diff options
authorJoachim Breitner <>2013-11-27 16:15:46 +0000
committerJoachim Breitner <>2013-11-27 16:15:49 +0000
commit808ded9c03be25548a8954e61115af5ccd6f2241 (patch)
parentaef90447a7eb92462f0af5e81f40965fb55fdae7 (diff)
Get rid of EvCoercible
and use EvCoercion to describe the evidence for Coercible instances.
6 files changed, 48 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
index 85b1cc6e4d..54744bc342 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
@@ -49,11 +49,10 @@ import TcEvidence
import TcType
import Type
import Coercion hiding (substCo)
-import TysWiredIn ( eqBoxDataCon, coercibleTyCon, coercibleDataCon, tupleCon )
+import TysWiredIn ( eqBoxDataCon, coercibleDataCon, tupleCon )
import Id
import Class
import DataCon ( dataConWorkId )
-import FamInstEnv ( instNewTyConTF_maybe )
import Name
import MkId ( seqId )
import Var
@@ -786,48 +785,6 @@ dsEvTerm (EvLit l) =
EvNum n -> mkIntegerExpr n
EvStr s -> mkStringExprFS s
--- Note [Coercible Instances]
-dsEvTerm (EvCoercible (EvCoercibleRefl ty)) = do
- return $ mkEqBox $ mkReflCo Representational ty
-dsEvTerm (EvCoercible (EvCoercibleTyCon tyCon evs)) = do
- ntEvs <- mapM (mapEvCoercibleArgM dsEvTerm) evs
- wrapInEqRCases ntEvs $ \cos -> do
- return $ mkEqBox $
- mkTyConAppCo Representational tyCon cos
-dsEvTerm (EvCoercible (EvCoercibleNewType lor tyCon tys v)) = do
- ntEv <- dsEvTerm v
- famenv <- dsGetFamInstEnvs
- let Just (_, ntCo) = instNewTyConTF_maybe famenv tyCon tys
- wrapInEqRCase ntEv $ \co -> do
- return $ mkEqBox $ connect lor co ntCo
- where connect CLeft co2 co1 = mkTransCo co1 co2
- connect CRight co2 co1 = mkTransCo co2 (mkSymCo co1)
-wrapInEqRCase :: CoreExpr -> (Coercion -> DsM CoreExpr) -> DsM CoreExpr
-wrapInEqRCase e mkBody = do
- cov <- newSysLocalDs (mkCoercionType Representational ty1 ty2)
- body' <- mkBody (mkCoVarCo cov)
- return $
- ASSERT(tc == coercibleTyCon)
- mkWildCase
- e
- (exprType e)
- (exprType body')
- [(DataAlt coercibleDataCon, [cov], body')]
- where
- Just (tc, [_k, ty1, ty2]) = splitTyConApp_maybe (exprType e)
-wrapInEqRCases :: [EvCoercibleArg CoreExpr] -> ([Coercion] -> DsM CoreExpr) -> DsM CoreExpr
-wrapInEqRCases (EvCoercibleArgN t:es) mkBody =
- wrapInEqRCases es (\cos -> mkBody (mkReflCo Nominal t:cos))
-wrapInEqRCases (EvCoercibleArgR e:es) mkBody = wrapInEqRCase e $ \co ->
- wrapInEqRCases es (\cos -> mkBody (co:cos))
-wrapInEqRCases (EvCoercibleArgP t1 t2:es) mkBody =
- wrapInEqRCases es (\cos -> mkBody (mkUnivCo Phantom t1 t2:cos))
-wrapInEqRCases [] mkBody = mkBody []
dsTcCoercion :: TcCoercion -> (Coercion -> CoreExpr) -> DsM CoreExpr
-- This is the crucial function that moves
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs-boot b/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs-boot
index b6dab8a21b..305d82e2b5 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs-boot
+++ b/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs-boot
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} TyCon (TyCon)
import {-# SOURCE #-} TypeRep (Type)
-eqTyCon :: TyCon
+eqTyCon, coercibleTyCon :: TyCon
typeNatKind, typeSymbolKind :: Type
mkBoxedTupleTy :: [Type] -> Type
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.lhs
index ea0c3b59d7..a0df74b75a 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module TcEvidence (
EvBind(..), emptyTcEvBinds, isEmptyTcEvBinds,
EvTerm(..), mkEvCast, evVarsOfTerm,
EvLit(..), evTermCoercion,
- EvCoercible(..), EvCoercibleArg(..), mapEvCoercibleArgM,
-- TcCoercion
TcCoercion(..), LeftOrRight(..), pickLR,
@@ -26,13 +25,15 @@ module TcEvidence (
tcCoercionKind, coVarsOfTcCo, isEqVar, mkTcCoVarCo,
isTcReflCo, isTcReflCo_maybe, getTcCoVar_maybe,
- tcCoercionRole, eqVarRole
+ tcCoercionRole, eqVarRole,
+ coercionToTcCoercion
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import Var
import Coercion( LeftOrRight(..), pickLR, nthRole )
+import qualified Coercion as C
import PprCore () -- Instance OutputableBndr TyVar
import TypeRep -- Knows type representation
import TcType
@@ -427,6 +428,23 @@ ppr_forall_co p ty
split1 tvs ty = (reverse tvs, ty)
+Conversion from Coercion to TcCoercion
+(at the moment, this is only needed to convert the result of
+instNewTyConTF_maybe, so all unused cases are panics for now).
+coercionToTcCoercion :: C.Coercion -> TcCoercion
+coercionToTcCoercion = go
+ where
+ go (C.Refl r t) = TcRefl r t
+ go (C.TransCo c1 c2) = TcTransCo (go c1) (go c2)
+ go (C.AxiomInstCo coa ind cos) = TcAxiomInstCo coa ind (map go cos)
+ go (C.SubCo c) = TcSubCo (go c)
+ go (C.AppCo c1 c2) = TcAppCo (go c1) (go c2)
+ go co = pprPanic "coercionToTcCoercion" (ppr co)
%* *
@@ -584,9 +602,6 @@ data EvTerm
| EvLit EvLit -- Dictionary for KnownNat and KnownLit classes.
-- Note [KnownNat & KnownSymbol and EvLit]
- | EvCoercible EvCoercible -- Dictionary for "Coercible a b"
- -- Note [Coercible Instances] in TcInteract
deriving( Data.Data, Data.Typeable)
@@ -594,23 +609,6 @@ data EvLit
= EvNum Integer
| EvStr FastString
deriving( Data.Data, Data.Typeable)
-data EvCoercible
- = EvCoercibleRefl Type
- | EvCoercibleTyCon TyCon [EvCoercibleArg EvTerm]
- | EvCoercibleNewType LeftOrRight TyCon [Type] EvTerm
- deriving( Data.Data, Data.Typeable)
-data EvCoercibleArg a
- = EvCoercibleArgN Type
- | EvCoercibleArgR a
- | EvCoercibleArgP Type Type
- deriving( Data.Data, Data.Typeable)
-mapEvCoercibleArgM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> EvCoercibleArg a -> m (EvCoercibleArg b)
-mapEvCoercibleArgM _ (EvCoercibleArgN t) = return (EvCoercibleArgN t)
-mapEvCoercibleArgM f (EvCoercibleArgR v) = do { v' <- f v; return (EvCoercibleArgR v') }
-mapEvCoercibleArgM _ (EvCoercibleArgP t1 t2) = return (EvCoercibleArgP t1 t2)
Note [Coercion evidence terms]
@@ -741,12 +739,6 @@ evVarsOfTerm (EvCast tm co) = evVarsOfTerm tm `unionVarSet` coVarsOfTcCo c
evVarsOfTerm (EvTupleMk evs) = evVarsOfTerms evs
evVarsOfTerm (EvDelayedError _ _) = emptyVarSet
evVarsOfTerm (EvLit _) = emptyVarSet
-evVarsOfTerm (EvCoercible evnt) = evVarsOfEvCoercible evnt
-evVarsOfEvCoercible :: EvCoercible -> VarSet
-evVarsOfEvCoercible (EvCoercibleRefl _) = emptyVarSet
-evVarsOfEvCoercible (EvCoercibleTyCon _ evs) = evVarsOfTerms [v | EvCoercibleArgR v <- evs ]
-evVarsOfEvCoercible (EvCoercibleNewType _ _ _ v) = evVarsOfTerm v
evVarsOfTerms :: [EvTerm] -> VarSet
evVarsOfTerms = foldr (unionVarSet . evVarsOfTerm) emptyVarSet
@@ -809,23 +801,11 @@ instance Outputable EvTerm where
ppr (EvSuperClass d n) = ptext (sLit "sc") <> parens (ppr (d,n))
ppr (EvDFunApp df tys ts) = ppr df <+> sep [ char '@' <> ppr tys, ppr ts ]
ppr (EvLit l) = ppr l
- ppr (EvCoercible co) = ptext (sLit "Coercible") <+> ppr co
ppr (EvDelayedError ty msg) = ptext (sLit "error")
<+> sep [ char '@' <> ppr ty, ppr msg ]
instance Outputable EvLit where
ppr (EvNum n) = integer n
ppr (EvStr s) = text (show s)
-instance Outputable EvCoercible where
- ppr (EvCoercibleRefl ty) = ppr ty
- ppr (EvCoercibleTyCon tyCon evs) = ppr tyCon <+> hsep (map ppr evs)
- ppr (EvCoercibleNewType CLeft tyCon tys v) = ppr (tyCon `mkTyConApp` tys) <+> char ';' <+> ppr v
- ppr (EvCoercibleNewType CRight tyCon tys v) =ppr v <+> char ';' <+> ppr (tyCon `mkTyConApp` tys)
-instance Outputable a => Outputable (EvCoercibleArg a) where
- ppr (EvCoercibleArgN t) = ptext (sLit "N:") <+> ppr t
- ppr (EvCoercibleArgR v) = ptext (sLit "R:") <+> ppr v
- ppr (EvCoercibleArgP t1 t2) = ptext (sLit "P:") <+> parens (ppr (t1,t2))
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
index 1470e931c0..7d973a44bb 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
@@ -1181,9 +1181,6 @@ zonkEvTerm env (EvTupleSel tm n) = do { tm' <- zonkEvTerm env tm
zonkEvTerm env (EvTupleMk tms) = do { tms' <- mapM (zonkEvTerm env) tms
; return (EvTupleMk tms') }
zonkEvTerm _ (EvLit l) = return (EvLit l)
-zonkEvTerm env (EvCoercible evnt) = do { evnt' <- zonkEvCoercible env evnt
- ; return (EvCoercible evnt')
- }
zonkEvTerm env (EvSuperClass d n) = do { d' <- zonkEvTerm env d
; return (EvSuperClass d' n) }
zonkEvTerm env (EvDFunApp df tys tms)
@@ -1194,16 +1191,6 @@ zonkEvTerm env (EvDelayedError ty msg)
= do { ty' <- zonkTcTypeToType env ty
; return (EvDelayedError ty' msg) }
-zonkEvCoercible :: ZonkEnv -> EvCoercible -> TcM EvCoercible
-zonkEvCoercible _ (EvCoercibleRefl ty) = return (EvCoercibleRefl ty)
-zonkEvCoercible env (EvCoercibleTyCon tyCon evs) = do
- evs' <- mapM (mapEvCoercibleArgM (zonkEvTerm env)) evs
- return (EvCoercibleTyCon tyCon evs')
-zonkEvCoercible env (EvCoercibleNewType l tyCon tys v) = do
- v' <- zonkEvTerm env v
- return (EvCoercibleNewType l tyCon tys v')
zonkTcEvBinds :: ZonkEnv -> TcEvBinds -> TcM (ZonkEnv, TcEvBinds)
zonkTcEvBinds env (TcEvBinds var) = do { (env', bs') <- zonkEvBindsVar env var
; return (env', EvBinds bs') }
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
index 854c27edb7..099339765d 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
@@ -1957,8 +1957,7 @@ getCoercibleInst safeMode famenv rdr_env loc ty1 ty2
Representational -> do
ct_ev <- requestCoercible loc ta1 ta2
- local_var <- mkSysLocalM (fsLit "coev") $
- coercibleClass `mkClassPred` [typeKind ta1, ta1, ta2]
+ local_var <- mkSysLocalM (fsLit "coev") $ mkCoerciblePred ta1 ta2
( freshGoal ct_ev
, Just (EvBind local_var (getEvTerm ct_ev))
@@ -1970,27 +1969,31 @@ getCoercibleInst safeMode famenv rdr_env loc ty1 ty2
, Nothing
, TcPhantomCo ta1 ta2)
let (arg_new, arg_binds, arg_cos) = unzip3 arg_stuff
- let binds = EvBinds (listToBag (catMaybes arg_binds))
- let tcCo = TcLetCo binds (mkTcTyConAppCo Representational tc1 arg_cos)
- return $ GenInst (catMaybes arg_new)
- $ EvCoercion tcCo
+ binds = EvBinds (listToBag (catMaybes arg_binds))
+ tcCo = TcLetCo binds (mkTcTyConAppCo Representational tc1 arg_cos)
+ return $ GenInst (catMaybes arg_new) (EvCoercion tcCo)
| Just (tc,tyArgs) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1,
- Just (concTy, _) <- instNewTyConTF_maybe famenv tc tyArgs,
+ Just (concTy, ntCo) <- instNewTyConTF_maybe famenv tc tyArgs,
dataConsInScope rdr_env tc -- Do noot look at all tyConsOfTyCon
= do markDataConsAsUsed rdr_env tc
ct_ev <- requestCoercible loc concTy ty2
- return $ GenInst (freshGoals [ct_ev])
- $ EvCoercible (EvCoercibleNewType CLeft tc tyArgs (getEvTerm ct_ev))
+ local_var <- mkSysLocalM (fsLit "coev") $ mkCoerciblePred concTy ty2
+ let binds = EvBinds (unitBag (EvBind local_var (getEvTerm ct_ev)))
+ tcCo = TcLetCo binds $
+ coercionToTcCoercion ntCo `mkTcTransCo` mkTcCoVarCo local_var
+ return $ GenInst (freshGoals [ct_ev]) (EvCoercion tcCo)
| Just (tc,tyArgs) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty2,
- Just (concTy, _) <- instNewTyConTF_maybe famenv tc tyArgs,
+ Just (concTy, ntCo) <- instNewTyConTF_maybe famenv tc tyArgs,
dataConsInScope rdr_env tc -- Do noot look at all tyConsOfTyCon
= do markDataConsAsUsed rdr_env tc
ct_ev <- requestCoercible loc ty1 concTy
- return $ GenInst (freshGoals [ct_ev])
- $ EvCoercible (EvCoercibleNewType CRight tc tyArgs (getEvTerm ct_ev))
+ local_var <- mkSysLocalM (fsLit "coev") $ mkCoerciblePred ty1 concTy
+ let binds = EvBinds (unitBag (EvBind local_var (getEvTerm ct_ev)))
+ tcCo = TcLetCo binds $
+ mkTcCoVarCo local_var `mkTcTransCo` mkTcSymCo (coercionToTcCoercion ntCo)
+ return $ GenInst (freshGoals [ct_ev]) (EvCoercion tcCo)
| otherwise
= return NoInstance
@@ -2020,7 +2023,7 @@ markDataConsAsUsed rdr_env tc = addUsedRdrNamesTcS
requestCoercible :: CtLoc -> TcType -> TcType -> TcS MaybeNew
requestCoercible loc ty1 ty2 =
ASSERT2( typeKind ty1 `tcEqKind` typeKind ty2, ppr ty1 <+> ppr ty2)
- newWantedEvVarNonrec loc' (coercibleClass `mkClassPred` [typeKind ty1, ty1, ty2])
+ newWantedEvVarNonrec loc' (mkCoerciblePred ty1 ty2)
where loc' = bumpCtLocDepth CountConstraints loc
diff --git a/compiler/types/Type.lhs b/compiler/types/Type.lhs
index d45cd8c6ef..0abe463f18 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Type.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/Type.lhs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module Type (
-- Pred types
- mkEqPred, mkPrimEqPred, mkReprPrimEqPred,
+ mkEqPred, mkCoerciblePred, mkPrimEqPred, mkReprPrimEqPred,
noParenPred, isClassPred, isEqPred,
isIPPred, isIPPred_maybe, isIPTyCon, isIPClass,
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ import NameEnv
import Class
import TyCon
import TysPrim
-import {-# SOURCE #-} TysWiredIn ( eqTyCon, typeNatKind, typeSymbolKind )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} TysWiredIn ( eqTyCon, coercibleTyCon, typeNatKind, typeSymbolKind )
import PrelNames ( eqTyConKey, coercibleTyConKey,
ipClassNameKey, openTypeKindTyConKey,
constraintKindTyConKey, liftedTypeKindTyConKey )
@@ -899,6 +899,13 @@ mkEqPred ty1 ty2
k = typeKind ty1
+mkCoerciblePred :: Type -> Type -> PredType
+mkCoerciblePred ty1 ty2
+ = WARN( not (k `eqKind` typeKind ty2), ppr ty1 $$ ppr ty2 $$ ppr k $$ ppr (typeKind ty2) )
+ TyConApp coercibleTyCon [k, ty1, ty2]
+ where
+ k = typeKind ty1
mkPrimEqPred :: Type -> Type -> Type
mkPrimEqPred ty1 ty2
= WARN( not (k `eqKind` typeKind ty2), ppr ty1 $$ ppr ty2 )