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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2013-12-28 12:51:19 +0000
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2013-12-28 12:51:19 +0000
commitd53a09581bcf1f97522766e5df32957e2ebec1b7 (patch)
parent33b931cc8c0da8beab5ea9241dfd60ed68d76f2e (diff)
Error message wibbles
4 files changed, 130 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/Simple14.stderr b/testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/Simple14.stderr
index 3c761c302d..ed94ad5754 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/Simple14.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/Simple14.stderr
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
- Couldn't match type ‛z0’ with ‛n’
- ‛z0’ is untouchable
- inside the constraints (Maybe m ~ Maybe n)
- bound by a type expected by the context:
- Maybe m ~ Maybe n => EQ_ z0 z0
- at Simple14.hs:17:12-33
- ‛n’ is a rigid type variable bound by
- the type signature for foo :: EQ_ (Maybe m) (Maybe n)
- at Simple14.hs:16:17
- Expected type: EQ_ z0 z0
- Actual type: EQ_ m n
- Relevant bindings include
- foo :: EQ_ (Maybe m) (Maybe n) (bound at Simple14.hs:17:1)
- In the second argument of ‛eqE’, namely ‛(eqI :: EQ_ m n)’
- In the first argument of ‛ntI’, namely ‛(`eqE` (eqI :: EQ_ m n))’
- In the expression: ntI (`eqE` (eqI :: EQ_ m n))
+ Couldn't match type ‛z0’ with ‛m’
+ ‛z0’ is untouchable
+ inside the constraints (Maybe m ~ Maybe n)
+ bound by a type expected by the context:
+ Maybe m ~ Maybe n => EQ_ z0 z0
+ at Simple14.hs:17:12-33
+ ‛m’ is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the type signature for foo :: EQ_ (Maybe m) (Maybe n)
+ at Simple14.hs:16:15
+ Expected type: EQ_ z0 z0
+ Actual type: EQ_ m n
+ Relevant bindings include
+ foo :: EQ_ (Maybe m) (Maybe n) (bound at Simple14.hs:17:1)
+ In the second argument of ‛eqE’, namely ‛(eqI :: EQ_ m n)’
+ In the first argument of ‛ntI’, namely ‛(`eqE` (eqI :: EQ_ m n))’
+ In the expression: ntI (`eqE` (eqI :: EQ_ m n))
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T5439.stderr b/testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T5439.stderr
index ea7c6c53d5..90f477468a 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T5439.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T5439.stderr
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
- Couldn't match type ‛Attempt t0 -> Attempt (HElemOf l0)’
- with ‛Attempt (HElemOf rs)’
- Expected type: f (Attempt (HNth n0 l0) -> Attempt (HElemOf l0))
- Actual type: f (Attempt (WaitOpResult (WaitOps rs)))
- Relevant bindings include
- register :: Bool -> Peano n -> WaitOps (HDrop n rs) -> IO Bool
- (bound at T5439.hs:65:9)
- ev :: f (Attempt (WaitOpResult (WaitOps rs)))
- (bound at T5439.hs:62:22)
- ops :: WaitOps rs (bound at T5439.hs:62:18)
- registerWaitOp :: WaitOps rs
- -> f (Attempt (WaitOpResult (WaitOps rs))) -> IO Bool
- (bound at T5439.hs:62:3)
- In the first argument of ‛complete’, namely ‛ev’
- In the expression: complete ev
- Couldn't match expected type ‛Peano n0’
- with actual type ‛Attempt α0’
- In the second argument of ‛($)’, namely
- ‛Failure (e :: SomeException)’
- In the second argument of ‛($)’, namely
- ‛inj $ Failure (e :: SomeException)’
+ Couldn't match type ‛Attempt (HNth n0 l0) -> Attempt (HElemOf l0)’
+ with ‛Attempt (WaitOpResult (WaitOps rs))’
+ Expected type: f (Attempt (HNth n0 l0) -> Attempt (HElemOf l0))
+ Actual type: f (Attempt (WaitOpResult (WaitOps rs)))
+ Relevant bindings include
+ register :: Bool -> Peano n -> WaitOps (HDrop n rs) -> IO Bool
+ (bound at T5439.hs:65:9)
+ ev :: f (Attempt (WaitOpResult (WaitOps rs)))
+ (bound at T5439.hs:62:22)
+ ops :: WaitOps rs (bound at T5439.hs:62:18)
+ registerWaitOp :: WaitOps rs
+ -> f (Attempt (WaitOpResult (WaitOps rs))) -> IO Bool
+ (bound at T5439.hs:62:3)
+ In the first argument of ‛complete’, namely ‛ev’
+ In the expression: complete ev
+ Couldn't match expected type ‛Peano n0’
+ with actual type ‛Attempt α0’
+ In the second argument of ‛($)’, namely
+ ‛Failure (e :: SomeException)’
+ In the second argument of ‛($)’, namely
+ ‛inj $ Failure (e :: SomeException)’
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T2494.stderr b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T2494.stderr
index 7f1a2b0ff4..201230b1a5 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T2494.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T2494.stderr
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
- Couldn't match type ‛a’ with ‛b’
- ‛a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
- the RULE "foo/foo" at T2494.hs:13:16
- ‛b’ is a rigid type variable bound by
- the RULE "foo/foo" at T2494.hs:14:16
- Expected type: Maybe (m a) -> Maybe (m a)
- Actual type: Maybe (m b) -> Maybe (m b)
- Relevant bindings include
- f :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Maybe (m a) -> Maybe (m a)
- (bound at T2494.hs:13:11)
- g :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Maybe (m b) -> Maybe (m b)
- (bound at T2494.hs:14:11)
- x :: Maybe a (bound at T2494.hs:14:65)
- In the first argument of ‛foo’, namely ‛g’
- In the second argument of ‛foo’, namely ‛(foo g x)’
- Couldn't match type ‛a’ with ‛b’
- ‛a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
- the RULE "foo/foo" at T2494.hs:13:16
- ‛b’ is a rigid type variable bound by
- the RULE "foo/foo" at T2494.hs:14:16
- Expected type: Maybe (m a) -> Maybe (m a)
- Actual type: Maybe (m b) -> Maybe (m b)
- Relevant bindings include
- f :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Maybe (m a) -> Maybe (m a)
- (bound at T2494.hs:13:11)
- g :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Maybe (m b) -> Maybe (m b)
- (bound at T2494.hs:14:11)
- x :: Maybe a (bound at T2494.hs:14:65)
- In the second argument of ‛(.)’, namely ‛g’
- In the first argument of ‛foo’, namely ‛(f . g)’
+ Couldn't match type ‛b’ with ‛a’
+ ‛b’ is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the RULE "foo/foo" at T2494.hs:14:16
+ ‛a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the RULE "foo/foo" at T2494.hs:13:16
+ Expected type: Maybe (m a) -> Maybe (m a)
+ Actual type: Maybe (m b) -> Maybe (m b)
+ Relevant bindings include
+ f :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Maybe (m a) -> Maybe (m a)
+ (bound at T2494.hs:13:11)
+ g :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Maybe (m b) -> Maybe (m b)
+ (bound at T2494.hs:14:11)
+ x :: Maybe a (bound at T2494.hs:14:65)
+ In the first argument of ‛foo’, namely ‛g’
+ In the second argument of ‛foo’, namely ‛(foo g x)’
+ Couldn't match type ‛b’ with ‛a’
+ ‛b’ is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the RULE "foo/foo" at T2494.hs:14:16
+ ‛a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the RULE "foo/foo" at T2494.hs:13:16
+ Expected type: Maybe (m a) -> Maybe (m a)
+ Actual type: Maybe (m b) -> Maybe (m b)
+ Relevant bindings include
+ f :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Maybe (m a) -> Maybe (m a)
+ (bound at T2494.hs:13:11)
+ g :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Maybe (m b) -> Maybe (m b)
+ (bound at T2494.hs:14:11)
+ x :: Maybe a (bound at T2494.hs:14:65)
+ In the second argument of ‛(.)’, namely ‛g’
+ In the first argument of ‛foo’, namely ‛(f . g)’
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/FrozenErrorTests.stderr b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/FrozenErrorTests.stderr
index 9857c9c9a7..471643b574 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/FrozenErrorTests.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/FrozenErrorTests.stderr
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
- Couldn't match type ‛Int’ with ‛Bool’
- Inaccessible code in
- a pattern with constructor
- MkT3 :: forall a. a ~ Bool => T a,
- in a case alternative
- In the pattern: MkT3
- In a case alternative: MkT3 -> ()
- In the expression: case x of { MkT3 -> () }
- Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ [a]
- Expected type: [a]
- Actual type: F a Bool
- Relevant bindings include
- test1 :: a (bound at FrozenErrorTests.hs:26:1)
- In the expression: goo1 False undefined
- In an equation for ‛test1’: test1 = goo1 False undefined
- Couldn't match type ‛Int’ with ‛[Int]’
- Expected type: [[Int]]
- Actual type: F [Int] Bool
- In the first argument of ‛goo2’, namely ‛(goo1 False undefined)’
- In the expression: goo2 (goo1 False undefined)
- In an equation for ‛test2’: test2 = goo2 (goo1 False undefined)
- Couldn't match type ‛Int’ with ‛[Int]’
- Expected type: [[Int]]
- Actual type: F [Int] Bool
- In the expression: goo1 False (goo2 undefined)
- In an equation for ‛test3’: test3 = goo1 False (goo2 undefined)
- Couldn't match type ‛T2 c c’ with ‛M (T2 (T2 c c) c)’
- Expected type: T2 (M (T2 (T2 c c) c)) (T2 (T2 c c) c)
- Actual type: F (T2 (T2 c c) c) Bool
- Relevant bindings include
- test4 :: T2 (T2 c c) c (bound at FrozenErrorTests.hs:45:1)
- In the first argument of ‛goo4’, namely ‛(goo3 False undefined)’
- In the expression: goo4 (goo3 False undefined)
- In an equation for ‛test4’: test4 = goo4 (goo3 False undefined)
- Couldn't match type ‛T2 c c’ with ‛M (T2 (T2 c c) c)’
- Expected type: T2 (M (T2 (T2 c c) c)) (T2 (T2 c c) c)
- Actual type: F (T2 (T2 c c) c) Bool
- Relevant bindings include
- test5 :: T2 (T2 c c) c (bound at FrozenErrorTests.hs:46:1)
- In the expression: goo3 False (goo4 undefined)
- In an equation for ‛test5’: test5 = goo3 False (goo4 undefined)
+ Couldn't match type ‛Int’ with ‛Bool’
+ Inaccessible code in
+ a pattern with constructor
+ MkT3 :: forall a. a ~ Bool => T a,
+ in a case alternative
+ In the pattern: MkT3
+ In a case alternative: MkT3 -> ()
+ In the expression: case x of { MkT3 -> () }
+ Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ [a]
+ Expected type: [a]
+ Actual type: F a Bool
+ Relevant bindings include
+ test1 :: a (bound at FrozenErrorTests.hs:26:1)
+ In the expression: goo1 False undefined
+ In an equation for ‛test1’: test1 = goo1 False undefined
+ Couldn't match type ‛Int’ with ‛[Int]’
+ Expected type: [[Int]]
+ Actual type: F [Int] Bool
+ In the first argument of ‛goo2’, namely ‛(goo1 False undefined)’
+ In the expression: goo2 (goo1 False undefined)
+ In an equation for ‛test2’: test2 = goo2 (goo1 False undefined)
+ Couldn't match type ‛[Int]’ with ‛Int’
+ Expected type: [[Int]]
+ Actual type: F [Int] Bool
+ In the expression: goo1 False (goo2 undefined)
+ In an equation for ‛test3’: test3 = goo1 False (goo2 undefined)
+ Couldn't match type ‛T2 c c’ with ‛M (T2 (T2 c c) c)’
+ Expected type: T2 (M (T2 (T2 c c) c)) (T2 (T2 c c) c)
+ Actual type: F (T2 (T2 c c) c) Bool
+ Relevant bindings include
+ test4 :: T2 (T2 c c) c (bound at FrozenErrorTests.hs:45:1)
+ In the first argument of ‛goo4’, namely ‛(goo3 False undefined)’
+ In the expression: goo4 (goo3 False undefined)
+ In an equation for ‛test4’: test4 = goo4 (goo3 False undefined)
+ Couldn't match type ‛T2 c c’ with ‛M (T2 (T2 c c) c)’
+ Expected type: T2 (M (T2 (T2 c c) c)) (T2 (T2 c c) c)
+ Actual type: F (T2 (T2 c c) c) Bool
+ Relevant bindings include
+ test5 :: T2 (T2 c c) c (bound at FrozenErrorTests.hs:46:1)
+ In the expression: goo3 False (goo4 undefined)
+ In an equation for ‛test5’: test5 = goo3 False (goo4 undefined)