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authorJoachim Breitner <>2014-02-17 11:47:22 +0000
committerJoachim Breitner <>2014-02-17 15:19:36 +0000
commit2931d19e90d2366f2ce308d65a36333336ca6059 (patch)
parentb626c3d4ce0e66216705ba8355c914dc809e3fe7 (diff)
More liberally eta-expand a case-expression
at least with -fno-pedantic-bottoms. This fixes #2915, and undoes some of a522c3b, on the grounds that with a flag `-fpedantic-bottoms` around, we can be a bit more liberal when the flag is off..
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.lhs
index fd74e59282..2c7cd83cbb 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.lhs
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ exprBotStrictness_maybe e
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ar -> Just (ar, sig ar)
- env = AE { ae_bndrs = [], ae_ped_bot = True, ae_cheap_fn = \ _ _ -> False }
+ env = AE { ae_ped_bot = True, ae_cheap_fn = \ _ _ -> False }
sig ar = mkClosedStrictSig (replicate ar topDmd) botRes
-- For this purpose we can be very simple
@@ -325,12 +325,8 @@ this transformation. So we try to limit it as much as possible:
(3) Do NOT move a lambda outside a case unless
(a) The scrutinee is ok-for-speculation, or
- (b) There is an enclosing value \x, and the scrutinee is x
- E.g. let x = case y of ( DEFAULT -> \v -> blah }
- We don't move the \y out. This is pretty arbitrary; but it
- catches the common case of doing `seq` on y.
- This is the reason for the under_lam argument to arityType.
- See Trac #5625
+ (b) more liberally: the scrunitee is cheap and -fpedantic-bottoms is not
+ enforced
Of course both (1) and (2) are readily defeated by disguising the bottoms.
@@ -492,8 +488,7 @@ exprEtaExpandArity dflags e
ATop oss -> length oss
ABot n -> n
- env = AE { ae_bndrs = []
- , ae_cheap_fn = mk_cheap_fn dflags isCheapApp
+ env = AE { ae_cheap_fn = mk_cheap_fn dflags isCheapApp
, ae_ped_bot = gopt Opt_PedanticBottoms dflags }
getBotArity :: ArityType -> Maybe Arity
@@ -562,8 +557,7 @@ rhsEtaExpandArity dflags cheap_app e
ATop [] -> 0
ABot n -> n
- env = AE { ae_bndrs = []
- , ae_cheap_fn = mk_cheap_fn dflags cheap_app
+ env = AE { ae_cheap_fn = mk_cheap_fn dflags cheap_app
, ae_ped_bot = gopt Opt_PedanticBottoms dflags }
has_lam (Tick _ e) = has_lam e
@@ -698,9 +692,7 @@ type CheapFun = CoreExpr -> Maybe Type -> Bool
-- of the expression; Nothing means "don't know"
data ArityEnv
- = AE { ae_bndrs :: [Id] -- Enclosing value-lambda Ids
- -- See Note [Dealing with bottom (3)]
- , ae_cheap_fn :: CheapFun
+ = AE { ae_cheap_fn :: CheapFun
, ae_ped_bot :: Bool -- True <=> be pedantic about bottoms
@@ -734,19 +726,14 @@ arityType _ (Var v)
-- Lambdas; increase arity
arityType env (Lam x e)
- | isId x = arityLam x (arityType env' e)
+ | isId x = arityLam x (arityType env e)
| otherwise = arityType env e
- where
- env' = env { ae_bndrs = x : ae_bndrs env }
-- Applications; decrease arity, except for types
arityType env (App fun (Type _))
= arityType env fun
arityType env (App fun arg )
- = arityApp (arityType env' fun) (ae_cheap_fn env arg Nothing)
- where
- env' = env { ae_bndrs = case ae_bndrs env of
- { [] -> []; (_:xs) -> xs } }
+ = arityApp (arityType env fun) (ae_cheap_fn env arg Nothing)
-- Case/Let; keep arity if either the expression is cheap
-- or it's a 1-shot lambda
@@ -767,16 +754,10 @@ arityType env (Case scrut _ _ alts)
-- See Note [Dealing with bottom (2)]
ATop as | not (ae_ped_bot env) -- Check -fpedantic-bottoms
- , is_under scrut -> ATop as
+ , ae_cheap_fn env scrut Nothing -> ATop as
| exprOkForSpeculation scrut -> ATop as
| otherwise -> ATop (takeWhile isOneShotInfo as)
- -- is_under implements Note [Dealing with bottom (3)]
- is_under (Var f) = f `elem` ae_bndrs env
- is_under (App f (Type {})) = is_under f
- is_under (Cast f _) = is_under f
- is_under _ = False
alts_type = foldr1 andArityType [arityType env rhs | (_,_,rhs) <- alts]
arityType env (Let b e)