diff options
authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2014-04-07 15:45:35 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2014-04-07 15:45:48 +0100
commit54e655536ecf7eba755b334058d5c22dab251bea (patch)
parentec3e949e29990c054850f621e14a9d77e3197aee (diff)
Derive Typable for promoted data constructors (Trac #8950)
I got sucked into a significant refactoring of the way that Typeable instances are derived. This makes it simpler and more uniform. I also improved the documentation in the user manual. Typeable really is different to other classes, and now gets its own subsection.
6 files changed, 203 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
index 2f03b1fced..ce200b23ad 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
@@ -528,53 +528,46 @@ makeDerivSpecs :: Bool
-> [LDerivDecl Name]
-> TcM [EarlyDerivSpec]
makeDerivSpecs is_boot tycl_decls inst_decls deriv_decls
- = do { eqns1 <- concatMapM (recoverM (return []) . deriveTyDecl) tycl_decls
- ; eqns2 <- concatMapM (recoverM (return []) . deriveInstDecl) inst_decls
- ; eqns3 <- mapAndRecoverM deriveStandalone deriv_decls
- ; let eqns = eqns1 ++ eqns2 ++ eqns3
+ = do { eqns1 <- concatMapM (recoverM (return []) . deriveTyDecl) tycl_decls
+ ; eqns2 <- concatMapM (recoverM (return []) . deriveInstDecl) inst_decls
+ ; eqns3 <- concatMapM (recoverM (return []) . deriveStandalone) deriv_decls
-- If AutoDeriveTypeable is set, we automatically add Typeable instances
-- for every data type and type class declared in the module
- ; isAutoTypeable <- xoptM Opt_AutoDeriveTypeable
- ; eqns4 <- if isAutoTypeable then concatMapM (deriveTypeable eqns) tycl_decls
- else return []
- ; eqns4' <- setXOptM Opt_PolyKinds $
- mapAndRecoverM deriveStandalone eqns4
- ; let eqns' = eqns ++ eqns4'
+ ; auto_typeable <- xoptM Opt_AutoDeriveTypeable
+ ; eqns4 <- deriveAutoTypeable auto_typeable (eqns1 ++ eqns3) tycl_decls
+ ; let eqns = eqns1 ++ eqns2 ++ eqns3 ++ eqns4
; if is_boot then -- No 'deriving' at all in hs-boot files
- do { unless (null eqns') (add_deriv_err (head eqns'))
+ do { unless (null eqns) (add_deriv_err (head eqns))
; return [] }
- else return eqns' }
+ else return eqns }
add_deriv_err eqn
= setSrcSpan (earlyDSLoc eqn) $
addErr (hang (ptext (sLit "Deriving not permitted in hs-boot file"))
2 (ptext (sLit "Use an instance declaration instead")))
- deriveTypeable :: [EarlyDerivSpec] -> LTyClDecl Name -> TcM [LDerivDecl Name]
- deriveTypeable dss (L l decl)
- = do { tc <- tcLookupTyCon (tcdName decl)
- ; let prom_dcs = mapMaybe promoteDataCon_maybe (tyConDataCons tc)
- deriv_decls = mapMaybe mk_typeable_deriv_decl (tc : prom_dcs)
- ; return deriv_decls }
- where
- mk_typeable_deriv_decl :: TyCon -> Maybe (LDerivDecl Name)
- mk_typeable_deriv_decl tc
- | not (isSynTyCon tc)
- , not (hasInstance tc) -- avoid duplicate instances
- = Just $ L l (DerivDecl (L l (HsAppTy (noLoc (HsTyVar typeableClassName))
- (L l (HsTyVar (tyConName tc))))))
- | otherwise
- = Nothing
+deriveAutoTypeable :: Bool -> [EarlyDerivSpec] -> [LTyClDecl Name] -> TcM [EarlyDerivSpec]
+-- Runs over *all* TyCl declarations, including classes and data families
+-- i.e. not just data type decls
+deriveAutoTypeable auto_typeable done_specs tycl_decls
+ | not auto_typeable = return []
+ | otherwise = do { cls <- tcLookupClass typeableClassName
+ ; concatMapM (do_one cls) tycl_decls }
+ where
+ done_tcs = mkNameSet [ tyConName (earlyDSTyCon spec)
+ | spec <- done_specs
+ , className (earlyDSClass spec) == typeableClassName ]
-- Check if an automatically generated DS for deriving Typeable should be
- -- ommitted because the user had manually requested for an instance
- hasInstance :: TyCon -> Bool
- hasInstance tc = any (\ds -> tc == earlyDSTyCon ds
- && typeableClassName == className (earlyDSClass ds))
- dss
+ -- ommitted because the user had manually requested an instance
+ do_one cls (L _ decl)
+ = do { tc <- tcLookupTyCon (tcdName decl)
+ ; if (isSynTyCon tc || tyConName tc `elemNameSet` done_tcs)
+ then return []
+ else mkPolyKindedTypeableEqn cls tc }
deriveTyDecl :: LTyClDecl Name -> TcM [EarlyDerivSpec]
@@ -584,8 +577,9 @@ deriveTyDecl (L _ decl@(DataDecl { tcdLName = L _ tc_name
do { tc <- tcLookupTyCon tc_name
; let tvs = tyConTyVars tc
tys = mkTyVarTys tvs
; case preds of
- Just preds' -> mapM (deriveTyData tvs tc tys) preds'
+ Just preds' -> concatMapM (deriveTyData False tvs tc tys) preds'
Nothing -> return [] }
deriveTyDecl _ = return []
@@ -606,7 +600,7 @@ deriveFamInst decl@(DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = L _ tc_name, dfid_pats = pats
do { fam_tc <- tcLookupTyCon tc_name
; tcFamTyPats tc_name (tyConKind fam_tc) pats (\_ -> return ()) $
\ tvs' pats' _ ->
- mapM (deriveTyData tvs' fam_tc pats') preds }
+ concatMapM (deriveTyData True tvs' fam_tc pats') preds }
-- Tiresomely we must figure out the "lhs", which is awkward for type families
-- E.g. data T a b = .. deriving( Eq )
-- Here, the lhs is (T a b)
@@ -618,7 +612,7 @@ deriveFamInst decl@(DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = L _ tc_name, dfid_pats = pats
deriveFamInst _ = return []
-deriveStandalone :: LDerivDecl Name -> TcM EarlyDerivSpec
+deriveStandalone :: LDerivDecl Name -> TcM [EarlyDerivSpec]
-- Standalone deriving declarations
-- e.g. deriving instance Show a => Show (T a)
-- Rather like tcLocalInstDecl
@@ -644,23 +638,70 @@ deriveStandalone (L loc (DerivDecl deriv_ty))
, text "type:" <+> ppr inst_ty ]
; case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe inst_ty of
- Just (tycon, tc_args)
- | className cls == typeableClassName || isAlgTyCon tycon
- -> mkEqnHelp tvs cls cls_tys tycon tc_args (Just theta)
+ Just (tc, tc_args)
+ | className cls == typeableClassName -- Works for algebraic TyCons
+ -- _and_ data families
+ -> do { check_standalone_typeable theta tc tc_args
+ ; mkPolyKindedTypeableEqn cls tc }
+ | isAlgTyCon tc -- All other classes
+ -> do { spec <- mkEqnHelp tvs cls cls_tys tc tc_args (Just theta)
+ ; return [spec] }
_ -> -- Complain about functions, primitive types, etc,
-- except for the Typeable class
failWithTc $ derivingThingErr False cls cls_tys inst_ty $
ptext (sLit "The last argument of the instance must be a data or newtype application")
+ where
+ check_standalone_typeable theta tc tc_args
+ -- We expect to see
+ -- deriving Typeable <kind> T
+ -- for some tycon T. But if S is kind-polymorphic,
+ -- say (S :: forall k. k -> *), we might see
+ -- deriving Typable <kind> (S k)
+ --
+ -- But we should NOT see
+ -- deriving Typeable <kind> (T Int)
+ -- or deriving Typeable <kind> (S *) where S is kind-polymorphic
+ --
+ -- So all the tc_args should be distinct kind variables
+ | null theta
+ , allDistinctTyVars tc_args
+ , all is_kind_var tc_args
+ = return ()
+ | otherwise
+ = do { polykinds <- xoptM Opt_PolyKinds
+ ; failWith (mk_msg polykinds theta tc tc_args) }
+ is_kind_var tc_arg = case tcGetTyVar_maybe tc_arg of
+ Just v -> isKindVar v
+ Nothing -> False
+ mk_msg polykinds theta tc tc_args
+ | not polykinds
+ , all isKind tc_args -- Non-empty, all kinds, at least one not a kind variable
+ , null theta
+ = hang (ptext (sLit "To make a Typeable instance of poly-kinded")
+ <+> quotes (ppr tc) <> comma)
+ 2 (ptext (sLit "use XPolyKinds"))
+ | otherwise
+ = hang (ptext (sLit "Derived Typeable instance must be of form"))
+ 2 (ptext (sLit "deriving instance Typeable") <+> ppr tc)
-deriveTyData :: [TyVar] -> TyCon -> [Type] -- LHS of data or data instance
+deriveTyData :: Bool -- False <=> data/newtype
+ -- True <=> data/newtype *instance*
+ -> [TyVar] -> TyCon -> [Type] -- LHS of data or data instance
-- Can be a data instance, hence [Type] args
-> LHsType Name -- The deriving predicate
- -> TcM EarlyDerivSpec
+ -> TcM [EarlyDerivSpec]
-- The deriving clause of a data or newtype declaration
-deriveTyData tvs tc tc_args (L loc deriv_pred)
+-- I.e. not standalone deriving
+deriveTyData is_instance tvs tc tc_args (L loc deriv_pred)
= setSrcSpan loc $ -- Use the location of the 'deriving' item
do { (deriv_tvs, cls, cls_tys) <- tcExtendTyVarEnv tvs $
tcHsDeriv deriv_pred
@@ -673,11 +714,11 @@ deriveTyData tvs tc tc_args (L loc deriv_pred)
-- so the argument kind 'k' is not decomposable by splitKindFunTys
-- as is the case for all other derivable type classes
; if className cls == typeableClassName
- then derivePolyKindedTypeable cls cls_tys tvs tc tc_args
- else do {
+ then derivePolyKindedTypeable is_instance cls cls_tys tvs tc tc_args
+ else
- -- Given data T a b c = ... deriving( C d ),
- -- we want to drop type variables from T so that (C d (T a)) is well-kinded
+ do { -- Given data T a b c = ... deriving( C d ),
+ -- we want to drop type variables from T so that (C d (T a)) is well-kinded
; let cls_tyvars = classTyVars cls
; checkTc (not (null cls_tyvars)) derivingNullaryErr
@@ -729,33 +770,29 @@ deriveTyData tvs tc tc_args (L loc deriv_pred)
-- newtype T a s = ... deriving( ST s )
-- newtype K a a = ... deriving( Monad )
- ; mkEqnHelp (univ_kvs' ++ univ_tvs')
- cls final_cls_tys tc final_tc_args Nothing } }
+ ; spec <- mkEqnHelp (univ_kvs' ++ univ_tvs')
+ cls final_cls_tys tc final_tc_args Nothing
+ ; return [spec] } }
-derivePolyKindedTypeable :: Class -> [Type]
+derivePolyKindedTypeable :: Bool -> Class -> [Type]
-> [TyVar] -> TyCon -> [Type]
- -> TcM EarlyDerivSpec
-derivePolyKindedTypeable cls cls_tys _tvs tc tc_args
- = do { checkTc (isSingleton cls_tys) $ -- Typeable k
+ -> TcM [EarlyDerivSpec]
+-- The deriving( Typeable ) clause of a data/newtype decl
+-- I.e. not standalone deriving
+derivePolyKindedTypeable is_instance cls cls_tys _tvs tc tc_args
+ | is_instance
+ = failWith (sep [ ptext (sLit "Deriving Typeable is not allowed for family instances;")
+ , ptext (sLit "derive Typeable for")
+ <+> quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc)
+ <+> ptext (sLit "alone") ])
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT( allDistinctTyVars tc_args ) -- Came from a data/newtype decl
+ do { checkTc (isSingleton cls_tys) $ -- Typeable k
derivingThingErr False cls cls_tys (mkTyConApp tc tc_args)
(classArgsErr cls cls_tys)
- -- Check that we have not said, for example
- -- deriving Typeable (T Int)
- -- or deriving Typeable (S :: * -> *) where S is kind-polymorphic
- ; checkTc (allDistinctTyVars tc_args) $
- derivingEtaErr cls cls_tys (mkTyConApp tc tc_kind_args)
- ; mkEqnHelp kind_vars cls cls_tys tc tc_kind_args Nothing }
- where
- kind_vars = kindVarsOnly tc_args
- tc_kind_args = mkTyVarTys kind_vars
- kindVarsOnly :: [Type] -> [KindVar]
- kindVarsOnly [] = []
- kindVarsOnly (t:ts) | Just v <- getTyVar_maybe t
- , isKindVar v = v : kindVarsOnly ts
- | otherwise = kindVarsOnly ts
+ ; mkPolyKindedTypeableEqn cls tc }
Note [Unify kinds in deriving]
@@ -833,12 +870,6 @@ mkEqnHelp tvs cls cls_tys tycon tc_args mtheta
Just err -> bale_out err
Nothing -> mkOldTypeableEqn tvs cls tycon tc_args mtheta }
- | className cls == typeableClassName -- Polykinded Typeable
- = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; case checkTypeableConditions (dflags, tycon, tc_args) of
- Just err -> bale_out err
- Nothing -> mkPolyKindedTypeableEqn tvs cls tycon tc_args mtheta }
| otherwise
= do { (rep_tc, rep_tc_args) <- lookup_data_fam tycon tc_args
-- Be careful to test rep_tc here: in the case of families,
@@ -1045,43 +1076,34 @@ mkOldTypeableEqn tvs cls tycon tc_args mtheta
, ds_tc = tycon, ds_tc_args = []
, ds_theta = mtheta `orElse` [], ds_newtype = False }) }
-mkPolyKindedTypeableEqn :: [TyVar] -> Class
- -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> DerivContext
- -> TcM EarlyDerivSpec
+mkPolyKindedTypeableEqn :: Class -> TyCon -> TcM [EarlyDerivSpec]
-- We can arrive here from a 'deriving' clause
-- or from standalone deriving
-mkPolyKindedTypeableEqn tvs cls tycon tc_args mtheta
- = do { -- Check that we have not said, for example
- -- deriving Typeable (T Int)
- -- or deriving Typeable (S :: * -> *) where S is kind-polymorphic
- polykinds <- xoptM Opt_PolyKinds
- ; checkTc (all is_kind_var tc_args) (mk_msg polykinds)
- ; dfun_name <- new_dfun_name cls tycon
- ; loc <- getSrcSpanM
- ; let tc_app = mkTyConApp tycon tc_args
- ; return (GivenTheta $
- DS { ds_loc = loc, ds_name = dfun_name
- , ds_tvs = filter isKindVar tvs, ds_cls = cls
- , ds_tys = typeKind tc_app : [tc_app]
- -- Remember, Typeable :: forall k. k -> *
- , ds_tc = tycon, ds_tc_args = tc_args
- , ds_theta = mtheta `orElse` [] -- Context is empty for polykinded Typeable
- , ds_newtype = False }) }
+mkPolyKindedTypeableEqn cls tc
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags -- It's awkward to re-used checkFlag here,
+ ; checkTc(xopt Opt_DeriveDataTypeable dflags) -- so we do a DIY job
+ (hang (ptext (sLit "Can't make a Typeable instance of") <+> quotes (ppr tc))
+ 2 (ptext (sLit "You need DeriveDataTypeable to derive Typeable instances")))
+ ; loc <- getSrcSpanM
+ ; let prom_dcs = mapMaybe promoteDataCon_maybe (tyConDataCons tc)
+ ; mapM (mk_one loc) (tc : prom_dcs) }
- is_kind_var tc_arg = case tcGetTyVar_maybe tc_arg of
- Just v -> isKindVar v
- Nothing -> False
- mk_msg polykinds | not polykinds
- , all isKind tc_args -- Non-empty, all kinds, at least one not a kind variable
- = hang (ptext (sLit "To make a Typeable instance of poly-kinded")
- <+> quotes (ppr tycon) <> comma)
- 2 (ptext (sLit "use XPolyKinds"))
- | otherwise
- = ptext (sLit "Derived Typeable instance must be of form")
- <+> parens (ptext (sLit "Typeable") <+> ppr tycon)
+ mk_one loc tc = do { traceTc "mkPolyKindedTypeableEqn" (ppr tc)
+ ; dfun_name <- new_dfun_name cls tc
+ ; return $ GivenTheta $
+ DS { ds_loc = loc, ds_name = dfun_name
+ , ds_tvs = kvs, ds_cls = cls
+ , ds_tys = [tc_app_kind, tc_app]
+ -- Remember, Typeable :: forall k. k -> *
+ -- so we must instantiate it appropiately
+ , ds_tc = tc, ds_tc_args = tc_args
+ , ds_theta = [] -- Context is empty for polykinded Typeable
+ , ds_newtype = False } }
+ where
+ (kvs,tc_app_kind) = splitForAllTys (tyConKind tc)
+ tc_args = mkTyVarTys kvs
+ tc_app = mkTyConApp tc tc_args
inferConstraints :: Class -> [TcType]
-> TyCon -> [TcType]
@@ -1205,8 +1227,7 @@ checkSideConditions dflags mtheta cls cls_tys rep_tc rep_tc_args
classArgsErr :: Class -> [Type] -> SDoc
classArgsErr cls cls_tys = quotes (ppr (mkClassPred cls cls_tys)) <+> ptext (sLit "is not a class")
-checkTypeableConditions, checkOldTypeableConditions :: Condition
-checkTypeableConditions = checkFlag Opt_DeriveDataTypeable `andCond` cond_TypeableOK
+checkOldTypeableConditions :: Condition
checkOldTypeableConditions = checkFlag Opt_DeriveDataTypeable `andCond` cond_oldTypeableOK
nonStdErr :: Class -> SDoc
@@ -1368,20 +1389,6 @@ cond_oldTypeableOK (_, tc, _)
bad_kind = quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc) <+>
ptext (sLit "must only have arguments of kind `*'")
-cond_TypeableOK :: Condition
--- Only not ok if it's a data instance
-cond_TypeableOK (_, tc, tc_args)
- | isDataFamilyTyCon tc && not (null tc_args)
- = Just no_families
- | otherwise
- = Nothing
- where
- no_families = sep [ ptext (sLit "Deriving Typeable is not allowed for family instances;")
- , ptext (sLit "derive Typeable for")
- <+> quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc)
- <+> ptext (sLit "alone") ]
functorLikeClassKeys :: [Unique]
functorLikeClassKeys = [functorClassKey, foldableClassKey, traversableClassKey]
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/flags.xml b/docs/users_guide/flags.xml
index 6acd28dc0a..0ad6fc2f6c 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/flags.xml
+++ b/docs/users_guide/flags.xml
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
- <entry>Automatically <link linkend="auto-derive-typeable">derive Typeable instances for every datatype and type class declaration</link>.
+ <entry>Automatically <link linkend="deriving-typeable">derive Typeable instances for every datatype and type class declaration</link>.
Implies <option>-XDeriveDataTypeable</option>.</entry>
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml
index 33124122ef..44f0d98ab2 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml
+++ b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml
@@ -3842,9 +3842,8 @@ GHC always treats the <emphasis>last</emphasis> parameter of the instance
-<sect2 id="deriving-typeable">
-<title>Deriving clause for extra classes (<literal>Typeable</literal>, <literal>Data</literal>, etc)</title>
+<sect2 id="deriving-extra">
+<title>Deriving instances of extra classes (<literal>Data</literal>, etc)</title>
Haskell 98 allows the programmer to add "<literal>deriving( Eq, Ord )</literal>" to a data type
@@ -3856,27 +3855,6 @@ classes <literal>Eq</literal>, <literal>Ord</literal>,
GHC extends this list with several more classes that may be automatically derived:
-<listitem><para> With <option>-XDeriveDataTypeable</option>, you can derive instances of the classes
-<literal>Typeable</literal>, and <literal>Data</literal>, defined in the library
-modules <literal>Data.Typeable</literal> and <literal>Data.Data</literal> respectively.
-<para>Since GHC 7.8.1, <literal>Typeable</literal> is kind-polymorphic (see
-<xref linkend="kind-polymorphism"/>) and can be derived for any datatype and
-type class. Instances for datatypes can be derived by attaching a
-<literal>deriving Typeable</literal> clause to the datatype declaration, or by
-using standalone deriving (see <xref linkend="stand-alone-deriving"/>).
-Instances for type classes can only be derived using standalone deriving.
-For data families, <literal>Typeable</literal> should only be derived for the
-uninstantiated family type; each instance will then automatically have a
-<literal>Typeable</literal> instance too.
-See also <xref linkend="auto-derive-typeable"/>.
-Also since GHC 7.8.1, handwritten (ie. not derived) instances of
-<literal>Typeable</literal> are forbidden, and will result in an error.
<listitem><para> With <option>-XDeriveGeneric</option>, you can derive
instances of the classes <literal>Generic</literal> and
<literal>Generic1</literal>, defined in <literal>GHC.Generics</literal>.
@@ -3889,6 +3867,12 @@ the class <literal>Functor</literal>,
defined in <literal>GHC.Base</literal>.
+<listitem><para> With <option>-XDeriveDataTypeable</option>, you can derive instances of
+the class <literal>Data</literal>,
+defined in <literal>Data.Data</literal>. See <xref linkend="deriving-typeable"/> for
+deriving <literal>Typeable</literal>.
<listitem><para> With <option>-XDeriveFoldable</option>, you can derive instances of
the class <literal>Foldable</literal>,
defined in <literal>Data.Foldable</literal>.
@@ -3899,21 +3883,66 @@ the class <literal>Traversable</literal>,
defined in <literal>Data.Traversable</literal>.
+You can also use a standalone deriving declaration instead
+(see <xref linkend="stand-alone-deriving"/>).
In each case the appropriate class must be in scope before it
can be mentioned in the <literal>deriving</literal> clause.
-<sect2 id="auto-derive-typeable">
-<title>Automatically deriving <literal>Typeable</literal> instances</title>
+<sect2 id="deriving-typeable">
+<title>Deriving <literal>Typeable</literal> instances</title>
+<para>The class <literal>Typeable</literal> is very special:
+<literal>Typeable</literal> is kind-polymorphic (see
+<xref linkend="kind-polymorphism"/>).
+Only derived instances of <literal>Typeable</literal> are allowed;
+i.e. handwritten instances are forbidden. This ensures that the
+programmer cannot subert the type system by writing bogus instances.
+With <option>-XDeriveDataTypeable</option>
+GHC allows you to derive instances of <literal>Typeable</literal> for data types or newtypes,
+using a <literal>deriving</literal> clause, or using
+a standalone deriving declaration (<xref linkend="stand-alone-deriving"/>).
+With <option>-XDataKinds</option>, deriving <literal>Typeable</literal> for a data
+type (whether via a deriving clause or standalone deriving)
+also derives <literal>Typeable</literal> for the promoted data constructors (<xref linkend="promotion"/>).
+However, using standalone deriving, you can <emphasis>also</emphasis> derive
+a <literal>Typeable</literal> instance for a data family.
+You may not add a <literal>deriving(Typeable)</literal> clause to a
+<literal>data instance</literal> declaration; instead you must use a
+standalone deriving declaration for the data family.
+Using standalone deriving, you can <emphasis>also</emphasis> derive
+a <literal>Typeable</literal> instance for a type class.
The flag <option>-XAutoDeriveTypeable</option> triggers the generation
-of derived <literal>Typeable</literal> instances for every datatype and type
-class declaration in the module it is used. It will also generate
-<literal>Typeable</literal> instances for any promoted data constructors
-(<xref linkend="promotion"/>). This flag implies
-<option>-XDeriveDataTypeable</option> (<xref linkend="deriving-typeable"/>).
+of derived <literal>Typeable</literal> instances for every datatype, data family,
+and type class declaration in the module it is used, unless a manually-specified one is
+already provided.
+This flag implies <option>-XDeriveDataTypeable</option>.
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T2604.stderr b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T2604.stderr
index 1479a141fa..3000b5002f 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T2604.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T2604.stderr
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- Can't make a derived instance of ‘Typeable DList’:
- You need DeriveDataTypeable to derive an instance for this class
+ Can't make a Typeable instance of ‘DList’
+ You need DeriveDataTypeable to derive Typeable instances
In the data declaration for ‘DList’
- Can't make a derived instance of ‘Typeable NList’:
- You need DeriveDataTypeable to derive an instance for this class
+ Can't make a Typeable instance of ‘NList’
+ You need DeriveDataTypeable to derive Typeable instances
In the newtype declaration for ‘NList’
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T5863a.stderr b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T5863a.stderr
index 1bd2c77ac7..d64f1b20ce 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T5863a.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_fail/T5863a.stderr
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- Cannot eta-reduce to an instance of form
- instance (...) => Typeable T
+ Deriving Typeable is not allowed for family instances;
+ derive Typeable for ‘T’ alone
In the data instance declaration for ‘T’
- Cannot eta-reduce to an instance of form
- instance (...) => Typeable T
+ Deriving Typeable is not allowed for family instances;
+ derive Typeable for ‘T’ alone
In the data instance declaration for ‘T’
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T5682.hs b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T5682.hs
index cdfe46f229..c5510edc8f 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T5682.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T5682.hs
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ data Foo = Bool :+: Bool
type X = True ':+: False
deriving instance Typeable '(:+:)
-deriving instance Typeable '(,,)