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authorMichael Peyton Jones <>2022-06-19 14:22:54 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2022-06-22 08:24:07 -0400
commiteb4fb8493823d9b962c26507d01a921dca8b8857 (patch)
parent4c9dfd69621c85abad70764359af2fd87138b335 (diff)
Add laws for 'toInteger' and 'toRational'
CLC discussion here:
3 files changed, 21 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Float.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Float.hs
index 6f15997981..1d02acb2f1 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Float.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Float.hs
@@ -335,6 +335,9 @@ instance Real Float where
-- >>> 0/0 * (recip 0/0 :: Float)
-- NaN
+-- Additionally, because of @NaN@ this instance does not obey the left-inverse
+-- law for 'toRational'/'fromRational'.
instance Fractional Float where
(/) x y = divideFloat x y
{-# INLINE fromRational #-}
@@ -564,6 +567,9 @@ instance Real Double where
-- >>> 0/0 * (recip 0/0 :: Double)
-- NaN
+-- Additionally, because of @NaN@ this instance does not obey the left-inverse
+-- law for 'toRational'/'fromRational'.
instance Fractional Double where
(/) x y = divideDouble x y
{-# INLINE fromRational #-}
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Num.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Num.hs
index c7d0425eab..1b76cd1bbc 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Num.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Num.hs
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ default () -- Double isn't available yet,
-- @x * fromInteger 1@ = @x@ and @fromInteger 1 * x@ = @x@
-- [__Distributivity of @('*')@ with respect to @('+')@__]:
-- @a * (b + c)@ = @(a * b) + (a * c)@ and @(b + c) * a@ = @(b * a) + (c * a)@
+-- [__Coherence with 'toInteger'__]: if the type also implements 'GHC.Real.Integral', then
+-- 'fromInteger' is a left inverse for 'GHC.Real.toInteger', i.e. @fromInteger (toInteger i) == i@
-- Note that it /isn't/ customarily expected that a type instance of both 'Num'
-- and 'Ord' implement an ordered ring. Indeed, in @base@ only 'Integer' and
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Real.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Real.hs
index 666034bdac..aaff2ea3a9 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Real.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Real.hs
@@ -135,6 +135,13 @@ denominator (_ :% y) = y
-- Standard numeric classes
+-- | Real numbers.
+-- The Haskell report defines no laws for 'Real', however 'Real' instances
+-- are customarily expected to adhere to the following law:
+-- [__Coherence with 'fromRational'__]: if the type also implements 'Fractional',
+-- then 'fromRational' is a left inverse for 'toRational', i.e. @fromRational (toRational i) = i@
class (Num a, Ord a) => Real a where
-- | the rational equivalent of its real argument with full precision
toRational :: a -> Rational
@@ -153,6 +160,9 @@ class (Num a, Ord a) => Real a where
-- An example of a suitable Euclidean function, for 'Integer'\'s instance, is
-- 'abs'.
+-- In addition, 'toInteger` should be total, and 'fromInteger' should be a left
+-- inverse for it, i.e. @fromInteger (toInteger i) = i@.
class (Real a, Enum a) => Integral a where
-- | integer division truncated toward zero
@@ -211,6 +221,9 @@ class (Real a, Enum a) => Integral a where
-- [__'recip' gives the multiplicative inverse__]:
-- @x * recip x@ = @recip x * x@ = @fromInteger 1@
+-- [__Totality of 'toRational'__]: 'toRational' is total
+-- [__Coherence with 'toRational'__]: if the type also implements 'Real',
+-- then 'fromRational' is a left inverse for 'toRational', i.e. @fromRational (toRational i) = i@
-- Note that it /isn't/ customarily expected that a type instance of
-- 'Fractional' implement a field. However, all instances in @base@ do.