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authorJoachim Breitner <>2015-03-09 16:40:04 +0100
committerJoachim Breitner <>2015-03-09 16:40:04 +0100
commit0c8dd275e1dfd79d15ec7fadb2a34e66bc5815b6 (patch)
parentfd51a9b344ee823353e7d1922e8cfaaf7f5363a1 (diff)
Add a few notes, and reorder code in CmmSwitch
2 files changed, 161 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmSwitch.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmSwitch.hs
index c5c328acf6..a70798de37 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmSwitch.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmSwitch.hs
@@ -18,6 +18,54 @@ import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.Map as M
+-- Note [Cmm Switches, the general plan]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Compiling a high-level switch statement, as it comes out of a STG case
+-- expression, for example, allows for a surprising amount of design decisions.
+-- Therefore, we cleanly separated this from the Stg → Cmm transformation, as
+-- well as from the actual code generation.
+-- The overall plan is:
+-- * The Stg → Cmm transformation creates a single `SwitchTargets` in
+-- emitSwitch and emitCmmLitSwitch in StgCmmUtils.hs.
+-- At this stage, they are unsuitable for code generation.
+-- * A dedicated Cmm transformation (CmmCreateSwitchPlans) replaces these
+-- switch statements with code that is suitable for code generation, i.e.
+-- a nice balanced tree of decisions with dense jump tables in the leafs.
+-- The actual planning of this tree is performed in pure code in createSwitchPlan
+-- in this module. See Note [createSwitchPlan].
+-- * The actual code generation will not do any further processing and
+-- implement each CmmSwitch with a jump tables.
+-- When compiling to LLVM or C, CmmCreateSwitchPlans leaves the switch
+-- statements alone, as we can turn a SwitchTargets value into a nice
+-- switch-statement in LLVM resp. C, and leave the rest to the compiler.
+-- Switch Targets
+-- Note [SwitchTargets]:
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- The branches of a switch are stored in a SwitchTargets, which consists of an
+-- (optional) default jump target, and a map from values to jump targets.
+-- If the default jump target is absent, the behaviour of the switch outside the
+-- values of the map is undefined.
+-- We use an Integer for the keys the map so that it can be used in switches on
+-- unsigned as well as signed integers.
+-- The map must not be empty.
+-- Before code generation, the table needs to be brought into a form where all
+-- entries are non-negative, so that it can be compiled into a jump table.
+-- See switchTargetsToTable.
-- See Note [SwitchTargets]
data SwitchTargets =
SwitchTargets (Maybe (Integer, Integer)) (Maybe Label) (M.Map Integer Label)
@@ -101,24 +149,29 @@ eqSwitchTargetWith eq (SwitchTargets range1 mbdef1 ids1) (SwitchTargets range2 m
goList ((i1,l1):ls1) ((i2,l2):ls2) = i1 == i2 && l1 `eq` l2 && goList ls1 ls2
goList _ _ = False
--- Note [SwitchTargets]:
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- The branches of a switch are stored in a SwitchTargets, which consists of an
--- (optional) default jump target, and a map from values to jump targets.
--- If the default jump target is absent, the behaviour of the switch outside the
--- values of the map is undefined.
--- We use an Integer for the keys the map so that it can be used in switches on
--- unsigned as well as signed integers.
+-- Code generation for Switches
+-- Note [createSwitchPlan]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- The map must not be empty.
+-- A SwitchPlan describes how a Switch statement is to be broken down into
+-- smaller pieces suitable for code generation.
--- Before code generation, the table needs to be brought into a form where all
--- entries are non-negative, so that it can be compiled into a jump table.
--- See switchTargetsToTable.
+-- createSwitchPlan creates such a switch plan, in these steps:
+-- 1. it checks if the switch is unbounded, and takes care of the default
+-- segments outside the range of the actual branches (addRange)
+-- 2. it splits the switch statement at segments of non-default values that
+-- are too large. See splitAtHoles and Note [When to split SwitchTargets]
+-- 3. Too small jump tables should be avoided, so we break up smaller pieces
+-- in breakTooSmall.
+-- 4. We will in the segments between those pieces with a jump to the default
+-- label (if there is one), returning a SeparatedList in mkFlatSwitchPlan
+-- 5. The segments outside the range from step 1 are added now.
+-- 6. We find replace two less-than branches by a single equal-to-test in
+-- findSingleValues
+-- 7. The thus collected pieces are assembled to a balanced binary tree.
data SwitchPlan
= Unconditionally Label
@@ -127,6 +180,8 @@ data SwitchPlan
| JumpTable SwitchTargets
deriving Show
+type FlatSwitchPlan = SeparatedList Integer SwitchPlan
createSwitchPlan :: SwitchTargets -> SwitchPlan
createSwitchPlan ids =
-- pprTrace "createSwitchPlan" (text (show ids) $$ text (show (range,m)) $$ text (show pieces) $$ text (show flatPlan) $$ text (show plan)) $
@@ -138,21 +193,70 @@ createSwitchPlan ids =
plan = buildTree $ flatPlan
-type SeparatedList b a = (a, [(b,a)])
+--- Step 1: Adding a range
-consSL :: (a, b) -> SeparatedList b a -> SeparatedList b a
-consSL (a, b) (a', xs) = (a, (b,a'):xs)
+-- All switch targets surviving this stage needs a range. This adds the range,
+-- together with the neccessary branching.
+addRange :: SwitchTargets ->
+ ((Integer, Integer), M.Map Integer Label, FlatSwitchPlan -> FlatSwitchPlan)
-snocSL :: SeparatedList b a -> (b, a) -> SeparatedList b a
-snocSL (a', xs) (b, a) = (a', xs ++ [(b,a)])
+-- There is a range, nothing to do
+addRange (SwitchTargets (Just r) _ m) = (r, m, id)
-divideSL :: SeparatedList b a -> (SeparatedList b a, b, SeparatedList b a)
-divideSL (_,[]) = error "divideSL: Singleton SeparatedList"
-divideSL (p,xs) = ((p, xs1), m, (p', xs2))
- where
- (xs1, (m,p'):xs2) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs
+-- There is no range, but also no default. We can set the range
+-- to whatever is found in the map
+addRange (SwitchTargets Nothing Nothing m) = ((lo,hi), m, id)
+ where (lo,_) = M.findMin m
+ (hi,_) = M.findMax m
+-- No range, but a default. Create a range, but also emit SwitchPlans for outside the range
+addRange (SwitchTargets Nothing (Just l) m)
+ = ( (lo,hi)
+ , m
+ , \plan -> (Unconditionally l, lo) `consSL` plan `snocSL` (hi+1, Unconditionally l)
+ )
+ where (lo,_) = M.findMin m
+ (hi,_) = M.findMax m
+--- Step 2: Splitting at large holes
+splitAtHoles :: Integer -> M.Map Integer a -> [M.Map Integer a]
+splitAtHoles holeSize m = map (\range -> restrictMap range m) nonHoles
+ where
+ holes = filter (\(l,h) -> h - l > holeSize) $ zip (M.keys m) (tail (M.keys m))
+ nonHoles = reassocTuples lo holes hi
+ (lo,_) = M.findMin m
+ (hi,_) = M.findMax m
+-- Note [When to split SwitchTargets]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- TODO: What is a sensible number here? Probably at least the size of the code
+-- for a comparision + a conditional jump + an addition + a relative jump
+-- For now we use 10.
+--- Step 3: Avoid small jump tables
+-- We do not want jump tables below a certain size. This breaks them up
+-- (into singleton maps, for now)
+breakTooSmall :: M.Map Integer a -> [M.Map Integer a]
+breakTooSmall m
+ | M.size m > 4 = [m]
+ | otherwise = [M.singleton k v | (k,v) <- M.toList m]
-type FlatSwitchPlan = SeparatedList Integer SwitchPlan
+--- Step 4: Fill in the blanks
+-- A FlatSwitchPlan is a list of SwitchPlans, seperated by a integer dividing the range.
+-- So if we have [plan1] n [plan2], then we use plan1 if the expression is <
+-- n, and plan2 otherwise.
mkFlatSwitchPlan :: Maybe Label -> (Integer, Integer) -> [M.Map Integer Label] -> FlatSwitchPlan
@@ -191,6 +295,10 @@ mkLeafPlan mbdef m
min = fst (M.findMin m)
max = fst (M.findMax m)
+--- Step 5: Reduce the number of branches using ==
-- A seqence of three unconditional jumps, with the outer two pointing to the
-- same value and the bounds off by exactly one can be improved
findSingleValues :: FlatSwitchPlan -> FlatSwitchPlan
@@ -202,6 +310,10 @@ findSingleValues (p, (i,p'):xs)
findSingleValues (p, [])
= (p, [])
+--- Step 6: Actually build the tree
-- Build a balanced tree from a separated list
buildTree :: FlatSwitchPlan -> SwitchPlan
buildTree (p,[]) = p
@@ -209,58 +321,40 @@ buildTree sl = IfLT m (buildTree sl1) (buildTree sl2)
(sl1, m, sl2) = divideSL sl
--- All switch targets surviving this stage needs a range. This adds the range,
--- together with the neccessary branching.
-addRange :: SwitchTargets ->
- ((Integer, Integer), M.Map Integer Label, FlatSwitchPlan -> FlatSwitchPlan)
--- There is a range, nothing to do
-addRange (SwitchTargets (Just r) _ m) = (r, m, id)
--- There is no range, but also no default. We can set the range
--- to whatever is found in the map
-addRange (SwitchTargets Nothing Nothing m) = ((lo,hi), m, id)
- where (lo,_) = M.findMin m
- (hi,_) = M.findMax m
--- No range, but a default. Create a range, but also emit SwitchPlans for outside the range
-addRange (SwitchTargets Nothing (Just l) m)
- = ( (lo,hi)
- , m
- , \plan -> (Unconditionally l, lo) `consSL` plan `snocSL` (hi+1, Unconditionally l)
- )
- where (lo,_) = M.findMin m
- (hi,_) = M.findMax m
+-- Utility data type: Non-empty lists with extra markers in between each
+-- element:
+type SeparatedList b a = (a, [(b,a)])
--- We do not want jump tables below a certain size. This breaks them up
--- (into singleton maps, for now)
-breakTooSmall :: M.Map Integer a -> [M.Map Integer a]
-breakTooSmall m
- | M.size m > 4 = [m]
- | otherwise = [M.singleton k v | (k,v) <- M.toList m]
+consSL :: (a, b) -> SeparatedList b a -> SeparatedList b a
+consSL (a, b) (a', xs) = (a, (b,a'):xs)
+snocSL :: SeparatedList b a -> (b, a) -> SeparatedList b a
+snocSL (a', xs) (b, a) = (a', xs ++ [(b,a)])
-splitAtHoles :: Integer -> M.Map Integer a -> [M.Map Integer a]
-splitAtHoles holeSize m = map (\range -> restrictMap range m) nonHoles
+divideSL :: SeparatedList b a -> (SeparatedList b a, b, SeparatedList b a)
+divideSL (_,[]) = error "divideSL: Singleton SeparatedList"
+divideSL (p,xs) = ((p, xs1), m, (p', xs2))
- holes = filter (\(l,h) -> h - l > holeSize) $ zip (M.keys m) (tail (M.keys m))
- nonHoles = reassocTuples lo holes hi
+ (xs1, (m,p'):xs2) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs
- (lo,_) = M.findMin m
- (hi,_) = M.findMax m
+-- Other Utilities
+restrictMap :: Integral a => (a,a) -> M.Map a b -> M.Map a b
+restrictMap (lo,hi) m = mid
+ where (_, mid_hi) = M.split (lo-1) m
+ (mid, _) = M.split (hi+1) mid_hi
+-- for example: reassocTuples a [(b,c),(d,e)] f == [(a,b),(c,d),(e,f)]
reassocTuples :: a -> [(a,a)] -> a -> [(a,a)]
reassocTuples initial [] last
= [(initial,last)]
reassocTuples initial ((a,b):tuples) last
= (initial,a) : reassocTuples b tuples last
--- One would like to have this in Data.Map
-restrictMap :: Integral a => (a,a) -> M.Map a b -> M.Map a b
-restrictMap (lo,hi) m = mid
- where (_, mid_hi) = M.split (lo-1) m
- (mid, _) = M.split (hi+1) mid_hi
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
index fd4afbc55f..f14abd73ef 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
@@ -514,6 +514,7 @@ mk_switch tag_expr [(tag1,lbl1), (_tag2,lbl2)] Nothing _ _
return (mkCbranch cond lbl2 lbl1)
-- SOMETHING MORE COMPLICATED: defer to CmmCreateSwitchPlans
+-- See Note [Cmm Switches, the general plan] in CmmSwitch
mk_switch tag_expr branches mb_deflt lo_tag hi_tag
= do let
-- NB. we have eliminated impossible branches at