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authorSimon Marlow <>2012-01-20 11:31:44 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2012-01-20 11:31:44 +0000
commit23ac7e91b50fcf38449cb1fc92d291ff6bb9dcff (patch)
parent6c969e2283bcea55ea4805b14096bf8b518604fc (diff)
implement RegSet by Set, not UniqSet
4 files changed, 47 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmExpr.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmExpr.hs
index 73afdc325b..5aed63b7a2 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmExpr.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ module CmmExpr
, DefinerOfLocalRegs, UserOfLocalRegs, foldRegsDefd, foldRegsUsed, filterRegsUsed
, DefinerOfSlots, UserOfSlots, foldSlotsDefd, foldSlotsUsed
, RegSet, emptyRegSet, elemRegSet, extendRegSet, deleteFromRegSet, mkRegSet
- , plusRegSet, minusRegSet, timesRegSet
+ , plusRegSet, minusRegSet, timesRegSet, sizeRegSet, nullRegSet
+ , regSetToList
, regUsedIn, regSlot
, Area(..), AreaId(..), SubArea, SubAreaSet, AreaMap, isStackSlotOf
, module CmmMachOp
@@ -31,9 +32,10 @@ import CmmMachOp
import BlockId
import CLabel
import Unique
-import UniqSet
import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- CmmExpr
@@ -194,22 +196,35 @@ localRegType (LocalReg _ rep) = rep
-- | Sets of local registers
-type RegSet = UniqSet LocalReg
+-- These are used for dataflow facts, and a common operation is taking
+-- the union of two RegSets and then asking whether the union is the
+-- same as one of the inputs. UniqSet isn't good here, because
+-- sizeUniqSet is O(n) whereas Set.size is O(1), so we use ordinary
+-- Sets.
+type RegSet = Set LocalReg
emptyRegSet :: RegSet
+nullRegSet :: RegSet -> Bool
elemRegSet :: LocalReg -> RegSet -> Bool
extendRegSet :: RegSet -> LocalReg -> RegSet
deleteFromRegSet :: RegSet -> LocalReg -> RegSet
mkRegSet :: [LocalReg] -> RegSet
minusRegSet, plusRegSet, timesRegSet :: RegSet -> RegSet -> RegSet
-emptyRegSet = emptyUniqSet
-elemRegSet = elementOfUniqSet
-extendRegSet = addOneToUniqSet
-deleteFromRegSet = delOneFromUniqSet
-mkRegSet = mkUniqSet
-minusRegSet = minusUniqSet
-plusRegSet = unionUniqSets
-timesRegSet = intersectUniqSets
+sizeRegSet :: RegSet -> Int
+regSetToList :: RegSet -> [LocalReg]
+emptyRegSet = Set.empty
+nullRegSet = Set.null
+elemRegSet = Set.member
+extendRegSet = flip Set.insert
+deleteFromRegSet = flip Set.delete
+mkRegSet = Set.fromList
+minusRegSet = Set.difference
+plusRegSet = Set.union
+timesRegSet = Set.intersection
+sizeRegSet = Set.size
+regSetToList = Set.toList
class UserOfLocalRegs a where
foldRegsUsed :: (b -> LocalReg -> b) -> b -> a -> b
@@ -237,7 +252,7 @@ instance DefinerOfLocalRegs LocalReg where
foldRegsDefd f z r = f z r
instance UserOfLocalRegs RegSet where
- foldRegsUsed f = foldUniqSet (flip f)
+ foldRegsUsed f = Set.fold (flip f)
instance UserOfLocalRegs CmmExpr where
foldRegsUsed f z e = expr z e
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmLive.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmLive.hs
index 50b2bf6ec2..d927dfe12f 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmLive.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmLive.hs
@@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ type CmmLive = RegSet
-- | The dataflow lattice
liveLattice :: DataflowLattice CmmLive
liveLattice = DataflowLattice "live LocalReg's" emptyRegSet add
- where add _ (OldFact old) (NewFact new) = case unionUniqSets old new of
- join -> (changeIf $ sizeUniqSet join > sizeUniqSet old, join)
+ where add _ (OldFact old) (NewFact new) =
+ (changeIf $ sizeRegSet join > sizeRegSet old, join)
+ where !join = plusRegSet old new
-- | A mapping from block labels to the variables live on entry
type BlockEntryLiveness = BlockEnv CmmLive
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ cmmLiveness graph =
-- | On entry to the procedure, there had better not be any LocalReg's live-in.
noLiveOnEntry :: BlockId -> CmmLive -> a -> a
noLiveOnEntry bid in_fact x =
- if isEmptyUniqSet in_fact then x
+ if nullRegSet in_fact then x
else pprPanic "LocalReg's live-in to graph" (ppr bid <+> ppr in_fact)
-- | The transfer equations use the traditional 'gen' and 'kill'
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ noLiveOnEntry bid in_fact x =
gen :: UserOfLocalRegs a => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
gen a live = foldRegsUsed extendRegSet live a
kill :: DefinerOfLocalRegs a => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
-kill a live = foldRegsDefd delOneFromUniqSet live a
+kill a live = foldRegsDefd deleteFromRegSet live a
gen_kill :: (DefinerOfLocalRegs a, UserOfLocalRegs a) => a -> CmmLive -> CmmLive
gen_kill a = gen a . kill a
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs
index 691fbd8eeb..07ead008e7 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ pass_live_vars_as_args _liveness procPoints protos = protos'
Nothing -> let live = emptyRegSet
--lookupBlockEnv _liveness id `orElse`
--panic ("no liveness at block " ++ show id)
- formals = uniqSetToList live
+ formals = regSetToList live
prot = Protocol Private formals $ CallArea $ Young id
in mapInsert id prot protos
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
index 2610e2cb6e..fbe4db0333 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ dualLiveLattice = DataflowLattice "variables live in registers and on stack" emp
add _ (OldFact old) (NewFact new) = (changeIf $ change1 || change2, DualLive stack regs)
where (change1, stack) = add1 (on_stack old) (on_stack new)
(change2, regs) = add1 (in_regs old) (in_regs new)
- add1 old new = if sizeUniqSet join > sizeUniqSet old then (True, join) else (False, old)
- where join = unionUniqSets old new
+ add1 old new = if sizeRegSet join > sizeRegSet old then (True, join) else (False, old)
+ where join = plusRegSet old new
dualLivenessWithInsertion :: BlockSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CmmGraph
dualLivenessWithInsertion procPoints g =
@@ -120,16 +120,16 @@ dualLiveTransfers entry procPoints = mkBTransfer3 first middle last
keep_stack_only k = DualLive (on_stack (lkp k)) emptyRegSet
insertSpillsAndReloads :: CmmGraph -> BlockSet -> CmmBwdRewrite DualLive
-insertSpillsAndReloads graph procPoints = deepBwdRw3 first middle nothing
+insertSpillsAndReloads graph procPoints = mkBRewrite3 first middle nothing
-- Beware: deepBwdRw with one polymorphic function seems more reasonable here,
-- but GHC miscompiles it, see bug #4044.
where first :: CmmNode C O -> Fact O DualLive -> CmmReplGraph C O
- first e@(CmmEntry id) live = return $
+ first e@(CmmEntry id) live =
if id /= (g_entry graph) && setMember id procPoints then
- case map reload (uniqSetToList (in_regs live)) of
- [] -> Nothing
- is -> Just $ mkFirst e <*> mkMiddles is
- else Nothing
+ case map reload (regSetToList (in_regs live)) of
+ [] -> return Nothing
+ is -> return $ Just $ mkFirst e <*> mkMiddles is
+ else return Nothing
-- EZY: There was some dead code for handling the case where
-- we were not splitting procedures. Check Git history if
-- you're interested (circa e26ea0f41).
@@ -152,15 +152,15 @@ reload r = CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) (CmmLoad (regSlot r) $ localRegType r)
-- prettyprinting
ppr_regs :: String -> RegSet -> SDoc
-ppr_regs s regs = text s <+> commafy (map ppr $ uniqSetToList regs)
+ppr_regs s regs = text s <+> commafy (map ppr $ regSetToList regs)
where commafy xs = hsep $ punctuate comma xs
instance Outputable DualLive where
ppr (DualLive {in_regs = regs, on_stack = stack}) =
- if isEmptyUniqSet regs && isEmptyUniqSet stack then
+ if nullRegSet regs && nullRegSet stack then
text "<nothing-live>"
- nest 2 $ fsep [if isEmptyUniqSet regs then PP.empty
+ nest 2 $ fsep [if nullRegSet regs then PP.empty
else (ppr_regs "live in regs =" regs),
- if isEmptyUniqSet stack then PP.empty
+ if nullRegSet stack then PP.empty
else (ppr_regs "live on stack =" stack)]