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authorPepe Iborra <>2007-05-20 11:07:47 +0000
committerPepe Iborra <>2007-05-20 11:07:47 +0000
commit87c1c2ff25f844f30c37d77cb9f4feeae9c55d7b (patch)
parent44d98754947d73e7e137043cbf3080f80a6abe2d (diff)
cvReconstructType: a faster, types-only version of cvObtainTerm
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
index 0bcc7b2906..3ca0b0bd83 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ module RtClosureInspect(
- termTyVars
+ termTyVars,
-- unsafeDeepSeq,
+ reconstructType
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -382,12 +383,12 @@ repPrim t = rep where
-- The Type Reconstruction monad
type TR a = TcM a
-runTR :: HscEnv -> TR Term -> IO Term
+runTR :: HscEnv -> TR a -> IO a
runTR hsc_env c = do
mb_term <- initTcPrintErrors hsc_env iNTERACTIVE c
case mb_term of
Nothing -> panic "Can't unify"
- Just term -> return term
+ Just x -> return x
trIO :: IO a -> TR a
trIO = liftTcM . ioToTcRn
@@ -534,12 +535,6 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env force mb_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
otherwise ->
return (Suspension (tipe clos) (Just tv) a Nothing)
--- Access the array of pointers and recurse down. Needs to be done with
--- care of no introducing a thunk! or go will fail to do its job
- appArr f arr (I# i#) = case arr of
- (Array _ _ ptrs#) -> case indexArray# ptrs# i# of
- (# e #) -> f e
matchSubTypes dc ty
| Just (_,ty_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe (repType ty)
, null (dataConExTyVars dc) --TODO Handle the case of extra existential tyvars
@@ -558,8 +553,64 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env force mb_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
, ptext SLIT("reOrderTerms") $$ (ppr pointed $$ ppr unpointed))
head unpointed : reOrderTerms pointed (tail unpointed) tys
-isMonomorphic ty | isForAllTy ty = False
-isMonomorphic ty = (isEmptyVarSet . tyVarsOfType) ty
+-- Strict application of f at index i
+appArr f (Array _ _ ptrs#) (I# i#) = case indexArray# ptrs# i# of
+ (# e #) -> f e
+-- Fast, breadth-first version of obtainTerm that deals only with type reconstruction
+cvReconstructType :: HscEnv -> Bool -> Maybe Type -> HValue -> IO Type
+cvReconstructType hsc_env force mb_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
+ tv <- liftM mkTyVarTy (newVar argTypeKind)
+ case mb_ty of
+ Nothing -> search (isMonomorphic `fmap` zonkTcType tv) (++) [(tv, hval)] >>
+ zonkTcType tv -- TODO untested!
+ Just ty | isMonomorphic ty -> return ty
+ Just ty -> do
+ (ty',rev_subst) <- instScheme (sigmaType ty)
+ addConstraint tv ty'
+ search (isMonomorphic `fmap` zonkTcType tv) (++) [(tv, hval)]
+ substTy rev_subst `fmap` zonkTcType tv
+ where
+-- search :: m Bool -> ([a] -> [a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> m ()
+ search stop combine [] = return ()
+ search stop combine ((t,a):jj) = (jj `combine`) `fmap` go t a >>=
+ unlessM stop . search stop combine
+ -- returns unification tasks, since we are going to want a breadth-first search
+ go :: Type -> HValue -> TR [(Type, HValue)]
+ go tv a = do
+ clos <- trIO $ getClosureData a
+ case tipe clos of
+ Indirection _ -> go tv $! (ptrs clos ! 0)
+ Constr -> do
+ m_dc <- trIO$ tcRnRecoverDataCon hsc_env (infoPtr clos)
+ case m_dc of
+ Nothing -> panic "Can't find the DataCon for a term"
+ Just dc -> do
+ let extra_args = length(dataConRepArgTys dc) - length(dataConOrigArgTys dc)
+ subTtypes <- mapMif (not . isMonomorphic)
+ (\t -> mkTyVarTy `fmap` newVar (typeKind t))
+ (dataConRepArgTys dc)
+ -- It is vital for newtype reconstruction that the unification step is done
+ -- right here, _before_ the subterms are RTTI reconstructed.
+ let myType = mkFunTys subTtypes tv
+ fst `fmap` instScheme(dataConRepType dc) >>= addConstraint myType
+ return $map (\(I# i#,t) -> case ptrs clos of
+ (Array _ _ ptrs#) -> case indexArray# ptrs# i# of
+ (# e #) -> (t,e))
+ (drop extra_args $ zip [0..] subTtypes)
+ otherwise -> return []
+isMonomorphic ty | (tvs, ty') <- splitForAllTys ty
+ = null tvs && (isEmptyVarSet . tyVarsOfType) ty'
+mapMif :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> m a) -> [a] -> m [a]
+mapMif pred f xx = sequence $ mapMif_ pred f xx
+mapMif_ pred f [] = []
+mapMif_ pred f (x:xx) = (if pred x then f x else return x) : mapMif_ pred f xx
+unlessM condM acc = condM >>= \c -> unless c acc
zonkTerm :: Term -> TcM Term
zonkTerm = foldTerm idTermFoldM {