diff options
authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2021-10-27 13:32:00 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2021-11-15 23:22:30 +0000
commit5c0cae7572e9142e676d30e78a04a9595abb53a5 (patch)
parent0e79af743b9ad8ad50f28621833d813511c488e4 (diff)
Updates from Simonwip/T17978-spj
* Treat the top level specically. * Completely flatten the bindings because StgLiftLams may have made bigger StgRecs than necessary. * Improve comments
3 files changed, 184 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs
index 2e2b19f15e..5be2f44222 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs
@@ -49,9 +49,6 @@ import GHC.Prelude hiding (mod)
import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import GHC.Types.Id
import GHC.Types.Name (Name, nameIsLocalOrFrom)
-import GHC.Types.Name.Env
-import GHC.Utils.Outputable
-import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Types.Tickish ( GenTickish(Breakpoint) )
import GHC.Types.Unique.Set (nonDetEltsUniqSet)
import GHC.Types.Var.Set
@@ -59,49 +56,75 @@ import GHC.Unit.Module (Module)
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import Data.Graph (SCC (..))
-import Data.Bifunctor (first)
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Directed( Node(..), stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq )
--- * Dependency sorting
+{- Note [Why do we need dependency analysis?]
+The program needs to be in dependency order for the SRT algorithm to
+work (see CmmBuildInfoTables, which also includes a detailed
+description of the algorithm).
+But isn't it isn correct dependency order already? No:
+* The simplifier does not guaranteed to produce programs in dependency
+ order (see #16192 and Note [Glomming] in GHC.Core.Opt.OccurAnal).
+ This could be solved by a final run of the occurrence analyser, but
+ that's more work
--- | Dependency sort a STG program so that dependencies come before uses; also
--- perform non-global free variable analysis by annotating non-top-level
--- closure bindings with captured variables. The returned bindings:
+* We also don't guarantee that StgLiftLams will preserve the order or
+ only create minimal recursive groups.
+-- | Dependency sort a STG program, and annotate it with free variables
+-- The returned bindings:
-- * Are in dependency order
-- * Each StgRhsClosure is correctly annotated (in its extension field)
-- with the free variables needed in the closure
-- * Each StgCase is correctly annotated (in its extension field) with
-- the variables that must be saved across the case
depSortWithAnnotStgPgm :: Module -> [StgTopBinding] -> [CgStgTopBinding]
-depSortWithAnnotStgPgm this_mod =
- {-# SCC "STG.depSortWithAnnotStgPgm" #-}
- map fst . depSort . annStgFVs this_mod
--- | Sort free-variable-annotated STG bindings so that dependencies come before
--- uses.
-depSort :: [(CgStgTopBinding, TopIds)] -> [(CgStgTopBinding, TopIds)]
-depSort = concatMap get_binds . depAnal defs uses
+depSortWithAnnotStgPgm this_mod binds
+ = {-# SCC "STG.depSortWithAnnotStgPgm" #-}
+ lit_binds ++ map from_scc sccs
- uses, defs :: (CgStgTopBinding, TopIds) -> [Name]
+ lit_binds :: [CgStgTopBinding]
+ pairs :: [(Id, StgRhs)]
+ (lit_binds, pairs) = flattenTopStgBindings binds
- -- TODO (osa): I'm unhappy about two things in this code:
- --
- -- * Why do we need Name instead of Id for uses and dependencies?
- -- * Why do we need a [Name] instead of `Set Name`? Surely depAnal
- -- doesn't need any ordering.
+ nodes :: [Node Name (Id, CgStgRhs)]
+ nodes = map (annotateTopPair env0) pairs
+ env0 = Env { locals = emptyVarSet, mod = this_mod }
- uses (StgTopStringLit{}, _) = []
- uses (StgTopLifted{}, fvs) = map idName (nonDetEltsUniqSet fvs)
+ -- Do strongly connected component analysis. Why?
+ -- See Note [Why do we need dependency analysis?]
+ sccs :: [SCC (Id,CgStgRhs)]
+ sccs = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq nodes
- defs (bind, _) = map idName (bindersOfTop bind)
+ from_scc (CyclicSCC pairs) = StgTopLifted (StgRec pairs)
+ from_scc (AcyclicSCC (bndr,rhs)) = StgTopLifted (StgNonRec bndr rhs)
- get_binds :: SCC (CgStgTopBinding, TopIds) -> [(CgStgTopBinding, TopIds)]
- get_binds (AcyclicSCC bind) =
- [bind]
- get_binds (CyclicSCC binds) =
- pprPanic "depSortStgBinds"
- (text "Found cyclic SCC:"
- $$ ppr (map (first (pprStgTopBinding panicStgPprOpts)) binds))
+flattenTopStgBindings :: [StgTopBinding] -> ([CgStgTopBinding], [(Id,StgRhs)])
+flattenTopStgBindings binds
+ = go [] [] binds
+ where
+ go lits pairs [] = (lits, pairs)
+ go lits pairs (bind:binds)
+ = case bind of
+ StgTopStringLit bndr rhs -> go (StgTopStringLit bndr rhs:lits) pairs binds
+ StgTopLifted stg_bind -> go lits (flatten_one stg_bind ++ pairs) binds
+ flatten_one (StgNonRec b r) = [(b,r)]
+ flatten_one (StgRec pairs) = pairs
+annotateTopPair :: Env -> (Id, StgRhs) -> Node Name (Id, CgStgRhs)
+annotateTopPair env0 (bndr, rhs)
+ = DigraphNode { node_key = idName bndr
+ , node_payload = (bndr, rhs')
+ , node_dependencies = map idName (nonDetEltsUniqSet top_fvs) }
+ where
+ (rhs', top_fvs, _) = rhsFVs env0 rhs
-- * Non-global free variable analysis
@@ -122,33 +145,47 @@ data Env
, mod :: Module
--- Note [Tracking local binders]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- 'locals' contains non-toplevel, non-imported binders.
--- We maintain the set in 'expr', 'alt' and 'rhs', which are the only
--- places where new local binders are introduced.
--- Why do it there rather than in 'binding'? Two reasons:
--- 1. We call 'bindingFVs' from 'annStgFVs', which would
--- add top-level bindings to the 'locals' set.
--- 2. In the let(-no-escape) case, we need to extend the environment
--- prior to analysing the body, but we also need the fvs from the
--- body to analyse the RHSs. No way to do this without some
--- knot-tying.
+{- Note [Tracking local binders]
+The 'locals' field of 'Env' contains non-toplevel, non-imported binders.
+We extend this set when we meet
+ * A lambda
+ * A case expression
+ * A local (non-top-level) let-binding
+ToDo: SPJ says: I don't understand either (1) or (2):
+Why do it there rather than in 'binding'? Two reasons:
+ 1. We call 'bindingFVs' from 'annStgFVs', which would
+ add top-level bindings to the 'locals' set.
+ 2. In the let(-no-escape) case, we need to extend the environment
+ prior to analysing the body, but we also need the fvs from the
+ body to analyse the RHSs. No way to do this without some
+ knot-tying.
addLocals :: [Id] -> Env -> Env
addLocals bndrs env
= env { locals = extendVarSetList (locals env) bndrs }
--- * Dependency analysis
--- | Set of variables that are:
+-- | TopFVs: set of variables that are:
-- (a) bound at the top level of this module, and
-- (b) appear free in the expression
-- It is a /non-deterministic/ set because we use it only to perform dependency
-- analysis on the top-level bindings.
-type TopIds = VarSet
+type TopFVs = IdSet
+-- | LocalFVs: set of variable that are:
+-- (a) bound locally (by a lambda, non-top-level let, or case); that is,
+-- it appears in the 'locals' field of 'Env'
+-- (b) appear free in the expression
+-- It is a /deterministic/ set because it is used to annotate closures with
+-- their free variables, and we want closure layout to be deteriministic.
+-- Invariant: the LocalFVs returned is a subset of the 'locals' field of Env
+type LocalFVs = DIdSet
-- | Dependency analysis on STG terms.
@@ -158,115 +195,105 @@ type TopIds = VarSet
-- of all bindings in the group.
-- Implementation: pass bound variables (NestedIds) to recursive calls, get free
--- variables (TopIds) back. We ignore imported TopIds as they do not change the
+-- variables (TopFVs) back. We ignore imported TopFVs as they do not change the
-- ordering but it improves performance (see `nameIsExternalFrom` call in `vars_fvs`).
--- | Annotate each binding with non-global free variables
-annStgFVs :: Module -> [StgTopBinding] -> [(CgStgTopBinding,TopIds)]
-annStgFVs this_mod bs = map go bs
- where
- go (StgTopStringLit id bs) = (StgTopStringLit id bs, emptyVarSet)
- go (StgTopLifted bind)
- | (bind', fvs, _) <- bindingFVs (Env emptyVarSet this_mod) emptyDVarSet bind
- = (StgTopLifted bind', fvs)
annBindingFreeVars :: Module -> StgBinding -> CgStgBinding
annBindingFreeVars this_mod = fstOf3 . bindingFVs (Env emptyVarSet this_mod) emptyDVarSet
-bindingFVs :: Env -> DIdSet -> StgBinding -> (CgStgBinding, TopIds, DIdSet)
+bindingFVs :: Env -> LocalFVs -> StgBinding -> (CgStgBinding, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
bindingFVs env body_fv b =
case b of
- StgNonRec bndr r -> (StgNonRec bndr r', fvs, id_set)
+ StgNonRec bndr r -> (StgNonRec bndr r', fvs, lcl_fvs)
-- See Note [Tracking local binders]
- (r', fvs, rhs_id_set) = rhsFVs env r
- id_set = delDVarSet body_fv bndr `unionDVarSet` rhs_id_set
- StgRec pairs -> (StgRec pairs', fvs, id_sets)
+ (r', fvs, rhs_lcl_fvs) = rhsFVs env r
+ lcl_fvs = delDVarSet body_fv bndr `unionDVarSet` rhs_lcl_fvs
+ StgRec pairs -> (StgRec pairs', fvs, lcl_fvss)
-- See Note [Tracking local binders]
bndrs = map fst pairs
env' = addLocals bndrs env
- (rhss, rhs_fvss, rhs_id_sets) = mapAndUnzip3 (rhsFVs env' . snd) pairs
+ (rhss, rhs_fvss, rhs_lcl_fvss) = mapAndUnzip3 (rhsFVs env' . snd) pairs
fvs = unionVarSets rhs_fvss
pairs' = zip bndrs rhss
- id_sets = delDVarSetList (unionDVarSets (body_fv:rhs_id_sets)) bndrs
+ lcl_fvss = delDVarSetList (unionDVarSets (body_fv:rhs_lcl_fvss)) bndrs
+varFVs :: Env -> Id -> (TopFVs, LocalFVs) -> (TopFVs, LocalFVs)
+varFVs env v (top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+ | v `elemVarSet` locals env -- v is locally bound
+ = (top_fvs, lcl_fvs `extendDVarSet` v)
+ | nameIsLocalOrFrom (mod env) (idName v) -- v is bound at top level
+ = (top_fvs `extendVarSet` v, lcl_fvs)
+ | otherwise -- v is imported
+ = (top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+exprFVs :: Env -> StgExpr -> (CgStgExpr, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
+exprFVs env = go
- var_fvs :: Env -> Id -> TopIds
- var_fvs env v
- | not (elemVarSet v (locals env))
- , nameIsLocalOrFrom (mod env) (idName v) = unitVarSet v
- | otherwise = emptyVarSet
- exprFVs :: Env -> StgExpr -> (CgStgExpr, TopIds, DIdSet)
- exprFVs env = go
- where
- go (StgApp f as)
- | (args_fvs, id_set) <- argsFVs env as
- = ( StgApp f as
- , var_fvs env f `unionVarSet` args_fvs
- , if f `elemVarSet` locals env then extendDVarSet id_set f else id_set)
- go (StgLit lit) = (StgLit lit, emptyVarSet, emptyDVarSet)
- go (StgConApp dc n as tys)
- | (args_fvs, id_set) <- argsFVs env as
- = (StgConApp dc n as tys, args_fvs, id_set)
- go (StgOpApp op as ty)
- | (fvs, id_set) <- argsFVs env as
- = (StgOpApp op as ty, fvs, id_set)
- go (StgCase scrut bndr ty alts)
- | (scrut',scrut_fvs,scrut_id_set) <- exprFVs env scrut
- -- See Note [Tracking local binders]
- , (alts',alts_fvss,alts_id_sets)
- <- mapAndUnzip3 (altFVs (addLocals [bndr] env)) alts
- , fvs' <- scrut_fvs `unionVarSet` unionVarSets alts_fvss
- , alts_id_set <- unionDVarSets alts_id_sets
- , id_set' <- delDVarSet (unionDVarSet scrut_id_set alts_id_set) bndr
- = (StgCase scrut' bndr ty alts', fvs',id_set')
- go (StgLet ext bind body) = go_bind (StgLet ext) bind body
- go (StgLetNoEscape ext bind body) = go_bind (StgLetNoEscape ext) bind body
- go (StgTick tick e)
- | (e',fvs, id_set) <- exprFVs env e
- , id_set' <- unionDVarSet (tickish tick) id_set
- = (StgTick tick e', fvs, id_set')
- where
- tickish (Breakpoint _ _ ids) = mkDVarSet ids
- tickish _ = emptyDVarSet
- go_bind dc bind body = (dc bind' body', fvs, id_set)
- where
- -- See Note [Tracking local binders]
- env' = addLocals (bindersOf bind) env
- (body', body_fvs, body_set_ids)
- = exprFVs env' body
- (bind', bind_fvs, id_set)
- = bindingFVs env' body_set_ids bind
- fvs = bind_fvs `unionVarSet` body_fvs
- rhsFVs :: Env -> StgRhs -> (CgStgRhs, TopIds, DIdSet)
- rhsFVs env (StgRhsClosure _ ccs uf bs body)
- | (body', fvss, id_set)
- <- exprFVs (addLocals bs env) body
- , id_set' <- delDVarSetList id_set bs
- = (StgRhsClosure id_set' ccs uf bs body', fvss, id_set')
- rhsFVs env (StgRhsCon ccs dc mu ts bs)
- | (fvs, id_set) <- argsFVs env bs
- = (StgRhsCon ccs dc mu ts bs, fvs, id_set)
- argsFVs :: Env -> [StgArg] -> (TopIds, DIdSet)
- argsFVs env = foldl' f (emptyVarSet, emptyDVarSet)
+ go (StgApp f as)
+ | (top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- varFVs env f (argsFVs env as)
+ = (StgApp f as, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+ go (StgLit lit) = (StgLit lit, emptyVarSet, emptyDVarSet)
+ go (StgConApp dc n as tys)
+ | (top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- argsFVs env as
+ = (StgConApp dc n as tys, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+ go (StgOpApp op as ty)
+ | (top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- argsFVs env as
+ = (StgOpApp op as ty, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+ go (StgCase scrut bndr ty alts)
+ | (scrut',scrut_top_fvs,scrut_lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs env scrut
+ -- See Note [Tracking local binders]
+ , (alts',alts_top_fvss,alts_lcl_fvss)
+ <- mapAndUnzip3 (altFVs (addLocals [bndr] env)) alts
+ , let top_fvs = scrut_top_fvs `unionVarSet` unionVarSets alts_top_fvss
+ alts_lcl_fvs = unionDVarSets alts_lcl_fvss
+ lcl_fvs = delDVarSet (unionDVarSet scrut_lcl_fvs alts_lcl_fvs) bndr
+ = (StgCase scrut' bndr ty alts', top_fvs,lcl_fvs)
+ go (StgLet ext bind body) = go_bind (StgLet ext) bind body
+ go (StgLetNoEscape ext bind body) = go_bind (StgLetNoEscape ext) bind body
+ go (StgTick tick e)
+ | (e', top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs env e
+ , let lcl_fvs' = unionDVarSet (tickish tick) lcl_fvs
+ = (StgTick tick e', top_fvs, lcl_fvs')
+ where
+ tickish (Breakpoint _ _ ids) = mkDVarSet ids
+ tickish _ = emptyDVarSet
+ go_bind dc bind body = (dc bind' body', top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
- f (fvs,ids) StgLitArg{} = (fvs, ids)
- f (fvs,ids) (StgVarArg v) = (fvs', ids')
- where
- !fvs' = var_fvs env v `unionVarSet` fvs
- !ids' | v `elemVarSet` locals env
- = extendDVarSet ids v
- | otherwise = ids
- altFVs :: Env -> StgAlt -> (CgStgAlt, TopIds, DIdSet)
- altFVs env (con,bndrs,e)
- | (e', fvs, id_set)
- <- exprFVs (addLocals bndrs env) e
- , id_set' <- delDVarSetList id_set bndrs
- = ((con,bndrs, e'), fvs, id_set')
+ -- See Note [Tracking local binders]
+ env' = addLocals (bindersOf bind) env
+ (body', body_top_fvs, body_lcl_fvs) = exprFVs env' body
+ (bind', bind_top_fvs, lcl_fvs) = bindingFVs env' body_lcl_fvs bind
+ top_fvs = bind_top_fvs `unionVarSet` body_top_fvs
+rhsFVs :: Env -> StgRhs -> (CgStgRhs, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
+rhsFVs env (StgRhsClosure _ ccs uf bs body)
+ | (body', top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs (addLocals bs env) body
+ , let lcl_fvs' = delDVarSetList lcl_fvs bs
+ = (StgRhsClosure lcl_fvs' ccs uf bs body', top_fvs, lcl_fvs')
+rhsFVs env (StgRhsCon ccs dc mu ts bs)
+ | (top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- argsFVs env bs
+ = (StgRhsCon ccs dc mu ts bs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+argsFVs :: Env -> [StgArg] -> (TopFVs, LocalFVs)
+argsFVs env = foldl' f (emptyVarSet, emptyDVarSet)
+ where
+ f (fvs,ids) StgLitArg{} = (fvs, ids)
+ f (fvs,ids) (StgVarArg v) = varFVs env v (fvs, ids)
+altFVs :: Env -> StgAlt -> (CgStgAlt, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
+altFVs env (con,bndrs,e)
+ | (e', top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs (addLocals bndrs env) e
+ , let lcl_fvs' = delDVarSetList lcl_fvs bndrs
+ = ((con,bndrs, e'), top_fvs, lcl_fvs')
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
index f9ece04b8a..56bc3b0806 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Misc
import System.IO.Unsafe
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.IORef
+import GHC.Utils.Trace
codeGen :: Logger
-> TmpFs
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/T14373d.stderr-ws-64 b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/T14373d.stderr-ws-64
index 6258d38e4a..0850a479cc 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/T14373d.stderr-ws-64
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/T14373d.stderr-ws-64
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
+[T14373d.lateDefault_entry() { //
+ switch [0 .. 15]
+ case 15 : goto
+ default: {goto
+ R1 = XYZ_closure+2;
[T14373d.earlyDefault_entry() { //
switch [1 .. 7]
- case 2 : goto
- default: {goto
+ case 2 : goto
+ default: {goto
R1 = XYZ_closure+2;
[T14373d.mixedDefault_entry() { //
switch [1 .. 7]
- case 2 : goto
- case 7 : goto
- default: {goto
+ case 2 : goto
+ case 7 : goto
+ default: {goto
switch [6 .. 15]
- case 15 : goto
- default: {goto
- R1 = XYZ_closure+2;
-[T14373d.lateDefault_entry() { //
- switch [0 .. 15]
- case 15 : goto
- default: {goto
+ case 15 : goto
+ default: {goto
R1 = XYZ_closure+2;