++ acc
-collectAcc (FunBind { fun_id = f }) acc = f : acc
-collectAcc (VarBind { var_id = f }) acc = noLoc f : acc
-collectAcc (AbsBinds { abs_exports = dbinds, abs_binds = _binds }) acc
- = [noLoc dp | (_,dp,_,_) <- dbinds] ++ acc
- -- ++ foldr collectAcc acc binds
+ collect_one (_,binds) acc = collect_binds binds acc
+collectHsBindBinders :: HsBindLR idL idR -> [idL]
+collectHsBindBinders b = collect_bind b []
+collect_bind :: HsBindLR idL idR -> [idL] -> [idL]
+collect_bind (PatBind { pat_lhs = p }) acc = collect_lpat p acc
+collect_bind (FunBind { fun_id = L _ f }) acc = f : acc
+collect_bind (VarBind { var_id = f }) acc = f : acc
+collect_bind (AbsBinds { abs_exports = dbinds, abs_binds = _binds }) acc
+ = [dp | (_,dp,_,_) <- dbinds] ++ acc
+ -- ++ foldr collect_bind acc binds
-- I don't think we want the binders from the nested binds
-- The only time we collect binders from a typechecked
-- binding (hence see AbsBinds) is in zonking in TcHsSyn
-collectHsBindBinders :: LHsBindsLR idL idR -> [idL]
-collectHsBindBinders binds = map unLoc (collectHsBindLocatedBinders binds)
-collectHsBindLocatedBinders :: LHsBindsLR idL idR -> [Located idL]
-collectHsBindLocatedBinders binds = foldrBag (collectAcc . unLoc) [] binds
+collectHsBindsBinders :: LHsBindsLR idL idR -> [idL]
+collectHsBindsBinders binds = collect_binds binds []
+collect_binds :: LHsBindsLR idL idR -> [idL] -> [idL]
+collect_binds binds acc = foldrBag (collect_bind . unLoc) acc binds
-%* *
- Getting binders from statements
-%* *
+collectMethodBinders :: LHsBindsLR RdrName idR -> [Located RdrName]
+-- Used exclusively for the bindings of an instance decl which are all FunBinds
+collectMethodBinders binds = foldrBag get [] binds
+ where
+ get (L _ (FunBind { fun_id = f })) fs = f : fs
+ get _ fs = fs
+ -- Someone else complains about non-FunBinds
-collectLStmtsBinders :: [LStmtLR idL idR] -> [Located idL]
+----------------- Statements --------------------------
+collectLStmtsBinders :: [LStmtLR idL idR] -> [idL]
collectLStmtsBinders = concatMap collectLStmtBinders
-collectStmtsBinders :: [StmtLR idL idR] -> [Located idL]
+collectStmtsBinders :: [StmtLR idL idR] -> [idL]
collectStmtsBinders = concatMap collectStmtBinders
-collectLStmtBinders :: LStmtLR idL idR -> [Located idL]
+collectLStmtBinders :: LStmtLR idL idR -> [idL]
collectLStmtBinders = collectStmtBinders . unLoc
-collectStmtBinders :: StmtLR idL idR -> [Located idL]
+collectStmtBinders :: StmtLR idL idR -> [idL]
-- Id Binders for a Stmt... [but what about pattern-sig type vars]?
-collectStmtBinders (BindStmt pat _ _ _) = collectLocatedPatBinders pat
+collectStmtBinders (BindStmt pat _ _ _) = collectPatBinders pat
collectStmtBinders (LetStmt binds) = collectLocalBinders binds
collectStmtBinders (ExprStmt _ _ _) = []
collectStmtBinders (ParStmt xs) = collectLStmtsBinders
$ concatMap fst xs
-collectStmtBinders (TransformStmt (stmts, _) _ _) = collectLStmtsBinders stmts
-collectStmtBinders (GroupStmt (stmts, _) _) = collectLStmtsBinders stmts
-collectStmtBinders (RecStmt { recS_stmts = ss }) = collectLStmtsBinders ss
+collectStmtBinders (TransformStmt stmts _ _ _) = collectLStmtsBinders stmts
+collectStmtBinders (GroupStmt stmts _ _ _) = collectLStmtsBinders stmts
+collectStmtBinders (RecStmt { recS_stmts = ss }) = collectLStmtsBinders ss
-%* *
-%* Gathering stuff out of patterns
-%* *
-This function @collectPatBinders@ works with the ``collectBinders''
-functions for @HsBinds@, etc. The order in which the binders are
-collected is important; see @HsBinds.lhs@.
-It collects the bounds *value* variables in renamed patterns; type variables
-are *not* collected.
+----------------- Patterns --------------------------
collectPatBinders :: LPat a -> [a]
-collectPatBinders pat = map unLoc (collectLocatedPatBinders pat)
-collectLocatedPatBinders :: LPat a -> [Located a]
-collectLocatedPatBinders pat = collectl pat []
+collectPatBinders pat = collect_lpat pat []
collectPatsBinders :: [LPat a] -> [a]
-collectPatsBinders pats = map unLoc (collectLocatedPatsBinders pats)
-collectLocatedPatsBinders :: [LPat a] -> [Located a]
-collectLocatedPatsBinders pats = foldr collectl [] pats
+collectPatsBinders pats = foldr collect_lpat [] pats
-collectl :: LPat name -> [Located name] -> [Located name]
-collectl (L l pat) bndrs
+collect_lpat :: LPat name -> [name] -> [name]
+collect_lpat (L _ pat) bndrs
= go pat
- go (VarPat var) = L l var : bndrs
- go (VarPatOut var bs) = L l var : collectHsBindLocatedBinders bs
- ++ bndrs
+ go (VarPat var) = var : bndrs
+ go (VarPatOut var bs) = var : collect_binds bs bndrs
go (WildPat _) = bndrs
- go (LazyPat pat) = collectl pat bndrs
- go (BangPat pat) = collectl pat bndrs
- go (AsPat a pat) = a : collectl pat bndrs
- go (ViewPat _ pat _) = collectl pat bndrs
- go (ParPat pat) = collectl pat bndrs
+ go (LazyPat pat) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (BangPat pat) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (AsPat (L _ a) pat) = a : collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (ViewPat _ pat _) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (ParPat pat) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
- go (ListPat pats _) = foldr collectl bndrs pats
- go (PArrPat pats _) = foldr collectl bndrs pats
- go (TuplePat pats _ _) = foldr collectl bndrs pats
+ go (ListPat pats _) = foldr collect_lpat bndrs pats
+ go (PArrPat pats _) = foldr collect_lpat bndrs pats
+ go (TuplePat pats _ _) = foldr collect_lpat bndrs pats
- go (ConPatIn _ ps) = foldr collectl bndrs (hsConPatArgs ps)
- go (ConPatOut {pat_args=ps}) = foldr collectl bndrs (hsConPatArgs ps)
+ go (ConPatIn _ ps) = foldr collect_lpat bndrs (hsConPatArgs ps)
+ go (ConPatOut {pat_args=ps}) = foldr collect_lpat bndrs (hsConPatArgs ps)
-- See Note [Dictionary binders in ConPatOut]
go (LitPat _) = bndrs
go (NPat _ _ _) = bndrs
- go (NPlusKPat n _ _ _) = n : bndrs
+ go (NPlusKPat (L _ n) _ _ _) = n : bndrs
- go (SigPatIn pat _) = collectl pat bndrs
- go (SigPatOut pat _) = collectl pat bndrs
+ go (SigPatIn pat _) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (SigPatOut pat _) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
go (QuasiQuotePat _) = bndrs
go (TypePat _) = bndrs
- go (CoPat _ pat _) = collectl (noLoc pat) bndrs
+ go (CoPat _ pat _) = go pat
-Note [Dictionary binders in ConPatOut]
+Note [Dictionary binders in ConPatOut] See also same Note in DsArrows
Do *not* gather (a) dictionary and (b) dictionary bindings as binders
of a ConPatOut pattern. For most calls it doesn't matter, because
@@ -521,27 +555,33 @@ and *also* uses that dictionary to match the (n+1) pattern. Yet, the
variables bound by the lazy pattern are n,m, *not* the dictionary d.
So in mkSelectorBinds in DsUtils, we want just m,n as the variables bound.
+%* *
+ Collecting type signatures from patterns
+%* *
collectSigTysFromPats :: [InPat name] -> [LHsType name]
-collectSigTysFromPats pats = foldr collect_lpat [] pats
+collectSigTysFromPats pats = foldr collect_sig_lpat [] pats
collectSigTysFromPat :: InPat name -> [LHsType name]
-collectSigTysFromPat pat = collect_lpat pat []
-collect_lpat :: InPat name -> [LHsType name] -> [LHsType name]
-collect_lpat pat acc = collect_pat (unLoc pat) acc
-collect_pat :: Pat name -> [LHsType name] -> [LHsType name]
-collect_pat (SigPatIn pat ty) acc = collect_lpat pat (ty:acc)
-collect_pat (TypePat ty) acc = ty:acc
-collect_pat (LazyPat pat) acc = collect_lpat pat acc
-collect_pat (BangPat pat) acc = collect_lpat pat acc
-collect_pat (AsPat _ pat) acc = collect_lpat pat acc
-collect_pat (ParPat pat) acc = collect_lpat pat acc
-collect_pat (ListPat pats _) acc = foldr collect_lpat acc pats
-collect_pat (PArrPat pats _) acc = foldr collect_lpat acc pats
-collect_pat (TuplePat pats _ _) acc = foldr collect_lpat acc pats
-collect_pat (ConPatIn _ ps) acc = foldr collect_lpat acc (hsConPatArgs ps)
-collect_pat _ acc = acc -- Literals, vars, wildcard
+collectSigTysFromPat pat = collect_sig_lpat pat []
+collect_sig_lpat :: InPat name -> [LHsType name] -> [LHsType name]
+collect_sig_lpat pat acc = collect_sig_pat (unLoc pat) acc
+collect_sig_pat :: Pat name -> [LHsType name] -> [LHsType name]
+collect_sig_pat (SigPatIn pat ty) acc = collect_sig_lpat pat (ty:acc)
+collect_sig_pat (TypePat ty) acc = ty:acc
+collect_sig_pat (LazyPat pat) acc = collect_sig_lpat pat acc
+collect_sig_pat (BangPat pat) acc = collect_sig_lpat pat acc
+collect_sig_pat (AsPat _ pat) acc = collect_sig_lpat pat acc
+collect_sig_pat (ParPat pat) acc = collect_sig_lpat pat acc
+collect_sig_pat (ListPat pats _) acc = foldr collect_sig_lpat acc pats
+collect_sig_pat (PArrPat pats _) acc = foldr collect_sig_lpat acc pats
+collect_sig_pat (TuplePat pats _ _) acc = foldr collect_sig_lpat acc pats
+collect_sig_pat (ConPatIn _ ps) acc = foldr collect_sig_lpat acc (hsConPatArgs ps)
+collect_sig_pat _ acc = acc -- Literals, vars, wildcard
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
index 57731082eb..2cf2bdc4e3 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ rnTopBinds :: HsValBinds RdrName
-> RnM (HsValBinds Name, DefUses)
rnTopBinds b =
do nl <- rnTopBindsLHS emptyFsEnv b
- let bound_names = map unLoc (collectHsValBinders nl)
+ let bound_names = collectHsValBinders nl
bindLocalNames bound_names $ rnTopBindsRHS (mkNameSet bound_names) nl
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ rnValBindsLHS fix_env binds
-- g = let f = ... in f
-- should.
; binds' <- rnValBindsLHSFromDoc (localRecNameMaker fix_env) binds
- ; let bound_names = map unLoc $ collectHsValBinders binds'
+ ; let bound_names = collectHsValBinders binds'
; envs <- getRdrEnvs
; checkDupAndShadowedNames envs bound_names
; return (bound_names, binds') }
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ rnValBindsLHSFromDoc topP (ValBindsIn mbinds sigs)
= do { mbinds' <- mapBagM (rnBindLHS topP doc) mbinds
; return $ ValBindsIn mbinds' sigs }
- bndrs = collectHsBindBinders mbinds
+ bndrs = collectHsBindsBinders mbinds
doc = text "In the binding group for:" <+> pprWithCommas ppr bndrs
rnValBindsLHSFromDoc _ b = pprPanic "rnValBindsLHSFromDoc" (ppr b)
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
index c6d5052042..c3b5592834 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ module RnEnv (
bindTyVarsRn, extendTyVarEnvFVRn,
checkDupRdrNames, checkDupAndShadowedRdrNames,
- checkDupAndShadowedNames,
- mapFvRn, mapFvRnCPS,
+ checkDupNames, checkDupAndShadowedNames,
+ addFvRn, mapFvRn, mapMaybeFvRn, mapFvRnCPS,
warnUnusedMatches, warnUnusedModules, warnUnusedImports,
warnUnusedTopBinds, warnUnusedLocalBinds,
dataTcOccs, unknownNameErr, kindSigErr, perhapsForallMsg
@@ -989,11 +989,19 @@ checkShadowedOccs (global_env,local_env) loc_occs
-- A useful utility
+addFvRn :: FreeVars -> RnM (thing, FreeVars) -> RnM (thing, FreeVars)
+addFvRn fvs1 thing_inside = do { (res, fvs2) <- thing_inside
+ ; return (res, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
mapFvRn :: (a -> RnM (b, FreeVars)) -> [a] -> RnM ([b], FreeVars)
mapFvRn f xs = do stuff <- mapM f xs
case unzip stuff of
(ys, fvs_s) -> return (ys, plusFVs fvs_s)
+mapMaybeFvRn :: (a -> RnM (b, FreeVars)) -> Maybe a -> RnM (Maybe b, FreeVars)
+mapMaybeFvRn _ Nothing = return (Nothing, emptyFVs)
+mapMaybeFvRn f (Just x) = do { (y, fvs) <- f x; return (Just y, fvs) }
-- because some of the rename functions are CPSed:
-- maps the function across the list from left to right;
-- collects all the free vars into one set
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
index 6dc6801e16..78088d52ce 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ import UniqSet
import Data.List
import Util ( isSingleton )
import ListSetOps ( removeDups )
-import Maybes ( expectJust )
import Outputable
import SrcLoc
import FastString
@@ -538,8 +537,8 @@ methodNamesStmt (BindStmt _ cmd _ _) = methodNamesLCmd cmd
methodNamesStmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts }) = methodNamesStmts stmts `addOneFV` loopAName
methodNamesStmt (LetStmt _) = emptyFVs
methodNamesStmt (ParStmt _) = emptyFVs
-methodNamesStmt (TransformStmt _ _ _) = emptyFVs
-methodNamesStmt (GroupStmt _ _) = emptyFVs
+methodNamesStmt (TransformStmt {}) = emptyFVs
+methodNamesStmt (GroupStmt {}) = emptyFVs
-- ParStmt, TransformStmt and GroupStmt can't occur in commands, but it's not convenient to error
-- here so we just do what's convenient
@@ -635,33 +634,43 @@ rnBracket (DecBrG _) = panic "rnBracket: unexpected DecBrG"
rnStmts :: HsStmtContext Name -> [LStmt RdrName]
-> RnM (thing, FreeVars)
-> RnM (([LStmt Name], thing), FreeVars)
+-- Variables bound by the Stmts, and mentioned in thing_inside,
+-- do not appear in the result FreeVars
-rnStmts (MDoExpr _) = rnMDoStmts
-rnStmts ctxt = rnNormalStmts ctxt
+rnStmts (MDoExpr _) stmts thing_inside = rnMDoStmts stmts thing_inside
+rnStmts ctxt stmts thing_inside = rnNormalStmts ctxt stmts (\ _ -> thing_inside)
rnNormalStmts :: HsStmtContext Name -> [LStmt RdrName]
- -> RnM (thing, FreeVars)
+ -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars))
-> RnM (([LStmt Name], thing), FreeVars)
+-- Variables bound by the Stmts, and mentioned in thing_inside,
+-- do not appear in the result FreeVars
+-- Renaming a single RecStmt can give a sequence of smaller Stmts
rnNormalStmts _ [] thing_inside
- = do { (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside
- ; return (([],thing), fvs) }
+ = do { (res, fvs) <- thing_inside []
+ ; return (([], res), fvs) }
rnNormalStmts ctxt (stmt@(L loc _) : stmts) thing_inside
= do { ((stmts1, (stmts2, thing)), fvs)
- <- setSrcSpan loc $
- rnStmt ctxt stmt $
- rnNormalStmts ctxt stmts thing_inside
+ <- setSrcSpan loc $
+ rnStmt ctxt stmt $ \ bndrs1 ->
+ rnNormalStmts ctxt stmts $ \ bndrs2 ->
+ thing_inside (bndrs1 ++ bndrs2)
; return (((stmts1 ++ stmts2), thing), fvs) }
rnStmt :: HsStmtContext Name -> LStmt RdrName
- -> RnM (thing, FreeVars)
+ -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars))
-> RnM (([LStmt Name], thing), FreeVars)
+-- Variables bound by the Stmt, and mentioned in thing_inside,
+-- do not appear in the result FreeVars
rnStmt _ (L loc (ExprStmt expr _ _)) thing_inside
= do { (expr', fv_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
; (then_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName thenMName
- ; (thing, fvs2) <- thing_inside
+ ; (thing, fvs2) <- thing_inside []
; return (([L loc (ExprStmt expr' then_op placeHolderType)], thing),
fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
@@ -671,7 +680,7 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L loc (BindStmt pat expr _ _)) thing_inside
; (bind_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName bindMName
; (fail_op, fvs2) <- lookupSyntaxName failMName
; rnPat (StmtCtxt ctxt) pat $ \ pat' -> do
- { (thing, fvs3) <- thing_inside
+ { (thing, fvs3) <- thing_inside (collectPatBinders pat')
; return (([L loc (BindStmt pat' expr' bind_op fail_op)], thing),
fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) }}
-- fv_expr shouldn't really be filtered by the rnPatsAndThen
@@ -680,7 +689,7 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L loc (BindStmt pat expr _ _)) thing_inside
rnStmt ctxt (L loc (LetStmt binds)) thing_inside
= do { checkLetStmt ctxt binds
; rnLocalBindsAndThen binds $ \binds' -> do
- { (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside
+ { (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside (collectLocalBinders binds')
; return (([L loc (LetStmt binds')], thing), fvs) } }
rnStmt ctxt (L _ (RecStmt { recS_stmts = rec_stmts })) thing_inside
@@ -697,7 +706,9 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L _ (RecStmt { recS_stmts = rec_stmts })) thing_inside
-- context.)
; rn_rec_stmts_and_then rec_stmts $ \ segs -> do
- { (thing, fvs_later) <- thing_inside
+ { let bndrs = nameSetToList $ foldr (unionNameSets . (\(ds,_,_,_) -> ds))
+ emptyNameSet segs
+ ; (thing, fvs_later) <- thing_inside bndrs
; (return_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName returnMName
; (mfix_op, fvs2) <- lookupSyntaxName mfixName
; (bind_op, fvs3) <- lookupSyntaxName bindMName
@@ -730,146 +741,103 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L loc (ParStmt segs)) thing_inside
; ((segs', thing), fvs) <- rnParallelStmts (ParStmtCtxt ctxt) segs thing_inside
; return (([L loc (ParStmt segs')], thing), fvs) }
-rnStmt ctxt (L loc (TransformStmt (stmts, _) usingExpr maybeByExpr)) thing_inside = do
- checkTransformStmt ctxt
- (usingExpr', fv_usingExpr) <- rnLExpr usingExpr
- ((stmts', binders, (maybeByExpr', thing)), fvs) <-
- rnNormalStmtsAndFindUsedBinders (TransformStmtCtxt ctxt) stmts $ \_unshadowed_bndrs -> do
- (maybeByExpr', fv_maybeByExpr) <- rnMaybeLExpr maybeByExpr
- (thing, fv_thing) <- thing_inside
- return ((maybeByExpr', thing), fv_maybeByExpr `plusFV` fv_thing)
+rnStmt ctxt (L loc (TransformStmt stmts _ using by)) thing_inside
+ = do { checkTransformStmt ctxt
- return (([L loc (TransformStmt (stmts', binders) usingExpr' maybeByExpr')], thing),
- fv_usingExpr `plusFV` fvs)
- where
- rnMaybeLExpr Nothing = return (Nothing, emptyFVs)
- rnMaybeLExpr (Just expr) = do
- (expr', fv_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
- return (Just expr', fv_expr)
+ ; (using', fvs1) <- rnLExpr using
+ ; ((stmts', (by', used_bndrs, thing)), fvs2)
+ <- rnNormalStmts (TransformStmtCtxt ctxt) stmts $ \ bndrs ->
+ do { (by', fvs_by) <- case by of
+ Nothing -> return (Nothing, emptyFVs)
+ Just e -> do { (e', fvs) <- rnLExpr e; return (Just e', fvs) }
+ ; (thing, fvs_thing) <- thing_inside bndrs
+ ; let fvs = fvs_by `plusFV` fvs_thing
+ used_bndrs = filter (`elemNameSet` fvs_thing) bndrs
+ ; return ((by', used_bndrs, thing), fvs) }
+ ; return (([L loc (TransformStmt stmts' used_bndrs using' by')], thing),
+ fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
-rnStmt ctxt (L loc (GroupStmt (stmts, _) groupByClause)) thing_inside = do
- checkTransformStmt ctxt
- -- We must rename the using expression in the context before the transform is begun
- groupByClauseAction <-
- case groupByClause of
- GroupByNothing usingExpr -> do
- (usingExpr', fv_usingExpr) <- rnLExpr usingExpr
- (return . return) (GroupByNothing usingExpr', fv_usingExpr)
- GroupBySomething eitherUsingExpr byExpr -> do
- (eitherUsingExpr', fv_eitherUsingExpr) <-
- case eitherUsingExpr of
- Right _ -> return (Right $ HsVar groupWithName, unitNameSet groupWithName)
- Left usingExpr -> do
- (usingExpr', fv_usingExpr) <- rnLExpr usingExpr
- return (Left usingExpr', fv_usingExpr)
- return $ do
- (byExpr', fv_byExpr) <- rnLExpr byExpr
- return (GroupBySomething eitherUsingExpr' byExpr', fv_eitherUsingExpr `plusFV` fv_byExpr)
+rnStmt ctxt (L loc (GroupStmt stmts _ by using)) thing_inside
+ = do { checkTransformStmt ctxt
- -- We only use rnNormalStmtsAndFindUsedBinders to get unshadowed_bndrs, so
- -- perhaps we could refactor this to use rnNormalStmts directly?
- ((stmts', _, (groupByClause', usedBinderMap, thing)), fvs) <-
- rnNormalStmtsAndFindUsedBinders (TransformStmtCtxt ctxt) stmts $ \unshadowed_bndrs -> do
- (groupByClause', fv_groupByClause) <- groupByClauseAction
- unshadowed_bndrs' <- mapM newLocalName unshadowed_bndrs
- let binderMap = zip unshadowed_bndrs unshadowed_bndrs'
- -- Bind the "thing" inside a context where we have REBOUND everything
- -- bound by the statements before the group. This is necessary since after
- -- the grouping the same identifiers actually have different meanings
- -- i.e. they refer to lists not singletons!
- (thing, fv_thing) <- bindLocalNames unshadowed_bndrs' thing_inside
- -- We remove entries from the binder map that are not used in the thing_inside.
- -- We can then use that usage information to ensure that the free variables do
- -- not contain the things we just bound, but do contain the things we need to
- -- make those bindings (i.e. the corresponding non-listy variables)
- -- Note that we also retain those entries which have an old binder in our
- -- own free variables (the using or by expression). This is because this map
- -- is reused in the desugarer to create the type to bind from the statements
- -- that occur before this one. If the binders we need are not in the map, they
- -- will never get bound into our desugared expression and hence the simplifier
- -- crashes as we refer to variables that don't exist!
- let usedBinderMap = filter
- (\(old_binder, new_binder) ->
- (new_binder `elemNameSet` fv_thing) ||
- (old_binder `elemNameSet` fv_groupByClause)) binderMap
- (usedOldBinders, usedNewBinders) = unzip usedBinderMap
- real_fv_thing = (delListFromNameSet fv_thing usedNewBinders) `plusFV` (mkNameSet usedOldBinders)
- return ((groupByClause', usedBinderMap, thing), fv_groupByClause `plusFV` real_fv_thing)
- traceRn (text "rnStmt: implicitly rebound these used binders:" <+> ppr usedBinderMap)
- return (([L loc (GroupStmt (stmts', usedBinderMap) groupByClause')], thing), fvs)
-rnNormalStmtsAndFindUsedBinders :: HsStmtContext Name
- -> [LStmt RdrName]
- -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars))
- -> RnM (([LStmt Name], [Name], thing), FreeVars)
-rnNormalStmtsAndFindUsedBinders ctxt stmts thing_inside = do
- ((stmts', (used_bndrs, inner_thing)), fvs) <- rnNormalStmts ctxt stmts $ do
- -- Find the Names that are bound by stmts that
- -- by assumption we have just renamed
- local_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
- let
- stmts_binders = collectLStmtsBinders stmts
- bndrs = map (expectJust "rnStmt"
- . lookupLocalRdrEnv local_env
- . unLoc) stmts_binders
- -- If shadow, we'll look up (Unqual x) twice, getting
- -- the second binding both times, which is the
- -- one we want
- unshadowed_bndrs = nub bndrs
- -- Typecheck the thing inside, passing on all
- -- the Names bound before it for its information
- (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside unshadowed_bndrs
- -- Figure out which of the bound names are used
- -- after the statements we renamed
- let used_bndrs = filter (`elemNameSet` fvs) bndrs
- return ((used_bndrs, thing), fvs)
- -- Flatten the tuple returned by the above call a bit!
- return ((stmts', used_bndrs, inner_thing), fvs)
-rnParallelStmts :: HsStmtContext Name -> [([LStmt RdrName], [RdrName])]
- -> RnM (thing, FreeVars)
- -> RnM (([([LStmt Name], [Name])], thing), FreeVars)
-rnParallelStmts ctxt segs thing_inside = do
- orig_lcl_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
- go orig_lcl_env [] segs
- where
- go orig_lcl_env bndrs [] = do
- let (bndrs', dups) = removeDups cmpByOcc bndrs
- inner_env = extendLocalRdrEnvList orig_lcl_env bndrs'
- mapM_ dupErr dups
- (thing, fvs) <- setLocalRdrEnv inner_env thing_inside
- return (([], thing), fvs)
- go orig_lcl_env bndrs_so_far ((stmts, _) : segs) = do
- ((stmts', bndrs, (segs', thing)), fvs) <- rnNormalStmtsAndFindUsedBinders ctxt stmts $ \new_bndrs -> do
- -- Typecheck the thing inside, passing on all
- -- the Names bound, but separately; revert the envt
- setLocalRdrEnv orig_lcl_env $ do
- go orig_lcl_env (new_bndrs ++ bndrs_so_far) segs
- let seg' = (stmts', bndrs)
- return (((seg':segs'), thing), delListFromNameSet fvs bndrs)
- cmpByOcc n1 n2 = nameOccName n1 `compare` nameOccName n2
- dupErr vs = addErr (ptext (sLit "Duplicate binding in parallel list comprehension for:")
+ -- Rename the 'using' expression in the context before the transform is begun
+ ; (using', fvs1) <- case using of
+ Left e -> do { (e', fvs) <- rnLExpr e; return (Left e', fvs) }
+ Right _ -> do { (e', fvs) <- lookupSyntaxName groupWithName
+ ; return (Right e', fvs) }
+ -- Rename the stmts and the 'by' expression
+ -- Keep track of the variables mentioned in the 'by' expression
+ ; ((stmts', (by', used_bndrs, thing)), fvs2)
+ <- rnNormalStmts (TransformStmtCtxt ctxt) stmts $ \ bndrs ->
+ do { (by', fvs_by) <- mapMaybeFvRn rnLExpr by
+ ; (thing, fvs_thing) <- thing_inside bndrs
+ ; let fvs = fvs_by `plusFV` fvs_thing
+ used_bndrs = filter (`elemNameSet` fvs) bndrs
+ ; return ((by', used_bndrs, thing), fvs) }
+ ; let all_fvs = fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2
+ bndr_map = used_bndrs `zip` used_bndrs
+ ; traceRn (text "rnStmt: implicitly rebound these used binders:" <+> ppr bndr_map)
+ ; return (([L loc (GroupStmt stmts' bndr_map by' using')], thing), all_fvs) }
+type ParSeg id = ([LStmt id], [id]) -- The Names are bound by the Stmts
+rnParallelStmts :: forall thing. HsStmtContext Name
+ -> [ParSeg RdrName]
+ -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars))
+ -> RnM (([ParSeg Name], thing), FreeVars)
+-- Note [Renaming parallel Stmts]
+rnParallelStmts ctxt segs thing_inside
+ = do { orig_lcl_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
+ ; rn_segs orig_lcl_env [] segs }
+ where
+ rn_segs :: LocalRdrEnv
+ -> [Name] -> [ParSeg RdrName]
+ -> RnM (([ParSeg Name], thing), FreeVars)
+ rn_segs _ bndrs_so_far []
+ = do { let (bndrs', dups) = removeDups cmpByOcc bndrs_so_far
+ ; mapM_ dupErr dups
+ ; (thing, fvs) <- bindLocalNames bndrs' (thing_inside bndrs')
+ ; return (([], thing), fvs) }
+ rn_segs env bndrs_so_far ((stmts,_) : segs)
+ = do { ((stmts', (used_bndrs, segs', thing)), fvs)
+ <- rnNormalStmts ctxt stmts $ \ bndrs ->
+ setLocalRdrEnv env $ do
+ { ((segs', thing), fvs) <- rn_segs env (bndrs ++ bndrs_so_far) segs
+ ; let used_bndrs = filter (`elemNameSet` fvs) bndrs
+ ; return ((used_bndrs, segs', thing), fvs) }
+ ; let seg' = (stmts', used_bndrs)
+ ; return ((seg':segs', thing), fvs) }
+ cmpByOcc n1 n2 = nameOccName n1 `compare` nameOccName n2
+ dupErr vs = addErr (ptext (sLit "Duplicate binding in parallel list comprehension for:")
<+> quotes (ppr (head vs)))
+Note [Renaming parallel Stmts]
+Renaming parallel statements is painful. Given, say
+ [ a+c | a <- as, bs <- bss
+ | c <- bs, a <- ds ]
+Note that
+ (a) In order to report "Defined by not used" about 'bs', we must rename
+ each group of Stmts with a thing_inside whose FreeVars include at least {a,c}
+ (b) We want to report that 'a' is illegally bound in both branches
+ (c) The 'bs' in the second group must obviously not be captured by
+ the binding in the first group
+To satisfy (a) we nest the segements.
+To satisfy (b) we check for duplicates just before thing_inside.
+To satisfy (c) we reset the LocalRdrEnv each time.
%* *
@@ -916,7 +884,7 @@ rn_rec_stmts_and_then s cont
; new_lhs_and_fv <- rn_rec_stmts_lhs fix_env s
-- ...bring them and their fixities into scope
- ; let bound_names = map unLoc $ collectLStmtsBinders (map fst new_lhs_and_fv)
+ ; let bound_names = collectLStmtsBinders (map fst new_lhs_and_fv)
; bindLocalNamesFV_WithFixities bound_names fix_env $ do
-- (C) do the right-hand-sides and thing-inside
@@ -972,10 +940,10 @@ rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env (L _ (RecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts })) -- Flatten Rec in
rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (ParStmt _)) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
= pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt" (ppr stmt)
-rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (TransformStmt _ _ _)) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
+rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (TransformStmt {})) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
= pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt" (ppr stmt)
-rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (GroupStmt _ _)) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
+rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (GroupStmt {})) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
= pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt" (ppr stmt)
rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L _ (LetStmt EmptyLocalBinds))
@@ -985,13 +953,13 @@ rn_rec_stmts_lhs :: MiniFixityEnv
-> [LStmt RdrName]
-> RnM [(LStmtLR Name RdrName, FreeVars)]
rn_rec_stmts_lhs fix_env stmts
- = do { let boundNames = collectLStmtsBinders stmts
+ = do { ls <- concatMapM (rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env) stmts
+ ; let boundNames = collectLStmtsBinders (map fst ls)
-- First do error checking: we need to check for dups here because we
-- don't bind all of the variables from the Stmt at once
-- with bindLocatedLocals.
- ; checkDupRdrNames boundNames
- ; ls <- mapM (rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env) stmts
- ; return (concat ls) }
+ ; checkDupNames boundNames
+ ; return ls }
-- right-hand-sides
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
index bc17495478..813f39b8a1 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
@@ -233,7 +233,8 @@ rnPats ctxt pats thing_inside
rnPat :: HsMatchContext Name -- for error messages
-> LPat RdrName
-> (LPat Name -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
+ -> RnM (a, FreeVars) -- Variables bound by pattern do not
+ -- appear in the result FreeVars
rnPat ctxt pat thing_inside
= rnPats ctxt [pat] (\[pat'] -> thing_inside pat')
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
index c01afec63a..f2683e8058 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ rnSrcDecls group@(HsGroup {hs_valds = val_decls,
-- It uses the fixity env from (A) to bind fixities for view patterns.
new_lhs <- rnTopBindsLHS local_fix_env val_decls ;
-- bind the LHSes (and their fixities) in the global rdr environment
- let { val_binders = map unLoc $ collectHsValBinders new_lhs ;
+ let { val_binders = collectHsValBinders new_lhs ;
val_bndr_set = mkNameSet val_binders ;
all_bndr_set = val_bndr_set `unionNameSets` availsToNameSet tc_avails ;
val_avails = map Avail val_binders
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ rnSrcInstDecl (InstDecl inst_ty mbinds uprags ats)
-- The typechecker (not the renamer) checks that all
-- the bindings are for the right class
- meth_names = collectHsBindLocatedBinders mbinds
+ meth_names = collectMethodBinders mbinds
(inst_tyvars, _, cls,_) = splitHsInstDeclTy (unLoc inst_ty')
checkDupRdrNames meth_names `thenM_`
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ rnSrcInstDecl (InstDecl inst_ty mbinds uprags ats)
-- But the (unqualified) method names are in scope
- binders = collectHsBindBinders mbinds'
+ binders = collectHsBindsBinders mbinds'
bndr_set = mkNameSet binders
bindLocalNames binders
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
index 2871f3bd58..2e675ac181 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ tcPolyBinds :: TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragFun
tcPolyBinds top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn rec_group rec_tc binds
= let
bind_list = bagToList binds
- binder_names = collectHsBindBinders binds
+ binder_names = collectHsBindsBinders binds
loc = getLoc (head bind_list)
-- TODO: location a bit awkward, but the mbinds have been
-- dependency analysed and may no longer be adjacent
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
index b60a9be907..3bf030d8d1 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ renameDeriv is_boot gen_binds insts
; let aux_binds = listToBag $ map (genAuxBind loc) $
rm_dups [] $ concat deriv_aux_binds
; rn_aux_lhs <- rnTopBindsLHS emptyFsEnv (ValBindsIn aux_binds [])
- ; let aux_names = map unLoc (collectHsValBinders rn_aux_lhs)
+ ; let aux_names = collectHsValBinders rn_aux_lhs
; bindLocalNames aux_names $
do { (rn_aux, dus_aux) <- rnTopBindsRHS (mkNameSet aux_names) rn_aux_lhs
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
index e46ab45eb4..170834997a 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ zonkValBinds env (ValBindsOut binds sigs)
zonkRecMonoBinds :: ZonkEnv -> LHsBinds TcId -> TcM (ZonkEnv, LHsBinds Id)
zonkRecMonoBinds env binds
= fixM (\ ~(_, new_binds) -> do
- { let env1 = extendZonkEnv env (collectHsBindBinders new_binds)
+ { let env1 = extendZonkEnv env (collectHsBindsBinders new_binds)
; binds' <- zonkMonoBinds env1 binds
; return (env1, binds') })
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ zonk_bind env (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tyvars, abs_dicts = dicts,
fixM (\ ~(new_val_binds, _) ->
env1 = extendZonkEnv env new_dicts
- env2 = extendZonkEnv env1 (collectHsBindBinders new_val_binds)
+ env2 = extendZonkEnv env1 (collectHsBindsBinders new_val_binds)
zonkMonoBinds env2 val_binds `thenM` \ new_val_binds ->
mappM (zonkExport env2) exports `thenM` \ new_exports ->
@@ -710,32 +710,21 @@ zonkStmt env (ExprStmt expr then_op ty)
zonkTcTypeToType env ty `thenM` \ new_ty ->
returnM (env, ExprStmt new_expr new_then new_ty)
-zonkStmt env (TransformStmt (stmts, binders) usingExpr maybeByExpr)
+zonkStmt env (TransformStmt stmts binders usingExpr maybeByExpr)
= do { (env', stmts') <- zonkStmts env stmts
; let binders' = zonkIdOccs env' binders
; usingExpr' <- zonkLExpr env' usingExpr
; maybeByExpr' <- zonkMaybeLExpr env' maybeByExpr
- ; return (env', TransformStmt (stmts', binders') usingExpr' maybeByExpr') }
+ ; return (env', TransformStmt stmts' binders' usingExpr' maybeByExpr') }
-zonkStmt env (GroupStmt (stmts, binderMap) groupByClause)
+zonkStmt env (GroupStmt stmts binderMap by using)
= do { (env', stmts') <- zonkStmts env stmts
; binderMap' <- mappM (zonkBinderMapEntry env') binderMap
- ; groupByClause' <-
- case groupByClause of
- GroupByNothing usingExpr -> (zonkLExpr env' usingExpr) >>= (return . GroupByNothing)
- GroupBySomething eitherUsingExpr byExpr -> do
- eitherUsingExpr' <- mapEitherM (zonkLExpr env') (zonkExpr env') eitherUsingExpr
- byExpr' <- zonkLExpr env' byExpr
- return $ GroupBySomething eitherUsingExpr' byExpr'
+ ; by' <- fmapMaybeM (zonkLExpr env') by
+ ; using' <- fmapEitherM (zonkLExpr env) (zonkExpr env) using
; let env'' = extendZonkEnv env' (map snd binderMap')
- ; return (env'', GroupStmt (stmts', binderMap') groupByClause') }
+ ; return (env'', GroupStmt stmts' binderMap' by' using') }
- mapEitherM f g x = do
- case x of
- Left a -> f a >>= (return . Left)
- Right b -> g b >>= (return . Right)
zonkBinderMapEntry env (oldBinder, newBinder) = do
let oldBinder' = zonkIdOcc env oldBinder
newBinder' <- zonkIdBndr env newBinder
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
index 6d917d1f87..cbe5940729 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (ParStmt bndr_stmts_s) elt_ty thing_inside
; return (ids, pairs', thing) }
; return ( (stmts', ids) : pairs', thing ) }
-tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (TransformStmt (stmts, binders) usingExpr maybeByExpr) elt_ty thing_inside = do
+tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (TransformStmt stmts binders usingExpr maybeByExpr) elt_ty thing_inside = do
(stmts', (binders', usingExpr', maybeByExpr', thing)) <-
tcStmts (TransformStmtCtxt ctxt) (tcLcStmt m_tc) stmts elt_ty $ \elt_ty' -> do
let alphaListTy = mkTyConApp m_tc [alphaTy]
@@ -414,46 +414,47 @@ tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (TransformStmt (stmts, binders) usingExpr maybeByExpr) elt_ty
return (binders', usingExpr', maybeByExpr', thing)
- return (TransformStmt (stmts', binders') usingExpr' maybeByExpr', thing)
+ return (TransformStmt stmts' binders' usingExpr' maybeByExpr', thing)
-tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (GroupStmt (stmts, bindersMap) groupByClause) elt_ty thing_inside = do
- (stmts', (bindersMap', groupByClause', thing)) <-
+tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (GroupStmt stmts bindersMap by using) elt_ty thing_inside
+ = do { let (bndr_names, list_bndr_names) = unzip bindersMap
+ ; (stmts', (bndr_ids, by', using_ty, elt_ty')) <-
tcStmts (TransformStmtCtxt ctxt) (tcLcStmt m_tc) stmts elt_ty $ \elt_ty' -> do
- let alphaListTy = mkTyConApp m_tc [alphaTy]
- alphaListListTy = mkTyConApp m_tc [alphaListTy]
- groupByClause' <-
- case groupByClause of
- GroupByNothing usingExpr ->
- -- We must validate that usingExpr :: forall a. [a] -> [[a]]
- tcPolyExpr usingExpr (mkForAllTy alphaTyVar (alphaListTy `mkFunTy` alphaListListTy)) >>= (return . GroupByNothing)
- GroupBySomething eitherUsingExpr byExpr -> do
- -- We must infer a type such that byExpr :: t
- (byExpr', tTy) <- tcInferRhoNC byExpr
- -- If it exists, we then check that usingExpr :: forall a. (a -> t) -> [a] -> [[a]]
- let expectedUsingType = mkForAllTy alphaTyVar ((alphaTy `mkFunTy` tTy) `mkFunTy` (alphaListTy `mkFunTy` alphaListListTy))
- eitherUsingExpr' <-
- case eitherUsingExpr of
- Left usingExpr -> (tcPolyExpr usingExpr expectedUsingType) >>= (return . Left)
- Right usingExpr -> (tcPolyExpr (noLoc usingExpr) expectedUsingType) >>= (return . Right . unLoc)
- return $ GroupBySomething eitherUsingExpr' byExpr'
- -- Find the IDs and types of all old binders
- let (oldBinders, newBinders) = unzip bindersMap
- oldBinders' <- tcLookupLocalIds oldBinders
+ (by', using_ty) <- case by of
+ Nothing -> -- check that using :: forall a. [a] -> [[a]]
+ return (Nothing, mkForAllTy alphaTyVar $
+ alphaListTy `mkFunTy` alphaListListTy)
+ Just by_e -> -- check that using :: forall a. (a -> t) -> [a] -> [[a]]
+ -- where by :: t
+ do { (by_e', t_ty) <- tcInferRhoNC by_e
+ ; return (Just by_e', mkForAllTy alphaTyVar $
+ (alphaTy `mkFunTy` t_ty)
+ `mkFunTy` alphaListTy
+ `mkFunTy` alphaListListTy) }
+ -- Find the Ids (and hence types) of all old binders
+ bndr_ids <- tcLookupLocalIds bndr_names
+ return (bndr_ids, by', using_ty, elt_ty')
-- Ensure that every old binder of type b is linked up with its new binder which should have type [b]
- let newBinders' = zipWith associateNewBinder oldBinders' newBinders
+ ; let list_bndr_ids = zipWith mk_list_bndr list_bndr_names bndr_ids
+ bindersMap' = bndr_ids `zip` list_bndr_ids
- -- Type check the thing in the environment with these new binders and return the result
- thing <- tcExtendIdEnv newBinders' (thing_inside elt_ty')
- return (zipEqual "tcLcStmt: Old and new binder lists were not of the same length" oldBinders' newBinders', groupByClause', thing)
- return (GroupStmt (stmts', bindersMap') groupByClause', thing)
- where
- associateNewBinder :: TcId -> Name -> TcId
- associateNewBinder oldBinder newBinder = mkLocalId newBinder (mkTyConApp m_tc [idType oldBinder])
+ ; using' <- case using of
+ Left e -> do { e' <- tcPolyExpr e using_ty; return (Left e') }
+ Right e -> do { e' <- tcPolyExpr (noLoc e) using_ty; return (Right (unLoc e')) }
+ -- Type check the thing in the environment with these new binders and return the result
+ ; thing <- tcExtendIdEnv list_bndr_ids (thing_inside elt_ty')
+ ; return (GroupStmt stmts' bindersMap' by' using', thing) }
+ where
+ alphaListTy = mkTyConApp m_tc [alphaTy]
+ alphaListListTy = mkTyConApp m_tc [alphaListTy]
+ mk_list_bndr :: Name -> TcId -> TcId
+ mk_list_bndr list_bndr_name bndr_id = mkLocalId list_bndr_name (mkTyConApp m_tc [idType bndr_id])
tcLcStmt _ _ stmt _ _
= pprPanic "tcLcStmt: unexpected Stmt" (ppr stmt)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs
index 42e98b24ed..acaf05caaa 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs
@@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ mkPlan (L loc (ExprStmt expr _ _)) -- An expression typed at the prompt
mkPlan stmt@(L loc (BindStmt {}))
- | [L _ v] <- collectLStmtBinders stmt -- One binder, for a bind stmt
+ | [v] <- collectLStmtBinders stmt -- One binder, for a bind stmt
= do { let print_v = L loc $ ExprStmt (nlHsApp (nlHsVar printName) (nlHsVar v))
(HsVar thenIOName) placeHolderType
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ tcGhciStmts stmts
io_ret_ty = mkTyConApp ioTyCon [ret_ty] ;
tc_io_stmts stmts = tcStmts GhciStmt tcDoStmt stmts io_ret_ty ;
- names = map unLoc (collectLStmtsBinders stmts) ;
+ names = collectLStmtsBinders stmts ;
-- mk_return builds the expression
-- returnIO @ [()] [coerce () x, .., coerce () z]