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authorIan Lynagh <>2013-03-08 20:44:37 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2013-03-09 15:39:24 +0000
commit0a51aa5e271eb58a194ccd422da43c56a5ae2f47 (patch)
parent66f97921500186b206a272a9b41d002e2d2a5cf8 (diff)
Fix -dynamic-too: Outputt to the dyn file when output_spec is SpecificFile
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs b/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
index 50c7cb669f..fdae0fa20e 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ compileFile hsc_env stop_phase (src, mb_phase) = do
| HscNothing <- hscTarget dflags = Temporary
| StopLn <- stop_phase, not (isNoLink ghc_link) = Persistent
-- -o foo applies to linker
- | Just o_file <- mb_o_file = SpecificFile o_file
+ | isJust mb_o_file = SpecificFile
-- -o foo applies to the file we are compiling now
| otherwise = Persistent
@@ -503,8 +503,10 @@ data PipelineOutput
-- ^ We want a persistent file, i.e. a file in the current directory
-- derived from the input filename, but with the appropriate extension.
-- eg. in "ghc -c Foo.hs" the output goes into ./Foo.o.
- | SpecificFile FilePath
- -- ^ The output must go into the specified file.
+ | SpecificFile
+ -- ^ The output must go into the specific outputFile in DynFlags.
+ -- We don't store the filename in the constructor as it changes
+ -- when doing -dynamic-too.
deriving Show
-- | Run a compilation pipeline, consisting of multiple phases.
@@ -583,14 +585,8 @@ runPipeline stop_phase hsc_env0 (input_fn, mb_phase)
debugTraceMsg dflags 4
(text "Running the pipeline again for -dynamic-too")
let dflags' = doDynamicToo dflags
- -- TODO: This should use -dyno
- output' = case output of
- SpecificFile fn -> SpecificFile (replaceExtension fn (objectSuf dflags'))
- Persistent -> Persistent
- Temporary -> Temporary
- env' = env { output_spec = output' }
hsc_env' <- newHscEnv dflags'
- _ <- runPipeline' start_phase hsc_env' env' input_fn
+ _ <- runPipeline' start_phase hsc_env' env input_fn
maybe_loc maybe_stub_o
return ()
return r
@@ -746,10 +742,13 @@ getOutputFilename
:: Phase -> PipelineOutput -> String
-> DynFlags -> Phase{-next phase-} -> Maybe ModLocation -> IO FilePath
getOutputFilename stop_phase output basename dflags next_phase maybe_location
- | is_last_phase, Persistent <- output = persistent_fn
- | is_last_phase, SpecificFile f <- output = return f
- | keep_this_output = persistent_fn
- | otherwise = newTempName dflags suffix
+ | is_last_phase, Persistent <- output = persistent_fn
+ | is_last_phase, SpecificFile <- output = case outputFile dflags of
+ Just f -> return f
+ Nothing ->
+ panic "SpecificFile: No filename"
+ | keep_this_output = persistent_fn
+ | otherwise = newTempName dflags suffix
hcsuf = hcSuf dflags
odir = objectDir dflags