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mode: <>2019-01-24 23:02:51 +0100
committerBen Gamari <>2019-01-31 12:46:51 -0500
commitff2d6018348c6d316b87c596a4010b316501b91c (patch)
parent5b970d8e06c1433066a8c587116f0b22c0f30e22 (diff)
Replace BlockSequence with OrdList in BlockLayout.hs
OrdList does the same thing and more so there is no reason to have both.
2 files changed, 45 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/BlockLayout.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/BlockLayout.hs
index 72aea5bf10..6ff0e06be2 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/BlockLayout.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/BlockLayout.hs
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Hoopl.Graph
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Control.Applicative
@@ -211,13 +210,22 @@ neighbourOverlapp = 2
fuseEdgeThreshold :: EdgeWeight
fuseEdgeThreshold = 0
+-- | Maps blocks near the end of a chain to it's chain AND
+-- the other blocks near the end.
+-- [A,B,C,D,E] Gives entries like (B -> ([A,B], [A,B,C,D,E]))
+-- where [A,B] are blocks in the end region of a chain.
+-- This is cheaper then recomputing the ends multiple times.
+type FrontierMap = LabelMap ([BlockId],BlockChain)
-- | A non empty ordered sequence of basic blocks.
-- It is suitable for serialization in this order.
+-- We use OrdList instead of [] to allow fast append on both sides
+-- when combining chains.
data BlockChain
= BlockChain
{ chainMembers :: !LabelSet
- , chainBlocks :: !BlockSequence
+ , chainBlocks :: !(OrdList BlockId)
instance Eq (BlockChain) where
@@ -226,7 +234,7 @@ instance Eq (BlockChain) where
instance Outputable (BlockChain) where
ppr (BlockChain _ blks) =
- parens (text "Chain:" <+> ppr (seqToList $ blks) )
+ parens (text "Chain:" <+> ppr (fromOL $ blks) )
data WeightedEdge = WeightedEdge !BlockId !BlockId EdgeWeight deriving (Eq)
@@ -263,7 +271,7 @@ noDups chains =
inFront :: BlockId -> BlockChain -> Bool
inFront bid (BlockChain _ seq)
- = seqFront seq == bid
+ = headOL seq == bid
chainMember :: BlockId -> BlockChain -> Bool
chainMember bid chain
@@ -271,18 +279,18 @@ chainMember bid chain
chainSingleton :: BlockId -> BlockChain
chainSingleton lbl
- = BlockChain (setSingleton lbl) (Singleton lbl)
+ = BlockChain (setSingleton lbl) (unitOL lbl)
chainSnoc :: BlockChain -> BlockId -> BlockChain
chainSnoc (BlockChain lbls blks) lbl
- = BlockChain (setInsert lbl lbls) (seqSnoc blks lbl)
+ = BlockChain (setInsert lbl lbls) (blks `snocOL` lbl)
chainConcat :: BlockChain -> BlockChain -> BlockChain
chainConcat (BlockChain lbls1 blks1) (BlockChain lbls2 blks2)
- = BlockChain (setUnion lbls1 lbls2) (blks1 `seqConcat` blks2)
+ = BlockChain (setUnion lbls1 lbls2) (blks1 `appOL` blks2)
chainToBlocks :: BlockChain -> [BlockId]
-chainToBlocks (BlockChain _ blks) = seqToList blks
+chainToBlocks (BlockChain _ blks) = fromOL blks
-- | Given the Chain A -> B -> C -> D and we break at C
-- we get the two Chains (A -> B, C -> D) as result.
@@ -293,24 +301,24 @@ breakChainAt bid (BlockChain lbls blks)
= panic "Block not in chain"
| otherwise
= let (lblks, rblks) = break (\lbl -> lbl == bid)
- (seqToList blks)
+ (fromOL blks)
--TODO: Remove old
--lblSet :: [GenBasicBlock i] -> BlockChain
--lblSet blks =
-- setFromList
--(map (\(BasicBlock lbl _) -> lbl) $ toList blks)
- (BlockChain (setFromList lblks) (seqFromBids lblks),
- BlockChain (setFromList rblks) (seqFromBids rblks))
+ (BlockChain (setFromList lblks) (toOL lblks),
+ BlockChain (setFromList rblks) (toOL rblks))
takeR :: Int -> BlockChain -> [BlockId]
takeR n (BlockChain _ blks) =
- take n . seqToRList $ blks
+ take n . fromOLReverse $ blks
takeL :: Int -> BlockChain -> [BlockId]
takeL n (BlockChain _ blks) = --error "TODO: takeLn"
- take n . seqToList $ blks
+ take n . fromOL $ blks
-- | For a given list of chains try to fuse chains with strong
-- edges between them into a single chain.
@@ -389,7 +397,7 @@ combineNeighbourhood edges chains
endFrontier, startFrontier :: FrontierMap
endFrontier =
mapFromList $ concatMap (\chain ->
- let ends = getEnds chain
+ let ends = getEnds chain :: [BlockId]
entry = (ends,chain)
in map (\x -> (x,entry)) ends ) chains
startFrontier =
@@ -596,7 +604,7 @@ sequenceChain info weights' blocks@((BasicBlock entry _):_) =
= entryChain':(entryRest++chains') :: [BlockChain]
-- = (concatMap chainToBlocks prepedChains)
- = (concatMap seqToList $ map chainBlocks prepedChains)
+ = (concatMap fromOL $ map chainBlocks prepedChains)
--chainPlaced = setFromList $ map blockId blockList :: LabelSet
chainPlaced = setFromList $ blockList :: LabelSet
@@ -756,64 +764,3 @@ lookupDeleteUFM m k = do -- Maybe monad
v <- lookupUFM m k
return (v, delFromUFM m k)
--- -------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Some specialized data structures to speed things up:
--- * BlockSequence: A specialized version of Data.Sequence.
--- Better at indexing at the front/end but lacks ability
--- to do lookup by position.
-type FrontierMap = LabelMap ([BlockId],BlockChain)
--- | A "reverse zipper" of sorts.
--- We store a list of blocks in two parts, the initial part from left to right
--- and the remaining part stored in reverse order. This makes it easy to look
--- the last/first element and append on both sides.
-data BlockSequence
- = Singleton !BlockId
- | Pair (OrdList BlockId) (OrdList BlockId)
- -- ^ For a non empty pair there is at least one element in the left part.
- | Empty
-seqFront :: BlockSequence -> BlockId
-seqFront Empty = panic "Empty sequence"
-seqFront (Singleton bid) = bid
-seqFront (Pair lefts rights) = expectJust "Seq invariant" $
- listToMaybe (fromOL lefts) <|> listToMaybe (fromOL $ reverseOL rights)
--- seqEnd :: BlockSequence -> BlockId
--- seqEnd Empty = panic "Empty sequence"
--- seqEnd (Singleton bid) = bid
--- seqEnd (Pair lefts rights) = expectJust "Seq invariant" $
--- listToMaybe (fromOL rights) <|> listToMaybe (fromOL $ reverseOL lefts)
-seqToList :: BlockSequence -> [BlockId]
-seqToList Empty = []
-seqToList (Singleton bid) = [bid]
-seqToList (Pair lefts rights) = fromOL $ lefts `appOL` reverseOL rights
-seqToRList :: BlockSequence -> [BlockId]
-seqToRList Empty = []
-seqToRList (Singleton bid) = [bid]
-seqToRList (Pair lefts rights) = fromOL $ rights `appOL` reverseOL lefts
-seqSnoc :: BlockSequence -> BlockId -> BlockSequence
-seqSnoc (Empty) bid = Singleton bid
-seqSnoc (Singleton s) bid= Pair (unitOL s) (unitOL bid)
-seqSnoc (Pair lefts rights) bid = Pair lefts (bid `consOL` rights)
-seqConcat :: BlockSequence -> BlockSequence -> BlockSequence
-seqConcat (Empty) x2 = x2
-seqConcat (Singleton b1) (Singleton b2) = Pair (unitOL b1) (unitOL b2)
-seqConcat x1 (Empty) = x1
-seqConcat (Singleton b1) (Pair lefts rights) = Pair (b1 `consOL` lefts) rights
-seqConcat (Pair lefts rights) (Singleton b2) = Pair lefts (b2 `consOL` rights)
-seqConcat (Pair lefts1 rights1) (Pair lefts2 rights2) =
- Pair (lefts1 `appOL` (reverseOL rights1) `appOL` lefts2) rights2
-seqFromBids :: [BlockId] -> BlockSequence
-seqFromBids [] = Empty
-seqFromBids [b1] = Singleton b1
-seqFromBids [b1,b2] = Pair (unitOL b1) (unitOL b2)
-seqFromBids [b1,b2,b3] = Pair (consOL b1 $ unitOL b2) (unitOL b3)
-seqFromBids (b1:b2:b3:bs) = Pair (toOL [b1,b2,b3]) (toOL bs)
diff --git a/compiler/utils/OrdList.hs b/compiler/utils/OrdList.hs
index 064712bbad..2d7a43f228 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/OrdList.hs
+++ b/compiler/utils/OrdList.hs
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ can be appended in linear time.
module OrdList (
nilOL, isNilOL, unitOL, appOL, consOL, snocOL, concatOL, lastOL,
- mapOL, fromOL, toOL, foldrOL, foldlOL, reverseOL
+ headOL,
+ mapOL, fromOL, toOL, foldrOL, foldlOL, reverseOL, fromOLReverse
) where
import GhcPrelude
@@ -62,14 +63,23 @@ snocOL :: OrdList a -> a -> OrdList a
consOL :: a -> OrdList a -> OrdList a
appOL :: OrdList a -> OrdList a -> OrdList a
concatOL :: [OrdList a] -> OrdList a
+headOL :: OrdList a -> a
lastOL :: OrdList a -> a
nilOL = None
unitOL as = One as
snocOL as b = Snoc as b
consOL a bs = Cons a bs
concatOL aas = foldr appOL None aas
+headOL None = panic "headOL"
+headOL (One a) = a
+headOL (Many as) = head as
+headOL (Cons a _) = a
+headOL (Snoc as _) = headOL as
+headOL (Two as _) = headOL as
lastOL None = panic "lastOL"
lastOL (One a) = a
lastOL (Many as) = last as
@@ -95,6 +105,17 @@ fromOL a = go a []
go (Two a b) acc = go a (go b acc)
go (Many xs) acc = xs ++ acc
+fromOLReverse :: OrdList a -> [a]
+fromOLReverse a = go a []
+ -- acc is already in reverse order
+ where go :: OrdList a -> [a] -> [a]
+ go None acc = acc
+ go (One a) acc = a : acc
+ go (Cons a b) acc = go b (a : acc)
+ go (Snoc a b) acc = b : go a acc
+ go (Two a b) acc = go b (go a acc)
+ go (Many xs) acc = reverse xs ++ acc
mapOL :: (a -> b) -> OrdList a -> OrdList b
mapOL _ None = None
mapOL f (One x) = One (f x)