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authorAndreas Klebinger <>2020-01-28 20:17:46 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-03 06:25:33 -0400
commit9462452a4843a2c42fe055a0a7e274d5164d1dc0 (patch)
parentef7576c40f8de391ed8b1c81c38156202e6d17cf (diff)
Improve and refactor StgToCmm codegen for DataCons.
We now differentiate three cases of constructor bindings: 1)Bindings which we can "replace" with a reference to an existing closure. Reference the replacement closure when accessing the binding. 2)Bindings which we can "replace" as above. But we still generate a closure which will be referenced by modules importing this binding. 3)For any other binding generate a closure. Then reference it. Before this patch 1) did only apply to local bindings and we didn't do 2) at all.
3 files changed, 172 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs
index abf88ffbe3..c646054913 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -O -ddump-to-file -dumpdir datacondumps -ddump-simpl -ddump-stg #-}
+-- {-# OPTIONS -dsuppress-all #-}
@@ -40,6 +42,8 @@ import GHC.Core.DataCon
import GHC.Driver.Session
import FastString
import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Id.Info( CafInfo( NoCafRefs ) )
+import GHC.Types.Name (isInternalName)
import GHC.Types.RepType (countConRepArgs)
import GHC.Types.Literal
import PrelInfo
@@ -51,8 +55,6 @@ import MonadUtils (mapMaybeM)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
-- Top-level constructors
@@ -62,10 +64,24 @@ cgTopRhsCon :: DynFlags
-> DataCon -- Id
-> [NonVoid StgArg] -- Args
-> (CgIdInfo, FCode ())
-cgTopRhsCon dflags id con args =
- let id_info = litIdInfo dflags id (mkConLFInfo con) (CmmLabel closure_label)
- in (id_info, gen_code)
+cgTopRhsCon dflags id con args
+ | Just static_info <- precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe dflags id con args
+ , let static_code | isInternalName name = pure ()
+ | otherwise = gen_code
+ = -- There is a pre-allocated static closure available; use it
+ -- See Note [Precomputed static closures].
+ -- For External bindings we must keep the binding,
+ -- since importing modules will refer to it by name;
+ -- but for Internal ones we can drop it altogether
+ -- See Note [About the NameSorts] in Name.hs for Internal/External
+ (static_info, static_code)
+ -- Otherwise generate a closure for the constructor.
+ | otherwise
+ = (id_Info, gen_code)
+ id_Info = litIdInfo dflags id (mkConLFInfo con) (CmmLabel closure_label)
name = idName id
caffy = idCafInfo id -- any stgArgHasCafRefs args
closure_label = mkClosureLabel name caffy
@@ -124,11 +140,10 @@ buildDynCon :: Id -- Name of the thing to which this constr will
-- Return details about how to find it and initialization code
buildDynCon binder actually_bound cc con args
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
- buildDynCon' dflags (targetPlatform dflags) binder actually_bound cc con args
+ buildDynCon' dflags binder actually_bound cc con args
buildDynCon' :: DynFlags
- -> Platform
-> Id -> Bool
-> CostCentreStack
-> DataCon
@@ -146,78 +161,13 @@ the addr modes of the args is that we may be in a "knot", and
premature looking at the args will cause the compiler to black-hole!
--------- buildDynCon': Nullary constructors --------------
--- First we deal with the case of zero-arity constructors. They
--- will probably be unfolded, so we don't expect to see this case much,
--- if at all, but it does no harm, and sets the scene for characters.
--- In the case of zero-arity constructors, or, more accurately, those
--- which have exclusively size-zero (VoidRep) args, we generate no code
--- at all.
-buildDynCon' dflags _ binder _ _cc con []
- | isNullaryRepDataCon con
- = return (litIdInfo dflags binder (mkConLFInfo con)
- (CmmLabel (mkClosureLabel (dataConName con) (idCafInfo binder))),
- return mkNop)
--------- buildDynCon': Charlike and Intlike constructors -----------
-{- The following three paragraphs about @Char@-like and @Int@-like
-closures are obsolete, but I don't understand the details well enough
-to properly word them, sorry. I've changed the treatment of @Char@s to
-be analogous to @Int@s: only a subset is preallocated, because @Char@
-has now 31 bits. Only literals are handled here. -- Qrczak
-Now for @Char@-like closures. We generate an assignment of the
-address of the closure to a temporary. It would be possible simply to
-generate no code, and record the addressing mode in the environment,
-but we'd have to be careful if the argument wasn't a constant --- so
-for simplicity we just always assign to a temporary.
-Last special case: @Int@-like closures. We only special-case the
-situation in which the argument is a literal in the range
-@mIN_INTLIKE@..@mAX_INTLILKE@. NB: for @Char@-like closures we can
-work with any old argument, but for @Int@-like ones the argument has
-to be a literal. Reason: @Char@ like closures have an argument type
-which is guaranteed in range.
-Because of this, we use can safely return an addressing mode.
-We don't support this optimisation when compiling into Windows DLLs yet
-because they don't support cross package data references well.
-buildDynCon' dflags platform binder _ _cc con [arg]
- | maybeIntLikeCon con
- , platformOS platform /= OSMinGW32 || not (positionIndependent dflags)
- , NonVoid (StgLitArg (LitNumber LitNumInt val _)) <- arg
- , val <= fromIntegral (mAX_INTLIKE dflags) -- Comparisons at type Integer!
- , val >= fromIntegral (mIN_INTLIKE dflags) -- ...ditto...
- = do { let intlike_lbl = mkCmmClosureLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit "stg_INTLIKE")
- val_int = fromIntegral val :: Int
- offsetW = (val_int - mIN_INTLIKE dflags) * (fixedHdrSizeW dflags + 1)
- -- INTLIKE closures consist of a header and one word payload
- intlike_amode = cmmLabelOffW (targetPlatform dflags) intlike_lbl offsetW
- ; return ( litIdInfo dflags binder (mkConLFInfo con) intlike_amode
- , return mkNop) }
-buildDynCon' dflags platform binder _ _cc con [arg]
- | maybeCharLikeCon con
- , platformOS platform /= OSMinGW32 || not (positionIndependent dflags)
- , NonVoid (StgLitArg (LitChar val)) <- arg
- , let val_int = ord val :: Int
- , val_int <= mAX_CHARLIKE dflags
- , val_int >= mIN_CHARLIKE dflags
- = do { let charlike_lbl = mkCmmClosureLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit "stg_CHARLIKE")
- offsetW = (val_int - mIN_CHARLIKE dflags) * (fixedHdrSizeW dflags + 1)
- -- CHARLIKE closures consist of a header and one word payload
- charlike_amode = cmmLabelOffW (targetPlatform dflags) charlike_lbl offsetW
- ; return ( litIdInfo dflags binder (mkConLFInfo con) charlike_amode
- , return mkNop) }
+buildDynCon' dflags binder _ _cc con args
+ | Just cgInfo <- precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe dflags binder con args
+ -- , pprTrace "noCodeLocal:" (ppr (binder,con,args,cgInfo)) True
+ = return (cgInfo, return mkNop)
-------- buildDynCon': the general case -----------
-buildDynCon' dflags _ binder actually_bound ccs con args
+buildDynCon' dflags binder actually_bound ccs con args
= do { (id_info, reg) <- rhsIdInfo binder lf_info
; return (id_info, gen_code reg)
@@ -243,6 +193,149 @@ buildDynCon' dflags _ binder actually_bound ccs con args
blame_cc = use_cc -- cost-centre on which to blame the alloc (same)
+{- Note [Precomputed static closures]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+For Char/Int closures there are some value closures
+built into the RTS. This is the case for all values in
+See Note [CHARLIKE and INTLIKE closures.] in the RTS code.
+Similarly zero-arity constructors have a closure
+in their defining Module we can use.
+If possible we prefer to refer to those existing
+closure instead of building new ones.
+This is true at compile time where we do this replacement
+in this module.
+But also at runtime where the GC does the same (but only for
+INT/CHAR closures).
+`precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe` checks if a given constructor application
+can be replaced with a reference to a existing static closure.
+If so the code will reference the existing closure when accessing
+the binding.
+Unless the binding is visible to other modules we also generate
+no code for the binding itself. We can do this since then we can
+always reference the existing closure.
+See Note [About the NameSorts] for the definition of external names.
+For external bindings we must still generate a closure,
+but won't use it inside this module.
+This can sometimes reduce cache pressure. Since:
+* If somebody uses the exported binding:
+ + This module will reference the existing closure.
+ + GC will reference the existing closure.
+ + The importing module will reference the built closure.
+* If nobody uses the exported binding:
+ + This module will reference the RTS closures.
+ + GC references the RTS closures
+In the later case we avoided loading the built closure into the cache which
+is what we optimize for here.
+Consider this example using Ints.
+ module M(externalInt, foo, bar) where
+ externalInt = 1 :: Int
+ internalInt = 1 :: Int
+ { -# NOINLINE foo #- }
+ foo = Just internalInt :: Maybe Int
+ bar = Just externalInt
+ ==================== STG: ====================
+ externalInt = I#! [1#];
+ bar = Just! [externalInt];
+ internalInt_rc = I#! [2#];
+ foo = Just! [internalInt_rc];
+For externally visible bindings we must generate closures
+since those may be referenced by their symbol `<name>_closure`
+when imported.
+`externalInt` is visible to other modules so we generate a closure:
+ [section ""data" . M.externalInt_closure" {
+ M.externalInt_closure:
+ const GHC.Types.I#_con_info;
+ const 1;
+ }]
+It will be referenced inside this module via `M.externalInt_closure+1`
+`internalInt` is however a internal name. As such we generate no code for
+it. References to it are replaced with references to the static closure as
+we can see in the closure built for `foo`:
+ [section ""data" . M.foo_closure" {
+ M.foo_closure:
+ const GHC.Maybe.Just_con_info;
+ const stg_INTLIKE_closure+289; // == I# 2
+ const 3;
+ }]
+This holds for both local and top level bindings.
+We don't support this optimization when compiling into Windows DLLs yet
+because they don't support cross package data references well.
+-- (precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe dflags id con args)
+-- returns (Just cg_id_info)
+-- if there is a precomputed static closure for (con args).
+-- In that case, cg_id_info addresses it.
+-- See Note [Precomputed static closures]
+precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe :: DynFlags -> Id -> DataCon -> [NonVoid StgArg] -> Maybe CgIdInfo
+precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe dflags binder con []
+-- Nullary constructors
+ | isNullaryRepDataCon con
+ = Just $ litIdInfo dflags binder (mkConLFInfo con)
+ (CmmLabel (mkClosureLabel (dataConName con) NoCafRefs))
+precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe dflags binder con [arg]
+ -- Int/Char values with existing closures in the RTS
+ | intClosure || charClosure
+ , platformOS platform /= OSMinGW32 || not (positionIndependent dflags)
+ , Just val <- getClosurePayload arg
+ , inRange val
+ = let intlike_lbl = mkCmmClosureLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit label)
+ val_int = fromIntegral val :: Int
+ offsetW = (val_int - (fromIntegral min_static_range)) * (fixedHdrSizeW dflags + 1)
+ -- INTLIKE/CHARLIKE closures consist of a header and one word payload
+ static_amode = cmmLabelOffW platform intlike_lbl offsetW
+ in Just $ litIdInfo dflags binder (mkConLFInfo con) static_amode
+ where
+ platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ intClosure = maybeIntLikeCon con
+ charClosure = maybeCharLikeCon con
+ getClosurePayload (NonVoid (StgLitArg (LitNumber LitNumInt val _))) = Just val
+ getClosurePayload (NonVoid (StgLitArg (LitChar val))) = Just $ (fromIntegral . ord $ val)
+ getClosurePayload _ = Nothing
+ -- Avoid over/underflow by comparisons at type Integer!
+ inRange :: Integer -> Bool
+ inRange val
+ = val >= min_static_range && val <= max_static_range
+ min_static_range :: Integer
+ min_static_range
+ | intClosure = fromIntegral (mIN_INTLIKE dflags)
+ | charClosure = fromIntegral (mIN_CHARLIKE dflags)
+ | otherwise = panic "precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe: Unknown closure type"
+ max_static_range
+ | intClosure = fromIntegral (mAX_INTLIKE dflags)
+ | charClosure = fromIntegral (mAX_CHARLIKE dflags)
+ | otherwise = panic "precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe: Unknown closure type"
+ label
+ | intClosure = "stg_INTLIKE"
+ | charClosure = "stg_CHARLIKE"
+ | otherwise = panic "precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe: Unknown closure type"
+precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe _ _ _ _ = Nothing
-- Binding constructor arguments
diff --git a/rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm b/rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm
index 40bc3e72bc..44ff9db6ce 100644
--- a/rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm
+++ b/rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm
{ foreign "C" barf("COMPACT_NFDATA_DIRTY object (%p) entered!", R1) never returns; }
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CHARLIKE and INTLIKE closures.
+ Note [CHARLIKE and INTLIKE closures.]
These are static representations of Chars and small Ints, so that
we can remove dynamic Chars and Ints during garbage collection and
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/T15155l.hs b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/T15155l.hs
index 6f39648630..3220c385f2 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/T15155l.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/T15155l.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ newtype A = A Int
newtype B = B A
{-# NOINLINE a #-}
-a = trace "evaluating a" A 42
+a = trace "evaluating a" A 42000
b = B a